ToC Cover: Eliza Dushku's Dollhouse by Rachel Shatto (p38); Invisible Chains by Victoria A. Brownworth (p42); Hopped up on Sugar by Rachel Shatto (p45); Cagney & Lcey Are Back by Jennifer Parello and Diane Anderson-Minshall (p47); Lesbians of Country Music by Stephanie Schroeder (p50); The Top Chefs by Rachel Shatto and Kristin A. Smith (p53); The L.A. Playground by Laurie K. Scehnden and Jamie Wetherbe (p28); Boogie in Beantown by Danielle Riendeau (p31); Michigan Womyn's Club by Jennifer Corday (p32); Portland's Scene by Nina Lary (p33); New York's Troupe by Danielle Sonnenberg (p34); Seattle Schwing by Kristin A. Smith (p35); Hawaii's Hot, Hot Scene by Gillian Kendall (p36); Opening Pandora's Box by Edie Stull (p37); Cover by Frank Ockenfels/Fox.
See all items with this value
Date Issued
November 2009
Frances Stevens
extracted text
Top Chef & Hell's Kitchen Lesbos
Cagney & Lacey Are Back
Publisher and Founder Frances Stevens
Editor in Chief Diane Anderson-Minshall
Managing Editors Katie Peoples, Kristin A. Smith
Associate Editor Rachel Beebe
Assistant Editor Rachel Shatto
Book Review Editor Rachel Pepper
Music Review Editor Margaret Coble
Contributing Editors Julia Bloch, Victoria A. Brownworth,
Gina Daggett, Sheryl Kay, Gretchen Lee, Stephanie Schroeder
Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Editorial Assistants Briana Hernandez, Shelby Martin, Ariel
Messman-Rucker, Frances Yee
Wedding Bliss
You never know when you might fi.ndyour Ms. Right. I searched the globe for
mine, only to fi.nd her in my own backyard. I also now believe the old saying,
"When you know, you know:' With my new wife Jen, I just knew. We have a
bunch of uncommon things in common ( neither of us can eat dairy, we both
love toasting marshmallows on a gas stove, we both cringe when we hear someone chewing ice). But more importantly, wherever she is feels like home to me.
And, as if it could possibly get any better, I'm now Mommy to two amazing
boys, 8-year-old Dash and 7-year-old Finn. Jen and I had already been dating
for a while when I met the children. I was nervous-after all, what kid wants
to share his mom's attention with someone else? But, when we all went bowling
at a local alley,it was love at fi.rstsight. By the end of the second game they were
sitting in my lap and I was re-eying their bowling shoes. Now they're the envy
of all the kids at school because they have not one, but two moms.
For our wedding, we decided to have a small, family celebration and later,
when it is legal for us to be married in California, we will invite our friends
and extended family for a big blowout. We held the intimate ceremony and
reception in our yard and two of my three sisters officiated. The second I saw
Jen walking down the aisle, I started to cry big, wet tears of joy-something
most of the guests never thought they'd see!
I hope you enjoy the photos from our wedding (see page 10). I'm a bit shy,
but the editorial team loved them so much, they insisted on sharing them with
all of you, my family of readers.
You know, with the passage of Proposition 8, many people asked us whether
we would still proceed with the ceremony. After all, they said, it wasn't legal.
But to us, it's what's in our hearts that matters, and now our passion to fi.ght
for marriage equality is stronger than ever.
So, if you haven't found Ms. Right yet, don't give up. She's out there waiting
for you. I still hear success stories all the time from women who met their
soulmate on curvepersonals.com. And, in this issue, we have a special section
dedicated to the best nightlife for lesbians across the country, which is really a
giant lesbian dating pool from New York to Hawaii. Who knows, you might
just fi.nd the girl of your dreams the next time you go out to boogie.
Senior Advertising Executive Diana L. Berry
Advertising Sales Rivendell Media
Advertising and Marketing Assistant LaKeisha Hughes
Art Director Stefanie Liang
Photo Editor Hayley McMillen
Production Manager Ondine Kilker
Production Artist Kelly Nuti
Web Producer Nikki Woelk
Photo Assistants Piper Robbins, Kimberly Schumacher
Jamie Anderson, Kathy Beige, Stacy Bias, Kelsy Chauvin,
Jennifer Corday, Lyndsey D' Arcangelo, Beren deMotier, Michele
Fisher, Lauren Marie Fleming, Katrina Fox, Tania Hammidi, Jodi
Helmer, Kathi lssennan, Gillian Kendall, Kate Lacey, Nina Lary,
Charlene Lichtenstein, Karen Loftus, Sassafrass Lowrey, Candace
Moore, Aefa Mulholland, Alison Peters, Catherine Plato, Aimsel
L. Ponti, Heather Robinson, Laurie K. Schenden, Lori Selke, Dave
Steinfeld, Edie Stull, Robin Miner-Swartz, Kyra Thomson, Jocelyn
Voo, Alison Walkley, Melany Walters-Beck
Paul Michael Aguilar, Michelle Bart, Erica Beckman, Phil Cho,
Cheryl Craig, Tony Donaldson, Sophia Hantzes, Gabriela Hashun,
Janet Mayer, Maggie Parker, Elisa Shebaro, Leslie Van Stelten,
Katherine Streeter, Kina Williams, Misty Winter
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Eliza Dushku's Doi/house
How this underground hit became must-see 1V
for lesbians. By Rachel Shatto
Invisible Chains
When violence comes too close to home.
By Victoria A. Brownworth
The SapphicSpotlight
Hopped up on Sugar
They're hot, they're gay, they're on Brit 1V.
By Rachel Shatto
Cagney & Lacey Are Back
Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly hit the big and little
screens. Plus, filmmaker Wendy Jo Carlton talks
about working with Gless on Hannah Free.
By Jennifer Pare/lo and Diane Anderson-Minshall
Lesbians of Country Music
Forget Shania. There's a whole lotta love for these
queer cowgirls. By Stephanie Schroeder
The Top Chefs
11 HotLesbianClubs
The L.A. Playground
Boogie in Beantown
Michigan Womyn's Club
Hell's Kitchen winner Heather West and Top Chefs
Jamie Lauren. By Rachel Shatto and Kristin A. Smith
Former Midwest girl hosts one of L.A. 's hottest
lesbian parties and DJ Kim Anh mixes the beats.
By Laurie K. Schenden and Jamie Wetherbe
Boston club does nonprofit. By Danielle Riendeau
Metro Detroit parties. By Jennifer Corday
Portland's Scene
Stumptown drag king gets down. By Nina Lary
53 ~
New York's Troupe
The women who bring the Big Apple's ladies the
best club nights. By Danielle Sonnenberg.
Seattle Schwing
The Emerald City's Girl4GIRL. By Kristin A. Smith
Hawaii's Hot, Hot Scene
Hitting up Honolulu's girl clubs. By Gillian Kendall
Opening Pandora's Box
Florida's sexy dyke dance nights. By Edie Stull
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Departments NOVEMBER
Frankly Speaking
Dyke Drama
When owninga home meansgettingthe girl.
VictoriaA Brownworthremindsus of women
we shouldhonor this Dayof the Dead.
What a Lesbian Looks Like
Out in Front
A...i .. ; __
Lipstick & Dipstick: Are you a lesbian
or just a hot chick in uniform?
Health: Lyme diseaseamong women:
underdiagnosedand deadly.
Music: Black Eyed Peas bring the "Boom
Boom Pow" and Little Boots has a breakout solo. Plus, an interviewwith the U.K.'s
hottest new star, La Roux.
Books: A deaf, queer memoir and 19
hot, erotic shorts. Plus a Q&A with San
Francisco'slegendaryThea Hillman.
Film: Ally Sheedygets Steam-y with some
other sexy ladies,and DVDsyou'll love.
I Tried It
Celebrity Gossip
Move over Real Housewives, The L Word
goes reality, Beth Ditto gets the last (big)
laugh and Chaz Bono comes out.
We exploreJapan'squeer cinemaand
say goodbye to four powerfullesbians.
Plus,a FamilyGuy characteris outed, the
Kardashiangirls gay it up and GLAADgives
the nod and dis to major media players.
Party Girls: Kate Kendall,
Betty Sullivan, Elizabeth
Faulkner and Sabrina Riddle
(above) and Boston party
people (right)
~ And the Winner Is...
Congratulations to Emily Blair, winner of the curve Gets Around
contest. We asked readers to send in photos of curve from exotic
locales and this photo, taken on a kayak trip down the Colorado
River through Glen Canyon, Ariz., blew us away with its stunning rock
formations-and magazine glamour shot. Enjoy your prize pack, Emily!
Need More Nightlife?
We've got you covered from coast to coast-San Francisco to
Provincetown, Mass. We have the lowdown on some of the best
girls-only nights around.
~ More Lesbolicious TV
Tired of having nothing to watch? We've got all the must-see queer
1V you've been waiting for. From hospital dramas to gladiatorial gorefests, it's all here in our fall guide to lesbolicious shows to watch now.
Tapping the Feed
Mel Robertson's viral hit web series about a lesbian caught up in
drama and inrigue becomes a feature film-and we're lapping it up.
A Coal Miner's Daughter
Award-winning crime writer Val
McDermid shares some insight
into the inspiration behind her
latest novel, A Darker Domain.
Sexy Morena
Baccarin of V
s I curve
Lesbolicious TV: Me/rose
Place's Katie Cassidy
(top), Stargate Universe's
Ming Na (middle) and
Kirsten Vangsness from
Criminal Minds (right)
5 Ways to Quit Smoking How to Survive Dating & Breakups
"I am positive that the
insanity of continuing that
lie exacerbated my ill-
ness. But when I came
out, the monster died."
AnIndianLesbianin America
I have thoroughly enjoyed your recent issues
and the articles on India in particular (Vol.
19#7]. My girlfriend is originally from India
and we are planning a three-week trip this
December to see her family. Of course, her
parents don't know she is a lesbian, so I will
be 'Just a friend" who is coming along. Her
roots and Indian citizenship are very important to her, which is why it has been so great
to see articles about her native
country in our favorite magazine!
- SallyFrederic,Mississippi
I recently discovered the
Hook-Up Blog by Stephanie
Schroeder and became an
instant fan. What a terrific
blog. It's totally fun to read,
plus radically informative
and great writing.
- Mary Hether
- Kiki Nusbaumer,Chesterfield,Va.
This is for "The Closet Is Killing Me;• the
woman with Multiple Sclerosis who wrote
in to Lipstick & Dipstick [Vol. 19#5]. I am
certain chat the stress of living in
the closet for 15 years triggered
my MS. I am positive that the
insanity of continuing that lie
exacerbated my illness. But
when I came out, the monster
died. The stress chat fueled
the MS is gone. I have been
in remission now for nearly
What's your favorite
10 years. Don't wait another
part of Thanksgiving?
minute. Come our.
Gettingthe dayoff
work(IfonlyI could
spendit doingwhat
I wantto do)
oneof the onlytimes
we getto catchup)
to Christmas(or
I don'tcelebrate
All in a Lather
My girlfriend and I were
very excited about your
June issue, which featured
an article about Eden Riegel
[Vol. 19#5]. Tamara Braun
and Reigel have made us
proud with their off screen
activism,and we will continue
follow their careers,
despite the fact chat their
soap storyline on All My
Children left something to
be desired. On the ocher
hand, there is Guiding Light, which was
churning up a volcanic pairing between
Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia (Olivia
Spencer and Natalia Rivera, respectively).
So far the story is beautiful, sensitive,
thoughtful and realistic. My girlfriend and
I feel empowered by the story, and have
come to some profound conclusions regarding
the coming out process, the definition of
"normal" and the universality of love. This is
not your average soap opera fare.
lo a curvemag.com
- Cindy Stewart,Fullerton,
In "Top 51 Closeted TV
Lesbians" [Vol. 19#5] the
arrow for Ellenor Frutt
pointed at Chloe O'Brian
in error. The art director
for the Aubrey O'Day cover
shoot (Vol. 19#7] was
Sophy Holland. In "Dykes
in Thailand" [Vol. 19#7]
the photo captioned, "the
author poses on a stone wall"
is actually of Sara Sanchez,
not Amy McDonald.
From the Editor
Talk about transitions.
We're full of them here
at curve this month!
Our publisher got
married (check out the
pictures on page 10) in
a ceremony so private
even moi wasn't invited. I had my
hands full at the office, though.
Managing editor Katie Peoples
has, sadly, left the building. She's
joined the Peace Corps and is
en route to the Ukraine for two
years. Her replacement, Kristin
A. Smith, is a longtime curve
contributor and former editorial
assistant. And we've had two
promotions as well: Former web
editor Rachel Shatto is now
our assistant editor and the
woman who used to fill that role,
Rachel Beebe, has become our
associate editor. Before Katie
left, we managed to get the four
of them together for a goodbye
snapshot (don't even ask photo
editor Hayley McMillen how
hard it is to wrangle four chicks
during a long, hot
production week).
That's the old
and new team
(right, clockwise
from top left):
Shatto, Beebe,
Smith and
Here's hoping our busyness
and staff changes make for a·n
even more exciting read for you.
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Editor in Chief
November 2009
Custom designed
by llluminaria,the
the couple's photos
and favorite lyrics
Our usuallyunder-the-radar
founder joined the ranks of
Curvetteswho got married in
recent months. And after our
editors got hold of Gertrude
& Mabel Photography's
photos of the small, familyoriented ceremony, we
snuck a few of them in the
magazineto share with
our readers.Think of it as
a contributor's note gone
romantic. Very romantic.
Curve founder FrancesStevens
and Sweet co-founderJen Rainin
tie the knot in California
The guests participate
in the horah, a traditional
The couple shares
an intimate moment
during the ceremony,
which was officiated
by two of their sisters
Jen's sons Finn
and Dashiell play
after the ceremony
November 2009
I 11
"As a lace-chircysomeching Caucasian who has
lived the majority of my adulc life in Japan, I
sometimes feel like I don't belong co one particular
community at alt;' says contributing writer Kimberly
who writes about the 18th annual Tokyo
Internacional Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in
this issue (page 15). "I feel very graceful for the
chance to challenge categories and borders, as
well as the assumptions and stereotypes char tend to go along with
chem:' A free-spirited freelancer, Kimberly writes for the online blog
of the KyotoJournaland has also written about LGBT issues in Japan
for che website fridae.com. She was co-translator and co-editor of the
Japanese lesbian fiction anthology Sparkling Rain (New Victoria)
and serves as co-coordinator for the volunteer musical collective
Peace Noc War Japan.
subjects and capture chem faithfully. She plans co transition into being
a fullcime photographer, developing her business, expanding her
repertoire, following Annie Leibovitz around and traveling the world
as Lipstick and Dipstick's photographer. Noc a bad life!
"I seek co glorify diversity of expression
through my art, and co uniquely capture the
diversity in our lesbian community," says
contributing photographer, Cheryl Mazak.
She photographs as she lives: generously,
widely and passionately, and she says she
pays special attention co che inner beauty
and the essence of her subjects as much
as co any outward hotness. Mazak has photographed celebs from
Melissa Etheridge, k.d. lang, the Indigo Girls, Martina Navratilova,
Megan Cavanagh, Kare Clinton, Billie Jean King, Lily Tomlin co
the L Word ladies. Her work can also be found in the San Francisco
"I couldn't resist saying yes to Gina Daggett and Kathy Beige when
they asked me co photograph chem for a column they were developing Chronicle,among other publications, as well as on her own web
called Lipstick & Dipstick;' says contributing photographer Maggie venture, gogecyourgirlon.com. An independent artist of diverse
Parker(page 22). "Not only were they irresistible hotties, but the
talents, Mazak works in varied media in addition co photography,
idea of an advice column from che butch and femme points of view including graphic design for websites, mixed media art installations
sounded like a kick!" That was five years
and che promotion of lesbian entertainers.
ago, and since then Parker and the advice
duo have not only developed a great friendFor our Parry Road Trip section, which covers lesbian
ship, bur have had scads of fun photo shoots.
nighclife events across che United Scares, we drew on
Parker began shooting as a professional 11
talent from both the writer's desk and the club floor.
years ago in Portland, Ore., and specializes in
Contributing writer DanielleSonnenberg
gives us an
photographing two-legged and four-legged
insider look at che scene in New York City (page 34).
creatures. She also teaches mildly handiSonnenberg's company, Out, Loud, Proud Events,
capped high school students, which gives her
hoses everything from cultural co networking events for
insight into behavior and helps her read her
queer women in che New York area.
