ToC Cover: Uh Huh Her's Leisha Hailey and Camila
Grey; Nashville and Philadelphia by Marcie Bianco and Cathey Stamps (p36); Cover: Uh-Huh It's Her by Margaret Coble (p36); Drama Queens by Kristin A. Smith (p45); Making House Calls by Kamala K. Pulganda (p48); Genre Bending by Jonanna Widner (p49); Just a Small-town Girl by Aimsel L. Ponti (p50); Tough Chicks by Hilary Kyle and Kristin A. Smith (p51); Brokeback Rocker by Abby Schwartz (p53); Grrrls Gone Wild by Kelly Rulon and Kamala K. Pulganda (p54); The End of an Era? by Jamie Anderson (p56); I See Dead People by Tania Hammidi (p58); Renaissance Woman by Zoie Clift (p59); That's Missy to You by Colleen M. Lee (p60); Dance Defying by Lina Swislocki (p61); Coming Out As Bi by Catherine Plato (p62); Keeping Women Healthy by Amy Andre (p64); The Ultimate Threat by Melany Walters-Beck (p65); I Want My Bi TV by Jenny Sherwin (p66); Cover photo by Erica bBeckman.
See all items with this value
Music Issue
See all items with this value
Date Issued
July-August 2008
Frances Stevens
extracted text
Naughty Nashville
ide Scoop On ...
Orbitzhasbeena leadingsupporterof the LGBT
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travel deals and continuedcommitment,Orbitz standswell abovethe rest.
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Frankly p aking
New Girls on the Block
This year's crop of artists
was discoveredthrough the
following: MySpace,a bar in
Palm Springs, a Philadelphia
hospital,a New York underground club, a Texasfestival
and an L.A. tattoo parlor,as
well as through friends, dates
and, in one case, an Australian
Frances Stevens Publisher/Editor
in Chief
It always astounds me when I hear the lineup for our annual music issue. Where does our editorial team
find so many amazing new artists? Executive editor Diane Anderson-Minshall reports that this year's
crop was discovered through each of the following: MySpace, a bar in Palm Springs, Calif., a Philadelphia
hospital, a New York underground club, a Texas festival, an L.A. tattoo parlor, as well as through friends,
dates and, in one case, an Australian father-in-law. Phew! In our 15-page report, our writers lay down the
scoop on dozens of hot new women's voices in every genre from electro to acoustic, hip-hop, rock and more.
In fact, we have so many fresh new voices to highlight that we're overflowing to our website. Besides the
new girls on the block, we've got the skinny on some musicians you probably already know and love, including our exclusive cover interview with The L Word'sLeisha Hailey and hot rocker Camila Grey from
the band Uh-Huh Her. Find out just how they came up with that name on page 40.
Rounding out the music coverage is a cheeky timeline of the history of lesbian music. So, where did we
start? Who was the first to rattle the cages by replacing female pronouns for male ones when referring to
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Frances Stevens
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Sara Jane Keskula
Colleen M. Lee
Katie Peoples
Rachel Pepper
Margaret Coble
Julia Bloch, Victoria A.
Brownworth, Gina Daggett,
Sheryl Kay, Gretchen Lee,
Stephanie Schroeder
Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Proofreaders Theresa Johnson, Remy
Art Director Stefanie Liang
Photo Editor Nicole Teichman
Production Manager Ondine Kilker
Production Artist Kelly Nuti
Web Producer Nikki Woelk
Operations Director Flo Enriquez
Sales Department Holly DeMaagd
Advertising Sales Diana L Berry, Rivendell Media
Marketing Representative Tammy Lam
Editorial Assistants Kory Tran, Kate Goldsworthy,
Emily Howard
Photo Assistants Sara Chestnutt-Fry, Catherine
Seriosa, Hayley McMillen
Contributing Writers Jamie Anderson, Amy Andre, Marcie
Bianco, Stacy Bias, Kathy Beige, Zoie Clift, Michele
Fisher, Tania Hammidi, Christine Hawes, Kathy lsserman,
Hilary Kyle, Kate Lacey, Charlene Lichtenstein, Jenna
V. Loceff, Karen Loftus, Karlyn Latney, Candace Moore,
Catherine Plato, Aimsel L Ponti, Kamala K. Puligandla,
Kelly Rulon, Laurie K. Schenden, Jenny Sherwin, Kristin
A. Smith, Cathey Stamps, Abby Schwartz, Lina Swislocki,
Jocelyn Voo, Melany Walters-Beck, Jonanna Widner
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Publisher
Senior Editor
Assistant Editor
Book Review Editor
Music Review Editor
Contributing Editors
Illustrators Paul Michael Aguilar, Phil Cho, Julia Minamata,
Katherine Streeter
Contributing PhotographersMichelle Bart, Erica Beckman,
Tony Donaldson, Sophia Hantzes, Gabriela Hashun,
Cheryl Mazak, Connie L Merchant, Mia Nakano, Maggie
Parker, Elisa Shebaro, Jeff Singer, Paul Thomas, Kina
girl amour? We start back in the 1920s and hit you with an original and admittedly incomplete timetable
of women's place in music. Don't think it's all post-'90s punk in this issue. Folk musician Jamie Anderson
interviews a bevy of musical pioneers in her feature, which asks, "Is 'Women's Music' Dead(
On a more controversial note, I'm sure we will catch a lot of flack for our coverage of bisexual issues, but
the fact is that-although,
like the statement on the right of this page in the fine print, not all the articles
expressly represent the opinions of the publisher-bisexual
women do affect the lesbian community. So,
let's get out and talk about it. Another topic that I'm sure will cause our mailboxes to overflow is that of
our political columnist Victoria A. Brownworth's political essay,"Why Do They Hate Us( It is an incredibly challenging article about atrocities many of us can't even read about, much less have experienced and
it provoked a fierce debate in our office. We hope it spurs dialogue in your life as well. I encourage you to
send letters to the editor and let us know what you think of the viewpoints presented in this issue. But
when you're done, don't forget: It's summer time, so have some fun and let the music move you.
Volume 18 Issue 6 Curve (ISSN 1087-867)() is published monthly (except for
bimonthly January/February and July/August) by Outspoken Enterprises, Inc.,
1550 Bryant St., Ste. 510, San Francisco, CA 94103. Subscription price:
$49.95/year, $62.95 Canadian (U.S. funds only) and $71.95 international (U.
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Keyword: Curvemag Website: curvemag.com
nevera plan
for me. We'd
get together
and write
were severely
brokeit was
a survival
to make
enoughmoney to buy a
bageland a
pack of cigarettesback in
the day.Wed '
playthe subways every I
make a buck."
July/August 2008
Nashville and Philadelphia Tour American musi-
Volume 18#6
ers of women's music. By Jamie Anderson
COVER: Uh-Huh It's Her Leisha Hailey and Camila
Renaissance Woman Rachael Sage does it all.
By Zoie Clift
Drama Queens The hot chicks of Telenovela Star
are not all drama. By Kristin A. Smith
House Calls Nicole Reynolds brings
That's Missy to You Aussie superstar Missy
Higgins finds us quite charming. By Colleen M. Lee
music to the sick. By Kamala K. Puligandla
Dance Defying DIY rockers Dance Yourself to Death
Genre Bending Nicky Click is a tough femme with
dancing on the brain. By Jonanna Widner
will keep your booty shaking. By Una Swislocki
Just a Small-town Girl Jana Losey gives one
Tough Chicks Kaki King dreams of revenge and
Brokeback Rocker Lauren DeRose recovers and
promotes a hot new album. By Abby Schwartz
Coming Out As Bi One woman looks for acceptance as the B in the LGBT. By Catherine Plato
town something to talk about. By Aimsel L. Ponti
Keeping Women Healthy
Bisexual health is
important for lesbians, too. By Amy Andre
KIN mixes it up. By Hilary Kyle and Kristin A. Smith
The Ultimate Threat The truth behind the stereotypes. By Melany Walters-Beck
Grrrls Gone Wild Queer Control Records and the
I Want My Bi TV Networks are in love with women
Good Asian Drivers trash stereotypes. By Kelly Rulon
that swing both ways. By Jenny Sherwin
and Kamala K. Puligandla
I See Dead People Singer Danielle Egnew helps
ghosts cross to the other side. By Tania Hammidi
Grey dish on their new album. By Margaret Coble
The End of an Era? A discussion with the found-
cal cities. By Marcie Bianco and Cathey Stamps
July/August 2008
It took us 20 crazy,
yearsto get from
goingon our first
date to planning
her honeymoon
in Vegas. I guess
my lifewould have
been prettydullif
we hadjustbroken
up and gone our
And my nexttwo
have had anything
to yellabout either.
page 32
Frankly Speaking A letter from our fearless leader.
Scene Check out the hotties at our April
issue release party, like the girls above.
Letters Rose Rollins is so hot and why
we give so much love to The L Word.
Lipstick & Dipstick Must we imitate
12 Contributors Meet some of the ladies
that make it happen, and we welcome
two babies to our team.
Ask Fairy Butch She needs space, but I
need her.
Relationships A rundown of the rules
when attending women's fests.
Health and Business How to fight cancer and cope with death. Plus, can discrimination strike when buying a house?
14 Out in Front Helping Jewish teens, coming out in Bosnia and exercising a little
checkbook activism.
Sapphic Screen We pick some emo
flicks. And an exclusive with filmmakers
Amanda Micheli and Isabel Vega.
Music Watch Accomplished musicians
bring the goods. Alphabet Rockers make
learning fun and the Ahn Trio (above)
7 4 In the Stacks Get tropical with these
books. Kl Thompson gabs about Civil War
76 Tech Girl Get your booty shaking and a
good-bye to an online dyke community.
15 Curvatures Go green with an organic
winery and reforestation. Plus tips on
throwing a green party.
Astro Grrl Let your hair down and experience a carefee summer.
I Tried It With gas prices at all-time highs,
one girl switched to grease cars.
18 Open Studio Alaskan native Cole
Robbins showcases sculptures.
Dyke Drama Recycle: Make a bad relationship into a shiny new friendship.
Politics Why do men hate us?
Top Ten Reasons We Love Alicia
Champion and Danielle Lo Presti
San Deigo life partners in love and business do music their way.
Lesbofile Pop princesses can't get
enough girl love.
6 j curve
Burning the candle at both ends and in the middle, Donna
works hard, plays hard and runs hard. Heck, she even sleeps hard.
She's training for her second leukemia-fighting
str g
D0nna is determined.
half marathon.
Donna is fun. Donna is Sweet.
"I lovedallthe information
that you guys
providedfor beinggreener,suchas websites
for ecofriendlypet itemsand more.And, I
haveto admit,seeingRose Rollinson your
coverwas greatbecauseshe is hot."
NintendoWii (Family
fun and This letter is in response to Myca in Atlanta [Vol. 18 #4] and
a greatworkout) her thoughts on making CURVE"a Cosmo for Lesbians:' What is
that about? This magazine has a lot to offer lesbians today. The
cially her bully column ["Mean Girls Never Grow Up;' Vol. 18
#4]. She hit the nail on the head with that one. I absolutely love
her politics, too.
- Kathi, Baltimore
last thing it needs to become is a skinny, fashion, barf-till-you-
Xbox360(Halois my lose-those-pounds magazine. Granted, some women are femme
breadandbutter) and like that kind of stuff, but to completely change this maga-
All I can say about Lynne Postel's endorsement of John McCain
zine to focus on just them is crazy. CURVE has made sure to
for president is she has to be kidding ["McCain Is My Only
cover everything that is important to us and beyond-from
Man;' Vol.18 #4]. As a woman, how can she ever think of vot-
workplace to politics, from families to partners-wives and their
ing for him? If anyone cares about a woman's right to choose,
(I wantit all)
rights, from health and fitness to what's happening around town
and the world. I don't see a need to change it.
- Cindy Zimmermann, Bloomington,Ill.
(I'vestill gotAtari,
lntellivisionor Editor's Note: Phew, Cindy, we don't either!
the originalNintendo)
I Want to Be Your President
.__ .. ., ..... ....,a..
We were shocked to read last month's "Women and Wheels"
special [Vol. 18 #3] and see no mention of bicycles! Pedal
or Nintendo(I take my
pushers have long been members of the queer community. Our
gamingonthe go)
gas-free alternative transportation
is a huge part of the lesbian
community in cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, Portland
Massive-Multiplayerand our home city of New York. What's gayer than going greenOnlineGames(It's all er? We began Dykes on Bike-Cycles last year to promote the
aboutSecondLife,baby) integration and visibility of the existing community of queer
don't vote for him. Go to his website. He says, "Roe v. Wade is a
bike riders and bring them together for the Pride season. As
flawed decision that must be overturned:' He also doesn't sup-
Accordingto a
devoted readers of CURVE,we hope you'll cover our community
port gay rights. He also is against stem cell research that could
the way you've covered our sisters.
possibly help people suffering from deadly diseases.
The Dykes on Bike-Cycles,Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Elaine Lotcpeich,Morganville,NJ.
Editor's Note: We couldn't agree with you more. In fact, one of
our editors rides her bike to the officeevery day. We promise more
articleson bicyclesand dykes in afuture issue.
I just finished reading Dipstick's response to Torn in Taipei [Vol.
18 #3 ], and I must say that her last words, "Bi girls are no more
unfaithful than gay gals. Let 2008 be the year we lesbians stop
bi bashing (and trans bashing, too)" were incredibly refreshing
Victoria Brownworth always has excellent opinion pieces, espe-
s Icurve
to read. The stigma behind bisexuality is a disheartening thing
SEPTEMBER23-27 2008
AND Ga,·
for many bisexuals like mysel£ especially since it is coming from
Editor's Note: It's tough, Michelle-for
our own community. That quote was just a tidbit in your maga-
less L Word, we get two more requestsfor more, more, more. Hear
zine, but it meant a world of difference to this bi~exual.
what we're saying?
every letter askingfor
Shannon, Watsonville, Calif.
Editor's Note: We agree with Dipstick, too. We hope you like our
section on bisexual women in this issue.
Being a single lesbian mom, I wanted to say that I loved the May
issue [Vol. 18 #4]. The stories and articles on parenting were
great reads. I loved all the information that you guys provided
for being greener, such as websites for ecofriendly pet items and
more. And, I have to admit, seeing Rose Rollins on your cover
was great because she is hot. A bit of criticism: Try not to refer
Acrossthe UnitedStates
to The L Word so much. I find that not all lesbians are like the
roadtrip) actresses on there. It is a great show about our world, but it's a
show, not reality.
- Angelina Ojeda, New York City
(Perfectplacewhenthe I read every issue of CURVE. Like every other dyke in America
dollaris dropping) I record and watch The L Word. However, I have at times been
The L Word's sixth season. Is it rolling yet? Thanks to The L
Word, I found out about
Danae, Miami
put off by the inordinate amount of attention given to the actors on the show by
All of the discussion about who
America is straight and who is gay is boring. I was thrilled to read "10
(Justthe right
Powerful Lesbians over 60" [Vol. 18 #4]. When I read about
Eurasia(I'd loveto travel
the SilkRoad)
Just a few lines on how great your magazine. Let us know about
My partner-wife and I especially enjoyed Elizabeth Stark's
story, "Tales from the Crib;' [Vol. 18 #4] about having two
those wonderful women, it sent me back to my coming-out days
children at the same time. We did the exact same thing back
in the mid-'70s.
- Michelle, Lawrenceville, Ga.
in 2002 and we now have two wonderful kids-almost
6 years
old and soon to begin school! We used the same (anonymous)
donor and had a girl and a boy in Allgust and
September. As far as we know, we are the only
couple in Scandinavia who has done this. (As a
wantto safari?)
matter of fact, we've never heard of anyone doing
this, and we still don't understand why. It's an
excellent solution and the best thing we've ever
Accordingto a
done.) We laughed so hard when we read about
the reactions that Elizabeth and Angie got from
contributors have been busy over the past few
months. We have plenty to report. Two had babies: our
long-time online community manager, Julie Houghton,
and her partner Zoe welcomed Jai Zep {left) on March
27, and our contributing photographer Tony Donaldson
and his wife Jennifer welcomed guitar hero Emily Mare
{center) on March 17. And, we were all surprised to
discover that art director Stefanie Liang {right)has been
moonlighting-as a beat boxer and performing with the
Alphabet Rockers {for more on the band see page 73).
friends and strangers. These experiences are very
much like ours.
Eva, Sweden
You certainly make life more difficult for some
ladies. What's with all the horn blowing for
Dani? Professional haircut, makeup and tailored
suit. ls that what is required to make the perfect
lesbian? I thought your magazine was intended
to help us face the potholes of coming out.
- Dora, St. Paul, Minn.
Email leccers@curvemag.com; write co
Letters, 1550 Bryant Sc., See. 510, San Francisco,
CA 94103; fax co 415-863-1609.
Please include
your name, city and state. Letters may be edited
for clarity and length.
"Prep for Pride NYC" (Vol. 18 #4] was written by
Kelli Dunham; "Follow the Leader" (Vol. 18 #4)
was written by Diane Walsh; Amanda's lase name
in "Tila's Girls" (Vol. 18 #3] is Ireton. ■
What'swith all the
horn blowingfor Dani?
makeupand tailoredsuit.
Is that what is requiredto
make the perfectlesbian?
Editor's Note
Philadelphia's queer music scene is actually less a scene then a "heterogeneous matrix of geographically disparate and musically diverse events that
are unified by the people;' observes MarcieBianco,who was inspired to
My first big rockstar interview
years ago, in a tiny
smoke-filled club in New Orleans. My
subjects: a super-hip early dyke rock
band called Two Nice Girls, which
featured a singer {Gretchen Phillips)
who had become my latest object
of desire. I dressed and redressed a
thousand times, finally settling on a
strapless bustier and pencil skirt. But
somewhere in between the concert
and my interview, the bustier broke
and a wire holding it up popped out.
And, during the interview, so did my
write about it, see page 36, after moving to the city a little more than a
chest. Literally.
Phillips made a pithy comment
about said boobie and I turned beet
red, but at the end of the night I
had a killer article, and I was still a
huge fan of that pioneering group
Makeba to Meg Christian.
{whose "Queer Song" lyrics, "We're
gonna have a happy life/Both of us
are gonna be the wife" were actually
played at my wedding years later).
As we put together this music
issue, everyone on staff was filled
with stories of their musical loves.
Missy Higgins is the office's new
"It Girl" -though we've had a fierce
debate over the Aussie's enigmatic
approach to coming out. Photo
editor Nicole Teichman discovered
her new fave folkie {Philly's Nicole
Reynolds) and the rest of our staff
just discovered that art director
Stefanie Liang has been moonlighting
with one of the bands!
The closest I usually get to music
these days is a rousing game of
Guitar Hero, so I look forward to
hearing from readers about all the
bands that we rocker geeks forgot
to mention here. Write me!
year ago. Bianco is working toward her Ph.D. in early modern literature
and philosophy. Embracing a queerly nomadic lifestyle, she plans to leave
Philadelphia this December, drive across the country and set up shop in
San Francisco.
"Cris Williamson is known mostly for her serious ballads, but I'd forgotten
how damn funny she is. There were a couple of times during the interview that I had to ask her to stop, because I was laughing too hard to take
notes;' says JamieAnderson,
who wrote "Is 'Women's Music' Really Deadt
on page 56. In addition to touring with her own music and comedy for over
20 years, Anderson admits to being the biggest fan on the planet, with a
CD collection that rivals a small music store, from Dolly Parton to Miriam
"Lesbians hold a special place in my bisexual heart-after
Andre is the director of On My Skin, a short documentary about a transman of color and his family, and the author of articles in Playgirl,Alternet
and American Sexuality, among other publications. Currently back in
school, she looks forward to graduation, marriage and a lifetime of being
a professional bisexual.
"The most challenging obstacle for me as a writer is the overwhelming urge
to make up words and to rhyme,
ala Dr. Seuss;' says native Midwesterner
JessJoneswho interviewed the Alphabet Rockers, (page 73) a band that
makes children's music that's perfect for her two favorite people: her incredibly
handsome and energetic little boys. She shares the day-to-day shenanigans of
a hectic life with her partner. They enjoy watching CS! reruns and generally
being dorks. Jones' future plans include finishing her first novel, learning to
fly fish and trying her hand at cow tipping.
"My father-in-law absolutely loves Missy Higgins, so I had the thought in
my head 'What would Barry want to know' the entire time I spoke with
her;' says ColleenM. Lee,cuRvE's senior editor (read the interview on page
60). When not entertaining (or annoying) the office with made-up dance
moves after a huge to-go cup of iced coffee, Colleen is usually on her bike or
watching bad TV. "I love that part of my job is to be fluent in pop culture.
It allows me to be guilt-free when I am up at midnight watching Miss Rap
Diane Anderson-Minshall, Executive Editor
all, I'm engaged
to one;' says AmyAndre,who wrote "From Kinsey to Crisis;' on page 64.
He pmg Jewish Teens
Commg Out m Bosma
Gettmg Us Off Our Tush1es
It was the blue numbers tattooed onto her aunt's
arm during the Holocaust that ultimately led ldit
Kleinto a life of activism.
Having been told as a young girl that "bad
men" had done this to her aunt because she was a
Jew, Klein felt scared but not powerless.
"I remember thinking to myself that I needed
to do whatever I could to change the world so that
there wouldn't be bad men;' she says. "As I grew
older, I began to understand how all oppressions
are linked, and my dedication to fight the bad men
expanded into a broader commitment to social
justice and social change:'
After raising the campus Jewish community's
awareness of LGBT issues by addressing the executive committee of Hillel while she attended
YaleUniversity, Klein went on to work for Keshet,
a grassroots organization working toward the full
inclusion of LGBT Jews in Jewish life (keshetonline.org). Today, she is the executive director.
Last year, she spoke before the United Jewish
Communities General Assembly (the largest annual gathering of Jewish leadership in the
world), and was the first ever to address a plenary
session on LGBT issues.
Klein, 35, is especially proud of a film that
Keshet produced entitled Hineini:ComingOut in
aJewishHigh School.
Hineini tells the story of a girl at a Jewish high
school who campaigns to establish a gay-straight
alliance. Due to the film's enormous popularity,
Klein and her team developed a corresponding
curriculum guide.
When she left her Bosnian home in 1992 to be an
Growing up in the inner-city projects of
exchange student in the United States, Svetlana
Seattle turned out to be a good thing for her,
Ourkoviccouldn't have imagined the carnage that
says BarbaraMcCullough-Jones.
I curve
Within the next three years, 200,000 Bosnians
"Because it taught me to work hard and
would be killed in the civilwar, and 60 percent of all
treat everything I get as a gift;' she says.
houses, half of the schools and a third of the hospi-
"No sense of entitlement or arrogance was
tals would be damaged or destroyed.
When Durkovic returned to Bosnia, it was vast-
ly different, and so was she. She had graduated from
ber of LGBT communities is hard to match.
would soon engulf her homeland.
That's why her diligence in serving a num-
college, gotten a master's in social sciences, volun-
Over the years, the 50-year-old activist
teered for several nonprofits, worked in Africa and
has worked as the executive director of the
come out to herself The day she returned to Bosnia,
Lesbian Resource Project of Phoenix, the
she came out to her mother as well.
"My mom was shocked;' says Durkovic. "She
Billy DeFrank Lesbian & Gay Community
was ashamed and, yes, well, she went through many
different phases:'
Being gay in Bosnia is not altogether different
from being gay in the United States, she says.
"One still has to deal with onesel£ regardless
Center in San Jose, Calif., the Gala Choruses
"There are things I've loved about each
of those experiences and things I will take to
of where one is;' Durkovic says. "Nobody can take
my grave despising;' says McCullough-Jones.
"Who could not find fulfillment in providing
those steps for us, nobody:•
a 60-year-old stone butch with her first Pap
The slightly more closed environment in Bosnia
hasn't kept her from forging ahead with enormous
efforts on behalf of the LGBT population. With
test and mammogram and finding out that it
saved her life?
"How can you not be moved by hundreds
years of activist experience under her belt, Durkovic
of voices singing for our freedom on the steps
went on to found Organization Q a group that
of the state supreme court, or seeing couples
works on improving human rights in Bosnia.
lined up around the block to sign up for a
Durkovic has spent the past five years conduct-
domestic partner registry?"
ing several studies, projects and workshops geared
While she says there are several dire
toward raising the visibility of the LGBT commu-
issues facing the LGBT community today,
nity there, and she hopes to initiate a major Pride
McCullough-Jones points to apathy as the
worst. Her advice is simple.
festival in the near future.
"For me, the greatest accomplishment is when I
"Get off your ass and do something;' she
receive a message from a total stranger, after a work-
says. "I mean, how long does it take to write
shop, a party or a street action, who tells me that
an email to a legislator? How big a sacrifice is
he-she-ze feels free for the first time ever because
it really to skip a weekend of entertainment
we are here and because of the work we do;' says
and send that money to an LGBT group?Try
a little checkbook activism-you'll
love it!"
Make Your Fourth of July Green
Midsummer is a time for picnics, barbecues,
4. Be a Composter:
Now you probably
dinner parties, dance parties, karaoke parties and plain old party parties. However,
will be recycling everything possible,
but don't forget that the uneaten food
as great as they are, these events create
and the leftovers from the prep can be
waste. But they don't necessarily have to
composted. Many cities have compost-
create a lot of it. If you are an ecochick
ing facilities but if none are sponsored
who wants to party her hot little booty off
by the government, find local farms,
and still keep the planet cool and green,
community gardens or nurseries that
here are some tips for you.
accept donations.
1. UseEvite:Many summer get-togethers
5. UnplugYourBash:Want to have the
are spur-of-the-moment
runs to the park
party at home? Do it during the day and
with a cooler and some beers. But occa-
you won't have to keep the lights on all
sionally you may have a more formal event
night. Sure, you can pop your iPod into
that requires an invite and an R.S.V.P.
your stereo, but consider having a friend
While online invitations are undoubtedly
play acoustic music instead.
less personal, using them can be the first
6. Encourage
step to greening your event.
your guests to walk, bike, use public
2. BYOP(BringYourOwnPlate):Leave the
disposable plates at the store and use your
own instead. If you must use disposable, Preserve (recycline.com)
without a car, there's no danger of drunk
or car pool. Besides,
drivers taking off from your party.
makes plates, flatware and tumblers from 100 percent recycled
materials, which are sturdy enough to hold up to dishwashers,
7. CleanResponsibly:
After everyone leaves you with the dirty
and can eventually be recycled as well.
dishes, reach for Ecover's line of green cleaners (plant-based,
not tested on animals, biodegradable and with minimal impact
3. Stay Local:As far as the actual grub goes, get your food
on aquatic life-they
from locally grown sources. Farmers' markets are a great way
work great on dishes and glassware, and the All Purpose
to keep the strain on the environment
can't be bad). The Dishwashing Tablets
a minimum. But
Cleaner removes any stain. Ecover (available at Whole Foods
impact from burn-
or online at herbtrader.com) even has cute reusable washcloths
ing fossil fuel to transport goods can be as bad as buying them
that leave no streaks behind. No more mixing baking soda and
from factory farms.
lemon juice for you! -JVL
make sure that the farms are close by-the
If you'replanninga
you'recertainlyconsideringthe numerous
aboutthe environmental costs?Portovert,
to the environmentally
bridein partnership
with NativeEnergy,
launcheda website
the carbonemissions
offsetthemby investing
in windpowerprojects,
energyeffortsor other
typesof sustainable
a smallpercentage
canmakea difference,
andit doesn'ttakea
largeamountof money.
the worldwiththe
July/ August 2008
Booze to the Rescue
Now you can enjoy your evening chardon-
Oakville Ranch also devotes itself to
nay or cabernet sauvignon while saving
the ultimate female on the planet-
the world. Gay-friendly Oakville Ranch
Mother Nature. Oakville is one of the
in California's Napa Valley, known for its
latest companies to go green and call
itself"entirely carbon neutral:'
wines, is run by three
Last year, Miner installed five solar
women who believe in helping the planet.
Owner Mary Miner, general manager
panel systems that now provide power
Paula Komell and winemaker Ashley Heisey
to over 450 acres on the ranch. The
(pictured right with vineyard manager Phil
system contains 636 individual panels
Conturri) have dedicated themselves not only
and powers the pumping stations that
to producing great wine, but also to backing
provide water for the vineyards.
an impressive list of philanthropic causes,
"The vineyards have never looked
better;' said Kornell. "Solar is the right
including lesbian and feminist rights.
"Mary has been a big supporter of LGBT groups;' says
Kornell. In fact, Oakville has participated in events such as
thing to do. We have one of the largest panels in the Napa
the benefit gala for the Center on Halsted, Chicago's new
LGBT community center.
Miner is also the founder of the Baker Street Foundation,
Now fully online, the system, designed by Marin Solar,
gathers more than enough power in the warmer months to
power the ranch during the winter. The ranch has also been
a nonprofit organization helping to fund arts education and
sustainable in other ways-it
women's causes. Kornell is a founding member of Lust for
farming methods. It is also a member of 1% for the Planet, a
Life, a group supporting breast cancer research.
Besides helping women through these causes, the
uses organic and traditional
network of companies around the world that pledge to donate
one percent of their revenue to environmental causes. - KT
In My Green Opinion ...
When I moved to San Francisco in September 2006, one of
Instead, it's come to be a
the first things I did (after scoring a job and a MUNI pass)
chance for people to capi-
was to check out the Green Festival. It came into town like
talize on a good idea,
a circus, and like a child I showed up bright-eyed and eager.
These were my people. The people who cared about what I
consciences into a way
to turn
did. No longer would "activist"be said disparagingly. I could
to make money. The stalls
see. I could learn. I could be inspired. And I got a perfor-
are there, yes, with their organic cotton, fair trade T-shirts
mance, though it wasn't what I was expecting. When the
made by microloan-funded women's collectives in India.
festival packed up and left like the Shangri-la it was, I felt
The only problem is that the shirts cost upwards of $80.
empty and betrayed. Which is why I boycotted it last year
$80! For a T-shirt. Even this ever-lovin' hippie doesn't
even as my co-workers frollicked there.
bleed that green.
Here's the thing: I love organics, I love sustainability
and I love the environment. In other words, I love the
green movement. But I hate the Green Festival.
The problem, as I see it, is that in order for environ-
So my call to the green movement is this: Make being
sustainable attainable for everyone. I'm not an economist. I don't know how to do it. But I'm sure a way exists.
American ingenuity-our
own special phrase-has
mentalism to work, everyone has to be able to get on
en time and again that we can accomplish whatever we
board. Sure, "every litter bit counts," but in order to affect
put our minds to. All we need are a few pioneers to show
the kind of grandiose, large-scale change that we need to
us the way and to make it economically feasible for every-
stop the planet from going to hell in a (plastic) handbas-
one to live green. After all, if Wal-Mart can sell organics,
ket, it is not enough that I do my part. Everyonehas to be
why can't Target sell fair trade? That, it seems to me, is
riding, recycling, turning off lights and paying attention.
the real money-making scheme. And what red-blooded
American doesn't like that kind of green?
The Green Festival, with its soy-printed leaflets, compostable disposable utensils, stalls of products and days
In short, I boycotted the Green Festival because it's
of speakers should be just the platform where those of us
co-opted a movement I care about and diminished it to
in the know can spread the gospel, and those of us who
some ugly gold-standard sounding brass. And I don't
want to have any part in that. - LS
are curious can learn something.
16 I curve
It wasmomentous
madethereoftenhavea ripple
strikedowna statelawbanning
a chainofeventsthatwould
State.A ballotinitiative
goesto votersin
If passed,
it would
weddingsin legallimbo(theballot
of marriages
asa unionbetween
a manand
a woman.
to enjoythis
of us.
42 states
Ona national
of Marriage
Juicy Booty Babes
Consistent with his mission on Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy has
a new book of photography, The Full Body Project (Five Ties
Publishing), that charts new territories-but
in social convention
and beauty. Displayed prominently on the cover are the five direct
defiant, not challenging, simply unwavering-of
beautiful fat women. Yes, I said it. Not Rubenesque. Not zaftig.
Not plus-sized. Not, Lord help me,"fluffY:'Fat. In a society where
being a size double-zero is not only an aspiration, but the preoccupation of many women ( think about that from an analogous
"When I started interviewing soldiers, I kept thinking, 'I
should not be making a movie about the war; this
is not what I should be doing.' But I remember
telling myself that before: 'I should not be making
a film about a girl who cross-dresses as a boy.' "
aspiring to be less than nothing?), it is re-
freshing to see these fat bodies fully displayed in a celebratory and
Boys Don t Cry, to Entertamment Weekly
unabashed fashion.
Nimoy captures with an objective eye the generous flesh and
spirit of his subjects, who are of varying sizes, races and ages. In
the engaging foreword by Natalie Angier (a New York Times scientific journalist) and in Nimoy's own succinct preface, the unspoken challenge issued to the consumer is this: Can you see past
the arbitrary and fleeting societal ideals of beauty? Are you bound
"George Bush is a war criminal. I re-registered as
an Independent because of him."
s Foundation's 10th
annual tundra ser
by social convention to see beauty
only as it is dictated to you, or can
you see with your own eyes the
broader range of beauty that lies
outside the norm?
In the pages of The Full Body
Projectare activists and educators,
including Heather
"Marvin Hamlisch's manager called and said, 'If you
lose 60 pounds, I'll make you the next Barbra
Streisand.' I said, 'Why don't I gain 60 pounds and
you can make me the next Maria Cass, because
that position is at least available.' " -
the queer founder of Big Burlesque. MacAllister died Feb. 13,
2007, after a three-year struggle with ovarian cancer, so it is even
more poignant that she appears here in all her unfettered glory.
MacAllister, quoted in Nimoy's preface, says that beauty is "culture bound;' not universal or static, but fluid and ever-changing;
a cultural agreement. We have come together in this century to
agree to a social contract that informs society that beauty is narrow, both figuratively and literally. Nimoy's project, ideally, will
help the work already in progress to add footnotes, to change the
fine print, to start the important process of revision.
I hope to see this book on as many coffee tables, and in as
many bathrooms, doctors' offices and classrooms as possible. The
purchase and gifting of this book is social activism. (leonardnimoy-
"We're judging people by the vehicle that contains
them. You're being cruel and disrespectful to their
spirit. Spirit has no sexuality or color or accent or
even religion. I suppose that's why it grieves me
even more that people behave the way they do in
terms of us or them "
- SB
July/ August 2008
I 17
Nicole ''Cole'' Robbins
Cole Robbins began her art career in a college class, but she started out by standing in front of the canvas, not behind it. She modeled for the same
drawing class for seven years before taking pencil in hand.
Since then she has done photography, painting, metal work and sculpture. "I work with whatever I can get my hands on;' says the 26-year-old
Alaska native.
While Robbins' portfolio contains work in multiple media, sculpture is her true love. Robbins says her sculptures are semi-autobiographical
because, like her, "there are curves, a lot of softness and some rough edges:'
Robbins' sculptures are not realistic portrayals of women, but they are
influenced by the female form. They represent both herself personally and
women in general. Robbins believes that sculpture is a sensual art form and
women provide the inspiration for her work."Women's bodies are amazingly
beautiful;' she says, "and I cake that to my art:'
While Robbins' art is not confined to one medium, it can all be classified as abstract. Robbins sees art as a dialogue and believes that in abstract
art "people see such different things and can be inspired so differently:' For
Robbins, inspiration comes through the making of art. "I love chat there is so
much freedom to emotionally lee go of things;' she says of the process.
Robbins' journey from model to artist has proven to be quite successful.
Last year, her work was selected by the city of San Rafael, Cali£, for exhibition in the city plaza. She is currently working on a series of metal sculptures
and acrylic paintings. ■
I curve
the PointHonorsArtsBenefitwith the Point
andalsohonoredTimeWarnerwith the Point
TVshowSexandthe Citywereall presentat
the event,with SarahJessicaParkerpresentingTimeWarner'saward.Nixonhasalso
recentlybecomean ambassador
for Susan
G.Komenfor the Cure,the world'slargest
that he will
leadthe movement
to passthe Employee
Actthroughthe Senate,
butthis controversial
lawwill notprotect
or whose
do not matchtheirgenderat
In the first-everdirectaddressof an archbishopto a largegatheringof the United
at GraceCathedral
in SanFrancisco
for A
of Courage,
the International
the persecution
of LGBTpeopleandapologizedon behalfof hischurchfor ostracizing gaypeople.Hewaspresented
with an
A crowdof morethan400peoplegathered
in Topeka,
Kan.,in a MillionFagMarch
to protestagainstFredPhelps'GodHates
Godis punishingAmericafor its toleranceof
to attendtheir
decisionthatthe Board
of Education
addressedthe NationalGayandLesbianTask
video,urging"NewYork'scivil rightsleaders
to recognizethatthe lesbian,gay,bisexual
rightsas well" andpromising"to pushon until we bringfull marriageequalityto NewYork
State."Hewashonoredfor his longstanding
workon behalfof LGBTrights.-KG
July/ August 2008
I 19
What's Your Flavor:
Pop stars get a taste of the ladies.
y Jocelyn Voo
it's about outed relationships, straight
girls allegedly dating straight girls or dietary
preferences, this month's Lesbofile is all about the
flavor of the week.
may have won us over when she played a hilariously overzealous Bible thumper in Saved,but now it's
her mom's turn to win our vote. According to the
National Enquirer,Mandy's mother, Stacy Moore,
has been dating tennis professional Claudette
Lalibertesince 2006, and they have recently moved
in together.
When the tabloid asked Stacy about the relationship, she replied, "It's nobody's business why
we're together:' No denial there!
Perhaps Stacy's just following in her daughter's
footsteps: Mandy dated tennis stud Andy Roddick
for two years until they broke up in 2004. Now
we're just hoping that Mandy will follow Stacy's
lead ...
Looks like lesbian DJ SamanthaRonsonand
LindsayLohanmay be on again. The pair have
been spotted clubbing, shopping and dining-even
wearing similar clothes and kissing at Diddy's party. Meanwhile, it seems Lohan and her other gal
pal, CourtenaySemel,daughter of Yahoo! CEO
Terry Semel, but possibly better known as one of
the trust-fund babies who starred in the E! reality
show FilthyRich: CattleDrive, have parted ways.
Semel moved out of their three-bedroom
Hollywood home in May. Tabloids have been
Lohan and Semel as lovers since
ences them candidly. And repeatedly.
When asked how she feels about fish in an in-
than almost anything. At least a vagina would be
warm:' Can't argue with her there.
terview with Mean magazine, Beckinsale replied, "I
can't do raw. I can't do sushi, even. Anything that
has that vaginal quality to it. I'd rather [have] an
actual vagina than that, honestly:•
Willow may have been the one who came out as alesbian in the television series Buffy the VampireSlayer
December, when the two attended a housewarm-
Yes, you read that right.
ing party of "power lesbian" Jeanette Longoria in
If this were BritneySpearsor LindsayLohan, Buffy herself who turns out to be gay. Sort 0£
Los Angeles and rumors of a romantic relationship
celebrity publicists would be doing damage control
were sparked.
But Lohan's friends and family are reportedly
However, Beckinsale handled the
matter with self-assurance.
concerned about her "friendships:' Her mom, Dina
Before the Mean interview, Beckinsale told
Lohan, and sister Ali fended off rumors about
Allure that her vagina (which she referred to as the
Lindsay's sexual orientation while promoting their
"Pharaoh's Tomb") was her favorite body part, and
new reality show, Living La Vida Lohan.
that she's been "told it is spectacular:'
Then, when an interviewer from Moviefone
eight years ago, but in the new comic book series, it's
A scantily clad Buffy is seen panting in bed
with Satsu, one of her proteges, who is lying naked
under the sheets with her, an arm slung around
Buffy's middle. "Wow;' Buffy sighs in a panel of the
comic, her hand wiping sweat off her brow.
But it's not Willow deja vu, exactly: "We're not
going to make her gay, nor are we going to take
the next 50 issues explaining that she's not;' cre-
asked Beckinsale about her infamous statement
ator Joss Whedon told the New York Times."She's
It's not often that an A-list actor will talk about va-
that she'd prefer eating vagina to sushi, the actor
ginas. But Underworldactor KateBeckinsale
replied, "I have to say, sushi freaks me out more
young and experimenting, and did I mention openmindedt Amen! ■
CuRvE's April issue release party at San Francisco's Hotel Kabuki was a smash. With
advice columnists Lipstick and Dipstick hosting, a sizzling performance by the Pin Up
Girls, and of course our covergirl Dani Campbell signing autographs, it was the place to
shake your tail (or get some tail) 1 (From left) Dani Campbell at dinner with Orson
restaurant co~owner Sabrina Riddle, National Center for Lesbian Rights auction winner
Maribel Hermosillo and her best friend Nicholas Law 2 Lipstick cracks up the audience 3
Dani Campbell poses with Aquis after signing copies of the mag 4 DJ Chelsea Starr kept
the party pumping 5 Sexy performances by the Pin Up Girls made the crowd drool 6 The
Pin Up Girls in action. Who doesn't love scantily clad women doing burlesquer
7 CURVE photo editor Nicole Teichman (second from left) with (left to right) sexy Shawn
from the online series TheCrashPad,and guests Elizabeth Nolan and Cori O'Brien 8 The
next generation of CURVE readers partying like rockstars 9
associate publisher Sara
Jane Keskula (right) reaps the rewards of her hard work alongside partner Meg Weimer
10 Damron owner Gina Gatta (right) and her hunky friends 11 Partygoers rock.in' the
velvet rope 12 Comedienne Marga Gomez (left) with Eleanor Palacios from NCLR 13
Ladies taking a break from the dance floor 14 Girls enjoying the see-and-be-seen crowd
and checking out A Shot at Love'sDani Campbell
July/ August 2008
Lipstick & Dipstick
Why Do You Copy Heteros:
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I would like to
know why lesbians subscribe so blatantly
to the heterosexual gender roles via butchfemme relationships. My gay male friends
tell me that most gay men don't do the
butch-femme thing: Most masculine gay
guys like other masculine guys. Why is this
different for lesbians? - Thinks Heteros Are
Hideous in Huntsville
why there is so much prejudice within the lesbian
community against butch women.
Lipstick:Go, Dipstick! Hideous, have you considered that heteros are actually emulating our lezboc
to be a big deal in the
future. Can it work in
the years to come with
such a huge difference?
- Loving the Golden Oldies
gender roles:' Seriously, homo-
sexual relationships have been going on since we
Lipstick:Don't worry about what your birth cer-
were just slippery little fish in the mud, so who's
tificates say. In fact, tear chem up or burn them in
to say heteros started the trend:' And do lesbians
a ceremony. And if anyone tries to cell you differ-
blatantly subscribe to chose roles:' Noc in my house
ent, send chem my way. I'll set chem straighc ... er
Dipstick:Is it 1972:1 Are you dressed in flannel
and certainly not in my bedroom. And just because
rather, queer. All chat matters is chat you make each
with hair to your waist:' From your dated percep-
Dipstick keeps her hair short and wouldn't be
caught dead in a skirt, doesn't mean she's the man.
other happy and you have lots of sex. Lipstick's into
tion, HHH, a butch-femme relationship may seem
like a heterosexual copycat, but, believe me, it is
I've seen her femme wife totally throw chat butch
get better with age. They're wiser, more grounded
not. As revered femme Joan Nestle so eloquently
on her back.
and they know themselves well. This complex self-
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I am almost 30,
and I am dating a woman who just turned
50. I am crazy about her and feel things I
have never felt before. She makes me happy and I love the way I feel when I am with
her. She says she feels the same way about
me and wants me to move in with her. My
life is only better with her in it. We're wondering if the 20-year age difference is going
back. Go for it!
radically reclaims
women's erotic energy:' Heterosexuality has nothing to do with it. In fact, one might argue that it's
a complete rejection of straight roles altogether.
Butch women negate the notion chat to be a woman, one must act and dress a certain way. For me,
being butch is not some role I arbitrarily decided
play. If you ask my family, they will tell you I
was always this way. What I don't understand is
awareness makes for a great life partner. Don't hold
put it: "Butch-femme is a lesbian-specific way of
older ladies, too: Women are like wine-they
Dipstick:Young lover, who knows if in the long
run age difference will matter, but I have a good
friend whose girlfriend is 18 years her senior and
they're happy little clams. There are so many other
things to concern yourself with and obstacles chat
can affect a relationship, like class, culture, religion,
sex drive and if she puts the cap back on the toothpaste. You're off to a good start; the best way to deal
with differences is to be open about chem. But if
it makes you feel better, look at Demi and Ashton,
Ellen and Portia, and Melissa and Tammy. All these
couples are smokin' hot despite double-digit age
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I have had sex
with women who do not want or need me
to touch them. They are pleased by pleasing
their partners. How is that done? How can
a woman get off by getting her partner off?
- Stone Lover from Rockville
Dipstick:Our biggest sexual organ is not our clit,
but our brain. All good tops and stone butches
know chat the best sexual pleasure comes from
sending their gals into ecstasy. I can't explain how
it's done, but, on occasion, I've been known to pop
just from delivering the goodies to my gal. I'm not
Lipstick:I've never seen this done, but I have a
call her "Lucky"-who
can have an
orgasm when she's walking down the street, if she
sees the right person. That blessed bitch ...
24 I curve
Ask Fairy Butch
Crying Time Again
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I'm having a
problem in bed with my girlfriend. Recently
she told me she hates using a dildo on me
because she feels that I'd rather have a
real cock. This isn't true. One of the main
reasons why I like her to use a dildo is because it allows her hands to roam elsewhere, and I don't have to deal with all the
inconsistencies of her hand, which sometimes bends the wrong way, or her nails,
which dig into my vaginal walls. It just
seems like when we have sex with a dildo,
the sex flows better. Have you heard this
from other lesbians? I feel like I'm the only
one dealing with this awkward problem.
What do I do? - Damned by the Dildo
Dipstick:How sad-your
girlfriend has penis
envy. Everyone has sexual preferences. Some like
penetration, some don't, but equating your wanting strap-on sex with wanting to sleep with a
man is ridiculous. You two need a solution-and
this dicky situation thrusts you far-
ther and farther apart. What you can do is make
sure you're open
variety in your lovemaking.
Play it her way from time to time, switching up
positions and toys. No one wanes the same thing
every time in bed. The next time she harnesses
up, make sure you tell and show her how sexy
and beautiful she is. And trust us, you're not
alone in your love of riding the silicone stallion.
Dykes have been donning dildos since harnesses
Dear Fairy Butch: My partner of four years
has decided she needs to go out, find herself
and learn to be independent. She worked
and brought in money the same as I did, and
we shared all money and expenses. Last
year we moved out to Colorado and moved
in with her mother (who is not exactly ecstatic that her little girl likes to kiss other girls).
She worries about what society thinks, and
her family has plainly told her how ashamed
they are of her.
She became depressed, put on 50
pounds and couldn't find a job. We decided
to move to the East Coast and buy a house,
perhaps start a family. I moved first to establish a place to live and find a job. After
a two-month separation she told me it was
over-just like that. Not because of someone else. After we talked, she told me she
needed to find herself, but she didn't want
to break up. So I agreed to take over the bills
(we don't have many) for a year, so she could
have the freedom to find whatever it is she's
looking for. Last week, she left for Florida and
moved in with her dad, who knows nothing,
or at least has not been told, about us.
She still calls twice a day. I am going crazy
without her. I feel like calling 100 times a day,
but I have to respect and support her decision. I guess the thing to ask is, will she come
back? Do I need help? Does she? Is our relationship doomed? - Crying in Connecticut
be really hard on
your system. The more I
think about it, the more
important I think finding
yourself a good counselor is; you really need to
delineate exactly how much of this situation you
can stand. You need support in defining your own
needs in this circumstance; it sounds like an awful
lot of the focus has gone into supporting your partner's needs, while you're left hanging out on the line
dry. Find out what you need and move on from
there, sugarplum!
Dear Fairy Butch: I'm looking for information
about the risk of transmitting hepatitis C between women lovers. I've been researching,
and there's not much out there. What information and advice do you have? We live in
a rural area, so health resources that are
available in the big city aren't available to
us, but I get the impression that knowledge
about this issue is scarce. Can you help us
out? I educate as part of my work, and I am
often asked questions about this, so I want
to make sure I'm passing on accurate information. - Bewildered in the Boonies
Darling, hepatitis C is a bloodborne illness-it
is contracted through activities in
which you come into contact with someone else's
blood, such as receiving a blood transfusion or an
organ from a contaminated donor, getting pricked
were made of mammoth hide.
come back to you is get-
DearCrying:The issue of taking time out from a
with a needle that has infected blood on it, getting
right, Dip. And I'll add, Damned,
relationship to work on oneself is something that
a tattoo or piercing from infected tools, using an
that your girlfriend needs to get a grip-not
comes up for a lot of folks. People think they can
infected person's toothbrush, razor or anything else
on the right dildo, but also on her insecurities.
better focus on their life goals if they aren't confronted
that may have blood on it, or engaging in unsafe sex,
What is fueling her aversion is that she feels in-
though this is not a common means of infection.
adequate as a lover, like she's not enough for you.
with the daily demands of a partnership. Yet in your
case, it's a leap of faith that she will come back at all.
Buy her a copy of Fairy Butch's Ultimate Guide
Do you need help? Possibly. A counselor might help
tells us that the most important thing to do is to
avoid your partner's blood. Do not have sex dur-
Dr. Dietrich K. Klinghardt, at thebody.com,
to Strap-On Sex and Maximum Confidence by
get you back in the driver's seat of your life; currently,
Jack Canfield. These two should help her realize
you're running on her compass and schedule. Does
ing menses, though it seems you might be able to
she's all you need. Well, you could also get her a
she need help? It sure sounds like seeing a therapist
protect yourself with ample use oflatex. Also, don't
vibrating cock and a nice bottle of self-heating
and vocational counselor might be a good way for
share toys that may have any blood on them. Hope
lube. ■
her to spend her away-from-the-relationship time.
this helps, dumpling! ■
Getting counseling together (should you find yourThese advice gurus are the authors
selves in the same town) also might be a good invest-
Fairy Butch is the author of The
of Lipstick & Dipstick's Essential
ment of time and money.
Ultimate Guide to Strap-On Sex: A
Guide to Lesbian Relationships.
them anything at lipstick-
Ultimately, the only things you can control are
Complete Resource for Women and
your own words and actions. It sounds like spend-
Men. Email Jb@fairybutch.com with
ing a year away from someone who may not even
your queries.
Ult1 au
July/ August 2008
I 25
Six Rules for Music Pests
Make your women's weekend in the woods more enjoyable. I By Kate Lacey
If listening to live music makes you think of rolling in the mud, breaking your
Respect the Elders
back in a tent, running around half-naked and eating vegetarian chili out of a
There are women at these festivals who will tell you that they came when the
paper cup, then you, no doubt, have been to a women's music festival. Include
show's original rock stars were Mary and the Magdelines. (You know, before
on this list taking out a second mortgage to pay the "sliding scale" entrance fee
they came out. Of course, rocks were being thrown at them, but that's another
and you've got one heck of a musical mystery tour weekend. There are lesbians
story.) The elders know the drill. They know where they want to park their
whose entire calendars revolve around these events, and sometimes they even
trailers, and if you get in their way, you will have a very long weekend wherein
listen to the music. The real mystery at a camping music fest may be how to get
your blacklisted status will prevent you from learning where to get hot food
a hot shower or how to get away from the pot-smoking couple with the overly-
and how to properly set your trailer so that it doesn't roll over or sink in the
friendly, crotch-sniffing golden retriever. Lavish music festivals are all the rage,
mud. Prepare yourself If you go anywhere near them, you will have to hear the
and the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival is especially deemed a summer rite
long, long list of the acts they saw performing before the singers were famous.
"Oh, yes, I heard Melissa before she was Melissa:'Let them tell you how to do
of passage. Oh sure, it sounds great. Camping. Drinking. Acres of farmland
between you and the nearest Y chromosome. Seminars. Book reading. L Word
everything, where to go, how to get there and what not to do. Let them call
trading-card swapping. You name it. Oh, and some music, too.
you a festival virgin and smile at you like proud grandmothers. Someday, you
If you are considering taking a road trip to this life-altering experience,
here are a few tips for you:
too will mock some whippersnapper for wearing the wrong shoes and for not
bringing sunscreen. It's the circle of life.
These Shoes Were Made for Walking
You know that stereotype about lesbians and comfortable shoes? Going to
music festivals set on 100 acres of unplowed earth have created this need.
Navigating the fastest path between two points at a music festival is like trying to measure the infinite amount of empty space between Rush Limbaugh's
ears. Over hill and dale, you'll feel the need to hire a sherpa. You'll send your
friends on without you, leaving yourself to the wilds of the Midwest, unable to
make the quest to a port-a-potty. You'll get your chance to see if you can walk
on water. And on mud. And across other women's blankets, clothing, bodies in
various states of rest and relaxation, and finally, miles and miles later, lugging
a cooler, chairs, numerous backpacks and a baby papoose, and spanning the
distance of a death march, you will reach a field transformed into a music hall.
Here is where you'll begin your battle for space. Every dirt clod and blade of
green is a war waiting to start. Save your energy for the walk back. At least by
the end of the night you'll be pumped up by the great music. Thanks to your
newfound positive energy, the return trip will seem shorter. Unless, of course,
your girlfriend has had too much hooch and you'll be dragging all the goods
back alone, while she sleeps it off in the mud.
Enjoy the Show ...and Let Others Do the Same
OK, so you know every single word to every single song that Catie Curtis has
ever uttered. Even so, these fine people around you did not leave the comforts
of home to use the bathroom outside, take cold showers and eat bad food just
hear you sing. Party like a rock star all you'd like, but remember, you are not
the star of this show. So get naked-everyone
during the quiet sets
keep the distractions to a minimum. No one really wants to hear you have a
loud conversation with the girl next to you about who took your last tampon
out of the RV.
What Happens in the Woods Stays in the Woods
Just know this: If you don't have an open relationship with your girlfriend,
and the two of you attend a music festival, you'd be wise to wear dark glasses.
Six Rules for Music Fests continued on page 78
I curve
It's been at least a decade
since the death knell began
to sound for women's music
festivals. Comics started making jokes about the demise.
Authors and filmmakers
b9gan to produce histories
about women's festivals at a
furious rate.
It's no wonder. The nation's two founding women's
music festivals, the National
Women's Music Festival and
the Michigan Womyn's Music
Festival, each draw fewer attendees now than a decade
ago. Longtime festivals like
New Mexico's WiminFest.
But this cloud of dwindling numbers and fallen festivals has an exciting silver
lining. Many organizers see a newly invigorated, increasingly aware generation
of women now discovering music festivals. "There is absolutely a new movement in the twentysomething crowd," says Lisa Vogel, co-founder of the 33-yearold Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, which draws about 4,000 today, compared to a historic high of 8,000. "As our size has shifted, the women who are
coming are women [are}...interested in things that are independently organized.
There's definitely a politic, a radial feminist politic, being rebirthed."
In Laytonville, Calif., home of the tiny Northern California Women's Music
Festival, organizer Linda Stonestreet sees the same thing happening. "We had
some young women last year and the year before that attended that were in
their early 20s, and they were just in tears because they were overwhelmed by
the experience." Stonestreet said she was inspired to start her festival in 2003.
"I just thought 'Wow, this is a part of our culture that's dying, that could go the
same way as women's bookstores, and just drop off the face of the earth and
not be relevant."
Stonestreet and anyone else worried about the future of women's festivals
should spend some time talking to Laurie Haag of the Iowa Women's Music
Festival, or Sharman Petri of the Houston Women's Music Festival. Petri took
over the Houston festival from founder Shirley Knight in 2007 -like Stonestreet,
to continue a tradition she felt had grown essential to her community.
Remarkably, Houston had continued for 12 years with no sponsor support.
And in Iowa City, Iowa, Haag continues to shape a tradition she started 14
years ago after being inspired by the National Women's Music Festival. Now
about 700 women and men annually attend the Iowa City festival.
Ironically, the Iowa City festival has a lot in common with the first annual Los
Angeles Women's Music Festival, put together over six months last summer by
Miria Jo and Gayle Day.
Both festivals illustrate what may be the future of women's music festivals: an
integrated audience (both male and female) expressing feminism through empowerment of female musicians rather than workshops or discussions. The 50
mostly local female artists drew a crowd of 2,000 to the First Annual Los Angeles
Women's Music Festival last August.
Proceeds funded animal rescue groups, and the array of booths included a
version of the alternative healing area of massage and other pampering, but the
festival was as much an informal job fair for musicians as a concert. "This was
about the music industry, not just the fan experience," explains Miria. "Our goal
was to really support the female performers."
Much of the audience consisted of music industry types, including talent
scouts, record executives and publishers. While the organizers would have liked
a larger crowd, they proudly point to some tangible results: One festival performer received an endorsement deal, another a spot on a national television show,
and several others earned bookings. - Christine Hawes
July/ August 2008
I 27
10 Ways You Can Prevent Cancer
chargedthroughthe day.
Greentea contains antioxidants;fights infection,
2. Practicesafesex.High-riskbehaviorcouldhurt
headachesand heart disyou.Makesureto get regularscreenings
nity.Bonus:It will helpyouburncaloriesandprevent
3. Afterage40, get mammograms.
If youhavea toothdecaytoo.
historyof breastcancerin yourfamily,youare5 to 10
9. CatchsomeZs. Restis oneof yourneeds.Don't
percentmorelikelyto getit, sogoearlier.
sacrificetimeto relaxjust because
4. Drinkless.Limityourselfto one,if you'regoingto yourplate.Theworldwill still turn,evenif youtclkea
few minutes-maybeevenan hour-to meditateor
sleep.Whata concept!
