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Curve Archive

Collected Item: “This is what a trans man looks like.”

What is your name?

Ryan Schaefer

What are your pronouns?


Use the following phrase for your photograph's title, filling in the blank with however you self-identify. Feel free to include all intersections of your identity. (Examples: lesbian, trans person of color, Latinx queer woman, radical faery, butch, etc.): "This is what a _______ looks like."

This is what a trans man looks like.

Tell us more about your photo by sharing a brief artist statement or answering this prompt: "This is what being ______ means to me..."

This is a self portrait that I took in 2021. I was just shy of eight months on testosterone, and three months post-operative from top surgery. In the beginning of my transition I was obsessed with reclaiming my femininity. I had always enjoyed vibrant make up and clothing, but never felt free to fully embody femininity until my body aligned with my gender identity. This photo means freedom to me.

Describe your photo so we can provide alt-text for future visitors to this website.

A white trans masculine person sits in a bright yellow chair. He wears a full face of make up and has brown curly hair. A blue painting sits behind him and a long pothos plant extends over the chair. He is shirtless, revealing double-incision top surgery scars. He wears hot pink tights and black heels. His legs are crossed, he cradles his right knee in his hands.

Do you consent to The Curve Foundation storing, sharing, and using this image and its description as we deem appropriate, including disseminating on our social media, website, and Curve quarterly? Do you confirm that you are the photographer of this image?


What is your instagram handle?


In the event that you win this contest, how can we best contact you: Instagram, email, or other? If other, please provide contact details.
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