Page Turners Head to Head
We couldn't help but notice the similar covers of Maxine Paetro and James Patterson's novel Swimsuit and Diane
Anderson-Minshall's Punishment With Kisses. We're fond of the one by curve's own editor in chief but we'll let you
decide which thriller is right for you.
en routeto lesbiansexualawakening
whojust wantsto bagthis sicko
Darkbut hot,andalwaysqueer
Um,not consensual
Fansof SecretDiaryof a CallGirland
Loversof law & Order:Special
Multiplemurders,with rape,
"AfterI finishedit I felt like I got hit by a sexually
"Pattersonhassteppedthis oneup a notchor two...
charged,full of hiddenemotiontruck... Oneof my new 41'1NIAli;l4'Jl3't%♦ besides,what'swrongwith a little gratuitoussex
all time favoritebooks"
5 stars,No.66,626in all sales,No.51 in lesbian.
121 curve
2.5stars,No.341in all sales,No.40 in suspense.
Chaz transitions, Beth turns the tables and Showtime
green lights lesbian reality. By Jocelyn Voo
She'sthe Man
It's official: Cher's kid is now the man formerly known as Chastity Bono. This fall Chaz Bono
came out as cransgender and Radar Online reported that he had already begun the first step
coward gender reassignment surgery. Although Bono came out as a lesbian in 1995-afcer
tabloids outed him-he reportedly never actually considered himself to be a lesbian. Michele
Kort, the co-author of Bono's 2002 autobiography End of Innocence, says, "I don't know how
long she had felt chat way, but when we worked together she told me she did not chink of
herself as a lesbian:• Kort also cold Radar char she thought "the scariest part (for Bono] was
considering how to come out as a man co (his) mom:' However, the iconic Cher told People,
"Chaz is embarking on a difficult journey, buc one char I will support. I respect the courage
it cakes co go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not
understand, I will strive co be understanding .... The one thing that will never change is my
abiding love for my child."
For transgender folks-and the lesbians who love them-Bono's announcement was huge,
as he was the first major celeb co transition from female-co-male, doing so after a lifetime in
the limelight.
Love her, hate her, but you can't ignore her-Beth Ditto is a force to be reckoned with. The
frontwoman for the indie rock band Gossip has also become quite prominent in the fashion
world lately, what with her new plus-size line for Evans and her stint as the inaugural cover
girl for the British fashion mag Love. It seems like everyone is enamored with her.
Bue one guy isn't-and vocally so. British GQ editor Alex Bilmes fired off a brief blog post
calling Ditto a "porker" and calling the fashionistas who love her "stupid:'
However, it turns out that the joke may be on him. In an
interview with Times Online, Ditto revealed the secret of her
photo shoot with Love. "[Love editor) Kacie Grand showed me
the pictures and said, 'Can you tell what we Photoshopped?' I
was, like, 'No; and she goes, 'We made you bigger!'" Ditto
said. Yes, you read chat right-Ditto, a real-life size
28, was digitally maximized. Oh, chose "stupid" fashionistas, indeed.
TheL WordGetsReal
For chose still lamenting the end of The L Word, our
dyke drama void is about to be filled-with another
Ilene Chaiken series. Variety is reporting that Showtime
has green lit The Real L Word: Los Angeles. Much in the
spirit of Bravo's highly successful franchise The Real
Housewives, The Real L Word will kick the scripts co the
curb and let the dyke drama unfurl. Speaking to Variety,
Chaiken says, "Even though we concluded our sixth
season of The L Word on Showcime chis past March,
I believe we are not nearly finished celling our L Word
stories:' If all goes as planned The Real L Word will be
debuting in 2010. Hey, maybe then we can finally find
out who killed Jenny Schecter. ■
Did this queer big
bottom fashionista
upset GQ?
, ars,
& more,
across the US, Cenada,
Eu"°-" & beyond.
Queer Cinema in Japan
Few things make it worth enduring che oppressive
summer heat in Tokyo. One chat makes the cue is
a series of unbeatable festivals, including che
always exciting Tokyo International Lesbian and
Gay Film Festival.
This year's event screened a total of 32 films, several
of which featured the ladies exclusively. While
previously a single-venue, one-weekend affair at
Spiral Hall in Tokyo's trendy Aoyama neighborhood, chis year's festival, with films from 13 countries,
grew to include an additional weekend at a large
commercial movie cheater in the Shit~uku District,
adjacent to the city's famed gayborhood, Ni-chome,
attracting hundreds of women, including Japan's first
out lesbian politician Ocsuji Kanako.
The documentary City of Borders, which portrays
Shushan, a gay bar in Jerusalem where Palestinian
and Israeli LGBT individuals come together to
create community against tremendous odds, played to
a packed house on the first weekend and was followed
by a Q&A session with the San Francisco Bay Areabased director Yun Suh.
"This audience was very muted. I worried chat
people were getting bored or disconnected from my
story," says Suh. "Bue [during the Q&A session) the
questions were very deep and philosophical, such as
che nature of tolerance and borders:•
Among che 18 programs, one stood out in particular: Fukujusou (Pheasant's Eyes)-a silent 1935
film that screened with live narration and musicwas an adaptation of a story about a schoolgirl
who falls in love with her brother's wife. Written
by Yoshiya Nobuko, who lived with her female
partner, che original story was included in the 1922
collection Hana Monogatari (Flower Fables). Several
of Nobuko's stories were scheduled to appear in
Sparkling Rain-a recently published anthology of
Japanese lesbian fiction in English translation-but
were yanked when Nobuko's niece refused to allow
her aunt's name to be associated with anything that
smacked of the L-word.
"Attitudes like chose show chat Japan still has a
long way co go in terms of becoming a society where
it is safe to come ouc;• says Naeko (who asked chat
her lase name not be used). The co-founder of a
lesbian rights organization Naeko has been active in
community organizing since the women's liberation
movement of the 1970s. "However, the face chat
chis film festival has been going strong for the past
18 years gives hope chat things in Japan are changing
for the better:•
Ai Haruta, a lesbian in her 30s, had a similarly
positive view of the festival. "Seeing LGBT films
from around the globe gives us a window into how
others live... which ultimately gives us hope of being
able to connect with people of all sorts of different
backgrounds:· [Kimberly
of Undeniable
November 2009
I 15
the rundown
has released their third Network
Index,racing quality, quantity and diversity ofLGBT representation
on television. HBO scored the highest,
with ABC leading broadcast networks and
NBC and CBS receiving"failing"grades.
In an interview with Afi:erElcon.com,CBS
president NinaTassler
was questioned about
her network's poor
racing and responded,"Ic
is a source of concern for
me personally and for the
network''. .. Everyone's
favorite cartoon baby,
Scewie from FamilyGuyis pare of our
family. Creator SethMacfarlane
baby Scewie in an interview with Playboy.
He even spills the beans on a scrapped
episode where Scewie would have come
out and faced harassment at school. ..
Pageand JacobBrock,two
srudents from YuleeHighSchool
, in Florida, teamed up with
the ACLU against their
school board for refusing co
allow their gay-straight alliance
co meet on campus. U.S.
District Judge HenryLee
Adamsruled chat the school must not
interfere with its ability co"advocate for tolerance, respect and equality of gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender people"... The
Internet filtering sofi:ware legally required
to be installed in Tennessee
was blocking LGBT advocacy sites but,
in response to pressure, Knox County
Schools Superintendent JimMcIntyre
confirmed chat the sofi:ware is no longer
blocking LGBT content ... Rockstar
drinkshas expanded their LG BT-friendly
corporate policy by donating $100,000
co several LGBT orgs, so next rime
you need a hyper-caffeinated drink you
can pick one chat keeps you awake and
supporcs your values ... A SaltLakeCity
prosecutor dropped charges against two
men, DerekJonesand MatthewAune,who
ran into trouble for kissing in the Main
Street Plaza. The seemingly public space
is owned by TheChurch
Saints.The couple was detained
by private security guards and lacer cited
by police. [Sassafras
Loss for the Lesbian Community
It wasa toughsummer,
a stroke.WhenDaviesandherhusband
in the'60s,he
wasgrantedfull custody
wasontrial.It waslikeanancientwitchcraft
trial."Daviesvowedto becomea lawyerto defendtherightsof
lesbianmothersandshewentonto foundCustody
56,diedaftera short
mostrecently,OneLastKiss,starringa sexylesbianprivate
bikecollidedwitha truck.Shewastheexecutive
founderof LoveMakesa Family,
in ananti-wargroup
in Portland,
for writingthenumber
of U.S.servicemembers
whodiedin Iraqin redpaintona military
of congenital
film LateBloomers,
fall in love.Dyerwas
alsoknownin herlocalfilmmakingcommunity
for herpotlatchesgatherings
of writers,actorsandfilmmakers
Saying goodbye (clockwise
from top): Mary Wilbon, Bonnie
to helpingdisadvantaged
Tinker, Gretchen Dyer and
work,Onein 3,is a playaboutabortion.
Rosalie Davies
The Gaydar
Here's a taste of lesbians in pop culture this month.
Who missed the mark and who was right on target?
PinkyLoveOurlave Dance
swingsto "I Kisseda Girl."
A Tasty
Ben& Jerry's
Hubbyto Hubby
Hubbyin support
of gaymarriage.
Toddlers& 11arasBansThongs
Because4-year-oldgirls find it hardto
"havea perfectbodyin a thong."Ew.
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The 72-Hour Bu
When three days can make or break your relationship. By Michele Fisher
My girlfriend hadn't called or texted me in
three days. She had never waited three whole
days before. She must have been more upset
than I had imagined.
I thought about calling her.
I didn't call, because I always call. Besides,
she said not to call her. Then again, she
always says not to call her and then gets mad
when I don't.
I figured it was one ofher"tests," like when
she said not to wait for her at her dentist
appointment last month. Holy crap, was
she ever mad about that one. Dentophobia?
I thought it was just a made-up name, like
putting an "o"on the end of words to pretend
you are speaking Spanish. "Perdono, I needo
helpo for my dentophobia-o:'
When she told me she had Detophobia, as
I dropped her off for her checkup, she wasn't
shaking or sweating or anything. I thought
she was saying char she didn't like going to
the dentist, and who does? When she didn't
call me on the first day after her checkup, I
just figured she was sore from che cleaning
and didn't feel like talking, but on the second
day, when I called her, it was obvious chat she
felt like talking-really loud. She told me I
was the most inconsiderate, inattentive girlfriend she had ever had, and she had been
with a lot of women so I knew I muse be
pretty bad.
My girl has a lot of phobias. On top of
doctors, dentists and opticians, she fears
public transportation. She doesn't own a
car, because it is a waste of Mocher Earth's
resources, but she doesn't mind riding in
mine. I cried to gee rid of it because frankly,
it's a pain and a waste to have a car in the city,
bur she said it was OK to keep the car if we
both used ir, instead of just me. She said it
was like one of chose car-sharing programs as
long as we used it for the good of humanity.
le sure came in handy when she volunteered
me co help her ex move into a new condo che
ocher day.
She said chat if she had known her ex
was going co make enough money co buy a
condo, she would never have left her for me.
I curve
She always says 'Just kidding" after she says
scuff like chat, but I gee che feeling she is dead
che condo and everything
else she says JUStkidding" about.
She cold me she was single when we met,
but whenever her ex is part of the conversation, che story is chat she left her lover
to be with me. I know for a face chat she was
single when I mer her because I answered
the online personal ad in which she listed
her status as "single:•She always waves her
arms like she is shooing a bee away when
I bring chis up to her. Her ex seems co buy
into this myth of being left for me as well.
Even as I was hauling her futon to her new
condo, che ex cold me chat if it weren't for
I've never equated home ownershipwith
true love but, apparently,that is because I
don't think enoughabout her feelings.
Reduce your
that stupid personal ad she would
Apparently, on our second dace
be driving "their" stuff over to
I mentioned wanting to settle
"cheir" new place in a rented
down. I meant emotionally,
truck. A simple "chank you"
but she thought seeding
for the ride would have been
down meant buying real
estate. I told her chat she
Some people have trouble
should buy a place if ic was
Do you want kids?
moving on with their lives.
important to her. She said
My last ex, Jillian, had the
chat if I really loved her, I
9% Aren'tsure
same problem. She was
would want to buy a place
13% Alreadyhavethem with her. I never really
constantly talking about her
previous relationships and
equated home owner25% Wantkids
what went wrong with each
ship with true love but,
53% Don'twant'em.
and every one of them. In
apparently, chat is because
her case, it wasn't too hard
I don't chink enough
...Of those:
to figure out; Jillian was
about her feelings. That
is what she said, anyway,
always sleeping with some7% Planto adopt
one else while she was in a
as I was letting her out
7% Wantonefor each in front of Home Depot
seatin the minivan
last Wednesday. She was
I once asked her why she
bothered to gee into those
picking out some house11 % Wantoneor two
plants for her ex's new
monogamous relationships
if all she was going to do was
28% Aregreataunties condo. I offered to look
with her, but she said she
cheat. She said she couldn't
wanted to be alone.
be intimate unless she was
to a curvemag.com
I pointed out chat there
in a monogamous relationwere probably a hundred
ship. Apparently,Jillian didn't
people in che store, but she said chat she
mean intimate with her partners. With
me, things ended differently. Jillian slept meant without me when she said "alone:• I
with one of her ex-girlfriends instead of a told her to call me when she wanted to be
stranger, so that made it different, she told picked up, but she said she already had a
me. Ir felt the same cruddy way to me, but ride. Her ex was going to pick her up with
she claimed it was a breakthrough for her. the plants and then drop her off at home
Jillian and the ex are still togetl1er, but chat later. She said I shouldn't call her but she
doesn't stop her from texting me every week would call me when she got home.
about "closure;' which seems to involve sex.
I finally drove by her place. No wonder
hadn't made it
Sex is all about openings for me, so I don't she hadn't called-she
bother to text her back.
home yet. Three days worth of mail and
Besides, I've had enough to deal with, takeout menus on her stoop told me all I
seeing how it's been three days since my girl needed to know.
has made contact with me.
I texted her just to make sure she hadn't
Ic wasn't like we had a big fight or anything; been kidnapped or murdered, even though
it was more of a tiff. She asked me when I knew I could never be chat lucky.
She cexced back chat I should have called
I was going to buy a place and I told her
chat I was probably going to be a renter for sooner and chat che new plants made their
life. Really, who wants to be tied down to a place really feel like a home.
I texced Jillian and asked her when she
house and all the problems associated with
home ownership? She said I was a big liar. wanted co gee together for some closure. ■
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Mozhan Marn as Soraya in
The Stoning of Soraya M.
Las Diasde los Muertos
Honor our dead with days of remembrance. By Victoria A. Brownworth
When I was a kid going to Catholic school,
three days in the autumn felt nearly as powerful to me as the three days in springGood Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter
Sunday-chat were the most important on
the Christian calendar.
The other three days-Halloween,
Saint's Day and All Souls' Day-are also
symbolic of death and resurrection. These
are the days when the dead are said to walk
the earth, sometimes seeking to reconnect
with loved ones, sometimes seeking revenge.
The Days of the Dead have become as
much a part of popular culture as they are
a part of the spiritual calendar. In America,
only Christmas, and possibly Thanksgiving,
are more universally celebrated than
Halloween. And throughout Central and
20 Icurve
South America, Spain and Africa, the Day
of the Dead is one of the biggest holidays of
the year.
I think the Days of the Dead are a time
when the dead come back and speak to us
in a metaphoric if not a literal sense. The
celebrations of these days are not just about
the dead we've known, but about the dead we
might have known, or wish we had known
or are merely memorializing because their
deaths were wrong or in vain.
In the 1970s, I had a lesbian radio program
called Amazon Country. On Halloween, I
would dedicate the show to the womenlesbians, intellectuals, herbalists, hereticswho had been murdered for being "witches"
during the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
I would read from various texts, play Kay
Gardner and Carla Bley,and memorialize all
the women who had been murdered merely
for being women. These women had been
forgotten but needed to be remembered"dis-covered" as Mary Daly would say.
Of course there are still countries where
women are killed for being witches, but
many more where they are killed just for
being female.
That was the case with Soraya M., an
Iranian woman who was stoned to death
in the 1990s. During the uprisings in Iran
after the elections there in June, I saw the,
film about her life and death, The Stoning oJI
To me, although I have written about and)
taught film for nearly 30 years, and workedj
on several films, The Stoningof SorayaM. was;
one of the most powerfully political films
ever brought to the screen. The Stoning of
Soraya M. was certainly the most important
film of 2009.
The film refocused my attention on the
status of women in a world where they can
be buried up to their chests in che earth and
stoned to death as people not only look on,
but participate.
Soraya M. was a real woman in Iran,
where women can be sentenced to stoning
a lesbo. While her girlfriend was in a choke
hold, McCullough stabbed Gunn through
che chest. She bled to death in the arms of
her best friend, Valencia, on her way to che
McCullough, 30, pleaded guilty co aggravated manslaughter, aggravated assault and
bias intimidation. He was sentenced co 20
years in prison instead of life. No one mentioned that he was twice Gunn's age when he
propositioned her for sex. Sex with a minor
Rememberingour dead meansrememberingour
place. Our deathsare often inextricablyconnected
to our livesas women and as lesbians.
for the crimes of being raped, engaging in
lesbian sex and being accused of adultery, as
she was.