5. Exercise30 minutesa day.Youshouldexcercisejust to feel strongand healthy,andto increase 10. Take care of yourself.Girl, we know you're
yourenergy.Butit alsohelpspreventcancer,aswell busy,but it's extremelyimportantto take care of
as other illnesseswe womenface, such as heart yourwholeself. Puttingyourselffirst is not selfish,
especiallywhenyou'rerunninglow on steamand
6. Eat yourvegetables
{andfruits),younglady. yourbodyfeelsit.
1. Goto the gyno.Makesureto get checkupsand
Fiveservingsa dayis a must.Eatingfruitsandveggiesrichin coloris almosta guarantee
in yourmeal.
7. Goorganic.Sure,it's trendy,butthere'sa reason
it's so hot.There'sa directlink amongcommercial
andbe empowered
by payingattentionto whatyou
putin yourbody.
8. Drinkgreentea. Thispotentcancercell stopper
will wakeyou up with a healthystartandkeepyou
Lise Alschuler, N.D.,
and Karolyn Gazella
are the co-authors of
The Definitive Guide
to Cancer, an indepth description of
20 different women's
cancers. For more information on their work,
their experiences and their take on lesbians and
cancer, go to curvemag.com.
Life Advice
Home Sweet Home
from room to room. "She must
have thought, 'They can't be serious. They can't possibly afford
this house. Are they casing this
houser' It was awkward for ev-
eryone;' White said.
time, White was
driving a lesbian couple to tour
homes when they came upon
teenagers playing football in
the street.
pink triangle sticker on the car,
the teens started taunting "fat
dykes, fat dykes;' and blocked
their passage for several min-
utes. When the women departed, they left the house and the
taunts behind.
Szilagyi wanted 'Joint tenancy
with right of survivorship,"
in Phoenix,
that if one of them died, the
other would inherit the property. That right was reserved for
Q) >(.) 0C:
0 ·5
0 ....
Q) en
Beverly Balliett and Ruth
married couples only, they were
Can homeowners refuse to sell to lesbians? Yes,
told. "We refused to sign until they changed the
they can. Unless sexual orientation is specifically
mentioned in state or local laws, there is no in-
Mattson introduced themselves by letter to try
surance against discrimination.
However, most blue states have passed antidiscrimination
they did;' Szilagyi said.
San Francisco couple Thea Gray and Jeanine
laws, and, even in red states,
money speaks louder than sexuality.
to sway the seller's decision in their favor. It
worked. After Gray and Mattson moved in, the
neighbors commented they were hoping for an
"In a slow housing market, any offer is better
interracial couple, as they already had a lesbian
than none. My job is to ensure an offer is evaluat-
couple. "It turned out the neighbors are one of
ed based on price and terms, not on sexual orien-
the best assets of where we live;' Gray said.
tation;' said Keller Williams realtor Eileen Duff.
According to a nationwide
survey com-
missioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation in
According to San Francisco attorney Sally
Morin, "Property owners, landlords or realtors
who do not follow anti-discrimination
laws face
2001, 34 percent of the gay peo-
legal and financial consequenc-
ple surveyed had been turned
es:' To find out if the law protects
away from renting or buying a
home because of their sexual
you, go to fairhousinglaw.org or
In Columbus, Ohio, Allstar
1 realtor B.J. White, while helping an interracial lesbian family
look for a home in the suburbs
with a good school district, was
followed by the seller's mother
Katharine Holland (left) is a lesbian real estateagentwith Coldwell
Banker, specializingin residential
and investmentproperties in San
Francisco.She ranks as a top 100
July/ August 2008 \ 29
Astro Grrl
Free in Love and Money
Spend Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Sex:Spend lavishly on your love life this summer, since you
on get what you pay for. By August, you may find a well-endowed
benefactress to refill your coffers. Whoo hoo! Career:Put your
yourlove best ideas into motion on the job. Not only can you make
lifethis change, you can get a few extra dollars for it.
summer, Leo (July 24-Aug. 23)
Sex:You are full of charm and charisma this summer, Lioness.
sinceyou Show them the meaning of the words "loud and proud" ... and
not necessarily in that order. Career:Not only can you make
getwhat more money than usual, you can invest it effectively. Plant a few
youpay money seeds for the cold winter ahead.
for,Cancer. Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
Sex:You have a secret admirer. Who could she be? Send out the
ByAugust, vibes and see who tunes in. Is it who you expect? Thought not.
Career:You find ways to press and impress important folks
youmay through the summer. Just don't press too hard. When in doubt,
finda well- gently prod.
endowed Libra (Sept. 24-0ct. 23)
Sex:You have one too many friends in your posse. Will they
bene- cramp your romantic style? If so, find the right excuse and move
from the platonic sphere to the passionate one ...or two. Career:
factress Opportunities will open up if you do the careful planning and
to refillyour hard work beforehand. Oh well.
coffers. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Sex:If you are lucky, a certain gal pal can become your next
Whoohoo! lovergrrl. But be sure you choose the right one from the crowd.
It would be a shame to waste a good friendship on a quick fling.
Madonna's still
smokin' at 50
on Aug.16
through August. Career:Think about your next best job move,
but don't neglect your current responsibilities. Or continue to
fake it as long as you can.
Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)
Sex:You feel in top form, and attending to health and exercise
can also improve your love life. And if not, you will at least look
delicious. Career:Get yourself a new business partner to help
you get to where you really want to go. Er, early retirement?
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Sex:Get creative with your amorous moves this summer. Some
of your tried-and-true techniques have been tried, tied and
tired. Sad but true. Career:Grab any opportunity to impress
the powers that be, and you'll soon become the power. What
will be, will be.
Career:Friends in the know can give you the next leg up at
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Sex:Will you phone it in and have it delivered? Lazy Bulls can
have it their way this summer, but by the time she arrives she
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)
Sex:Travel is highlighted, as is spicy romance in faraway places. may be lukewarm. How will you heat her up? Career:
Your work
Explore every foreign cove. What are you waiting for? Career: is more fun-and-games than real application. Will the bosses
You are a force at work and can whip up a range of great opporcatch on? Better take a vacation instead.
tunities like a tornado. Is it a gale wind? And who is Gale?
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)
Sex:Talk is cheap, so tell her exactly what she wants to hear ...
Sex:You are extra sexy this summer and able to attract the la- whether you mean it or not. This summer, sweet nothings are
dies at every turn. Perfect your moves by twisting and turning
just that. Career:Any rash and emotionally based actions will
as you bake in the sun. Career:Expect a new job offer; your
have unexpected consequences at work. Think first, act later.
(Much later.) ■
talents are in demand. But be a bit demanding yourself before
you choose one over the other.
Astrologer Charlene Lichtenstein is the author of
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Herscopes: A Guide to Astrology for Lesbians. To see
Sex:Find a partner, or spoil your current one. This summer
whatelseis in your stars,visitthestarryeye.com
orgo to her
is the time to consider long-term arrangements ... well, at least
blogat thestarryeye.typepad.com.
work. Ask for advice, and pretend that you will follow it.
30 I curve
Life Advice
Buying auto insurance is frustrating, confusing and stressful. Take the time to sit
down and actually read your whole policy.
There are tons of hidden provisions that
can either help or hurt you. If you're having
trouble getting through the legal jargon, sit
down and review it with your agent. Here
are helpful things to consider when looking
for a policy:
Your policy often covers more drivers
than you think it does. In most states, your
policy not only covers you, but any person
that lives in your household permanently,
whether that person is on the policy or not.
So if your live-in partner takes your car
to the store and it gets stolen, you're still
Your policy also provides liability coverage for any other vehicle you happen to be
driving. This is more complicated, because
while it covers the basic liability for any car
you're driving, it will not cover any physical
damage to a car that's not on your policy.
That means you can borrow your friend's
car, rear-end another vehicle and your liability insurance will cover any damage
that you cause to the other vehicle. But if
your friend's car gets damaged, your policy
won't cover damage to her car.
You're probably going to get an automatic discount. Insurance is one of the few
businesses where your rates depend on
where you live, how old you are and your
past history.
Women are cheaper to insure because
statistics show that they get in fewer ac-
cidents and file fewer claims than men. The
younger you are, the bigger the difference
will be between your premium and that of a
male driver your age. Women are also less
likely to drive custom sports cars or huge
SUVs, bringing their premiums down even
further. To save even more, check with
your agent to see if there are more discounts your can receive for taking a driving
class or being a member of a sponsored
Emergency roadside service is a must
for all women. Running out of gas or having
a flat tire on a dark, empty highway is the
start of many a scary
movie. According to the
National Institute for
Highway Safety, women
are three times as likely
as men to be assaulted
or killed while having
car trouble on the highway. There's no reason
not have some kind of
roadside service. Often
for pennies a day, you
can have this lifesaving
coverage on your policy. So the next time you
run out of gas or have
car trouble, you can just call an 800 number
and have someone come out to help you,
instead of braving the situation alone.
All car insurance policies are not created equal. Insurance agents can be just
as hard to deal with as used car salesmen.
High-pressure sales tactics and confusing
jargon are issues that women have to deal
with when they're looking for a new policy.
Often-times, we just assume that our coverage with insurance company A or B would
be the same. That's just not true. Required
coverages differ from company to company, and from state to state. What may
be standard with one company is not with
another. When shopping for insurance, it's
important to do side-by-side comparisons.
Any reputable agent will give you a quote
in writing, detailing all your coverages and
discounts. Don't be afraid to ask questions
and take your time figuring out what's best
for you. - P.S. Jones
July/August 2008 j 31
Dyke Drama
Michele Fisher
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It's not an emotional wreck, it's a salvage operation.
treated her wrong. I pointed out that her anger about my lack of sensitivity to
her needs was one of the many reasons we had broken up-months
ago. She
did not apparently feel like listening to reason. On she went, down the road
of what I always did and how that made her feel. But this time, I did not let
her travel too far before rolling out the spiky strips and skewering her overinflated emotional tires.
"We broke up two months ago. I don't have to listen to what you think is
wrong with me ever again, unless I ask you-and
I never will:'
She was quiet. For the first time in two years, since the day I'd incurred the
karmic debt of a war criminal by asking her on a date, she was silent.
In that brief respite, I began to like her again. But it was not to last. She
had just paused to gather her resources so she could mount another attack.
Recharged, she ranted further, insisting that I didn't like her because I couldn't
control her, that I was intimidated by such a strong woman.
There was no snappy retort. I simply opened the door and stepped out into
the cold-but-welcoming November night.
I wish I could tell you that I walked home alone and never looked back.
Wouldn't it have been cool if I had picked up a sexy stranger in the parking
lot and spent my holiday giving thanks for punani? Alas, I let the ex coax me
back into the plastic-mobile. We went to her flat, unloaded her groceries
and started cooking for the houseful of company that was due in approximately 13 hours.
I polished off a few coffee cups of vodka whilst cubing and stewing my way
through her holiday provisions. But I made myself a promise that night, and I
vowed that if I were to remember that promise, I would keep it forever: I was
never going to spend another holiday with an angry ex.
The hangover lasted longer than my vow. On Christmas, she pitched a
bitch that earned her a permanent spot on Santis naughty list. She wanted to
rehash the Who Hash one more time before bidding another holiday adieu.
She became a beast I couldn't stand in the least. I made sure I wasn't around
for the New Year, and I finally kept that promise to myself.
A breakup is supposed to be the end. For us dykes, however, the breakup
just signals the beginning of our troubles.
I go green all the time, especially when some dyke tells me that she has never
The exact same woman who ruined an entire holiday season for me had
gone back to the same dyke twice. Green with envy, that is. Because for years,
done the exact same thing the year before. You would think I would be too
it seemed that all my drama was of the recycled variety.
ashamed to admit it, but I share my truth so that you may learn.
I just couldn't break up with the same woman once. There was always the
pre-breakup breakup, then the breakup, and then the I-mean-it-this-time
breakup. Once there was even an I-was-coming-over-
breakup, which would have gone better
if she hadn't let her new girlfriend answer the door.
My last bout with recycled drama landed me face-first in a pile of emotional compost that stank up my psyche for a long time.
The year before had been different. We were supposed to be broken up that
year as well, but she did not realize it. I had told her that it was over and that
I meant it, but she just kept coming to my house and calling me as if nothing
had happened. I reminded her a few times that we had broken up. She would
nod her head and act like she understood, but nothing seemed to change.
After a while, I felt kind of mean, reminding her that we were not together all
the time. So I just shut up. As the months went by, we spent less time together,
It was years ago, but the details are stuck to my brain.
and I stopped thinking about her in a sexual way. But we fought about the
It smelled like basil, coffee and new plastic in her stupid SUV. We had left
same stuff, and neither one of us was seeing anybody else, so I suppose I can
the grocery store a few minutes earlier, gotten back in the car and hadn't even
understand why she refused to acknowledge that we weren't together.
left the parking lot before we were having one of those talks I never wanted to
Which is why when our next breakup rolled around, I made sure I was
have with her ever again. While the Thanksgiving meal-to-be sat in the cargo
very clear. I still hung out with her and cooked holiday meals at her house and
area of her brand-new gas guzzler, she rambled on, itemizing all the ways I had
let her berate me in supermarket parking lots. But gosh darn it, I was crystal
clear on the breakup thing.
sight. I gave her a roof over her head-the
All this might seem quite comical-unless
you are a lesbian.
How many of you are reading this right now and thinking that the two
of you should probably start getting your own places (or at least getting two
subscriptions to
I was the matron of honor at my best-friend/ ex-lover's wedding to a man.
It took us 20 crazy, labor-intensive years to get from going on our first date
to planning her honeymoon in Vegas. I guess my life would have been pretty
dull if we had just broken up and gone our separate ways. And my next two
girlfriends wouldn't have had anything to yell about either. They both thought
that the old girlfriend should have been relegated to my past. What neither
one of them ever understood was that I had recycled an old, worn-out relationship and made a shiny, new friendship out of it. Needless to say, neither
one of them gave me the opportunity to create another treasure out of ill-fated
love. (Not that I didn't try.)
What it has taken me all this time to learn is that there are different
bins for different emotional castoffs, just like there are for paper and glass.
You can save yourself a lot of hassle if you just follow the directions and
salvage thusly:
You can turn a good friend into a true love (assuming you have friends you
haven't slept with yet). You can make a good friend out of a bad date. You can
even make a true friend out of a bad lover. But you can't make a functional
relationship out of a dysfunctional breakup. And finally, you can, and should,
every chance you get, make a good date out of a bad girl. ■
since you've been broken up for X-many years?
Maybe one of you is fine with the breakup, but the other one just doesn't
think it is right for one to start dating until the other feels better about being
single. Really? Straight people and gay men don't let their ex-lovers dictate
their sex lives? How odd.
Maybe you two just aren't ready to toss everything you had away. I under-
stand. I once let an ex move in with me after we broke up. She was nice,
our parting wasn't terrible (I didn't think) and I had plenty of room. But still,
she was an ex, and I invited her to stay with me. I did not date for the several
months we lived together. I told all my other friends that I was not interested
in dating and was pursuing other goals, but there was no way I was going to
bring a date home with her in the next room; it just didn't seem right.
She actually got a girlfriend before I did, which really made me mad. I
wasn't very mature or adept at hiding my displeasure with her newfound hap-
least she could do was act like I was
tough to get over. Our after-breakup breakup was uglier than the original.
piness. She kept telling me that I was the one who had moved on and that she
was only following my advice by moving on with her life, too. But we both
knew it was bull. She was not supposed to be happy until she was out of my
JULY19 & 20
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Human Rights
July/ August 2008
VictoriaA. Brownworth
Why Do They Hate Us?
How the media treats Hillary is indicative of how the world sees women: as second~class citizens.
This year's protracted Democratic presidential primary reminded me of what
ence it; collectively and individually we know how wrong it is to use that term.
I spend most days trying to forget: Women are hated. Hated to death.
But hate speech describing women and girls? Somehow it is acceptable.
Hillary Clinton became the locus for American misogyny over the prim~ry
season. The vitriol spewed at Clinton was appalling. I'd never heard the word
She was tough enough to take it and not cry foul, but why do women and
"cunt" used so often outside of pornography. I had countless arguments with
girls have to take it? Why are we called bitches and cunts if we speak the truth
men and women, straight and queer, strangers and friends, about gender bias
about our lives? We are treated as less-than-human in a myriad of ways in our
Clinton was the focal point for American misogyny, writ large and long.
and misogyny. Very little of what I said seemed to get
through. While Barack Obama was called "courageous"
for discussing race, Clinton couldn't even raise the issue
of gender. Gender is taboo. To discuss how much the
United States and the world hate women is anathema.
covering Obama's
speech about
race in
Philadelphia, I wrote a newspaper column discussing
why we still can't talk about gender in the United States.
The reasons are manifold and scary to contemplate. In
the United States the statistics speak for themselves:
One in six women will be raped in her lifetime. One in
four has survived child sexual abuse or an incestuous
relationship with a male relative. One in three has been
the victim of domestic violence. Over 1.2 million women
are forcibly raped by an ex-husband or ex-boyfriend each
year. The leading cause of death among pregnant women
is murder by a spouse or boyfriend. Four out of every five
female murder victims in the United States were killed
by men they knew: a spouse or boyfriend, a male relative,
a co-worker.
This means millions of American men-men
know, men we may love or have loved-hate
us enough to rape, maim or kill
us. Millions. It's a difficult reality to face: Women and girls are so hated that
our lives and bodies mean nothing to these men.
society. We are victims of violence, discrimination and hate, and that diminishes us daily as human beings.
As difficult as it is for women to accept second-class citizenship in the
Perhaps that reality and the inchoate knowledge of it is why it was easy
United States, it is worse to be a woman or girl in many other nations. Here
for people to refer to Clinton with the vilest of hate speech and feel no
we are "merely" raped, beaten and murdered, in addition to being paid only
two-thirds of what men are paid.
remorse and receive no recrimination from either the general populace or the
media. GOP organizer and conservative pundit Roger Stone even started an
But the war against women has escalated elsewhere to horrifying propor-
anti-Clinton 527: Citizens United Not Timid, or C.UN.T. He appeared on
tions. So horrifying, you may want to turn the page and not read the rest. But
talk shows, including Tucker on MSNBC, talking about his group. Stone said
you must, because, as Adrienne Rich wrote, "Every woman's death diminishes
he'd thought for a long time about a name that would be uniquely suited to
me:' You may never have heard the term "vaginal destruction:' It is the most
Clinton and said his group is "dedicated to educating the public about what
revolting example of how much women and girls are hated by men. For over a
Hillary really is:'
Note the pronoun: "what;' not "who:' In Stone's description, Hillary is a
decade, war has raged in the eastern province of Congo. Gangs of militia have
preyed on women and girls and made rape and vaginal destruction major tools
cunt. Not a presidential candidate, a senator or even just a woman. A cunt.
of that war. Vaginal destruction-an
Imagine someone who is not a member of the KKK or the Aryan Nation
act so violent that a woman can never
again have vaginal sex or bear a child-was
defined as a war crime in April. It
forming an anti-Obama 527 with an acronym of the N-word. Would that per-
is an act so violent, you will have to look up the specifics yoursel£ In Congo,
son be invited on news shows and respected talk shows? The outrage would
women have been raped so brutally and by so many men at one time that some
have been eviscerated.
But the outrage over how much women and girls are
hated is not only not palpable, it is not even noticeable. The words "bitch;'
"whore" and "ho" are common parlance. So are "pussy" and "cunt:'
The African American civil rights movement retired the hateful N-word,
making it utterly socially unacceptable. We say "the N-word" when we refer-
Eviscerated by rape. That is how much they hate us.
In Gaza, one of the world's most populated areas, the Israeli occupation
and the rise of Hamas leadership have dominated the news. What has never
made the news is that nearly all of the murders of women in that Palestinian
territory have nothing to do with the political situation there: They are a result of honor killings.
Gazan women die at the hands of a male relative
just for stepping outside the realm of acceptable
behavior for an Islamic woman. These women may
have been murdered because they were seen with
a man who was not their husband or relative, or
because they are lesbians or because they have been
raped. But always they are murdered because they
are female. Honor killings are a leading cause of
death among women throughout the Middle East.
Since the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the number of
honor killings has risen exponentially because the
once secular nation is now an Islamic theocracy.
The United States is no theocracy. Women here
are not victims of vaginal destruction or honor
killings. But women in America are often reduced
to the sum of our genitalia. We are sex objects. As
Alice Walker once said, it is a very small step from
being forced to straighten your hair because men
want it that way to being forced to have your clitoris removed because men want it that way. Or
dying because men want it that way. When we
don't comply with the image of us as nothing more
than user-friendly genitalia-like
Clinton, senator
and presidential candidate, refused to do-we
reminded that we are that and that alone: cunts.
or sitting by a stream getting water right before
we are gang-raped. It doesn't matter if we are in
the United States or Congo, Gaza or Iraq. The
one common denominator for women, the thing
that unites us, is that we are all hated equally for
our gender.
To some men-even
us before they raped us or beat us or murdered
the men who loved
are all cunts. For ourselves-and
for the
women and girls of Congo, Gaza, Iraq and every
other nation where women are being eviscerated in
body and spirit-we
against that global terrorism of women and girls.
We must recognize how easy it is to go from calling
must stand up and speak out
a woman "cunt" to employing vaginal destruction.
In 1851, Sojourner Truth said, "Ain't I a woman?" In 2008, all women and girls need to ask a
different question: 'Am I just a cunt?"
We know the answer. It's the men who hate us
whom we have to convince. ■
J. Korb,a formerassistantsecretaryof
spokeoutaboutthe Don'tAsk,Don'tTellpolicy.
to "get rid of outmoded
andcalledthe banon openlygay
to military
service"in hiswrittentestimonybeforea joint
hearingof the HouseArmedServices
andthe HouseArmed
discussthe matterof
andMarineCorpscannotaffordto placeunnecessary
thewayof qualifiedmen
to serve... Overthe past
asa resultof this policy,including
800with skillsdeemed'missioncritical.'"
In response,
the Servicemembers
for hiswillingnessto advance
the nationalconversation
this issueandfor suggesting
canactto addressourreadiness
It doesn't matter if we are sitting U.S. senators or sitting at home taking care of our children
Inan interviewwiththe
rejectedthe ideathat he
hasbeenavoidingthe LGBT
"I haven'tbeensilenton
gayissues... I guessmypoint
wouldbethatthefactthat I'm raisingissuesaccordantto the LGBTcommunityin a generalaudience
ratherthanjusttreatingyoulikea specialinterest-that is,sortof off in its ownlittlebox-that,
I think,is moreindicativeof mycommitment,"
ultimatelywhatthatshowsis that
I'm notafraidto advocateonyourbehalfoutside
of church,soto speak.It's easyto preachto the
choir;whatI thinkis harderis to speakto a broader
Priorto the interview,Obamafacedcriticism
includinga rebukein the
GayNews,for notgrantinginterviewrequests
A coalitionof 27 LGBTrightsorganizations
try 14-year-old
asa juvenile.
hasbeenchargedasan adultin the
At the RaceSexPower:NewMovements
in Black
& Latina/aSexualities
at the University
Feb.12 murderof hisclassmate
of Illinois,the largestof its typeto date,former
to fellowstudentsat E.O.GreenJunior
HighSchool,the 5-year-oldKingwastargeted
the importance
dueto hisopenlygaystatusandbecausehewore
by President
the NationalCenterfor LesbianRightsandthe
of heroutspokenness
andhassenta short
issuessuchas masturbation
statementto VenturaCountyDistrictAttorney
useof condoms.
the allegedperIn herspeech,Elderscriticizedthe Bush
petratorasan adultwill notbringLawrenceKing
andits promotion
of abstinence-only back,norwill it makeschoolssaferfor LGBTyouth.
stating,"Thetenetsof abstinence
Wemustrespondto thistragedybystrengthening
far easierthanlatexcondoms."Shewentonto
ourresolveto changethe climatein schools,elimiaddressLGBTissues,arguingin favorof same-sex natebigotrybasedon sexualorientation,
marriageandthe development
of newpolicies
identityor expression,
for protectingstudentsagainstdiscrimination
Elders."Sexualrights[are]a partof humanrights."
physicalharm."- KateGoldsworthy
July/ August 2008
I 35
The Cit of Sisterl Affection
The Phillyqueer musicscene'scomingof age. By MarcieBianco
In the past, Philadelphia was a city known more for its chees,
esteaks than for its music scene. Many of its LGBT residents
believed the scope of events available to them was limited
geographically to the "Gayborhood;' which encompasses a few
square blocks in the center of the city.
But underneath Philadelphia's guise as the City of Brotherly
Love and Sisterly Affection lies a city full of selrdescribed
dirty dykes, fantabulous fags, hot,mess trannies and crusty
queers. Their underground culture has surfaced over the past
couple of years, landmarking Philadelphia as a city now known
for its hard,hitting and wonderfully diverse queer music scene.
Artists LotSix and Steph Hayes are just a couple of the foxy
ladies who've emerged in recent years. Last year could argu,
ably be regarded as the scene's coming of age: marked by the
rise of Fuse (myspace.com/phillyfuse) and Make Yr Break, the
return of Sugar Town and the first Philly Queer Rock Show.
Philadelphia, instead of being overlooked, is now a place where
queer artists make it a point to perform.
What makes the queer music scene so unique is its roots
in the house shows of West Philadelphia. Though their ori,
gins are unknown, West Philly house shows are legendary
because the venues-large,
collective,living,style rowhouses
awkwardly situated near the austere buildings of the University
of Pennsylvania-are
designated safe,spaces for queers inter,
ested in the arts. DJ Bunnystyle (Michael Hyde), a promi,
nent, long,standing member of the West Philly music scene,
values house shows because they provide for the needs of dis,
enfranchised communities: "If you are a marginalized person,
there are reasons directly related to identity politics that might
make you leery of a club, or even spaces like VFW halls, which
have long played significant roles in all,ages, punk, hardcore,
etc. movements. Add to that, if you are playing music or do,
ing performance art that is not super marketable [or) lucrative,
would not be easily pitched to a club or contains challenging
shows and warehouse shows are more ideal
places to go than some of these other spaces:'
In addition to a steady stream of house shows, DJ Bunnystyle
and his friends the Fresh Rainbows established the monthly
dance party Make Yr Break, "a homegrown and handmade car,
ner of a collective vision of a queer utopia:'
Touring queer artists are drawn to West Philly not only
because the venues are safe, but also because of the level of in,
timacy. Katz, the transgender solo member of the Athens Boys
Choir, frequently performs at house shows when he is on tour.
He claims that there "isn't anything like a house show in West
Philly, [the] queer folks are actually loving and supportive of
each other:' To suggest the atmosphere, he compares the house
shows to "nice, warm casseroles" that are "always satisfying in all
Get Traveling
nderneath Philadelphia's guise as
the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly
Affection lies a city full of dirty dykes,
fantabulous fags, hot-mess trannies
and crusty queers.
the aspects of family and warmth:'
From the house show scene emerged a number of local artists who
were keen to spread queer music love to the rest of Philadelphia. One of
these artists is electro-rock multimedia artist LotSix, who is based in South
Philadelphia. In addition to being a solo artist, she also performs with local lesbian heartthrob Steph Hayes in the band Shooting Ropes. LotSix has
produced a number of shows with the dual intention of promoting local
queer talent, such as Maple Rabbit and Red Skate Red, and providing a stage
for touring artists, such as the Athens Boys Choir and Nicky Click. Last
September, she produced the first annual Philly Queer Rock Show, an allday showcase oflocal queer artists-including Ashley Phillips,
Innocence Bello and Kiss Kiss Kill-that ran as part of the
Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Her motivation for producing
the show was to emphasize that "Philadelphia does have its
own recognizable and unique queer music scene, independent
of New York's:'
The sense of community is essential to the scene's success.
Many of the artists are also promoters, and they work together
with one another to foster a strong queer community in which
everyone is respected and welcomed. Sara Sherr is the genius
behind Sugar Town-the
monthly music event featuring local and touring women artists that returned in February 2007
after a year and a half hiatus. Sherr often collaborates with the
ladies of Fuse ( that touts itself as "the queer dance party that's
breaking hearts and causing trouble") to produce shows that
feature prominent LGBT artists such as Bitch, the Shondes
and Lesbians on Ecstasy, alongside local favorites. According to Fuse's DJ Kit
(Kate Gormley) and Corinne Thornton, the dance party also functions as a
community center and fundraising source for LGBT issues and events. In
April, for example, they raised money to benefit the Sapphire Fund, which is
a Philadelphia-based LGBT education and advocacy organization. Similarly,
Make Yr Break fundraises for a range of local organizations, providing help
for everything, from a house that needs a new water heater to someone who
needs SRE surgery. This sense of community best characterizes the scene's
strength. Its success, ironically, is largely due to the fact that it is not a "scene"
in the unitary, singular sense, but rather one that consists of a heterogeneous
matrix of geographically disparate and musically diverse events that are unified by the people. ■
Bump! The Ultimate Gay Travel Companion
(BumpDVD.com): For women on
the go, Bump! is a good place to
start. This series (available on 16
DVDs) covers different areas all
around the world and can give you
a good sense of where to find the
queer scene and what to expect.
Bump! grills gay and lesbian locals
on how they're treated around
town and cover the hottest spots
to eat, drink, dance, shop and
stay in a gay-friendly setting. While the
establishments featured on the show tend to
cater mostly to gay men, there are some good suggestions for lesbian travelers as well, and some interesting
history lessons. Bump! Great Britain's host, Shannon
McDonough, takes guided walking tours through London,
Brighton and Manchester, passing through royal palaces,
popular bars and restaurants, playing at the Brighton
Pier and even joining the fun at the Mardi Gras Gay Pride
Parade. (All of this is set to the constant pulsing of electro
club beats, however.) Bump! Mexico takes you on a gay
tour of Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. Enticing
host Charlie David (from Dante's Cove) hits up all the happening club scenes, hangs with the strippers and drag
queens, finds some fabulously sheer shirts at a clothing
boutique and more. Also not to be missed: Bump! Pacific
Gay Getaways (ariztical.com): The first
four episodes of this travel show, available on
DVD, center on Southern California locales.
Discover the best place in West Hollywood
to buy your butch honey some stylish briefs
and how to get a hotel suite in the gayest
neighborhood in Los Angeles for the price
of a compact room. Host Greg Osborne
needs to change his brown designer T-shirt
more often and stop taking us to souvenir
shops for license plates with our names on
them, but he has sound travel advice. Also
not to be missed: Gay Getaways: Las Vegas.
-Candace Moore and Kamala K. Puligandla
There'smoreto do than visitthe King.By CatheyStamps
Country stars, gospel music and the lights of Lower Broadway
have long been associated with the nightlife in Nashville, Tenn.
but Twang Town's feel is one of integration, with the hetero and
However, natives know it's hard to find any actual country stars
in the community.
(they are all on the road), gospel music has mostly morphed into
Want to do a little of the touristy stuff? Skip the traditional
contemporary Christian and, well, Lower Broadway is still cool
tours of Music Row and join the hilarious Jugg Sisters, Sheri
if you know where to go to avoid the tourist crush.
Lynn and Brenda Kay, for the fabulous Nash Trash Tour (nash-
you're looking for live music, karaoke or a hot
trash.com) instead. These lively gals will load you onto the Big
dance floor, Nashville has what you want in an atmosphere that's
Pink Bus and show you the real music history spots, including
WHERETO STAY more than friendly to the girls. One of the things people assume
IN TWANGTOWN about this Bible Belt town (besides the people not wearing shoes
myth) is that it's not so LG BT-friendly. Not only is this not true,
is gayfriendlyandwoman-owned.
itselfto theLGBT
is a convenient
specialpricingis usually
If you'relookingfor a
is directlyacrossthestreet
fromoneof thenewest
hipstripsin Nashville.
homo crowds mixing it up together in the clubs, on stage and out
the Metro jail and the clubs where famous-and
music legends had some of their most embarrassing-and
The full package includes appetizers, song
and dance, and a bathroom stop
at the mother church of country
music, the Ryman Auditorium. To
sweeten the deal, all riders are encouraged to bring their own coolers. This Bud's for you.
And speaking of the Ryman
Auditorium, it is definitely not just
for country fans anymore. Recent
concert artists have ranged from
Shelby Lynne to Ani DiFranco. This
intimate venue is at its best when
acoustic artists like Indigo Girls
and Patty Griffin take the stage,
but bands rock the house, too.
its awe-inspiring
beautiful architecture and hot artist rosters, the Ryman is still one
hip listening room.
If you like your music in a
space, check out the best-littlemusic-venue-you' ve-never-heardof as the Out on the Deck house
party series (myspace.com/ purple- _
houseconcerts) cranks up for the ~
summer. Hosts Anne Moorman, ;
Bev Clendenon and Joyce Arnold ~
have built a small amphitheatre ;
in their own backyard just to host
some of the best women's music in ~
the country. For a minimal cover ~
(usually $5), not only do you get §
to hear music from artists such as ~
Edie Carey, Lindsey Hinkle, Wall ~
of Jules and Steff Mahan,
but §
your hosts provide snacks as well. )
I curve
Another BYOB event, this is one of the hottest
tickets for an evening of laughs and music with the
girls. And you can't beat the down-home welcome.
OurLoud! Books and Gifts on Church Street
Shannon McDonough has what most people consider a dream job; she
may be best known for its stellar selection of read-
travels the world for the new queer travel show, Bump!, reporting on the
ing material, videos and cool gift items, but its new
places the rest of us should go when we're not working. While covering
live performance series will certainly put another
Mardi Gras in Sydney, Australia, for an upcoming episode, she took a
jewel in its crown. Featuring artists across a range
breather to talk about finding hot spots for the ladies and getting mar-
of performance genres, including spoken word,
ried. - Jen Berkowitz
multimedia and, of course, live music, this family-
oriented venue (outloudonline.com)
hosted artists including Bitch and the Exciting
a ies
If you are looking for big dance clubs, then yes, you will find more boy
are a number of LGBT clubs and restaurants
tures and fine hotels ...you'll find them for women. I always laugh
including the urban video dance bar Tribe (tribe-
when I hear the guys say,"Oh women never go out, they can't support
has already
Do you find there are as many places around the globe for the
Filling out the rest of the row on Church Street
em to be for th
stuff. But if you are looking for theater, restaurants, outdoor adven-
nashville.com). While it caters more to the men,
the bars, blah, blah, blah:' Well, if you throw a Melissa Etheridge con-
the women can hold their own on the dance floor
cert, a brunch or a golf tournament-you
and at special events like The L Word viewing par-
ties. Why lust alone, right?
If I'm looking for the hottest women and the best scene, what
There are plenty of opportunities
are going to find 10,000
to hear
city do you ecommend I visit?
great live music geared toward the girls at main-
Phoenix, Arizona, has a great lesbian scene. I went to an amazing wom-
stream clubs throughout the city. One to be sure to
en's bar there. Key West is great and their Womenfest is a blast.
catch is the extremely popular Girls with Guitars
Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto have fantastic women's scenes that
show (girlswithguitars.us).
include a wide age range-so
Now in its 12th year,
this collective, hosted by Cindy Kalmenson, is
everybody is welcome. New York was
amazing and had some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen.
a unique female writers' show. Alumni include
I am in Sydney right now, and Newtown is the area most frequented
Mindy Smith, Mary Gauthier and hot songcrafter
by the ladies, and we were in shock. Every second woman walking
Lisa Carver. Current members include Kimberley
Dahme of the rock band Boston (yes, that Boston)
down the street is gay.
If you coul b anywhere just by snapping your fingers-take
n a
and Robin Ruddy (on the road with Rod Stewart),
along with a lively, irreverent and frighteningly
Wake up in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and have breakfast on the beach,
talented group of women who will likely be regu-
watching the sunrise, then have a drink at the swim-up bar, follo ·ed
lars on your play list soon. It's always a great time,
by surfing with Surf Diva in San Diego. Then I'd have Thai food for
and the special guests alone are worth the price of
lunch in Newtown, Australia, and then ride on the back of a mo-
torcycle through Joshua Tree in Palm Springs; while my girlfriend
old J~
tre ;
C In
f a p rfec da
around he wor1d.
If you want to make some joyful noise of your
drives, I would make her laugh by feeling her up. Then, we'd head to
own, be sure to head over to the east side and the
London, England, for tea, and then to Canal Street in Manchester
Lipstick Lounge (thelipsticklounge.com). Owners
for a pint. We'd have dinner in New Orleans and then head to New
Christa Suppan and Janda Valentine are packing
York to catch a Broadway show and then go dancing to retro music in
5? them in with what one local paper called "suspi-
Montreal. Finally, we'd go back home to Toronto, the gayest, friendli-
ciously good karaoke;' great DJs and a rotating
wer ~
cast of cover bands that will keep you up and
get §
as c:
moving. This is the club spot for women out on
Vall 3
ut :,
relL )
the town.
Southern hospitality is ready and waiting in
Nashville. If you don't have a fabulous time, it ain't
est place there is.
be n th road and in a eriou relation hip"
I am with an amazing woman who completes me in every way; so while
I do enjoy the perks of my job, I am never tempted. We do have an
understanding though ...should either of us run into Pink or Queen
Latifah-all bets are off! ■
i har
yeah,weall know
me,you'regoingto be
Nightsin LasVegas.
carpetfor LGBT
July3-6 andtheirlineup
of entertainment
a chanceto meetthe
cast.At ParisLasVegas,
at RisqueClub,where
goesto the
to pickupsome
bemissedis theFourthof
of Betty'sOutrageous
- KatiePeoples
nobody's fault but your own. ■
July/ August 2008
The name Uh-Huh Her-taken
from a 2004 PJ Harvey song,
and the album of the same name-may
be a little awkward to
the chance to get to know someone better and the music comes
been totally organic and anything but awkward.
"For us, the music happened first and then the friendship
Former guitarist-singer for the Murmurs/Gush
and star of
keyboardist Camila Grey aren't having any difficulty storming
came organically through that;' Grey agrees.
The poppy, synth-heavy sound that Uh-Huh Her exhibits on
the music scene with their slick, melodic, electro-pop sound.
both last year's EP and their forthcoming full-length album can
Commercially viable while still garnering the attention and praise
be explained as a mish-mash of their two musical backgrounds
of the indie-rock underground-as
and former music projects.
Hailey, while training as an actor at the American Academy
well as lesbian fans of all
are one of the hottest bands around.
From Uh-Huh Her's formation in January 2007 until now,
of Dramatic Arts in New York City in the early 1990s, stumbled
everything has just clicked, one thing falling into place after another for the two friends and collaborators who, admittedly, are
into music through her friendship with fellow student Heather
still getting to know one another. From recording their first songs
band (and lesbian favorite) the Murmurs, which later re-formed
Reid (previously Grody), forming the catchy, acoustic ale-pop
in Grey's bathroom, to hitting the iTunes Top 10 chart with "Say
into indie-rocker Gush. They developed quite a cult following
So" off their debut digital EP, I See Red, last fall, to selling out
and released several albums, but decided to call it quits in 2003,
shows across the country in recent months, their ascent has been
swift and fluid, and they show no signs of slowing down after
when Hailey signed on to The L Word.
"It was never a plan for me;' she says about her musical career.
the long-awaited August release of their debut full-length album,
"My whole inspiration around it was actually my best friend.
Common Reaction.
Our conversation begins at the logical starting point-how
they first met.
We'd get together and write music and it was never intended to
be a career of any sort. Also, because we were severely broke, it
was a survival mechanism, to make enough money to buy a bagel
"Cam and I actually met a couple of years earlier, before we
and a pack of cigarettes, back in the day. We'd play the subways
started the band;' Hailey recalls, "at like, a kickball game or some-
every single day, and street corners, whatever we could do to get
thing, right?"
out there and make a buck. le really came out of friendship:'
"Wow, that really dorks us out;' Grey laughs.
"Really2'' Hailey says, playfully. "Well it was some sort of
funny sport:'
Grey, meanwhile, was definitely on a serious musical career
path. After taking classical piano lessons through her youth,
she attended the prestigious Berklee College of Music and has
"It was a picnic in the park thing;' Grey clarifies.
amassed extensive production and session credits with big names
'i\.t least I didn't say softball. I went for kickball. Anyway,
like Dr. Dre, Busta Rhymes, Tricky, Melissa Auf der Maur and
there was a ball involved:'
This comedic banter typifies the lighthearted tone between
the two that continues for the rest of the interview. Like siblings
Kelly Osbourne, aside from her last gig with the Los Angelesbased experimental electro-rock band Mellowdrone.
"I kind of had an idea of what I wanted to do, production-
or best friends, they crack one another up, are constantly jok-
wise;' Grey asserts, about how they each approached this new
ing, and often finish one another's sentences. It's endearing, and
joint venture. "I like synths. I'm a synth player, since I was born, I
evidence of the symbiosis they've attained in their relatively brief
think. So I had that in mind. When it was all three of us, each one
career together.
of us brought something to the table and we'd just start writing
things and layering things:'
After that random meeting several years ago, their paths
didn't cross again until Hailey, after five years of focusing solely
That third original member of Uh-Huh Her, mutual friend
on her role as Alice Pieszecki on The L Word, decided she really
and drummer Alicia Warrington, has since left the band. "She
missed music and was ready to return to it.
each other. That's what's been so weird about it. You usually have
pronounce, but the band's quick rise to prominence has actually
The L Word Leisha Hailey and former Mellowdrone bassist-
first. Through this last year, weve been slowly getting to know
had other opportunities come her way;' Grey says. 'i\.t the time,
"I had really been looking for someone to write music with;'
when we were first recording, it wasn't this big money-making
Hailey says. "I tried a couple of people out, but it never felt
machine. All of us have to survive one way or the other, and this
I was wanting to start a band around. I heard about Cam, and
ocher opportunity seemed like it could be lucrative. It was a nice
split; we miss her:'
then remembered meeting her. So I went to see her play with her
old band, Mellowdrone:•
and Hailey welcomes the evolution. "I think we definitely have a
The two started hanging out shortly thereafter, and before
sound that we're both really proud 0£ but I wouldn't want to say
they knew it, they were writing music together. "It just felt right
to begin with;' Hailey says. "Writing music felt pretty good; it
'OK, that's it, we're stopping here: I think there's plenty of room
to keep experimenting:'
felt fun. We didn't really have the time to get to know each other
But do they think this glossy, heavily produced electronic
that they sucked or anything, it just wasn't something
As a duo, their sound has continued to mature and tighten,
sound will shock their former fans? "Most of the people who
knew me, knew me as a session player, so they hadn't really heard
me in this element yet, didn't really know what to expect;' Grey
things I've seen. A lot of it is metaphorical and doesn't mean what
you might think it means:•
So, we shouldn't read these songs-which
largely sound like
says. "With Leisha it's probably really different, because she had a
angsty love and relationship ponderings-as
band that was totally different than this sound. But she can speak
for herself:'
"Exactly;' Grey says. "It could mean something else. I think
"I like it when you speak for me;' Hailey quips, in a way that
I use the emotion love as a metaphor for different things. And
you can just hear her L Word character saying. "I don't know. I
when you bring someone else into it-Leisha,
think there are some lingering fans, but I feel like we're finding
a whole new place, and we just try to fit it all together:'
a whole new group of people. I don't know what [the Murmurs
fans] think of the change. I'm hoping they like it. I don't really sit
around thinking about it, though:'
So what's up with the name of the band? How did they decide
literal biographical
she's coming from
"Hate;' Hailey, says. 'Tm coming from hare:• She giggles. 'Tm
"It's kind of everything;' Grey continues, not fazed by Hailey's
response. "It's from observing things around, just life. I think people can relate to ir:•
get the name;' Hailey reveals. "We formed the band and started
"I used to personally dread writing lyrics;• Hailey inserts,
recording our EP, and our management called and said, 'Well, it's
getting serious again. "Because I never really understood how
really great that you're doing all this, but maybe, you know, think
to do it. And for some reason in this band I'm enjoying it and
of a band name: We thought, 'Oh yeah, that's a good point: So we
actually looking forward to that part of it. And like Cam was
had a list of almost a hundred names that we were getting from
saying, it's kind of fun to write something that you know peo-
various different places or just thinking up ourselves. Did we find
it in a book? I can't remember where we found it, Cam:'
ple will think one thing about, that you have a whole different
on Uh-Huh Herr "Well, actually... we were in a time crunch to
"We were looking through my Encyclopediaof Rock;' Grey
d to
"That's exactly what it was!" Hailey remembers. "I can't
e, it
remember who found the name, but someone said it, and we just
thought, 'That fits. That really feels like it's it:"
The conversation drifts back to a discussion of their process
as collaborators, writing music and lyrics together.
response to a question about whether one of them does more of
"Each song comes from a different place;' Hailey says, in
the lyric writing or music writing. "Cam, definitely overall, does a
lot more production. I'm not into the technical aspects of any of
it. It actually bores me:•
"I tend to be the little mad scientist, putting everything to-
gether on the computer;' Grey laughs. "With lyrics, we both kind
part, because normally I write lyrics alone. I've never collaborated
on lyrics [before], so this has been really challenging:•
of come in from different places. And that's been the weirdest
"You've never really collaborated in general!" Hailey jabs,
"Yeah, exactly. I'm not really good at it. Though I'm getting
better;' says Grey shyly, laughing.
"It's been funny;' Hailey exclaims. "Cam, she's an only child.
So I'm like, 'This is what it's like to share: It's funny:•
About the band's lyrics, they seem to prefer to remain myste-
rious. I don't manage to get anything specific out of them about
any particular songs-other
Another Day" is one of their favorites, and the aggressive "So
than the fact that the dreamy "Wait
fun to play live."Usually, the ones that are louder are always more
ve a
fun to play;' Hailey laughs.
Grey does, however, elaborate in a vague sort of way about the
inspiration for her lyrics. 'Tm a composer first and lyricist last;'
have something to say, like, OK, just spit it out. It comes from
Long;' one of Hailey's least favorite songs on the album, is a lot of
she admits. "In that respect, it kind of all comes out when I do
meaning behind:'
"Yeah, that's what's kind of cool about song writing," Grey
adds. "Not everyone intends for you to hear certain things. That's
what makes songs really interesting, that people take from their
own experiences and relate it to their lives in their own unique
way. And it might not necessarily be your way, but at least they
are getting something out of it:'
"Not a Love Song" is the first designated single off the record.
Bridging the aural territory between indie-rock and electronica,
side oflove. And while, according to both Grey and Hailey, listeners aren't to read these lyrics as word-for-word accounts of their
own romantic lives, it's hard not to speculate, or at least want to
know where they come from and what they mean.
Hailey's personal life has been somewhat of an open book.
She came out as a lesbian long before her rise to fame, and had
a relatively high-profile relationship with the singer k.d. lang
before she most recently paired up with fashion designer and The
L Wordstylist Nina Garduno.
Grey's story, however, remains less well-
"I feel like we're findinga whole new group of
[fans].I'm hoping they like it. I reallydon't sit
around thinkingabout it, though."
known. She is notoriously
mysterious, and
refuses to speak to the press about her personal
life. Because of this, the rumor mill ha1,of course
been active, and frequently links Grey to actor
Clea Duvall, whom Grey thanks in the liner
notes of Common Reaction,"for all your love and
but with an infectious melody, hooky guitars and ethereal vocals,
it's the kind of song that's likely to get them radio play and commercial success without eroding their indie-rock street cred. It
belief in me:' This certainly does raise eyebrows-and
walks that fine line well.
Lyrically, it's a little more enigmatic. When asked to explain
the lyrics of that song specifically, all Grey musters is, "It's not a
love song. That's all I have to say:'
Perhaps it's not a love song in the traditional sense, but that
been packing live venues around the country and the globe to
song, and most of the other 10 tracks on the album, do seem to
touch on themes of codependence, loss, disappointment, disillusion and despair, heavy emotions often associated with the dark
the hopes
of many an admiring lesbian fan.
Regardless, lesbians and fans of every other persuasion have
hear Grey and Hailey play."We have the most loyal and enthusiastic fans;' Hailey says."Our favorite thing we receive from them
is their fan art. We actually just got a book that someone compiled of art people made for us from all over the world. They've
been nothing but cool to us:•
Any memorable gigs?"The gig that stands out the most in our
mind is when we played Shepard's Bush in London," Hailey says.
"We had only played 15 or so shows, and that was such an amazing venue to be at, with so few shows under our belt. Camila was
so nervous that she accidentally wore two different shoes, and
didn't notice until the last song!"
I was hoping for more stories from their recent Dinah Shore
Weekend appearance. "The highlight from Palm Springs was
when we got to meet Pat Benatar," Grey gushes. "She is still so
amazing live, and played all of her old hits. She plays a mean air
Though the band's next big tour-overseas
in the fall, includ-
ing Japan, Australia and Europe-isn't slated to begin until after
Hailey finishes taping the last season of The L Word later this
summer, fans will still have some opportunities to see them play
live. "We will be doing one-offs as much as we can," they both
assure me.
One of those one-offs will be over Labor Day Weekend in
Seattle, as part of an event sponsored by Olivia, the travelentertainment company that evolved out of the 1973 women's
music record label of the same name, and for whom Hailey was
recently announced as the new spokesperson. Uh-Huh Her will
headline The Fling, one of Olivia's new, long-weekend packages
geared toward younger lesbians in various "hot" cities.
And what's down the line for these two after this record and
their fall tour?"We hope to keep growing our audience and evolving as performers," they both say. "We certainly will be writing
more material and will probably put out another EP after the
record is released in August.
"Oh, and world domination. There's that, too:' ■
Telenovela Star went from
the laundromat to iTunes.
By Kristin A. Smith
The Stars (from left): Hanna Kleln, Nikkie
McLeod and Maggie
Nikkie McLeod began her relationship the way
many of us have-by
responding to a Craigslist
posting. But instead of an awkward first date, a
McLeod says the name 'Just clicked;' adding
that it fit because the group can be "sort of dramatic
sloppy roommate or a one-night stand, she got
The drama is obvious in photos of the band.
a band. A kickass band. A kickass lady band:
Telenovela Star.
With their stylish wardrobes and windblown hair,
McLeod says she knew right away that the
Outfitters catalogue spread, or perhaps an adver-
group belonged together. "We really communicated
the edgy New York girls photos look like an Urban
tisement for a real telenovela.
well musically. As soon as I sat down and started
When asked who each of the band members
to play, it just made sense;' says the 31-year-old
would play if they were actual telenovela stars,
McLeod gets thoughtful.
When McLeod saw the Craigslist posting for an
"Um ... I guess I'd be the gay cousin;' she says,
all-girl band, she had just moved to New York City,
had no Internet access and was therefore unable to
laughing. "And Maggie might be the drama queen.
Oh God, she'll kill me for that. And Hanna, well
learn the songs that the other two women had sent
she'd be the mellow, stable person. Do they even
her."We basically had to jam;' she says."Good thing
have that on the show:"' We agree they must, but
we're all really good at jamming:'
can only come up with Brandon from BeverlyHills
By the end of the session, everyone on stage
agreed that the trio was great together. Centered
on McLeod's heavy drumming,
90210 as a possible example.
While none of the band members are Latina,
the screaming
and no one is likely to star in an actual tele-
guitar and vocals of Maggie Argyros and the sexy
bass and vocals of Hanna Klein, Telenovela Star
novela, the group members represent a variety of
was born.
While deciding to become a band came easily,
finding a name seemed to drag on. "It was becom-
cultures: Guitarist Maggie Argyros' family is from
Greece, but she was raised in New York City; bass
player Hanna Klein is from Romania; and Nikkie
McLeod is from Trinidad and Tobago.
ing a problem that we didn't have a name;' says
Despite their international backgrounds, there
McLeod, explaining that the band wanted to per-
is nothing "world music" about their sound. You
form but still didn't know what to call itself.
can hear the influence of the Pixies and PJ Harvey
The struggle to find a name chat embodied the
more than Mediterranean guitar riffs or African
group continued until one fateful day when Argyros
drum beats, but McLeod says chat even if it's not
began talking about the telenovelas that were
recognizable at first, each band member brings her
always playing at her local laundromat. "How about
own background to the music. "It's just ingrained in
Telenovela:"' Argyros asked, interrupting herself.
our psyche," she says.
But the name was already taken by a Chicago band.
"Well then, how about Telenovela Star:"'
Their music is as diverse as they are. Telenovela
Star's 2007 album, Love, Lust, Sci-fi and Monsters,
is about everything from dating to Dr. Who. Selfreleased, the album transcends garage-band quality
and has a polished studio sound.
McLeod says the album (available on iT unes)
is doing pretty well, but they aren't "becoming millionaires off the project:' 'Actually;' she adds, "we'd
like to sell a lot more:' ■
Up Her Sleeve
LizStahleris notjust a galwitha guitar-she's
performerandrecordingartist.Herfirst fulllengthalbum,Stitchesin MySleeve,andthe
tour hasofficiallyput heronthe
openmicvenuesin herhometown.
Asa 19-yearoldcollegesophomore,
offersto openfor artistssuchas DanBern,Kris
"I seemedto keepgettingthesebigopportunitiesandI wasn'tsureI wasreadyfor them.I
just decidedto gowith it," shesays.
workingon Stitches.Following
the album's
to speakpubliclyto
shesaysthatas shebeganherformalcareer
as a musician,
shereceivedadviceto keepher
"I decidedto be myself,"shesaid."I just
beinga lesbianas partof
myonstagebanter."It didn'tseemto affecther
opinionof hermusic."I thinkevery
artistwantsto thinktheyhaveuniversalappeal,
butI dofeelthatthereis a broadappealto my
WhileStahler'ssexualitymaybeout in
the open,it is onlya sidenoteto herbrilliant
andthe honestyin hervoice,which
strikesa mainstream
chord.Hervoiceis a blend
of classicfolk andintelligentsophistication.
It is
Thesongson Stitches
areachinglybeautifulin theirlyricalsimplicity.
Stahler'smusiccallsto minda timeandplace
youjust can'tseemto remember,
youonceknew.-Amanda Quraishi
in whichshesubstitutes
for malewhenreferringto a romanticpartner.
Smithis upstagedby MaRainey,
criticsto "ProveIt on Me."
Really,though,notall that muchproving
needsto bedone,considering
the lyrics
read"Wentout lastnightwith a crowdof myfriends/They
musthavebeenwomen,'causeI don'tlike no men."
July/August 2008
Rocker Nicole Reynolds
will make house calls.
By Kamala K. Puligandla
by Erica Beckman
How does the process of going in and playing
for patients work?
Because I'm generally a traveling musician, I tell
MOC when I'll be around and then they get
back to me with open dates for the hospital that's
closest, which for me is Our Lady of Lourdes in
Camden, New Jersey... When I arrive, I am met
by a volunteer guide who takes me through certain wings of the hospital ... The guide knocks
on each door and asks the patient if they would
like to hear some music. If they say yes, the guide
will tell me to come in and I'll play a song or two
of my choosing and then move on to the next
room. I don't have a huge selection of appropriate songs, so I mainly rotate through a few that
are fitting.
How do patients react to your visit?
The patients really have a wide range of reactions.
Many are very sick and greet me and send me
off with a smile and a nod. Most of them really
seem to appreciate the music. I'm often playing -;to not just the patient, but to their family as well, ~
because it's during visiting hours. (The families] E
sometimes seem to need that brief relief just as ~
much as the patient.
In what ways do you think music can have an
effect on one's health?
I think music can have an enormous effect on our
health, emotionally and physically. I also believe
emotional and physical health are very closely
Stumbling onto her own music career after a fate-
How did you get connected with Musicians
related. Music can have a very calming effect, E
ful night at an open mic, jazz guitarist and former
music promoter Nicole Reynolds put out a CD,
On Call?
probably helping with temporary and long-term
depression, as well as other emotional stresses.
This Arduous Alchemy, and has been touring nonstop ever since. The 24-year-old folk-rock singer,
who has been performing for only two years and got
her start that night at Phase 1 in Washington, D.C.,
(the oldest lesbian bar in the country), has garnered
critical acclaim for her distinctive voice and thoughtful lyrics. She is also involved in Musicians on Call
(MOC), a nonprofit organization bringing musicians and live music to healthcare facilities to help
promote healing.
I was asked by a radio station m Philadelphia,
WXPN, to play at a benefit show for MOC last
fall. I decided to give it a try then. A lot of local
Philly musicians seem to be involved with MOC,
which I think is great for the community.
Other than the value of human interaction and
connection that music has, I have also heard that
certain sound-wave frequencies can have healing ~
What kind of music do you play?
Have you had any standout experiences with
Singer-songwriter, indie-folk kind of stuff. I just
a patient?
take a little Alvarez travel guitar in when I'm
doing MOC. My girlfriend, Wood, will be going
with me next time though, and she'll play mandolin. In the past, I've gone alone.