Pegah Emambakhsh is not dead, bur she
could have been just another casualty of
Iran's death penalty for lesbians. In 2005,
she fled to the United Kingdom to escape
death by stoning after she and her partner
were discovered having a lesbian relationship. Emambakhsh's partner was arrested,
tortured and sentenced to death by stoning.
Emambakhsh applied for asylum four times
in the United Kingdom and was denied each
time. Finally, in February 2009, through the
help of international human rights groups,
she was granted asylum. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to escape.
Sakia Gunn, a young woman who was
out and proud as an "aggressive" (a queer
woman of color who dresses in male attire
bur doesn't identify as lesbian or FTM),
was murdered in May 2003, exactly two
weeks before her 16th birthday. Gunn
wasn't murdered in some theocratic nation
chat systematically oppresses its women. She
was murdered in Newark, N.J., after spending
the day in Greenwich Village. She was murdered for che crime of lesbianism. She was
murdered for being female, defying gender
norms and, essentially, for not letting a man
rape her or her friends.
While Gunn and her friends waited for
a bus, chey were approached by Richard
cCullough and his friend, who wanted
to have sex with the teens. Gunn rebuffed
im. They argued. He called her a dyke and
is statutory rape in New Jersey-so he always
intended co commit a crime against her. But
when she refused him, he murdered her.
McCullough was no career criminal, either,
just a guy who thought ic was perfectly
acceptable to kill a 15-year-old queer woman
who refused co have sex with him.
Remember Sakia Gunn. Remember her
and every ocher woman who refused che
sexual advances of a man who believed that
women never have the right co say no.
Remembering our dead means remembering our place. Our deaths are often
inextricably connected to our lives as
women and as lesbians. Soraya M. was
murdered by people she'd known all her
family, her neighbors. Sakia
Gunn was murdered by a passing strangera man in a car who thought, Why not? Pegah
Emambakhsh had to fight two countries for
her life-one wanted her dead, the other
didn't chink there was a compelling reason co
save her life.
All these women and girls are our dead.
On these Days of the Dead we must
remember them because men have tried to
obliterate all memory of their personhood,
their humanity, their femaleness. These
women are us, without the privilegeof survival.
They walk che earth on the Days of the Dead
and some seek vengeance and others seek
peace. In remembering them, in speaking their
names, we can avenge them and let them
rest. This year and every year hereafter, let us
all remember our dead. Let us remember the
price they paid for being female. ■
November 2009
ADVICELipstick & Dipstick
Am I a D ke or Just a Co
Dear Lipstickand Dipstick:How do I know
whetherornotI'ma lesbian?
I'ma copandoften
thinkwomenare hot.Theyhit on me at work,
too,andI'm a tomboyanddressin baggyguy's
clotheswhenI'm offduty.- OfficerVulva
Dipstick:Vulva, dear. Being a cop or a tomboy is no indication of lesbianism. Loving
women is. And I don't mean loving as in "I
love you, man!" I mean loving as in you can't
stop fantasizing about that hot motorcycle
cop throwing you on the back of her bike and
caking you for a fast and rough ride through
the dangerous pare of town. (Oh wait, chat's
my fantasy!)
Come over here, Officer, and I'll cell
you if you're a lezzie. I chink the face chat
you're even questioning chis is indicative of
stirrings within you? An
identity crisis of sorts? Boredom, perhaps?
Tell me this: What cums you on? Noc just
what you would cell the world (and maybe
even yourself), but behind closed doors. Is it
your female friends, who you want to spend
all your time with? Have you been with a
guy sexually? What did it do for you? Were
you scaring at the ceiling, wishing you could
reach your cell phone to text your girlfriend
back about lunch the next day? If chis sounds
familiar, you're probably a dyke. Gee a firm
grip on your billy club, Officer Vulva, because
lesbians chase women in uniform like the
paparazzi stalk Lindsay Lohan.
I havebeenina relationship
withmypartnerSallyfor 14 yearsnow
(we evenhada commitment
A few
in another
anda few yearspriorshe likedsomeone
as well.Shehas liedto me a few timesabout
whereshewas going(toldme shewas going
to herniece'sbaseballgameandwentto hang
out with oneof herstraightmalefriends,who
I don'tlike)andtoldoneof ourfriendsto not
tell mesomething
though).Whenwe argue,I havea bad habit
of bringingthesethingsup, but she doesn't
seewhy I shouldhaveanyreasonnotto trust
22 I curve
her.She promisesnothinglike this will ever
happenagain,but howdoesshe knowthat?
Not to mention,whenwe weregoingthrough
shepulledouta pieceof paperwithan
adthatshesaidshesetupa long
timeago(whenwe weren'tgettingalong).She
saysshenevercheckedit or gotbackon.I feel
likewe aregrowingapart,andthismayjustbe
becauseI do loveher,butI'm notsurehowto
let all myworriesgoandmoveon.Orif I should
cake her away chis weekend. Intimacy is the
glue chat holds couples together. Without it,
you'll continue falling apart.
Dipstick:Sex doesn't solve every problem,
Lipstick. Besides, I bet they have a great sex
life.Couples in chaos usually do. Intimacy may
be the glue, bur trust and communication are
the walls and roo£ In 14 years, you two have
built an unstable house. Ir's time to either
remodel or demolish. A good couples therapist
can help you figure out which.
The issue here is not Sally's crushes DearLipstickand Dipstick:My girlfriendand
or wandering eye, but her lying and the face I havebeenoff-and-on
for overa year.I'm still
chat you don't crust her. Writing a personal in college
ad? People in committed relationships don't shewasworking
write personal ads-even if they never place foundoutaboutourrelationship,
chem. What you have here is a lady-in-waiting, to leaveherjob.Sheagreedononeconditionas in she's waiting for something better to thattheyleavemealone.So,in thatrespect,
come along. What are you waiting for?
to her.We havehadourfair shareof1
I'll cell you, Dip. Like a glutton for eachother,but nothingwill everbe forgotten.)
punishment, she is waiting for her heart to get I'm her"forever
love"andshewantsto movein;
broken, it seems. Tell me, Itchy Pants, when andbeginhavingkids.(She's3 yearsolder.)q
was the last time you two lezzies had sex? I desiretoseeotherwomenandI don'treallywant:
bet it's been months, maybe years at chis point. to be in thisrelationship
My advice for you is to have sex tonight. And lastperson
intheworldI wouldwantto hurt.Whal!
then again tomorrow night. And then plan to doyouthinkI shoulddo?- IndebtedDyke
Lipstick:Proceed with caution, Indebted
Dyke, as babies are not something you can
divvy up, like the CDs, if you guys break
up-again. First things first: Try being "on"
for more than six months before you even
consider moving in together. Once you've hie
chat milestone, Livetogether for at least two
years. (Any period of"off" during chis time
kicks you back to the beginning.) After you've
been living under che same rainbow roof in
blissful lezziland for two years, then, and only
then, can you even discuss having a baby. Feel
free to do what you like with your own life,
but proceed with caution when throwing an
innocent child into the mix.
two kidswhoI thinkshelovesmorethanme.If
the kidsare here,sheis moreinclinedto come
over. Is this chick playingAdopt-a-Family?
Is shewith me for the simplefact that I have
kids?Shehassaid,"Thisis thetypeof relationshipI havealwayswanted,onewith children."
- In It for Meor My Babies?
Great idea! Move in and scare having
babies because you feel indebted to her. That's
che scare of a long and healthy relationship. In
case you can't detect it in my voice,chat'ssarcasm.
You would scare a family with a woman you
haven't even been with for a year because you
put her through hard times and don't want to
hurt her? Lipstick, will che martyrdom of our
community never end? Indebted Dyke, do
everyone a favor and go play the field. Then
you'll learn chat surviving heartbreak is just
part of what makes you a full-grown lesbian.
Seriously, I can't chink of a way you could
hurt her more chan co stay with her and deny
her the opportunity to meet her real "forever
Either way, she should at lease pay it
some attention. You haven't been together long
enough to know chis woman's true intentions.
Take it slow and enjoy it that she loves your
children. Whatever you do, don't move in
with her too quickly. As time goes by, you'll
know if she is che woman for you.
Are you kidding me? This girlis hoc for
you and loves your kids. My first instinct is co
say you've got it made, sister. Quit complaining.
Bue if your guc is celling you something is not
right, you need to listen to that.
The PremierDating Site for
the LesbianCommunity
She Dates,
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We Make it Happen.
Is it her gut or insecurity?
Oh boy, chis is exciting (I'm laughing
like the Pillsbury Dough Boy being poked
in che stomach). We've never received a
question like chis before, and what a problem
to have! In It for Me, have you considered
chat her incense devotion to and interest in
your family is obvious not only because she's
been craving that in her life, but also because
she's trying to win you over? If you girls
Dear Lipstickand Dipstick:My girlfriendKris communicate so well, crack chis nut open
andI havebeentogetherfor aboutfivemonths. and see what's inside. ■
I haveknownher for about10 months.Sheis
amazingin the bedroom.
Wehavethe bestsex Want help with your problem?
life of all our friends,I'm sure,but it's been Write to tv@lipstickdipstick.com.
dwindlinglately.We communicate
very well And Tune into The Lipstick & Dipstick
andare happyin general.Theproblemis I have Show at curvemag.com/lipstickanddipstick
a contest
a picture
SheAv ~,l1V.~~~!reyou
ridethe linebetweenbutchand
femme,despitebeingfirm in theiridentities.
Herearea handfulof instances:
• Lovesa hotbubblebathaftera
• Favoritepairof boxersis pink
• Ownsa .38Special
• Canchangea tire
• Hasa toolsetandcordless
• Worea plaidtie on '80sDayin highschool
~~ • Likesto watchhockey,coldpilsnerin hand
• Criesat queerweddings
Time to find out who can stoke your timber and fan your flame. By Charlene Lichtenstein
Sex:Play the role of the queen bee this November and
see who you can acrracc to your hive. The grapevines
will be buzzing as you find your honey. Career:
You are
in top form in your career. Plan your next move carefully and strategically-then pounce! Toss out the old
regime and establish a matriarchy.
with her at every opportunity. Then you can do what
you wane when you want co, without feeling guilty.
Bowling, anyone? Career:Work follows you home.
Will you spend your weekends coiling or find ways of
shifring your load onto someone else?
Sex:Will you find love at work? Turn up the heat by
hanging around the water cooler co see who scops by
Sex:Any premonition you have about a particular lady for a sip. Career:Your gifr of gab cakes you far. The
will probably come true. Think only good thoughts secret is to plan your journey so you don't gee lose in a
this November, unless you are a bad, bad girl. Career: wretchedly boring place-like the wrongjob.
Try co spend a substantial amount of time away from
the office. You are too feisty for the power elite. Plan Cancer(June22-July23)
your coup from a faraway beach.
Sex:Turn up your charm and put your flirtatiousness
on display. You will gee more than window-shoppers
chis November. Career:
Make your mark at work. You
Sex:One particular gal pal catches your eye and the seem co know just what co say and do co make the big
passionate sparks fly.Will you endanger a long friendship bucks. It's time co ride 'em, buckaroo!
just for a quickie? Lee's hope so. Career:Noc only do
Thisgirlfriendsmokesand, you delve into your platonic relationships for love, you Leo(July24-Aug.23)
believeme,wherethereis also manage to find a lovergrrl or two on the job. Life
Sex:Partners are there for you. Be sure to spoil her
smoke,there'sa ragingfire.
is becoming far coo interesting.
with breakfast in bed occasionally.What are you doing
the innate
with that butter? Career:
Who made you a member of
watersignabilityfor deep,
fight the
emotionandtakesit onegiant Sex:They love you at work. Well, someone in particular accolades? Just lie back and enjoy being fed the peeled
stepfurtherthanhersister does. See if she needs an able-bodied assistant to grapes. Exercise your raw power-for now.
watersigns,CancerandPisces. help her, ahem, file. Career:Business partnerships
Onceis neverenough
forthese get a boost of energy and ideas. Reach across the aisle Virgo(Aug.24-Sept.23)
and and see who can pull you up the corporate ladder.
Sex:You acrract the ladies just by talking. Sprinkle
sheis oneofthefewwomen
your words with sugar and see who flies by.Of course,
whocanbringoutthebestin Pisces(Feb.20-March20)
sometimes you like the strong, silent type, but save
anyoneduringlovemaking. Sex:She is mysterious, exotic and long-distance. Find that for December. Career:
Your intuition appears co be
Wantto feellikea woman any excuse to dose the gap this November. Career:
on target at work. Instead of taking action, sit and wait
andsoaringto the
Work is busy but you manage co find creative ways co until things evolve.You can divide and conquer later.
lighten your load. Calling in sick is one way, but not For now, amass.
the best long-term strategy.
Sex:Money and your innate generosity will spread
Sex:Lambda Rams have their pick of lovergrrls this your love like oil chis November. See if you can make
November. Will you indulge your gluttonous appetite, her slippery when wee.Career:
Friends continue co give
or will you be more discerning? Better feast while you you a helping hand in any difficult career maneuver.
can. Career:You are enjoying your job for a change. Eventually,it will be tit for cat. Are you ready? ■
Work may begin to feel like play, but don't party at
your desk if the boss is in-only if she's out.
AstrologerCharleneLichtensteinis the authorof
Sex:Relationships get lovey-dovey.Share your affection
24 / curve
Herscopes: A Guide coAstrology for Lesbians.
Curiouswhatthefuture holdsfor Sparky?Check
out Petscopes
and moreat thestarryeye.com. -
Why Your Gyno Needs
to Know You're Gay
Just One Bite
exactlymotivatewomento scheduleregular
tripsto theirgynecologist.
And,as if the poking
to awkwardin a matter
of seconds.
youuse contraceptives?
haveyouhad?Andthenthere'sthe question
yourdoctorshouldbeasking:Whatis your
wouldneedto know
in termsof counseling
andthe necessity
for papsmears,"saysDr.Kate
in Portola
Forexample,a lesbianwho
is a non-smoker
' ""
hadsexwith a mancouldstart
havinga papsmeareverythree
yearsonceshehashada normalone,whereas
a non-smoking
in a monogamous
Andit's notjust aboutpapsmears.Knowing
will helpyourdoctor
carefor everything
to treatingyeast
andsupportsystemcan be critical when
discussingtreatmentfor life-threatening
diseaseslikecancer.Comingoutto yourgynecologistis essential
to properlycaringfor your
body,butit canbetoughif you'reunsurewhat
yourdoctor'sthoughtsareon homosexuality.
"Doctorshaveto havea welcoming
for lesbians,likehavinga signup in theirlobby
" says0'Hanlan.
Formsthat includea boxfor civilunions,
or evenjust a significant
otherwouldalsogoa longwayin creatinga
spacefor lesbians,
Inthe meantime,
the GayandLesbian
keepsa list of doctorswho
makingit easyto finda doctor
whois rightfor you(glma.org).
maybefinding a doctoryou'recomfortable
beinghonestwith will makethosecold
stirrupsand scratchygownsa bit more
Isabel*used coloveto watch the deer outside her
home in Marin County, a Northern California
community known for its beautiful views and
unspoiled open spaces. Then the 37-yearold began co experience a myriad of strange
symptoms, including hives, joint pain and
gastrointestinal distress.
"You really feel like your body is slowly
breaking down and you don't know why;'
she says. It was almost three years before she
was correctly diagnosed with Lyme disease,
a tick-borne bacteria that is most common
on the Ease Coast, but has been reported in
nearly all 50 states.
"Doctors were very dismissive and ic was
frustrating. Eventually, I didn't wane to go to
che doctors because nobody believed me:'
Isabel's experience is not unusual. It is
estimated chat thousands of people are living
with undiagnosed Lyme, a condition that,
if left untreated, can cause paralysis, brain
damage, arthritis and even death.
Many women who are eventually diagnosed
with Lyme are first cold chey have multiple
sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or
lupus, or are cold co see a psychiatrist. Lyme
is often more difficult to diagnose and treat
in women due to the dampening effect our
monthly cycles can have on the immune
system. The symptoms may be chalked up
Potentially fatal, Lyme disease is underdiagnosed in women.
to our so-called monthly female problems.
Additionally, che standard treatment, highdose antibiotics, may cause harm to our
sexual and reproductive health.
The documentary Under Our Skin: An
InfectiousNew Film About Microbes,Money,
and Medicine,which premiered at last year's
Tribeca Film Festival, does a powerful job of
illuminating and putting a human face on
chis disease. Desperate patients-including
a formerly athletic woman who can no longer stand up and a woman who is terrified
she might spread the disease to her unborn
child-and their physicians struggle not only
against the disease, but against an insurance
industry that is hell-bent on telling them
nothing is wrong.