Last time I played the maternity wing, there was a ,..
little baby who was just born that day. I played z
her her first song and she was so quiet while I
sang. I think that was one of my favorites. ■
Electro-pop artist Nicky Click is femme-tastic
and proud of it. By Jonanna Widner
It was around 9 p.m. in a brightly lie pizza joint
clear that Click has honed her programming and
in tony burg of Santa Fe, N.M. Not exactly the
beat-making skills. Member's loosey-goosey, on-
type of spot where you'd expect to find a postmod-
the-fly charm is replaced by tighter, more expert
grooves. It's a loss of DIY innocence, but also a
ern, PC-wielding, punk-dance princess. But then,
Nicky Click is nothing if not unpredictable. So,
amidst the calls of"Order up!"
musical coming of age.
It's surprising that Click has
Click took the stage alone, her
chosen bits and bytes as her
high heels clacking across the
medium, rather than more tra-
makeshift performance space.
ditional forms. Yet she's chosen
Scantily clad in a tight dress,
nouveau disco as her style, she
says, "because a lot of [queer art-
insistently, almost
ists] have a lot to say, and the best
way to get that across is in a fun
around with her only source
The beats may have shifted,
for backup music: a glicchy
but Click's themes of sex, heart-
laptop churning out freaky,
reak and social issues are still all
funky homemade beats.
even when
ere, wrapped in frilly (but not
That was Click then, a
rivolous) swaths of femme queer
couple of years back, on tour
politics. "I have always identified as femme;' Click says. "Even
promoting her debut album,
You're Already a Member, in pizza places and at
backyard parties. Member is a deliciously un-
baked mix of rudimentary
queen ... you don't see a whole lot of femme women
eschews traditional
beats and tunes that
song structure
for catchy,
the word existed, I have always felt
minine, to the point I felt like a drag
melodic lines. It is a simple album, rough around
The stars of queer music, from Grammy
the edges, but by no means simplistic.
"Yeah, that first album is a kind of documenta-
winners to underground icons, are mainly medi-
tion, in that I was putting something out there I
tion of straight sexism that bleeds into the queer
was still learning to do;' Click explains. "A lot of it
realm: feminine ladies, even if they are queer, are
was very empowering for me. I was like, why the
still are not taken seriously.
fuck can't I put chis out there? I don't need to be a
Bue with a quick swivel of her ankle, Click
smashes that borrowed
master at these programs:'
um-to-stone butches. It's odd, but it's a manifesta-
Of course, if you keep doing something, you
end up getting good at it. Sure enough, three years
under her
stilettoed heel. "I use chis specific representation
for my own purposes, to the point where I per-
later, Click has released her second disc, I'm on My
form my gender;' she says. "My dance moves, my
Cell Phone. Certainly, her sophomore effort features
presentations, my lyrics speak to all of that, to an
some of the same off-kilter dance-centric beats and
empowered, over-the-top representation of what
hypnotic vocal stylings that Member has. Bue it's
femininity actually is:' ■
DorisDaydonsa rawhide
suitandman'stie in CalamityJane,
a musicalfilm thatfeaturesthe song
"OnceI Hada SecretLove,"to which
68 percentof closetedEisenhower-era
:. a
soulwith herintense,
bisexualin 1970,abouta yearafter
RockBandandits NewHaven,
a collectionof "non-assaultive
rockmusic."Youjust knowthe
spacereekedof patchouli.
July/ August 2008
music 2008
Musician Jana Losey gives a small town
something to talk about. By Aimsel L. Ponti
Jana Losey must be on cloud nine. Her new
pretty focused, no matter what has transpired
than I do now and do way more interviews, way
record, Blocks,is absolutely gorgeous. She's got her
that day. We're sort 0£ at this point, like an old
more practicing and way more of just making
own reality TV show, called The Song You Heard,
couple because we really spend so much time
new songs and being in the studio, because that's
which the Fox affiliates in Pennsylvania and beyond
together, and we're pretty much always in the
what I love to do the best. Performing, too.
are way into. And she's living in her hometown of
same room. That's the really hard part, that
Does it seem like that's a far-off thing, or
Lawrenceville, Penn., population 600. Blockswas
we don't get very much personal space. I think
more like it's low-hanging fruit?
produced by Losey's musical and song-writing
we get snippy with each other a lot by way of
It seems like it's getting closer lately. We always sort
partner, not to mention girlfriend, Melanie Peters.
"Oh my God, can I be by myself for, like, two
of have a lot of ups and downs. There are days
It's a collection of 11 songs that are characterized
when we just want to hang it up and stop, and
What music did you listen to growing up?
there are days when I feel we're really getting
color and heart. But it's not just that. These songs
We had a decent record collection ... [but] I'm from
close to that point where there's more music and
are enhanced by Losey's accomplished piano and
the sticks, so I didn't really have a lot of access
less business for us. The more exposure we get,
Peters' guitar, bass and backup vocals. You'll also
to a lot of things that the city kids would have
hear synthesizer, drums and cello while on the
had access to.
by Losey's ardently defined voice-full
of depth,
the easier it seems-the
closer it seems.
How do you describe your music?
T II me how you and Melanie work.
Lawrenceville has only 600 people. Is it fairly
We've been trying to very consciously break down a ul
open-minded and liberal?
lot of chick-singer stereotypes with this album. ~
I wish that it was, but it just isn't. I like living in the
I've gone into the mode where I will only com-
Our working relationship is pretty open. We both
country, just as a setting for my life, but if we
pare us to boys, just because people see a girl 0
come up with ideas, but in the end I focus on
didn't get to leave as much as we do, because of
with a piano and if you don't sound like Sarah
the lyrics and she focuses on the music.
touring, I don't think there's any way we could
Mclachlan then they don't like you, and I don't
How did you two meet?
really live there. It's a pretty weird place to live
like that. For somebody to compare us to Sarah
We were in a cover band in San Diego, and we
and a pretty weird way to live for us, but it's also
Mclachlan just because I play piano and I'm a ~
started writing songs for the band. We realized
nice and quiet. I don't feel a lot of prejudice.
woman kind of pisses me off. I would so much
quickly that we were a fantastic song-writing
When everybody knows you and has known
rather be compared to Radiohead. I think Sarah
team. We started hanging onto songs for our
you for a long time, they have a real hard time
Mclachlan is great, but she doesn't really have u5
own performances and then we started doing
hating you, even if you belong to some other
anything to do with anything that I'm doing, so
our own performances, and it took off from
subgroup that they're not so in agreement with.
there. We've been together coming up on five
It doesn't really matter if you're gay or lesbian
when I get that comparison I'm like, "Oh, you're
not listening:'
years, and we've been at this full-time for about
or from an ethnicity that they're not familiar
When you're out on the road, do either of you
three years.
with. If you can deal with them on a person-toperson basis, you're OK.
get flirted with or hit on?
Do you ever get irritated with each other?
e o
I think I would like to be hit on a little bit more. But
Can you imagine doing anything else other
people are really, really nice, and they do buy us
bo h ble to turn that off when you
than music?
drinks because they want to talk to us. It's a rar-
I really want to just be a musician. I really look for-
ity that one of us gets hit on really badly, but it (/)s
definitely does happen. ■
Oh God, every day.
Yeah, pretty much. As soon as we're on stage we're
so I curve
ward to the day when I can do way less business
After the release of her fourth studio album,
same and are disappointed when something
You've said the film The Lives of Others is a
Dreaming of Revenge, and given her recent col-
changes. They like that I sound different, that I
source of inspiration for you.
laborations with Tegan and Sara and the Foo
experiment. They're so into the music, they're
Fighters, and her work on the score for Sean
curious to see where I take it.
think it was the relationship
between play-
wright and actress. It mirrored a relationship
Penn's film Into the Wild, we might excuse 28-
Is your goal to sell hundreds of thousands of
year-old guitar phenomenon Kaki King if visions
of fame and fortune are dancing in her head.
People don't sell albums anymore. That's changed.
pull, the intensity, it just got to me. And how
The decidedly focused and humble artist, whose
I really want to continue what I'm doing, play-
moved the spy was by their love, that it actu-
answer to the question about her favorite part
ing solo internationally, making good albums ...
I was having. Sometimes I felt like the actress,
the playwright-the
of being a musician is, "the music;' speaks to the
All the people who are so popular right now
ally changed him, and then he died in real life. I
was a mess when I found out. I was like, "This is
fundamentally pure desire to enjoy her art and
are one day going to be doing a nostalgia tour.
why sometimes in life we dream of revenge:' ■
form of expression, simply because it is what
Everything changes. I don't worry about the
she loves. The cerebral, experimental, constantly
commercial aspect. I try to have good shows
on tour, indefinable and primarily instrumental
and make good albums.
musician, and out lesbian, speaks about her cur-
You've traveled a lot over the last several
rent album, her expectations, being an American
years. How's the international sentiment
on the road and, for good measure, revenge.
toward Americans right now?
People understand that I'm not a hot-dog-eating
a w
The album's title is Dreaming of Revenge.
fat Republican. They get that I'm a musician.
Are there instances when you dream of
They wonder about those people, if I know any
of them [laughs].I say no.America is huge, there
It's taken from a quote by [the painter Paul]
are 300 million people. If certain regions like
Gauguin. It's funny really, I'm not a vengeful
Kansas City and the Midwest spoke a different
person. It's somewhat tongue-in-cheek. There
are those times you look back and wonder how
language, they would be considered a different
country. There's 20 million Dutch, 60 million
life could have been different.
Italians, they're all talking crap about each
Is there any pressure putting out an album,
other. It's easier to identify a typical Dutch
now that you're more established?
person because of the size of the country.
It's funny, when I was putting out my second album
Americans are so different, they kind of take
I remember saying, "This is so important, this is
you at face value. There's no united interna-
the most important album I'll ever make;' and
tional consensus against America.
my producer looked at me and said, "You could
say that about every album:' There is that danger of overthinking everything. I've tried to let
that go, stay in the moment more and make it
about the music.
ah ~
ah 2.
a ~
,ch 8
Are you worried about expectations?
really. My fans have sort of learned to
Guitar phenomenon
Kaid King dreams of
By Hilary Kyle
expect the unexpected with me. My fans are
music freaks. They love 500 different musicians and I'm one of them. They are not the
type to listen to three bands that all sound the
ah Ii:
ve tE
(.) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A~
>- 197S
~ PattiSmithreleasesherversionof theVanMorrison
u §
classic"Gloria."Sheamendsthe lyricsto mention
theobjectof herlust:"Oh,shelookssogood/oh,
g_ shelookssofine/humpin'on
us z theparkin'meter,"whichcritics
ar- UJ agreeis weird,but hot.
witha recurringspoton
OK,Quatroeventuallymarriesa man,buthershagged-out
inspirea generation
of youngqueerladies.
releases"I LoveRock'n' Roll,"drowningoutthefolkiesof the past.Overthe
riffs andgeneralrockitudedothe impossible,
pre-riotgrrrlsandcell phonesalesmen
in mutualfist-pumpingadoration
July/August 2008
KIN proves they can rock the mic. By Kristin A. Smith
en age of hip-hop, women wore the
winning fans over all across the country. KIN has
ality. It's just female-straight,
~y and belted, with oversize T-shirts,
developed a devoted following, especially among
in between:'
y tight things were their rhymes. Queen
amadia, MC Lyre and Salt-N-Pepa,
young women, who look to Nor and IQ as role
models. "We just hop~ that in putting ourselves
hip-hop community. In 2005, they promoted their
s akin' all across the country,just to name
out there, we continue to get the letters we get now,
album Rock Star at a number of events, includ-
t forward 15 years and you can add KIN
saying that we're affecting people who look at us
ing Ladyfest in New York. Because of the album's
to the mix of powerful ladies who own the mic.
and say,'I can relate to you,"' says Nor.
KIN's popularity
lesbian or anything
even extends beyond the
name, the promoters of Ladyfest assumed KIN
It's not just the LGBT community that packs
was a rock band and booked them for a show. KIN
group to bust into this primarily male-domi-
KIN performances; the group has fans from all
arrived at a venue packed to the brim with musical
nated world, they are one of the first openly les-
walks of life. While IQ concedes that most of their
instruments, and all they brought were two mies
bian female duos to enter the scene. Nor and
fans are women, she says, "It is not based on sexu-
and themselves. "So we decided then that we had
is not
the first female rap
best friends since elementary school (not
dating, as is often assumed), have been crossing genres and geographical boundaries, changing minds with their music for the last 10 years.
Born and raised in Mt. Vernon, N.Y., a small
city known for its contributions to hip-hop (Heavy
D was born there and Diddy lived there for years),
Nor and IQ hope to restore hip-hop luster to their
hometown. "We definitely represent our city; we
got that Mt. Vernon sound;' says Nor.
KIN's sound is reminiscent of the old-school
days of rap. "We are definitely influenced by the
past, and hopefully we can bring that era back and
make our own lane from 2008 and into the future;'
says IQ. Nor adds that KIN is "not talking about
rims, hos and ice;' they're talking about their own
And it's their own experiences that make KIN
stand out, both personally and musically. As openly
lesbian, African American artists, KIN has had to
overcome serious obstacles. "Every day that I wake
up, I'm a woman and I'm African American and
I'm a lesbian, and I have to deal with all three at
once ... and then I have to do it on the public stage,
in the music industry;' says IQ. Nor agrees that the
process has been challenging at times, describing
coming out in the African American community
as a 'Journey unto itself'
Coming out publicly was both a gradual journey and a conscious decision for KIN. Since the
beginning they have kept their sexuality separate
from their music-it
is not at the center of their
neither is it hidden. "It wasn't a forced
decision;' says IQ."We didn't decide, OK, now let's
be out. It was a growing process-how
we grew
with our sexuality, how we grew into our music
and how we grew into women. It all happened at
the same time:'
This mix of maturity, confidence and skills is
52 I curve
to sh::iw them we belonged on their stage. And we
rocked our;• says IQ. The promoters invited them
back the next year.
By Abby Schwartz
Making connections outside of hip-hop venues is typical for KIN. The duo regularly performs at the Knitting Factory, one of New York's
underground rock venues. Usually performing as
a duo, KIN has added a backup band for some
Despite its cross-genre appeal, the band has
acquire a major record deal. Currently pub-
lishing under their own label, Norlq (pronounced
nor-eek), the band has released three albums.
Right now, they're working on a new mixed tape
tided Street Rock, a term KIN coined to describe
their amalgam of R&B, rap and rock.
On a small budget, KIN (kin4life.com) has
managed to deliver amazing rhymes, but the work
is not as polished as many mainstream albums. At
times the songs are thoughtful, witty and comedic,
but the quality of the recordings doesn't match
their live performances, which are pure energy. The
duo begins a Pride Festival tour in June and has a
smattering of performances on the East Coast this
KIN's lack of success in mainstream music
naturally could be attributed to the current role
of women in hip-hop and the industry's fear of
powerful women. Gone are the days, when under
a major record label, women could wear what they
wanted, say what they wanted and dance the way
they wanted. While there are a few female lyricists
who represent the smart, sassy side of womanhood, the industry seems to have regressed since
the early '90s. KIN could help to create a revival,
but it's going to need a lot more money and a little
more experience to bring about a complete resurrection of the golden age of female rap. ■
Stillsportingdresses(!) with plasticfarmanimalshand-sewn
ffi' ontothefabric,k.d.langreleasesherthird,andarguablybest,
~w album,AbsoluteTorchandTwang,
com~ pletelybustingthroughall sortsof barriers,
u: includingthoseof grammarandpunctua~ tion.Ohyeah,andthoseof countrymusic.
TheIndigoGirlsreleasethe albumCloserto Fine.
Cladin flannel,jeansandtoo-tightjeanjackets,
andtotingacousticguitars,the Girlsshowusthe
softersideof rock.And,they'reguaranteed
packthemin at women'smusicfestivals.Even
the straightgirlshaveto admitthat it's a pretty
July/ August 2008
I 53
music 2008
This indie label channels
riot grrrl attitude.
By Kelly Rulon
to do this, her response was simple: "I want people
part of what they call "the magic!"
to be able to listen to cool music and to relate to it
Meghan, Liz and Stephanie define themselves
in a different way. It kind of disappeared for today's
as a punk rock band that happens to be queer and
generation; we don't really have that anymore. So
are totally happy to be associated with queercore.
In the spirit of the early '90s riot grrrl DIY move-
shoot, I'll work hard all day long ... just to be able
"We are definitely into being positive role models
ment, three friends recently said, Enough talking
about starting an indie, queer, punk music label, let's
to do that for people!"
Their latest endeavor is a West Coast tour,
for the GLBTQQI community and will always do a
do it. The brainchild of Marlene Melendez, Nikki
which began in Portland, Ore., on May 30. "Nikki
giving back to the community. Being out is politi-
Fraietta and Amber Charlick, San Francisco- based
has toured everywhere in the world ... she helped
cal, whether you want it to be or not, and, to quote
Queer Control Records hit the scene a little over a
us organize this entire tour. Without her help ...I
Meghan on this one, 'You can see it from space:"
year ago and hasn't stopped since.
don't know what the heck I'm doing:' Melendez
Its goal is to provide an outlet for the new generation of LG BT musicians and to passionately
promote the ever-evolving queercore music scene.
Queercore has been around since the early '90s,
jokes, "We are kind of like a hybrid. We came to-
benefit toward a cause anytime. We are totally into
8 Inch Betsy's first album, This Time, Last
Time, Every Time, debuted in January of 2008.
gether to create this record label:'
Queer Control is also working on an artist
mentorship program. The idea is to match any
Having played together in the New York band The
when all-girl punk bands started popping up. Its
LGBT people who want to learn an instrument
Altar Bois, Melendez and Fraietta couldn't resist
motto was that women did not need the help of
with musicians to give them lessons and support.
formal music training and patriarchal music labels,
''A lot of places have an age limit of like, 18 to 24.
playing together after moving out to the West
Coast. These gals have a "weird connection'' where
and thus the DIY movement was born. Bands with
But there is no age limit in this program. I don't
they need only a glance at one another to know
explicit lyrics about rape, sexuality and female em-
care if you're 65 and want to learn something ... We
what to do next. They brought good friend Chris
powerment weren't something major labels were
want to help [you]:•
Pee into the mix and found not only their bass
player, but also their band name. "Chris dubbed us
looking to sign, and the bands weren't looking to
sign anything that would make them compromise.
The solution? Record themselves and each other.
the Oi-Gays! We could be called the Straights if we
Four years ago in Chicago, after a two-hour prac-
were a super-straight band, but we're the super-gay
band, so we might as well be called the Oi-Gays!"
Since that time, only a few labels have encour-
tice session, the women of 8 Inch Betsy emerged
aged and supported queer artists. Melendez says,
with two finished songs. There wasn't much left to
These dykes want you to smile and have an idea
"[At first] it was really difficult to convince people
do except schedule another session, and another.
of how crazy they are when you leave their shows.
we were really trying to offer you these really cool
"We can always finish a song in a day;' they boast.
They have a few serious songs, but would prefer
things because we want to, not because we want
Their musical taste encompasses everything from
to leave those to the professionals while they sing
~1:yt~ir:igfr~m you:' When asked why she wanted
Fleetwood Mac to the Scorpions, but that's all
songs about Christopher
Columbus and one of
their classics, "Guns for Gays:' "We've cleared out
a room of straight people ... Do you really think we
want to give guns to gays? You need to chill out!"
Oi-Gay's first release was in May.
Pariah Piranah
With two full-length CDs under their belt, the
members of Pariah Piranah-Tara,
Andrea and
serious about bringing you a sound you
can't put your finger on and can't stop listening to.
"This is job two. I have a job because I have to pay
for my ham, but then job two is the band. It's that
serious;' jokes Andrea.
They describe their second album, Animus
Unanimous, as very diverse. "Tony [their new bass-
ist] is the funk master! He totally completed our
sound and rounded it out;' they say.
In terms of queercore, they aren't sure where
they fit, these days. "I definitely remember what it
meant in college, but I don't know what it means
now. We are queer musicians, but we don't know
if we can classify [our music] as queercore;' says
Regardless of labels and genres, these queers
will rock your socks off, and that's all there is to it.
Animus Unanimous came out in May 2008. ■
These two quirky perform_ers ·_ ··
are taking the U.S. by storin.
By Kamala K. Puligandla
endeavors. What else is
well, Melissa and I don't do much of chat:' When
new? But after some re-
pushed to be more specific, they throw out the usu-
search, you realize how
al things that people, from both outside and within
few other queer or trans
the Asian American community, expect from them:
Asian American performers there are, and
become investment bankers or play the violin. Li
that the odds of them
adds that her family questions what she's doing:
"They're always like, 'Why don't you get a real job?
stopping in your town
What are you writing about?"' All of which only
on where
further pushes their point about visibility. Maybe
you live) are not too
if more people saw what they could become, they'd
good. Plus, when you
choose something different.
ask the dynamic duo
With that in mind, Yan and Li have decided to
hit the road to become the role models they never
this tour, their answers
had. The work they perform directly addresses
make clear the ground-
their identities and is often based on incidents in
breaking nature of their
plans. "Our ... mission is
who she is and what she's singing about very clear.
about visibility. Queer
"When I write love songs, like all singer-songwrit-
their personal lives. Li says that her music makes
ers do, they're always very direct ... ! don't play the
visibility in
pronoun game. It's like, Tm gay; " she says. Yan's
whatever shape and
form it comes in;' Yan
poetry also directly confronts the issue of being
says. "You do a simple
trans, addressing both the challenging aspects and
the "lighter side of my tranny life:• Although these
Google search or you
two performers have some very serious messages
try to look online or
to spread, Yan and Li maintain a wonderful sense
Kie Yan and Melissa Li have got a plan: one car,
watch TV or read magazines and find someone out
of humor and a positive outlook that is evident in
two performers and a whole lot of America. This
there that looks like you or sounds like you and, for
their work. "A lot of times, you only hear the sto-
is the Good Asian Drivers Tour, and, as the name
me, I don't encounter it:'
ries that are real downers, and I really want to get
Kit Yan (back) and Melissa Li
Both Yan and Li admit that it would have been
out there and talk about ... [how) it doesn't have
Yan, a 23-year-old transgender slam poet, and Li,
easier for them, growing up, if they had seen some-
to be like that. It doesn't always have to go down
a 24-year-old lesbian folk rocker, are on a mission
body like themselves in the media. It's hard enough
that path of rejection and hate and most of those
to defy stereotypes and to share the experience of
finding acknowledgment from society if you're queer
mainstream ideas about ... coming out [especially)
being queer and Asian American.
Sure, at first the originality of the tour might
or Asian American or an artist; being all three at
in the Asian community;' Yan says. This fresh per-
once doesn't make it easier. Yanjokes lightheartedly,
spective is what the Good Asian Drivers Tour is all
be lost on you: Two twentysomethings want to see
saying, "As an Asian American, I'm sure you know,
about, and sharing it certainly seems worthy of a
the country and show off their expressive artistic
there are all these things you're supposed to do and,
trip across the country. ■
suggests, it's not your typical cross-country jaunt.
TeamDreschanda numberof otherthird-wavefeminist
sickof beingstompedon in
moshpitsandignoredat guitarstores,forma loose-knit,
petersout relativelyquickly,the bandscreatesomeof the mostraging,relevant
musicof the century.Theirlegacycontinues
to bean influence.
the drummerfor the BeastieBoys'
punkbandOustbeforethe Boysswitchedto
drumsfor brilliantweirdoladyrappersLuscious
weirdoladybassistfor brilliantweirdobandthe
July/ August 2008 \ 55
The underground
is alive and thriving.
By Jamie Anderson
Singer-songwriter Cris Williamson has sold over
so times ...honestly, I still didn't know what she was
a million albums and helped launch a genre of
singing about. Ir took me a year to really get it ...
theater, comedy and dance.
"What was remarkable;' Fuchs says, "was that
music, but many lesbians no longer recognize her as
things were a little over, the edge at times, but it
there were huge amounts of participation.
the women's music pioneer she is. Williamson rep-
had to be that way [because] at the edge is where
didn't think of music [just] as entertainment.
resents the rich lineage of lesbian musicians who
you absorb things:'
Women's Independent Labels Distribution (aka
Women jumped in to participate whenever they
Decades before women like Madonna, Sarah
WILD women) took over the distribution of this
sound people, recording engineers, distributors,
McLachlan and Amy Winehouse dominated pop
new brand of music. Made up of women who'd vol-
concert producers-many
charts, female musicians struggled to make it in a
unteered at concerts to sell women's music,WILD
women developed. Thousands of women from all
paved the way for today's DIY queer musicians.
could, as a labor oflove. Graphic artists, mm:icians,
more opportunities for
male-dominated field. Lesbians faced even greater
formed a network of companies that got the prod-
over the world found in this a haven and a life-
challenges. In the '60s and '70s, the rock world was
uct into stores. One of those, Ladyslipper, was co-
changing experience:'
blatantly sexist, racist and homophobic. In the' 60s,
founded in 1976 by Laurie Fuchs. "I went to local
While Millington acknowledges that women's
Maxine Feldman,"a big, loud Jewish butch lesbian;'
music libraries at Duke and UNC and found only
music started "as a folk music thing;' she demands,
was kicked off the folk music circuit in Boston
two recordings;' Fuchs says. "We thought we'd put
"Coming from the lineage of Joni Mitchell and Bob
for "bringing around the wrong crowd:' Although
out a catalogue of all recordings made by women,
Dylan, is [that] something to be ashamed oft
some women-fronted
figuring there could only be a few hundred:'
acts like the all-women's
rock band Fanny (which included guitarist June
"I know what rockers do at 4 a.m.;'Williamson
Millington) were signed to record labels, others
Soon the burgeoning feminist and gay rights
movements facilitated the opening of women's and
resorted to self-releasing their work, as folksinger
gay bookstores, a perfect outlet for those albums.
"Women's music is much more diverse than
Alix Dobkins did with her 1973 classic lesbian
Ladyslipper also placed the recordings into brick
is commonly accepted;' contends R&B singer-
a ballad because they' re homesick:'
and mortar record stores, sometimes
songwriter NedraJohnson."But
in a bin marked"women's music:'
that's the perception. Having a band is not an easy
I understand why
As the interest in women's music
task, no matter what kind of music one wants to
grew, musicians sought places to play.
play. Getting four people to agree on everything
Along with new women's coffeehous-
needed to stick together as a group is a challenge:'
es, concert series and radio shows,
Meanwhile, she argues, a single folk singer can
this growing market led to the devel-
travel and stay in the back of a van performing at
opment of women's music festivals.
house concerts and small cafes and actually make
In 1974, a small group of women,
a living of sorts. "Thus, folk music performers sur-
angry that a local music festival rare-
vive/ survived and have set a standard in people's
ly featured female musicians, hired a
minds about women's music:'
producer for their own festival. She
"If you like my music;' Johnson maintains,
was supposed to bring in musicians
"you like women's music. Unfortunately, I have at
like Yoko Ono and Roberta Flack,
times had the experience of having my music used
but instead disappeared with her
to bash women's music. There are those who have
salary. The determined
extremely low opinions of and assumptions about
forged ahead, putting together the
album, Lavender Jane Loves Women. Meanwhile,
first National Women's Music Festival at a col-
Cris Williamson-who'd
already recorded with a
jokes. "They pull out their acoustic guitars and sing
women's music, who-instead
of saying, 'I listened
to your CD and it turns out I do like women's
lege in Illinois. It continues today, despite having
music,' -say
in a radio inter-
no major funding or mainstream media exposure.
as if that is somehow a compliment to me:'
view that women should start their own record
This year's festival, held in June in Madison, Wis.,
label. Responding to the call, Olivia Records soon
featured hip-hop with God-des and She, drag with
exclusively produced by older generations,Johnson
became a home for an emerging genre epitomized
All the Kings Men, jazz with Lisa Yvonne Ferraro,
argues, is a result of young women distancing
by Williamson,
and a whole lot more.
themselves from the label. "If bigger names such
mainstream label-commented
and Meg Christian.
insulting things about other women,
Another misperception, that women's music is
It was the latter who came up with the term
"women's music;' according to Williamson-who
The Michigan Womyn's Music Festival began
as Ani DiFranco and Queen Latifah were actively
the following year. Along the way, many festivals
embracing the label, that perception could easily be
credits Christian with inventing the euphemism
have come and gone, from one held in a Las Vegas
changed ... There are limitations placed on you by
for music by and about women loving women.
Millington toured with Williamson and recalls
hotel to outdoor events like Sisterfire.
the industry once you name what you do 'women's
The festivals weren't just about the music, but a
music: " Aided by the growth of the Internet and
that although she'd heard Cris' songs "a hundred or
burgeoning women's culture, with art, workshops,
access to inexpensive recording technology, a DIY
56 I curve
explosion has changed the face of women's music.
Gone are the days when an artist had to have a
distributor to get her product into many stores.
And while some blockbuster stores don't sell indie
CDs, Susan Frazier, from the distribution company Goldenrod, claims, "There are plenty of places
to get those recordings:' Goldenrod doesn't work
with Wal-Mart, but it does have a good relationship with chains like Borders, and continues to
supply independent music and bookstores.
Of the original members in WILD,
Ladyslipper and Goldenrod still exist. Both sell
CDs but neither offers downloads. "We're music
people, not computer geeks;' insists Frazier. She
believes that the absence of downloads
affected their sales in a negative way. In fact, sales
increasedlast year, partly due to distribution deals
with several high-profile indie musicians. Even if
online sites like CD Baby do a great job of getting
sales, there's still a demand for distribution from
companies like Goldenrod because of their longterm commitment in the industry. They offer a
great deal for musicians, too, "because there's no
huge upfront investment. We respond to demand,
versus trying to flood the market. Artists can make
more money that way:'
"We still get so many requests for things that
are out of print, like [early Olivia LP] Lesbian
Concentrate;'Fuch from Ladyslipper says, but they
they've been reissued on CD. Ladyslipper continues to feature new
releases, and new lesbian folk artists continue to
can't fill most of those-unless
pop up and forge their own way.
"We'll never go back now;' contends Williamson
about women's music. ''Are you kidding? All these
young women? Giddyup! I'm happy. They'll have
to beg me to stop:' Still, in a creaky voice she admits,
''I'd love to sing 'Waterfall' for you but I can't. I
want to, but I can't:'
Williams' voice may not have weathered the
years, but the recent re-release of her early work
proves her recordings have. Over a million people
can't be wrong. ■
Rockstar Melissa
posterchildfor gay
outof the closetat the
trio SleaterKinneyreleasethefirst
of manystunningalbums,inspiringthefollowingmonologue,
Aretheygay?I heardthey'regay!No,wait,only
the drummer'sgay.Thatmakessense-whoeverheardof a straight
girl drummer?
No,wait,two-thirdsof themaregay?No,I heardonethirdof themwasbi.Wait...what?
againthatsheshouldbe gay,
dammit,whensheandtwo queer
join to form LeTigre.
Theirdebut,a self-titledjaggedelectro-dance
July/ August 2008
I 57
Montana rocker
Danielle Egnew sings~·
contacts ghosts and
talks about her va-jayjay. What can't she do?
By Tania Hammidi
Danielle Egnew's musical career hasn't been swinging at nothing since the Montana-raised songstress
stepped into the limelight. From "kicking butt and
taking names" with the all-girl band Pope Jane, to
releasing her first acoustic album, Red Lodge,the
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter is a hugely
talented musician. She came away with the Best
Female Guitarist Award at the
have released. I love it.
What came first, women or music?
The video for "Swinging at Nothing" is on
Women, at about 18. The music thing came at 20.
All Access Music Awards in 2006, and won Best
MySpace. Tell me about that song.
I was a musical theater major at the University
Keyboard Player in Pop-Alternative-Glam in 2007.
That song has done really, really well. We shot chat
of Arizona, and I couldn't figure out why I had
video about 10 miles out of my hometown,
such strong attractions to women in my theater
So what are you excited about these days?
in Billings, Montana. The piano I played in it
company. Finally, some of the graduate students
I am profoundly excited about the release of Red
was the piano I grew up playing in my mother's
said to me, "Well, uh, it's because you are gay:'
house. It meant a lot to me to have it there.
I grew up very conservative in Montana ...so I
Lodge. I did everything on that album: bass,
mandolin, violin, guitars, all the percussion.
It is different from the kind of music you've
been putting out?
Yes, Pope Jane-who
It is a song about letting go, isn't it?
said,"No I'm not, what do you meant But then
It is about having someone chat is so dynamic in
one kiss and I was like,"Wow, OK, I'm queer:'
your life, chat you just love
death, but you
One of your heroines is Annie Lennox.
are back in the saddle for
know they're not going to stick around. They
I grew up listening to the Eurythmics. Annie
Montana Pride chis June, which is really excit-
tick backwards and you know they eventually
Lennox is a Royal Academy of Music graduate
Junkie Cousin were ale-rock, heav-
are going to be gone. You can't keep the shadow
and an exceptional composer, producer ... She
ily produced, lots of sounds. This album, Red
after the sun sets, so you just have to enjoy what
Lodge,is the first album of an acoustic nature I
you have.
is an exemplary talent. I just saw her at Hugo's
Ghost Whisperer continued on page 78
This piano princess rel~-,
By Zoie Clilt
Bisexual New York alt-pop songstress Rachael Sage
World and it blew my mind.
is a sdf-taught pianist who juggles writing, record-
You came out on your 'hird album, Painting of
ing, producing and running her own label, MPress
a Painting
Records. This Renaissance woman is on the verge of
Actually, I was very much out already to my
family, friends and in New York, where I was
releasing her eighth album, Chandelier.
? ..
th::1t perienc,; Ii e?
performing most. [My parents'] concern was
What was the inspiration for your new
that it would pull focus from the rest of my
This is definitely one of my more personal, conflicted
songs, which were more universal. It's funny how
albums. A very close friend of mine was battling
you can sing a thousand songs about heterosex-
a severe eating disorder while I was recording it,
ual romance and no one worries about whether
so within the process I was searching for answers
your gay and lesbian fans might feel excluded.
and trying to come
But suddenly you put one lesbian love song on
a CD and there's a fear that it will make your
grips with the seriousness
of her illness ... This album was my armor during
a particularly challenging time.
Were the
any obstacles
straight fans feel left out.
Your ne
ork also visits d r subJects.
remain committed
Well, I've never had any illusions that songwriting
to the process, while someone I loved was strug-
would afford me an easygoing state of mind;
For the most part, just trying
gling with an illness I thought I'd
many of my favorite songs
understood, but which continued to
have chronicled tragedy
or conflict, just like many
mystify me.
So what track would be on repeat
of my favorite plays and
on your personal playlist?
visual works of art have
Probably the tide track because ...it's a
done. But I don't like to
song that reminds me to count my
make albums that are all
blessings, appreciate my relation-
one color, and like to show
ships and relish being a musician,
the flipside of any dark
for all the reasons I got into it in
subject matter, too.
the first place. It's kind of a prayer,
So what's next for you?
I guess.
I'm about
embark upon
Who are your biggest influences?
a few months of touring
The Beatles, Buddy Holly, Carole
behind the U.S. and U.K.
King, Elvis Costello, Sinead O'
Connor, Maria McKee and Marc Cohn. When
the fall we'll be releasing New Arrivals: VoL 3,
I was in college, I rediscovered folkier music,
our third indie charity compilation. We'll be lin-
like Suzanne Vega, Indigo Girls, Marianne
ing up a short tour probably some time in the
Faithfull, Sarah McLachlan, Ani DiFranco
fall to help launch the project, which benefits the
and also heard Kate Bush for the first time,
National Eating Disorders Association. After all
because a lot of people kept comparing me to
that, I guess it might be time
her. So, I finally went and bought The Sensual
the studio and finish album No. 9! ■
release of Chandelier. In
head back into
My introductionto ZoiRose,the freshman
"Stalker'sAnthem,"the leadsingle
from the band's2008 debutCD,Off Roadto
explodedoff the screenwith enoughenergyto
fuel a jet. Thelyrics are as creepyas the title
suggests,depictingthe gruelingemotionsof
unrequitedlove.Formersoloartist turnedlead
the songson the album,
andat the ripe ageof
25 commandsa deeply
her emotions.
"It's aboutpassion,
beinghurt and relationship models.I let go in
the music.Lotsof people
go throughthis, but don't
TheCDis a raw
therapysessionof epic
Althoughshe insists
that the kids at her North
her an '80s reject.Wiley,alongwith Hacheon
bass,Karynon guitar,Veronicaon drums,and
Sandraon backup,isn't boundby onegenre.
Wiley'sadmittedly"too hardfor R&B"vocals
are accompaniedby somemouth-watering
drum rhythmsthat groundthe infectiousrock
zoirose)lists PatBenetarand BlackSabbathas
influences,howeverpunk-likeguitar bridges
andthe bandsoverallfashionare reminiscent
of groupsfrom the riot grrrl movement.
unattachedto labelsand unapologeticfor
'estro-rock,'"I wantedto put togetheran all
femalebandwith powerfulsound-powerful
womenwho couldreallyrip!"
ZoiRosebegantouringthis summeron the
festivalandcollegescene,so this brandof estro-rockwill be mostaccessibleto co-eds.For
the rest of u.,,L.0iRose's
mantraof, "love hard,
play hard,andfight harder"streamsthrough
loudandclearonline.- EmilyHoward
TheL Worddebuts,
A newgeneration
of ladymusicians
the once-straightmale-centric
worldof electronicandelectricguitar-oriented
longerthe domainof dudes,as queerindependent
artistslike Nicky
on Ecstasyandmany,manyothersleave
behindandrip up dancefloorsandstudiosalike.
Ladieswe missed:Mo TuckerGi'ls in the
Nose,Phranc. 11e
SI s God-des
& She
TheRaincoas ToshiReagon VendyO
NomyLamm Oh andTribe8.
Jeez,there'sso many... well,
you'vegot a computer,
just find 'emon
yourown.That'spart of thefun!
July/ August 2008
I 59
Music's newest "It Girl"
is worth all the hype.
By Colleen M. Lee
lot of years I was one of those people who just
loved the idea of being in love. I think I have
stopped that now. I think something happened
to me a couple years ago and now I'm just really
enjoying getting to know myself.
Are you a multi-dater?
If I'm in a relationship, I'm definitely just committed to that one person.
Where do you see your music going?
After speaking one-on-one with Missy Higgins, I
I don't think I could. I would never completely rule
it out, honestly, but-it's
the person I saw performing in San Francisco a
not attractive when somebody comes up and
own sense of self and where I kind of sit in the
few days later. She is one of the few artists who
wants your autograph. You want to start a rela-
world. I was on anti-depressants for a long time
sounds better live than on CD, and on stage she
tionship off from equal footing, you know; you
and I stopped them I think maybe about a cou-
was all charm and bravado-she
don't want to have the upper hand.
ple of years ago, but at the moment I'm trying
frequently teased
I've never planned where my music was gonna go.
thought she was quite shy and reserved, not at all
At the moment, I think I'm really exploring my
Your songs are intense. Is there anything that
self-exploration and trying to get my head back
Finally, after six songs, she said humorously, "I will
makes you happy?
on track-teach
never buy a Target bra again:' Now if we could just
I've gotten really into rock climbing the last year
open, because I think at the moment it's way
the audience by adjusting
a falling bra strap.
get the enigma to open up about her sexuality ...
and a hal£ It's been a really amazing thing. It's
pulled me out of the music industry, something
too crowded.
You now live in the States. Do you plan on
In 2007, you had the best-selling album in
I've been immersed in half of my life-to
Australia. How do you stay humble?
something that is on the outside of all that, that
It's funny because that band the Wai£ all of them
I can just love for the sake of it and not because
met Americans and fell in love. You end up
it's my career.
spending most of your time touring America,
It helps having a grounded family. I think the
people around me have always been completely
[my mind] to be more still and
hooking up with an American?
honest with me and tell me how it is. They're
It sounds like you've been in love and have
not "yes" people. So I think you've just got to
been hurt a few times.
And we can be very charming.
make the right choices in the beginning.
I guess so. I'm definitely a romantic, so I have been
Oh you're alright.
Would you ever date a fan?
in love quite a few times, but, you know, for a
GoGirls Is All About the Ladies
so its kind of half-inevitable that it happens.
[Laughs] I could do a lot
worse. [Laughs.] ■
Sometimes, it seems, things just come together
she sees in the newspaper. "Our songs aren't com-
without a ton of effort, like in chose old sandwich
plete until the four of us fiddle around with chem.
In truth, it seems almost unfair co lump DYD
bag commercials-"yellow
We don't have a problem with any egos getting in
in with classic rockstars, when all they really want
and blue make green!"
me when we gee compared co bands like thac:'
Simple as chat. And while your experience with
the way-our
egos are left out of the situation. We
is co make it onto your next mixed cape. "We're not
baggies may not be as life-changing as it was in
play musical chairs when we're rehearsing, and the
trying to make a point. We just want well-crafted
chose ads, chat simplicity seems to be pretty much
best part for the song gets into the song. It cook us a
songs with memorable hooks that mean something
the case for the Toronto-based band Dance Yourself
while to gee to chis stage, but it's really fun:'
to someone. We're just trying to keep it as honest as
to Death (DYD).
DYD has been influenced by nearly every
we can;' says Jenny.
About three years ago, lead singer Jenny was
type of music ever written, and nearly every band
Their humility and candor are refreshing, and
playing a show with an earlier incarnation of the
chat's ever performed. Their name is taken from
totally in keeping with their idea of what it takes
band. Guitarist Susan was going solo at the same
an Alice Cooper song ("not a particular favorite;'
to be a rocks tar. 'A rocks tar is someone who's a pas-
show. Afterward, they met up, hit it off and have
Jenny clarifies, "but the name embodies the atti-
sionate musician, who believes in what they're play-
been playing together ever since. Recent acquisi-
tude we wanted to have in our music"). Recently,
ing and what they're singing ... without the ego that
tions Carmen and Johnny complete the lineup, and
for inspiration they've turned to beloved bands like
would get in the way of a good song:' Nonetheless,
the four have been playing together for a little over
Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petey, and relative new-
they recognize that rockstars aren't everyday people
a year. The result is like something out of a Disney
comers like the New Young Pony Club, the Gossip
so much as they are caricatures. "You get on stage
movie: The twentysomethings haven't yet released
and Spoon.
and perform as an exaggerated version of your-
a full-length album, but they have already been featured in a film-the
Elton John-produced It's a Boy
The broad-ranging
influences are evident in
sel£ and then as soon as the show's over I step off
their sound, which is amazing and impossible to sit
the stage and I wrap the gear and I'm a normal
Girl Thing.Success, it seems, has come quickly for
still through. "We get compared to different bands
person ... "
these rockers.
and it's always like I'm hearing it for the first time.
A normal person, sure, if by"normal" you mean a
DYD is quick co recognize that the band's suc-
I'm never expecting it;' says Jenny. ''I've heard [com-
twentysomething who sings and dances for fun and
cess comes largely from the audiences they play
parisons to] the Pretenders a bunch. And XTC.
profit, who's been in a movie and who does what she
for ( and not just the ones with connections to Sir
I thought that was an interesting thing because
loves for work. All in all, that's not too bad for a girl
Elton). "Queer audiences are really dedicated and
they're all guys. I'm not surprised when people
who was once too shy to get on stage, or for a band
passionate about music and they' re smart about
compare us co bands with female front-people, but
who's been together for less than a year. B4l some,-
supporting bands chat come from their own demo-
XTC caught me totally by surprise. It's unreal to
times, it seems, these things just work ou
graphic. They're dedicated and loyal and that's one
of the reasons were still playing," says Jenny. 'And
teenagers are really... enthusiastic:'
Her assessment of teens is heartfelt. When she
was younger, Jenny ran a song-writing workshop
for teens at a girls' summer camp. Her experience
Move over, Cliks. There's a new queer DJ~f:·~
. ~h'-~H ..~r
band that everyone loves, especially the kids.
By Lina Swislowski
was eye-opening. "They were writing and singing
songs for each other. They even put on a show. I
wished chat I had done char;' she recalls. So now,
she is. "I... play in the band chat I wish was around
for me to listen co when I was a teen:'
That band's plan includes performing (but only
if folks are dancing), touring ( though they don't
have anything planned), recording a full-length CD
(which will be released on iTunes first, both because of environmental concerns and so that they
can maintain their independence from a record
is DIY and they like it chat way).
Which is not to say, of course, that the band
doesn't take their job seriously: In fact, they work
tirelessly at making the best product possible.
Fortunately, the foursome function well together
as a team, and success doesn't seem to be any sort
of a burden at all. "Typically, whoever brings the
song idea writes the lyrics, or ac lease an almostfinished draft of chem, and the band collaborates
on the music;' says Jenny, who pulls song ideas from
stories people tell her about their lives, or headlines
July/August 2008
For bisexuals, the lovely lifelong process of coming out is
often twice as long-a double life sentence, if you will.
By Catherine Plato
ome queers claim they never had to do it at all; most are
mon for a closeted queer) by the colorful, thriving and out-
doing it all the time. For bisexuals, coming out can be
and-proud San Francisco Bay Area gay community. I couldn't
doubly complicated. With every new relationship, our
stop staring at the lanky, short-haired, androgynous dykes on
public image and perceived sexuality can change completely, as
if "true" bisexuals could exist only outside of committed rela-
y, lipsticked sorority girls who would make out at frat parties. I
tionships. "Most people make assumptions about sexual orien-
found my obsession with lesbians amusing but probably incon-
tation according to the gender
sequential; I knew I really liked boys. Noc most boys, but some
of one's partner. It is both
boys. And I liked chem just enough to know I wasn't really a
easy and practical, since it is
lesbian. I wrote off my numerous girl crushes-always
often or even usually right,"
dykiest looking girls I could find-as
come out,
come out,
you are!
I curve
campus. I blindly despised-and
secretly envied-the
on the
nonsexual admiration.
explains William E. Burleson
I'm not quite sure when I admitted to myself that my homo-
in Bi America. "Sometimes,
obsession was real lust, but in the era of curious, closet-friendly
however, it is inaccurate; that
Craigslist postings, women's studies courses and all-gay co-ops
makes bisexuals
(gotta love UC Berkeley), it wasn't long before I started dating
invisible:' The fact is, sexuality
girls. It was considerably longer before I started calling myself
is a facet of who you are, not
bi. The first time I did was to my best friend, Denise, a Bay
who you do.
The first time that I came
daughter of hippies and a straight former
member of her high school's Gay-Straight Alliance. I had grown
out was in my junior year at
up in conservative, small-town upstate New York, where words
UC Berkeley. Nothing
like "queer" and even "lesbian" were used exclusively as insults.
particularly unique about my
One girls-night-in, after a few glasses of red wine, I came
story. I had dated men, with mixed results. I had found myself
out, nervous and giggling, to Denise: "I think, maybe, I think,
obsessed, fascinated and sometimes disgusted (not uncom-
I might be, I think ... bisexual:' I waited for a hug, a handshake
and congratulations for my indomitable courage. Denise wasn't
having it. She had seen people beaten up, fired, kicked out of
their homes for being gay. To her, sexuality and coming out
were political as much as personal, and to hear a 20-year-old,
kind of, technically where I belonged?
drunk, giggling, blond, femme co-ed admit she "swung both
My boyfriend and I eventually broke up, and I finished col-
ways" felt cheap, cliched and overly self-congratulatory. Perhaps
lege and went to work for an LGBT nonprofit community cen-
it was, but at the time, I didn't know any other way of putting it.
These things never go as planned.
big a part as the L or the G, and yet the thought that anyone
"This is serious to a lot of people;' she told me. It had felt
would figure me out terrified me. With the exception of our
serious to me, too-but
ter. Not a gay and lesbian nonprofit, but LGBT. I was the B, as
maybe it shouldn't have. After all, I
totally straight and completely accepted IT manager, I seemed
could still pass for straight. Being me, a girl who knew she still
to be the only girl there who wasn't dating another girl. I was
loved boys, it didn't feel as dangerous as being one of the butch,
conveniently single and ambiguous, but assumed to be a lesbian.
head-shaved, gold-star lesbians I had seen around campus (of
In an environment where my co-worker would wear a tiara and
course, they weren't the only lesbians or the only queer girls,
prom dress one day and men's overalls the next, where a gay
merely the only ones I could readily identify). Yes-who
porn company was one of our largest donors and a troupe of
I to come outr I blushed, felt like a drama queen, listened to
drag-queen nuns came to rally support at all our events, it made
Denise's tales of her tortured lesbian classmates-the
no sense that anything as mundane as my bisexuality would
real queer
and shut the fuck up.
make me so nervous. But it did.
It's not uncommon for bi girls to feel like we don't "count"
in the gay community-after
all, anytime that we're partnered
Though it probably wouldn't have mattered to anyone but
me, I never dared mention my ex-boyfriend at work, or brought
with a man, we appear to the rest of the world as just another
straight girl. Feelings of exclusion from the lesbian community
are an almost universal bisexual experience. While coming out
hopefully also entails "coming in" to a new queer community,
for bisexuals, it's not always so simple. We may find ourselves
stuck between worlds, not fully accepted by either.
Several months after my first attempt at coming out, I fell in
love with a guy. We dated for two years, and though I continued
to attend Pride parades, poetry slams and gay bars (only when
accompanied by "real" queers) I lost any desire for anyone be-
To her, sexuality and coming out were
political as much as personal, and to
hear a 20-year-old, drunk, giggling,
blond, femme co-ed admit she "swung
both ways" felt cheap, cliched and
overly self-congratulatory.
yond my boyfriend. I looked back at my one drunken attempt
at coming out as a silly, ill-conceived whim-even
my total fascination with lesbians and the LGBT community
a male friend as my date to any of our events. And when I fi-
remained. I was happily and faithfully committed to a penis;
nally had my first"real" girlfriend, I was relieved-meeting
therefore, my sexuality was never questioned in any environ-
special female someone was a milestone for me personally and,
ment as soon as I spouted the words "my boyfriend:'
on a more shallow level, allowed me to feel as though I actu-
Sadly, it was all too easy to hide behind those words-yes,
ally belonged, legitimately, to the community in which I had felt
an abuse of what people call "straight privilege;' but for me it
sort of like an imposter all along. I finally felt OK about saying
was the only thing that made sense in most situations. I knew I
I was bisexual: After all, I had had exactly one serious boyfriend
wasn't straight, but was it necessary to make sure everyone else
and one serious girlfriend. And even now that that re . onship
knew, toor What was more disrespectful to the LGBT com-
is over, it has given me the confidence to feel legitimate in being
munity: Allowing people to mistake me for a straight girl, or
one part of LG BT.
insisting on inclusion in the community while suffering none of
I still say it's true that our sexuality describes ourselves
the social stigma? I could walk down the street holding hands
and not our lovers, but it can be hard to convince people of
with my partner wherever I went and never worry about being
beaten up, harassed or stared down. I could introduce him to
confused, which I've always found unfortunate. For me, it's not
my family with only the normal, healthy amount of uneasiness
quite a question of choosing one or the other. Just as not every-
every straight person goes through-not
one has a type-a
the gut-wrenching,
panic I experienced when I later introduced
even ourselves. People say that bisexuals are
preferred race, height, occupation or butch-
femme identity-gender
is just one more category that some
my first girlfriend. My boyfriend and I could think about things
find sort of arbitrary. More and more, LGBT folks, even ones
like getting married, having children and buying a house to-
who date exclusively one gender, are leaning toward the word
gether. We didn't have to worry about whether it would be legal,
"queer" to describe themselves. I'm not sure if coming out as
or whether we would be accepted in the community we wanted
"queer" is any easier than coming out as "lesbian" or "bi;' but I
Lolive in. Life was, in many ways, so easy. What right did I have
hope that the use of more-inclusive language helps break down
to stake a claim in an oppressed minority, even if it was sort of,
social barriers as well. ■
July/ August 2008
aria Lopez, a lesbian doctor, was in a seemingly healthy
relationship with her lesbian girlfriend. One day, when
she casually made a comment about an attractive man
she saw, the veil was lifted on the stability of her relationship.
"(My girlfriend] became enraged, and we fought for hours;'
Lopez recalls. Her girlfriend insisted that any acknowledgment
that a man was attractive meant Lopez must be lying about being
a lesbian-and must be bisexual. Turns out, her girlfriend wasn't
fond of bisexual people. Despite Lopez's insistence that she could
both be a lesbian and see beauty in a man, the emotionally violent
fight escalated, and the relationship ultimately ended.
"I experienced biphobia, and I'm not even bisexual;' Lopez exclaims. From that day on, she became more aware of the stigma
and violence that bisexual women face every day.
The "B" Finally Gets Attention
In 2007, the the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)
decided to spread the word about the state of bisexual health.
Along with BiNetUSA and the Fenway Institute, the NGLTF
published Bisexual Health, a free, downloadable PDF e-book.
This publication, a summary
of over 100 different surveys,
to crisis
studies, reports and research
programs, represents the first
time a national LGBT nonprofit organization
has ever
devoted resources of this kind
to the topic of bisexual health.
Bisexual Health reports on the
bisexual health crisis and outlines the steps that doctors can
take to improve the situation.
as heterosexual women.
Bisexual women know all too well the situation Lopez faced,
and the impact that biphobia and emotional-and
It's not a moment too soon for some bisexual women, who
violence have on health. Based in Oakland, Cali£, Jan Steckel, a
constitute a huge percentage of the queer women's population.
bisexual woman and a doctor, has been documenting biphobia
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
in healthcare. She finds that, because of past negative experiences, many bisexuals don't come out to their doctors.
Why lesbians should care about
bi women's health. By Amy Andre
Unfortunately, she says, being a closeted bi woman in the
doctor's office means potentially compromising your health,
because the doctor isn't able to give you the best and most
relevant medical advice.
and other research organizations, 50 percent of the people who
Meanwhile, at UC Davis, psychology professor Gregory
identify as either lesbian, gay or bisexual identify as bisexual. This
Herek has spent years studying stigma and discrimination. He
means that bisexual people constitute the largest subgroup within
has found that today biphobia is more pervasive and virulent than
the LGBT population. Research from the NGLTF also shows
homophobia, and bisexual health experts agree that biphobia has
that bisexual people have significantly poorer physical and mental
a huge impact on health, which is why bisexuals have poorer phys-
health than people of any other sexual orientation, including gays
ical and mental health than those with other sexual orientations.
and lesbians. Bisexuals, compared to gays, lesbians and hetero-
sexuals, have significantly higher rates of heavy drinking and drug
The Impact on Lesbians
use, smoking, depression and mental illness, among other health
There are many reasons lesbians like Lopez are concerned about
In addition, bisexual women experience more domestic
the health and safety of bisexual women. Most, if not all, lesbians
violence than women of any other sexual orientation. Several
tion and gender. In light of that, for example, a study in the Journal
studies, including one published earlier this year by Statistics
of Womens Health reveals that 30 percent of bisexual women
Canada, show that bisexual women are nearly twice as likely to
smoke (a common coping mechanism for those under extreme
experience domestic violence as lesbians, and four times as likely
stress), compared to 27 percent of lesbians and 14 percent of
share the goal of ending discrimination based on sexual orienta-
straight women. Smoking has been linked to
the bisexual threat
many kinds of cancer, as well as emphysema
and heart disease; according to this study, it correlates with homophobia and biphobia. This
is why lesbian advocates who want to end discrimination based on sexual orientation say that
biphobia should be a major concern.
For some dykes, interest in bi health is
more personal. Stephanie Joseph is a single
lesbian who enjoys going to lesbian clubs and
bars with her friends. One of her closest friends
recently started dating a man, after a long
period of being only with women. Since then,
Joseph says, "I basically haven't seen her. I don't
know where she is or what's going on:' Joseph
seems barely able to hide her distress. She isn't
upset that her friend is dating a man, but about
the fact that she's no longer around.
Is her friend's exile the result of ostracism or
simply a choice to leave the lesbian community
behind? Who knows, but experts say a woman
who loses her social group is at a higher risk for
a number of health and safety problems. People
with friends are healthier than people who
are alone. Joseph's friend, separated from her
community, may be at greater risk of domestic
violence, debilitating loneliness, depression and
more. Many lesbians like Joseph are invested
in fighting biphobia and reaching out to bi
friends, regardless of whom they date, as a way
of strengthening their communities, supporting friends' choices-and
looking out for their
health and safety.
Lesbians, too, can learn a lot about sexual
health from bi women, who, according to a
study by Womens Health, tend to practice safer
sex more often than lesbians do. Paula Rust, a
lesbian researcher, found that around 90 percent of self-identified lesbians have had sex with
men, and that the vast majority of lesbians still
sleep with men after coming out. But, for
lesbians who have male sex partners, safer sex
information may be hard to find. Doctors are
less likely to talk to lesbian patients about safer
sex, incorrectly assuming that lesbians don't
have sex with men-and
that infections don't
get transmitted between women, either.
Finally, many bisexual women are in samesex relationships-with
lesbians or other bi
means that bi women are not
just a part of the queer women's community,
but are an intimate part of many lesbians' lives.
Lesbians don't just want to make sure their bi
in theopeningsequence
of thewildlypopular
MTVSeriesA Shotat Love,"is that I'm bisexual."
Playingonthefearsof straightboysandlesbians
MTVpittedthe Internetvixenagainst
of wannabeloversto ostensibly
lovewithout2 millionMySpace
pals,a realityshow
anda portfolioof nearlynakedphotographs
to splay
outin frontof potentialsoulmates?
Maybelife really
"Onthe onehand,I thinksomething
likeA Shot
at Loveis atrocious,"
saysNicole,a Midwestern
bisexualandsinglemom."It confirmedeverygeneralizationof bisexuals[we've]everheard.Butonthe
otherhand,we asa culturearenotcallingbisexuala
fakesexualityanymoreif it's ontelevision."