While she is not featured in the film, Isabel
recognizes herself in Under Our Skin and has
used it to educate her family members.
"After watching it, they finally believed
that I wasn't making this all up;' she says.
Though feeling better than she has in
years, Isabel still rakes nine pills a day to
combat her chronic Lyme and has spent
$14,000 this year alone co cover uninsured
medical costs. Her advice to anyone who
suspects they might have Lyme is to see a
specialist. "You are your own best advocate;'
she says. [Heather
of Lyme
of patientsreportedillnessonsetin July.Fewerthan8 percentreported
to TheJournalof the
for theyears2003-2005.
Homosand HarvardGirls
These women offer an education in compassion, justice and community. By Sheryl Kay
Wherethe HeartIs
She has fought for the rights of sexual abuse
survivors and chose with HIV, she's helped co
found several LGBT community centers and
she's a founding member of the Lesbian Fund
of Greater Milwaukee.
Today. FaiDeMarkcontinues her community
work as the director of shelter services at
the Cathedral Center, a shelter for homeless
women and families. The center strives co
rehouse people as quickly as possible, educating
women on money management, life
skills and healch issues.
Having seen the LGBT movement grow from its infancy,
DeMark says, "We've definitely,
definitely made progress. There was
a time when people couldn't say the
L-word and now there is a [TV)
series about lesbians-of course it's
not very realistic, but it still brings
it co people's attention."
As lesbians age, DeMark advises
practicing preventive health care,
finding a crusted physician, creating a
living will and consulting a financial
adviser. She also says it's a good
time to give back co the community
through volunteering and becoming
active in policies.
"I chink it's important co be an
activist and co always be working for
the betterment of our community," she says.
"You can't just hope someone else does the
work. We can't sic in our houses and say we
want the marriage amendment. If you are
happy in your little world, there is another
sister or brother who is struggling. You have
co ace, because nothing happens by being
Advocatefor the GreaterGood
Ironically, it was PaulaEttelbrick's
midwescern, Catholic, Republican upbringing
in the 1960s and '70s that ulcimacely spurred
her Lifelongdevotion co social justice.
"The lessons I was caught all my life, at
home and in my Catholic school, were that it
is our obligation to contribute co the greater
good, co see and help chose less fortunate
than ourselves;' she recalls.
Eccelbrick channeled chose lessons into
a stellar law career, advocating on behalf of
the gay communiry. serving as a legal director
at Lambda Legal, a policy director at the
National Center for Lesbian Rights and
executive director for the Internacional Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
Today, Eccelbrick is also a lecturer at Barnard
College and an adjunct professor of law at
New York University Law School.
"I mostly love law and litigation because it
allows us to cell our story wicl1in the framework of our most important settings
and institutions-workplaces,
our families,
sd1ools, the streets;' she says. "When we use
chose stories to draw attention to violence in
schools, or discrimination at work, we help
reshape cl1oseinscicucions,not just for ourselves
or our client but for all who enter chem:'
Over the years, Eccelbrick says she's seen
the community go from being the hidden, the
invisible, the criminals, the tawdry and the
psyd1opachs to being me folks next door.
"Truly phenomenal," she says of the
progress. "We are, and forever will be, an
acknowledged segment of this society. That
will never, ever change. And it gives us the
platform to continue the process of challenging
the injustices many of us still face. You see, if
your existence is denied, you have no platform
co change your condition:·
A Lessonin Community
She'll jokingly tell you she's not at some
Fortune 500 company because she failed
Intro to Economics, but the plain
truth is, Harvard graduate Nathalie
Galindohas chosen a career path
in nonprofit work because she
lives for community and she is
dedicated co transformation.
"I just love finding things in society chat haven't been dealc with
before and working co improve
them;' says Galindo, 24, now an
admissions officer at Harvard, and
a volunteer coordinator at Queer
Women of Color and Friends
in Boston, where
volunteers work co facilitate community
people of all ages, ethnicities,
gender presentations, sexual orientations
and socioeconomic
Calling herself'queer" feels right,
Galindo says, because she lives her life outside
the strict heterosexual dynamic, not only in
terms of sex or physical accraccion but also in
terms of expression.
"I believe in a spectrum of sexualitymuch broader than what the lesbian, bi or
straight labels define;' she says.
Ulcimacely,her goal is co create mentoring
programs within QWOC+, reaching out co
college-age youth of color co build a network
of ambassadors.
"By doing mis, we nae only include mem
in conversations involving the wider Boston
community, buc we also hope to empower
cl1em within their own communities during
and after college;•she says. ■
a break
ShannonClimbing the steps to the rooftop of her building, where an
Kturns amazing view exposes record company logos and corporate
Thursdaysbuildings jut phallic-like across the Los Angeles Basin,
intoladies' Shannon Kampa launches into an unsolicited explanation of
nightinWest how she rescued a little cairn terrier from a yearlong sentence
Hollywood.in a pet store cage.
ByLaurieK. Somehow, the story is apropos for the woman who has
Schendenrescued lesbians from abandonment in West Hollywood,
offering them a safe haven known as Platinum.
Not only is this former Midwesterner and Bible college
grad filled with compassion for night owls in need, the girl
also knows how to throw a parry.
Kampa's all-girl Platinum Thursday night is a place to see
and be seen. After more than three years at the East/West
Lounge, it's a chic, sultry scene chat is ideal for both networking and necking, depending on your objectives.
Kampa, or Shannon K, as she's known on the club circuit,
is a tall, blue-eyed babe who's a prototype of the women you
might expect to find at a WeHo lesbian dub. The surprising part
is how warm and approachable she is. Credit her Minnesota
roots, strong family values and religious upbringing. Love
thy neighbor is a virtue we believe this event producer takes
to heart.
'Tm very genuine in my approach, and genuine and sincere
in what I do;' says Kampa. "For me, it's not about the event.
It's about the people:'
Kampa, who once endured a Focus on the Family ex-gay
workshop for her family's sake (she didn't change; now they
"love me, regardless"),the hardest pare about her evolution from
military brat to corporate consultant to event producer
was overcoming the mispercepcion that a club promoter
is always a player and a partyer, "of which I'm neither;' she
"I love a good party, but I love cooking a nice meal and
settling in for the night:'
Dating, for an event master, especially one with Shannon
K's attributes, would appear to be as simple as choosing your
sugar rush from a well-stocked shelf.
"Dating is very difficult;' Kampa confesses, "because the
idea would be to be with someone who doesn't go out very
often, someone you can support and trust. In all reality, the
girls see me getting numbers, hugging all these women ... but
I'm a Scorpio, so I'm extremely loyal:'
Bue the nightlife is currently Kampa's domain, so when
she's not hosting her own soirees through Shannon K
Productions, she's checking out ocher clubs, events and functions to keep her gatherings fresh.
28 I curve
She recently started Thirsty Tuesdays at Boulevard Lounge
in WeHo, which ran throughout the summer and will
continue, if things go well.
"It's small, it's intimate, we have drink specials;• says
Kampa. "Even with the economy, the girls can come out and
have a great night:'
While Platinum and her other events have given girls a
place to play, Shannon K has always had a loftier goal: networking. Producing meaningful feature films was part of her
plan from the start, and she hoped to create a space where
successful women could come to network; Paris Hilton and
Sharon Stone have both been to Platinum.
Kampa plans to be working on her own films soon. "I will
be working on my first major project, a Christmas feature
film... coming out in 2010;' she says.
Kampa's knack for networking is no accident. She has
a degree in organizational psychology with a business
minor, and works as an image consultant and in business
development. She spent two years building her personal
network through community involvement and face-to-face
contacts. She stays connected through email, Facebook and
Myspace, she says.
But Kampa doesn't hoard the connections for herself. Even
the VIP areas at her club nights are accessible to everyone.
'The ocher purpose of what I do is to help bnild the success or
the dreams of other entities of women's companies;' Kampa
explains."Like She Wired.com, or Cherry Bomb. I don't charge
them. TI1e win-win is that their win is obvious, and my win
is I get to help chem while my name is being promoted ...
chat's the way that promotion, especially amongst lesbians,
should be:•
Kampa tells a fish story that I swallow willingly because it
feels true. It's about how crab fishermen sort their catch into
separate tanks, male and female.
"The females, they don't have to put a lid on it, but on the
males they do, because the males cry to help each other our;'
Kampa explains. Hosting her parties is a way of building
ladders for ocher women in che tank.
"I stand here looking at these big, corporate America
buildings and Hollywood film companies," she says, gazing
from her rooftop. "le certainly wasn't built overnight, but it
was certainly built by a network.
"I have three mentors: my mom; my West Coast dad,
who's my ex's dad; and another woman, who works very high
at Warner Bros. I'm very blessed to have that. So when young
kids come my way for help ... it's so fun to be able to pass them
on to somebody wh'o can:• ■
at curvemag.co
Trap Los Angeles is home to a series of rotating women's nights for
offersan a variety of castes-from martini-sipping power lesbians co
alternativebarely legal barhoppers. 1l1e kitschy-cool (and apcly nan1ed)
scenefor Booby Trap offers a more artistic cakeon L.A:s lesbian nighclife.
Hollywood'sRegulars line up on Wednesday nights at Temporary Spaces, a
hip,lesbian slighclysleazy dub so hip mac no sign is required. They're mere
partygoers.for cwo reasons: stylish women and alternative music.
ByJamie Booby Trap hoses and resident DJs, Kim Anh and Anon,
Wetherbe created cl1e club almost cwo years ago and since men it's
become a hotspot for queer up-and-comers and celebs alike,
so don't be surprised if you bump into someone like actressmodel Jenny Shimizu (Make Me a Supermodel).
"We just thought, 'Where would we wane to go? What kind
of club would we want to be ar?' And we just went from mere;•
says Anh. "Booby Trap is a rebel response to pop culture
nightlife in Los Angeles. Ir's about pushing independent arc
and it's a place for women to meet and share ideas-it's a
meeting of che minds:•
Dubbed an overnight success,
Booby Trap scares me evenings out
wim a dive bar atmosphere and
by midnight morphs into a raging
dance club wim DJs spinning a mix
of indie, disco, electro, post-punk
and house. Deeply rooted in independent music, Booby Trap hosts
a series of rotating guest artists and
DJs, like Ch romeo, Hercules & Love
Affair, LCD Soundsysrem, TV on
me Radio, Ladyhawke and SoKo.
30 I curve
"We work very hard to keep things fresh, bringing guesr
DJs from around me world, some well-known and some who
are up-and-coming;• says Anh. "We have a rule: We don't play
Top 40 music:•
Anh and Anon also pass along meir favorite runes co
patrons for free. "We have CD release parties where we give
our all me newest stuff were crazy abour;· says Anh. And if
you miss che parry, you can download music for free on meir
web site, clubboobyrrap.com.
The crowd, typically about 200 strong, moscly consists of
twenrysomeming creative-types. "Women working in indus•
tries like film,music and television;•says Anh."We have a lircle
bit of a younger crowd connected to fashion and musicwomen who are seeking someming new and someming edgy.
Wim a name like Booby Trap, females are me focus, says
Anh. "There are some boys who come, but it's very geared
coward women, and we make it clear we want to keep ic char
way;•she adds.
The name is also abour
simply having a good rime
"Ir was meant to be funn)
and silly;• explains Anh. ")
mean, mere are some womel
who are ass women and chef!
are some women who art
booby women, so I guess l'rt
a booby woman;• she laugh
"We really don't cake ou
selves too seriously:•
Scill,promoting a club rak
serious work. "L.A. is a huge city and it's very competitive;•says
Anh. "We are constantly brainstorming and trying hard co keep
everyone surprised, entertained and, most of all, inspired:'
First-time club promoters Anh and Anon quickly learned
chat the best way co publicize Booby Trap was co go viral.
"We had friends hie the streets when we first opened the club,
but people weren't as open co being approached or picking up
information," says Anh.
They used sites like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter co
spread the word. "Ninety percent of our ability co reach
women is based on these social networking sites;• says Anh.
"They've been a really powerful tool for us:•
Booby Trap celebrated its first New York launch chis
August and plans co have a monthly residency there. Anh
hopes co cake the club international-still,
Anh and Anon
don't chink of themselves as club promoters.
"We just love it so much, and we do our best co bring
new and interesting things," says Anh. "For us, it's really
rewarding. We do it for us, and we do it for che girls who
ISA Qcbcl
A MccTlflG
come. Even if we played for che same 25 women every
week, they'd have a place co go for their passions and
exploring good music:• ■
Kristen Porter, the founder of Boston's Dyke Night
Productions, isn't your average party promoter. Soft spoken,
thoughtful and precise, she's a philanthropist first and foremost, albeit one who knows exactly how co keep Boston's
dub-going lesbians very happy.
"I started Dyke Night as a social entrepreneur;' says
Porter, "co cry co raise money for local causes. Ir's sore of
grown out of chac:•Grown it has. The organization has risen
from humble grassroots beginnings to the biggest nightlife
enterprise for queer women in the city, with half a dozen
club nights per month and a cavalcade of special events for
holidays and Pride.
"A group of us chat were in my living room, we were all
volunteer street-outreach workers, and we were crying to
figure out a way co raise some money co buy our outreach
supplies;• Porter says, recalling the event's genesis 11 years
ago. "The idea was, Why not have a party, gee a DJ and see if
people would provide a donation at che door? That's what we
did. le was basically free, but we had a bucket and we asked
people to throw in $2 if they could:'
Nowadays, Porter's events are regularly home to sellout
crowds, with long lines of women looking to dance the night
away. The donation bucket is gone, and most parcygoers don't
know that their cash is going to a better cause than Porter's
personal beer fund. The formula may be a rarity but ic works,
and Dyke Night Productions is able to officially sponsor and
fund a number of queer organizations around che city.
Ir's been a long haul, given Porter's single-handed leadership and dedication co two careers, bur she's found a way to
make it work. "I chink you really have co adapt to the mindset
chat everything is fluid in chis business. Places open and close
all the rime, management changes or the community wants
something different:'
As challenging as the job is, Porter is quick co maintain
chat "giving money away" is her favorite pare, further proving
chat she's not your average nighclife promoter. "I feel a great
deal of responsibility chat we should take care of each other;'
she says. 'Tm going to keep doing everything I can to keep
raising as much as I can, because it's a no-brainer chat
everyone who benefits from being a part of the LGBT
community should be contributing to whatever extent chey
can. Ir's essential to our survival." ■
bringsit to
By Danielle
November 2009
Marguerite"I have always felr chat we have a wonderful and attractive
Tschirhartco'.mmunityhere in Michigan;' says party promoter Marguerite
gives Tschirhart. "Someone just needed to put on events to make
Midwesterndie girls want to come our:•
girlsa place Tschirhart started producing parties in 2005 and founded
to lettheir her company, WhereTheGirlsR, lacer that year. Initially,
hairdown. Tschirhart would email friends on a weekly basis with news
ByJennifer on where to go and what to do.
Corday "Some of my friends nicknamed me Julie the Cruise Director;'
she laughs. "My friends forwarded the emails to their friends,
and it grew rapidly from there. Women I didn't know would
email to ask co be put on my lisc:•Now, she produces several
parties a year throughout the state of Michigan and has plans
to team up with ocher promoters in nearby Chicago.
When Tschirhart starred our, the few gay clubs in town
were in dicey areas. "People were shot in the parking lots, cars
stolen-and my cousin was almost kidnapped our of one
parking lot. I felt that as gay women, we shouldn't have to risk
our lives to socialize;' she says.
Inspired by the success of women's events like Dinah
Shore, Aqua Girl and GirlFesr, Tschirhart starred throwing
parties in Royal Oak ( the locals call ic the Greenwich Village
of Michigan), Ferndale, Birmingham, Ann Arbor and Pontiac.
Most of her events feature live music, primarily from local
lesbian musicians. "We have a great music scene in Metro
Detroit, and I'm continually amazed with the many talented
artists here:'
Tschirhart says she loves the mix of women in Michigan
and is frustrated when the media portrays Midwestern
women as lumberjack dykes. "Often, people stereotype
Michigan girls to be girls in flannel shirrs and army boots,
bur we have a cross-section, just like anywhere else-we
have women from Egypt, India, Russia, the Middle East and
everywhere. I think it's just beautiful, che diversity. There are
so many good-looking women!"
Besides being surrounded by horties, Tschirhart says
one of the most rewarding pares of her job as a promoter
is giving back to the community and helping those in need.
"Thar is what I love about doing events-helping people:•
She puts on a yearly Super Bowl party to raise money for
the Royal Oak Animal Shelter. "Jr's one of the only no-kill
shelters in the area. They lose their funding and are relying
totally on donations:• She has worked with
local LGBT nonprofits like the Triangle
Foundation and hosted the women's afterparty for the yearly LGBT film festival.
She worked with the local chapter of the
Human Rights Campaign to put on an L
Word premiere parry and recencly helped
start a local women's networking group.
The economic downturn in the United
States has been especially hard on
Michigan, the heart of che American automotive industry. "In this economy, we need
char more chan ever;' she says."ln Michigan,
almost one our of every fivepeople is unemployed, so it's been really challenging to put
on quality events for our community when
so many women stay home and have house
parries to save money:'
In between parties, Tschirhart works as
an attorney, and this summer she launched
WhereTheGirlsR.com, a website she hopes
will help lesbiansfind the hippest happenings
across the nation. "The site is very easy to
use and navigate. I wane ro link up with
ocher lesbian websites co promote each
other's sites;• she says. ■
frown on me for claiming che cicle'lesbian' while occasionally
sporting a packy:'
Marshall started doing drag in San Francisco and performed
with The ShugaGlida Blues Revue at the 2006 Fresh Meat
Festival. Now she performs with one of Porcland's newest drag
troupes, the River City Riders. "When I came to Porcland I
was embraced by che most amazing community of homos
Left to right: Kelly
Murrin (Ramington
Handcock Steele},
Amy Holsher
(Levi Camino) and
Kaki Marshall (Mr.
with a few
tubesof lube.
By NinaLary
When asked what her week looks like, Kaki Marshall replies
without a hint of irony: "Mondays and Thursdays I have
drag king practice with the River Cicy Riders, and Tuesdays
and Wednesdays I work in a government mech lab. No, seriously:' That leaves her Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to plan
Porcland, Ore:s most kick-ass lesbian dance parries.
Marshall worked in music promorion for 20 years before
she moved co Porcland in 2006. When she arrived, Pop Tare,
a deep-grooves girl party at Holocene in Southeast Porcland,
was a sexier alternative to the city's only lesbian bar, dubbed
the E-Room. With the encouragement of longtime friend
and Pop Tart founder Shoshanna Oppenheim, Marshall
took che party from a Sunday afternoon romp to an edgy
all-nighc ladyfesc.
Marshall's reputation drew in DJ superpowers and helped
launch her next and most popular party, Double Down. "We
employ resident DJs from across che LGBTQ spectrum, and
chat is the crowd we are catering co;•she says.
"I am a 37-year-old lesbian;' says Marshall. "Bue it has
felc important to me in the recent past co identify as queer. I
found myself feeling alienated by some of the older lesbians
in my life a few years back. A few select groups tended to
I have ever seen and I have come to realize chat 'lesbian' is
mine to reclaim."
Marshall wanes to unite her fellow queer folk through
causes. Her newest venture, Lube Job, pies well-known members of che community against each ocher in a 10-fooc-long
pool of lube co raise money for their favorite local nonprofit.
"The feeling of putting on a huge fest for throngs of
beautiful homos chat raised thousands for people who make
incredible dilferences in all our lives;' she says, "chat seriously
does ic for me!"
"I feel chat the community is stronger and healthier when
we all play cogecher;•says Marshall. "Parries are fun. Bue lee's
dosomething with all chat posirive energy:• ■
of the monthat
of the monthat
of the monthat
November 2009
I 33
NYClesbiansNew York lesbians are no longer waiting for the kind of
knowhow parties they wane to go to-they're creating their own. One
to doit of these nightlife entrepreneurs, Maggie Collier, created her
themselves.club night, Eden, a little over two years ago. Named Best
ByDanielle Dyke Night by New York magazine, the weekly Wednesday
Sonnenbergnight party grew out of a need Collier recognized.
"My friends and I were frustrated at the limited options.
I wanted to bring chem a little more class and style;' says
Collier of her inspiration.
Collier, a former singer, scarred her first ladies' night without any previous experience throwing parties. For about six
months, she hosted a party at Level V, che downstairs bar
of Vento Trattoria, a restaurant in New York's fashionable
Meatpacking District. Collier was enjoying hersel£ so even
though turnout was low, she didn't gee discouraged.
"I had nothing to lose. I wasn't losing any money. I was
having a blast. I thought, If chis can keep building, then
everyone can enjoy it;' says Collier.
And her patience paid off. When Collier changed che location to the Union Square Lounge, 500 women showed up on
opening night. After a year at that location, it was rime for
another change. Collier moved the parry to Country Club,
back in the Meatpacking District.
These days, her weekly parry is filled with special events,
including a burlesque night, live music and launch parties
for companies like OURscene TV, a gay Internet network.
And Collier has no plans to move again anytime soon.
I curve
"The women love the space. I intend to be there for a long
rime;' she says.
Women looking for some socializing on Sunday afternoons can check our another of Collier's parties, Stiletto,
held at the Maritime, a hotel in Chelsea. She says she
created the parry to emulate the scene at the Abbey, the
trendy Los Angeles hotspot. "I wanted a daytime, outdoor
event ... where women could have a blast and gee to work
on time the next day;' says Collier, who lived in Los Angeles
before coming co New York City.
Like Collier, che now-legendary parry promoter Wanda
Acosta says she started parries because she didn't see herself
represented at the bars she would frequent. "I just felt like I
didn't fit in," says Acosta, who is originally from Brooklyn.
She started her first party in 1994, a Sunday night bash at
Casa La Femme in che West Village. Why throw a party
on a Sunday night? "They offered us their slowest nights,
Sunday or Monday. I opted for Sunday;' recalls Acosta,
who is now familiar to New York lesbians because of her
renowned Sunday night parry, Scarlecte at Angels & Kings
in Alphabet City.
The Sunday night timeslot ended up being a fortunate
accident, according to Acosta-because of The L Word.
"Women would watch The L Word at home at 9 p.m., and
then at 10 p.m., they would come, sexed-out and horny from
whatever sex scene they saw. They would come into the bar
to meet women:'
The bar ended up being featured on the show's first season,
and cast members including Leisha Hailey and Kate Moennig
also frequented Starlene. "Women would see a celebrity
sitting there. It definitely helps business;' says Acosta.
Bridget Hauserman is another party promoter with a DIY
approach. After coming co New York City from Toronto and
realizing that che city didn't have the scene she was looking
for, this lawyer got together with two friends, Kristy Crowley,
a personal trainer, and Lynn Dukette, also a lawyer, co create
Proposition, a Friday night party at Kion Lounge, a restaurant and bar in the Ease Village.
"We wanted co gear a parry coward women who were
interested in fashion and music;' says Hauserman, who calls
Promotion her second job. She, Crowley and Dukette cook
only a month co plan the first party, and Hauserman remembers being surprised by how many women she didn't know
at their first event. "I chought, Who are all these women? Ic's
surprising how quickly word travels:•
Today, the three women share the casks of promoting,
contacting clubs and DJs, and negotiating deals. Hauserman,
who is very organized, makes sure co call regular meetings.
"Communication is key when you have three people. You
want co reduce inefficiencies:•
This year, che team also planned a huge Pride party with
live entertainment at Fae Baby, a multilevel club in che East
Village. And they now have a monthly Thursday night party
called Gold Star at che same venue.
"This is the year of che lesbian party. A lot of young people
are starting new parties;' says Sabrina Haley, the special
events manager of Snapshot, a genderqueer party now in its
fifth year at The Delancey on the Lower East Side.
"(Snapshot) was started to filla void in che gay community
and co provide a space that could be mixed, not just the
femme party, or the black or latina party, but a party where
queers could go;• says Haley. Snapshot also showcases arc
exhibits, fashion shows, movie premieres, singers and dancers,
and in September they put on a country fair, complete with
facepaincing, a kissing booth, a pie-eating contest and goldfish for prizes.
"We like to keep things creative and show people adventure,
not just a DJ and bar all the time;' says Haley. ■
at Country
at KionLounge,
at Maritime
& Kings,
at FatBaby,
empire.By KristinA. Smith
Chris Chappan began her relationship with Seattle's
Girl4GIRL as a go-go dancer. Today, as the owner of
one of the Emerald City's longest-running lesbian dance
parties, she is the go to girl.
More than a decade old, Girl4GIRL has established itself
as a staple of the Northwest's dyke scene. What started as
a monthly Seattle party has now become a regional series,
with parties scattered throughout Washington. And it
shows no signs of slowing down.
"The secret co our longevity is our dedicated regulars;'
says Chappan. "We always find new venues, new cities
and invest in new ideas that keep Girl4GIRL fresh. And
it doesn't hurt chat lesbians celebrate their 21st birthday at
Girl4GIRL either. We welcome the revolving door:'
Bue the door doesn't rotate so easily for men, or those
who identify as men. Girl4GIRL prides itself on its
gender exclusivity, living up to its motto as the club "where
the girls are:• No more than 10 men are allowed in per
night, and each of chem muse be accompanied by a woman
and shell out a $20 entry fee, compared co the ladies' $5 to
$15 dollars.
Chappan says Girl4GIRL "isn't about recreating a
typical bar scene. Ir's about a fun, unique, inviting and
stimulating all-women's evenc:•■
November 2009
Hitthe Let's say your Hight gets into Oahu at 11 p.m. After staring
dancefloorat thousands of miles of black ocean from the window of
in Hawaii. the plane, you'll glimpse the moving white lines of waves
ByGillian breaking oJf Waikiki. You'll pass over downtown Honolulu,
Kendall a black-and-silver expanse where-at least at char rime of
night-the downe girls are.
10 o'clock, we could see a few people parking their cars, and
A formerly run-down part of town, Old Chinatown is we're saying, 'Nor too bad: By 11, there was a licrle linehome to art galleries, cafes and clubs that now attract both Everybody was coming in; there was a crowd:'
gay and straight crowds. The gayest event found there is a
Over 200 people showed up char first night and they
once-a-month parry called Downetowne (a "downe" girl is a continue to return to che club. Attendance has risen to as
dyke). Held on the first Saturday of each month at Bar 35, high as 600, including gay men, straight couples, single
Downetowne is the work of three lesbians: Kayko Tamaki, straight women and even bachelorecre parties. Regulars
not only come from Oahu bur also Ry in from surrounding
Eunice Parks and Ruby Hong.
In 2007, Hong was doing Sunday nights at a club called islands, making it one of the hottest club nights in Hawaii.
Bliss. It went so well, according to Hong, char "che managers
Ocher nightspots lesbians in che know frequent include
said, 'We're going give you a Saturday as well. Try it our. Indigo Restaurant and Smith's Union bar (an old-rime
See how you like ic: The Saturday offer was four days joint turned karaoke hotspot).
away. I was like, 'Grear!' and then, 'Oh, my God.' I knew I
After a long groovy night, parry girls will need some
couldn't do it alone. I wanted really good friends.''
resuscitation and relaxation, not to mention sustenance.
After enlisting Tamaki and Parks, Hong Hashed on the Meet up with an instructor from Chocolate Pineapple
theme, "black-our" parry, and the three started work. Parks Sports Yoga studio at the Waikiki Trade Center for
remembers the preparations well: "We literally cur up Hyers some morning yoga on che beach, or stop by spa Pure or
with our own hands:'
Waikiki Plantation Spa for a treatment from sisterly, cerThe three partners just hoped someone would show up. tified hands. Then take a stroll to great, cheap vegetarian
"We were holding onto each ocher, saying, 'Aw, it's gonna be meals at Ruffage Natural Foods. By then, it'll be rime to
OK;" Hong recalls. 't\c 9 o'clock, nobody was there. Around
gee ready co go back our on the town. ■
Findouthowto cutloosefora causein Florida.
By EdieStull
In 1998, Miami lesbians had few entertainment options, bur Amy Alonso and Yesi Leon,
the creators of the biggest lesbian parties on the East Coast, decided to change that.
"There was really nothing around;' Leon says."It starred our as a hobby .... We said, 'Why
don't we throw a women's parry and see how we dor'" The event attracted some 400 women
and Pandora Events was born.
About the same time, Alison Burgos began a women's week to raise money to benefit
women's causes, calling it Sweet Charity (it's now known as Aqua Girl), and both Leon and
Burgos were involved in the Miami Women's White Party, an annual AIDS charity event
now in its 25th year.
"After the first year, we felt that the crowds were a little bit split;' Leon says. They
decided to join forces, make one big weekend and continue to work together on ocher
events, eventually merging Burgos' events under the Pandora name.
Today, Pandora blends weekly parties with several big events each year. "Besides doing
our mega-dance parties and weekends, like Girls in Wonderland [in Orlando, Fla.] and
the Women's White Party, we have monthly Larin women's parties. Two weeks out of the
month there is something special going on, and every week we do our event at Halo Lounge.
We try to give a little bit of something to everybody ... things for young women and
for older women:'
Pandora's large events are among the 10 most popular lesbian events in the country,
according to Leon. "I wouldn't say we're No. 1, but we're up there:•
Leon believes chat Pandora's charity work helps set it apart. "A lot of our big events have a
charity attached to chem, which is different chan most big promoters:• A portion of the proceeds from Girls in Wonderland goes to the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR),
and Pandora helps local nonprofits wich their events. "Whatever we can do to better our
community;' she adds.
Alonso and Leon are also working to expand beyond South Florida. "We do Atlanta
Pride. We deli.nicelywant to expand chat. We're moving over to New York [to] do an event
there:• The duo would also like to expand Girls in Wonderland. "This year, considering the
economy... we had a great event ... and we could still give money to NCLR:' ■
A Shopaholic's
The holidays are just
around the corner and
there's never been a better
time to take a break in
Vegas. Great shopping
the perfect excuse.
Opening in December,
Crystals at CityCenter
feature an unparalleled
of luxury retailers
and restaurants.
Don't miss The Forum Shops
at Caesars Palace with more
than 160 boutiques
stores, plus 13 restaurants
and specialty food shops.
The Esplanade at Encore
consists of 11 boutiques
including an array of clothing,
shoe, jewelry, home decor
and accessory
1 50 designer and name brand
stores with savings of up to
65 percent at the Las Vegas
Premium Outlets.
If you aren't watching now, you should be. While there are plenty of reasons why
Dollhousebelongs on your must-see list, the top spot belongs co Eliza Dushku,
who plays the central character, Echo.
Dushku (who played Faith on Buffy the VampireSlayer)"tripped and fell"
into the entertainment business at age 9 and made a name for herself playing
characters who were strong and independent-and, of course, smokin' hot-a
combination that quickly made her a lesbian fave. She drew her inspiration for
chose early characters from her upbringing. Her feminise mother had a cighc-knic
group of female fuends, some of whom were lesbians.
"I remember, growing up, there were never negative stigmas or stereotypes around gay and lesbian people;• says
Dushku. "My mother's best friend and her wife were Aunt
and Aunt So-and-So. le was never a negative thing in my
head. So I think even as I got into my adolescent years and I
started sore of coming into my sexuality.[I] was always sort
of comfortable with lesbian women:•
Thanks to her family's progressive attitudes and their
diverse group of fuends, Dushku became a vocal advocate
for LGBT rights. "Looking at the state of our country and
the debate about gay marriage, I believe the debate-that
people are who they are and that they're being judged by
whatever theology or government-is just frightening. I'm
a big advocate and supporter of gay and lesbian rights and
equality, as I am with any human being:• Sounds like her
mama raised her right.
Having three older brothers, Dushku also developed
a sense of fearlessness."I think I had my motto: 'Go Big or Go Home; when I
was, like, 8. I alwaysjump at an adventure. I alwaysjump at a challenge. I always
jump into something that the circle of guys are doing and want to do it, and do
it better:•
TI1is attitude serves her well in her current role as Echo, a dollsomeone who's had her identity wiped and can be imprinted with
different identities and specialized skills, such as safecracking and
martial arcs, ac che request of Dollhouseclients. Bue, despite having
her memory controlled by a lot of fancy technology, Echo is slowly
and secretly becoming self-aware. As you can imagine from TV
history the nefarious Dollhouse itself is a highly illegal and deeply
covert operation.
TI1e role of Echo requires Dushku to become a new character every
week, and play everything from hostage negotiator co dominatrix. It's
a dream gig for someone like Dushku, who craves variety.
"I've always been sort of a chameleon," says Dushku."(I've] traveled
all over tl1e world and mer people and heard people's stories. Thar's
sore of like my addiction ... hearing people's stories and then sore of a
chameleon, recreating them:•
It's no accident that she landed tl1e role of the mercurial Echo.
Dushku and Whedon-who
has known tl1e actor since she was
17-met for a working lunch co discuss the actor's career path and
found themselves effortlesslyconceiving this new d1aracter and cuscomdesign ing tl1e series for her strengths.