Themedia'sviewof bisexuality
imagesof bleachblondstripperellas
for the camera,
whodumpedtheirgirlfor the
oppositesexin college.AndwhilelesbianshadEllen
to assureAmericathattheycouldbejust as normal
a creepylittle
secret,a phaseto growoutof,or,as Nicolestates,"a
a soldier'swife livingin the South,
regularlyenduresmonthsof separation
"He'sbeengoneto Iraqfor 15 months.
Hewasin Koreafor 12 months,Thailandfor six
isn't,sheenjoys"the bestof bothworlds,"maintaininglow-keysexualrelationships
first sexualexperience
wasa lesbianexperience
mymomfreakedout.Shetookmeto churchandhad
peopleprayfor me,buttheydidn'tknowwhythey
wereprayingfor me.It wasterrifying.I believein
GodandI believehe mademewhoI am.If I dig both
to happen.It's not
bad.It's notthe devil.I amnormal.I am me."
is great,butnoteveryone
socrazyaboutthe newbisexualthem."I find myself
saythey'rebi andI'll evenquestion
it," Nicoleconfesses.
"Maybethey'reafraidto admit
they'regayor straight,or I'll thinkthey'repromiscuous."Thistypeof internalized
biphobiais rootedin
the realitythatbisexualwomenoftenaremarginalizedby boththe gayandthestraightcommunities
Jackie,a massage
a localLGBT
to a man,thewomanmade
it obviousthatshewasnolongerinterested
in the
"Shedidn'tevenwantto talkto me
becauseI waswitha guy.It wasa bigturnofffor her,
eventhoughshehadbeenwith guys,too."
Theconcern,amongsomelesbians,is thatguys
havesomeseriouscootiesthatwejust don'twant.
"I wouldneverdatesomeone
whois bisexual.I don't
reallylikeguys.I don'tfindthemappealing,"
a dancerwhodateswomenexclusively.
"Theideaof kissingoneor beingintimatewith one
grossesmeout.I don'twantto bewithsomeone
whowaswitha guybeforetheystarteddatingme."
Whatalsoseemsto beat playfor lesbiansis
leaveusfor a penis.Andof course,it's valid.It could
Erin,a young"straight-curious"
that if a womanis afraidthatshe's"goingto go
outandgeta man,"thenshewouldn'twasteher
time."I don'tthinkanyof the lesbiansI knowwould
referto themselves
asa Kinseysix.Eventhegayest
thefamousscaleof sexual
byAlfredKinsey,onwhicha six
is absolutely
at all Ever.Butwhatif the greatestof
"If I reallybelievedshewasbisexualI wouldhave
to assumethatshefoundsomeone
"I wouldn'tputit on her
sexualityasthe reasonwe brokeup.I wouldtrust
that [our]relationship
advice?Thenexttimesomehottiebuysyoua drink
for penis,
Hersis a beatingheart
withthe samedesirefor companionship
or justfor the evening,bellyupto the bar,pourher
a littlesomething
andtakeyourownshotat love.
- MelanyWalters-Beck
friends stay healthy; they want the same for
their bi girlfriends, too. ■
July/ August 2008
I 65
bi on the
boob tube
They may be hot, but TV's authentically bisexual women are rarer
than white buffalo. By Jenny Sherwin
ver since Lynn Redgrave played lesbian Marjorie Lloyd
Alice was that she was the only explicitly bisexual character on
and Mariette Hardey played her married lover in the
primetime TV. But, as the show has vaulted in popularity with
1986 pre,Lifetime TV sap,fest My Two Loves, the bisex,
lesbian audiences, Alice's bisexuality seems to have gone the way
ual woman has fascinated television viewers. No one can resist
of the dodo bird. Gone are the days when Alice boinked Bette and
a girl on the edge, tormented with sexual confusion, fired up to
Tina's sperm donor, Sean, and, of course, when she had an affair
cross the line and back again, usually leaving a pool of heartbro,
with Lisa, the lesbian,identified man. Now, with a martyred mili,
tary partner complete with a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" story line,
(Amanda Donohoe) commando,kissed Abby Perkins, American
Alice couldn't be more gay if she coached women's softball and
audiences gasped, and when the infamous Mrs. Connor's friend
volunteered her summers at the Michigan Womyn's Festival.
ken men and lesbians in her wake. When L.A. Law's
Sharon (Mariel Hemingway) surprised her with a kiss on
Roseanne, viewers were ready to debate it. Bisexuality on televi,
sion had become an American obsession.
But, for all the fervor they inspire in their viewers, bisexual
Paige Michalchuk (Lauren Collins) may be the most popular girl
characters on television are few and far between. Once you look
at Degrassi High School, but her life reads like a checkstand tab,
past the daytime talk shows and the Spice Channel, bisexual
loid. Her brother is gay, her best friend's father is gay, the soccer
women on TV, for the most part, can be broken down into
team's star player date raped her at a party, she dated a teacher, got
two categories: confused straight girls and confused lesbians. It
drunk, smoked pot and her best friend's abusive boyfriend pulled
seems that the television bisexual is always in flux; running from
a gun on her. She's been called a slut, a snob and a hag, so is it any
one team or another onto the supposedly greener grass of the
wonder that starting a lesbian relationship with rebellious Alex
other side.
Here is a list of TV's more recent bisexual beauties, includ,
Nunez (Deanna Casaluce) isjust another day at the beach for her:>
ing a couple of classics in rerun. They may bedazzle and beguile
her teenage lesbian love affair with ease but soon dumps Alex for
you, but don't hate them because they can't pick a gender. It's not
being too much of a slacker. But the pull of girl,girl love is strong,
their fault.
and she runs back to Alex, renewed in her belief in herself as an
Despite her initial bi,curious misgivings, preppy Paige settles into
out,and,proud bisexual-only
66 j curve
to discover that Alex has become a
TheL Word(Showtime)
stripper. Alas, just another day in the life of queer adolescence.
The L Word has no trouble introducing bisexual characters, but
keeping them on the proverbial fence is a whole other matter.
AnotherBiBitesthe Dust
Take, for example, Alice Pieszecki (Leisha Hailey). In the pre,
NYC firefighter Tommy Gavin (Dennis Leary) has more to
miere season of television's only lesbian drama, the hype around
worry about than keeping the Big Apple safe. His rebellious
teenage bisexual daughter Colleen (Natalie Distler) is harder to
is uprooted from a small town in Ohio and relocated to fast-
predict than a backdraft. One minute, she gets her boyfriend's
paced Los Angeles, Spencer's life becomes complicated. Despite
initials tattooed on her pelvis, and the next, she gets in trouble
warnings from the head cheerleader, Madison Duarte (Valery
at school for making out with her girlfriend. Then she confesses
Ortiz), Spencer strikes up a friendship with tough-talking,
to her parents that she's a lesbian. But, like many rebels without
brazen Ashley Davies (Mandy Musgrave), a nonconformist bi-
a cause, Colleen soon finds religion and leaves her gay days be-
sexual. Sparks soon fly, and Spencer must reconcile her feelings
hind her-only
to relaspe back to girls, and then back again to
viewers to ask"What would Jesus dot
for Ashley with her own queer confusion, as well as the social
pressures at school and the tensions at home-especially
her homophobic mother. Ashley, on the other hand, must sort
out the familiar ties to her ex-boyfriend, Aiden Dennison (Matt
Caitlin Dowd (Bonnie Somerville) is overworked and overly
angst, oh my!
Cohen), with the new and exciting feelings for Spencer. Teenage
serious. In fact, she's so driven that in the very first episode of
and unavailable (he suggests she get a Blackberry with a vibrator
attachment). In essence, she's a lesbian waiting to happen. Enter
Brilliant, loudmouthed
sexy Latina lesbian Alicia Lawson (Lourdes Benedicto), whom
(Hugh Laurie) is a young resident's worst nightmare-waving
Caitlin interviews for a position at her work. They smile googly-
his cane wildly while throwing insults at nubile apprentices. So,
Cashmere Mafia, she gets dumped by a man for being too distant
and incorrigible, Dr. Gregory House
eyed at each other, stammer, stutter, get all nervous and accident-
is it any wonder that he's constantly butting heads with the stub-
ly head butt and, before you know it, Caitlin's pacing around in
born, secretive, strong-willed and stoic diagnostician he refers
front of a Catholic church waiting to bombard her brother, a
to only as "Thirteen" (Olivia Wilde, who deftly played gay and
priest (interesting choice), with questions about her impending
blonde on The OC).While House is the epitome of a clinician-
gayness. However, being a budding bisexual is not without its
all science and no emotion-
problems. She runs into an ex-boyfriend on her first "gay date"
tients and fellow residents, and, as it turns out, she bats for both
Thirteen goes to bat for her pa-
and denies her gayness in front of Alicia. She picks up a guy at
teams. Outed by a fellow resident, Eric Foreman (Omar Epps),
a lesbian bridal shower (now there's a needle-haystack situation
Thirteen bravely responds to her queer inquisition the way any
for you), and later dates and then kisses him in front of Alicia.
confident bisexual would: with the wide-eyed stare of someone
Alicia announces she's pregnant by the sperm donor she'd sought
who's just been told that her Hot Pocket contains sausage made
out in a past relationship and soon dumps her new bi love (citing
from a house cat. Thirteen neither denies nor confirms the ru-
Caitlin's sexual uncertainty), to raise the baby in bliss with her
mors and seems virtually unfazed at the prospect. Evidently,
ex-lover. Honestly, this story line is so insane it could easily be
Thirteen has never heard of dyke drama and is clearly television's
promoted by the Christian Coalition as a tool to turn bisexual
most boring choice to be thrown over the Sapphic point of no
women back to the safe and sane world of heterosexuality.
return. Especially when hospital administrator Lisa Cuddy (the
man-weary, baby-crazy sexpot played by Lisa Edelstein, who
in Prison,
Staysin Prison
In the 1980s, we had to sneak downstairs after our parents went
was one of TV's earliest lesbians on Relativity) pinged viewers'
gaydar louder than Quasimodo in the tower.
gry lesbian inmates sexually harass the newbies in an attempt to
I'd LikeMyBisexuality
make them their bitches. It was a guilty pleasure-one
Julia McNamara (Joely Richardson) may have been married for
to bed to catch a glimpse of Prisoner: Cell Block H, where anyou had
to stay up until 3 a.m. to partake in. Times have changed and
17 years to hotshot plastic surgeon Sean McNamara (Dylan
now bisexuality behind bars runs rampant during primetime
Walsh), but she secretly pined for his partner and best friend, the
on the BBC's Bad Girls. Particularly titillating is the forbidden
man-slut Dr. Christian Troy (Julian McMahon). H , me for
love of prison employee Helen Stewart (Simone Lahbib), who
this is to explore her sexuality, and she's dating Olivia Lord ( Portia
is happily engaged to her boyfriend until she catches the eye of
diRossi). Julia soon finds out that loving the ladies is not without
lesbian lifer Nikki Wade (MandanaJones). Soon Helen is sleep-
strife. To run in the face of conflict, Julia does what any self-
ing with the enemy and resigns from the prison only to have the
respecting bisexual TV character would do ... she sleeps with a
escaped Nikki show up on her door disguised as a nurse. Life
man. And not just any man. Christian Troy. Julia's flip-flopping
on the lam turns into domestic tranquility as Helen helps Nikki
aside, no queer melodrama would be complete without a psychot-
get her sentence reversed and she is vindicated and released.
ic offspring. Enter Olivia's daughter Eden (AnnaLynne McCord),
Now they just need to adopt a couple of sporting dogs and join
who first poisons Julia (ironically, in a fruitcake) and then shoots
a women's football league.
her in the head, leavingJulia with amnesia, Olivia with a girlfriend
Southof Nowhere{TheN)
Bi GirlsJustWannaHaveFun
dramatic than the stories you hear every happy hour at your local
High school pepster Spencer Carlin's (Gabrielle Christian) is as
lesbian bar, but by primetime television standards, it makes Dirty
all-American as apple pie. Her whole family eats together, prays
Sexy Money look like Little House on the Prairie.
together and readily shares their feelings. But when the family
Bi on the Boob Tube continued on page 78
who has no memory of her and lesbian anesthesiologist Liz Cruz
The L Word's Tasha
and Alice, Paige from
Degrassi, Caitlin and
Alicia on Cashmere
Mafia, House's Thirteen,
Mel and Lindsay from
Queer As Folk
(Roma Maffia) living alone with cats. That may not be any more
July/ August 2008
Reviews Sapphic Screen
Talking It Out
The actors and the dialogue carry these dramas. I By Candace Moore
(Fox):Youdon't have
to rememberthe shortlived,'80s sci-noirTV
five movies,to lovethis
wherethe seriesleft
a LosAngelescop,his
tryingto assimilate),
anda puristgroup
that hasdeveloped
a virusto kill off the
the first alienhumanhybridgirl,a
cult andthe
dangersof post-hypnotic
all in this
beforeit, AlienNation
to tacklebroadissues
like race,class,sexual
will find gagreels,four
68 I curve
These three dramas prefer the internal landscape to the external
er joins outright into this discourse about love, but gracefully
one, exploring their characters' relationships to love, discrimina-
punctuates and accompanies it. The warmth of the lighting, the
tion, anger and family through conversation and recollection.
role of food and wine, and the closeups of the actors keep things
intimate; the viewer feels like a respectfully invited guest.
La Cucina (Chianti Pictures): Taking place in three
kitchens in the same Los Angeles apartment
complex, this
A Love to Keep (Picture This' Entertainment)· Juan
character-driven drama relies on the talents of its cast and on
Carlos Claver's epic drama explores the devastating story of two
Allison Wilke's full-bodied script about love, commitment and
lovers persecuted during Franco's regime in Spain, when homo-
sensual pleasure. The L Word's always-lovable Leisha Hailey
sexuality was illegal and treated as an aberration that might
plays it straight as Shelly, a pregnant woman whose husband
be abolished
flakes out around the house. She stomps upstairs to complain
(Carmen Elias) and Elvira (Susi Sanchez) enjoy a contented
to her neighbor Jude (Rachel Hunter),
who's cooking up a
domestic life together: making love, reading Neruda aloud and
storm and preparing to greet her lover Celia after a long day
collecting dried flower petals in their shared flat. That is, until
at a film shoot. Shelly and Jude laugh together, weighing the
Pilar's conservative family, along with the police and the medi-
pros and cons of lesbian relationships. Shelly's jealous that Jude
cal establishment, intervene and tear their relationship apart.
and Celia are lovers and best girlfriends. Jude acknowledges it's
Under the threat of imprisonment, Pilar is sent to an asylum
true but adds that they also find themselves "competing to vent:'
where her co-inhabitants bash their heads against walls, and a
We then learn that Celia's meal will likely turn cold; she's
woman who has cooked and eaten her mother stalks Pilar in
exploring a bottle of champagne (and potentially more) with
the common area. She is repeatedly strapped to a chair and
a coy seductress from the set. Meanwhile, back at the complex,
tortured while a relentless Zippo-snapping
30-year-old Lily (Christina
and her older lover
slides of naked women. These four years of aversion "therapy"
Michael (Joaquim de Almeida) share two bottles of vino and a
leave Pilar's nerves and psyche permanently scarred. During the
doctor shows her
caprese salad, while teasing out their ideas about relationships.
1980s, when the lovers are able to resume their life together in a
The lone guitarist riffing into the night is a neighbor who nev-
more tolerant Spain, they find themselves haunted by the dam-
meethertwo moms.Thefriends
try to bravethe last remnantsof
highschoolin their smalltown
beforetheyget out of Dodge.
age they've sustained. Heart-wrenching in its historical accuracy, this Spanish film (with subtitles)
explores homophobias
darkest personal effects.
Steel City (Peace Arch Entertainment):
Notable for its superb performances, this contemplative indie is about working-class men and their
bruising and healing family relationships in middle
America. It begins with a truck accident that leaves
a woman dead and Carl Lee (John Heard) behind
bars. Young adult PJ (Tom Guiry) visits his dad,
Carl, in jail and his angsty older brother at the steel
mill. Both are trapped. PJ tools around his blue-lit
small town in the family's dented truck, trying to
make ends meet after losing his dishwashing job.
Ugly Betty's America Ferrera plays the patient
woman who shows PJ how to love. Raymond J.
Barry received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for his portrayal of PJ's no-bullshit uncle
Vic, who teaches his slacker nephew new respect
and discipline. The alt-country soundtrack serves
as yet another introspective character. Now out on
us intothe girl partyof WeHo,
wherewe meeta new"gaggle"
of hot andhormonaltwentysomethingsas theydance,hook
up andgossip.Theirfearless
allegianceto herfriendsand
Alicehatchesa planfor the girls
to launchtheir own ladiesnight.
Laterepisodesfind the gal pals
holdingan overpricedlesbian
car washfor funds.Canwe still
call suchviewingpleasures
shameful?Nah,go aheadand
baskin televisedL.A.dykenight
life andthenget someshuteye.
Thesegirlswill dothe staying
outfor you.(logoonline.com)
I Wasa Teenage
(WomenMake Movies):Now
in her40s,filmmakerTherese
positiveimpacton heryouth.In
this documentary
explorethe meaningsthat the
F wordholdsfor womenand
mentoday,andto getto the
heartof the recentambivalence
towardor disavowalof the term.
Interviewswith GloriaSteinem,
the publishersof Bitchmagazine,the RadicalCheerleaders
are interspersedwith opendiscussions
with everydayJanesandJoes.
this cute,funnybut equallysad
send-upof encyclopedic
is oddlylovable.Writer-director
JamesWestbyclearlyhasa talentfor elicitingschadenfreude.
Afterlosinghisjob (andcheap
accessto movierentals),Scotty
followshis indiegirl crush,Niko
on an adventure
of kegpartiesandawkward
datesat the cinema.She'sa
art schoolvixen,
who bragsabouteatingpussy
andhangswith bothqueerand
he can't compete,but he can
playhis strongsuits.(scottysfilmpage.com)
his snarkybestfriendSabrina
girl, Rodneymuses,is a journey
that endsin "beingcomfortable
with yourself."Hechoosesthis
pathas he exploreshis gay
identity,with helpfrom his dra-
Lo~ L (WaterBearer
Films):Joe,an ex-proball
player,andMary,a homemakerwith a richfamily,have
a businessarrangement
for a
marriagein this eroticdrama.
that as longasthey don't get
emotionallyattachedto their
to milk Mary'smomto maintain
a nicelifestyle.Problems
with the planarisewhenJoe
developsa genuinehankering
for a landscaperandMary'sout
lesbianex-lovercomesto stay.
DVD, Steel City is one of the better recent films to
address the subtleties of performing a particular
brand of masculinity while ridden with remorse,
anger and sadness. While their first instincts may
be to deny their feelings, and to break things, the
men of the Lee family confront plenty of emotion
lli in this carefully directed film by Brian Jun, who
also wrote the script. (peacearch.com)■
Sonj (PictureThis!
film starsKirstenDunst-lookalike
SabrinaKruschwitzas a moody
kissingher bestfriendJulia's
neckandtells herso.Thetwo
roleplayas lovers,constantly
cuddleandcall eachother
"silkypaw,"but Juliais intent
onfindinga steadyboyfriend.
July/ August 2008
Amanda Micheli and Isabel Vega
Every year, behind the walls of the women's penitentiary
in the film. While we were there, it was a month of
in Bogota, Colombia, beauty contestants shimmy and
festivities culminating in the beauty pageant. In the
shine under the South American sun, outlined by pris-
film, the prison looks like a high school. I never felt
on bars, metal wire and oppressive concrete structures.
Young bodies-with
tattoos, wounds and maternal
Micheli:It was only when we left the prison [that]
stretch marks-preen
and pose primarily for the gaze
we felt unsafe sometimes. The difficult thing for us
was how hard the girls say it is in there. They wear
of fellow inmates and celebrity judges.
street clothes, but only because the prison can't afford
Unlike other beauty contestants, these women have
to buy them uniforms. Half of them don't even get
pasts that run deep into the heart of Colombia's poverty,
sexism, Catholic stranglehold and civil war. And the winner of these prison
pagents will not be paraded through an array of frivolous public events.
bedding upon arrival.
In beauty pageants, women are objects, typically of the male
for Best Documentary Short, Amanda Micheli and
gaze, and act "very feminine," but here they are performing for
Isabel Vega's La Coronalooks into the dichotomies (or ironies) facing con-
other women. Moreover, these contestants are women who have
temporary notions of femininity that you would expect from the director of
engaged in what is frequently perceived as unfeminine behavior.
Micheli: It's so full of irony. You have a "hit girl" who pouts because she
documentaries like, Just for the Ride, about the women's pro rodeo circuit;
Double Dare, about professional movie stuntwomen; and (as cinematographer), Thin, a documentary about eating disorders.
In this exclusive interview at the Sundance Film Festival, Micheli and Vega
doesn't like her dress. You have a woman who was married and had a
child. When her husband was killed, she goes to prison and falls in love
with a woman. Defining femininity is a bit complicated. It's a pretty sexu-
talk about a film that saw the projection light thanks to the fiscal sponsorship of
ally charged place. When we first started talking to the warden, one of
the San Francisco-based Film Arts Foundation. - John Esther
her big concerns is that journalists often come in and take pictures of two
women kissing and [then] they leave. She was like,"I don't want chis film
Why did you want to make this documentary?
Micheli:It was Isabel's baby. I like to see myself as the midwife [laughs].We
show that:' We tried to assure her we weren't there to make a titillating
girl-on-girl sex piece.
had two months before the contest. We jumped on a plane with frequent
Vega:Girls would tell us that during the week they're "manly;' and when the
flyer tickets. We didn't know we were there to make a film. We were there
family comes on the weekend they would go to the beauty salon and
become "feminine" for their families.
just checking it out. Next thing you know, we were embedded with these
great characters.
Were they suspicious of your intentions?
Micheli:The local Bogota press is invited to the event. They're used to having
Angela, one of the main subjects, a lesbian, wins the pageantonly adding to the social dichotomies of the documentary.
cameras at the pageant, but the difference with us being a verite film was
Vega:She was killed 10 months after being released from prison.
Micheli:The irony is the prison is a safe haven. The city is really tough. But
how difficult it was to explain to them why we needed to be there so many
there's the loneliness and the boredom of prison life. Also, you might be
days before and after the pageant.
How were the shooting conditions, regarding safety?
Vega:Things do happen there. You don't necessarily see the terrible side
safe, but you're separated from your family. It's a Catholic country, so
these women are having babies when they're young.
When Angela wins I was thinking, "OK, is this going to get racial or
homophobic, or both?"
Vega:You thought chat? That's good.
But it only got racial. Is lesbianism widely accepted in the prisons?
Micheli:They got that Catholic closet going. A lot of chem will have girl-
friends in prison and then go back to men when on the outside. Viviana,
who tends to be everybody's favorite, had a girlfriend in prison and she
didn't tell us for a long time. She was very shy. She got released and ended
up moving in with her girlfriend.
Your documentaries tend to refute these idealized standards of
Micheli:Yeah, definitely. I hate to pigeonhole any filmmaker, but I am
definitely drawn to women's stories. I'm kind of obsessed with the tough-
girl thing and how femininity intersects with that. I've played sports my
whole life and I know there are stereotypes with that. Everybody is always
trying to figure me out. Am I an art fag, a jock, a dyke, a straight, queer,
bisexual? And nobody accepts, 'Tm Amanda, nice to meet you:• ■
Music Watch
Gals Who've Got the Goods
Singer~songwriters that are worth revisiting.
I By Margaret
Though I've mentioned Kris Delmhorst, Ana Egge, Rachael Sage
and Missy Higgins before in these pages, they all deserve renewed
attention due
Hailing from New England, Delmhorst is a seasoned veteran
of the folk circuit who keeps coming out with one brilliant al-
bum after another. This latest 12-tracker blurs the lines between
albums where each track flows seamlessly into the next, mes-
the album, like"To the Wire" and"Midnight Ringer;' are mellow
use of melody to hook the listener-it's
Hold the Sun" works an atmospheric gospel-blues vibe, while
"Riverwide" similarly offers haunting, swampy blues. Much of
alt-folk-pop numbers that rely heavily on Delmhorsts
their most recent releases, stunning albums that
Shotgun Singer, Kris Delmhorst (Signature Sounds):
show these women are the cream of the singer-songwriter crop.
the latter is a soaring, pop-rock ditty that almost sounds like
it couldn't possibly have come from the same artist. "Heavens
hard to resist that urge
at least hum along. Overall, Shotgun Singer is one of those
indie rock and folk, combined with a healthy
merizing you for the duration. Before you
dose of Americana, and showcases Delmhorst's
know it, 47 minutes have gone by-and
then you just want
distinctive, hushed vocals and literary lyrics. The
and dreamy. (krisdelmhorst.com)
result sounds like a cross between the Cowboy
Junkies and Mirah-subdued,
hit repeat. Delicious
often distorted
Cuts like the opening crooner, "Blue Adeline,"
Lazy Days, Ana Egge (Grace/
Parkinsong): I love a good cover
and the pappier "1,000 Reasons" both uti-
album, especially one with a theme-like
lize lo-fi drum machine
this 10-track, twangy ode to idleness from
and multi-layered in terms of instrumentation.
beats, albeit with
Jiffering results-the
Fringehasbeenon my
hot list all month,so
whenit cametimeto
choosean editor'spick,
it wasalmosta shockto
reachfor a releasefrom
a differentpioneer.But
so inspiredandmodern
it's a must-havefor
oneof Canada'smost
for a multi-generational
producedthe album
(thefirst on hernew
label)andthe duo
the fold with herhip
credanda hostof
on the CDincludingAni
com)- Diane
former is a hypnotic,
drum-, cymbals- and violin-filled lullaby, while
the Austin-Brooklyn
folkie who sounds
like a less gravelly, more upbeat Lucinda
July/August 2008
Williams. Covering relatively obscure songs from the likes of Gene Autry ("It's
My Lazy Day"), Ron Sexsmith ("Wastin' Time") and the Zombies ("I Could
Spend the Day"), it's no surprise that the overall mood of the set is, you guessed
it, mellow. My favorite cuts include a warmed-up, languorous version of the
Kinks' "Sitting in the Midday Sun;' Belle and Sebastian's melancholy, wistful
"A Summer Wasting" and a subdued interpretation
of Le Tigre's "Much Finer;'
which remains faithful to the original, though is less electronic. Egge's voice i~
really the hook throughout, sliding over notes like warm molasses. Simply a joy
to listen to. (anaegge.com)
Chandelier, Rachael Sage (MPress): New York bisexual singer-songwriter Rachael Sage returns with her eighth album, and she just keeps getting
better. Due to her preferred instrument-the
often compared to
Tori Amos, though I tend to hear more of a similarity to bi songstress Magdalen
Hsu-Li, especially considering they are both
DIYers. Sage's sound is usually described as
"chamber pop;' referencing her use of mini-
EP,Sickof Sarah
mixof indiepunkandpoprock,
hasscoreda coveted
spoton OliviaCruises'Caribbean
BirthdayBashin November;
angstytitle cut is merelya teaser
for theirupcoming
full albumin
com/sickofsarah) TheSanFrancisco
vocalistreturnswith a sophomore
set evenmoremind-blowingthan
herfirst. Inventivecutslikethe
scat-filledavant-jazzof "Billie's
Bounce"standout as highlights.
orchestra's worth of instruments, including
Wurlitzer, drums, trumpet and a string quartet, along with her piano, not to mention her
flair for the dramatic. Her self-proclaimed
influences range from Elvis Costello to David
Bowie to, somewhat surprisingly, bluesman
and unlikely friend, the late John Lee Hooker,
about whom the song "Blue Light" was written. The 13-track set includes a few firsts-Sage's
first instrumental recording
("Beloved"), and her first song written for a fan, who requested of Sage a composition for her commitment ceremony ("Wishbone'')-and
also offers a cover,
"Mexico;' originally by the Atlanta band Jump, Little Children. Highlights include the lead-off"Vertigo;' a frenetic, angry ode to a bad relationship; "My Word;'
which references Sage's training as an actor; and the title track, "Chandelier;' a
moving ballad that ponders the fleetingness of every moment. The retro-flavored
horn-fest 'i\ngel in My View" is the album's most complete and accessible pop
Thesuperstar '?Ossongwritergetsa deluxe
two-discreissue,with discone
offeringa beautifullyremastered
versionof heroriginal12-song
Herearesomegorgeous masterpiece
anddisctwo featurviolin,pianoandcelloarrangements ing previouslyunreleased
Juilliard-trained concertversionsof Tapestry's
tracklistingrecordedin 1973and
Ahn,whopushthe boundaries
1976.I still love"I Feelthe Earth
musicwith more
cutslike"All I Want."
Like)A NaturalWoman"-classics!
remixesby DJSpookyandothers.
song, and is destined to be a favorite. (rachaelsage.com)
On a Clear Night, Missy Higgins (Reprise): Though the 23-year-old
Australian chanteuse has already reached a much higher level of market saturation than the other artists mentioned in this column, her second album is still
worth praising, if briefly. The disc's emotional
lead-off single, "Where I Stood;' might sound
familiar, due to its exposure via television
shows like Smallville,One Tree Hill and Grey's
Anatomy; it's a simple but irresistibly melodic
piano ballad that instantly sucks you right in.
"100 Round the Bends" and "Steer" both pick
up the pace and add guitars to the mix, but
neither intensity nor sing-along-
ability. Higgins' biggest strength
is in the
combination of her crystal-clear, passionate vocals and catchy musical and lyrical
hooks, and there's no shortage of either on this set's 11 tracks. Personal picks
include the slinky"Secret;' mandolin-filled 'i\ngela" and rollicking"Peachy:' If you
enjoyed her debut, The Sound of White, don't hesitate to pick this one up-you
won't be disappointed. (missyhiggins.com)■
I curve
X, KylieMinogue(Capitol/
Onthis 10thstudio
Vol.1 & 2,
popstar,we get moreof the stylish
a follow-upto lastyear'swildly
cometo expectfromthe singer
the shy whogaveus "Can'tGetYouOut
ltalo-discosingeroffersa one-two of My Head"and"Loveat First
punchof 10-trackremixdiscs,
Sight."Themidtempo"All I See"is
with infectiousreinterpretations
by the first Americansingle,butthe
mixmasterslike JuniorBoys,Dntel, moreamped-upbeatsof "In My
of "Wow"
arethe best.(kylie.com)- MC
Key West-sDistinctiveResortfor ffl1men
Alphabet Rockers
Last year, former 4 Non Blondes' drummer, Dawn Richardson, and singer Kaitlin McGaw (both San
Francisco-based musicians) produced their first Alphabet Rockers CD, which received widespread
praise for its modern approach to educational children's music. The duo is working on a new Alphabet
Rockers CD, as well as other music with their respective bands. They create a hip, fun version of children's music that has kids, parents and educators alike dancing to their catchy tunes. - JessJones
When you two met did you both realize your common interest in children's music?
McGaw:We both worked at the School of Rock Summer Camp. I had decided to start writing kids'
music, so I was listening to kids' music at work on my computer. I told [Richardson] I was thinking
2007 Best bin / Resort for Women
about writing a kids' album and she totally lit up and said she was thinking about it too. So a couple
of weeks later we got together and started writing. Sometimes people say they're interested in doing
something, and then sometimes things are just meant to be.
Where did your musical inspiration for Alphabet Rockers come from?
I think it sort of comes from us being a singer and a drummer to start with, instead of
Voted Best LesbianProperty by
HPearl'shas it all.,,~ CurveMagazine
somebody who is a singer-songwriter who strums guitar. And I think that we're really writing from
the rhythm, and we like the styles that we're writing in. I play the drums, but I love hip-hop and
program stuff like M.I.A.
The first time we were going to get together, for some reason I already had this rap in my mind
about shapes ... "Shape Rap:' I was like [laughs],"It's time to talk about all the circles in the world.
Where are they arr Point them out:' We just knew we wanted to write good kids' music.
Do you plan on releasing other kids' CDs through your label School Time Music?
We will continue to produce our own Alphabet Rockers music. We plan on doing videos and
some live performances in different cities. I'm going to stay here ir, the Bay Area, but we're putting
together groups in the Boston area that will perform at libraries and schools there, and then in Los
\ •. ·«1(
Angeles and New York.
Have you received any negative feedback from more traditional or conservative people?
It seems to have been really well-received. I think just the genre takes a little bit of getting
used to, especially for the older generations. For the younger parents, the younger generations, it's
sticking like glue.
The other thing too is that with kids' music, people are just happy to have it. We're all here to
make quality music for kids. It's a little less competitive, which is nice.
So what are your future plans? Is there going to be another Alphabet Rockers CD?
McGaw:Oh yeah, we're all over that. We're working on writing new songs. We actually have enough
songs for a couple of albums, and it's going to be fun. The recording process is fun for us too,
because all of these amazing musi-
cians come together. And the next
phase is exciting, with live shows as
well as videos.
We have tons of ideas
from teachers and friends, so now
we're deciding what the next album
is going to be based on, but we def-
initely will be doing more stuff as
well as our other projects.
McGaw:Our next Alphabet Rockers
album we're hoping to get out this
fall. And if you or any of your read-
ers have any ideas for songs, visit
our website at alphabetrockers.com,
& lyrically
and send us an email. ■
Richardson (left)
with McGaw
July/ August 2008 \ 73
I I'\!
11.l \
l,1 ;-.,~
In The Stacks
Get Into the Island Spirit
These books are perfect for a tropical getaway. I By Rachel Pepper
Whether they're exploring what it's like to come out as a teenager or what it means to be both Caribbean and queer, these
books both put a new spin on notions of identity.
Our Caribbean, edited by Thomas Glave (Duke
University Press): Our Caribbean is the first book of its
kind: an anthology of gay and lesbian
writing from the Antilles. The editor,
It's no secret that LindaVillarosa,
the formerexecutive
editorof Essence
a formereditorof the
somewhatof a lesbian
godto me.A lesbian
wholivesin Brooklyn
with herpartnerand
two kids,ranthe largest
for African
andis a best-selling
author-what's notto
envy?I meanadmire.
herfictiondebutwith a
magazineeditor,as she
an intriguingstranger
the Sapphicsideof life.
the mangocloseto the
pit") reflectan author
it meansto straddle
andbalancecommunity, family and personal
desires.(kensingtonbooks.com)- DAM
My Tiki Girl, by Jennifer
McMahon (Dutton Juvenile):
Thomas Glave, who teaches in the
Jennifer McMahon
University, State University of New
is an author
who knows well the terrain of the
York, compiles 37 authors (includ-
adolescent. Her first book, Promise
ing lesbian writers Dionne Brand,
Not to Tell, was a ghost story that
Michelle Cliff, Shani Mootoo and
centered on an adult's memory of
a childhood
14 island groups and countries
friend tormented
such as Puerto
crossover appeal to
the Bahamas, Cuba, Panama and
teen readers.
Rico, Barbados,
Now comes My Tiki Girl, a young
adult coming-out novel that can also
Assotto Saint, Timothy S. Chin
be enjoyed by adults. My Tiki Girl is
and Rinaldo Walcott, whose es-
told by Maggie Keller, a 15-year-old
say, "Fragments
who survived the car accident that
Black Queer Community: From
killed her mother, and who now suf-
a Life Still Being Lived;' was one
fers from both physical injuries and
of the more recent pieces, pub-
survivor guilt as a result of the crash.
lished in 2005. Indeed, many
Casting aside old friends, whom she
pieces will already be famil-
feels have little in common with her
iar to queer readers, such as a
now, Maggie is drawn to a new student,
selection from Achy Obejas'
Dahlia Wainwright, a goth-leaning free
Male writers
1994 novel, We Came All
spirit who is more concerned with music
the Way From Cuba So You
making than popularity. When the two girls
Could Dress Like This?, or
become friends and start a band, new worlds
Audre Lorde's classic Zami:
open up for them both, including attention
A New Spelling of My Name.
from the popular kids whom Dahlia claims
Some pieces are being pub-
to abhor. Maggie has to contend with
lished for the first time in
both her own new desire for girls and her
English, or will read differently
awareness that other teenagers may not
understand it. As Dahlia's home life starts
writers whose work also recalls
to spin out of control, jeopardizing her
an island home, one the writer
and her little brother, and Maggie copes
may miss or may not even have
with her father's shock at her lesbian-
visited. While the collection is
ism, the action builds to a fairly realistic
lesbian- and gay-oriented, many
conclusion. McMahon has a talent for
pieces also deal with more uni-
successfully getting into the psyches of
versal themes, such as family, race,
her teenage characters' heads, providing
class, religion and same-sex desire.
them with both the wisdom and the in-
Our Caribbean will likely become a
nocence to make them believable. My
classic compilation and a must-read
Tiki Girl harbors no illusions about
for anyone who wants to learn more
the long-term happiness of its teen-
about what it means to be from the
age protagonists, but by the book's ending, we know they'll
Antilles region of the world and to
Silvera), who represent
bullies, and was an adult novel with
both be OK, even if the outcome of their affair isn't rosy.
English department at Binghamton
find a home in the LGBT community. (dukeupress.edu) ■
an accidentin which
left herwith a new
onthe way
that able-bodied
Thisbookis a
collectionof portraitsof
two parts:first a clear,
a separate,
portraitof the chairin
sit.Theeffectis to view
the lively,proudfaces
asthe realidentitiesof
eachof theseindividuals andtheirdisability
asa secondary
proseaboutherexperienceof losingsome
leavesits impression
the reader.(umbragebooks.com)- Kamala
of MinnesotaPress):
NimaNaghibiis an
of Englishat Ryerson
Universityin Toronto.
In her newbook,
sheexploresthe vast
that of ThirdWorld
are portrayedin both
Naghibiasksthe question: Is it possiblethat
notall womenwantto
be asfreeaswe are?
-Kelly Rulon
cal andsocialaspects
of Asiancinemaand
clarifiesthemin this
yet accessible,work.Guiding
readerson a well-documentedforayintothe
worldof eroticcinema,
of a
desirefor better,more
of raceandgender.
perilsof identification
with screenrepresentationsandurgesreaders
to think beyondwhat
theyseeonthe screen.
- TeresaCoates
FrontierM dam,June
overby historians,Dell
Burkeleft an indelibleimpressiononthe
smalltownof Lusk,
Wyo.In 1919,Burke
openedthe doorsof
of whatwouldbecome
Race,Celin Parrenas oneof the mostfamous
brothelsin theWest.
Shimiu (Duke
Forthe next60 years,
intriguingexamination shekeptthe doorsopen
of theAsianfemme
enoughto saveLusk
fatalein cinema,The
of Race from insolvency
the Depression.
thoughthe history
booksdo not mention
IdentityandDisability, mainstream
Hil ry Cooper
wouldmakeanyfemiboththe pastand
nist historybuff proud.
the present.Celine
Trainedin portraiture,
delvesintothe histori-
Kl Thompson
KI Thompson is a woman with a wild
imagination, a serious passion for the
Civil War and a way with words. Her
short stories have been published in
various erotica and romance collections,
including the Erotic Interludes series by
Bold Strokes Books. Her latest novel,
Heart of Matter follows in the footsteps
of her first book, House of Clouds-a
homage to her favorite historical time
period, with the added twist of lesbian
love. -
Kamala K. Puligandla
House of Clouds is a unique novel in that it has the elements
of historical fiction but also includes a romance between two
women. When you set out to write this book, what did you have
in mind?
From the very beginning, I wanted to write a love story between two
women during the Civil War. I'm a huge American history buff, and
the Civil War is my favorite period. The fact that it occurred during the Victorian era makes it especially scintillating and erotic-all
those suppressed sexual urges and formal speech patterns are too
tantalizing to ignore. I chose to write about the events leading up to
the first year of the war, until the end of 1861, because in my mind it
was the most exciting, tension-filled time of the war. Making Jordan
Colfax, the Northern character, an actress and a spy, helped add to
that tension. However, I tried very hard to balance the history with
the romance, because after all, it's the women and their story we're
most interested in.
Th romantic sexual moments between the two women characters are very steamy, but also very well written. How hard was it
to write those scenes?
I debated back and forth whether to be sexually explicit with these two
characters. On the one hand, it was the Victorian era, but on the other,
it was their personal journeys and nutual attraction that led them to
fall in love. And well, let's face it, womt.:n had sex with each other, even
back then, so why not write about it? Clearly, I couldn't write a love
scene with contemporary overtones; it wouldn't have been believable.
Not only was this their first sexual experience with a woman, it was
their first sexual experience entirely ... ! enjoyed writing the love scene
very much and tried to make it as true to the time as possible.
One of the. mam character in the book is an actor who ha$ a tryst
with another actor. Since you made the book historicallyaccurate,
do you know f any le bian ac ors from tt°'istim period?
There were performers who had a great deal of freedom, the most remarkable being Charlotte Cushman, considered one of the greatest actresses
of her day in the mid-1800s, and a known lesbian. Of course, she spent
most of her time as an expatriate in Italy, living in a community made
up mostly of lesbian artists. But she frequently returned to the U.S. to
perform and was known for her roles as Lady Macbeth and Romeo. ■
July/August 2008
I 75
Reviews Tech Girl
Shake Your Groove Thing
Fun gizmos to bring out your musical side. I By Katie Peoples and Colleen M. Lee
Technology has had a huge impact on how we interact with music, and we couldn't be happier with the results. Think about it.
Ten years ago it was a big freak.in' deal to get a midi of Beethoven's Ninth for your ring tone. Now we can download just about
any song we want, from anywhere. Not to mention the many music-related video games out there, the iPod and some of the best
speakers $20 can buy. So go ahead and enjoy all that the tech boom has to offer your music collection.
Made for kids, but also fun for adults. The speaker and alarm clock system
for the iPod nano makes waking up bearable. The cute but somewhat flimsy
compact GrooveToons (in six hot colors) allows the sleeper to awake to her
favorite songs, and can also be used as a stereo-the
speakers are that power-
ful. Plus it offers a snooze button, for those who need extra time getting out
of bed. Best yet, it charges your iPod when in dock. ($50, cygnett.com)
SingStar '90s (PS2)
Bring karaoke home with this interactive game. Use the two microphones
to battle it out against your friends. The menu is simple and as easy to navigate as your iPod. Scroll through the vast selection of albums to choose
your round, and then sing along with the Cranberries ( test your skills
on "Zombie") and others in the Independent
Woman collection. Sure,
it might take a few shots, but we promise you'll have a rockin' good time.
Rated E for everyone. ($30 for game, $40 for game-microphone
us.playstation.com/ singstar)
Sonic Impact SoundPads
Perfect for the person who wants wall-mounted speakers but doesn't want
to fork over the dough. The Sonic Impact SoundPads adhere to any sur-
face to create stereo sound. Designed to stick permanently to any location (like the backside of a framed poster or picture, bookcases or boxes)
these barely there, 2-ounce devices hook up to your amplifier to give you an
amazing stereo system. But try them out before you stick them on, as different surfaces give you a different sound. ($18, thinkgeek.com) ■
Aftera recent
divingtrip in the Cayman
Islands,I'm already
I canreturnto thoseazure
"tide" meover:Endless
a Wiigamethat
immersesplayersin sereneoceanicexploration.
of tropicallife,including
dolphins,whowill partner
with youandlearnhowto
performtricks.I hada lot
of troublenavigatingmy
girl diver,but in the end
it didn'tmatter.I dropped
the controller,
the aquaticmajestyand
did a little meditationin
timewith the diver'sdeep
breaths.A savvierperson
the game.RatedE.($30,
From top: GrooveToons
!Pod alarm clock; sing
along with SingStar '90s;
Sonic Impact SoundPads
yearsof maintaining
the gatheringplacefor the
it quits,shutteringthe communityin April.
"My personalenergyhasshiftedtowardother
formsof activism,"shesaid,
thankingreaders"for being
partof myonlinefamilyfor
so manyyears."
to bring
togetherall same-sex-attractedwomenwho"know
howto turnona computer,"
wasa fun,safe
placeto chat,andits wealth
of colorfularticlescoveredeverything
activismto relationships
to techadvice.Content
will beavailablein thesite'sarchivesfor another
year,anda varietyof newforumshavesprung
" is nowshifting
focusto other
I Tried It Revi
Spreading the Gospel of Grease
One woman. One car. A whole lot of vegetable oil. I By Erin Siegal
New York City isn't the ideal place for a car. In fact, it's probably one of the
least friendly cities for things like, say, parking.
Mere details.
After moving back to NYC as a photojournalist, I needed transportation.
Yet being one of those soulless people who add to the exhaust fumes and traffic snarls in the Big Apple was the last thing I wanted to do. Searching for
another option, I'd started reading up on vegetable oil cars, or "greasecars;' as
they're commonly known, and decided it was that or nothing. Running a car
on fuel made from garbage? Perfect!
The car had to have an original diesel engine, which meant the options
were limited to mostly older Mercedes-Benz models, cars hard to find on the
East Coast. There were also a spattering of diesel Volvos and Volkswagens
that could run on veg, but they were more difficult to find and in higher demand, since Benzes were notoriously more expensive to fix and needed costly
European parts.
I hunted online for a few weeks. When I found a Volvo with a veg oil system already installed, I could barely contain my excitement.
Within days, I was in White Plains, N.Y., talking to a middle school
as a bonding experience. The result was a carefully installed vegetable oil fuel
the center console. I fell head over heels for the fast-food smell of her.
system from Greasecar.com. The well-organized teacher had kept the car in
I named the car Rosie, an intentionally optimistic move. I figured that
immaculate condition, and his installation appeared to be flawless. He'd even
adopting a brighter perspective on the car would only serve to placate the gods
crafted a wooden trapdoor neatly covered by custom-cut beige carpet, to hide
of Scandinavian motoring. A name like Rosie underscored the fact that in
the veggie tank from view.
midday sunlight, her dull brown paint had tinges of maroon, which was
almost rose-colored. Almost.
brownish-maroon station wagon, circa 1983. Her interior was a mustard beige
I managed to hook up with a Chinese restaurant on my block that would
give me the old oil from their deep fryer, and I built a haphazard contraption
to aid in pre-filtration-the
hue resembling baby puke, and she didn't always start.
to her shitty brakes, and she
to the occasional burrito accidentally dropped into the window controls on
I fell in love at first sight.
Noc many would. The car wasn't what you'd call a beauty. She was an old
sweet. We grew used to each ocher's quirks-me
science teacher named Rudy. He'd converted the diesel wagon with his son
most important part of running on veg-from
My introduction to the car began innocently enough. Rudy told me how to
an old newspaper rack, a bucket and a 5-micron filcerbag that resembled an
switch back and forth between running on diesel from the car's original tank
oversized tube sock. I'd pour the waste oil, replete with crusty bits of Chinese
and vegetable oil from the greasetank. He explained how to flush the system
food, through the bag into the bucket, and then take the filtered oil and funnel
after each use, to avoid getting any vegetable oil in the lines. He stressed the
importance of letting the engine warm up, and then began to explain the car's
it into my tank. Passersby on the sidewalk in front of my Brooklyn apartment
thought I was nuts.
nongrease-relaced quirks.
Her windshield wipers operated in random explosions that five certified
had stressed just how, um, sticky this process could be.
On all the vegetable oil message boards md email lists I'd joined, no one
Volvo mechanics couldn't explain. The trunk had no latch and was tied down via
Within months, the wagon had evolved from a normal car to a vehicle
a tattered bungee cord. The driver's seat, covered by a Huffywhite faux sheepskin
whose trunk had absorbed gallons of grease. Rudy's carefully cut carpet was
cover, had a large chunk chewed out of its side. The white Greasecar.com decals
now coated with a layer of sticky grime. In my excited beginner's haste, I had
that Rudy had plastered to the wagon's side and rear windows inevitably trans-
spilled oil in just about every way possible, via a loose cubie cap, a wobbly
formed other motorises into high-speed peanut galleries, yelling questions out
funnel and overfilling. Once I'd even awakened to find stray cats licking the oil
their windows in passing.
OK, I thought. I could deal. I didn't mind spreading the grease gos-
that had dripped down from the car's undercarriage onto the street.
pel to nonbelievers, and if it rained I'd just drive at the speed of a strolling
a little gumminess here and there. I'd still spill occasionally, but figured out
I paid Rudy $1,200, thinking I'd gotten a deal. The Internet-ordered
how to pour smaller quantities of the liquid gold, instead of crying to move it
around by the bucketload.
kit alone was worth $600, and hey, it was already installed.
The next day, leafing through the car's records, I found a handwritten bill
year-old beauty of a Benz named Esmerelda. It's been nine months, and our
of sale. Rudy had purchased the wagon from a woman in Jersey for $300.
Despite my growing apprehension, my honeymoon with the wagon was
After a little more time and practice, everything ran smoothly, albeit with
Two years and one city lacer, I'm now onto my second greasecar, a 25relationship has blossomed into full-Hedged devotion. Once you've been converted to the gospel of grease, there's just no going back. ■
July/ August 2008
Six Rules for Music Fests continued from page 26
Bi on the Boob Tube continued from page 67
Ghost Whisperer continued from page 58
This way, you cannot see anything around you,
[in Los Angeles] six months ago, and I had my
and your girlfriend cannot see where your eyes are
only big star-struck moment. She was walking
wandering. Work on :.:n arrangement where noth-
by and she looked at me, smiled. I was thinking,
ing that happens in the woods can be held against
That was the human being that formed who I am
you or your 50 percent of the relationship's assets.
as a musician. I just started to cry.
Going to an event with thousands of horny lesbi-
And you did Vagina Monologues with Jennifer
ans is a test for even the strongest of relationships.
Beals last year.
You're either going to have fun with the temptations
What an extraordinary experience. The Vagina
or you're going to be very miserable and the words
Monologues is a body of work that is a phenom-
'Tm sorry, honey" will become your mantra. Save
enal healing tool. I did not know that until I got
some of your money for the flowers and jewelry you
into it. Yes,Jennifer Beals is a very charismatic
will have to buy her after the weekend is over.
woman, highly intelligent.
You have a side career as a paranormal. Are
Drink Responsibly
there lesbian ghosts?
There will come a time when some baby dyke will
I have run into turn-of-the-century
women who
5 (Sci-Fi)
ToBoldlyGoWhereNo Bi HasGone
Even though Commander Susan Ivanova (Claudia
need to body surf along the crowd. You have a seri-
killed themselves, some of them because of
Christian) was involved with a man who gave his
ous responsibility to put your hands up and roll
sexuality issues. Some spirits who lived during
life to save hers, sci-fi fans everywhere were con-
her along the wave. If you are sloppy drunk, you
what I call "religiously archaic times;' like when
vinced that there was a special girl thang hap-
may drop her. Then, you've got a bigger problem
homosexuality was forbidden, think they are
pening between her and telepath Talia Winters
on your hands-namely,
burly security dykes who
going to go to hell, so they stay earthbound and
(Andrea Thompson), who also had a history of re-
will roll you right off the property. Save your loll-
wander around. They bring that to me. So I have
lationships with men. Their TV romance was old
ing, drooling drunkenness for a beachside cruise,
this conversation with them and say,"God is not
school: all of the tensions and implications, none
where there is less going on. By all means, have fun.
going to spit on you, you can go, you can go:'
of the blatancy. As a matter of fact, whatever went
But for what you've paid to be there, you may want
So ghosts can't listen to NPR?
on between these two star-crossed interplanet ex-
to actually remember the festival. (Your elders will
They don't. They are stuck in the last trauma that
plorers stayed between them ... although die-hard
occurred. If you were taught that if you crossed
watchers of Babylon 5 swear that a lesbian kiss was
the street, you were going to go to hell, then
edited out of a scene between the two-a
you'd never cross the street. And if I come from
the show's producers deny. However, after Winters'
tell you-drink
more water and less beer ...and
then, they'll take your beer away from you.)
Do Those ThingsYou Don't Want to Do
across the street and say, 'Hey, there's a great
departure from the show, Ivanova reportedly con-
You don't really want to go to a vaginal humming
club over here, you should really come across
fessed to another character, "I think I loved Talia:'
session or learn how to drum your spiritual karma.
the street [I can make a change]. So it is a mat-
It's nice to know that even in the 23rd century,
Do it anyway. It's part of the women's fest pack-
ter of advocating. ■
there will still be bisexual angst. You know what
age. You have to camp. Only a wuss drives the 100
they say: In space no one can hear you confess you
miles to the nearest Bates Motel each night. You
kissed a girl.
will be mocked if you do this. A giant photo of
ers like other lesbians, so find yourself a nice family
Queeras Folk(Logo)
YouJustCan'tKeepa GoodGirlBi
Before there was The L Word, there was Queer As
of dykes in flannels and boots and have them help
Folk, where the gay men were hot and the lesbians
you pump up your air mattress and set up your
were so very dull. As the boys danced in smoky,
overpriced tent. There's nothing to do then but
sweaty clubs and had sex every place under the
your disgraced face will be plastered on a board of
shame. Not all lesbians like to camp. But all camp-
express your gratitude by sharing your homemade
sun, Lindsay Peterson (Thea Gill) and her sig-
wine and playing strip poker until sunrise, be-
nificant other, Melanie (Michelle Clunie), signed
cause, Lord knows, with all that noise and the hard
domestic partnership papers and fretted over their
ground, you aren't going to get any sleep anyway.
sperm donor's parental rights. These girls were so
Sleep when you're dead. This weekend is about
normal they made PBS seem like a porno chan-
finding new and inventive ways not to sleep.
nel, until one day, out of the blue, Lindsay decided
And why do we do all of this? Is it just another
to go back to boys and have seedy art gallery sex
excuse to get naked and drink beer, or to look at
with a male painter. Lindsay claimed she was just
naked girls who are drinking beer? A chance to get
"testing her sexuality" and had emerged from the
back to nature or rock out to some edgy, marginal-
affair a stronger lesbian. But by then Melanie was
ized fringe bands that we'd otherwise never hear
history, and not until their mutual friend was killed
on mainstream radio? Or is it a way to meet other
in a hate crime did Lindsay recapture her seriously
women with similar or diverse interests? Perhaps
Sapphic identity, hook back up with Melanie and
music festivals offer us a chance to trade our every-
move to Canada to fight for gay rights in a country
day reality for 100 acres of pristine land and 1,000
more accepting of gays. Thank God, Lindsay got
her dullness back. ■
watts of girl power. Likely, it's all of these above. ■
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July/ August 2008
Top Ten Reasons We Love Alicia Champion & Danielle Lo Presti
the fundraising may be difficult, "it's such a lovefilled festival... a true team effort;' says Champion.
5. They'reall business,
They love to sleep in and go on nature walks after
work is done. Lo Presti is in their studio, Durga
Sound, working on a new album. Champion is finishing up a hip-hop album, a gospel record and an
all-female R&B album. They also squeeze in infomercials, and Champion creates tracks for spoken
word artists.
6. We were Alicia'sfirst. Champion's quick to
remind us that
was the first publication to
review her debut self-produced CD, Stories of My
Soul, in 1999.
"San Diego could really
use going on a date with San Francisco, to elevate its
mind;' says Lo Presti. The festival is a way to create
positive energy, a way for people from all walks of
life to meet and be inspired. Music and art converge
as vehicles for social change; Lo Presti describes this
as an opportunity where "people don't see gay, they
see the defiance of the human body by transcending the physical and suspend their judgments for a
minute .... [SDIMF] is a sexy event that has all kinds
of people coming out, mingling, meeting one another:'
8. Theykeepit in the family.Champion cites her
father's intense passion for classic rock as one of her
For those who believe that pleasure and business
coughing fit, threw her back out so severely that
don't mix, Alicia Champion and Danielle Lo Presti
she was paralyzed for a week. These ailments, how-
mantra that her strength was her writing, it wasn't
are on a mission to show that partners in life and
ever, helped propel their success with the indie fest,
until she heard artists like Melissa Etheridge and
love are capable of amazing things. Sole propri-
which is still growing exponentially, from 600
Amy Ray that she learned she could create her own
etors, co-founders and nurturing mothers of the
attendees in 2004 to more than 8,000 projected
style. Lo Presti grew up on Motown and R&B and
San Diego Indie Music Fest, they make sure the
in 2008; musical acts went from 25 on two stages
was influenced by Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye
festival celebrates everything independent
biggest inspirations. Though she grew up with the
the first year to 75 on seven stages. That's not to say
and her own sister, Gina Angelique. Lo Presti de-
promotes one of the country's biggest exports: en-
they're immune to pain; it still breaks their hearts
scribes her sister as a fearless artist who recognizes
tertainment. -
to turn away such a magnitude of raw, exceptional
no limits and will do whatever it takes to get the
talent. "The talent is so limitless, it literally moves
message across. Takes one to know one.
Colleen McCaffrey
1. Theydefythe statusquo.Their inspiration for
us to tears;' says Champion.
9. Theylike the middleground.Both are openly
their album labels, Champ Records and Say It
3. They'relovedby all. Even San Diego's notori-
bisexual musicians, and they want to see more of
corporate suits telling them to be less butch, lose
ously homophobic weekly, the Reader-which
their community represented, the way Pride repre-
weight and dumb down, "as though teenagers don't
refused advertising space to gay Pride-couldn't
sents the gay community. Part of their mission is to
have enough of that already going on in their own
help but feature this queer duo of DIY artists,
represent "that big chunk of gray area:' This sense of
head;' says Champion. Now all they want to see are
musicians and producers on its cover.
the "other" that compels gays and straights to stick
Records, comes from years of frustration
to their own communities is "bullshit;' Lo Presti
"more artists coming out boldly, unapologetically and ecstatically" and speaking the truth on
4. They'reona mission.
To speak the truth and help
says. "We're kidding ourselves by thinking we can
homophobia, racism and ageism.
others find their own voices, and to provide a plat-
all stick to our own little pockets.
form for both. The festival doesn't have corporate
Both have battled health issues.