"Eliza's been in my life for a while and is somebody that I've always
been kind of dazzled by and e1tjoyed enormously as a person;' says
Whedon. "Our relationship has been very specifically about her
career. We've had sit-downs just co talk abouc where it is going. I've
watched her sort of grow up (as] chis very formed person, trying to
take control of her career and her life and her identity in a world
where everybody wanes to cell her who co be. TI1at conversation is
what led co tl1is show:•
"He didn't know it was going co be a lunch chat was going co be
creating a show for me. I didn't either;• Dushku admits. "Maybe deep
I curve
down and subconsciously I was there with an agenda ... .I'm proud and
flattered char I could be his muse, in terms of penning char character
and the [DollhouseJworld:'
However, it was not the first time the two had collaborated. Long
before Dushku cook on the role of the doll with a serious lack of selfawareness, she had already placed herself firmly in the center of che
lesbian radar screen with her turn on Bulfy the VampireSlayer,another
Whedon production, as Faitl1,the deeply troubled wild-child van1pire
slayer who breezes into Sunnydale, much to Buffy's dismay. This noholds-barred, leather-wearing whirlwind of ass kicking and lesbian
overtones entl1ralled the dykes in tl1e audience, and it wasn't coo long
until tl1e lesbian subtext was emerging hoc and heavy between the two
rival slayers.
"I chink some of it is just that there was so much physical contacc;•
explains Dushku. 'J\ll [of a] sudden there were, like, five-page fight
scenes where it was two women on top of each other, straddling eadi
other, choking each ocher and also sore of obsessed with each ocher in
some twisted, competitive and maybe loving way:'
While the audience was quick co note how che ladies were heating
up tl1e screen, Whedon was apparently the last co know. "le had co be
explained co me by fans that I was writing lesbian subtext;' he laughs.
He was surprised when, rime and time again, his audience was
recognizing what they believed co be intentional subtext in che series.
"I was, like, every rime I show cwo women in che same room,
you say, 'lesbian subtext'! [Buffy's mother] Joyce's friend comes over
with empanadas-you say, 'lesbian subcexc; "jokes Whedon. "Can't
two women talk?" They said, 'Please go co our website and read our
I did, and they were totally right. Everything
char Faith had done in terms of Buffy could be seen as romantic, in a
certain way, and chat's when I realized che thing chat made the show
great, which I then christened and have ever since kno n as the BYO offends me so much [is], Lee's spend four episodes advertising a kiss
subtext, which is: If you see it there, then it's there for you."
d1acthey can do so they can remember they're straight, which was sort
It could be argued chat subtext is a Whedon specialty,and his lesbian of the thing we were trying co avoid:'
cred speaks for itself From his screenplay for Alien Resurrection where
Whedon knew pretty quickly d1ac he had created an iconic lesbian
Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver spend rwo hours constantly
couple and char for fans Willow's sexuality was no longer up for
on the verge of some hoc-android-on-half-alien girlie action; co his
debate. "The gay community pretty much said 'You better not rake
inclusion of two bisexual women in Firefly; a lesbian character in his back: [And] after I decided co kill the character of Tara-my most
comic Runaways; and the introduction of another new lesbian character, popular decision ever"-Whedon says sarcastically of the move char
Sacsu, in the Buffy comic (who, incidentally, beds the titular slayer); put him on lesbo hare lists for months, "we were, like, one thing's for
Whedon rime and rime again shows his affinity for queer women.
sure: Now you really, you absolutely, can't cake it back. You can't even
Whedon is so in tune with lesbians d1ar one wonders i£ in fact, pretend it's a spectrum:'
he was a dyke in a former life, or if he just surrounds himself with a
Ir was also a story line chat Whedon fought for when he faced
horde of Sapphically inclined pals. "I don't know ifI have the requisite
resistance from the nerwork."When they realized what I was doingnumber of lesbian friends, but I've always had gay people in my life;' which was a few episodes in-they said, 'Does she have co be gay?"'
says Whedon. "Thar's another thing I owe co my parents ... a lot of their
Whedon put his foot down. Then there was the question of that
friends were New Yorkers working off-Broadway,and, not surprisingly, famous kiss. "That was very civilized. [The network] called and said,
a lot of their best friends were gay.My godfather was [gay]-[he] was 'Do they have to kiss?' And I said'Yes: And they said'We are worried
about advertisers and we would ask you not to have char'.... I was like,
just, like, my idol. So it's alwaysjust been part of the mix of people and
'It's chis simple. I will pack up my office right now: And [they] said,
something char just feels like part of any normal extended family:'
He's a proud friend of the gay community, casting openly gay 'OK, it's in:"
Needless to say, when rumors started popping up chat Whedon
Neil Patrick Harris in the ride role of Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog,
be introducing some queer elements in season rwo of Dollhouse,
a Shakespeare-esque tragedy with a diabolically catchy soundtrack.
expectations were running high. "That is something char I
Whedon even officiated at the wedding of rwo of his gay friends,
have been chinking about chat is not some"Who are, in face, grandfathered in because
thing we have pursued yet. Right now,
of the licde grandfather clause chat was
"All of a sudden there
we're concentrating on the whac-do-youin Prop. 8 ... I'd like co say on behalf of my
were. like, ~ve-page ~ght
mean-we're-not-cancelled phase. There was
friends: In your face [Prop. 8) ! We totally got
a licde indication of an engagement chat
in! Woohoo!"
scenes where it was two
has a-is there a better word than 'Sapphic;
Whedon was proud co discover readers
women on top of each
what a great word-element co it. Bue chat's
voted him curve's No. 1 Lesbro.
something chat's just a pop. Just a little
"Dude, d1ac's awesome! First of all, I gee
other. straddling each
co hear the term 'lesbro' for the first time.
other. choking each other
If Whedon had his way, there would have
Second of all, I totally beat out chose ocher
been queer content from the start. "Last
and also sort of obsessed
guys. Take chat, Alan Moore. It's lovely. It
season, [we had] an entire episode about
makes me feel very cool-and a licde bit
with each other in some
Echo playing a character, being imprinted as
exploited;' laughs Whedon.
twisted, competitive. and
a character, who goes through the process of
Whedon also offered an additional (and
realizing char she's gay. This episode caused
delightfully geeky) explanation for his
maybe loving way."X
the nerwork to shut us down. Now, I do not
uncanny affinity for queer women. "I have
believe it was because of the homosexuality.
always identified with women. Most of... the
'little fictional avatars in my brain' have been female... I have a very I believe it's because of the face chat it was basically a [romantic
comedy] with a shootout. [The network said], 'It's episode three and
hard time believing chat a woman could love a man because I am
one, and I find chem co be rather wanting. And there is an element at you promised us Alias. You're a liar, man. We're shutting you down
with all our mighc: Which is too bad because it was pretty damn
which lesbian romance appeals co me because I actually believe ic:•
Bue nowhere can his understanding of!esbians be clearer than in his funny. And writing che scene where Echo actually realizes what
happened, and chat she didn't just have an embarrassing one-night
creation of the Buffy characters Willow and Tara, arguably the most
beloved and sincerely crafted lesbian couple on network television, stand-chat she's actually in love with chis girl-was a delight. Selfdiscovery is exciting:'
like, ever. "1he relationship started on a very metaphorical level-the
While the episode was ulcimacely shelved, traces survived in the
sex scenes were spells, and all chat scuff. And what I found hilarious
chat eventually aired. "We've said very clearly [char) almost half
was, when we actually decided co come out and say,'Yes,they're lovers;
are either closeted or experimenting. That line we managed
everyone was so shocked. I was just like, what show have you been
but the whole plot [of the original episode) fell by the
watching? See chat sweaty spellr That was porn, people-work with
took the entire show with ic:•
me here;•jokes Whedon. "We always try to make it real and textured
will ever see a doll who in becoming selfand romantic and human:'
Whedon says,"Ir's something char I've
Whedon went out of his way co steer clear of the typical trappings
of sensationalized lesbian scorylines on TV "You know the thing chat
Dollhouse continued on page 62
November 2009 \ 41
HENIGHTWASBEAUTIFUL-starlitand sulrq, as only a summer
night in the country can be. My lover and I were sitting by rhe
lake. Ir was picture-postcard romanti •.
Until , c heard the screams.
We ran toward the sound and found a woman crying, her
face bloody. We were at a lesbian retreat with no men on the
premises. Who could have done chis to herr
The woman cold us her girlfriend had hie her repeatedly
because another woman had been flirting with her.
That incident happened years ago, yet the derails are still
fresh in my mind-the screams, rhe blood, even how the
lesbians in charge of the retreat acted as if the victim had
brought the beating on herself, insisting co onlookers that it
was nothing co be concerned about. Thar night, the abuser
was allowed co stay at the camp because the whole thing was
deemed, as it so often is, a she said/she said situation.
The safety of our women-only space was violated-not by
a man, bur by another woman.
Relationship violence is nothing new, nor is its appearance
in the entertainment headlines (Tina Turner, Nicole Brown
Simpson, er al.), bur the issue led rhe news again earlier this
year when pop scars Rihanna and her longtime boyfriend,
Chris Brown, had a fight that resulted in serious injuries co
Rihanna and Brown's arrest.
I curve
Brown was charged with felony assault. Court documents
alleged-and photos that were bandied about the tabloids
and the blogosphere seemed co support the claim-that
Brown had beaten, punched, bitten and scratched Rihanna
while also threatening co kill her.
The incident led (ever so briefly) co a national discussion
about relationship violence, bur what chat discourse really
revealed was even more unsettling.
In 2009, we presume a post-feminist consciousness that
has ceased co blame women for the violence against them.
And yet, the Rihanna-Brown incident revealed that many
women and girls think the Grammy-winner deserved what
she got.
On an episode of Oprahdevoted co the issue, several girls
reiterated this position-it was Rihanna's fault, because she
allegedly started the argument char led co her bearing.
If blaming women for being beaten seems retrogressive,
chat's because it is. And yet, rhe prevailing perceptionamong women as well as men, according to many who work
in the domestic violence field-is char young women are
both more likely to be victims of relationship violence and
also more likely to excuse their perpetrator regardless of his,
or her,gender.
Roberta L. Hacker, executive director of Philadelphia's
Women in Transition-one
of che oldest
women's service agencies for abused women
and the first in the nation co offer a program
for battered lesbians-admits chat women
are in abusive relationships at younger ages,
and that young lesbians and bisexual women
are facing nearly as much violence as their
straight counterparts.
"We have been doing all these programs
with younger women;' she explains, "and it's
just shocking how many teens and women
in their 20s are dealing with abuse. For
some, it's all they have ever known in a
relationship. More stunning still is char it's
not just male-female violence. We're seeing
more and more abusive relationships among
lesbians and bisexual women. It's a very sad
Lesbian-lesbian violence is no more
anomalous than male-female violenceit just takes different forms, explains Lee
Carpenter, the former legal director at
Equality Advocates Pennsylvania and an
assistant professor at Temple University.
Carpenter handles domestic violence
cases and protection-from-abuse orders for
LGBT clients. She also gives workshops on
domestic violence, in which she discusses
how co combat the most common forms
of lesbian domestic violence: harassment,
outing and stalking.
A factor unique to LGBT domestic violence victims,
according to Carpenter, is a fear that revealing the abusive
nature of the relationship to the broader culture will confirm already existing stereotypes of queer relationships as
inherently pathological.
"We like co protect our own from outsiders;' asserts
Carpenter. "We don't want our dirty laundry aired in the
straight arena. We don't want to give them reasons co point
fingers at us. So we pretend it's all right, even when it isn'c:·
Carpenter emphasizes chat the perception char women
don't hurt one another, or that battering is solely a heterosexual
crime, adds dramatically co the isolation of lesbians who are
in violent relationships. This in turn makes it even harder
for chem co escape. Many lesbians already feel isolated from
their families or friends because their lesbianism is either a
secret or a source of contention, Carpenter asserts. Seeking
help is all the more difficult under chose circumstances.
Jessica Barnes was one of chose women. She did not feel
she could ask for help when her girlfriend, Sammy, started to
become abusive. (Names have been changed.)
"We met right after I started college;' Barnes explained. "I
just fell for her immediately. I was so in love. I thought her
jealousy was flattering-at li.rsc:'
Sammy was 20; Barnes, 18 years old.
"The first time she smacked me, I was really surprised,"
Barnes acknowledged. "She shoved me, then she smacked
me. Then she said she was sorry, put her arms around me and
kissed me. She didn't really hurt me, so I just let it go:•
One of the reasons Barnes said she "let it go" was because
she was the butch in the relationship and Sammy was the
"I thought it was kind of like with guys hitting girlsif the girl hits back it sort of doesn't count;' she explained.
"Except I never hie her or shoved her or anything:'
The abuse soon became habitual, according co Barnes.
"We would go out and she would accuse me of flirting with
ocher women when I wasn't. And then she would shove me
or hie me, or both. Ir became a really regular thing:'
Barnes said chat the two were living in a small college town
in New England, and char made it more difficulc for her co
imagine celling anyone about the abuse.
"I felt really alone. And I wondered if this was just the
way it was. I'd never been in a long-term relationship before.
So I thought, maybe this is what happens when lesbians are
One night, Sammy shoved Barnes so hard that she fell
over a chair and broke her wrist. She was in a cast for eight
"Suddenly I realized chat I really was in an abusive
relationship and I needed to get out," Barnes said. "I cold
her it was over. I changed the locks on my door. I changed my
cell number. I changed my email address. She wouldn't leave
me alone. I was scared for a long time. She sliced up the tires
on my bike. She put cat shit in my mailbox. She cold people
weird stuff about me that wasn't true. It was so painful. I still
loved her, but I was coo scared of her co be with her:•
Barnes' experience is far from singular. "There is acculturation about what domestic violence is supposed co look
like;• Carpenter explains. "It provides an easy our for the batterer: Tm not a man. You weren't abused: It's emotionally
crippling for the person being battered. It invalidates the
reality of her trauma."
"Lesbians in abusive relationships have a hard time reaching out, no matter their age, race or class scams;· Hacker adds.
"There are stresses on lesbian relationships that just are not
present in heterosexual relationships. Homophobia, isolation,
self-loathing, the feeling that you only have each other against
the outside world-all of these things can play a role in an
abusive relationship between two women. They also make it
chat much harder for women co seek help, or find ic:'
Despite the increasing awareness of relationship violence,
young women continute to fall prey to it. Abusive relationships among teens and young adulcs has skyrocketed by 40
percent in the past decade. While there are no clear statistics
on how many teens are in abusive relationships, the estimate
from public health officials is 10 percent. A 2007 Centers
for Disease Control survey of 15,000 teens confirmed char
10 percent had experienced physical violence at the hands
of a partner.
November 2009
I curve
In January, che New York Times detailed a series of
initiatives in high schools around the country co help alert
students and their parents co the warning signs of"dangerous daring behavior" and what actions are not acceptable
or healthy. Some schools are being mandated to teach about
abusive dating relationships in grades seven through 12, but
they only focus on male-female relationships.
In New York, teens in abusive relationships can file for
protection-from-abuse orders just like adults, bur through
family court rather than criminal court, in an expansion of
che domestic violence laws in the state. But new provisions
only apply in male-female relationships. A lesbian teen in
an abusive relationship with another teen would have no
women internalize homophobia to such a degree chat they
are literally trying to beat the queer out of their own partner.
Society is certainly to blame for homophobia, but we have to
hold batterers accountable:'
Carpenter adds chat for lesbians who split up after an
abusive relationship, lines are often drawn-literally-in
che community. "There are certain spaces chat lesbians may
have to eventually give to a partner, like community spaces,
because the community is so small:'
The advice for lesbians of any age who are being abused
is the same, say the experts and survivors alike: Seek help. Ir
is never OK for someone to shove, slap or hie you. It's never
OK for chem to isolate you from your friends or force you to
recourse for protection-even
if she had the courage to seek
it. Other states are considering adopting similar provisions,
but, once again, they are likely to neglect the inclusion of a
clause for LGBT teens.
Isolation is a primary issue for queers in abusive relationships-many are isolated already, simply because they are
queer. "I just didn't know where to curn;' Barnes explains.
"There were all these LGBT services on campus, but none
of them were for abuse:• Barnes said she finally confided in
a friend who told her chat she couldn't possibly be the one
who was abused because "I was the top. That just made it all
the harder:•
Dr. Jennifer Goldenberg is a clinical social worker who
specializes in trauma and has written on the subject. She said
that battered women are often convinced chat they deserve
the abuse chat they're getting.
"(The victim] comes co believe that she is the cause of the
abuse, chat if she just got the dinner on the cable faster, if che
house wasn't a mess, if whatever, if she had jumped when her
partner said Jump' she would have not gotten che abuse. So
she becomes convinced over time char it's her behavior that's
causing the abuse. Thar's not every abuse victim, bur it is a
pattern that we see in domestic violence situations:•
Hacker agrees: "There are so many things a barterer will
do to the person he or she is battering. The biggest problem
for lesbians being battered is acknowledging what's happening.
It's not in your head; it's not any different than if it [were] a
man doing chis co you, and you do need co leave chis abusive
person and gee help:'
Another factor, says Hacker, is even more sinister: "Many
have sex. Ir's never OK for chem to say abusive things co you
or threaten you with outing.