In 2005, Champion, a Singapore native, suffered
sponsors; instead, it's a celebration of the undersponsored by local microbreweries
10. Lo Prestihad us at Dear Mr. Penishead.Her
self-produced 2001 album gave the proverbial bird
a grand mal seizure while opening for Veruca
Salt, and Lo Presti, during a bronchitis-induced
and other community-based businesses that repre-
to record companies for telling her she was "too
sent the grassroots nonprofit organization. While
smart and too angry:' Enough said. ■
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Frankly p aking
New Girls on the Block
This year's crop of artists
was discoveredthrough the
following: MySpace,a bar in
Palm Springs, a Philadelphia
hospital,a New York underground club, a Texasfestival
and an L.A. tattoo parlor,as
well as through friends, dates
and, in one case, an Australian
Frances Stevens Publisher/Editor
in Chief
It always astounds me when I hear the lineup for our annual music issue. Where does our editorial team
find so many amazing new artists? Executive editor Diane Anderson-Minshall reports that this year's
crop was discovered through each of the following: MySpace, a bar in Palm Springs, Calif., a Philadelphia
hospital, a New York underground club, a Texas festival, an L.A. tattoo parlor, as well as through friends,
dates and, in one case, an Australian father-in-law. Phew! In our 15-page report, our writers lay down the
scoop on dozens of hot new women's voices in every genre from electro to acoustic, hip-hop, rock and more.
In fact, we have so many fresh new voices to highlight that we're overflowing to our website. Besides the
new girls on the block, we've got the skinny on some musicians you probably already know and love, including our exclusive cover interview with The L Word'sLeisha Hailey and hot rocker Camila Grey from
the band Uh-Huh Her. Find out just how they came up with that name on page 40.
Rounding out the music coverage is a cheeky timeline of the history of lesbian music. So, where did we
start? Who was the first to rattle the cages by replacing female pronouns for male ones when referring to
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Frances Stevens
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Sara Jane Keskula
Colleen M. Lee
Katie Peoples
Rachel Pepper
Margaret Coble
Julia Bloch, Victoria A.
Brownworth, Gina Daggett,
Sheryl Kay, Gretchen Lee,
Stephanie Schroeder
Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Proofreaders Theresa Johnson, Remy
Art Director Stefanie Liang
Photo Editor Nicole Teichman
Production Manager Ondine Kilker
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Contributing Writers Jamie Anderson, Amy Andre, Marcie
Bianco, Stacy Bias, Kathy Beige, Zoie Clift, Michele
Fisher, Tania Hammidi, Christine Hawes, Kathy lsserman,
Hilary Kyle, Kate Lacey, Charlene Lichtenstein, Jenna
V. Loceff, Karen Loftus, Karlyn Latney, Candace Moore,
Catherine Plato, Aimsel L Ponti, Kamala K. Puligandla,
Kelly Rulon, Laurie K. Schenden, Jenny Sherwin, Kristin
A. Smith, Cathey Stamps, Abby Schwartz, Lina Swislocki,
Jocelyn Voo, Melany Walters-Beck, Jonanna Widner
Publisher/Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Publisher
Senior Editor
Assistant Editor
Book Review Editor
Music Review Editor
Contributing Editors
Illustrators Paul Michael Aguilar, Phil Cho, Julia Minamata,
Katherine Streeter
Contributing PhotographersMichelle Bart, Erica Beckman,
Tony Donaldson, Sophia Hantzes, Gabriela Hashun,
Cheryl Mazak, Connie L Merchant, Mia Nakano, Maggie
Parker, Elisa Shebaro, Jeff Singer, Paul Thomas, Kina
girl amour? We start back in the 1920s and hit you with an original and admittedly incomplete timetable
of women's place in music. Don't think it's all post-'90s punk in this issue. Folk musician Jamie Anderson
interviews a bevy of musical pioneers in her feature, which asks, "Is 'Women's Music' Dead(
On a more controversial note, I'm sure we will catch a lot of flack for our coverage of bisexual issues, but
the fact is that-although,
like the statement on the right of this page in the fine print, not all the articles
expressly represent the opinions of the publisher-bisexual
women do affect the lesbian community. So,
let's get out and talk about it. Another topic that I'm sure will cause our mailboxes to overflow is that of
our political columnist Victoria A. Brownworth's political essay,"Why Do They Hate Us( It is an incredibly challenging article about atrocities many of us can't even read about, much less have experienced and
it provoked a fierce debate in our office. We hope it spurs dialogue in your life as well. I encourage you to
send letters to the editor and let us know what you think of the viewpoints presented in this issue. But
when you're done, don't forget: It's summer time, so have some fun and let the music move you.
Volume 18 Issue 6 Curve (ISSN 1087-867)() is published monthly (except for
bimonthly January/February and July/August) by Outspoken Enterprises, Inc.,
1550 Bryant St., Ste. 510, San Francisco, CA 94103. Subscription price:
$49.95/year, $62.95 Canadian (U.S. funds only) and $71.95 international (U.
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Keyword: Curvemag Website: curvemag.com
nevera plan
for me. We'd
get together
and write
were severely
brokeit was
a survival
to make
enoughmoney to buy a
bageland a
pack of cigarettesback in
the day.Wed '
playthe subways every I
make a buck."
July/August 2008
Nashville and Philadelphia Tour American musi-
Volume 18#6
ers of women's music. By Jamie Anderson
COVER: Uh-Huh It's Her Leisha Hailey and Camila
Renaissance Woman Rachael Sage does it all.
By Zoie Clift
Drama Queens The hot chicks of Telenovela Star
are not all drama. By Kristin A. Smith
House Calls Nicole Reynolds brings
That's Missy to You Aussie superstar Missy
Higgins finds us quite charming. By Colleen M. Lee
music to the sick. By Kamala K. Puligandla
Dance Defying DIY rockers Dance Yourself to Death
Genre Bending Nicky Click is a tough femme with
dancing on the brain. By Jonanna Widner
will keep your booty shaking. By Una Swislocki
Just a Small-town Girl Jana Losey gives one
Tough Chicks Kaki King dreams of revenge and
Brokeback Rocker Lauren DeRose recovers and
promotes a hot new album. By Abby Schwartz
Coming Out As Bi One woman looks for acceptance as the B in the LGBT. By Catherine Plato
town something to talk about. By Aimsel L. Ponti
Keeping Women Healthy
Bisexual health is
important for lesbians, too. By Amy Andre
KIN mixes it up. By Hilary Kyle and Kristin A. Smith
The Ultimate Threat The truth behind the stereotypes. By Melany Walters-Beck
Grrrls Gone Wild Queer Control Records and the
I Want My Bi TV Networks are in love with women
Good Asian Drivers trash stereotypes. By Kelly Rulon
that swing both ways. By Jenny Sherwin
and Kamala K. Puligandla
I See Dead People Singer Danielle Egnew helps
ghosts cross to the other side. By Tania Hammidi
Grey dish on their new album. By Margaret Coble
The End of an Era? A discussion with the found-
cal cities. By Marcie Bianco and Cathey Stamps
July/August 2008
It took us 20 crazy,
yearsto get from
goingon our first
date to planning
her honeymoon
in Vegas. I guess
my lifewould have
been prettydullif
we hadjustbroken
up and gone our
And my nexttwo
have had anything
to yellabout either.
page 32
Frankly Speaking A letter from our fearless leader.
Scene Check out the hotties at our April
issue release party, like the girls above.
Letters Rose Rollins is so hot and why
we give so much love to The L Word.
Lipstick & Dipstick Must we imitate
12 Contributors Meet some of the ladies
that make it happen, and we welcome
two babies to our team.
Ask Fairy Butch She needs space, but I
need her.
Relationships A rundown of the rules
when attending women's fests.
Health and Business How to fight cancer and cope with death. Plus, can discrimination strike when buying a house?
14 Out in Front Helping Jewish teens, coming out in Bosnia and exercising a little
checkbook activism.
Sapphic Screen We pick some emo
flicks. And an exclusive with filmmakers
Amanda Micheli and Isabel Vega.
Music Watch Accomplished musicians
bring the goods. Alphabet Rockers make
learning fun and the Ahn Trio (above)
7 4 In the Stacks Get tropical with these
books. Kl Thompson gabs about Civil War
76 Tech Girl Get your booty shaking and a
good-bye to an online dyke community.
15 Curvatures Go green with an organic
winery and reforestation. Plus tips on
throwing a green party.
Astro Grrl Let your hair down and experience a carefee summer.
I Tried It With gas prices at all-time highs,
one girl switched to grease cars.
18 Open Studio Alaskan native Cole
Robbins showcases sculptures.
Dyke Drama Recycle: Make a bad relationship into a shiny new friendship.
Politics Why do men hate us?
Top Ten Reasons We Love Alicia
Champion and Danielle Lo Presti
San Deigo life partners in love and business do music their way.
Lesbofile Pop princesses can't get
enough girl love.
6 j curve
Burning the candle at both ends and in the middle, Donna
works hard, plays hard and runs hard. Heck, she even sleeps hard.
She's training for her second leukemia-fighting
str g
D0nna is determined.
half marathon.
Donna is fun. Donna is Sweet.
"I lovedallthe information
that you guys
providedfor beinggreener,suchas websites
for ecofriendlypet itemsand more.And, I
haveto admit,seeingRose Rollinson your
coverwas greatbecauseshe is hot."
NintendoWii (Family
fun and This letter is in response to Myca in Atlanta [Vol. 18 #4] and
a greatworkout) her thoughts on making CURVE"a Cosmo for Lesbians:' What is
that about? This magazine has a lot to offer lesbians today. The
cially her bully column ["Mean Girls Never Grow Up;' Vol. 18
#4]. She hit the nail on the head with that one. I absolutely love
her politics, too.
- Kathi, Baltimore
last thing it needs to become is a skinny, fashion, barf-till-you-
Xbox360(Halois my lose-those-pounds magazine. Granted, some women are femme
breadandbutter) and like that kind of stuff, but to completely change this maga-
All I can say about Lynne Postel's endorsement of John McCain
zine to focus on just them is crazy. CURVE has made sure to
for president is she has to be kidding ["McCain Is My Only
cover everything that is important to us and beyond-from
Man;' Vol.18 #4]. As a woman, how can she ever think of vot-
workplace to politics, from families to partners-wives and their
ing for him? If anyone cares about a woman's right to choose,
(I wantit all)
rights, from health and fitness to what's happening around town
and the world. I don't see a need to change it.
- Cindy Zimmermann, Bloomington,Ill.
(I'vestill gotAtari,
lntellivisionor Editor's Note: Phew, Cindy, we don't either!
the originalNintendo)
I Want to Be Your President
.__ .. ., ..... ....,a..
We were shocked to read last month's "Women and Wheels"
special [Vol. 18 #3] and see no mention of bicycles! Pedal
or Nintendo(I take my
pushers have long been members of the queer community. Our
gamingonthe go)
gas-free alternative transportation
is a huge part of the lesbian
community in cities such as San Francisco, Seattle, Portland
Massive-Multiplayerand our home city of New York. What's gayer than going greenOnlineGames(It's all er? We began Dykes on Bike-Cycles last year to promote the
aboutSecondLife,baby) integration and visibility of the existing community of queer
don't vote for him. Go to his website. He says, "Roe v. Wade is a
bike riders and bring them together for the Pride season. As
flawed decision that must be overturned:' He also doesn't sup-
Accordingto a
devoted readers of CURVE,we hope you'll cover our community
port gay rights. He also is against stem cell research that could
the way you've covered our sisters.
possibly help people suffering from deadly diseases.
The Dykes on Bike-Cycles,Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Elaine Lotcpeich,Morganville,NJ.
Editor's Note: We couldn't agree with you more. In fact, one of
our editors rides her bike to the officeevery day. We promise more
articleson bicyclesand dykes in afuture issue.
I just finished reading Dipstick's response to Torn in Taipei [Vol.
18 #3 ], and I must say that her last words, "Bi girls are no more
unfaithful than gay gals. Let 2008 be the year we lesbians stop
bi bashing (and trans bashing, too)" were incredibly refreshing
Victoria Brownworth always has excellent opinion pieces, espe-
s Icurve
to read. The stigma behind bisexuality is a disheartening thing
SEPTEMBER23-27 2008
AND Ga,·
for many bisexuals like mysel£ especially since it is coming from
Editor's Note: It's tough, Michelle-for
our own community. That quote was just a tidbit in your maga-
less L Word, we get two more requestsfor more, more, more. Hear
zine, but it meant a world of difference to this bi~exual.
what we're saying?
every letter askingfor
Shannon, Watsonville, Calif.
Editor's Note: We agree with Dipstick, too. We hope you like our
section on bisexual women in this issue.
Being a single lesbian mom, I wanted to say that I loved the May
issue [Vol. 18 #4]. The stories and articles on parenting were
great reads. I loved all the information that you guys provided
for being greener, such as websites for ecofriendly pet items and
more. And, I have to admit, seeing Rose Rollins on your cover
was great because she is hot. A bit of criticism: Try not to refer
Acrossthe UnitedStates
to The L Word so much. I find that not all lesbians are like the
roadtrip) actresses on there. It is a great show about our world, but it's a
show, not reality.
- Angelina Ojeda, New York City
(Perfectplacewhenthe I read every issue of CURVE. Like every other dyke in America
dollaris dropping) I record and watch The L Word. However, I have at times been
The L Word's sixth season. Is it rolling yet? Thanks to The L
Word, I found out about
Danae, Miami
put off by the inordinate amount of attention given to the actors on the show by
All of the discussion about who
America is straight and who is gay is boring. I was thrilled to read "10
(Justthe right
Powerful Lesbians over 60" [Vol. 18 #4]. When I read about
Eurasia(I'd loveto travel
the SilkRoad)
Just a few lines on how great your magazine. Let us know about
My partner-wife and I especially enjoyed Elizabeth Stark's
story, "Tales from the Crib;' [Vol. 18 #4] about having two
those wonderful women, it sent me back to my coming-out days
children at the same time. We did the exact same thing back
in the mid-'70s.
- Michelle, Lawrenceville, Ga.
in 2002 and we now have two wonderful kids-almost
6 years
old and soon to begin school! We used the same (anonymous)
donor and had a girl and a boy in Allgust and
September. As far as we know, we are the only
couple in Scandinavia who has done this. (As a
wantto safari?)
matter of fact, we've never heard of anyone doing
this, and we still don't understand why. It's an
excellent solution and the best thing we've ever
Accordingto a
done.) We laughed so hard when we read about
the reactions that Elizabeth and Angie got from
contributors have been busy over the past few
months. We have plenty to report. Two had babies: our
long-time online community manager, Julie Houghton,
and her partner Zoe welcomed Jai Zep {left) on March
27, and our contributing photographer Tony Donaldson
and his wife Jennifer welcomed guitar hero Emily Mare
{center) on March 17. And, we were all surprised to
discover that art director Stefanie Liang {right)has been
moonlighting-as a beat boxer and performing with the
Alphabet Rockers {for more on the band see page 73).
friends and strangers. These experiences are very
much like ours.
Eva, Sweden
You certainly make life more difficult for some
ladies. What's with all the horn blowing for
Dani? Professional haircut, makeup and tailored
suit. ls that what is required to make the perfect
lesbian? I thought your magazine was intended
to help us face the potholes of coming out.
- Dora, St. Paul, Minn.
Email leccers@curvemag.com; write co
Letters, 1550 Bryant Sc., See. 510, San Francisco,
CA 94103; fax co 415-863-1609.
Please include
your name, city and state. Letters may be edited
for clarity and length.
"Prep for Pride NYC" (Vol. 18 #4] was written by
Kelli Dunham; "Follow the Leader" (Vol. 18 #4)
was written by Diane Walsh; Amanda's lase name
in "Tila's Girls" (Vol. 18 #3] is Ireton. ■
What'swith all the
horn blowingfor Dani?
makeupand tailoredsuit.
Is that what is requiredto
make the perfectlesbian?
Editor's Note
Philadelphia's queer music scene is actually less a scene then a "heterogeneous matrix of geographically disparate and musically diverse events that
are unified by the people;' observes MarcieBianco,who was inspired to
My first big rockstar interview
years ago, in a tiny
smoke-filled club in New Orleans. My
subjects: a super-hip early dyke rock
band called Two Nice Girls, which
featured a singer {Gretchen Phillips)
who had become my latest object
of desire. I dressed and redressed a
thousand times, finally settling on a
strapless bustier and pencil skirt. But
somewhere in between the concert
and my interview, the bustier broke
and a wire holding it up popped out.
And, during the interview, so did my
write about it, see page 36, after moving to the city a little more than a
chest. Literally.
Phillips made a pithy comment
about said boobie and I turned beet
red, but at the end of the night I
had a killer article, and I was still a
huge fan of that pioneering group
Makeba to Meg Christian.
{whose "Queer Song" lyrics, "We're
gonna have a happy life/Both of us
are gonna be the wife" were actually
played at my wedding years later).
As we put together this music
issue, everyone on staff was filled
with stories of their musical loves.
Missy Higgins is the office's new
"It Girl" -though we've had a fierce
debate over the Aussie's enigmatic
approach to coming out. Photo
editor Nicole Teichman discovered
her new fave folkie {Philly's Nicole
Reynolds) and the rest of our staff
just discovered that art director
Stefanie Liang has been moonlighting
with one of the bands!
The closest I usually get to music
these days is a rousing game of
Guitar Hero, so I look forward to
hearing from readers about all the
bands that we rocker geeks forgot
to mention here. Write me!
year ago. Bianco is working toward her Ph.D. in early modern literature
and philosophy. Embracing a queerly nomadic lifestyle, she plans to leave
Philadelphia this December, drive across the country and set up shop in
San Francisco.
"Cris Williamson is known mostly for her serious ballads, but I'd forgotten
how damn funny she is. There were a couple of times during the interview that I had to ask her to stop, because I was laughing too hard to take
notes;' says JamieAnderson,
who wrote "Is 'Women's Music' Really Deadt
on page 56. In addition to touring with her own music and comedy for over
20 years, Anderson admits to being the biggest fan on the planet, with a
CD collection that rivals a small music store, from Dolly Parton to Miriam
"Lesbians hold a special place in my bisexual heart-after
Andre is the director of On My Skin, a short documentary about a transman of color and his family, and the author of articles in Playgirl,Alternet
and American Sexuality, among other publications. Currently back in
school, she looks forward to graduation, marriage and a lifetime of being
a professional bisexual.
"The most challenging obstacle for me as a writer is the overwhelming urge
to make up words and to rhyme,
ala Dr. Seuss;' says native Midwesterner
JessJoneswho interviewed the Alphabet Rockers, (page 73) a band that
makes children's music that's perfect for her two favorite people: her incredibly
handsome and energetic little boys. She shares the day-to-day shenanigans of
a hectic life with her partner. They enjoy watching CS! reruns and generally
being dorks. Jones' future plans include finishing her first novel, learning to
fly fish and trying her hand at cow tipping.
"My father-in-law absolutely loves Missy Higgins, so I had the thought in
my head 'What would Barry want to know' the entire time I spoke with
her;' says ColleenM. Lee,cuRvE's senior editor (read the interview on page
60). When not entertaining (or annoying) the office with made-up dance
moves after a huge to-go cup of iced coffee, Colleen is usually on her bike or
watching bad TV. "I love that part of my job is to be fluent in pop culture.
It allows me to be guilt-free when I am up at midnight watching Miss Rap
Diane Anderson-Minshall, Executive Editor
all, I'm engaged
to one;' says AmyAndre,who wrote "From Kinsey to Crisis;' on page 64.
He pmg Jewish Teens
Commg Out m Bosma
Gettmg Us Off Our Tush1es
It was the blue numbers tattooed onto her aunt's
arm during the Holocaust that ultimately led ldit
Kleinto a life of activism.
Having been told as a young girl that "bad
men" had done this to her aunt because she was a
Jew, Klein felt scared but not powerless.
"I remember thinking to myself that I needed
to do whatever I could to change the world so that
there wouldn't be bad men;' she says. "As I grew
older, I began to understand how all oppressions
are linked, and my dedication to fight the bad men
expanded into a broader commitment to social
justice and social change:'
After raising the campus Jewish community's
awareness of LGBT issues by addressing the executive committee of Hillel while she attended
YaleUniversity, Klein went on to work for Keshet,
a grassroots organization working toward the full
inclusion of LGBT Jews in Jewish life (keshetonline.org). Today, she is the executive director.
Last year, she spoke before the United Jewish
Communities General Assembly (the largest annual gathering of Jewish leadership in the
world), and was the first ever to address a plenary
session on LGBT issues.
Klein, 35, is especially proud of a film that
Keshet produced entitled Hineini:ComingOut in
aJewishHigh School.
Hineini tells the story of a girl at a Jewish high
school who campaigns to establish a gay-straight
alliance. Due to the film's enormous popularity,
Klein and her team developed a corresponding
curriculum guide.
When she left her Bosnian home in 1992 to be an
Growing up in the inner-city projects of
exchange student in the United States, Svetlana
Seattle turned out to be a good thing for her,
Ourkoviccouldn't have imagined the carnage that
says BarbaraMcCullough-Jones.
I curve
Within the next three years, 200,000 Bosnians
"Because it taught me to work hard and
would be killed in the civilwar, and 60 percent of all
treat everything I get as a gift;' she says.
houses, half of the schools and a third of the hospi-
"No sense of entitlement or arrogance was
tals would be damaged or destroyed.
When Durkovic returned to Bosnia, it was vast-
ly different, and so was she. She had graduated from
ber of LGBT communities is hard to match.
would soon engulf her homeland.
That's why her diligence in serving a num-
college, gotten a master's in social sciences, volun-
Over the years, the 50-year-old activist
teered for several nonprofits, worked in Africa and
has worked as the executive director of the
come out to herself The day she returned to Bosnia,
Lesbian Resource Project of Phoenix, the
she came out to her mother as well.
"My mom was shocked;' says Durkovic. "She
Billy DeFrank Lesbian & Gay Community
was ashamed and, yes, well, she went through many
different phases:'
Being gay in Bosnia is not altogether different
from being gay in the United States, she says.
"One still has to deal with onesel£ regardless
Center in San Jose, Calif., the Gala Choruses
"There are things I've loved about each
of those experiences and things I will take to
of where one is;' Durkovic says. "Nobody can take
my grave despising;' says McCullough-Jones.
"Who could not find fulfillment in providing
those steps for us, nobody:•
a 60-year-old stone butch with her first Pap
The slightly more closed environment in Bosnia
hasn't kept her from forging ahead with enormous
efforts on behalf of the LGBT population. With
test and mammogram and finding out that it
saved her life?
"How can you not be moved by hundreds
years of activist experience under her belt, Durkovic
of voices singing for our freedom on the steps
went on to found Organization Q a group that
of the state supreme court, or seeing couples
works on improving human rights in Bosnia.
lined up around the block to sign up for a
Durkovic has spent the past five years conduct-
domestic partner registry?"
ing several studies, projects and workshops geared
While she says there are several dire
toward raising the visibility of the LGBT commu-
issues facing the LGBT community today,
nity there, and she hopes to initiate a major Pride
McCullough-Jones points to apathy as the
worst. Her advice is simple.
festival in the near future.
"For me, the greatest accomplishment is when I
"Get off your ass and do something;' she
receive a message from a total stranger, after a work-
says. "I mean, how long does it take to write
shop, a party or a street action, who tells me that
an email to a legislator? How big a sacrifice is
he-she-ze feels free for the first time ever because
it really to skip a weekend of entertainment
we are here and because of the work we do;' says
and send that money to an LGBT group?Try
a little checkbook activism-you'll
love it!"
Make Your Fourth of July Green
Midsummer is a time for picnics, barbecues,
4. Be a Composter:
Now you probably
dinner parties, dance parties, karaoke parties and plain old party parties. However,
will be recycling everything possible,
but don't forget that the uneaten food
as great as they are, these events create
and the leftovers from the prep can be
waste. But they don't necessarily have to
composted. Many cities have compost-
create a lot of it. If you are an ecochick
ing facilities but if none are sponsored
who wants to party her hot little booty off
by the government, find local farms,
and still keep the planet cool and green,
community gardens or nurseries that
here are some tips for you.
accept donations.
1. UseEvite:Many summer get-togethers
5. UnplugYourBash:Want to have the
are spur-of-the-moment
runs to the park
party at home? Do it during the day and
with a cooler and some beers. But occa-
you won't have to keep the lights on all
sionally you may have a more formal event
night. Sure, you can pop your iPod into
that requires an invite and an R.S.V.P.
your stereo, but consider having a friend
While online invitations are undoubtedly
play acoustic music instead.
less personal, using them can be the first
6. Encourage
step to greening your event.
your guests to walk, bike, use public
2. BYOP(BringYourOwnPlate):Leave the
disposable plates at the store and use your
own instead. If you must use disposable, Preserve (recycline.com)
without a car, there's no danger of drunk
or car pool. Besides,
drivers taking off from your party.
makes plates, flatware and tumblers from 100 percent recycled
materials, which are sturdy enough to hold up to dishwashers,
7. CleanResponsibly:
After everyone leaves you with the dirty
and can eventually be recycled as well.
dishes, reach for Ecover's line of green cleaners (plant-based,
not tested on animals, biodegradable and with minimal impact
3. Stay Local:As far as the actual grub goes, get your food
on aquatic life-they
from locally grown sources. Farmers' markets are a great way
work great on dishes and glassware, and the All Purpose
to keep the strain on the environment
can't be bad). The Dishwashing Tablets
a minimum. But
Cleaner removes any stain. Ecover (available at Whole Foods
impact from burn-
or online at herbtrader.com) even has cute reusable washcloths
ing fossil fuel to transport goods can be as bad as buying them
that leave no streaks behind. No more mixing baking soda and
from factory farms.
lemon juice for you! -JVL
make sure that the farms are close by-the
If you'replanninga
you'recertainlyconsideringthe numerous
aboutthe environmental costs?Portovert,
to the environmentally
bridein partnership
with NativeEnergy,
launcheda website
the carbonemissions
offsetthemby investing
in windpowerprojects,
energyeffortsor other
typesof sustainable
a smallpercentage
canmakea difference,
andit doesn'ttakea
largeamountof money.
the worldwiththe
July/ August 2008
Booze to the Rescue
Now you can enjoy your evening chardon-
Oakville Ranch also devotes itself to
nay or cabernet sauvignon while saving
the ultimate female on the planet-
the world. Gay-friendly Oakville Ranch
Mother Nature. Oakville is one of the
in California's Napa Valley, known for its
latest companies to go green and call
itself"entirely carbon neutral:'
wines, is run by three
Last year, Miner installed five solar
women who believe in helping the planet.
Owner Mary Miner, general manager
panel systems that now provide power
Paula Komell and winemaker Ashley Heisey
to over 450 acres on the ranch. The
(pictured right with vineyard manager Phil
system contains 636 individual panels
Conturri) have dedicated themselves not only
and powers the pumping stations that
to producing great wine, but also to backing
provide water for the vineyards.
an impressive list of philanthropic causes,
"The vineyards have never looked
better;' said Kornell. "Solar is the right
including lesbian and feminist rights.
"Mary has been a big supporter of LGBT groups;' says
Kornell. In fact, Oakville has participated in events such as
thing to do. We have one of the largest panels in the Napa
the benefit gala for the Center on Halsted, Chicago's new
LGBT community center.
Miner is also the founder of the Baker Street Foundation,
Now fully online, the system, designed by Marin Solar,
gathers more than enough power in the warmer months to
power the ranch during the winter. The ranch has also been
a nonprofit organization helping to fund arts education and
sustainable in other ways-it
women's causes. Kornell is a founding member of Lust for
farming methods. It is also a member of 1% for the Planet, a
Life, a group supporting breast cancer research.
Besides helping women through these causes, the
uses organic and traditional
network of companies around the world that pledge to donate
one percent of their revenue to environmental causes. - KT
In My Green Opinion ...
When I moved to San Francisco in September 2006, one of
Instead, it's come to be a
the first things I did (after scoring a job and a MUNI pass)
chance for people to capi-
was to check out the Green Festival. It came into town like
talize on a good idea,
a circus, and like a child I showed up bright-eyed and eager.
These were my people. The people who cared about what I
consciences into a way
to turn
did. No longer would "activist"be said disparagingly. I could
to make money. The stalls
see. I could learn. I could be inspired. And I got a perfor-
are there, yes, with their organic cotton, fair trade T-shirts
mance, though it wasn't what I was expecting. When the
made by microloan-funded women's collectives in India.
festival packed up and left like the Shangri-la it was, I felt
The only problem is that the shirts cost upwards of $80.
empty and betrayed. Which is why I boycotted it last year
$80! For a T-shirt. Even this ever-lovin' hippie doesn't
even as my co-workers frollicked there.
bleed that green.
Here's the thing: I love organics, I love sustainability
and I love the environment. In other words, I love the
green movement. But I hate the Green Festival.
The problem, as I see it, is that in order for environ-
So my call to the green movement is this: Make being
sustainable attainable for everyone. I'm not an economist. I don't know how to do it. But I'm sure a way exists.
American ingenuity-our
own special phrase-has
mentalism to work, everyone has to be able to get on
en time and again that we can accomplish whatever we
board. Sure, "every litter bit counts," but in order to affect
put our minds to. All we need are a few pioneers to show
the kind of grandiose, large-scale change that we need to
us the way and to make it economically feasible for every-
stop the planet from going to hell in a (plastic) handbas-
one to live green. After all, if Wal-Mart can sell organics,
ket, it is not enough that I do my part. Everyonehas to be
why can't Target sell fair trade? That, it seems to me, is
riding, recycling, turning off lights and paying attention.
the real money-making scheme. And what red-blooded
American doesn't like that kind of green?
The Green Festival, with its soy-printed leaflets, compostable disposable utensils, stalls of products and days
In short, I boycotted the Green Festival because it's
of speakers should be just the platform where those of us
co-opted a movement I care about and diminished it to
in the know can spread the gospel, and those of us who
some ugly gold-standard sounding brass. And I don't
want to have any part in that. - LS
are curious can learn something.
16 I curve
It wasmomentous
madethereoftenhavea ripple
strikedowna statelawbanning
a chainofeventsthatwould
State.A ballotinitiative
goesto votersin
If passed,
it would
weddingsin legallimbo(theballot
of marriages
asa unionbetween
a manand
a woman.
to enjoythis
of us.
42 states
Ona national
of Marriage
Juicy Booty Babes
Consistent with his mission on Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy has
a new book of photography, The Full Body Project (Five Ties
Publishing), that charts new territories-but
in social convention
and beauty. Displayed prominently on the cover are the five direct
defiant, not challenging, simply unwavering-of
beautiful fat women. Yes, I said it. Not Rubenesque. Not zaftig.
Not plus-sized. Not, Lord help me,"fluffY:'Fat. In a society where
being a size double-zero is not only an aspiration, but the preoccupation of many women ( think about that from an analogous
"When I started interviewing soldiers, I kept thinking, 'I
should not be making a movie about the war; this
is not what I should be doing.' But I remember
telling myself that before: 'I should not be making
a film about a girl who cross-dresses as a boy.' "
aspiring to be less than nothing?), it is re-
freshing to see these fat bodies fully displayed in a celebratory and
Boys Don t Cry, to Entertamment Weekly
unabashed fashion.
Nimoy captures with an objective eye the generous flesh and
spirit of his subjects, who are of varying sizes, races and ages. In
the engaging foreword by Natalie Angier (a New York Times scientific journalist) and in Nimoy's own succinct preface, the unspoken challenge issued to the consumer is this: Can you see past
the arbitrary and fleeting societal ideals of beauty? Are you bound
"George Bush is a war criminal. I re-registered as
an Independent because of him."
s Foundation's 10th
annual tundra ser
by social convention to see beauty
only as it is dictated to you, or can
you see with your own eyes the
broader range of beauty that lies
outside the norm?
In the pages of The Full Body
Projectare activists and educators,
including Heather
"Marvin Hamlisch's manager called and said, 'If you
lose 60 pounds, I'll make you the next Barbra
Streisand.' I said, 'Why don't I gain 60 pounds and
you can make me the next Maria Cass, because
that position is at least available.' " -
the queer founder of Big Burlesque. MacAllister died Feb. 13,
2007, after a three-year struggle with ovarian cancer, so it is even
more poignant that she appears here in all her unfettered glory.
MacAllister, quoted in Nimoy's preface, says that beauty is "culture bound;' not universal or static, but fluid and ever-changing;
a cultural agreement. We have come together in this century to
agree to a social contract that informs society that beauty is narrow, both figuratively and literally. Nimoy's project, ideally, will
help the work already in progress to add footnotes, to change the
fine print, to start the important process of revision.
I hope to see this book on as many coffee tables, and in as
many bathrooms, doctors' offices and classrooms as possible. The
purchase and gifting of this book is social activism. (leonardnimoy-
"We're judging people by the vehicle that contains
them. You're being cruel and disrespectful to their
spirit. Spirit has no sexuality or color or accent or
even religion. I suppose that's why it grieves me
even more that people behave the way they do in
terms of us or them "
- SB
July/ August 2008
I 17
Nicole ''Cole'' Robbins
Cole Robbins began her art career in a college class, but she started out by standing in front of the canvas, not behind it. She modeled for the same
drawing class for seven years before taking pencil in hand.
Since then she has done photography, painting, metal work and sculpture. "I work with whatever I can get my hands on;' says the 26-year-old
Alaska native.
While Robbins' portfolio contains work in multiple media, sculpture is her true love. Robbins says her sculptures are semi-autobiographical
because, like her, "there are curves, a lot of softness and some rough edges:'
Robbins' sculptures are not realistic portrayals of women, but they are
influenced by the female form. They represent both herself personally and
women in general. Robbins believes that sculpture is a sensual art form and
women provide the inspiration for her work."Women's bodies are amazingly
beautiful;' she says, "and I cake that to my art:'
While Robbins' art is not confined to one medium, it can all be classified as abstract. Robbins sees art as a dialogue and believes that in abstract
art "people see such different things and can be inspired so differently:' For
Robbins, inspiration comes through the making of art. "I love chat there is so
much freedom to emotionally lee go of things;' she says of the process.
Robbins' journey from model to artist has proven to be quite successful.
Last year, her work was selected by the city of San Rafael, Cali£, for exhibition in the city plaza. She is currently working on a series of metal sculptures
and acrylic paintings. ■
I curve
the PointHonorsArtsBenefitwith the Point
andalsohonoredTimeWarnerwith the Point
TVshowSexandthe Citywereall presentat
the event,with SarahJessicaParkerpresentingTimeWarner'saward.Nixonhasalso
recentlybecomean ambassador
for Susan
G.Komenfor the Cure,the world'slargest
that he will
leadthe movement
to passthe Employee
Actthroughthe Senate,
butthis controversial
lawwill notprotect
or whose
do not matchtheirgenderat
In the first-everdirectaddressof an archbishopto a largegatheringof the United
at GraceCathedral
in SanFrancisco
for A
of Courage,
the International
the persecution
of LGBTpeopleandapologizedon behalfof hischurchfor ostracizing gaypeople.Hewaspresented
with an
A crowdof morethan400peoplegathered
in Topeka,
Kan.,in a MillionFagMarch
to protestagainstFredPhelps'GodHates
Godis punishingAmericafor its toleranceof
to attendtheir
decisionthatthe Board
of Education
addressedthe NationalGayandLesbianTask
video,urging"NewYork'scivil rightsleaders
to recognizethatthe lesbian,gay,bisexual
rightsas well" andpromising"to pushon until we bringfull marriageequalityto NewYork
State."Hewashonoredfor his longstanding
workon behalfof LGBTrights.-KG
July/ August 2008
I 19
What's Your Flavor:
Pop stars get a taste of the ladies.
y Jocelyn Voo
it's about outed relationships, straight
girls allegedly dating straight girls or dietary
preferences, this month's Lesbofile is all about the
flavor of the week.
may have won us over when she played a hilariously overzealous Bible thumper in Saved,but now it's
her mom's turn to win our vote. According to the
National Enquirer,Mandy's mother, Stacy Moore,
has been dating tennis professional Claudette
Lalibertesince 2006, and they have recently moved
in together.
When the tabloid asked Stacy about the relationship, she replied, "It's nobody's business why
we're together:' No denial there!
Perhaps Stacy's just following in her daughter's
footsteps: Mandy dated tennis stud Andy Roddick
for two years until they broke up in 2004. Now
we're just hoping that Mandy will follow Stacy's
lead ...
Looks like lesbian DJ SamanthaRonsonand
LindsayLohanmay be on again. The pair have
been spotted clubbing, shopping and dining-even
wearing similar clothes and kissing at Diddy's party. Meanwhile, it seems Lohan and her other gal
pal, CourtenaySemel,daughter of Yahoo! CEO
Terry Semel, but possibly better known as one of
the trust-fund babies who starred in the E! reality
show FilthyRich: CattleDrive, have parted ways.
Semel moved out of their three-bedroom
Hollywood home in May. Tabloids have been
Lohan and Semel as lovers since
ences them candidly. And repeatedly.
When asked how she feels about fish in an in-
than almost anything. At least a vagina would be
warm:' Can't argue with her there.
terview with Mean magazine, Beckinsale replied, "I
can't do raw. I can't do sushi, even. Anything that
has that vaginal quality to it. I'd rather [have] an
actual vagina than that, honestly:•
Willow may have been the one who came out as alesbian in the television series Buffy the VampireSlayer
December, when the two attended a housewarm-
Yes, you read that right.
ing party of "power lesbian" Jeanette Longoria in
If this were BritneySpearsor LindsayLohan, Buffy herself who turns out to be gay. Sort 0£
Los Angeles and rumors of a romantic relationship
celebrity publicists would be doing damage control
were sparked.
But Lohan's friends and family are reportedly
However, Beckinsale handled the
matter with self-assurance.
concerned about her "friendships:' Her mom, Dina
Before the Mean interview, Beckinsale told
Lohan, and sister Ali fended off rumors about
Allure that her vagina (which she referred to as the
Lindsay's sexual orientation while promoting their
"Pharaoh's Tomb") was her favorite body part, and
new reality show, Living La Vida Lohan.
that she's been "told it is spectacular:'
Then, when an interviewer from Moviefone
eight years ago, but in the new comic book series, it's
A scantily clad Buffy is seen panting in bed
with Satsu, one of her proteges, who is lying naked
under the sheets with her, an arm slung around
Buffy's middle. "Wow;' Buffy sighs in a panel of the
comic, her hand wiping sweat off her brow.
But it's not Willow deja vu, exactly: "We're not
going to make her gay, nor are we going to take
the next 50 issues explaining that she's not;' cre-
asked Beckinsale about her infamous statement
ator Joss Whedon told the New York Times."She's
It's not often that an A-list actor will talk about va-
that she'd prefer eating vagina to sushi, the actor
ginas. But Underworldactor KateBeckinsale
replied, "I have to say, sushi freaks me out more
young and experimenting, and did I mention openmindedt Amen! ■
CuRvE's April issue release party at San Francisco's Hotel Kabuki was a smash. With
advice columnists Lipstick and Dipstick hosting, a sizzling performance by the Pin Up
Girls, and of course our covergirl Dani Campbell signing autographs, it was the place to
shake your tail (or get some tail) 1 (From left) Dani Campbell at dinner with Orson
restaurant co~owner Sabrina Riddle, National Center for Lesbian Rights auction winner
Maribel Hermosillo and her best friend Nicholas Law 2 Lipstick cracks up the audience 3
Dani Campbell poses with Aquis after signing copies of the mag 4 DJ Chelsea Starr kept
the party pumping 5 Sexy performances by the Pin Up Girls made the crowd drool 6 The
Pin Up Girls in action. Who doesn't love scantily clad women doing burlesquer
7 CURVE photo editor Nicole Teichman (second from left) with (left to right) sexy Shawn
from the online series TheCrashPad,and guests Elizabeth Nolan and Cori O'Brien 8 The
next generation of CURVE readers partying like rockstars 9
associate publisher Sara
Jane Keskula (right) reaps the rewards of her hard work alongside partner Meg Weimer
10 Damron owner Gina Gatta (right) and her hunky friends 11 Partygoers rock.in' the
velvet rope 12 Comedienne Marga Gomez (left) with Eleanor Palacios from NCLR 13
Ladies taking a break from the dance floor 14 Girls enjoying the see-and-be-seen crowd
and checking out A Shot at Love'sDani Campbell
July/ August 2008
Lipstick & Dipstick
Why Do You Copy Heteros:
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I would like to
know why lesbians subscribe so blatantly
to the heterosexual gender roles via butchfemme relationships. My gay male friends
tell me that most gay men don't do the
butch-femme thing: Most masculine gay
guys like other masculine guys. Why is this
different for lesbians? - Thinks Heteros Are
Hideous in Huntsville
why there is so much prejudice within the lesbian
community against butch women.
Lipstick:Go, Dipstick! Hideous, have you considered that heteros are actually emulating our lezboc
to be a big deal in the
future. Can it work in
the years to come with
such a huge difference?
- Loving the Golden Oldies
gender roles:' Seriously, homo-
sexual relationships have been going on since we
Lipstick:Don't worry about what your birth cer-
were just slippery little fish in the mud, so who's
tificates say. In fact, tear chem up or burn them in
to say heteros started the trend:' And do lesbians
a ceremony. And if anyone tries to cell you differ-
blatantly subscribe to chose roles:' Noc in my house
ent, send chem my way. I'll set chem straighc ... er
Dipstick:Is it 1972:1 Are you dressed in flannel
and certainly not in my bedroom. And just because
rather, queer. All chat matters is chat you make each
with hair to your waist:' From your dated percep-
Dipstick keeps her hair short and wouldn't be
caught dead in a skirt, doesn't mean she's the man.
other happy and you have lots of sex. Lipstick's into
tion, HHH, a butch-femme relationship may seem
like a heterosexual copycat, but, believe me, it is
I've seen her femme wife totally throw chat butch
get better with age. They're wiser, more grounded
not. As revered femme Joan Nestle so eloquently
on her back.
and they know themselves well. This complex self-
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I am almost 30,
and I am dating a woman who just turned
50. I am crazy about her and feel things I
have never felt before. She makes me happy and I love the way I feel when I am with
her. She says she feels the same way about
me and wants me to move in with her. My
life is only better with her in it. We're wondering if the 20-year age difference is going
back. Go for it!
radically reclaims
women's erotic energy:' Heterosexuality has nothing to do with it. In fact, one might argue that it's
a complete rejection of straight roles altogether.
Butch women negate the notion chat to be a woman, one must act and dress a certain way. For me,
being butch is not some role I arbitrarily decided
play. If you ask my family, they will tell you I
was always this way. What I don't understand is
awareness makes for a great life partner. Don't hold
put it: "Butch-femme is a lesbian-specific way of
older ladies, too: Women are like wine-they
Dipstick:Young lover, who knows if in the long
run age difference will matter, but I have a good
friend whose girlfriend is 18 years her senior and
they're happy little clams. There are so many other
things to concern yourself with and obstacles chat
can affect a relationship, like class, culture, religion,
sex drive and if she puts the cap back on the toothpaste. You're off to a good start; the best way to deal
with differences is to be open about chem. But if
it makes you feel better, look at Demi and Ashton,
Ellen and Portia, and Melissa and Tammy. All these
couples are smokin' hot despite double-digit age
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I have had sex
with women who do not want or need me
to touch them. They are pleased by pleasing
their partners. How is that done? How can
a woman get off by getting her partner off?
- Stone Lover from Rockville
Dipstick:Our biggest sexual organ is not our clit,
but our brain. All good tops and stone butches
know chat the best sexual pleasure comes from
sending their gals into ecstasy. I can't explain how
it's done, but, on occasion, I've been known to pop
just from delivering the goodies to my gal. I'm not
Lipstick:I've never seen this done, but I have a
call her "Lucky"-who
can have an
orgasm when she's walking down the street, if she
sees the right person. That blessed bitch ...
24 I curve
Ask Fairy Butch
Crying Time Again
Dear Lipstick and Dipstick: I'm having a
problem in bed with my girlfriend. Recently
she told me she hates using a dildo on me
because she feels that I'd rather have a
real cock. This isn't true. One of the main
reasons why I like her to use a dildo is because it allows her hands to roam elsewhere, and I don't have to deal with all the
inconsistencies of her hand, which sometimes bends the wrong way, or her nails,
which dig into my vaginal walls. It just
seems like when we have sex with a dildo,
the sex flows better. Have you heard this
from other lesbians? I feel like I'm the only
one dealing with this awkward problem.
What do I do? - Damned by the Dildo
Dipstick:How sad-your
girlfriend has penis
envy. Everyone has sexual preferences. Some like
penetration, some don't, but equating your wanting strap-on sex with wanting to sleep with a
man is ridiculous. You two need a solution-and
this dicky situation thrusts you far-
ther and farther apart. What you can do is make
sure you're open
variety in your lovemaking.
Play it her way from time to time, switching up
positions and toys. No one wanes the same thing
every time in bed. The next time she harnesses
up, make sure you tell and show her how sexy
and beautiful she is. And trust us, you're not
alone in your love of riding the silicone stallion.
Dykes have been donning dildos since harnesses
Dear Fairy Butch: My partner of four years
has decided she needs to go out, find herself
and learn to be independent. She worked
and brought in money the same as I did, and
we shared all money and expenses. Last
year we moved out to Colorado and moved
in with her mother (who is not exactly ecstatic that her little girl likes to kiss other girls).
She worries about what society thinks, and
her family has plainly told her how ashamed
they are of her.
She became depressed, put on 50
pounds and couldn't find a job. We decided
to move to the East Coast and buy a house,
perhaps start a family. I moved first to establish a place to live and find a job. After
a two-month separation she told me it was
over-just like that. Not because of someone else. After we talked, she told me she
needed to find herself, but she didn't want
to break up. So I agreed to take over the bills
(we don't have many) for a year, so she could
have the freedom to find whatever it is she's
looking for. Last week, she left for Florida and
moved in with her dad, who knows nothing,
or at least has not been told, about us.
She still calls twice a day. I am going crazy
without her. I feel like calling 100 times a day,
but I have to respect and support her decision. I guess the thing to ask is, will she come
back? Do I need help? Does she? Is our relationship doomed? - Crying in Connecticut
be really hard on
your system. The more I
think about it, the more
important I think finding
yourself a good counselor is; you really need to
delineate exactly how much of this situation you
can stand. You need support in defining your own
needs in this circumstance; it sounds like an awful
lot of the focus has gone into supporting your partner's needs, while you're left hanging out on the line
dry. Find out what you need and move on from
there, sugarplum!
Dear Fairy Butch: I'm looking for information
about the risk of transmitting hepatitis C between women lovers. I've been researching,
and there's not much out there. What information and advice do you have? We live in
a rural area, so health resources that are
available in the big city aren't available to
us, but I get the impression that knowledge
about this issue is scarce. Can you help us
out? I educate as part of my work, and I am
often asked questions about this, so I want
to make sure I'm passing on accurate information. - Bewildered in the Boonies
Darling, hepatitis C is a bloodborne illness-it
is contracted through activities in
which you come into contact with someone else's
blood, such as receiving a blood transfusion or an
organ from a contaminated donor, getting pricked
were made of mammoth hide.
come back to you is get-
DearCrying:The issue of taking time out from a
with a needle that has infected blood on it, getting
right, Dip. And I'll add, Damned,
relationship to work on oneself is something that
a tattoo or piercing from infected tools, using an
that your girlfriend needs to get a grip-not
comes up for a lot of folks. People think they can
infected person's toothbrush, razor or anything else
on the right dildo, but also on her insecurities.
better focus on their life goals if they aren't confronted
that may have blood on it, or engaging in unsafe sex,
What is fueling her aversion is that she feels in-
though this is not a common means of infection.
adequate as a lover, like she's not enough for you.
with the daily demands of a partnership. Yet in your
case, it's a leap of faith that she will come back at all.
Buy her a copy of Fairy Butch's Ultimate Guide
Do you need help? Possibly. A counselor might help
tells us that the most important thing to do is to
avoid your partner's blood. Do not have sex dur-
Dr. Dietrich K. Klinghardt, at thebody.com,
to Strap-On Sex and Maximum Confidence by
get you back in the driver's seat of your life; currently,
Jack Canfield. These two should help her realize
you're running on her compass and schedule. Does
ing menses, though it seems you might be able to
she's all you need. Well, you could also get her a
she need help? It sure sounds like seeing a therapist
protect yourself with ample use oflatex. Also, don't
vibrating cock and a nice bottle of self-heating
and vocational counselor might be a good way for
share toys that may have any blood on them. Hope
lube. ■
her to spend her away-from-the-relationship time.
this helps, dumpling! ■
Getting counseling together (should you find yourThese advice gurus are the authors
selves in the same town) also might be a good invest-
Fairy Butch is the author of The
of Lipstick & Dipstick's Essential
ment of time and money.
Ultimate Guide to Strap-On Sex: A
Guide to Lesbian Relationships.
them anything at lipstick-
Ultimately, the only things you can control are
Complete Resource for Women and
your own words and actions. It sounds like spend-
Men. Email Jb@fairybutch.com with
ing a year away from someone who may not even
your queries.
Ult1 au
July/ August 2008
I 25
Six Rules for Music Pests
Make your women's weekend in the woods more enjoyable. I By Kate Lacey
If listening to live music makes you think of rolling in the mud, breaking your
Respect the Elders
back in a tent, running around half-naked and eating vegetarian chili out of a
There are women at these festivals who will tell you that they came when the
paper cup, then you, no doubt, have been to a women's music festival. Include
show's original rock stars were Mary and the Magdelines. (You know, before
on this list taking out a second mortgage to pay the "sliding scale" entrance fee
they came out. Of course, rocks were being thrown at them, but that's another
and you've got one heck of a musical mystery tour weekend. There are lesbians
story.) The elders know the drill. They know where they want to park their
whose entire calendars revolve around these events, and sometimes they even
trailers, and if you get in their way, you will have a very long weekend wherein
listen to the music. The real mystery at a camping music fest may be how to get
your blacklisted status will prevent you from learning where to get hot food
a hot shower or how to get away from the pot-smoking couple with the overly-
and how to properly set your trailer so that it doesn't roll over or sink in the
friendly, crotch-sniffing golden retriever. Lavish music festivals are all the rage,
mud. Prepare yourself If you go anywhere near them, you will have to hear the
and the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival is especially deemed a summer rite
long, long list of the acts they saw performing before the singers were famous.
"Oh, yes, I heard Melissa before she was Melissa:'Let them tell you how to do
of passage. Oh sure, it sounds great. Camping. Drinking. Acres of farmland
between you and the nearest Y chromosome. Seminars. Book reading. L Word
everything, where to go, how to get there and what not to do. Let them call
trading-card swapping. You name it. Oh, and some music, too.
you a festival virgin and smile at you like proud grandmothers. Someday, you
If you are considering taking a road trip to this life-altering experience,
here are a few tips for you:
too will mock some whippersnapper for wearing the wrong shoes and for not
bringing sunscreen. It's the circle of life.
These Shoes Were Made for Walking
You know that stereotype about lesbians and comfortable shoes? Going to
music festivals set on 100 acres of unplowed earth have created this need.
Navigating the fastest path between two points at a music festival is like trying to measure the infinite amount of empty space between Rush Limbaugh's
ears. Over hill and dale, you'll feel the need to hire a sherpa. You'll send your
friends on without you, leaving yourself to the wilds of the Midwest, unable to
make the quest to a port-a-potty. You'll get your chance to see if you can walk
on water. And on mud. And across other women's blankets, clothing, bodies in
various states of rest and relaxation, and finally, miles and miles later, lugging
a cooler, chairs, numerous backpacks and a baby papoose, and spanning the
distance of a death march, you will reach a field transformed into a music hall.
Here is where you'll begin your battle for space. Every dirt clod and blade of
green is a war waiting to start. Save your energy for the walk back. At least by
the end of the night you'll be pumped up by the great music. Thanks to your
newfound positive energy, the return trip will seem shorter. Unless, of course,
your girlfriend has had too much hooch and you'll be dragging all the goods
back alone, while she sleeps it off in the mud.
Enjoy the Show ...and Let Others Do the Same
OK, so you know every single word to every single song that Catie Curtis has
ever uttered. Even so, these fine people around you did not leave the comforts
of home to use the bathroom outside, take cold showers and eat bad food just
hear you sing. Party like a rock star all you'd like, but remember, you are not
the star of this show. So get naked-everyone
during the quiet sets
keep the distractions to a minimum. No one really wants to hear you have a
loud conversation with the girl next to you about who took your last tampon
out of the RV.
What Happens in the Woods Stays in the Woods
Just know this: If you don't have an open relationship with your girlfriend,
and the two of you attend a music festival, you'd be wise to wear dark glasses.
Six Rules for Music Fests continued on page 78
I curve
It's been at least a decade
since the death knell began
to sound for women's music
festivals. Comics started making jokes about the demise.
Authors and filmmakers
b9gan to produce histories
about women's festivals at a
furious rate.
It's no wonder. The nation's two founding women's
music festivals, the National
Women's Music Festival and
the Michigan Womyn's Music
Festival, each draw fewer attendees now than a decade
ago. Longtime festivals like
New Mexico's WiminFest.
But this cloud of dwindling numbers and fallen festivals has an exciting silver
lining. Many organizers see a newly invigorated, increasingly aware generation
of women now discovering music festivals. "There is absolutely a new movement in the twentysomething crowd," says Lisa Vogel, co-founder of the 33-yearold Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, which draws about 4,000 today, compared to a historic high of 8,000. "As our size has shifted, the women who are
coming are women [are}...interested in things that are independently organized.
There's definitely a politic, a radial feminist politic, being rebirthed."
In Laytonville, Calif., home of the tiny Northern California Women's Music
Festival, organizer Linda Stonestreet sees the same thing happening. "We had
some young women last year and the year before that attended that were in
their early 20s, and they were just in tears because they were overwhelmed by
the experience." Stonestreet said she was inspired to start her festival in 2003.
"I just thought 'Wow, this is a part of our culture that's dying, that could go the
same way as women's bookstores, and just drop off the face of the earth and
not be relevant."
Stonestreet and anyone else worried about the future of women's festivals
should spend some time talking to Laurie Haag of the Iowa Women's Music
Festival, or Sharman Petri of the Houston Women's Music Festival. Petri took
over the Houston festival from founder Shirley Knight in 2007 -like Stonestreet,
to continue a tradition she felt had grown essential to her community.
Remarkably, Houston had continued for 12 years with no sponsor support.
And in Iowa City, Iowa, Haag continues to shape a tradition she started 14
years ago after being inspired by the National Women's Music Festival. Now
about 700 women and men annually attend the Iowa City festival.
Ironically, the Iowa City festival has a lot in common with the first annual Los
Angeles Women's Music Festival, put together over six months last summer by
Miria Jo and Gayle Day.
Both festivals illustrate what may be the future of women's music festivals: an
integrated audience (both male and female) expressing feminism through empowerment of female musicians rather than workshops or discussions. The 50
mostly local female artists drew a crowd of 2,000 to the First Annual Los Angeles
Women's Music Festival last August.
Proceeds funded animal rescue groups, and the array of booths included a
version of the alternative healing area of massage and other pampering, but the
festival was as much an informal job fair for musicians as a concert. "This was
about the music industry, not just the fan experience," explains Miria. "Our goal
was to really support the female performers."
Much of the audience consisted of music industry types, including talent
scouts, record executives and publishers. While the organizers would have liked
a larger crowd, they proudly point to some tangible results: One festival performer received an endorsement deal, another a spot on a national television show,
and several others earned bookings. - Christine Hawes
July/ August 2008
I 27
10 Ways You Can Prevent Cancer
chargedthroughthe day.
Greentea contains antioxidants;fights infection,
2. Practicesafesex.High-riskbehaviorcouldhurt
headachesand heart disyou.Makesureto get regularscreenings
nity.Bonus:It will helpyouburncaloriesandprevent
3. Afterage40, get mammograms.
If youhavea toothdecaytoo.
historyof breastcancerin yourfamily,youare5 to 10
9. CatchsomeZs. Restis oneof yourneeds.Don't
percentmorelikelyto getit, sogoearlier.
sacrificetimeto relaxjust because
4. Drinkless.Limityourselfto one,if you'regoingto yourplate.Theworldwill still turn,evenif youtclkea
few minutes-maybeevenan hour-to meditateor
sleep.Whata concept!
5. Exercise30 minutesa day.Youshouldexcercisejust to feel strongand healthy,andto increase 10. Take care of yourself.Girl, we know you're
yourenergy.Butit alsohelpspreventcancer,aswell busy,but it's extremelyimportantto take care of
as other illnesseswe womenface, such as heart yourwholeself. Puttingyourselffirst is not selfish,
especiallywhenyou'rerunninglow on steamand
6. Eat yourvegetables
{andfruits),younglady. yourbodyfeelsit.
1. Goto the gyno.Makesureto get checkupsand
Fiveservingsa dayis a must.Eatingfruitsandveggiesrichin coloris almosta guarantee
in yourmeal.