Hacker adds, "If there is one thing I have said repeatedly
to abused women over the years, it's to remember chat you
are valuable.Abusers cry co cake your identity, and for lesbians
who have struggled harder than most women to find their
own identity, chis is especially hard:'
Today, Barnes is in a new relationship. Bue she hasn't
forgotten what happened between her and Sammy.
"It really warped my view of lesbian relationships;' she
says."I was really afraid che first time I had an argument with
my new girlfriend, so I cold her about what happened with
Sammy. She cold me she would never hie me, no matter how
angry she was. Now I just have to learn to believe ic:•■
In many large cities, including San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, there are resources for
LGBT people who are being battered. And
national hotlines service rural, suburban and
metro areas. Both (800) 656-HOPE and (800)
799-SAFE are national abuse hotlines that
can either help immediately or direct you to
services in your area.
Three years ago I was-Anglophile that I am-combing through
British DVDs searching for my next favorite Brit-com, when I stumbled across SugarRush. I hadn't read Julie Burchill's young adult novel
on which the show is based but I did know it had lesbian characters, so
I was game. When the DVD finally arrived two weeks lacer,I popped
it in and in 30 seconds flat, was beyond hooked. Told through the
eyes of Kim, a closeted baby dyke in love with Sugar, her straight best
friend, SugarRush is a painfully hilarious trip back to those awkward
queer-teen years. It's a mix of the adolescent angst in My So-CalledLife
and the young queer love and family strife in SouthofNowhere-minus
any saccharine. Now, at long last, the series has finally managed to
jump the pond, airing on the premium queer channel here! TV. We
caught up with Olivia Hallinan (who plays Kim Daniels) and Lenora
Crichlow (Maria "Sugar" Sweet), to chat about what it means to be
part of the show, their amazing chemistry and why they are eager to
meet their all-new Yankee lesbian fan club.
Nowthat SugarRushis finallyairinghere,howare you
feelingaboutan American
gettingto seeit?
To be honest, ic still really hasn't sunk in.
Because it did really well (in Britain), we won an
Internacional Emmy, everyone said, "Ir's great, it's
great!" bur it'll never come over. So for this to have come
up is ... a real surprise and an absolute joy.
There is no show on American television
quire like it.
Whatinitiallyattractedyouto yourroles?
What really appealed to me was che sensitive way in which (Kim's) sexuality was dealt
with. She is coming co terms with the fact char
she might be gay and her lust for Sugar gradually
turns into something far stronger.
The delicious ladies of Sugar
Rush dish about the show's
U.S. debut. By Rachel SrA.t J
If I'm brutally honest, it was che face char it was called Sugar
Rush and the character I was going for was called Sugar. (Laughs)
To Kim, Sugar is the epitome of cool, and she opens (Kim's)
eyes to a world of rebellion while she is crying co escape from the dysfunction at home. The lust (Kim) has for her grows as their friendship
develops. I think Sugar accepts Kim for who she is, and vice versa.
For Sugar, she doesn't know what it is co have a friend like
Kim, who just loves her, regardless. You know, it makes perfect sense
to her that Kim fancies her, because everyone in her life seems to have
a use for her, or expects something from her.
(Lenora)was ajoy to work with. Ir was so important that we got on
and luckilywe did from day one!
I can't imagine Kim and Sugar not being friends off-set.
Howdidyourfamilyandyourfriendsreactto the more
Before the show a.ired, I was
a bit worried. People put the words
"schoolgirl" and "lesbian" together
and, inevitably, controversy arose.
Once the show ca.me out, that
completely died down. The
audience saw Kim for
who she was, and
realized, hopefully,
that homosexuality does not
need to be
seen as such
a hoc-button issue.
Crichlow:I suppose the premise of a young girl and her coming to
terms with her sexuality and all of chat, the lesbian thing, it does kind
of spark controversy and kind of prick [up] people's ears, I guess. And,
I think, in anticipation, there was a lot of hype on how raunchy and
risque it was going to be.
It was the realism that really struck a chord with people, both
in terms of teenage lifeand of Kim coming to terms with her sexuality.
Nod1ing was sensationalized, and everything happened for a reason.
My friends and family were really supportive, though it was not something I sat down and watched with my parents!
area prettyloyalfanbase.Howintenseis yourfanclub?
I still find it strange when people refer to me as a gay icon,
but it is so rewarding to know that my character helped people come
to terms with their sexuality, and that lesbians could watch something
that they could identify with so strongly.
Crichlow:Weve had huge support from the lesbian and gay community back home, which has been just fantasy-it's overwhelming,
really. Sugar Rush won a Stonewall Award in London, and Stonewall
is a political parry that campaigns for equal rights and has laws
changed ... on behalf of the gay community .... When we attended
that awards ceremony, it really kind of hit home on what Sugar Rush
meant to lots oflesbians. I think if it hadn't gone well and hadn't been
well-received by the lesbian community, we would've felt really bad.
They're a great family.
It's not stereotypical and it's not oversexualized and sexy. It
was just a story wid1 heart. It was just a young, fun, colorful rollercoaster ride of a show for anyone-anyone who's ever fancied a best
friend, same-sex or not, anyone who's ever had parents who are absolutely off-the-wall.
I get a huge amount ofletters from young teenagers-gay and
straight-saying the show helped d1em, and how much they could
relate to the characters. A lot of people mention my on-screen family. I
think people found it refreshing to see a bit of dysfunction within the
family dynamic. No family is perfect.
Kimis a lesbianandSugaris a bit of a Sapphic
Is thereanyone
youtwowouldtakethelesbianleapforin reallife?
Right now, my head is so much in the work mode I don't even
have any guys I would take the heterosexual leap for. (Laughs] For me,
women are just beautiful. I have so many strong women in my life, and
I kind of see strong women as very attractive.
gotto wearsomeprettyfiercegear.Didyouhaveany
didgetto keepanyof it?
Hallinan: By season two, Kim is a lot more confident and out and
proud, which shows in her wardrobe. And, yes, I kept quite a few
things-perk of the job. That didn't appeal to Lenora so much, as she
wouldn't be seen dead in some of the outfits Sugar turns up in.
1l1e second (season] I have this one coat, it's like this burntred fake-furry-oh, it's just gross. I wanted to burn it in a ritual on
behalf of fashion .... Apart from that coat-that one, hideous, hideous
coat-the rest of it was actually quite fun.
Willwe seea reunion?
Crichlow:I would love to work with all of them again.
Hallinan:It was a shame we didn't do a third season. That didn't go
down too well with the fans of the show, and petitions have been
written to get one made. A movie? Now that's a great idea! ■
The Cagney & Lacey icon on her first lesbian role, encountering Helen
Mirren and that ugly wig she wore on QueerAs Folk. By Jennifer Parello
Sharon Gless, who played Christine Cagney on the groundbreaking
TV series Cagney & Lacey,has finally taken her first starring role as
a lesbian. In the smash festival hit Hannah Free,a film about a lifelong
love affair between two women, Gless plays Hannah, an adventurous, unapologetic lesbian who has never stopped longing for her first
love, Rachel. The film, based on a play by award-winning playwright
Claudia Allen, reveals how the women maintained their love through
decades of infidelity, family strife and long-distance yearning.
AreyouandTyneDaly,yourco-starin Cagney
& Lacey,stillfriends?
Yes, we're great friends. Sweat makes great cement. And we sweated
together for six years and just bonded.
Cagney& Laceyreunionshows?
Leslie Moonves [the president of CBS) killed chat franchise. He hated
Cagney& Lacey. He said, "Cagney& Lacey is just a fluke."He buried
our show. He was the new president of CBS and he got to kill whatever he wanted.
Evenafterthe hugesuccess
ofthe reunion
The first [reunion show) was the highest-rated show of the year of
all four networks. Barney (Rosenzweig, the executive producer of
Cagney& Lacey and Gless' husband) suggested to Leslie chat we do
two reunion shows a year for fiveyears. Watch chem age,just like cops
do ... until done day one of chem doesn't show up. And I said, "I have
the ending for chat. Cagney eats her own gun. Because she couldn't
grow. They weren't respecting her:' Bue Leslie wasn't interested.
Areyoua fan of PrimeSuspecf!
You know, Lynda La Plante wrote chat. She did it as an homage to
Cagney& Lacey.She cold me chat.
In the final episodeof PrimeSuspect,HelenMirren'scharacter,
andretiresfromthe policeforce.Did
They stole Cagney in chat one. And Helen Mirren was furious. Furious
chat they did chat. All of a sudden making her an alcoholic. It was
bullshit. She said, "I become an alcoholic overnight?"
We're not social friends, but we've met. When she won her first Emmy
(for Prime Suspect]in America, the very first person in her acceptance
speech was, "Thank you Cagney& Lacey."And then, I was at a cheater
in New York and someone cold me chat Helen Mirren was there. So
I waited ... for her in the lobby and I said,"Helen, I'm Sharon Gless:'
Helen Mirren got down on her knees ... and did (a worshipping gesture). I said, "Jesus, get up. I've got a great idea. We'll do an extradition
thing. (Cagney and Lacey] will come from New York to work with
Scotland Yard co bring someone back (co the States). And she said,
"No, no, no. I will come to New York:' We both wanted a trip to the
other country. We never did it.
of England,
of Stephen
King'sMiseryin London's
Ir was afrer the movie (version came
out). Kathy Bates brilliantly-and I
repeat, brilliantly-created the character [in the movie).
Howdo youtake a characterthat is so
largein the culturalconsciousness
makeit yourown?
The play was exactly like the book. The
movie was soft. (They) took our a lot
of rough stuff chat was in the book. For example, the famous hobbling
scene, where she breaks the writer's ankles. In rhe book, Stephen King
wrote that she amputates [the writer's foot], and we amputated on
stage and used a blowtorch to cauterize it, so it wouldn't get infected.
The play was very,very sick.... It was very fun co do.
to TVandfilmacting?
I prefer film, because chat's how I scarred out. I started in television. I
was a secretary (before] I became an actress.
Wereyoua sexysecretary
in reallife?
I don't chink I ever was sexy.Sexy is in the eye of the beholder-in the
groin of the beholder. (Laughs)
In hisnewautobiography,
Piecesof MyHeart,hespeaksveryhighlyofyou.
I love him. Oh, I adore him. He taught me so much. He was the most
seIBessactor I ever worked with. I was young and I was about to be
fired from Universal ... and I auditioned for his series and I got the part.
The producer didn't want me, but he did. (Robert] said, "You know,
now you have a series of your own, stop doing guest spots. Stop doing
ocher people's shows:•I did what he cold me, and I went on co do my
own series. And this is what a good friend he was co me. I did a series
called The Trials of RosieO'Neill.Ir was our second year and we were
in trouble. We needed ... co boost our numbers. Barney invited Robert
Wagner [to do a guest spot]. I said, "He's nor going to do it. Ic's not his
own show:· Bur he came and did it for me.
Youdon'thavechildren.Butyou'vetakenon a roles-in Queeras Folk
I never wanted to play mothers. I decided early on I didn't want co
play"mocher of the cripple:•In TV movies it's always the long-suffering
mother. I did chat once. I was Helen Hunt's mother. And it was just
boring. Bur then I was offered Debbie Novotny (on Queer As Folk].
And I loved Debbie Novotny and I went afrer it. I called Showtime
and I said, "I want that one:•
Evenaftertheytoldyouyou'dhaveto wearthecrazywig?
It was my idea! They wanted me to keep my own sun-streaked hair. I
said, "I look like Chris Cagney gone bad. It's not my finest hour physically,and let me just reinvent mysel£' And they did. I wanted co change
the wig everyday.Pink. Green. Purple. She was outrageous ... so she'd love
all the rainbow colors. But they had made me pick one, so I picked red.
Thatwasyourfirstroleona gayTVshow.Butbeforethat,Christine
becamea lesbianicon.I guessjustbecause
youwerethestrongNovember 2009
I was the strong, single one. She was a complicated character. I say this
humbly, because I didn't write it, but I firmly believe that Christine
Cagney was the finest female character written for television. Totally
fucked up. A hero with feet of clay. She was always drinking. [In season five, Barney] had a meeting with the writers and discussed the
whole year's arc. He said, "I only have one note. The last line of the
last episode of this year has to be: 'My name is Christine and I'm an
alcoholic: You guys get there however you want to get there:•
wasa lesbianiconandDebbiea beloved
HannahFreeis yourfirstroleas a lesbian.
Yes. Well, two days before I came here, Ed Harris made a movie. It
was just two days' work. I played a wheelchair-bound aging lesbian in
a trailer park-is chat weird?
So,you'reofficiallyin yourlesbianyears.We'vebeenwaiting.
I'm in my lesbian years! Thank you.
Let'stalk aboutHannahFree.It's writtenby lesbianplaywrightClaudia
Allen.Youappearedin oneof herplaysat Chicago"s
I did, in Deed of Trust. Tyne and I did it for the radio. Claudia, in 2000,
wrote a script called Cahoots.And she cold me she wrote it for me. So
I came and did it.
Now,in HannahFree,whichis basedonClaudia'splay,youare Hannah,
a free-spirited
to playa real lesbian.I
knowyou'vebeendyingall theseyearsto playa lesbian.
Yes, I have! I've always wanted to play a lesbian. I used to suggest it to
network heads. I just always thought it was a role I should play.
Howdidyouprepareto playa lesbian.Methodacting?Didyougooutand
findsomegirlsto kiss?
Everyone thinks I'm a lesbian anyway, so I just showed up. [Laughs]
ona shoestringbudget.Whatwas it likeworkingona smallindependent
What I was so impressed with was
that no one was here to get rich. It
was all done for love. Thirty percent
of this crew was here volunteering.
And I love the character of Hannah.
I've never, ever played a role like chis.
I've never played this age. They aged me a little. My husband said,
"Why do they have to age you? You arean old woman:'
I've played some wonderful characters, but I've never played a
woman, who ... [yes]she's in love with and longing for another woman,
but it's really about heart.
hasbeenin lovewithanother
womanall herlife.
Exacdy. And she's dying. She hasn't seen her in seven, eight months.
They won't let her in the room. I think it's very timely with Proposition
8-Hannah has no rights. Rachel's daughter [played by Taylor Miller,
All My Children'sNina Cortlandt] won't let Hannah say goodbye. It's
all done in flashbacks, which is really neat. It's not just the two of
us in a nursing home. You get to see us grow. Rachel has done the
conventional thing. She marries. She has children. But she has always
longed for Hannah. Hannah doesn't give a shit. She travels extensively
and sleeps with other women. [But] no matter where in the world she
travels she keeps being pulled back to Rachel. It's a wonderful story. I
start crying just talking about it. But it's very funny, too.
Well,SharonGless,we'rehappythatyou'refinallya lesbian.
Me too. [Laughs] Me too. ■
coupleat the centerof a featurefilm.
theyoungerversionsof themdoingthat."
Freetoucheson issueslike gay
interestto mewhenI wroteshortstoriesor
the rightswe haveoverourspouse's
screenplays,"Carltonsays."Andfor women
andlesbians,we don'tseeolderwomenbe
tookgreatcarenotto overpoliticize
it manages
to showthe humansideof these
withoutstandingona soapbox.
"I thinklessis morein termsof probably
for BestFeatureat Philadelphia's
of agerangeor
a boldstepbyallowingaudiences
to seethe
Carltonsays."I still wanted,overall,the
startof the couple'sloveaffair,whentheywere film to beseenuniversally,
bya lot of people,
notjust queerpeople-straightpeople,tooadultyearsandintooldage.Thewomen'slives andnotgotoofar withsexualscenes,sothat
togetherareshownmainlythroughflashbacks peoplewhoarehomophobic,
or afraidof it, or
Thefilm HannahFree,directedbyWendyJo
whilebothwomenarein the samenursing
aren'tgoingto wincetoo much."
home,butarebeingkeptapartby Rachel's
in itsdepiction
thestoryof a lifelongloveaffairbetweenHannah disapproving
ofa classical
a fiercelyindependent
"I felt I reallyneededto taketheopportunity dykeandhermorefemmepartner.
It is bothmoving
an introverted
to havea couplesceneswherein flashback
andfunny,thanksin largepartto Gless,
andwill be
Allen,whowrotethe they'rekissing,in flashbackshe'sfondling
originalplaythefilm wasadaptedfrom,have
brokennewgroundby puttingan aginglesbian explains."[But]It isn'tjust thethirtysomethings, [ArielMessman-Rucker]
We head to Nashville in search of lesbians in the country music scene. By Stephanie Schroeder
Dreams of country music stardom have more than a handful of
lesbians chasing audiences, playing gigs in every nook and cranny of
the country and world, holding down day jobs or living an itinerant life
and generally doing whatever it cakes to achieve a modicum of success
in and out of Nashville-only these gals are doing it lesbo style.