7. Goorganic.Sure,it's trendy,butthere'sa reason
it's so hot.There'sa directlink amongcommercial
andbe empowered
by payingattentionto whatyou
putin yourbody.
8. Drinkgreentea. Thispotentcancercell stopper
will wakeyou up with a healthystartandkeepyou
Lise Alschuler, N.D.,
and Karolyn Gazella
are the co-authors of
The Definitive Guide
to Cancer, an indepth description of
20 different women's
cancers. For more information on their work,
their experiences and their take on lesbians and
cancer, go to curvemag.com.
Life Advice
Home Sweet Home
from room to room. "She must
have thought, 'They can't be serious. They can't possibly afford
this house. Are they casing this
houser' It was awkward for ev-
eryone;' White said.
time, White was
driving a lesbian couple to tour
homes when they came upon
teenagers playing football in
the street.
pink triangle sticker on the car,
the teens started taunting "fat
dykes, fat dykes;' and blocked
their passage for several min-
utes. When the women departed, they left the house and the
taunts behind.
Szilagyi wanted 'Joint tenancy
with right of survivorship,"
in Phoenix,
that if one of them died, the
other would inherit the property. That right was reserved for
Q) >(.) 0C:
0 ·5
0 ....
Q) en
Beverly Balliett and Ruth
married couples only, they were
Can homeowners refuse to sell to lesbians? Yes,
told. "We refused to sign until they changed the
they can. Unless sexual orientation is specifically
mentioned in state or local laws, there is no in-
Mattson introduced themselves by letter to try
surance against discrimination.
However, most blue states have passed antidiscrimination
they did;' Szilagyi said.
San Francisco couple Thea Gray and Jeanine
laws, and, even in red states,
money speaks louder than sexuality.
to sway the seller's decision in their favor. It
worked. After Gray and Mattson moved in, the
neighbors commented they were hoping for an
"In a slow housing market, any offer is better
interracial couple, as they already had a lesbian
than none. My job is to ensure an offer is evaluat-
couple. "It turned out the neighbors are one of
ed based on price and terms, not on sexual orien-
the best assets of where we live;' Gray said.
tation;' said Keller Williams realtor Eileen Duff.
According to a nationwide
survey com-
missioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation in
According to San Francisco attorney Sally
Morin, "Property owners, landlords or realtors
who do not follow anti-discrimination
laws face
2001, 34 percent of the gay peo-
legal and financial consequenc-
ple surveyed had been turned
es:' To find out if the law protects
away from renting or buying a
home because of their sexual
you, go to fairhousinglaw.org or
In Columbus, Ohio, Allstar
1 realtor B.J. White, while helping an interracial lesbian family
look for a home in the suburbs
with a good school district, was
followed by the seller's mother
Katharine Holland (left) is a lesbian real estateagentwith Coldwell
Banker, specializingin residential
and investmentproperties in San
Francisco.She ranks as a top 100
July/ August 2008 \ 29
Astro Grrl
Free in Love and Money
Spend Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Sex:Spend lavishly on your love life this summer, since you
on get what you pay for. By August, you may find a well-endowed
benefactress to refill your coffers. Whoo hoo! Career:Put your
yourlove best ideas into motion on the job. Not only can you make
lifethis change, you can get a few extra dollars for it.
summer, Leo (July 24-Aug. 23)
Sex:You are full of charm and charisma this summer, Lioness.
sinceyou Show them the meaning of the words "loud and proud" ... and
not necessarily in that order. Career:Not only can you make
getwhat more money than usual, you can invest it effectively. Plant a few
youpay money seeds for the cold winter ahead.
for,Cancer. Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
Sex:You have a secret admirer. Who could she be? Send out the
ByAugust, vibes and see who tunes in. Is it who you expect? Thought not.
Career:You find ways to press and impress important folks
youmay through the summer. Just don't press too hard. When in doubt,
finda well- gently prod.
endowed Libra (Sept. 24-0ct. 23)
Sex:You have one too many friends in your posse. Will they
bene- cramp your romantic style? If so, find the right excuse and move
from the platonic sphere to the passionate one ...or two. Career:
factress Opportunities will open up if you do the careful planning and
to refillyour hard work beforehand. Oh well.
coffers. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Sex:If you are lucky, a certain gal pal can become your next
Whoohoo! lovergrrl. But be sure you choose the right one from the crowd.
It would be a shame to waste a good friendship on a quick fling.
Madonna's still
smokin' at 50
on Aug.16
through August. Career:Think about your next best job move,
but don't neglect your current responsibilities. Or continue to
fake it as long as you can.
Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)
Sex:You feel in top form, and attending to health and exercise
can also improve your love life. And if not, you will at least look
delicious. Career:Get yourself a new business partner to help
you get to where you really want to go. Er, early retirement?
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Sex:Get creative with your amorous moves this summer. Some
of your tried-and-true techniques have been tried, tied and
tired. Sad but true. Career:Grab any opportunity to impress
the powers that be, and you'll soon become the power. What
will be, will be.
Career:Friends in the know can give you the next leg up at
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Sex:Will you phone it in and have it delivered? Lazy Bulls can
have it their way this summer, but by the time she arrives she
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)
Sex:Travel is highlighted, as is spicy romance in faraway places. may be lukewarm. How will you heat her up? Career:
Your work
Explore every foreign cove. What are you waiting for? Career: is more fun-and-games than real application. Will the bosses
You are a force at work and can whip up a range of great opporcatch on? Better take a vacation instead.
tunities like a tornado. Is it a gale wind? And who is Gale?
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)
Sex:Talk is cheap, so tell her exactly what she wants to hear ...
Sex:You are extra sexy this summer and able to attract the la- whether you mean it or not. This summer, sweet nothings are
dies at every turn. Perfect your moves by twisting and turning
just that. Career:Any rash and emotionally based actions will
as you bake in the sun. Career:Expect a new job offer; your
have unexpected consequences at work. Think first, act later.
(Much later.) ■
talents are in demand. But be a bit demanding yourself before
you choose one over the other.
Astrologer Charlene Lichtenstein is the author of
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Herscopes: A Guide to Astrology for Lesbians. To see
Sex:Find a partner, or spoil your current one. This summer
whatelseis in your stars,visitthestarryeye.com
orgo to her
is the time to consider long-term arrangements ... well, at least
blogat thestarryeye.typepad.com.
work. Ask for advice, and pretend that you will follow it.
30 I curve
Life Advice
Buying auto insurance is frustrating, confusing and stressful. Take the time to sit
down and actually read your whole policy.
There are tons of hidden provisions that
can either help or hurt you. If you're having
trouble getting through the legal jargon, sit
down and review it with your agent. Here
are helpful things to consider when looking
for a policy:
Your policy often covers more drivers
than you think it does. In most states, your
policy not only covers you, but any person
that lives in your household permanently,
whether that person is on the policy or not.
So if your live-in partner takes your car
to the store and it gets stolen, you're still
Your policy also provides liability coverage for any other vehicle you happen to be
driving. This is more complicated, because
while it covers the basic liability for any car
you're driving, it will not cover any physical
damage to a car that's not on your policy.
That means you can borrow your friend's
car, rear-end another vehicle and your liability insurance will cover any damage
that you cause to the other vehicle. But if
your friend's car gets damaged, your policy
won't cover damage to her car.
You're probably going to get an automatic discount. Insurance is one of the few
businesses where your rates depend on
where you live, how old you are and your
past history.
Women are cheaper to insure because
statistics show that they get in fewer ac-
cidents and file fewer claims than men. The
younger you are, the bigger the difference
will be between your premium and that of a
male driver your age. Women are also less
likely to drive custom sports cars or huge
SUVs, bringing their premiums down even
further. To save even more, check with
your agent to see if there are more discounts your can receive for taking a driving
class or being a member of a sponsored
Emergency roadside service is a must
for all women. Running out of gas or having
a flat tire on a dark, empty highway is the
start of many a scary
movie. According to the
National Institute for
Highway Safety, women
are three times as likely
as men to be assaulted
or killed while having
car trouble on the highway. There's no reason
not have some kind of
roadside service. Often
for pennies a day, you
can have this lifesaving
coverage on your policy. So the next time you
run out of gas or have
car trouble, you can just call an 800 number
and have someone come out to help you,
instead of braving the situation alone.
All car insurance policies are not created equal. Insurance agents can be just
as hard to deal with as used car salesmen.
High-pressure sales tactics and confusing
jargon are issues that women have to deal
with when they're looking for a new policy.
Often-times, we just assume that our coverage with insurance company A or B would
be the same. That's just not true. Required
coverages differ from company to company, and from state to state. What may
be standard with one company is not with
another. When shopping for insurance, it's
important to do side-by-side comparisons.
Any reputable agent will give you a quote
in writing, detailing all your coverages and
discounts. Don't be afraid to ask questions
and take your time figuring out what's best
for you. - P.S. Jones
July/August 2008 j 31
Dyke Drama
Michele Fisher
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It's not an emotional wreck, it's a salvage operation.
treated her wrong. I pointed out that her anger about my lack of sensitivity to
her needs was one of the many reasons we had broken up-months
ago. She
did not apparently feel like listening to reason. On she went, down the road
of what I always did and how that made her feel. But this time, I did not let
her travel too far before rolling out the spiky strips and skewering her overinflated emotional tires.
"We broke up two months ago. I don't have to listen to what you think is
wrong with me ever again, unless I ask you-and
I never will:'
She was quiet. For the first time in two years, since the day I'd incurred the
karmic debt of a war criminal by asking her on a date, she was silent.
In that brief respite, I began to like her again. But it was not to last. She
had just paused to gather her resources so she could mount another attack.
Recharged, she ranted further, insisting that I didn't like her because I couldn't
control her, that I was intimidated by such a strong woman.
There was no snappy retort. I simply opened the door and stepped out into
the cold-but-welcoming November night.
I wish I could tell you that I walked home alone and never looked back.
Wouldn't it have been cool if I had picked up a sexy stranger in the parking
lot and spent my holiday giving thanks for punani? Alas, I let the ex coax me
back into the plastic-mobile. We went to her flat, unloaded her groceries
and started cooking for the houseful of company that was due in approximately 13 hours.
I polished off a few coffee cups of vodka whilst cubing and stewing my way
through her holiday provisions. But I made myself a promise that night, and I
vowed that if I were to remember that promise, I would keep it forever: I was
never going to spend another holiday with an angry ex.
The hangover lasted longer than my vow. On Christmas, she pitched a
bitch that earned her a permanent spot on Santis naughty list. She wanted to
rehash the Who Hash one more time before bidding another holiday adieu.
She became a beast I couldn't stand in the least. I made sure I wasn't around
for the New Year, and I finally kept that promise to myself.
A breakup is supposed to be the end. For us dykes, however, the breakup
just signals the beginning of our troubles.
I go green all the time, especially when some dyke tells me that she has never
The exact same woman who ruined an entire holiday season for me had
gone back to the same dyke twice. Green with envy, that is. Because for years,
done the exact same thing the year before. You would think I would be too
it seemed that all my drama was of the recycled variety.
ashamed to admit it, but I share my truth so that you may learn.
I just couldn't break up with the same woman once. There was always the
pre-breakup breakup, then the breakup, and then the I-mean-it-this-time
breakup. Once there was even an I-was-coming-over-
breakup, which would have gone better
if she hadn't let her new girlfriend answer the door.
My last bout with recycled drama landed me face-first in a pile of emotional compost that stank up my psyche for a long time.
The year before had been different. We were supposed to be broken up that
year as well, but she did not realize it. I had told her that it was over and that
I meant it, but she just kept coming to my house and calling me as if nothing
had happened. I reminded her a few times that we had broken up. She would
nod her head and act like she understood, but nothing seemed to change.
After a while, I felt kind of mean, reminding her that we were not together all
the time. So I just shut up. As the months went by, we spent less time together,
It was years ago, but the details are stuck to my brain.
and I stopped thinking about her in a sexual way. But we fought about the
It smelled like basil, coffee and new plastic in her stupid SUV. We had left
same stuff, and neither one of us was seeing anybody else, so I suppose I can
the grocery store a few minutes earlier, gotten back in the car and hadn't even
understand why she refused to acknowledge that we weren't together.
left the parking lot before we were having one of those talks I never wanted to
Which is why when our next breakup rolled around, I made sure I was
have with her ever again. While the Thanksgiving meal-to-be sat in the cargo
very clear. I still hung out with her and cooked holiday meals at her house and
area of her brand-new gas guzzler, she rambled on, itemizing all the ways I had
let her berate me in supermarket parking lots. But gosh darn it, I was crystal
clear on the breakup thing.
sight. I gave her a roof over her head-the
All this might seem quite comical-unless
you are a lesbian.
How many of you are reading this right now and thinking that the two
of you should probably start getting your own places (or at least getting two
subscriptions to
I was the matron of honor at my best-friend/ ex-lover's wedding to a man.
It took us 20 crazy, labor-intensive years to get from going on our first date
to planning her honeymoon in Vegas. I guess my life would have been pretty
dull if we had just broken up and gone our separate ways. And my next two
girlfriends wouldn't have had anything to yell about either. They both thought
that the old girlfriend should have been relegated to my past. What neither
one of them ever understood was that I had recycled an old, worn-out relationship and made a shiny, new friendship out of it. Needless to say, neither
one of them gave me the opportunity to create another treasure out of ill-fated
love. (Not that I didn't try.)
What it has taken me all this time to learn is that there are different
bins for different emotional castoffs, just like there are for paper and glass.
You can save yourself a lot of hassle if you just follow the directions and
salvage thusly:
You can turn a good friend into a true love (assuming you have friends you
haven't slept with yet). You can make a good friend out of a bad date. You can
even make a true friend out of a bad lover. But you can't make a functional
relationship out of a dysfunctional breakup. And finally, you can, and should,
every chance you get, make a good date out of a bad girl. ■
since you've been broken up for X-many years?
Maybe one of you is fine with the breakup, but the other one just doesn't
think it is right for one to start dating until the other feels better about being
single. Really? Straight people and gay men don't let their ex-lovers dictate
their sex lives? How odd.
Maybe you two just aren't ready to toss everything you had away. I under-
stand. I once let an ex move in with me after we broke up. She was nice,
our parting wasn't terrible (I didn't think) and I had plenty of room. But still,
she was an ex, and I invited her to stay with me. I did not date for the several
months we lived together. I told all my other friends that I was not interested
in dating and was pursuing other goals, but there was no way I was going to
bring a date home with her in the next room; it just didn't seem right.
She actually got a girlfriend before I did, which really made me mad. I
wasn't very mature or adept at hiding my displeasure with her newfound hap-
least she could do was act like I was
tough to get over. Our after-breakup breakup was uglier than the original.
piness. She kept telling me that I was the one who had moved on and that she
was only following my advice by moving on with her life, too. But we both
knew it was bull. She was not supposed to be happy until she was out of my
JULY19 & 20
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Human Rights
July/ August 2008
VictoriaA. Brownworth
Why Do They Hate Us?
How the media treats Hillary is indicative of how the world sees women: as second~class citizens.
This year's protracted Democratic presidential primary reminded me of what
ence it; collectively and individually we know how wrong it is to use that term.
I spend most days trying to forget: Women are hated. Hated to death.
But hate speech describing women and girls? Somehow it is acceptable.
Hillary Clinton became the locus for American misogyny over the prim~ry
season. The vitriol spewed at Clinton was appalling. I'd never heard the word
She was tough enough to take it and not cry foul, but why do women and
"cunt" used so often outside of pornography. I had countless arguments with
girls have to take it? Why are we called bitches and cunts if we speak the truth
men and women, straight and queer, strangers and friends, about gender bias
about our lives? We are treated as less-than-human in a myriad of ways in our
Clinton was the focal point for American misogyny, writ large and long.
and misogyny. Very little of what I said seemed to get
through. While Barack Obama was called "courageous"
for discussing race, Clinton couldn't even raise the issue
of gender. Gender is taboo. To discuss how much the
United States and the world hate women is anathema.
covering Obama's
speech about
race in
Philadelphia, I wrote a newspaper column discussing
why we still can't talk about gender in the United States.
The reasons are manifold and scary to contemplate. In
the United States the statistics speak for themselves:
One in six women will be raped in her lifetime. One in
four has survived child sexual abuse or an incestuous
relationship with a male relative. One in three has been
the victim of domestic violence. Over 1.2 million women
are forcibly raped by an ex-husband or ex-boyfriend each
year. The leading cause of death among pregnant women
is murder by a spouse or boyfriend. Four out of every five
female murder victims in the United States were killed
by men they knew: a spouse or boyfriend, a male relative,
a co-worker.
This means millions of American men-men
know, men we may love or have loved-hate
us enough to rape, maim or kill
us. Millions. It's a difficult reality to face: Women and girls are so hated that
our lives and bodies mean nothing to these men.
society. We are victims of violence, discrimination and hate, and that diminishes us daily as human beings.
As difficult as it is for women to accept second-class citizenship in the
Perhaps that reality and the inchoate knowledge of it is why it was easy
United States, it is worse to be a woman or girl in many other nations. Here
for people to refer to Clinton with the vilest of hate speech and feel no
we are "merely" raped, beaten and murdered, in addition to being paid only
two-thirds of what men are paid.
remorse and receive no recrimination from either the general populace or the
media. GOP organizer and conservative pundit Roger Stone even started an
But the war against women has escalated elsewhere to horrifying propor-
anti-Clinton 527: Citizens United Not Timid, or C.UN.T. He appeared on
tions. So horrifying, you may want to turn the page and not read the rest. But
talk shows, including Tucker on MSNBC, talking about his group. Stone said
you must, because, as Adrienne Rich wrote, "Every woman's death diminishes
he'd thought for a long time about a name that would be uniquely suited to
me:' You may never have heard the term "vaginal destruction:' It is the most
Clinton and said his group is "dedicated to educating the public about what
revolting example of how much women and girls are hated by men. For over a
Hillary really is:'
Note the pronoun: "what;' not "who:' In Stone's description, Hillary is a
decade, war has raged in the eastern province of Congo. Gangs of militia have
preyed on women and girls and made rape and vaginal destruction major tools
cunt. Not a presidential candidate, a senator or even just a woman. A cunt.
of that war. Vaginal destruction-an
Imagine someone who is not a member of the KKK or the Aryan Nation
act so violent that a woman can never
again have vaginal sex or bear a child-was
defined as a war crime in April. It
forming an anti-Obama 527 with an acronym of the N-word. Would that per-
is an act so violent, you will have to look up the specifics yoursel£ In Congo,
son be invited on news shows and respected talk shows? The outrage would
women have been raped so brutally and by so many men at one time that some
have been eviscerated.
But the outrage over how much women and girls are
hated is not only not palpable, it is not even noticeable. The words "bitch;'
"whore" and "ho" are common parlance. So are "pussy" and "cunt:'
The African American civil rights movement retired the hateful N-word,
making it utterly socially unacceptable. We say "the N-word" when we refer-
Eviscerated by rape. That is how much they hate us.
In Gaza, one of the world's most populated areas, the Israeli occupation
and the rise of Hamas leadership have dominated the news. What has never
made the news is that nearly all of the murders of women in that Palestinian
territory have nothing to do with the political situation there: They are a result of honor killings.
Gazan women die at the hands of a male relative
just for stepping outside the realm of acceptable
behavior for an Islamic woman. These women may
have been murdered because they were seen with
a man who was not their husband or relative, or
because they are lesbians or because they have been
raped. But always they are murdered because they
are female. Honor killings are a leading cause of
death among women throughout the Middle East.
Since the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the number of
honor killings has risen exponentially because the
once secular nation is now an Islamic theocracy.
The United States is no theocracy. Women here
are not victims of vaginal destruction or honor
killings. But women in America are often reduced
to the sum of our genitalia. We are sex objects. As
Alice Walker once said, it is a very small step from
being forced to straighten your hair because men
want it that way to being forced to have your clitoris removed because men want it that way. Or
dying because men want it that way. When we
don't comply with the image of us as nothing more
than user-friendly genitalia-like
Clinton, senator
and presidential candidate, refused to do-we
reminded that we are that and that alone: cunts.
or sitting by a stream getting water right before
we are gang-raped. It doesn't matter if we are in
the United States or Congo, Gaza or Iraq. The
one common denominator for women, the thing
that unites us, is that we are all hated equally for
our gender.
To some men-even
us before they raped us or beat us or murdered
the men who loved
are all cunts. For ourselves-and
for the
women and girls of Congo, Gaza, Iraq and every
other nation where women are being eviscerated in
body and spirit-we
against that global terrorism of women and girls.
We must recognize how easy it is to go from calling
must stand up and speak out
a woman "cunt" to employing vaginal destruction.
In 1851, Sojourner Truth said, "Ain't I a woman?" In 2008, all women and girls need to ask a
different question: 'Am I just a cunt?"
We know the answer. It's the men who hate us
whom we have to convince. ■
J. Korb,a formerassistantsecretaryof
spokeoutaboutthe Don'tAsk,Don'tTellpolicy.
to "get rid of outmoded
andcalledthe banon openlygay
to military
service"in hiswrittentestimonybeforea joint
hearingof the HouseArmedServices
andthe HouseArmed
discussthe matterof
andMarineCorpscannotaffordto placeunnecessary
thewayof qualifiedmen
to serve... Overthe past
asa resultof this policy,including
800with skillsdeemed'missioncritical.'"
In response,
the Servicemembers
for hiswillingnessto advance
the nationalconversation
this issueandfor suggesting
canactto addressourreadiness
It doesn't matter if we are sitting U.S. senators or sitting at home taking care of our children
Inan interviewwiththe
rejectedthe ideathat he
hasbeenavoidingthe LGBT
"I haven'tbeensilenton
gayissues... I guessmypoint
wouldbethatthefactthat I'm raisingissuesaccordantto the LGBTcommunityin a generalaudience
ratherthanjusttreatingyoulikea specialinterest-that is,sortof off in its ownlittlebox-that,
I think,is moreindicativeof mycommitment,"
ultimatelywhatthatshowsis that
I'm notafraidto advocateonyourbehalfoutside
of church,soto speak.It's easyto preachto the
choir;whatI thinkis harderis to speakto a broader
Priorto the interview,Obamafacedcriticism
includinga rebukein the
GayNews,for notgrantinginterviewrequests
A coalitionof 27 LGBTrightsorganizations
try 14-year-old
asa juvenile.
hasbeenchargedasan adultin the
At the RaceSexPower:NewMovements
in Black
& Latina/aSexualities
at the University
Feb.12 murderof hisclassmate
of Illinois,the largestof its typeto date,former
to fellowstudentsat E.O.GreenJunior
HighSchool,the 5-year-oldKingwastargeted
the importance
dueto hisopenlygaystatusandbecausehewore
by President
the NationalCenterfor LesbianRightsandthe
of heroutspokenness
andhassenta short
issuessuchas masturbation
statementto VenturaCountyDistrictAttorney
useof condoms.
the allegedperIn herspeech,Elderscriticizedthe Bush
petratorasan adultwill notbringLawrenceKing
andits promotion
of abstinence-only back,norwill it makeschoolssaferfor LGBTyouth.
stating,"Thetenetsof abstinence
Wemustrespondto thistragedybystrengthening
far easierthanlatexcondoms."Shewentonto
ourresolveto changethe climatein schools,elimiaddressLGBTissues,arguingin favorof same-sex natebigotrybasedon sexualorientation,
marriageandthe development
of newpolicies
identityor expression,
for protectingstudentsagainstdiscrimination
Elders."Sexualrights[are]a partof humanrights."
physicalharm."- KateGoldsworthy
July/ August 2008
I 35
The Cit of Sisterl Affection
The Phillyqueer musicscene'scomingof age. By MarcieBianco
In the past, Philadelphia was a city known more for its chees,
esteaks than for its music scene. Many of its LGBT residents
believed the scope of events available to them was limited
geographically to the "Gayborhood;' which encompasses a few
square blocks in the center of the city.
But underneath Philadelphia's guise as the City of Brotherly
Love and Sisterly Affection lies a city full of selrdescribed
dirty dykes, fantabulous fags, hot,mess trannies and crusty
queers. Their underground culture has surfaced over the past
couple of years, landmarking Philadelphia as a city now known
for its hard,hitting and wonderfully diverse queer music scene.
Artists LotSix and Steph Hayes are just a couple of the foxy
ladies who've emerged in recent years. Last year could argu,
ably be regarded as the scene's coming of age: marked by the
rise of Fuse (myspace.com/phillyfuse) and Make Yr Break, the
return of Sugar Town and the first Philly Queer Rock Show.
Philadelphia, instead of being overlooked, is now a place where
queer artists make it a point to perform.
What makes the queer music scene so unique is its roots
in the house shows of West Philadelphia. Though their ori,
gins are unknown, West Philly house shows are legendary
because the venues-large,
collective,living,style rowhouses
awkwardly situated near the austere buildings of the University
of Pennsylvania-are
designated safe,spaces for queers inter,
ested in the arts. DJ Bunnystyle (Michael Hyde), a promi,
nent, long,standing member of the West Philly music scene,
values house shows because they provide for the needs of dis,
enfranchised communities: "If you are a marginalized person,
there are reasons directly related to identity politics that might
make you leery of a club, or even spaces like VFW halls, which
have long played significant roles in all,ages, punk, hardcore,
etc. movements. Add to that, if you are playing music or do,
ing performance art that is not super marketable [or) lucrative,
would not be easily pitched to a club or contains challenging
shows and warehouse shows are more ideal
places to go than some of these other spaces:'
In addition to a steady stream of house shows, DJ Bunnystyle
and his friends the Fresh Rainbows established the monthly
dance party Make Yr Break, "a homegrown and handmade car,
ner of a collective vision of a queer utopia:'
Touring queer artists are drawn to West Philly not only
because the venues are safe, but also because of the level of in,
timacy. Katz, the transgender solo member of the Athens Boys
Choir, frequently performs at house shows when he is on tour.
He claims that there "isn't anything like a house show in West
Philly, [the] queer folks are actually loving and supportive of
each other:' To suggest the atmosphere, he compares the house
shows to "nice, warm casseroles" that are "always satisfying in all
Get Traveling
nderneath Philadelphia's guise as
the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly
Affection lies a city full of dirty dykes,
fantabulous fags, hot-mess trannies
and crusty queers.
the aspects of family and warmth:'
From the house show scene emerged a number of local artists who
were keen to spread queer music love to the rest of Philadelphia. One of
these artists is electro-rock multimedia artist LotSix, who is based in South
Philadelphia. In addition to being a solo artist, she also performs with local lesbian heartthrob Steph Hayes in the band Shooting Ropes. LotSix has
produced a number of shows with the dual intention of promoting local
queer talent, such as Maple Rabbit and Red Skate Red, and providing a stage
for touring artists, such as the Athens Boys Choir and Nicky Click. Last
September, she produced the first annual Philly Queer Rock Show, an allday showcase oflocal queer artists-including Ashley Phillips,
Innocence Bello and Kiss Kiss Kill-that ran as part of the
Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Her motivation for producing
the show was to emphasize that "Philadelphia does have its
own recognizable and unique queer music scene, independent
of New York's:'
The sense of community is essential to the scene's success.
Many of the artists are also promoters, and they work together
with one another to foster a strong queer community in which
everyone is respected and welcomed. Sara Sherr is the genius
behind Sugar Town-the
monthly music event featuring local and touring women artists that returned in February 2007
after a year and a half hiatus. Sherr often collaborates with the
ladies of Fuse ( that touts itself as "the queer dance party that's
breaking hearts and causing trouble") to produce shows that
feature prominent LGBT artists such as Bitch, the Shondes
and Lesbians on Ecstasy, alongside local favorites. According to Fuse's DJ Kit
(Kate Gormley) and Corinne Thornton, the dance party also functions as a
community center and fundraising source for LGBT issues and events. In
April, for example, they raised money to benefit the Sapphire Fund, which is
a Philadelphia-based LGBT education and advocacy organization. Similarly,
Make Yr Break fundraises for a range of local organizations, providing help
for everything, from a house that needs a new water heater to someone who
needs SRE surgery. This sense of community best characterizes the scene's
strength. Its success, ironically, is largely due to the fact that it is not a "scene"
in the unitary, singular sense, but rather one that consists of a heterogeneous
matrix of geographically disparate and musically diverse events that are unified by the people. ■
Bump! The Ultimate Gay Travel Companion
(BumpDVD.com): For women on
the go, Bump! is a good place to
start. This series (available on 16
DVDs) covers different areas all
around the world and can give you
a good sense of where to find the
queer scene and what to expect.
Bump! grills gay and lesbian locals
on how they're treated around
town and cover the hottest spots
to eat, drink, dance, shop and
stay in a gay-friendly setting. While the
establishments featured on the show tend to
cater mostly to gay men, there are some good suggestions for lesbian travelers as well, and some interesting
history lessons. Bump! Great Britain's host, Shannon
McDonough, takes guided walking tours through London,
Brighton and Manchester, passing through royal palaces,
popular bars and restaurants, playing at the Brighton
Pier and even joining the fun at the Mardi Gras Gay Pride
Parade. (All of this is set to the constant pulsing of electro
club beats, however.) Bump! Mexico takes you on a gay
tour of Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. Enticing
host Charlie David (from Dante's Cove) hits up all the happening club scenes, hangs with the strippers and drag
queens, finds some fabulously sheer shirts at a clothing
boutique and more. Also not to be missed: Bump! Pacific
Gay Getaways (ariztical.com): The first
four episodes of this travel show, available on
DVD, center on Southern California locales.
Discover the best place in West Hollywood
to buy your butch honey some stylish briefs
and how to get a hotel suite in the gayest
neighborhood in Los Angeles for the price
of a compact room. Host Greg Osborne
needs to change his brown designer T-shirt
more often and stop taking us to souvenir
shops for license plates with our names on
them, but he has sound travel advice. Also
not to be missed: Gay Getaways: Las Vegas.
-Candace Moore and Kamala K. Puligandla
There'smoreto do than visitthe King.By CatheyStamps
Country stars, gospel music and the lights of Lower Broadway
have long been associated with the nightlife in Nashville, Tenn.
but Twang Town's feel is one of integration, with the hetero and
However, natives know it's hard to find any actual country stars
in the community.
(they are all on the road), gospel music has mostly morphed into
Want to do a little of the touristy stuff? Skip the traditional
contemporary Christian and, well, Lower Broadway is still cool
tours of Music Row and join the hilarious Jugg Sisters, Sheri
if you know where to go to avoid the tourist crush.
Lynn and Brenda Kay, for the fabulous Nash Trash Tour (nash-
you're looking for live music, karaoke or a hot
trash.com) instead. These lively gals will load you onto the Big
dance floor, Nashville has what you want in an atmosphere that's
Pink Bus and show you the real music history spots, including
WHERETO STAY more than friendly to the girls. One of the things people assume
IN TWANGTOWN about this Bible Belt town (besides the people not wearing shoes
myth) is that it's not so LG BT-friendly. Not only is this not true,
is gayfriendlyandwoman-owned.
itselfto theLGBT
is a convenient
specialpricingis usually
If you'relookingfor a
is directlyacrossthestreet
fromoneof thenewest
hipstripsin Nashville.
homo crowds mixing it up together in the clubs, on stage and out
the Metro jail and the clubs where famous-and
music legends had some of their most embarrassing-and
The full package includes appetizers, song
and dance, and a bathroom stop
at the mother church of country
music, the Ryman Auditorium. To
sweeten the deal, all riders are encouraged to bring their own coolers. This Bud's for you.
And speaking of the Ryman
Auditorium, it is definitely not just
for country fans anymore. Recent
concert artists have ranged from
Shelby Lynne to Ani DiFranco. This
intimate venue is at its best when
acoustic artists like Indigo Girls
and Patty Griffin take the stage,
but bands rock the house, too.
its awe-inspiring
beautiful architecture and hot artist rosters, the Ryman is still one
hip listening room.
If you like your music in a
space, check out the best-littlemusic-venue-you' ve-never-heardof as the Out on the Deck house
party series (myspace.com/ purple- _
houseconcerts) cranks up for the ~
summer. Hosts Anne Moorman, ;
Bev Clendenon and Joyce Arnold ~
have built a small amphitheatre ;
in their own backyard just to host
some of the best women's music in ~
the country. For a minimal cover ~
(usually $5), not only do you get §
to hear music from artists such as ~
Edie Carey, Lindsey Hinkle, Wall ~
of Jules and Steff Mahan,
but §
your hosts provide snacks as well. )
I curve
Another BYOB event, this is one of the hottest
tickets for an evening of laughs and music with the
girls. And you can't beat the down-home welcome.
OurLoud! Books and Gifts on Church Street
Shannon McDonough has what most people consider a dream job; she
may be best known for its stellar selection of read-
travels the world for the new queer travel show, Bump!, reporting on the
ing material, videos and cool gift items, but its new
places the rest of us should go when we're not working. While covering
live performance series will certainly put another
Mardi Gras in Sydney, Australia, for an upcoming episode, she took a
jewel in its crown. Featuring artists across a range
breather to talk about finding hot spots for the ladies and getting mar-
of performance genres, including spoken word,
ried. - Jen Berkowitz
multimedia and, of course, live music, this family-
oriented venue (outloudonline.com)
hosted artists including Bitch and the Exciting
a ies
If you are looking for big dance clubs, then yes, you will find more boy
are a number of LGBT clubs and restaurants
tures and fine hotels ...you'll find them for women. I always laugh
including the urban video dance bar Tribe (tribe-
when I hear the guys say,"Oh women never go out, they can't support
has already
Do you find there are as many places around the globe for the
Filling out the rest of the row on Church Street
em to be for th
stuff. But if you are looking for theater, restaurants, outdoor adven-
nashville.com). While it caters more to the men,
the bars, blah, blah, blah:' Well, if you throw a Melissa Etheridge con-
the women can hold their own on the dance floor
cert, a brunch or a golf tournament-you
and at special events like The L Word viewing par-
ties. Why lust alone, right?
If I'm looking for the hottest women and the best scene, what
There are plenty of opportunities
are going to find 10,000
to hear
city do you ecommend I visit?
great live music geared toward the girls at main-
Phoenix, Arizona, has a great lesbian scene. I went to an amazing wom-
stream clubs throughout the city. One to be sure to
en's bar there. Key West is great and their Womenfest is a blast.
catch is the extremely popular Girls with Guitars
Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto have fantastic women's scenes that
show (girlswithguitars.us).
include a wide age range-so
Now in its 12th year,
this collective, hosted by Cindy Kalmenson, is
everybody is welcome. New York was
amazing and had some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen.
a unique female writers' show. Alumni include
I am in Sydney right now, and Newtown is the area most frequented
Mindy Smith, Mary Gauthier and hot songcrafter
by the ladies, and we were in shock. Every second woman walking
Lisa Carver. Current members include Kimberley
Dahme of the rock band Boston (yes, that Boston)
down the street is gay.
If you coul b anywhere just by snapping your fingers-take
n a
and Robin Ruddy (on the road with Rod Stewart),
along with a lively, irreverent and frighteningly
Wake up in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and have breakfast on the beach,
talented group of women who will likely be regu-
watching the sunrise, then have a drink at the swim-up bar, follo ·ed
lars on your play list soon. It's always a great time,
by surfing with Surf Diva in San Diego. Then I'd have Thai food for
and the special guests alone are worth the price of
lunch in Newtown, Australia, and then ride on the back of a mo-
torcycle through Joshua Tree in Palm Springs; while my girlfriend
old J~
tre ;
C In
f a p rfec da
around he wor1d.
If you want to make some joyful noise of your
drives, I would make her laugh by feeling her up. Then, we'd head to
own, be sure to head over to the east side and the
London, England, for tea, and then to Canal Street in Manchester
Lipstick Lounge (thelipsticklounge.com). Owners
for a pint. We'd have dinner in New Orleans and then head to New
Christa Suppan and Janda Valentine are packing
York to catch a Broadway show and then go dancing to retro music in
5? them in with what one local paper called "suspi-
Montreal. Finally, we'd go back home to Toronto, the gayest, friendli-
ciously good karaoke;' great DJs and a rotating
wer ~
cast of cover bands that will keep you up and
get §
as c:
moving. This is the club spot for women out on
Vall 3
ut :,
relL )
the town.
Southern hospitality is ready and waiting in
Nashville. If you don't have a fabulous time, it ain't
est place there is.
be n th road and in a eriou relation hip"
I am with an amazing woman who completes me in every way; so while
I do enjoy the perks of my job, I am never tempted. We do have an
understanding though ...should either of us run into Pink or Queen
Latifah-all bets are off! ■
i har
yeah,weall know
me,you'regoingto be
Nightsin LasVegas.
carpetfor LGBT
July3-6 andtheirlineup
of entertainment
a chanceto meetthe
cast.At ParisLasVegas,
at RisqueClub,where
goesto the
to pickupsome
bemissedis theFourthof
of Betty'sOutrageous
- KatiePeoples
nobody's fault but your own. ■
July/ August 2008
The name Uh-Huh Her-taken
from a 2004 PJ Harvey song,
and the album of the same name-may
be a little awkward to
the chance to get to know someone better and the music comes
been totally organic and anything but awkward.
"For us, the music happened first and then the friendship
Former guitarist-singer for the Murmurs/Gush
and star of
keyboardist Camila Grey aren't having any difficulty storming
came organically through that;' Grey agrees.
The poppy, synth-heavy sound that Uh-Huh Her exhibits on
the music scene with their slick, melodic, electro-pop sound.
both last year's EP and their forthcoming full-length album can
Commercially viable while still garnering the attention and praise
be explained as a mish-mash of their two musical backgrounds
of the indie-rock underground-as
and former music projects.
Hailey, while training as an actor at the American Academy
well as lesbian fans of all
are one of the hottest bands around.
From Uh-Huh Her's formation in January 2007 until now,
of Dramatic Arts in New York City in the early 1990s, stumbled
everything has just clicked, one thing falling into place after another for the two friends and collaborators who, admittedly, are
into music through her friendship with fellow student Heather
still getting to know one another. From recording their first songs
band (and lesbian favorite) the Murmurs, which later re-formed
Reid (previously Grody), forming the catchy, acoustic ale-pop
in Grey's bathroom, to hitting the iTunes Top 10 chart with "Say
into indie-rocker Gush. They developed quite a cult following
So" off their debut digital EP, I See Red, last fall, to selling out
and released several albums, but decided to call it quits in 2003,
shows across the country in recent months, their ascent has been
swift and fluid, and they show no signs of slowing down after
when Hailey signed on to The L Word.
"It was never a plan for me;' she says about her musical career.
the long-awaited August release of their debut full-length album,
"My whole inspiration around it was actually my best friend.
Common Reaction.
Our conversation begins at the logical starting point-how
they first met.
We'd get together and write music and it was never intended to
be a career of any sort. Also, because we were severely broke, it
was a survival mechanism, to make enough money to buy a bagel
"Cam and I actually met a couple of years earlier, before we
and a pack of cigarettes, back in the day. We'd play the subways
started the band;' Hailey recalls, "at like, a kickball game or some-
every single day, and street corners, whatever we could do to get
thing, right?"
out there and make a buck. le really came out of friendship:'
"Wow, that really dorks us out;' Grey laughs.
"Really2'' Hailey says, playfully. "Well it was some sort of
funny sport:'
Grey, meanwhile, was definitely on a serious musical career
path. After taking classical piano lessons through her youth,
she attended the prestigious Berklee College of Music and has
"It was a picnic in the park thing;' Grey clarifies.
amassed extensive production and session credits with big names
'i\.t least I didn't say softball. I went for kickball. Anyway,
like Dr. Dre, Busta Rhymes, Tricky, Melissa Auf der Maur and
there was a ball involved:'
This comedic banter typifies the lighthearted tone between
the two that continues for the rest of the interview. Like siblings
Kelly Osbourne, aside from her last gig with the Los Angelesbased experimental electro-rock band Mellowdrone.
"I kind of had an idea of what I wanted to do, production-
or best friends, they crack one another up, are constantly jok-
wise;' Grey asserts, about how they each approached this new
ing, and often finish one another's sentences. It's endearing, and
joint venture. "I like synths. I'm a synth player, since I was born, I
evidence of the symbiosis they've attained in their relatively brief
think. So I had that in mind. When it was all three of us, each one
career together.
of us brought something to the table and we'd just start writing
things and layering things:'
After that random meeting several years ago, their paths
didn't cross again until Hailey, after five years of focusing solely
That third original member of Uh-Huh Her, mutual friend
on her role as Alice Pieszecki on The L Word, decided she really
and drummer Alicia Warrington, has since left the band. "She
missed music and was ready to return to it.
each other. That's what's been so weird about it. You usually have
pronounce, but the band's quick rise to prominence has actually
The L Word Leisha Hailey and former Mellowdrone bassist-
first. Through this last year, weve been slowly getting to know
had other opportunities come her way;' Grey says. 'i\.t the time,
"I had really been looking for someone to write music with;'
when we were first recording, it wasn't this big money-making
Hailey says. "I tried a couple of people out, but it never felt
machine. All of us have to survive one way or the other, and this
I was wanting to start a band around. I heard about Cam, and
ocher opportunity seemed like it could be lucrative. It was a nice
split; we miss her:'
then remembered meeting her. So I went to see her play with her
old band, Mellowdrone:•
and Hailey welcomes the evolution. "I think we definitely have a
The two started hanging out shortly thereafter, and before
sound that we're both really proud 0£ but I wouldn't want to say
they knew it, they were writing music together. "It just felt right
to begin with;' Hailey says. "Writing music felt pretty good; it
'OK, that's it, we're stopping here: I think there's plenty of room
to keep experimenting:'
felt fun. We didn't really have the time to get to know each other
But do they think this glossy, heavily produced electronic
that they sucked or anything, it just wasn't something
As a duo, their sound has continued to mature and tighten,
sound will shock their former fans? "Most of the people who
knew me, knew me as a session player, so they hadn't really heard
me in this element yet, didn't really know what to expect;' Grey
things I've seen. A lot of it is metaphorical and doesn't mean what
you might think it means:•
So, we shouldn't read these songs-which
largely sound like
says. "With Leisha it's probably really different, because she had a
angsty love and relationship ponderings-as
band that was totally different than this sound. But she can speak
for herself:'
"Exactly;' Grey says. "It could mean something else. I think
"I like it when you speak for me;' Hailey quips, in a way that
I use the emotion love as a metaphor for different things. And
you can just hear her L Word character saying. "I don't know. I
when you bring someone else into it-Leisha,
think there are some lingering fans, but I feel like we're finding
a whole new place, and we just try to fit it all together:'
a whole new group of people. I don't know what [the Murmurs
fans] think of the change. I'm hoping they like it. I don't really sit
around thinking about it, though:'
So what's up with the name of the band? How did they decide
literal biographical
she's coming from
"Hate;' Hailey, says. 'Tm coming from hare:• She giggles. 'Tm
"It's kind of everything;' Grey continues, not fazed by Hailey's
response. "It's from observing things around, just life. I think people can relate to ir:•
get the name;' Hailey reveals. "We formed the band and started
"I used to personally dread writing lyrics;• Hailey inserts,
recording our EP, and our management called and said, 'Well, it's
getting serious again. "Because I never really understood how
really great that you're doing all this, but maybe, you know, think
to do it. And for some reason in this band I'm enjoying it and
of a band name: We thought, 'Oh yeah, that's a good point: So we
actually looking forward to that part of it. And like Cam was
had a list of almost a hundred names that we were getting from
saying, it's kind of fun to write something that you know peo-
various different places or just thinking up ourselves. Did we find
it in a book? I can't remember where we found it, Cam:'
ple will think one thing about, that you have a whole different
on Uh-Huh Herr "Well, actually... we were in a time crunch to
"We were looking through my Encyclopediaof Rock;' Grey
d to
"That's exactly what it was!" Hailey remembers. "I can't
e, it
remember who found the name, but someone said it, and we just
thought, 'That fits. That really feels like it's it:"
The conversation drifts back to a discussion of their process
as collaborators, writing music and lyrics together.
response to a question about whether one of them does more of
"Each song comes from a different place;' Hailey says, in
the lyric writing or music writing. "Cam, definitely overall, does a
lot more production. I'm not into the technical aspects of any of
it. It actually bores me:•
"I tend to be the little mad scientist, putting everything to-
gether on the computer;' Grey laughs. "With lyrics, we both kind
part, because normally I write lyrics alone. I've never collaborated
on lyrics [before], so this has been really challenging:•
of come in from different places. And that's been the weirdest
"You've never really collaborated in general!" Hailey jabs,
"Yeah, exactly. I'm not really good at it. Though I'm getting
better;' says Grey shyly, laughing.
"It's been funny;' Hailey exclaims. "Cam, she's an only child.
So I'm like, 'This is what it's like to share: It's funny:•
About the band's lyrics, they seem to prefer to remain myste-
rious. I don't manage to get anything specific out of them about
any particular songs-other
Another Day" is one of their favorites, and the aggressive "So
than the fact that the dreamy "Wait
fun to play live."Usually, the ones that are louder are always more
ve a
fun to play;' Hailey laughs.
Grey does, however, elaborate in a vague sort of way about the
inspiration for her lyrics. 'Tm a composer first and lyricist last;'
have something to say, like, OK, just spit it out. It comes from
Long;' one of Hailey's least favorite songs on the album, is a lot of
she admits. "In that respect, it kind of all comes out when I do
meaning behind:'
"Yeah, that's what's kind of cool about song writing," Grey
adds. "Not everyone intends for you to hear certain things. That's
what makes songs really interesting, that people take from their
own experiences and relate it to their lives in their own unique
way. And it might not necessarily be your way, but at least they
are getting something out of it:'
"Not a Love Song" is the first designated single off the record.
Bridging the aural territory between indie-rock and electronica,
side oflove. And while, according to both Grey and Hailey, listeners aren't to read these lyrics as word-for-word accounts of their
own romantic lives, it's hard not to speculate, or at least want to
know where they come from and what they mean.
Hailey's personal life has been somewhat of an open book.
She came out as a lesbian long before her rise to fame, and had
a relatively high-profile relationship with the singer k.d. lang
before she most recently paired up with fashion designer and The
L Wordstylist Nina Garduno.
Grey's story, however, remains less well-
"I feel like we're findinga whole new group of
[fans].I'm hoping they like it. I reallydon't sit
around thinkingabout it, though."
known. She is notoriously
mysterious, and
refuses to speak to the press about her personal
life. Because of this, the rumor mill ha1,of course
been active, and frequently links Grey to actor
Clea Duvall, whom Grey thanks in the liner
notes of Common Reaction,"for all your love and
but with an infectious melody, hooky guitars and ethereal vocals,
it's the kind of song that's likely to get them radio play and commercial success without eroding their indie-rock street cred. It
belief in me:' This certainly does raise eyebrows-and
walks that fine line well.
Lyrically, it's a little more enigmatic. When asked to explain
the lyrics of that song specifically, all Grey musters is, "It's not a
love song. That's all I have to say:'
Perhaps it's not a love song in the traditional sense, but that
been packing live venues around the country and the globe to
song, and most of the other 10 tracks on the album, do seem to
touch on themes of codependence, loss, disappointment, disillusion and despair, heavy emotions often associated with the dark
the hopes
of many an admiring lesbian fan.
Regardless, lesbians and fans of every other persuasion have
hear Grey and Hailey play."We have the most loyal and enthusiastic fans;' Hailey says."Our favorite thing we receive from them
is their fan art. We actually just got a book that someone compiled of art people made for us from all over the world. They've
been nothing but cool to us:•
Any memorable gigs?"The gig that stands out the most in our
mind is when we played Shepard's Bush in London," Hailey says.
"We had only played 15 or so shows, and that was such an amazing venue to be at, with so few shows under our belt. Camila was
so nervous that she accidentally wore two different shoes, and
didn't notice until the last song!"
I was hoping for more stories from their recent Dinah Shore
Weekend appearance. "The highlight from Palm Springs was
when we got to meet Pat Benatar," Grey gushes. "She is still so
amazing live, and played all of her old hits. She plays a mean air
Though the band's next big tour-overseas
in the fall, includ-
ing Japan, Australia and Europe-isn't slated to begin until after
Hailey finishes taping the last season of The L Word later this
summer, fans will still have some opportunities to see them play
live. "We will be doing one-offs as much as we can," they both
assure me.
One of those one-offs will be over Labor Day Weekend in
Seattle, as part of an event sponsored by Olivia, the travelentertainment company that evolved out of the 1973 women's
music record label of the same name, and for whom Hailey was
recently announced as the new spokesperson. Uh-Huh Her will
headline The Fling, one of Olivia's new, long-weekend packages
geared toward younger lesbians in various "hot" cities.
And what's down the line for these two after this record and
their fall tour?"We hope to keep growing our audience and evolving as performers," they both say. "We certainly will be writing
more material and will probably put out another EP after the
record is released in August.
"Oh, and world domination. There's that, too:' ■
Telenovela Star went from
the laundromat to iTunes.
By Kristin A. Smith
The Stars (from left): Hanna Kleln, Nikkie
McLeod and Maggie
Nikkie McLeod began her relationship the way
many of us have-by
responding to a Craigslist
posting. But instead of an awkward first date, a
McLeod says the name 'Just clicked;' adding
that it fit because the group can be "sort of dramatic
sloppy roommate or a one-night stand, she got
The drama is obvious in photos of the band.
a band. A kickass band. A kickass lady band:
Telenovela Star.
With their stylish wardrobes and windblown hair,
McLeod says she knew right away that the
Outfitters catalogue spread, or perhaps an adver-
group belonged together. "We really communicated
the edgy New York girls photos look like an Urban
tisement for a real telenovela.
well musically. As soon as I sat down and started
When asked who each of the band members
to play, it just made sense;' says the 31-year-old
would play if they were actual telenovela stars,
McLeod gets thoughtful.
When McLeod saw the Craigslist posting for an
"Um ... I guess I'd be the gay cousin;' she says,
all-girl band, she had just moved to New York City,
had no Internet access and was therefore unable to
laughing. "And Maggie might be the drama queen.
Oh God, she'll kill me for that. And Hanna, well
learn the songs that the other two women had sent
she'd be the mellow, stable person. Do they even
her."We basically had to jam;' she says."Good thing
have that on the show:"' We agree they must, but
we're all really good at jamming:'
can only come up with Brandon from BeverlyHills
By the end of the session, everyone on stage
agreed that the trio was great together. Centered
on McLeod's heavy drumming,
90210 as a possible example.
While none of the band members are Latina,
the screaming
and no one is likely to star in an actual tele-
guitar and vocals of Maggie Argyros and the sexy
bass and vocals of Hanna Klein, Telenovela Star
novela, the group members represent a variety of
was born.
While deciding to become a band came easily,
finding a name seemed to drag on. "It was becom-
cultures: Guitarist Maggie Argyros' family is from
Greece, but she was raised in New York City; bass
player Hanna Klein is from Romania; and Nikkie
McLeod is from Trinidad and Tobago.
ing a problem that we didn't have a name;' says
Despite their international backgrounds, there
McLeod, explaining that the band wanted to per-
is nothing "world music" about their sound. You
form but still didn't know what to call itself.
can hear the influence of the Pixies and PJ Harvey
The struggle to find a name chat embodied the
more than Mediterranean guitar riffs or African
group continued until one fateful day when Argyros
drum beats, but McLeod says chat even if it's not
began talking about the telenovelas that were
recognizable at first, each band member brings her
always playing at her local laundromat. "How about
own background to the music. "It's just ingrained in
Telenovela:"' Argyros asked, interrupting herself.
our psyche," she says.
But the name was already taken by a Chicago band.
"Well then, how about Telenovela Star:"'
Their music is as diverse as they are. Telenovela
Star's 2007 album, Love, Lust, Sci-fi and Monsters,
is about everything from dating to Dr. Who. Selfreleased, the album transcends garage-band quality
and has a polished studio sound.
McLeod says the album (available on iT unes)
is doing pretty well, but they aren't "becoming millionaires off the project:' 'Actually;' she adds, "we'd
like to sell a lot more:' ■
Up Her Sleeve
LizStahleris notjust a galwitha guitar-she's
performerandrecordingartist.Herfirst fulllengthalbum,Stitchesin MySleeve,andthe
tour hasofficiallyput heronthe
openmicvenuesin herhometown.
Asa 19-yearoldcollegesophomore,
offersto openfor artistssuchas DanBern,Kris
"I seemedto keepgettingthesebigopportunitiesandI wasn'tsureI wasreadyfor them.I
just decidedto gowith it," shesays.
workingon Stitches.Following
the album's
to speakpubliclyto
shesaysthatas shebeganherformalcareer
as a musician,
shereceivedadviceto keepher
"I decidedto be myself,"shesaid."I just
beinga lesbianas partof
myonstagebanter."It didn'tseemto affecther
opinionof hermusic."I thinkevery
artistwantsto thinktheyhaveuniversalappeal,
butI dofeelthatthereis a broadappealto my
WhileStahler'ssexualitymaybeout in
the open,it is onlya sidenoteto herbrilliant
andthe honestyin hervoice,which
strikesa mainstream
chord.Hervoiceis a blend
of classicfolk andintelligentsophistication.
It is
Thesongson Stitches
areachinglybeautifulin theirlyricalsimplicity.
Stahler'smusiccallsto minda timeandplace
youjust can'tseemto remember,
youonceknew.-Amanda Quraishi
in whichshesubstitutes
for malewhenreferringto a romanticpartner.
Smithis upstagedby MaRainey,
criticsto "ProveIt on Me."
Really,though,notall that muchproving
needsto bedone,considering
the lyrics
read"Wentout lastnightwith a crowdof myfriends/They
musthavebeenwomen,'causeI don'tlike no men."
July/August 2008
Rocker Nicole Reynolds
will make house calls.
By Kamala K. Puligandla
by Erica Beckman
How does the process of going in and playing
for patients work?
Because I'm generally a traveling musician, I tell
MOC when I'll be around and then they get
back to me with open dates for the hospital that's
closest, which for me is Our Lady of Lourdes in
Camden, New Jersey... When I arrive, I am met
by a volunteer guide who takes me through certain wings of the hospital ... The guide knocks
on each door and asks the patient if they would
like to hear some music. If they say yes, the guide
will tell me to come in and I'll play a song or two
of my choosing and then move on to the next
room. I don't have a huge selection of appropriate songs, so I mainly rotate through a few that
are fitting.
How do patients react to your visit?
The patients really have a wide range of reactions.
Many are very sick and greet me and send me
off with a smile and a nod. Most of them really
seem to appreciate the music. I'm often playing -;to not just the patient, but to their family as well, ~
because it's during visiting hours. (The families] E
sometimes seem to need that brief relief just as ~
much as the patient.
In what ways do you think music can have an
effect on one's health?
I think music can have an enormous effect on our
health, emotionally and physically. I also believe
emotional and physical health are very closely
Stumbling onto her own music career after a fate-
How did you get connected with Musicians
related. Music can have a very calming effect, E
ful night at an open mic, jazz guitarist and former
music promoter Nicole Reynolds put out a CD,
On Call?
probably helping with temporary and long-term
depression, as well as other emotional stresses.
This Arduous Alchemy, and has been touring nonstop ever since. The 24-year-old folk-rock singer,
who has been performing for only two years and got
her start that night at Phase 1 in Washington, D.C.,
(the oldest lesbian bar in the country), has garnered
critical acclaim for her distinctive voice and thoughtful lyrics. She is also involved in Musicians on Call
(MOC), a nonprofit organization bringing musicians and live music to healthcare facilities to help
promote healing.
I was asked by a radio station m Philadelphia,
WXPN, to play at a benefit show for MOC last
fall. I decided to give it a try then. A lot of local
Philly musicians seem to be involved with MOC,
which I think is great for the community.
Other than the value of human interaction and
connection that music has, I have also heard that
certain sound-wave frequencies can have healing ~
What kind of music do you play?
Have you had any standout experiences with
Singer-songwriter, indie-folk kind of stuff. I just
a patient?
take a little Alvarez travel guitar in when I'm
doing MOC. My girlfriend, Wood, will be going
with me next time though, and she'll play mandolin. In the past, I've gone alone.
Last time I played the maternity wing, there was a ,..
little baby who was just born that day. I played z
her her first song and she was so quiet while I
sang. I think that was one of my favorites. ■
Electro-pop artist Nicky Click is femme-tastic
and proud of it. By Jonanna Widner
It was around 9 p.m. in a brightly lie pizza joint
clear that Click has honed her programming and
in tony burg of Santa Fe, N.M. Not exactly the
beat-making skills. Member's loosey-goosey, on-
type of spot where you'd expect to find a postmod-
the-fly charm is replaced by tighter, more expert
grooves. It's a loss of DIY innocence, but also a
ern, PC-wielding, punk-dance princess. But then,
Nicky Click is nothing if not unpredictable. So,
amidst the calls of"Order up!"
musical coming of age.
It's surprising that Click has
Click took the stage alone, her
chosen bits and bytes as her
high heels clacking across the
medium, rather than more tra-
makeshift performance space.
ditional forms. Yet she's chosen
Scantily clad in a tight dress,
nouveau disco as her style, she
says, "because a lot of [queer art-
insistently, almost
ists] have a lot to say, and the best
way to get that across is in a fun
around with her only source
The beats may have shifted,
for backup music: a glicchy
but Click's themes of sex, heart-
laptop churning out freaky,
reak and social issues are still all
funky homemade beats.
even when
ere, wrapped in frilly (but not
That was Click then, a
rivolous) swaths of femme queer
couple of years back, on tour
politics. "I have always identified as femme;' Click says. "Even
promoting her debut album,
You're Already a Member, in pizza places and at
backyard parties. Member is a deliciously un-
baked mix of rudimentary
queen ... you don't see a whole lot of femme women
eschews traditional
beats and tunes that
song structure
for catchy,
the word existed, I have always felt
minine, to the point I felt like a drag
melodic lines. It is a simple album, rough around
The stars of queer music, from Grammy
the edges, but by no means simplistic.
"Yeah, that first album is a kind of documenta-
winners to underground icons, are mainly medi-
tion, in that I was putting something out there I
tion of straight sexism that bleeds into the queer
was still learning to do;' Click explains. "A lot of it
realm: feminine ladies, even if they are queer, are
was very empowering for me. I was like, why the
still are not taken seriously.
fuck can't I put chis out there? I don't need to be a
Bue with a quick swivel of her ankle, Click
smashes that borrowed
master at these programs:'
um-to-stone butches. It's odd, but it's a manifesta-
Of course, if you keep doing something, you
end up getting good at it. Sure enough, three years
under her
stilettoed heel. "I use chis specific representation
for my own purposes, to the point where I per-
later, Click has released her second disc, I'm on My
form my gender;' she says. "My dance moves, my
Cell Phone. Certainly, her sophomore effort features
presentations, my lyrics speak to all of that, to an
some of the same off-kilter dance-centric beats and
empowered, over-the-top representation of what
hypnotic vocal stylings that Member has. Bue it's
femininity actually is:' ■
DorisDaydonsa rawhide
suitandman'stie in CalamityJane,
a musicalfilm thatfeaturesthe song
"OnceI Hada SecretLove,"to which
68 percentof closetedEisenhower-era
:. a
soulwith herintense,
bisexualin 1970,abouta yearafter
RockBandandits NewHaven,
a collectionof "non-assaultive
rockmusic."Youjust knowthe
spacereekedof patchouli.
July/ August 2008
music 2008
Musician Jana Losey gives a small town
something to talk about. By Aimsel L. Ponti
Jana Losey must be on cloud nine. Her new
pretty focused, no matter what has transpired
than I do now and do way more interviews, way
record, Blocks,is absolutely gorgeous. She's got her
that day. We're sort 0£ at this point, like an old
more practicing and way more of just making
own reality TV show, called The Song You Heard,
couple because we really spend so much time
new songs and being in the studio, because that's
which the Fox affiliates in Pennsylvania and beyond
together, and we're pretty much always in the
what I love to do the best. Performing, too.
are way into. And she's living in her hometown of
same room. That's the really hard part, that
Does it seem like that's a far-off thing, or
Lawrenceville, Penn., population 600. Blockswas
we don't get very much personal space. I think
more like it's low-hanging fruit?
produced by Losey's musical and song-writing
we get snippy with each other a lot by way of
It seems like it's getting closer lately. We always sort
partner, not to mention girlfriend, Melanie Peters.
"Oh my God, can I be by myself for, like, two
of have a lot of ups and downs. There are days
It's a collection of 11 songs that are characterized
when we just want to hang it up and stop, and
What music did you listen to growing up?
there are days when I feel we're really getting
color and heart. But it's not just that. These songs
We had a decent record collection ... [but] I'm from
close to that point where there's more music and
are enhanced by Losey's accomplished piano and
the sticks, so I didn't really have a lot of access
less business for us. The more exposure we get,
Peters' guitar, bass and backup vocals. You'll also
to a lot of things that the city kids would have
hear synthesizer, drums and cello while on the
had access to.
by Losey's ardently defined voice-full
of depth,
the easier it seems-the
closer it seems.
How do you describe your music?
T II me how you and Melanie work.
Lawrenceville has only 600 people. Is it fairly
We've been trying to very consciously break down a ul
open-minded and liberal?
lot of chick-singer stereotypes with this album. ~
I wish that it was, but it just isn't. I like living in the
I've gone into the mode where I will only com-
Our working relationship is pretty open. We both
country, just as a setting for my life, but if we
pare us to boys, just because people see a girl 0
come up with ideas, but in the end I focus on
didn't get to leave as much as we do, because of
with a piano and if you don't sound like Sarah
the lyrics and she focuses on the music.
touring, I don't think there's any way we could
Mclachlan then they don't like you, and I don't
How did you two meet?
really live there. It's a pretty weird place to live
like that. For somebody to compare us to Sarah
We were in a cover band in San Diego, and we
and a pretty weird way to live for us, but it's also
Mclachlan just because I play piano and I'm a ~
started writing songs for the band. We realized
nice and quiet. I don't feel a lot of prejudice.
woman kind of pisses me off. I would so much
quickly that we were a fantastic song-writing
When everybody knows you and has known
rather be compared to Radiohead. I think Sarah
team. We started hanging onto songs for our
you for a long time, they have a real hard time
Mclachlan is great, but she doesn't really have u5
own performances and then we started doing
hating you, even if you belong to some other
anything to do with anything that I'm doing, so
our own performances, and it took off from
subgroup that they're not so in agreement with.
there. We've been together coming up on five
It doesn't really matter if you're gay or lesbian
when I get that comparison I'm like, "Oh, you're
not listening:'
years, and we've been at this full-time for about
or from an ethnicity that they're not familiar
When you're out on the road, do either of you
three years.
with. If you can deal with them on a person-toperson basis, you're OK.
get flirted with or hit on?
Do you ever get irritated with each other?
e o
I think I would like to be hit on a little bit more. But
Can you imagine doing anything else other
people are really, really nice, and they do buy us
bo h ble to turn that off when you
than music?
drinks because they want to talk to us. It's a rar-
I really want to just be a musician. I really look for-
ity that one of us gets hit on really badly, but it (/)s
definitely does happen. ■
Oh God, every day.
Yeah, pretty much. As soon as we're on stage we're
so I curve
ward to the day when I can do way less business
After the release of her fourth studio album,
same and are disappointed when something
You've said the film The Lives of Others is a
Dreaming of Revenge, and given her recent col-
changes. They like that I sound different, that I
source of inspiration for you.
laborations with Tegan and Sara and the Foo
experiment. They're so into the music, they're
Fighters, and her work on the score for Sean
curious to see where I take it.
think it was the relationship
between play-
wright and actress. It mirrored a relationship
Penn's film Into the Wild, we might excuse 28-
Is your goal to sell hundreds of thousands of
year-old guitar phenomenon Kaki King if visions
of fame and fortune are dancing in her head.
People don't sell albums anymore. That's changed.
pull, the intensity, it just got to me. And how
The decidedly focused and humble artist, whose
I really want to continue what I'm doing, play-
moved the spy was by their love, that it actu-
answer to the question about her favorite part
ing solo internationally, making good albums ...
I was having. Sometimes I felt like the actress,
the playwright-the
of being a musician is, "the music;' speaks to the
All the people who are so popular right now
ally changed him, and then he died in real life. I
was a mess when I found out. I was like, "This is
fundamentally pure desire to enjoy her art and
are one day going to be doing a nostalgia tour.
why sometimes in life we dream of revenge:' ■
form of expression, simply because it is what
Everything changes. I don't worry about the
she loves. The cerebral, experimental, constantly
commercial aspect. I try to have good shows
on tour, indefinable and primarily instrumental
and make good albums.
musician, and out lesbian, speaks about her cur-
You've traveled a lot over the last several
rent album, her expectations, being an American
years. How's the international sentiment
on the road and, for good measure, revenge.
toward Americans right now?
People understand that I'm not a hot-dog-eating
a w
The album's title is Dreaming of Revenge.
fat Republican. They get that I'm a musician.
Are there instances when you dream of
They wonder about those people, if I know any
of them [laughs].I say no.America is huge, there
It's taken from a quote by [the painter Paul]
are 300 million people. If certain regions like
Gauguin. It's funny really, I'm not a vengeful
Kansas City and the Midwest spoke a different
person. It's somewhat tongue-in-cheek. There
are those times you look back and wonder how
language, they would be considered a different
country. There's 20 million Dutch, 60 million
life could have been different.
Italians, they're all talking crap about each
Is there any pressure putting out an album,
other. It's easier to identify a typical Dutch
now that you're more established?
person because of the size of the country.
It's funny, when I was putting out my second album
Americans are so different, they kind of take
I remember saying, "This is so important, this is
you at face value. There's no united interna-
the most important album I'll ever make;' and
tional consensus against America.
my producer looked at me and said, "You could
say that about every album:' There is that danger of overthinking everything. I've tried to let
that go, stay in the moment more and make it
about the music.
ah ~
ah 2.
a ~
,ch 8
Are you worried about expectations?
really. My fans have sort of learned to
Guitar phenomenon
Kaid King dreams of
By Hilary Kyle
expect the unexpected with me. My fans are
music freaks. They love 500 different musicians and I'm one of them. They are not the
type to listen to three bands that all sound the
ah Ii:
ve tE
(.) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A~
>- 197S
~ PattiSmithreleasesherversionof theVanMorrison
u §
classic"Gloria."Sheamendsthe lyricsto mention
theobjectof herlust:"Oh,shelookssogood/oh,
g_ shelookssofine/humpin'on
us z theparkin'meter,"whichcritics
ar- UJ agreeis weird,but hot.
witha recurringspoton
OK,Quatroeventuallymarriesa man,buthershagged-out
inspirea generation
of youngqueerladies.
releases"I LoveRock'n' Roll,"drowningoutthefolkiesof the past.Overthe
riffs andgeneralrockitudedothe impossible,
pre-riotgrrrlsandcell phonesalesmen
in mutualfist-pumpingadoration
July/August 2008
KIN proves they can rock the mic. By Kristin A. Smith
en age of hip-hop, women wore the
winning fans over all across the country. KIN has
ality. It's just female-straight,
~y and belted, with oversize T-shirts,
developed a devoted following, especially among
in between:'
y tight things were their rhymes. Queen
amadia, MC Lyre and Salt-N-Pepa,
young women, who look to Nor and IQ as role
models. "We just hop~ that in putting ourselves
hip-hop community. In 2005, they promoted their
s akin' all across the country,just to name
out there, we continue to get the letters we get now,
album Rock Star at a number of events, includ-
t forward 15 years and you can add KIN
saying that we're affecting people who look at us
ing Ladyfest in New York. Because of the album's
to the mix of powerful ladies who own the mic.
and say,'I can relate to you,"' says Nor.
KIN's popularity
lesbian or anything
even extends beyond the
name, the promoters of Ladyfest assumed KIN
It's not just the LGBT community that packs
was a rock band and booked them for a show. KIN
group to bust into this primarily male-domi-
KIN performances; the group has fans from all
arrived at a venue packed to the brim with musical
nated world, they are one of the first openly les-
walks of life. While IQ concedes that most of their
instruments, and all they brought were two mies
bian female duos to enter the scene. Nor and
fans are women, she says, "It is not based on sexu-
and themselves. "So we decided then that we had
is not
the first female rap
best friends since elementary school (not
dating, as is often assumed), have been crossing genres and geographical boundaries, changing minds with their music for the last 10 years.
Born and raised in Mt. Vernon, N.Y., a small
city known for its contributions to hip-hop (Heavy
D was born there and Diddy lived there for years),
Nor and IQ hope to restore hip-hop luster to their
hometown. "We definitely represent our city; we
got that Mt. Vernon sound;' says Nor.
KIN's sound is reminiscent of the old-school
days of rap. "We are definitely influenced by the
past, and hopefully we can bring that era back and
make our own lane from 2008 and into the future;'
says IQ. Nor adds that KIN is "not talking about
rims, hos and ice;' they're talking about their own
And it's their own experiences that make KIN
stand out, both personally and musically. As openly
lesbian, African American artists, KIN has had to
overcome serious obstacles. "Every day that I wake
up, I'm a woman and I'm African American and
I'm a lesbian, and I have to deal with all three at
once ... and then I have to do it on the public stage,
in the music industry;' says IQ. Nor agrees that the
process has been challenging at times, describing
coming out in the African American community
as a 'Journey unto itself'
Coming out publicly was both a gradual journey and a conscious decision for KIN. Since the
beginning they have kept their sexuality separate
from their music-it
is not at the center of their
neither is it hidden. "It wasn't a forced
decision;' says IQ."We didn't decide, OK, now let's
be out. It was a growing process-how
we grew
with our sexuality, how we grew into our music
and how we grew into women. It all happened at
the same time:'
This mix of maturity, confidence and skills is
52 I curve
to sh::iw them we belonged on their stage. And we
rocked our;• says IQ. The promoters invited them
back the next year.
By Abby Schwartz
Making connections outside of hip-hop venues is typical for KIN. The duo regularly performs at the Knitting Factory, one of New York's
underground rock venues. Usually performing as
a duo, KIN has added a backup band for some
Despite its cross-genre appeal, the band has
acquire a major record deal. Currently pub-
lishing under their own label, Norlq (pronounced
nor-eek), the band has released three albums.
Right now, they're working on a new mixed tape
tided Street Rock, a term KIN coined to describe
their amalgam of R&B, rap and rock.
On a small budget, KIN (kin4life.com) has
managed to deliver amazing rhymes, but the work
is not as polished as many mainstream albums. At
times the songs are thoughtful, witty and comedic,
but the quality of the recordings doesn't match
their live performances, which are pure energy. The
duo begins a Pride Festival tour in June and has a
smattering of performances on the East Coast this
KIN's lack of success in mainstream music
naturally could be attributed to the current role
of women in hip-hop and the industry's fear of
powerful women. Gone are the days, when under
a major record label, women could wear what they
wanted, say what they wanted and dance the way
they wanted. While there are a few female lyricists
who represent the smart, sassy side of womanhood, the industry seems to have regressed since
the early '90s. KIN could help to create a revival,
but it's going to need a lot more money and a little
more experience to bring about a complete resurrection of the golden age of female rap. ■
Stillsportingdresses(!) with plasticfarmanimalshand-sewn
ffi' ontothefabric,k.d.langreleasesherthird,andarguablybest,
~w album,AbsoluteTorchandTwang,
com~ pletelybustingthroughall sortsof barriers,
u: includingthoseof grammarandpunctua~ tion.Ohyeah,andthoseof countrymusic.
TheIndigoGirlsreleasethe albumCloserto Fine.
Cladin flannel,jeansandtoo-tightjeanjackets,
andtotingacousticguitars,the Girlsshowusthe
softersideof rock.And,they'reguaranteed
packthemin at women'smusicfestivals.Even
the straightgirlshaveto admitthat it's a pretty
July/ August 2008
I 53
music 2008
This indie label channels
riot grrrl attitude.
By Kelly Rulon
to do this, her response was simple: "I want people
part of what they call "the magic!"
to be able to listen to cool music and to relate to it
Meghan, Liz and Stephanie define themselves
in a different way. It kind of disappeared for today's
as a punk rock band that happens to be queer and
generation; we don't really have that anymore. So
are totally happy to be associated with queercore.
In the spirit of the early '90s riot grrrl DIY move-
shoot, I'll work hard all day long ... just to be able
"We are definitely into being positive role models
ment, three friends recently said, Enough talking
about starting an indie, queer, punk music label, let's
to do that for people!"
Their latest endeavor is a West Coast tour,
for the GLBTQQI community and will always do a
do it. The brainchild of Marlene Melendez, Nikki
which began in Portland, Ore., on May 30. "Nikki
giving back to the community. Being out is politi-
Fraietta and Amber Charlick, San Francisco- based
has toured everywhere in the world ... she helped
cal, whether you want it to be or not, and, to quote
Queer Control Records hit the scene a little over a
us organize this entire tour. Without her help ...I
Meghan on this one, 'You can see it from space:"
year ago and hasn't stopped since.
don't know what the heck I'm doing:' Melendez
Its goal is to provide an outlet for the new generation of LG BT musicians and to passionately
promote the ever-evolving queercore music scene.
Queercore has been around since the early '90s,
jokes, "We are kind of like a hybrid. We came to-
benefit toward a cause anytime. We are totally into
8 Inch Betsy's first album, This Time, Last
Time, Every Time, debuted in January of 2008.
gether to create this record label:'
Queer Control is also working on an artist
mentorship program. The idea is to match any
Having played together in the New York band The
when all-girl punk bands started popping up. Its
LGBT people who want to learn an instrument
Altar Bois, Melendez and Fraietta couldn't resist
motto was that women did not need the help of
with musicians to give them lessons and support.
formal music training and patriarchal music labels,
''A lot of places have an age limit of like, 18 to 24.
playing together after moving out to the West
Coast. These gals have a "weird connection'' where
and thus the DIY movement was born. Bands with
But there is no age limit in this program. I don't
they need only a glance at one another to know
explicit lyrics about rape, sexuality and female em-
care if you're 65 and want to learn something ... We
what to do next. They brought good friend Chris
powerment weren't something major labels were
want to help [you]:•
Pee into the mix and found not only their bass
player, but also their band name. "Chris dubbed us
looking to sign, and the bands weren't looking to
sign anything that would make them compromise.
The solution? Record themselves and each other.
the Oi-Gays! We could be called the Straights if we
Four years ago in Chicago, after a two-hour prac-
were a super-straight band, but we're the super-gay
band, so we might as well be called the Oi-Gays!"
Since that time, only a few labels have encour-
tice session, the women of 8 Inch Betsy emerged
aged and supported queer artists. Melendez says,
with two finished songs. There wasn't much left to
These dykes want you to smile and have an idea
"[At first] it was really difficult to convince people
do except schedule another session, and another.
of how crazy they are when you leave their shows.
we were really trying to offer you these really cool
"We can always finish a song in a day;' they boast.
They have a few serious songs, but would prefer
things because we want to, not because we want
Their musical taste encompasses everything from
to leave those to the professionals while they sing
~1:yt~ir:igfr~m you:' When asked why she wanted
Fleetwood Mac to the Scorpions, but that's all
songs about Christopher
Columbus and one of
their classics, "Guns for Gays:' "We've cleared out
a room of straight people ... Do you really think we
want to give guns to gays? You need to chill out!"
Oi-Gay's first release was in May.
Pariah Piranah
With two full-length CDs under their belt, the
members of Pariah Piranah-Tara,
Andrea and
serious about bringing you a sound you
can't put your finger on and can't stop listening to.
"This is job two. I have a job because I have to pay
for my ham, but then job two is the band. It's that
serious;' jokes Andrea.
They describe their second album, Animus
Unanimous, as very diverse. "Tony [their new bass-
ist] is the funk master! He totally completed our
sound and rounded it out;' they say.
In terms of queercore, they aren't sure where
they fit, these days. "I definitely remember what it
meant in college, but I don't know what it means
now. We are queer musicians, but we don't know
if we can classify [our music] as queercore;' says
Regardless of labels and genres, these queers
will rock your socks off, and that's all there is to it.
Animus Unanimous came out in May 2008. ■
These two quirky perform_ers ·_ ··
are taking the U.S. by storin.
By Kamala K. Puligandla
endeavors. What else is
well, Melissa and I don't do much of chat:' When
new? But after some re-
pushed to be more specific, they throw out the usu-
search, you realize how
al things that people, from both outside and within
few other queer or trans
the Asian American community, expect from them:
Asian American performers there are, and
become investment bankers or play the violin. Li
that the odds of them
adds that her family questions what she's doing:
"They're always like, 'Why don't you get a real job?
stopping in your town
What are you writing about?"' All of which only
on where
further pushes their point about visibility. Maybe
you live) are not too
if more people saw what they could become, they'd
good. Plus, when you
choose something different.
ask the dynamic duo
With that in mind, Yan and Li have decided to
hit the road to become the role models they never
this tour, their answers
had. The work they perform directly addresses
make clear the ground-
their identities and is often based on incidents in
breaking nature of their
plans. "Our ... mission is
who she is and what she's singing about very clear.
about visibility. Queer
"When I write love songs, like all singer-songwrit-
their personal lives. Li says that her music makes
ers do, they're always very direct ... ! don't play the
visibility in
pronoun game. It's like, Tm gay; " she says. Yan's
whatever shape and
form it comes in;' Yan
poetry also directly confronts the issue of being
says. "You do a simple
trans, addressing both the challenging aspects and
the "lighter side of my tranny life:• Although these
Google search or you
two performers have some very serious messages
try to look online or
to spread, Yan and Li maintain a wonderful sense
Kie Yan and Melissa Li have got a plan: one car,
watch TV or read magazines and find someone out
of humor and a positive outlook that is evident in
two performers and a whole lot of America. This
there that looks like you or sounds like you and, for
their work. "A lot of times, you only hear the sto-
is the Good Asian Drivers Tour, and, as the name
me, I don't encounter it:'
ries that are real downers, and I really want to get
Kit Yan (back) and Melissa Li
Both Yan and Li admit that it would have been
out there and talk about ... [how) it doesn't have
Yan, a 23-year-old transgender slam poet, and Li,
easier for them, growing up, if they had seen some-
to be like that. It doesn't always have to go down
a 24-year-old lesbian folk rocker, are on a mission
body like themselves in the media. It's hard enough
that path of rejection and hate and most of those
to defy stereotypes and to share the experience of
finding acknowledgment from society if you're queer
mainstream ideas about ... coming out [especially)
being queer and Asian American.
Sure, at first the originality of the tour might
or Asian American or an artist; being all three at
in the Asian community;' Yan says. This fresh per-
once doesn't make it easier. Yanjokes lightheartedly,
spective is what the Good Asian Drivers Tour is all
be lost on you: Two twentysomethings want to see
saying, "As an Asian American, I'm sure you know,
about, and sharing it certainly seems worthy of a
the country and show off their expressive artistic
there are all these things you're supposed to do and,
trip across the country. ■
suggests, it's not your typical cross-country jaunt.
TeamDreschanda numberof otherthird-wavefeminist
sickof beingstompedon in
moshpitsandignoredat guitarstores,forma loose-knit,
petersout relativelyquickly,the bandscreatesomeof the mostraging,relevant
musicof the century.Theirlegacycontinues
to bean influence.
the drummerfor the BeastieBoys'
punkbandOustbeforethe Boysswitchedto
drumsfor brilliantweirdoladyrappersLuscious
weirdoladybassistfor brilliantweirdobandthe
July/ August 2008 \ 55
The underground
is alive and thriving.
By Jamie Anderson
Singer-songwriter Cris Williamson has sold over
so times ...honestly, I still didn't know what she was
a million albums and helped launch a genre of
singing about. Ir took me a year to really get it ...
theater, comedy and dance.
"What was remarkable;' Fuchs says, "was that
music, but many lesbians no longer recognize her as
things were a little over, the edge at times, but it
there were huge amounts of participation.
the women's music pioneer she is. Williamson rep-
had to be that way [because] at the edge is where
didn't think of music [just] as entertainment.
resents the rich lineage of lesbian musicians who
you absorb things:'
Women's Independent Labels Distribution (aka
Women jumped in to participate whenever they
Decades before women like Madonna, Sarah
WILD women) took over the distribution of this
sound people, recording engineers, distributors,
McLachlan and Amy Winehouse dominated pop
new brand of music. Made up of women who'd vol-
concert producers-many
charts, female musicians struggled to make it in a
unteered at concerts to sell women's music,WILD
women developed. Thousands of women from all
paved the way for today's DIY queer musicians.
could, as a labor oflove. Graphic artists, mm:icians,
more opportunities for
male-dominated field. Lesbians faced even greater
formed a network of companies that got the prod-
over the world found in this a haven and a life-
challenges. In the '60s and '70s, the rock world was
uct into stores. One of those, Ladyslipper, was co-
changing experience:'
blatantly sexist, racist and homophobic. In the' 60s,
founded in 1976 by Laurie Fuchs. "I went to local
While Millington acknowledges that women's
Maxine Feldman,"a big, loud Jewish butch lesbian;'
music libraries at Duke and UNC and found only
music started "as a folk music thing;' she demands,
was kicked off the folk music circuit in Boston
two recordings;' Fuchs says. "We thought we'd put
"Coming from the lineage of Joni Mitchell and Bob
for "bringing around the wrong crowd:' Although
out a catalogue of all recordings made by women,
Dylan, is [that] something to be ashamed oft
some women-fronted
figuring there could only be a few hundred:'
acts like the all-women's
rock band Fanny (which included guitarist June
"I know what rockers do at 4 a.m.;'Williamson
Millington) were signed to record labels, others
Soon the burgeoning feminist and gay rights
movements facilitated the opening of women's and
resorted to self-releasing their work, as folksinger
gay bookstores, a perfect outlet for those albums.
"Women's music is much more diverse than
Alix Dobkins did with her 1973 classic lesbian
Ladyslipper also placed the recordings into brick
is commonly accepted;' contends R&B singer-
a ballad because they' re homesick:'
and mortar record stores, sometimes
songwriter NedraJohnson."But
in a bin marked"women's music:'
that's the perception. Having a band is not an easy
I understand why
As the interest in women's music
task, no matter what kind of music one wants to
grew, musicians sought places to play.
play. Getting four people to agree on everything
Along with new women's coffeehous-
needed to stick together as a group is a challenge:'
es, concert series and radio shows,
Meanwhile, she argues, a single folk singer can
this growing market led to the devel-
travel and stay in the back of a van performing at
opment of women's music festivals.
house concerts and small cafes and actually make
In 1974, a small group of women,
a living of sorts. "Thus, folk music performers sur-
angry that a local music festival rare-
vive/ survived and have set a standard in people's
ly featured female musicians, hired a
minds about women's music:'
producer for their own festival. She
"If you like my music;' Johnson maintains,
was supposed to bring in musicians
"you like women's music. Unfortunately, I have at
like Yoko Ono and Roberta Flack,
times had the experience of having my music used
but instead disappeared with her
to bash women's music. There are those who have
salary. The determined
extremely low opinions of and assumptions about
forged ahead, putting together the
album, Lavender Jane Loves Women. Meanwhile,
first National Women's Music Festival at a col-
Cris Williamson-who'd
already recorded with a
jokes. "They pull out their acoustic guitars and sing
women's music, who-instead
of saying, 'I listened
to your CD and it turns out I do like women's
lege in Illinois. It continues today, despite having
music,' -say
in a radio inter-
no major funding or mainstream media exposure.
as if that is somehow a compliment to me:'
view that women should start their own record
This year's festival, held in June in Madison, Wis.,
label. Responding to the call, Olivia Records soon
featured hip-hop with God-des and She, drag with
exclusively produced by older generations,Johnson
became a home for an emerging genre epitomized
All the Kings Men, jazz with Lisa Yvonne Ferraro,
argues, is a result of young women distancing
by Williamson,
and a whole lot more.
themselves from the label. "If bigger names such
mainstream label-commented
and Meg Christian.
insulting things about other women,
Another misperception, that women's music is
It was the latter who came up with the term
"women's music;' according to Williamson-who
The Michigan Womyn's Music Festival began
as Ani DiFranco and Queen Latifah were actively
the following year. Along the way, many festivals
embracing the label, that perception could easily be
credits Christian with inventing the euphemism
have come and gone, from one held in a Las Vegas
changed ... There are limitations placed on you by
for music by and about women loving women.
Millington toured with Williamson and recalls
hotel to outdoor events like Sisterfire.
the industry once you name what you do 'women's
The festivals weren't just about the music, but a
music: " Aided by the growth of the Internet and
that although she'd heard Cris' songs "a hundred or
burgeoning women's culture, with art, workshops,
access to inexpensive recording technology, a DIY
56 I curve
explosion has changed the face of women's music.
Gone are the days when an artist had to have a
distributor to get her product into many stores.
And while some blockbuster stores don't sell indie
CDs, Susan Frazier, from the distribution company Goldenrod, claims, "There are plenty of places
to get those recordings:' Goldenrod doesn't work
with Wal-Mart, but it does have a good relationship with chains like Borders, and continues to
supply independent music and bookstores.
Of the original members in WILD,
Ladyslipper and Goldenrod still exist. Both sell
CDs but neither offers downloads. "We're music
people, not computer geeks;' insists Frazier. She
believes that the absence of downloads
affected their sales in a negative way. In fact, sales
increasedlast year, partly due to distribution deals
with several high-profile indie musicians. Even if
online sites like CD Baby do a great job of getting
sales, there's still a demand for distribution from
companies like Goldenrod because of their longterm commitment in the industry. They offer a
great deal for musicians, too, "because there's no
huge upfront investment. We respond to demand,
versus trying to flood the market. Artists can make
more money that way:'
"We still get so many requests for things that
are out of print, like [early Olivia LP] Lesbian
Concentrate;'Fuch from Ladyslipper says, but they
they've been reissued on CD. Ladyslipper continues to feature new
releases, and new lesbian folk artists continue to
can't fill most of those-unless
pop up and forge their own way.
"We'll never go back now;' contends Williamson
about women's music. ''Are you kidding? All these
young women? Giddyup! I'm happy. They'll have
to beg me to stop:' Still, in a creaky voice she admits,
''I'd love to sing 'Waterfall' for you but I can't. I
want to, but I can't:'
Williams' voice may not have weathered the
years, but the recent re-release of her early work
proves her recordings have. Over a million people
can't be wrong. ■
Rockstar Melissa
posterchildfor gay
outof the closetat the
trio SleaterKinneyreleasethefirst
of manystunningalbums,inspiringthefollowingmonologue,
Aretheygay?I heardthey'regay!No,wait,only
the drummer'sgay.Thatmakessense-whoeverheardof a straight
girl drummer?
No,wait,two-thirdsof themaregay?No,I heardonethirdof themwasbi.Wait...what?
againthatsheshouldbe gay,
dammit,whensheandtwo queer
join to form LeTigre.
Theirdebut,a self-titledjaggedelectro-dance
July/ August 2008
I 57
Montana rocker
Danielle Egnew sings~·
contacts ghosts and
talks about her va-jayjay. What can't she do?
By Tania Hammidi
Danielle Egnew's musical career hasn't been swinging at nothing since the Montana-raised songstress
stepped into the limelight. From "kicking butt and
taking names" with the all-girl band Pope Jane, to
releasing her first acoustic album, Red Lodge,the
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter is a hugely
talented musician. She came away with the Best
Female Guitarist Award at the
have released. I love it.
What came first, women or music?
The video for "Swinging at Nothing" is on
Women, at about 18. The music thing came at 20.
All Access Music Awards in 2006, and won Best
MySpace. Tell me about that song.
I was a musical theater major at the University
Keyboard Player in Pop-Alternative-Glam in 2007.
That song has done really, really well. We shot chat
of Arizona, and I couldn't figure out why I had
video about 10 miles out of my hometown,
such strong attractions to women in my theater
So what are you excited about these days?
in Billings, Montana. The piano I played in it
company. Finally, some of the graduate students
I am profoundly excited about the release of Red
was the piano I grew up playing in my mother's
said to me, "Well, uh, it's because you are gay:'
house. It meant a lot to me to have it there.
I grew up very conservative in Montana ...so I
Lodge. I did everything on that album: bass,
mandolin, violin, guitars, all the percussion.
It is different from the kind of music you've
been putting out?
Yes, Pope Jane-who
It is a song about letting go, isn't it?
said,"No I'm not, what do you meant But then
It is about having someone chat is so dynamic in
one kiss and I was like,"Wow, OK, I'm queer:'
your life, chat you just love
death, but you
One of your heroines is Annie Lennox.
are back in the saddle for
know they're not going to stick around. They
I grew up listening to the Eurythmics. Annie
Montana Pride chis June, which is really excit-
tick backwards and you know they eventually
Lennox is a Royal Academy of Music graduate
Junkie Cousin were ale-rock, heav-
are going to be gone. You can't keep the shadow
and an exceptional composer, producer ... She
ily produced, lots of sounds. This album, Red
after the sun sets, so you just have to enjoy what
Lodge,is the first album of an acoustic nature I
you have.
is an exemplary talent. I just saw her at Hugo's
Ghost Whisperer continued on page 78
This piano princess rel~-,
By Zoie Clilt
Bisexual New York alt-pop songstress Rachael Sage
World and it blew my mind.
is a sdf-taught pianist who juggles writing, record-
You came out on your 'hird album, Painting of
ing, producing and running her own label, MPress
a Painting
Records. This Renaissance woman is on the verge of
Actually, I was very much out already to my
family, friends and in New York, where I was
releasing her eighth album, Chandelier.
? ..
th::1t perienc,; Ii e?
performing most. [My parents'] concern was
What was the inspiration for your new
that it would pull focus from the rest of my
This is definitely one of my more personal, conflicted
songs, which were more universal. It's funny how
albums. A very close friend of mine was battling
you can sing a thousand songs about heterosex-
a severe eating disorder while I was recording it,
ual romance and no one worries about whether
so within the process I was searching for answers
your gay and lesbian fans might feel excluded.
and trying to come
But suddenly you put one lesbian love song on
a CD and there's a fear that it will make your
grips with the seriousness
of her illness ... This album was my armor during
a particularly challenging time.
Were the
any obstacles
straight fans feel left out.
Your ne
ork also visits d r subJects.
remain committed
Well, I've never had any illusions that songwriting
to the process, while someone I loved was strug-
would afford me an easygoing state of mind;
For the most part, just trying
gling with an illness I thought I'd
many of my favorite songs
understood, but which continued to
have chronicled tragedy
or conflict, just like many
mystify me.
So what track would be on repeat
of my favorite plays and
on your personal playlist?
visual works of art have
Probably the tide track because ...it's a
done. But I don't like to
song that reminds me to count my
make albums that are all
blessings, appreciate my relation-
one color, and like to show
ships and relish being a musician,
the flipside of any dark
for all the reasons I got into it in
subject matter, too.
the first place. It's kind of a prayer,
So what's next for you?
I guess.
I'm about
embark upon
Who are your biggest influences?
a few months of touring
The Beatles, Buddy Holly, Carole
behind the U.S. and U.K.
King, Elvis Costello, Sinead O'
Connor, Maria McKee and Marc Cohn. When
the fall we'll be releasing New Arrivals: VoL 3,
I was in college, I rediscovered folkier music,
our third indie charity compilation. We'll be lin-
like Suzanne Vega, Indigo Girls, Marianne
ing up a short tour probably some time in the
Faithfull, Sarah McLachlan, Ani DiFranco
fall to help launch the project, which benefits the
and also heard Kate Bush for the first time,
National Eating Disorders Association. After all
because a lot of people kept comparing me to
that, I guess it might be time
her. So, I finally went and bought The Sensual
the studio and finish album No. 9! ■
release of Chandelier. In
head back into
My introductionto ZoiRose,the freshman
"Stalker'sAnthem,"the leadsingle
from the band's2008 debutCD,Off Roadto
explodedoff the screenwith enoughenergyto
fuel a jet. Thelyrics are as creepyas the title
suggests,depictingthe gruelingemotionsof
unrequitedlove.Formersoloartist turnedlead
the songson the album,
andat the ripe ageof
25 commandsa deeply
her emotions.
"It's aboutpassion,
beinghurt and relationship models.I let go in
the music.Lotsof people
go throughthis, but don't
TheCDis a raw
therapysessionof epic
Althoughshe insists
that the kids at her North
her an '80s reject.Wiley,alongwith Hacheon
bass,Karynon guitar,Veronicaon drums,and
Sandraon backup,isn't boundby onegenre.
Wiley'sadmittedly"too hardfor R&B"vocals
are accompaniedby somemouth-watering
drum rhythmsthat groundthe infectiousrock
zoirose)lists PatBenetarand BlackSabbathas
influences,howeverpunk-likeguitar bridges
andthe bandsoverallfashionare reminiscent
of groupsfrom the riot grrrl movement.
unattachedto labelsand unapologeticfor
'estro-rock,'"I wantedto put togetheran all
femalebandwith powerfulsound-powerful
womenwho couldreallyrip!"
ZoiRosebegantouringthis summeron the
festivalandcollegescene,so this brandof estro-rockwill be mostaccessibleto co-eds.For
the rest of u.,,L.0iRose's
mantraof, "love hard,
play hard,andfight harder"streamsthrough
loudandclearonline.- EmilyHoward
TheL Worddebuts,
A newgeneration
of ladymusicians
the once-straightmale-centric
worldof electronicandelectricguitar-oriented
longerthe domainof dudes,as queerindependent
artistslike Nicky
on Ecstasyandmany,manyothersleave
behindandrip up dancefloorsandstudiosalike.
Ladieswe missed:Mo TuckerGi'ls in the
Nose,Phranc. 11e
SI s God-des
& She
TheRaincoas ToshiReagon VendyO
NomyLamm Oh andTribe8.
Jeez,there'sso many... well,
you'vegot a computer,
just find 'emon
yourown.That'spart of thefun!
July/ August 2008
I 59
Music's newest "It Girl"
is worth all the hype.
By Colleen M. Lee
lot of years I was one of those people who just
loved the idea of being in love. I think I have
stopped that now. I think something happened
to me a couple years ago and now I'm just really
enjoying getting to know myself.
Are you a multi-dater?
If I'm in a relationship, I'm definitely just committed to that one person.
Where do you see your music going?
After speaking one-on-one with Missy Higgins, I
I don't think I could. I would never completely rule
it out, honestly, but-it's
the person I saw performing in San Francisco a
not attractive when somebody comes up and
own sense of self and where I kind of sit in the
few days later. She is one of the few artists who
wants your autograph. You want to start a rela-
world. I was on anti-depressants for a long time
sounds better live than on CD, and on stage she
tionship off from equal footing, you know; you
and I stopped them I think maybe about a cou-
was all charm and bravado-she
don't want to have the upper hand.
ple of years ago, but at the moment I'm trying
frequently teased
I've never planned where my music was gonna go.
thought she was quite shy and reserved, not at all
At the moment, I think I'm really exploring my
Your songs are intense. Is there anything that
self-exploration and trying to get my head back
Finally, after six songs, she said humorously, "I will
makes you happy?
on track-teach
never buy a Target bra again:' Now if we could just
I've gotten really into rock climbing the last year
open, because I think at the moment it's way
the audience by adjusting
a falling bra strap.
get the enigma to open up about her sexuality ...
and a hal£ It's been a really amazing thing. It's
pulled me out of the music industry, something
too crowded.
You now live in the States. Do you plan on
In 2007, you had the best-selling album in
I've been immersed in half of my life-to
Australia. How do you stay humble?
something that is on the outside of all that, that
It's funny because that band the Wai£ all of them
I can just love for the sake of it and not because
met Americans and fell in love. You end up
it's my career.
spending most of your time touring America,
It helps having a grounded family. I think the
people around me have always been completely
[my mind] to be more still and
hooking up with an American?
honest with me and tell me how it is. They're
It sounds like you've been in love and have
not "yes" people. So I think you've just got to
been hurt a few times.
And we can be very charming.
make the right choices in the beginning.
I guess so. I'm definitely a romantic, so I have been
Oh you're alright.
Would you ever date a fan?
in love quite a few times, but, you know, for a
GoGirls Is All About the Ladies
so its kind of half-inevitable that it happens.
[Laughs] I could do a lot
worse. [Laughs.] ■
Sometimes, it seems, things just come together
she sees in the newspaper. "Our songs aren't com-
without a ton of effort, like in chose old sandwich
plete until the four of us fiddle around with chem.
In truth, it seems almost unfair co lump DYD
bag commercials-"yellow
We don't have a problem with any egos getting in
in with classic rockstars, when all they really want
and blue make green!"
me when we gee compared co bands like thac:'
Simple as chat. And while your experience with
the way-our
egos are left out of the situation. We
is co make it onto your next mixed cape. "We're not
baggies may not be as life-changing as it was in
play musical chairs when we're rehearsing, and the
trying to make a point. We just want well-crafted
chose ads, chat simplicity seems to be pretty much
best part for the song gets into the song. It cook us a
songs with memorable hooks that mean something
the case for the Toronto-based band Dance Yourself
while to gee to chis stage, but it's really fun:'
to someone. We're just trying to keep it as honest as
to Death (DYD).
DYD has been influenced by nearly every
we can;' says Jenny.
About three years ago, lead singer Jenny was
type of music ever written, and nearly every band
Their humility and candor are refreshing, and
playing a show with an earlier incarnation of the
chat's ever performed. Their name is taken from
totally in keeping with their idea of what it takes
band. Guitarist Susan was going solo at the same
an Alice Cooper song ("not a particular favorite;'
to be a rocks tar. 'A rocks tar is someone who's a pas-
show. Afterward, they met up, hit it off and have
Jenny clarifies, "but the name embodies the atti-
sionate musician, who believes in what they're play-
been playing together ever since. Recent acquisi-
tude we wanted to have in our music"). Recently,
ing and what they're singing ... without the ego that
tions Carmen and Johnny complete the lineup, and
for inspiration they've turned to beloved bands like
would get in the way of a good song:' Nonetheless,
the four have been playing together for a little over
Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petey, and relative new-
they recognize that rockstars aren't everyday people
a year. The result is like something out of a Disney
comers like the New Young Pony Club, the Gossip
so much as they are caricatures. "You get on stage
movie: The twentysomethings haven't yet released
and Spoon.
and perform as an exaggerated version of your-
a full-length album, but they have already been featured in a film-the
Elton John-produced It's a Boy
The broad-ranging
influences are evident in
sel£ and then as soon as the show's over I step off
their sound, which is amazing and impossible to sit
the stage and I wrap the gear and I'm a normal
Girl Thing.Success, it seems, has come quickly for
still through. "We get compared to different bands
person ... "
these rockers.
and it's always like I'm hearing it for the first time.
A normal person, sure, if by"normal" you mean a
DYD is quick co recognize that the band's suc-
I'm never expecting it;' says Jenny. ''I've heard [com-
twentysomething who sings and dances for fun and
cess comes largely from the audiences they play
parisons to] the Pretenders a bunch. And XTC.
profit, who's been in a movie and who does what she
for ( and not just the ones with connections to Sir
I thought that was an interesting thing because
loves for work. All in all, that's not too bad for a girl
Elton). "Queer audiences are really dedicated and
they're all guys. I'm not surprised when people
who was once too shy to get on stage, or for a band
passionate about music and they' re smart about
compare us co bands with female front-people, but
who's been together for less than a year. B4l some,-
supporting bands chat come from their own demo-
XTC caught me totally by surprise. It's unreal to
times, it seems, these things just work ou
graphic. They're dedicated and loyal and that's one
of the reasons were still playing," says Jenny. 'And
teenagers are really... enthusiastic:'
Her assessment of teens is heartfelt. When she
was younger, Jenny ran a song-writing workshop
for teens at a girls' summer camp. Her experience
Move over, Cliks. There's a new queer DJ~f:·~
. ~h'-~H ..~r
band that everyone loves, especially the kids.
By Lina Swislowski
was eye-opening. "They were writing and singing
songs for each other. They even put on a show. I
wished chat I had done char;' she recalls. So now,
she is. "I... play in the band chat I wish was around
for me to listen co when I was a teen:'
That band's plan includes performing (but only
if folks are dancing), touring ( though they don't
have anything planned), recording a full-length CD
(which will be released on iTunes first, both because of environmental concerns and so that they
can maintain their independence from a record
is DIY and they like it chat way).
Which is not to say, of course, that the band
doesn't take their job seriously: In fact, they work
tirelessly at making the best product possible.
Fortunately, the foursome function well together
as a team, and success doesn't seem to be any sort
of a burden at all. "Typically, whoever brings the
song idea writes the lyrics, or ac lease an almostfinished draft of chem, and the band collaborates
on the music;' says Jenny, who pulls song ideas from
stories people tell her about their lives, or headlines
July/August 2008
For bisexuals, the lovely lifelong process of coming out is
often twice as long-a double life sentence, if you will.
By Catherine Plato
ome queers claim they never had to do it at all; most are
mon for a closeted queer) by the colorful, thriving and out-
doing it all the time. For bisexuals, coming out can be
and-proud San Francisco Bay Area gay community. I couldn't
doubly complicated. With every new relationship, our
stop staring at the lanky, short-haired, androgynous dykes on
public image and perceived sexuality can change completely, as
if "true" bisexuals could exist only outside of committed rela-
y, lipsticked sorority girls who would make out at frat parties. I
tionships. "Most people make assumptions about sexual orien-
found my obsession with lesbians amusing but probably incon-
tation according to the gender
sequential; I knew I really liked boys. Noc most boys, but some
of one's partner. It is both
boys. And I liked chem just enough to know I wasn't really a
easy and practical, since it is
lesbian. I wrote off my numerous girl crushes-always
often or even usually right,"
dykiest looking girls I could find-as
come out,
come out,
you are!
I curve
campus. I blindly despised-and
secretly envied-the
on the
nonsexual admiration.
explains William E. Burleson
I'm not quite sure when I admitted to myself that my homo-
in Bi America. "Sometimes,
obsession was real lust, but in the era of curious, closet-friendly
however, it is inaccurate; that
Craigslist postings, women's studies courses and all-gay co-ops
makes bisexuals
(gotta love UC Berkeley), it wasn't long before I started dating
invisible:' The fact is, sexuality
girls. It was considerably longer before I started calling myself
is a facet of who you are, not
bi. The first time I did was to my best friend, Denise, a Bay
who you do.
The first time that I came
daughter of hippies and a straight former
member of her high school's Gay-Straight Alliance. I had grown
out was in my junior year at
up in conservative, small-town upstate New York, where words
UC Berkeley. Nothing
like "queer" and even "lesbian" were used exclusively as insults.
particularly unique about my
One girls-night-in, after a few glasses of red wine, I came
story. I had dated men, with mixed results. I had found myself
out, nervous and giggling, to Denise: "I think, maybe, I think,
obsessed, fascinated and sometimes disgusted (not uncom-
I might be, I think ... bisexual:' I waited for a hug, a handshake
and congratulations for my indomitable courage. Denise wasn't
having it. She had seen people beaten up, fired, kicked out of
their homes for being gay. To her, sexuality and coming out
were political as much as personal, and to hear a 20-year-old,
kind of, technically where I belonged?
drunk, giggling, blond, femme co-ed admit she "swung both
My boyfriend and I eventually broke up, and I finished col-
ways" felt cheap, cliched and overly self-congratulatory. Perhaps
lege and went to work for an LGBT nonprofit community cen-
it was, but at the time, I didn't know any other way of putting it.
These things never go as planned.
big a part as the L or the G, and yet the thought that anyone
"This is serious to a lot of people;' she told me. It had felt
would figure me out terrified me. With the exception of our
serious to me, too-but
ter. Not a gay and lesbian nonprofit, but LGBT. I was the B, as
maybe it shouldn't have. After all, I
totally straight and completely accepted IT manager, I seemed
could still pass for straight. Being me, a girl who knew she still
to be the only girl there who wasn't dating another girl. I was
loved boys, it didn't feel as dangerous as being one of the butch,
conveniently single and ambiguous, but assumed to be a lesbian.
head-shaved, gold-star lesbians I had seen around campus (of
In an environment where my co-worker would wear a tiara and
course, they weren't the only lesbians or the only queer girls,
prom dress one day and men's overalls the next, where a gay
merely the only ones I could readily identify). Yes-who
porn company was one of our largest donors and a troupe of
I to come outr I blushed, felt like a drama queen, listened to
drag-queen nuns came to rally support at all our events, it made
Denise's tales of her tortured lesbian classmates-the
no sense that anything as mundane as my bisexuality would
real queer
and shut the fuck up.
make me so nervous. But it did.
It's not uncommon for bi girls to feel like we don't "count"
in the gay community-after
all, anytime that we're partnered
Though it probably wouldn't have mattered to anyone but
me, I never dared mention my ex-boyfriend at work, or brought
with a man, we appear to the rest of the world as just another
straight girl. Feelings of exclusion from the lesbian community
are an almost universal bisexual experience. While coming out
hopefully also entails "coming in" to a new queer community,
for bisexuals, it's not always so simple. We may find ourselves
stuck between worlds, not fully accepted by either.
Several months after my first attempt at coming out, I fell in
love with a guy. We dated for two years, and though I continued
to attend Pride parades, poetry slams and gay bars (only when
accompanied by "real" queers) I lost any desire for anyone be-
To her, sexuality and coming out were
political as much as personal, and to
hear a 20-year-old, drunk, giggling,
blond, femme co-ed admit she "swung
both ways" felt cheap, cliched and
overly self-congratulatory.
yond my boyfriend. I looked back at my one drunken attempt
at coming out as a silly, ill-conceived whim-even
my total fascination with lesbians and the LGBT community
a male friend as my date to any of our events. And when I fi-
remained. I was happily and faithfully committed to a penis;
nally had my first"real" girlfriend, I was relieved-meeting
therefore, my sexuality was never questioned in any environ-
special female someone was a milestone for me personally and,
ment as soon as I spouted the words "my boyfriend:'
on a more shallow level, allowed me to feel as though I actu-
Sadly, it was all too easy to hide behind those words-yes,
ally belonged, legitimately, to the community in which I had felt
an abuse of what people call "straight privilege;' but for me it
sort of like an imposter all along. I finally felt OK about saying
was the only thing that made sense in most situations. I knew I
I was bisexual: After all, I had had exactly one serious boyfriend
wasn't straight, but was it necessary to make sure everyone else
and one serious girlfriend. And even now that that re . onship
knew, toor What was more disrespectful to the LGBT com-
is over, it has given me the confidence to feel legitimate in being
munity: Allowing people to mistake me for a straight girl, or
one part of LG BT.
insisting on inclusion in the community while suffering none of
I still say it's true that our sexuality describes ourselves
the social stigma? I could walk down the street holding hands
and not our lovers, but it can be hard to convince people of
with my partner wherever I went and never worry about being
beaten up, harassed or stared down. I could introduce him to
confused, which I've always found unfortunate. For me, it's not
my family with only the normal, healthy amount of uneasiness
quite a question of choosing one or the other. Just as not every-
every straight person goes through-not
one has a type-a
the gut-wrenching,
panic I experienced when I later introduced
even ourselves. People say that bisexuals are
preferred race, height, occupation or butch-
femme identity-gender
is just one more category that some
my first girlfriend. My boyfriend and I could think about things
find sort of arbitrary. More and more, LGBT folks, even ones
like getting married, having children and buying a house to-
who date exclusively one gender, are leaning toward the word
gether. We didn't have to worry about whether it would be legal,
"queer" to describe themselves. I'm not sure if coming out as
or whether we would be accepted in the community we wanted
"queer" is any easier than coming out as "lesbian" or "bi;' but I
Lolive in. Life was, in many ways, so easy. What right did I have
hope that the use of more-inclusive language helps break down
to stake a claim in an oppressed minority, even if it was sort of,
social barriers as well. ■
July/ August 2008
aria Lopez, a lesbian doctor, was in a seemingly healthy
relationship with her lesbian girlfriend. One day, when
she casually made a comment about an attractive man
she saw, the veil was lifted on the stability of her relationship.
"(My girlfriend] became enraged, and we fought for hours;'
Lopez recalls. Her girlfriend insisted that any acknowledgment
that a man was attractive meant Lopez must be lying about being
a lesbian-and must be bisexual. Turns out, her girlfriend wasn't
fond of bisexual people. Despite Lopez's insistence that she could
both be a lesbian and see beauty in a man, the emotionally violent
fight escalated, and the relationship ultimately ended.
"I experienced biphobia, and I'm not even bisexual;' Lopez exclaims. From that day on, she became more aware of the stigma
and violence that bisexual women face every day.
The "B" Finally Gets Attention
In 2007, the the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)
decided to spread the word about the state of bisexual health.
Along with BiNetUSA and the Fenway Institute, the NGLTF
published Bisexual Health, a free, downloadable PDF e-book.
This publication, a summary
of over 100 different surveys,
to crisis
studies, reports and research
programs, represents the first
time a national LGBT nonprofit organization
has ever
devoted resources of this kind
to the topic of bisexual health.
Bisexual Health reports on the
bisexual health crisis and outlines the steps that doctors can
take to improve the situation.
as heterosexual women.
Bisexual women know all too well the situation Lopez faced,
and the impact that biphobia and emotional-and
It's not a moment too soon for some bisexual women, who
violence have on health. Based in Oakland, Cali£, Jan Steckel, a
constitute a huge percentage of the queer women's population.
bisexual woman and a doctor, has been documenting biphobia
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
in healthcare. She finds that, because of past negative experiences, many bisexuals don't come out to their doctors.
Why lesbians should care about
bi women's health. By Amy Andre
Unfortunately, she says, being a closeted bi woman in the
doctor's office means potentially compromising your health,
because the doctor isn't able to give you the best and most
relevant medical advice.
and other research organizations, 50 percent of the people who
Meanwhile, at UC Davis, psychology professor Gregory
identify as either lesbian, gay or bisexual identify as bisexual. This
Herek has spent years studying stigma and discrimination. He
means that bisexual people constitute the largest subgroup within
has found that today biphobia is more pervasive and virulent than
the LGBT population. Research from the NGLTF also shows
homophobia, and bisexual health experts agree that biphobia has
that bisexual people have significantly poorer physical and mental
a huge impact on health, which is why bisexuals have poorer phys-
health than people of any other sexual orientation, including gays
ical and mental health than those with other sexual orientations.
and lesbians. Bisexuals, compared to gays, lesbians and hetero-
sexuals, have significantly higher rates of heavy drinking and drug
The Impact on Lesbians
use, smoking, depression and mental illness, among other health
There are many reasons lesbians like Lopez are concerned about
In addition, bisexual women experience more domestic
the health and safety of bisexual women. Most, if not all, lesbians
violence than women of any other sexual orientation. Several
tion and gender. In light of that, for example, a study in the Journal
studies, including one published earlier this year by Statistics
of Womens Health reveals that 30 percent of bisexual women
Canada, show that bisexual women are nearly twice as likely to
smoke (a common coping mechanism for those under extreme
experience domestic violence as lesbians, and four times as likely
stress), compared to 27 percent of lesbians and 14 percent of
share the goal of ending discrimination based on sexual orienta-
straight women. Smoking has been linked to
the bisexual threat
many kinds of cancer, as well as emphysema
and heart disease; according to this study, it correlates with homophobia and biphobia. This
is why lesbian advocates who want to end discrimination based on sexual orientation say that
biphobia should be a major concern.
For some dykes, interest in bi health is
more personal. Stephanie Joseph is a single
lesbian who enjoys going to lesbian clubs and
bars with her friends. One of her closest friends
recently started dating a man, after a long
period of being only with women. Since then,
Joseph says, "I basically haven't seen her. I don't
know where she is or what's going on:' Joseph
seems barely able to hide her distress. She isn't
upset that her friend is dating a man, but about
the fact that she's no longer around.
Is her friend's exile the result of ostracism or
simply a choice to leave the lesbian community
behind? Who knows, but experts say a woman
who loses her social group is at a higher risk for
a number of health and safety problems. People
with friends are healthier than people who
are alone. Joseph's friend, separated from her
community, may be at greater risk of domestic
violence, debilitating loneliness, depression and
more. Many lesbians like Joseph are invested
in fighting biphobia and reaching out to bi
friends, regardless of whom they date, as a way
of strengthening their communities, supporting friends' choices-and
looking out for their
health and safety.
Lesbians, too, can learn a lot about sexual
health from bi women, who, according to a
study by Womens Health, tend to practice safer
sex more often than lesbians do. Paula Rust, a
lesbian researcher, found that around 90 percent of self-identified lesbians have had sex with
men, and that the vast majority of lesbians still
sleep with men after coming out. But, for
lesbians who have male sex partners, safer sex
information may be hard to find. Doctors are
less likely to talk to lesbian patients about safer
sex, incorrectly assuming that lesbians don't
have sex with men-and
that infections don't
get transmitted between women, either.
Finally, many bisexual women are in samesex relationships-with
lesbians or other bi
means that bi women are not
just a part of the queer women's community,
but are an intimate part of many lesbians' lives.
Lesbians don't just want to make sure their bi
in theopeningsequence
of thewildlypopular
MTVSeriesA Shotat Love,"is that I'm bisexual."
Playingonthefearsof straightboysandlesbians
MTVpittedthe Internetvixenagainst
of wannabeloversto ostensibly
lovewithout2 millionMySpace
pals,a realityshow
anda portfolioof nearlynakedphotographs
to splay
outin frontof potentialsoulmates?
Maybelife really
"Onthe onehand,I thinksomething
likeA Shot
at Loveis atrocious,"
saysNicole,a Midwestern
bisexualandsinglemom."It confirmedeverygeneralizationof bisexuals[we've]everheard.Butonthe
otherhand,we asa culturearenotcallingbisexuala
fakesexualityanymoreif it's ontelevision."
Themedia'sviewof bisexuality
imagesof bleachblondstripperellas
for the camera,
whodumpedtheirgirlfor the
oppositesexin college.AndwhilelesbianshadEllen
to assureAmericathattheycouldbejust as normal
a creepylittle
secret,a phaseto growoutof,or,as Nicolestates,"a
a soldier'swife livingin the South,
regularlyenduresmonthsof separation
"He'sbeengoneto Iraqfor 15 months.
Hewasin Koreafor 12 months,Thailandfor six
isn't,sheenjoys"the bestof bothworlds,"maintaininglow-keysexualrelationships
first sexualexperience
wasa lesbianexperience
mymomfreakedout.Shetookmeto churchandhad
peopleprayfor me,buttheydidn'tknowwhythey
wereprayingfor me.It wasterrifying.I believein
GodandI believehe mademewhoI am.If I dig both
to happen.It's not
bad.It's notthe devil.I amnormal.I am me."
is great,butnoteveryone
socrazyaboutthe newbisexualthem."I find myself
saythey'rebi andI'll evenquestion
it," Nicoleconfesses.
"Maybethey'reafraidto admit
they'regayor straight,or I'll thinkthey'repromiscuous."Thistypeof internalized
biphobiais rootedin
the realitythatbisexualwomenoftenaremarginalizedby boththe gayandthestraightcommunities
Jackie,a massage
a localLGBT
to a man,thewomanmade
it obviousthatshewasnolongerinterested
in the
"Shedidn'tevenwantto talkto me
becauseI waswitha guy.It wasa bigturnofffor her,
eventhoughshehadbeenwith guys,too."
Theconcern,amongsomelesbians,is thatguys
havesomeseriouscootiesthatwejust don'twant.
"I wouldneverdatesomeone
whois bisexual.I don't
reallylikeguys.I don'tfindthemappealing,"
a dancerwhodateswomenexclusively.
"Theideaof kissingoneor beingintimatewith one
grossesmeout.I don'twantto bewithsomeone
whowaswitha guybeforetheystarteddatingme."
Whatalsoseemsto beat playfor lesbiansis
leaveusfor a penis.Andof course,it's valid.It could
Erin,a young"straight-curious"
that if a womanis afraidthatshe's"goingto go
outandgeta man,"thenshewouldn'twasteher
time."I don'tthinkanyof the lesbiansI knowwould
referto themselves
asa Kinseysix.Eventhegayest
thefamousscaleof sexual
byAlfredKinsey,onwhicha six
is absolutely
at all Ever.Butwhatif the greatestof
"If I reallybelievedshewasbisexualI wouldhave
to assumethatshefoundsomeone
"I wouldn'tputit on her
sexualityasthe reasonwe brokeup.I wouldtrust
that [our]relationship
advice?Thenexttimesomehottiebuysyoua drink
for penis,
Hersis a beatingheart
withthe samedesirefor companionship
or justfor the evening,bellyupto the bar,pourher
a littlesomething
andtakeyourownshotat love.
- MelanyWalters-Beck
friends stay healthy; they want the same for
their bi girlfriends, too. ■
July/ August 2008
I 65
bi on the
boob tube
They may be hot, but TV's authentically bisexual women are rarer
than white buffalo. By Jenny Sherwin
ver since Lynn Redgrave played lesbian Marjorie Lloyd
Alice was that she was the only explicitly bisexual character on
and Mariette Hardey played her married lover in the
primetime TV. But, as the show has vaulted in popularity with
1986 pre,Lifetime TV sap,fest My Two Loves, the bisex,
lesbian audiences, Alice's bisexuality seems to have gone the way
ual woman has fascinated television viewers. No one can resist
of the dodo bird. Gone are the days when Alice boinked Bette and
a girl on the edge, tormented with sexual confusion, fired up to
Tina's sperm donor, Sean, and, of course, when she had an affair
cross the line and back again, usually leaving a pool of heartbro,
with Lisa, the lesbian,identified man. Now, with a martyred mili,
tary partner complete with a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" story line,
(Amanda Donohoe) commando,kissed Abby Perkins, American
Alice couldn't be more gay if she coached women's softball and
audiences gasped, and when the infamous Mrs. Connor's friend
volunteered her summers at the Michigan Womyn's Festival.
ken men and lesbians in her wake. When L.A. Law's
Sharon (Mariel Hemingway) surprised her with a kiss on
Roseanne, viewers were ready to debate it. Bisexuality on televi,
sion had become an American obsession.
But, for all the fervor they inspire in their viewers, bisexual
Paige Michalchuk (Lauren Collins) may be the most popular girl
characters on television are few and far between. Once you look
at Degrassi High School, but her life reads like a checkstand tab,
past the daytime talk shows and the Spice Channel, bisexual
loid. Her brother is gay, her best friend's father is gay, the soccer
women on TV, for the most part, can be broken down into
team's star player date raped her at a party, she dated a teacher, got
two categories: confused straight girls and confused lesbians. It
drunk, smoked pot and her best friend's abusive boyfriend pulled
seems that the television bisexual is always in flux; running from
a gun on her. She's been called a slut, a snob and a hag, so is it any
one team or another onto the supposedly greener grass of the
wonder that starting a lesbian relationship with rebellious Alex
other side.
Here is a list of TV's more recent bisexual beauties, includ,
Nunez (Deanna Casaluce) isjust another day at the beach for her:>
ing a couple of classics in rerun. They may bedazzle and beguile
her teenage lesbian love affair with ease but soon dumps Alex for
you, but don't hate them because they can't pick a gender. It's not
being too much of a slacker. But the pull of girl,girl love is strong,
their fault.
and she runs back to Alex, renewed in her belief in herself as an
Despite her initial bi,curious misgivings, preppy Paige settles into
out,and,proud bisexual-only
66 j curve
to discover that Alex has become a
TheL Word(Showtime)
stripper. Alas, just another day in the life of queer adolescence.
The L Word has no trouble introducing bisexual characters, but
keeping them on the proverbial fence is a whole other matter.
AnotherBiBitesthe Dust
Take, for example, Alice Pieszecki (Leisha Hailey). In the pre,
NYC firefighter Tommy Gavin (Dennis Leary) has more to
miere season of television's only lesbian drama, the hype around
worry about than keeping the Big Apple safe. His rebellious
teenage bisexual daughter Colleen (Natalie Distler) is harder to
is uprooted from a small town in Ohio and relocated to fast-
predict than a backdraft. One minute, she gets her boyfriend's
paced Los Angeles, Spencer's life becomes complicated. Despite
initials tattooed on her pelvis, and the next, she gets in trouble
warnings from the head cheerleader, Madison Duarte (Valery
at school for making out with her girlfriend. Then she confesses
Ortiz), Spencer strikes up a friendship with tough-talking,
to her parents that she's a lesbian. But, like many rebels without
brazen Ashley Davies (Mandy Musgrave), a nonconformist bi-
a cause, Colleen soon finds religion and leaves her gay days be-
sexual. Sparks soon fly, and Spencer must reconcile her feelings
hind her-only
to relaspe back to girls, and then back again to
viewers to ask"What would Jesus dot
for Ashley with her own queer confusion, as well as the social
pressures at school and the tensions at home-especially
her homophobic mother. Ashley, on the other hand, must sort
out the familiar ties to her ex-boyfriend, Aiden Dennison (Matt
Caitlin Dowd (Bonnie Somerville) is overworked and overly
angst, oh my!
Cohen), with the new and exciting feelings for Spencer. Teenage
serious. In fact, she's so driven that in the very first episode of
and unavailable (he suggests she get a Blackberry with a vibrator
attachment). In essence, she's a lesbian waiting to happen. Enter
Brilliant, loudmouthed
sexy Latina lesbian Alicia Lawson (Lourdes Benedicto), whom
(Hugh Laurie) is a young resident's worst nightmare-waving
Caitlin interviews for a position at her work. They smile googly-
his cane wildly while throwing insults at nubile apprentices. So,
Cashmere Mafia, she gets dumped by a man for being too distant
and incorrigible, Dr. Gregory House
eyed at each other, stammer, stutter, get all nervous and accident-
is it any wonder that he's constantly butting heads with the stub-
ly head butt and, before you know it, Caitlin's pacing around in
born, secretive, strong-willed and stoic diagnostician he refers
front of a Catholic church waiting to bombard her brother, a
to only as "Thirteen" (Olivia Wilde, who deftly played gay and
priest (interesting choice), with questions about her impending
blonde on The OC).While House is the epitome of a clinician-
gayness. However, being a budding bisexual is not without its
all science and no emotion-
problems. She runs into an ex-boyfriend on her first "gay date"
tients and fellow residents, and, as it turns out, she bats for both
Thirteen goes to bat for her pa-
and denies her gayness in front of Alicia. She picks up a guy at
teams. Outed by a fellow resident, Eric Foreman (Omar Epps),
a lesbian bridal shower (now there's a needle-haystack situation
Thirteen bravely responds to her queer inquisition the way any
for you), and later dates and then kisses him in front of Alicia.
confident bisexual would: with the wide-eyed stare of someone
Alicia announces she's pregnant by the sperm donor she'd sought
who's just been told that her Hot Pocket contains sausage made
out in a past relationship and soon dumps her new bi love (citing
from a house cat. Thirteen neither denies nor confirms the ru-
Caitlin's sexual uncertainty), to raise the baby in bliss with her
mors and seems virtually unfazed at the prospect. Evidently,
ex-lover. Honestly, this story line is so insane it could easily be
Thirteen has never heard of dyke drama and is clearly television's
promoted by the Christian Coalition as a tool to turn bisexual
most boring choice to be thrown over the Sapphic point of no
women back to the safe and sane world of heterosexuality.
return. Especially when hospital administrator Lisa Cuddy (the
man-weary, baby-crazy sexpot played by Lisa Edelstein, who
in Prison,
Staysin Prison
In the 1980s, we had to sneak downstairs after our parents went
was one of TV's earliest lesbians on Relativity) pinged viewers'
gaydar louder than Quasimodo in the tower.
gry lesbian inmates sexually harass the newbies in an attempt to
I'd LikeMyBisexuality
make them their bitches. It was a guilty pleasure-one
Julia McNamara (Joely Richardson) may have been married for
to bed to catch a glimpse of Prisoner: Cell Block H, where anyou had
to stay up until 3 a.m. to partake in. Times have changed and
17 years to hotshot plastic surgeon Sean McNamara (Dylan
now bisexuality behind bars runs rampant during primetime
Walsh), but she secretly pined for his partner and best friend, the
on the BBC's Bad Girls. Particularly titillating is the forbidden
man-slut Dr. Christian Troy (Julian McMahon). H , me for
love of prison employee Helen Stewart (Simone Lahbib), who
this is to explore her sexuality, and she's dating Olivia Lord ( Portia
is happily engaged to her boyfriend until she catches the eye of
diRossi). Julia soon finds out that loving the ladies is not without
lesbian lifer Nikki Wade (MandanaJones). Soon Helen is sleep-
strife. To run in the face of conflict, Julia does what any self-
ing with the enemy and resigns from the prison only to have the
respecting bisexual TV character would do ... she sleeps with a
escaped Nikki show up on her door disguised as a nurse. Life
man. And not just any man. Christian Troy. Julia's flip-flopping
on the lam turns into domestic tranquility as Helen helps Nikki
aside, no queer melodrama would be complete without a psychot-
get her sentence reversed and she is vindicated and released.
ic offspring. Enter Olivia's daughter Eden (AnnaLynne McCord),
Now they just need to adopt a couple of sporting dogs and join
who first poisons Julia (ironically, in a fruitcake) and then shoots
a women's football league.
her in the head, leavingJulia with amnesia, Olivia with a girlfriend
Southof Nowhere{TheN)
Bi GirlsJustWannaHaveFun
dramatic than the stories you hear every happy hour at your local
High school pepster Spencer Carlin's (Gabrielle Christian) is as
lesbian bar, but by primetime television standards, it makes Dirty
all-American as apple pie. Her whole family eats together, prays
Sexy Money look like Little House on the Prairie.
together and readily shares their feelings. But when the family
Bi on the Boob Tube continued on page 78
who has no memory of her and lesbian anesthesiologist Liz Cruz
The L Word's Tasha
and Alice, Paige from
Degrassi, Caitlin and
Alicia on Cashmere
Mafia, House's Thirteen,
Mel and Lindsay from
Queer As Folk
(Roma Maffia) living alone with cats. That may not be any more
July/ August 2008
Reviews Sapphic Screen
Talking It Out
The actors and the dialogue carry these dramas. I By Candace Moore
(Fox):Youdon't have
to rememberthe shortlived,'80s sci-noirTV
five movies,to lovethis
wherethe seriesleft
a LosAngelescop,his
tryingto assimilate),
anda puristgroup
that hasdeveloped
a virusto kill off the
the first alienhumanhybridgirl,a
cult andthe
dangersof post-hypnotic
all in this
beforeit, AlienNation
to tacklebroadissues
like race,class,sexual
will find gagreels,four
68 I curve
These three dramas prefer the internal landscape to the external
er joins outright into this discourse about love, but gracefully
one, exploring their characters' relationships to love, discrimina-
punctuates and accompanies it. The warmth of the lighting, the
tion, anger and family through conversation and recollection.
role of food and wine, and the closeups of the actors keep things
intimate; the viewer feels like a respectfully invited guest.
La Cucina (Chianti Pictures): Taking place in three
kitchens in the same Los Angeles apartment
complex, this
A Love to Keep (Picture This' Entertainment)· Juan
character-driven drama relies on the talents of its cast and on
Carlos Claver's epic drama explores the devastating story of two
Allison Wilke's full-bodied script about love, commitment and
lovers persecuted during Franco's regime in Spain, when homo-
sensual pleasure. The L Word's always-lovable Leisha Hailey
sexuality was illegal and treated as an aberration that might
plays it straight as Shelly, a pregnant woman whose husband
be abolished
flakes out around the house. She stomps upstairs to complain
(Carmen Elias) and Elvira (Susi Sanchez) enjoy a contented
to her neighbor Jude (Rachel Hunter),
who's cooking up a
domestic life together: making love, reading Neruda aloud and
storm and preparing to greet her lover Celia after a long day
collecting dried flower petals in their shared flat. That is, until
at a film shoot. Shelly and Jude laugh together, weighing the
Pilar's conservative family, along with the police and the medi-
pros and cons of lesbian relationships. Shelly's jealous that Jude
cal establishment, intervene and tear their relationship apart.
and Celia are lovers and best girlfriends. Jude acknowledges it's
Under the threat of imprisonment, Pilar is sent to an asylum
true but adds that they also find themselves "competing to vent:'
where her co-inhabitants bash their heads against walls, and a
We then learn that Celia's meal will likely turn cold; she's
woman who has cooked and eaten her mother stalks Pilar in
exploring a bottle of champagne (and potentially more) with
the common area. She is repeatedly strapped to a chair and
a coy seductress from the set. Meanwhile, back at the complex,
tortured while a relentless Zippo-snapping
30-year-old Lily (Christina
and her older lover
slides of naked women. These four years of aversion "therapy"
Michael (Joaquim de Almeida) share two bottles of vino and a
leave Pilar's nerves and psyche permanently scarred. During the
doctor shows her
caprese salad, while teasing out their ideas about relationships.
1980s, when the lovers are able to resume their life together in a
The lone guitarist riffing into the night is a neighbor who nev-
more tolerant Spain, they find themselves haunted by the dam-
meethertwo moms.Thefriends
try to bravethe last remnantsof
highschoolin their smalltown
beforetheyget out of Dodge.
age they've sustained. Heart-wrenching in its historical accuracy, this Spanish film (with subtitles)
explores homophobias
darkest personal effects.
Steel City (Peace Arch Entertainment):
Notable for its superb performances, this contemplative indie is about working-class men and their
bruising and healing family relationships in middle
America. It begins with a truck accident that leaves
a woman dead and Carl Lee (John Heard) behind
bars. Young adult PJ (Tom Guiry) visits his dad,
Carl, in jail and his angsty older brother at the steel
mill. Both are trapped. PJ tools around his blue-lit
small town in the family's dented truck, trying to
make ends meet after losing his dishwashing job.
Ugly Betty's America Ferrera plays the patient
woman who shows PJ how to love. Raymond J.
Barry received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for his portrayal of PJ's no-bullshit uncle
Vic, who teaches his slacker nephew new respect
and discipline. The alt-country soundtrack serves
as yet another introspective character. Now out on
us intothe girl partyof WeHo,
wherewe meeta new"gaggle"
of hot andhormonaltwentysomethingsas theydance,hook
up andgossip.Theirfearless
allegianceto herfriendsand
Alicehatchesa planfor the girls
to launchtheir own ladiesnight.
Laterepisodesfind the gal pals
holdingan overpricedlesbian
car washfor funds.Canwe still
call suchviewingpleasures
shameful?Nah,go aheadand
baskin televisedL.A.dykenight
life andthenget someshuteye.
Thesegirlswill dothe staying
outfor you.(logoonline.com)
I Wasa Teenage
(WomenMake Movies):Now
in her40s,filmmakerTherese
positiveimpacton heryouth.In
this documentary
explorethe meaningsthat the
F wordholdsfor womenand
mentoday,andto getto the
heartof the recentambivalence
towardor disavowalof the term.
Interviewswith GloriaSteinem,
the publishersof Bitchmagazine,the RadicalCheerleaders
are interspersedwith opendiscussions
with everydayJanesandJoes.
this cute,funnybut equallysad
send-upof encyclopedic
is oddlylovable.Writer-director
JamesWestbyclearlyhasa talentfor elicitingschadenfreude.
Afterlosinghisjob (andcheap
accessto movierentals),Scotty
followshis indiegirl crush,Niko
on an adventure
of kegpartiesandawkward
datesat the cinema.She'sa
art schoolvixen,
who bragsabouteatingpussy
andhangswith bothqueerand
he can't compete,but he can
playhis strongsuits.(scottysfilmpage.com)
his snarkybestfriendSabrina
girl, Rodneymuses,is a journey
that endsin "beingcomfortable
with yourself."Hechoosesthis
pathas he exploreshis gay
identity,with helpfrom his dra-
Lo~ L (WaterBearer
Films):Joe,an ex-proball
player,andMary,a homemakerwith a richfamily,have
a businessarrangement
for a
marriagein this eroticdrama.
that as longasthey don't get
emotionallyattachedto their
to milk Mary'smomto maintain
a nicelifestyle.Problems
with the planarisewhenJoe
developsa genuinehankering
for a landscaperandMary'sout
lesbianex-lovercomesto stay.
DVD, Steel City is one of the better recent films to
address the subtleties of performing a particular
brand of masculinity while ridden with remorse,
anger and sadness. While their first instincts may
be to deny their feelings, and to break things, the
men of the Lee family confront plenty of emotion
lli in this carefully directed film by Brian Jun, who
also wrote the script. (peacearch.com)■
Sonj (PictureThis!
film starsKirstenDunst-lookalike
SabrinaKruschwitzas a moody
kissingher bestfriendJulia's
neckandtells herso.Thetwo
roleplayas lovers,constantly
cuddleandcall eachother
"silkypaw,"but Juliais intent
onfindinga steadyboyfriend.
July/ August 2008
Amanda Micheli and Isabel Vega
Every year, behind the walls of the women's penitentiary
in the film. While we were there, it was a month of
in Bogota, Colombia, beauty contestants shimmy and
festivities culminating in the beauty pageant. In the
shine under the South American sun, outlined by pris-
film, the prison looks like a high school. I never felt
on bars, metal wire and oppressive concrete structures.
Young bodies-with
tattoos, wounds and maternal
Micheli:It was only when we left the prison [that]
stretch marks-preen
and pose primarily for the gaze
we felt unsafe sometimes. The difficult thing for us
was how hard the girls say it is in there. They wear
of fellow inmates and celebrity judges.
street clothes, but only because the prison can't afford
Unlike other beauty contestants, these women have
to buy them uniforms. Half of them don't even get
pasts that run deep into the heart of Colombia's poverty,
sexism, Catholic stranglehold and civil war. And the winner of these prison
pagents will not be paraded through an array of frivolous public events.
bedding upon arrival.
In beauty pageants, women are objects, typically of the male
for Best Documentary Short, Amanda Micheli and
gaze, and act "very feminine," but here they are performing for
Isabel Vega's La Coronalooks into the dichotomies (or ironies) facing con-
other women. Moreover, these contestants are women who have
temporary notions of femininity that you would expect from the director of
engaged in what is frequently perceived as unfeminine behavior.
Micheli: It's so full of irony. You have a "hit girl" who pouts because she
documentaries like, Just for the Ride, about the women's pro rodeo circuit;
Double Dare, about professional movie stuntwomen; and (as cinematographer), Thin, a documentary about eating disorders.
In this exclusive interview at the Sundance Film Festival, Micheli and Vega
doesn't like her dress. You have a woman who was married and had a
child. When her husband was killed, she goes to prison and falls in love
with a woman. Defining femininity is a bit complicated. It's a pretty sexu-
talk about a film that saw the projection light thanks to the fiscal sponsorship of
ally charged place. When we first started talking to the warden, one of
the San Francisco-based Film Arts Foundation. - John Esther
her big concerns is that journalists often come in and take pictures of two
women kissing and [then] they leave. She was like,"I don't want chis film
Why did you want to make this documentary?
Micheli:It was Isabel's baby. I like to see myself as the midwife [laughs].We
show that:' We tried to assure her we weren't there to make a titillating
girl-on-girl sex piece.
had two months before the contest. We jumped on a plane with frequent
Vega:Girls would tell us that during the week they're "manly;' and when the
flyer tickets. We didn't know we were there to make a film. We were there
family comes on the weekend they would go to the beauty salon and
become "feminine" for their families.
just checking it out. Next thing you know, we were embedded with these
great characters.
Were they suspicious of your intentions?
Micheli:The local Bogota press is invited to the event. They're used to having
Angela, one of the main subjects, a lesbian, wins the pageantonly adding to the social dichotomies of the documentary.
cameras at the pageant, but the difference with us being a verite film was
Vega:She was killed 10 months after being released from prison.
Micheli:The irony is the prison is a safe haven. The city is really tough. But
how difficult it was to explain to them why we needed to be there so many
there's the loneliness and the boredom of prison life. Also, you might be
days before and after the pageant.
How were the shooting conditions, regarding safety?
Vega:Things do happen there. You don't necessarily see the terrible side
safe, but you're separated from your family. It's a Catholic country, so
these women are having babies when they're young.
When Angela wins I was thinking, "OK, is this going to get racial or
homophobic, or both?"
Vega:You thought chat? That's good.
But it only got racial. Is lesbianism widely accepted in the prisons?
Micheli:They got that Catholic closet going. A lot of chem will have girl-
friends in prison and then go back to men when on the outside. Viviana,
who tends to be everybody's favorite, had a girlfriend in prison and she
didn't tell us for a long time. She was very shy. She got released and ended
up moving in with her girlfriend.
Your documentaries tend to refute these idealized standards of
Micheli:Yeah, definitely. I hate to pigeonhole any filmmaker, but I am
definitely drawn to women's stories. I'm kind of obsessed with the tough-
girl thing and how femininity intersects with that. I've played sports my
whole life and I know there are stereotypes with that. Everybody is always
trying to figure me out. Am I an art fag, a jock, a dyke, a straight, queer,
bisexual? And nobody accepts, 'Tm Amanda, nice to meet you:• ■
Music Watch
Gals Who've Got the Goods
Singer~songwriters that are worth revisiting.
I By Margaret
Though I've mentioned Kris Delmhorst, Ana Egge, Rachael Sage
and Missy Higgins before in these pages, they all deserve renewed
attention due
Hailing from New England, Delmhorst is a seasoned veteran
of the folk circuit who keeps coming out with one brilliant al-
bum after another. This latest 12-tracker blurs the lines between
albums where each track flows seamlessly into the next, mes-
the album, like"To the Wire" and"Midnight Ringer;' are mellow
use of melody to hook the listener-it's
Hold the Sun" works an atmospheric gospel-blues vibe, while
"Riverwide" similarly offers haunting, swampy blues. Much of
alt-folk-pop numbers that rely heavily on Delmhorsts
their most recent releases, stunning albums that
Shotgun Singer, Kris Delmhorst (Signature Sounds):
show these women are the cream of the singer-songwriter crop.
the latter is a soaring, pop-rock ditty that almost sounds like
it couldn't possibly have come from the same artist. "Heavens
hard to resist that urge
at least hum along. Overall, Shotgun Singer is one of those
indie rock and folk, combined with a healthy
merizing you for the duration. Before you
dose of Americana, and showcases Delmhorst's
know it, 47 minutes have gone by-and
then you just want
distinctive, hushed vocals and literary lyrics. The
and dreamy. (krisdelmhorst.com)
result sounds like a cross between the Cowboy
Junkies and Mirah-subdued,
hit repeat. Delicious
often distorted
Cuts like the opening crooner, "Blue Adeline,"
Lazy Days, Ana Egge (Grace/
Parkinsong): I love a good cover
and the pappier "1,000 Reasons" both uti-
album, especially one with a theme-like
lize lo-fi drum machine
this 10-track, twangy ode to idleness from
and multi-layered in terms of instrumentation.
beats, albeit with
Jiffering results-the
Fringehasbeenon my
hot list all month,so
whenit cametimeto
choosean editor'spick,
it wasalmosta shockto
reachfor a releasefrom
a differentpioneer.But
so inspiredandmodern
it's a must-havefor
oneof Canada'smost
for a multi-generational
producedthe album
(thefirst on hernew
label)andthe duo
the fold with herhip
credanda hostof
on the CDincludingAni
com)- Diane
former is a hypnotic,
drum-, cymbals- and violin-filled lullaby, while
the Austin-Brooklyn
folkie who sounds
like a less gravelly, more upbeat Lucinda
July/August 2008
Williams. Covering relatively obscure songs from the likes of Gene Autry ("It's
My Lazy Day"), Ron Sexsmith ("Wastin' Time") and the Zombies ("I Could
Spend the Day"), it's no surprise that the overall mood of the set is, you guessed
it, mellow. My favorite cuts include a warmed-up, languorous version of the
Kinks' "Sitting in the Midday Sun;' Belle and Sebastian's melancholy, wistful
"A Summer Wasting" and a subdued interpretation
of Le Tigre's "Much Finer;'
which remains faithful to the original, though is less electronic. Egge's voice i~
really the hook throughout, sliding over notes like warm molasses. Simply a joy
to listen to. (anaegge.com)
Chandelier, Rachael Sage (MPress): New York bisexual singer-songwriter Rachael Sage returns with her eighth album, and she just keeps getting
better. Due to her preferred instrument-the
often compared to
Tori Amos, though I tend to hear more of a similarity to bi songstress Magdalen
Hsu-Li, especially considering they are both
DIYers. Sage's sound is usually described as
"chamber pop;' referencing her use of mini-
EP,Sickof Sarah
mixof indiepunkandpoprock,
hasscoreda coveted
spoton OliviaCruises'Caribbean
BirthdayBashin November;
angstytitle cut is merelya teaser
for theirupcoming
full albumin
com/sickofsarah) TheSanFrancisco
vocalistreturnswith a sophomore
set evenmoremind-blowingthan
herfirst. Inventivecutslikethe
scat-filledavant-jazzof "Billie's
Bounce"standout as highlights.
orchestra's worth of instruments, including
Wurlitzer, drums, trumpet and a string quartet, along with her piano, not to mention her
flair for the dramatic. Her self-proclaimed
influences range from Elvis Costello to David
Bowie to, somewhat surprisingly, bluesman
and unlikely friend, the late John Lee Hooker,
about whom the song "Blue Light" was written. The 13-track set includes a few firsts-Sage's
first instrumental recording
("Beloved"), and her first song written for a fan, who requested of Sage a composition for her commitment ceremony ("Wishbone'')-and
also offers a cover,
"Mexico;' originally by the Atlanta band Jump, Little Children. Highlights include the lead-off"Vertigo;' a frenetic, angry ode to a bad relationship; "My Word;'
which references Sage's training as an actor; and the title track, "Chandelier;' a
moving ballad that ponders the fleetingness of every moment. The retro-flavored
horn-fest 'i\ngel in My View" is the album's most complete and accessible pop
Thesuperstar '?Ossongwritergetsa deluxe
two-discreissue,with discone
offeringa beautifullyremastered
versionof heroriginal12-song
Herearesomegorgeous masterpiece
anddisctwo featurviolin,pianoandcelloarrangements ing previouslyunreleased
Juilliard-trained concertversionsof Tapestry's
tracklistingrecordedin 1973and
Ahn,whopushthe boundaries
1976.I still love"I Feelthe Earth
musicwith more
cutslike"All I Want."
Like)A NaturalWoman"-classics!
remixesby DJSpookyandothers.
song, and is destined to be a favorite. (rachaelsage.com)
On a Clear Night, Missy Higgins (Reprise): Though the 23-year-old
Australian chanteuse has already reached a much higher level of market saturation than the other artists mentioned in this column, her second album is still
worth praising, if briefly. The disc's emotional
lead-off single, "Where I Stood;' might sound
familiar, due to its exposure via television
shows like Smallville,One Tree Hill and Grey's
Anatomy; it's a simple but irresistibly melodic
piano ballad that instantly sucks you right in.
"100 Round the Bends" and "Steer" both pick
up the pace and add guitars to the mix, but
neither intensity nor sing-along-
ability. Higgins' biggest strength
is in the
combination of her crystal-clear, passionate vocals and catchy musical and lyrical
hooks, and there's no shortage of either on this set's 11 tracks. Personal picks
include the slinky"Secret;' mandolin-filled 'i\ngela" and rollicking"Peachy:' If you
enjoyed her debut, The Sound of White, don't hesitate to pick this one up-you
won't be disappointed. (missyhiggins.com)■
I curve
X, KylieMinogue(Capitol/
Onthis 10thstudio
Vol.1 & 2,
popstar,we get moreof the stylish
a follow-upto lastyear'swildly
cometo expectfromthe singer
the shy whogaveus "Can'tGetYouOut
ltalo-discosingeroffersa one-two of My Head"and"Loveat First
punchof 10-trackremixdiscs,
Sight."Themidtempo"All I See"is
with infectiousreinterpretations
by the first Americansingle,butthe
mixmasterslike JuniorBoys,Dntel, moreamped-upbeatsof "In My
of "Wow"
arethe best.(kylie.com)- MC
Key West-sDistinctiveResortfor ffl1men
Alphabet Rockers
Last year, former 4 Non Blondes' drummer, Dawn Richardson, and singer Kaitlin McGaw (both San
Francisco-based musicians) produced their first Alphabet Rockers CD, which received widespread
praise for its modern approach to educational children's music. The duo is working on a new Alphabet
Rockers CD, as well as other music with their respective bands. They create a hip, fun version of children's music that has kids, parents and educators alike dancing to their catchy tunes. - JessJones
When you two met did you both realize your common interest in children's music?
McGaw:We both worked at the School of Rock Summer Camp. I had decided to start writing kids'
music, so I was listening to kids' music at work on my computer. I told [Richardson] I was thinking
2007 Best bin / Resort for Women
about writing a kids' album and she totally lit up and said she was thinking about it too. So a couple
of weeks later we got together and started writing. Sometimes people say they're interested in doing
something, and then sometimes things are just meant to be.
Where did your musical inspiration for Alphabet Rockers come from?
I think it sort of comes from us being a singer and a drummer to start with, instead of
Voted Best LesbianProperty by
HPearl'shas it all.,,~ CurveMagazine
somebody who is a singer-songwriter who strums guitar. And I think that we're really writing from
the rhythm, and we like the styles that we're writing in. I play the drums, but I love hip-hop and
program stuff like M.I.A.
The first time we were going to get together, for some reason I already had this rap in my mind
about shapes ... "Shape Rap:' I was like [laughs],"It's time to talk about all the circles in the world.
Where are they arr Point them out:' We just knew we wanted to write good kids' music.
Do you plan on releasing other kids' CDs through your label School Time Music?
We will continue to produce our own Alphabet Rockers music. We plan on doing videos and
some live performances in different cities. I'm going to stay here ir, the Bay Area, but we're putting
together groups in the Boston area that will perform at libraries and schools there, and then in Los
\ •. ·«1(
Angeles and New York.
Have you received any negative feedback from more traditional or conservative people?
It seems to have been really well-received. I think just the genre takes a little bit of getting
used to, especially for the older generations. For the younger parents, the younger generations, it's
sticking like glue.
The other thing too is that with kids' music, people are just happy to have it. We're all here to
make quality music for kids. It's a little less competitive, which is nice.
So what are your future plans? Is there going to be another Alphabet Rockers CD?
McGaw:Oh yeah, we're all over that. We're working on writing new songs. We actually have enough
songs for a couple of albums, and it's going to be fun. The recording process is fun for us too,
because all of these amazing musi-
cians come together. And the next
phase is exciting, with live shows as
well as videos.
We have tons of ideas
from teachers and friends, so now
we're deciding what the next album
is going to be based on, but we def-
initely will be doing more stuff as
well as our other projects.
McGaw:Our next Alphabet Rockers
album we're hoping to get out this
fall. And if you or any of your read-
ers have any ideas for songs, visit
our website at alphabetrockers.com,
& lyrically
and send us an email. ■
Richardson (left)
with McGaw
July/ August 2008 \ 73
I I'\!
11.l \
l,1 ;-.,~
In The Stacks
Get Into the Island Spirit
These books are perfect for a tropical getaway. I By Rachel Pepper
Whether they're exploring what it's like to come out as a teenager or what it means to be both Caribbean and queer, these
books both put a new spin on notions of identity.
Our Caribbean, edited by Thomas Glave (Duke
University Press): Our Caribbean is the first book of its
kind: an anthology of gay and lesbian
writing from the Antilles. The editor,
It's no secret that LindaVillarosa,
the formerexecutive
editorof Essence
a formereditorof the
somewhatof a lesbian
godto me.A lesbian
wholivesin Brooklyn
with herpartnerand
two kids,ranthe largest
for African
andis a best-selling
author-what's notto
envy?I meanadmire.
herfictiondebutwith a
magazineeditor,as she
an intriguingstranger
the Sapphicsideof life.
the mangocloseto the
pit") reflectan author
it meansto straddle
andbalancecommunity, family and personal
desires.(kensingtonbooks.com)- DAM
My Tiki Girl, by Jennifer
McMahon (Dutton Juvenile):
Thomas Glave, who teaches in the
Jennifer McMahon
University, State University of New
is an author
who knows well the terrain of the
York, compiles 37 authors (includ-
adolescent. Her first book, Promise
ing lesbian writers Dionne Brand,
Not to Tell, was a ghost story that
Michelle Cliff, Shani Mootoo and
centered on an adult's memory of
a childhood
14 island groups and countries
friend tormented
such as Puerto
crossover appeal to
the Bahamas, Cuba, Panama and
teen readers.
Rico, Barbados,
Now comes My Tiki Girl, a young
adult coming-out novel that can also
Assotto Saint, Timothy S. Chin
be enjoyed by adults. My Tiki Girl is
and Rinaldo Walcott, whose es-
told by Maggie Keller, a 15-year-old
say, "Fragments
who survived the car accident that
Black Queer Community: From
killed her mother, and who now suf-
a Life Still Being Lived;' was one
fers from both physical injuries and
of the more recent pieces, pub-
survivor guilt as a result of the crash.
lished in 2005. Indeed, many
Casting aside old friends, whom she
pieces will already be famil-
feels have little in common with her
iar to queer readers, such as a
now, Maggie is drawn to a new student,
selection from Achy Obejas'
Dahlia Wainwright, a goth-leaning free
Male writers
1994 novel, We Came All
spirit who is more concerned with music
the Way From Cuba So You
making than popularity. When the two girls
Could Dress Like This?, or
become friends and start a band, new worlds
Audre Lorde's classic Zami:
open up for them both, including attention
A New Spelling of My Name.
from the popular kids whom Dahlia claims
Some pieces are being pub-
to abhor. Maggie has to contend with
lished for the first time in
both her own new desire for girls and her
English, or will read differently
awareness that other teenagers may not
understand it. As Dahlia's home life starts
writers whose work also recalls
to spin out of control, jeopardizing her
an island home, one the writer
and her little brother, and Maggie copes
may miss or may not even have
with her father's shock at her lesbian-
visited. While the collection is
ism, the action builds to a fairly realistic
lesbian- and gay-oriented, many
conclusion. McMahon has a talent for
pieces also deal with more uni-
successfully getting into the psyches of
versal themes, such as family, race,
her teenage characters' heads, providing
class, religion and same-sex desire.
them with both the wisdom and the in-
Our Caribbean will likely become a
nocence to make them believable. My
classic compilation and a must-read
Tiki Girl harbors no illusions about
for anyone who wants to learn more
the long-term happiness of its teen-
about what it means to be from the
age protagonists, but by the book's ending, we know they'll
Antilles region of the world and to
Silvera), who represent
bullies, and was an adult novel with
both be OK, even if the outcome of their affair isn't rosy.
English department at Binghamton
find a home in the LGBT community. (dukeupress.edu) ■
an accidentin which
left herwith a new
onthe way
that able-bodied
Thisbookis a
collectionof portraitsof
two parts:first a clear,
a separate,
portraitof the chairin
sit.Theeffectis to view
the lively,proudfaces
asthe realidentitiesof
eachof theseindividuals andtheirdisability
asa secondary
proseaboutherexperienceof losingsome
leavesits impression
the reader.(umbragebooks.com)- Kamala
of MinnesotaPress):
NimaNaghibiis an
of Englishat Ryerson
Universityin Toronto.
In her newbook,
sheexploresthe vast
that of ThirdWorld
are portrayedin both
Naghibiasksthe question: Is it possiblethat
notall womenwantto
be asfreeaswe are?
-Kelly Rulon
cal andsocialaspects
of Asiancinemaand
clarifiesthemin this
yet accessible,work.Guiding
readerson a well-documentedforayintothe
worldof eroticcinema,
of a
desirefor better,more
of raceandgender.
perilsof identification
with screenrepresentationsandurgesreaders
to think beyondwhat
theyseeonthe screen.
- TeresaCoates
FrontierM dam,June
overby historians,Dell
Burkeleft an indelibleimpressiononthe
smalltownof Lusk,
Wyo.In 1919,Burke
openedthe doorsof
of whatwouldbecome
Race,Celin Parrenas oneof the mostfamous
brothelsin theWest.
Shimiu (Duke
Forthe next60 years,
intriguingexamination shekeptthe doorsopen
of theAsianfemme
enoughto saveLusk
fatalein cinema,The
of Race from insolvency
the Depression.
thoughthe history
booksdo not mention
IdentityandDisability, mainstream
Hil ry Cooper
wouldmakeanyfemiboththe pastand
nist historybuff proud.
the present.Celine
Trainedin portraiture,
delvesintothe histori-
Kl Thompson
KI Thompson is a woman with a wild
imagination, a serious passion for the
Civil War and a way with words. Her
short stories have been published in
various erotica and romance collections,
including the Erotic Interludes series by
Bold Strokes Books. Her latest novel,
Heart of Matter follows in the footsteps
of her first book, House of Clouds-a
homage to her favorite historical time
period, with the added twist of lesbian
love. -
Kamala K. Puligandla
House of Clouds is a unique novel in that it has the elements
of historical fiction but also includes a romance between two
women. When you set out to write this book, what did you have
in mind?
From the very beginning, I wanted to write a love story between two
women during the Civil War. I'm a huge American history buff, and
the Civil War is my favorite period. The fact that it occurred during the Victorian era makes it especially scintillating and erotic-all
those suppressed sexual urges and formal speech patterns are too
tantalizing to ignore. I chose to write about the events leading up to
the first year of the war, until the end of 1861, because in my mind it
was the most exciting, tension-filled time of the war. Making Jordan
Colfax, the Northern character, an actress and a spy, helped add to
that tension. However, I tried very hard to balance the history with
the romance, because after all, it's the women and their story we're
most interested in.
Th romantic sexual moments between the two women characters are very steamy, but also very well written. How hard was it
to write those scenes?
I debated back and forth whether to be sexually explicit with these two
characters. On the one hand, it was the Victorian era, but on the other,
it was their personal journeys and nutual attraction that led them to
fall in love. And well, let's face it, womt.:n had sex with each other, even
back then, so why not write about it? Clearly, I couldn't write a love
scene with contemporary overtones; it wouldn't have been believable.
Not only was this their first sexual experience with a woman, it was
their first sexual experience entirely ... ! enjoyed writing the love scene
very much and tried to make it as true to the time as possible.
One of the. mam character in the book is an actor who ha$ a tryst
with another actor. Since you made the book historicallyaccurate,
do you know f any le bian ac ors from tt°'istim period?
There were performers who had a great deal of freedom, the most remarkable being Charlotte Cushman, considered one of the greatest actresses
of her day in the mid-1800s, and a known lesbian. Of course, she spent
most of her time as an expatriate in Italy, living in a community made
up mostly of lesbian artists. But she frequently returned to the U.S. to
perform and was known for her roles as Lady Macbeth and Romeo. ■
July/August 2008
I 75
Reviews Tech Girl
Shake Your Groove Thing
Fun gizmos to bring out your musical side. I By Katie Peoples and Colleen M. Lee
Technology has had a huge impact on how we interact with music, and we couldn't be happier with the results. Think about it.
Ten years ago it was a big freak.in' deal to get a midi of Beethoven's Ninth for your ring tone. Now we can download just about
any song we want, from anywhere. Not to mention the many music-related video games out there, the iPod and some of the best
speakers $20 can buy. So go ahead and enjoy all that the tech boom has to offer your music collection.
Made for kids, but also fun for adults. The speaker and alarm clock system
for the iPod nano makes waking up bearable. The cute but somewhat flimsy
compact GrooveToons (in six hot colors) allows the sleeper to awake to her
favorite songs, and can also be used as a stereo-the
speakers are that power-
ful. Plus it offers a snooze button, for those who need extra time getting out
of bed. Best yet, it charges your iPod when in dock. ($50, cygnett.com)
SingStar '90s (PS2)
Bring karaoke home with this interactive game. Use the two microphones
to battle it out against your friends. The menu is simple and as easy to navigate as your iPod. Scroll through the vast selection of albums to choose
your round, and then sing along with the Cranberries ( test your skills
on "Zombie") and others in the Independent
Woman collection. Sure,
it might take a few shots, but we promise you'll have a rockin' good time.
Rated E for everyone. ($30 for game, $40 for game-microphone
us.playstation.com/ singstar)
Sonic Impact SoundPads
Perfect for the person who wants wall-mounted speakers but doesn't want
to fork over the dough. The Sonic Impact SoundPads adhere to any sur-
face to create stereo sound. Designed to stick permanently to any location (like the backside of a framed poster or picture, bookcases or boxes)
these barely there, 2-ounce devices hook up to your amplifier to give you an
amazing stereo system. But try them out before you stick them on, as different surfaces give you a different sound. ($18, thinkgeek.com) ■
Aftera recent
divingtrip in the Cayman
Islands,I'm already
I canreturnto thoseazure
"tide" meover:Endless
a Wiigamethat
immersesplayersin sereneoceanicexploration.
of tropicallife,including
dolphins,whowill partner
with youandlearnhowto
performtricks.I hada lot
of troublenavigatingmy
girl diver,but in the end
it didn'tmatter.I dropped
the controller,
the aquaticmajestyand
did a little meditationin
timewith the diver'sdeep
breaths.A savvierperson
the game.RatedE.($30,
From top: GrooveToons
!Pod alarm clock; sing
along with SingStar '90s;
Sonic Impact SoundPads
yearsof maintaining
the gatheringplacefor the
it quits,shutteringthe communityin April.
"My personalenergyhasshiftedtowardother
formsof activism,"shesaid,
thankingreaders"for being
partof myonlinefamilyfor
so manyyears."
to bring
togetherall same-sex-attractedwomenwho"know
howto turnona computer,"
wasa fun,safe
placeto chat,andits wealth
of colorfularticlescoveredeverything
activismto relationships
to techadvice.Content
will beavailablein thesite'sarchivesfor another
year,anda varietyof newforumshavesprung
" is nowshifting
focusto other
I Tried It Revi
Spreading the Gospel of Grease
One woman. One car. A whole lot of vegetable oil. I By Erin Siegal
New York City isn't the ideal place for a car. In fact, it's probably one of the
least friendly cities for things like, say, parking.
Mere details.
After moving back to NYC as a photojournalist, I needed transportation.
Yet being one of those soulless people who add to the exhaust fumes and traffic snarls in the Big Apple was the last thing I wanted to do. Searching for
another option, I'd started reading up on vegetable oil cars, or "greasecars;' as
they're commonly known, and decided it was that or nothing. Running a car
on fuel made from garbage? Perfect!
The car had to have an original diesel engine, which meant the options
were limited to mostly older Mercedes-Benz models, cars hard to find on the
East Coast. There were also a spattering of diesel Volvos and Volkswagens
that could run on veg, but they were more difficult to find and in higher demand, since Benzes were notoriously more expensive to fix and needed costly
European parts.
I hunted online for a few weeks. When I found a Volvo with a veg oil system already installed, I could barely contain my excitement.
Within days, I was in White Plains, N.Y., talking to a middle school
as a bonding experience. The result was a carefully installed vegetable oil fuel
the center console. I fell head over heels for the fast-food smell of her.
system from Greasecar.com. The well-organized teacher had kept the car in
I named the car Rosie, an intentionally optimistic move. I figured that
immaculate condition, and his installation appeared to be flawless. He'd even
adopting a brighter perspective on the car would only serve to placate the gods
crafted a wooden trapdoor neatly covered by custom-cut beige carpet, to hide
of Scandinavian motoring. A name like Rosie underscored the fact that in
the veggie tank from view.
midday sunlight, her dull brown paint had tinges of maroon, which was
almost rose-colored. Almost.
brownish-maroon station wagon, circa 1983. Her interior was a mustard beige
I managed to hook up with a Chinese restaurant on my block that would
give me the old oil from their deep fryer, and I built a haphazard contraption
to aid in pre-filtration-the
hue resembling baby puke, and she didn't always start.
to her shitty brakes, and she
to the occasional burrito accidentally dropped into the window controls on
I fell in love at first sight.
Noc many would. The car wasn't what you'd call a beauty. She was an old
sweet. We grew used to each ocher's quirks-me
science teacher named Rudy. He'd converted the diesel wagon with his son
most important part of running on veg-from
My introduction to the car began innocently enough. Rudy told me how to
an old newspaper rack, a bucket and a 5-micron filcerbag that resembled an
switch back and forth between running on diesel from the car's original tank
oversized tube sock. I'd pour the waste oil, replete with crusty bits of Chinese
and vegetable oil from the greasetank. He explained how to flush the system
food, through the bag into the bucket, and then take the filtered oil and funnel
after each use, to avoid getting any vegetable oil in the lines. He stressed the
importance of letting the engine warm up, and then began to explain the car's
it into my tank. Passersby on the sidewalk in front of my Brooklyn apartment
thought I was nuts.
nongrease-relaced quirks.
Her windshield wipers operated in random explosions that five certified
had stressed just how, um, sticky this process could be.
On all the vegetable oil message boards md email lists I'd joined, no one
Volvo mechanics couldn't explain. The trunk had no latch and was tied down via
Within months, the wagon had evolved from a normal car to a vehicle
a tattered bungee cord. The driver's seat, covered by a Huffywhite faux sheepskin
whose trunk had absorbed gallons of grease. Rudy's carefully cut carpet was
cover, had a large chunk chewed out of its side. The white Greasecar.com decals
now coated with a layer of sticky grime. In my excited beginner's haste, I had
that Rudy had plastered to the wagon's side and rear windows inevitably trans-
spilled oil in just about every way possible, via a loose cubie cap, a wobbly
formed other motorises into high-speed peanut galleries, yelling questions out
funnel and overfilling. Once I'd even awakened to find stray cats licking the oil
their windows in passing.
OK, I thought. I could deal. I didn't mind spreading the grease gos-
that had dripped down from the car's undercarriage onto the street.
pel to nonbelievers, and if it rained I'd just drive at the speed of a strolling
a little gumminess here and there. I'd still spill occasionally, but figured out
I paid Rudy $1,200, thinking I'd gotten a deal. The Internet-ordered
how to pour smaller quantities of the liquid gold, instead of crying to move it
around by the bucketload.
kit alone was worth $600, and hey, it was already installed.
The next day, leafing through the car's records, I found a handwritten bill
year-old beauty of a Benz named Esmerelda. It's been nine months, and our
of sale. Rudy had purchased the wagon from a woman in Jersey for $300.
Despite my growing apprehension, my honeymoon with the wagon was
After a little more time and practice, everything ran smoothly, albeit with
Two years and one city lacer, I'm now onto my second greasecar, a 25relationship has blossomed into full-Hedged devotion. Once you've been converted to the gospel of grease, there's just no going back. ■
July/ August 2008
Six Rules for Music Fests continued from page 26
Bi on the Boob Tube continued from page 67
Ghost Whisperer continued from page 58
This way, you cannot see anything around you,
[in Los Angeles] six months ago, and I had my
and your girlfriend cannot see where your eyes are
only big star-struck moment. She was walking
wandering. Work on :.:n arrangement where noth-
by and she looked at me, smiled. I was thinking,
ing that happens in the woods can be held against
That was the human being that formed who I am
you or your 50 percent of the relationship's assets.
as a musician. I just started to cry.
Going to an event with thousands of horny lesbi-
And you did Vagina Monologues with Jennifer
ans is a test for even the strongest of relationships.
Beals last year.
You're either going to have fun with the temptations
What an extraordinary experience. The Vagina
or you're going to be very miserable and the words
Monologues is a body of work that is a phenom-
'Tm sorry, honey" will become your mantra. Save
enal healing tool. I did not know that until I got
some of your money for the flowers and jewelry you
into it. Yes,Jennifer Beals is a very charismatic
will have to buy her after the weekend is over.
woman, highly intelligent.
You have a side career as a paranormal. Are
Drink Responsibly
there lesbian ghosts?
There will come a time when some baby dyke will
I have run into turn-of-the-century
women who
5 (Sci-Fi)
ToBoldlyGoWhereNo Bi HasGone
Even though Commander Susan Ivanova (Claudia
need to body surf along the crowd. You have a seri-
killed themselves, some of them because of
Christian) was involved with a man who gave his
ous responsibility to put your hands up and roll
sexuality issues. Some spirits who lived during
life to save hers, sci-fi fans everywhere were con-
her along the wave. If you are sloppy drunk, you
what I call "religiously archaic times;' like when
vinced that there was a special girl thang hap-
may drop her. Then, you've got a bigger problem
homosexuality was forbidden, think they are
pening between her and telepath Talia Winters
on your hands-namely,
burly security dykes who
going to go to hell, so they stay earthbound and
(Andrea Thompson), who also had a history of re-
will roll you right off the property. Save your loll-
wander around. They bring that to me. So I have
lationships with men. Their TV romance was old
ing, drooling drunkenness for a beachside cruise,
this conversation with them and say,"God is not
school: all of the tensions and implications, none
where there is less going on. By all means, have fun.
going to spit on you, you can go, you can go:'
of the blatancy. As a matter of fact, whatever went
But for what you've paid to be there, you may want
So ghosts can't listen to NPR?
on between these two star-crossed interplanet ex-
to actually remember the festival. (Your elders will
They don't. They are stuck in the last trauma that
plorers stayed between them ... although die-hard
occurred. If you were taught that if you crossed
watchers of Babylon 5 swear that a lesbian kiss was
the street, you were going to go to hell, then
edited out of a scene between the two-a
you'd never cross the street. And if I come from
the show's producers deny. However, after Winters'
tell you-drink
more water and less beer ...and
then, they'll take your beer away from you.)
Do Those ThingsYou Don't Want to Do
across the street and say, 'Hey, there's a great
departure from the show, Ivanova reportedly con-
You don't really want to go to a vaginal humming
club over here, you should really come across
fessed to another character, "I think I loved Talia:'
session or learn how to drum your spiritual karma.
the street [I can make a change]. So it is a mat-
It's nice to know that even in the 23rd century,
Do it anyway. It's part of the women's fest pack-
ter of advocating. ■
there will still be bisexual angst. You know what
age. You have to camp. Only a wuss drives the 100
they say: In space no one can hear you confess you
miles to the nearest Bates Motel each night. You
kissed a girl.
will be mocked if you do this. A giant photo of
ers like other lesbians, so find yourself a nice family
Queeras Folk(Logo)
YouJustCan'tKeepa GoodGirlBi
Before there was The L Word, there was Queer As
of dykes in flannels and boots and have them help
Folk, where the gay men were hot and the lesbians
you pump up your air mattress and set up your
were so very dull. As the boys danced in smoky,
overpriced tent. There's nothing to do then but
sweaty clubs and had sex every place under the
your disgraced face will be plastered on a board of
shame. Not all lesbians like to camp. But all camp-
express your gratitude by sharing your homemade
sun, Lindsay Peterson (Thea Gill) and her sig-
wine and playing strip poker until sunrise, be-
nificant other, Melanie (Michelle Clunie), signed
cause, Lord knows, with all that noise and the hard
domestic partnership papers and fretted over their
ground, you aren't going to get any sleep anyway.
sperm donor's parental rights. These girls were so
Sleep when you're dead. This weekend is about
normal they made PBS seem like a porno chan-
finding new and inventive ways not to sleep.
nel, until one day, out of the blue, Lindsay decided
And why do we do all of this? Is it just another
to go back to boys and have seedy art gallery sex
excuse to get naked and drink beer, or to look at
with a male painter. Lindsay claimed she was just
naked girls who are drinking beer? A chance to get
"testing her sexuality" and had emerged from the
back to nature or rock out to some edgy, marginal-
affair a stronger lesbian. But by then Melanie was
ized fringe bands that we'd otherwise never hear
history, and not until their mutual friend was killed
on mainstream radio? Or is it a way to meet other
in a hate crime did Lindsay recapture her seriously
women with similar or diverse interests? Perhaps
Sapphic identity, hook back up with Melanie and
music festivals offer us a chance to trade our every-
move to Canada to fight for gay rights in a country
day reality for 100 acres of pristine land and 1,000
more accepting of gays. Thank God, Lindsay got
her dullness back. ■
watts of girl power. Likely, it's all of these above. ■
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July/ August 2008
Top Ten Reasons We Love Alicia Champion & Danielle Lo Presti
the fundraising may be difficult, "it's such a lovefilled festival... a true team effort;' says Champion.
5. They'reall business,
They love to sleep in and go on nature walks after
work is done. Lo Presti is in their studio, Durga
Sound, working on a new album. Champion is finishing up a hip-hop album, a gospel record and an
all-female R&B album. They also squeeze in infomercials, and Champion creates tracks for spoken
word artists.
6. We were Alicia'sfirst. Champion's quick to
remind us that
was the first publication to
review her debut self-produced CD, Stories of My
Soul, in 1999.
"San Diego could really
use going on a date with San Francisco, to elevate its
mind;' says Lo Presti. The festival is a way to create
positive energy, a way for people from all walks of
life to meet and be inspired. Music and art converge
as vehicles for social change; Lo Presti describes this
as an opportunity where "people don't see gay, they
see the defiance of the human body by transcending the physical and suspend their judgments for a
minute .... [SDIMF] is a sexy event that has all kinds
of people coming out, mingling, meeting one another:'
8. Theykeepit in the family.Champion cites her
father's intense passion for classic rock as one of her
For those who believe that pleasure and business
coughing fit, threw her back out so severely that
don't mix, Alicia Champion and Danielle Lo Presti
she was paralyzed for a week. These ailments, how-
mantra that her strength was her writing, it wasn't
are on a mission to show that partners in life and
ever, helped propel their success with the indie fest,
until she heard artists like Melissa Etheridge and
love are capable of amazing things. Sole propri-
which is still growing exponentially, from 600
Amy Ray that she learned she could create her own
etors, co-founders and nurturing mothers of the
attendees in 2004 to more than 8,000 projected
style. Lo Presti grew up on Motown and R&B and
San Diego Indie Music Fest, they make sure the
in 2008; musical acts went from 25 on two stages
was influenced by Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye
festival celebrates everything independent
biggest inspirations. Though she grew up with the
the first year to 75 on seven stages. That's not to say
and her own sister, Gina Angelique. Lo Presti de-
promotes one of the country's biggest exports: en-
they're immune to pain; it still breaks their hearts
scribes her sister as a fearless artist who recognizes
tertainment. -
to turn away such a magnitude of raw, exceptional
no limits and will do whatever it takes to get the
talent. "The talent is so limitless, it literally moves
message across. Takes one to know one.
Colleen McCaffrey
1. Theydefythe statusquo.Their inspiration for
us to tears;' says Champion.
9. Theylike the middleground.Both are openly
their album labels, Champ Records and Say It
3. They'relovedby all. Even San Diego's notori-
bisexual musicians, and they want to see more of
corporate suits telling them to be less butch, lose
ously homophobic weekly, the Reader-which
their community represented, the way Pride repre-
weight and dumb down, "as though teenagers don't
refused advertising space to gay Pride-couldn't
sents the gay community. Part of their mission is to
have enough of that already going on in their own
help but feature this queer duo of DIY artists,
represent "that big chunk of gray area:' This sense of
head;' says Champion. Now all they want to see are
musicians and producers on its cover.
the "other" that compels gays and straights to stick
Records, comes from years of frustration
to their own communities is "bullshit;' Lo Presti
"more artists coming out boldly, unapologetically and ecstatically" and speaking the truth on
4. They'reona mission.
To speak the truth and help
says. "We're kidding ourselves by thinking we can
homophobia, racism and ageism.
others find their own voices, and to provide a plat-
all stick to our own little pockets.
form for both. The festival doesn't have corporate
Both have battled health issues.
In 2005, Champion, a Singapore native, suffered
sponsors; instead, it's a celebration of the undersponsored by local microbreweries
10. Lo Prestihad us at Dear Mr. Penishead.Her
self-produced 2001 album gave the proverbial bird
a grand mal seizure while opening for Veruca
Salt, and Lo Presti, during a bronchitis-induced
and other community-based businesses that repre-
to record companies for telling her she was "too
sent the grassroots nonprofit organization. While
smart and too angry:' Enough said. ■
soI curve
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