While some say chat k.d. lang is responsible for the growing number
of lesbian country music fans, London-based writer and artist Rosa
Ainley, who, along with coauthor Sarah Cooper, wrote the 1994 essay
"She Thinks I Still Care: Lesbians and Country Music;' posits the idea
chat lesbians have always listened to country-even iflang did help to
spark the community's collective interest in the genre.
"Counrcy-westernmusic outsold allocher forms of music in the Western
world during the 1990s;•saysAinley."1l1atsays something about the broad
audience for the genre'.'Ainley declares chat k.d. lang's foray into cow1rcy
was more about theatrics than a desire for country music stardom.
And lang doesn't disagree-completely. "Certainly for me it was
about the theatrics, the performance, bur I also approached it with an
emotional integrity chat doesn't exist in ocher types of music;• says lang.
"Country music to me is more guttural, or blue collar, in appearance and
emotion, and chat pleased me as a singer:• Lang says char country is
one of her favorite musical genres and that fans can definitely expect
another country album from her.
Though lang may have influenced some crossover fans, few, if any,
queer women who are on the country scene today are as popular as
lesbian icons Shelby Lynne and Terri Clark. Who knows if either is
queer, bur both certainly have a large lesbian following. Lynne's Just a
Little Lovin' tour, a tribute to Dusty Springfield, has only fueled interest
in her and speculation about her sexuality among queer women.
Making it in Nashville is no easy cask for anyone, and it's been even
harder for the few lesbian artists who've eked out a place for themselves
on the country scene. One of tl1eseis singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier,
who has been working in Nashville since 2001 and has toured with Willie
Nelson, John Prine, Cowboy Jw1kies and Nanci Griffith, among otl1ers,
and was one of the first our lesbians to play tl1e Grand Ole Opry. But
Gauthier insists char for her, it's more about the music than her sexuality.
I'm working on being the greatest artist I can be. As a songwriter
and storyteller I play to a primarily heterosexual audience ... but I don't
care because I enjoy the opportunity. My songs are about the human
condition, not the gay human condition;• says Gauthier.
Jen Foster is an out singer-songwriter who rakes a different tack.
Her first album, The Underdogs,
came out in 2006 and, she says, uses
the everpresent heartbreak and rejection of the country genre to rap
into an expression of the turmoil of coming out in the '80s. Foster,
who performed at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival chis year,
has garnered a faithful lesbian fanbase, partly due to rhe viral
spread of her song "I Didn't Just Kiss Her," which was a send-up
of Kacy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl." Her newest album, Thiry-Nine,
was released chis year.
Still, other our artists have moved away from the country scene in order
to find their niche. Kristen Hall, of Sugarland fame, says char she moved ro
Nashville to write country songs, bur instead has found that she feels more
comfortable in the indie-folk scene.
"When I moved to Nashville, I rook my personal freedom for granted,
being our as a lesbian in Atlanta for 24 years and working for Amy and
Emily (Ray and Saliers, respectively-the Indigo Girls]. Bur here in
Nashville I am very shaken and saddened by how many musicians are in
the closet and how many are floundering;' says Hall.
And there are other lesbian musicians, like Texas Hall-of-Farner
Gretchen Phillips, whose output crosses genres: The lines blur between
country, alt country, Americana, and folk; between bluegrass, rockabilly
and country kitsch.
Moanin' Michelle Malone, another example of a successful genrecrosser, has been touring for over a decade and logs about 200 days a year
on the road. Her newest album, Debris,is a mix of belt-it-our blues,jazzy
rock anthems and rockabilly-alt country train and pain songs. 'Tm a rock
chick with an edge;' says the Atlanta-born-and-bred songstress. "Debrishas
a little bit of everything-instead of a story, there are a lot of little stories
that fit together and give a glimpse into a day in the life:'
Thrown into chis mix are Kentucky-born, indie-Americana singer
Ashleigh Flynn, a self-described late bloomer with four CDs under
her belt. "I have a song called 'Chokecherry' inspired by Belovedby Toni
Morrison. Since I'm from in and around Kentucky, the stories of the South
inform my songwriting as does the impact of racism;' says Flynn.
And no discussion of queer country music would be complete without
a mention of Woody Simmons, a fixture in the bluegrass-rockabilly scene
since the mid 1970s. and Emmylou Harris, whose album Red Dirt Girl
was truly LG BT-inspired. Harris has been quoted as saying,"What really
rook it over the edge for me was on a night off in New Orleans we went to
see Boys Don't Cry. It unnerved me, not only because of the violence and
homophobia, bur also because of the underlying theme of how trapped
those young people were. We all come into this world with so much potential and so many dreams:• Current Nashville-area singers Amelia White and
Ann McCue, who toured and have an album with multiple Grammy Awardwinner and country cult favorite Lucinda Williams, deserve credit as well.
For a different rake on country, J. Byrd and the Tater Trio are a
contemporary group playing classic country fronted by Jeanette "J. Byrd"
Hosch, a hefry butch with short gray hair and a delicate voice that makes
Dolly Parton's u!trafeminine drawl sound like a jackhammer.
Then there are the outrageous Mighty Slim Pick.ins,whose eclectic"wharthe-fuckabilly" sound confounds fans and transgresses all musical genres and
gender stereotypes. Fronted by Dinette "Nettie" Hammar and Leigh Crowe,
the Mighty Slim Pick.ins'act is an homage to classic country duos such as
Dolly Parron and Porter Wagoner, Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash, and
George Jones and Tammy Wynerte: men with big voices and women with
bigger hair.
"Serious classiccountry music fans are often in the LGBT community, but
seen as the larch-key kids of the community;' says 2005 Outmusic Awardwinner Kitty Rose. As an artist putting our music in the tradition of classic
country acts like Loretta Lynn, Rose works small-town country fairs as well as
g_ large concert venues, and even Olivia cruises.This varietygivesher insight into
ffi how vastly different crowds can connect to country."I work county fairs where
~ the crowd would be offended by all char;'she says."Bur I also play San Francisco
~ and L.A., and I can throw out all the innuendo I want, and they get it:' ■
breakingintothe male-dominated
fieldof musicproduction.
with whatyouhaveto workwith.Listento all differentgenresof music."
It alsohelpsthat the LosAngeles-based
musicianis an incredibly
Beforetouringthe worldwith several
the SoandSo's,in herhomestateof Massachusetts,
successas a soloperformer.
Tooheyis currentlygainingattentionasthe guitaristfor the band
but it is herproduction
workfor artistssuchas Rachael
CantuandVivekShrayathat makesher standout from the singersongwritercrowd.
WithToohey'ssuccesson bothsidesof the glassin the recording
studio,it wassurprisingto discoverthat hereducationat the Berklee
Collegeof Musicfocusedon songwritingandvoice,ratherthanguitar
Tooheywasoftenaskedto playfor recordingsessionsin the Music
therewereso manyvirtuosicguitaristshoningtheirchops
there,I wouldtendto putdowna few simpleparts,"sheexplains.It
wasduringthosesessionsthat shelearnedaboutgear,the recording
processandthe importance
of "lessis more"arrangements.
Butherlessis moreexperience
"I've been
messingaroundwith a four-trackrecordersinceI wasa kid,so I
of howto workwith EQs,levelsandeffects
earlyon,"shesays.Armedwith herrecorderanda cheapmicrophone,
Tooheywouldlayerherselfplayingan out-of-tunepianoanddrumming
on potsandpansto createmixtapesfor friends.It's nosurprisethat
shecitesthe Beatlesas an influence,marvellingat theirabilityto create
suchamazingsoundswith so few tracks.
Shemayhavean affinityfor old-schoolsimplicity,but it is modern
that hasadvanced
Toohey'scareeras a recordproducer.
Aftereasilyrecordingandemailingall herguitarpartsfor theWeepies'
albumsfrom home,TooheyrealizedshecouldproduceCanadian
LosAngelesto Toronto.
"Anartistusuallybringsmea songandI try outdifferentarrangements
wegetit right,"sheexplains
"I either
try andenhance
or I createa soundforthem
Inadditionto producing,
sheis alsoscoringmusic
for film andTV,andis workingon anotherreleaseof
herownmusic."I'm also
to starta band
BoyShortsthat onlyplays
coversandwill dominatethe
B. Ruby Rich on queer cinema today. By John Esther
L Word, television cook over the role of mainstreaming LGBT culture and issues, or at least its "entertainment" version ... to the masses.
Technology, meanwhile, broadened the scope of LGBT representations in all the right ways, making access available to huge populations
not previously represented. And the legal fights, from the military
to the chapel, have of course appeared, too-though never with the
centrality they occupy in the political arena. Finally, leverage. When
Brokeback Mountain and Milk can make it to the Oscars, times truly
have changed and the rules of the game have switched up.
Withthe increase
in imagesof the LGBT WillProp.8 figureintonear-future
whatare It's likely, but as other states move ahead-Iowa, Vermont-the
foibles of California may not remain of central interest ... except for
Today, we are in a very different moment from the past. It is not a time those of us who live here. But I'm not sure how filmic it is. [But] if
of scarcity,when there were no LGBT images around. Nor is it a time of someone would like to make a documentary on the dueling camcoherent mobilization, as in the first rush to civil rights documentaries paigns ... that will be instructive on how to win the next war of
or film festival establishment. Nor is it a time of explosive discovery, as advertising, I'm there.
in the New Queer Cinema of the '90s. We have shifted into a time when Whatdo youtellyoungwomenwhovocally
the subject matter is negotiable or bankable, marketable or nor.
Well, I'm more concerned with patriarchal cinema supporting young
If filmfestivals,
at leastthebiggeronesin thebiggercities,includeLGBT women. I find it's best not to worry coo much about that, nor to overfilm,whatpointis thereto Outfestor otherLGBTfilmfestivals?
emphasize it. I'm about to travel up to Willamette University to show
TI1e LGBT festivals are the only ones that need to justify themselves and discuss Jamie Babbie'sItty Bitty Titty Committee, which I'd recomevery year, in addition to putting on their events. Frankly, it's unfair. mended to the professor there. She jumped at the chance, saying that
TI1ere have been several issues of the academic journal GLQ focused the film will totally resonate for her students.
on what the LGBT film festivals actually represent. They are not, Whileit goeswidelyunnoticed,
AraratandWherethe TruthLies.
frankly, about bringing films or videos to market. They are indeed in suchfilmsas Exotica,
about shaping community, providing an immediate feedback loop on I love Acorn's films. He has always complicated sexuality and desire,
important issues and, of course, dating opportunities.
and I hope he keeps on doing it. He is just an inventive and totally 15
unafraid heterosexual. More people should see his films. Don't forget ~
TI1ere are four things: television, technology, legality and leverage. The Adjuster, either, or The Sweet Hereafter.
Television took up much of the work performed by earlier LGBT
Whatdoyouthinkof thefilmsof JenniOlson?
film- and video-makers. From the coming-out season on Ellen to the Her turn to filmmaking is... great, full of meaning and aesthetic ~
daring of Queer as Folk, from the breakthrough acceptance of Queer pleasure. And she's been smart enough to collaborate with Sophie wa:
Eye for the Straight Guy and Will & Grace co the long run of The
Constantinou, a great cinematographer, to achieve that look. ■
Few current thinkers have addressed
issues around the representation of
lesbians for as long, or as hard, as B.
Ruby Rich. She's a pioneer in feminist,
gender and LGBT studies, a tenured
professor at UC Santa Cruz, and her
efforts to name the unnameable have
entered the canon of cinema studies.
TVLand'shit realityseriesShe'sGot
for modelsover
35, introduced
the worldto funky,
leadsingerof WhoButShe.
domestic violencesurvivor.
Youwerein an abusivemarriage
for 10 years,howdidthat affect
I gotthe strengthto walk awaybe52 / curve
causethe verbalabusewasturning
intophysicalabuse.Anyonethat has
to makea changein their life that's
so drastic,theyreallyhaveto do it
ontheirown.Andthat's exactly
whatI did.
Youcameoutof that andoutof
the closetall at once.
Yeah.I'm muchhappier.Going
throughall of that,it reallymademe
a strongerperson,andin futurerelationships
I knowmorewhatI want.
I won'tfall intothe samesituation
againwith a woman,because
samethingcanhappenwith another
You'veseenuglinessin yourlife,
butwhat'sthe mostbeautiful
Seeingmyselfin mychildren.That's
completelyon a differentlevel
yourselfin themis, like,the greatest
thingon earth.[DianeAndersonMinshall)
Chef Heather West heats up Hell's Kitchen. By Kristin A Smith
her Make-A-Wish desire."! said, J\re you sure
you don't want to meet Justin Timberlake?
I'd want co meet Justin Timberlake: " But
for many girls and women, West's success is
inspiring. "When people would ask for my
autograph, I'd think, Tm just a tool. I'm not a
Bearle;" she says.
Parr of her fame stems from being the first
openly lesbian winner of a reality TV show.
West didn't make her sexuality a key part of
the show, bur she was our co fellow contestants
and staff. "When they asked if I was a lesbian,
I said yes, but being a lesbian is only about 10
percent of who I am. This is a cooking show,
not a dating show:•
Bur West's sexuality did impact the showat least her own experience of it. While filming,
she says she "fell madly in love with a girl on
the show. Head over heels:•
The girl was fellow contestant Rachel
Brown, who was eliminated midway through
season two. West brought her back to work
on her kitchen staff for the final contest, and
In many ways, Heather West has been
the final episode is filled with a lot of hugging
training to win Hell's Kitchen her whole life.
between the two. "She kissed me at the season
At 4, she learned to bake. Ac 13, she worked
finale, bur I found our later that she had
a in restaurant. And at 19, when her mother
someone:• That didn't diminish their bond.
was diagnosed with cancer, West used cookShe says they had talked about spending their
ing as a way to help her family cope.
lives together.
'Td play MacGyver in the kitchen. I'd have
Tragically, West's connection with Brown
eight things of ketchup and a pickle and I'd
was severed when Brown committed suicide
figure our a meal for my mom. I just wanted
in 2007. "I still don't know why she killed
her to be happy:• Making people happy with
herself;' says West. "She didn't even make it a
her culinary gift is West's favorite way of
year after the show ended. Ir's been very hard.
interacting with the world-she's in
I have a lot of regrets about it. I
charge and loving it.
didn't fight for her the way that I
BEYOUROWNCHEF waitingfor youbeforemovingon. should. We had an intense conShe admits chat sometimes she
It evenincludesa shopping
can be a licrle too in charge, falling
nection and I miss her every day:'
Inspiredby Hell'sKitchenandTop to helpgetyourpantrystocked.
into the classic role of the screaming
For West, the last two years have
gottheanswer. Don'thavea DS?Nintendo
Trainer: bundledthisgameintoa sweet
che£ bur rhar's just part of cooking
been starkly juxtaposed between
packagewitha GreenDSLite
in the five-star world. "I think I'm
enjoying her successful career and
a snazzycarryingcase,so
actually really quire nice;• says West.
coping with her personal loss. But
A coworker gives her a sideways
in the same way char, as a teenfromcategories
thingwithyouto thegrocery
glare. "What? I am. I'm just feisty:'
andnumberof store.($140for thebundlepack, ager, she made her mother happy
Perhaps her feisty nature is part
through cooking, West is continuthrougheachstepof the245of the reason the Hell's Kitchen staff
ing to cook through this phase ii:
plusrecipes,givingyoua helping
chose West over the other young,
of her life. 'Tm good at making
up-and-coming chefs jockeying for
things taste good;' she says."That's ~"'
a position on the show. Or perhaps
what I do:' ■
it was because, at age 25, West was already
an executive sous chef at an elite Hamptons
restaurant. Add to it that she is a woman in a
male-dominated industry, and a fierce lesbian,
and it's no wonder West was chosen.
In fact, Gordon Ramsay, the host of the
show, chose her twice-once as a contestant
on season two and more recenrly as a staff
member for season six. "Gordon always says
char I'm just like him;• says West.
Ramsay is known for his predictably
unpredictable behavior, often screaming and
occasionally walking off the show in disgust.
"I think [we're similar) because I'm a hard
worker. I hope it's because of the hard working and not the screaming;' she jokes.
Her hard work on Hell's Kitchen paid off.
"When I opened the door and saw char I had
won, I couldn't breathe. I fell down the stairs.
My father was crying -hysterically. Everyone
was crying. Ir was definitely a moment:'
Thar moment changed West's life. As her
prize, she was given a one-year contract as
senior chef of Terra Rossa at the Red Rock
Casino in Las Vegas. West says the experience was both exciting and surreal. "They just
dropped me in Vegas and gave me a lot of
money. What did they think I'd do with it? I
love blinking lights;• she says, laughing.
West was thrown into the limelight in a
way she had never experienced before. "People
would come from all over co get my autograph
and I'd wonder why they were here:•
One young girl even chose meeting West as
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REVIEWSMusic Watch
Groovethe Ni ht Awa
Danceable tunes to suit every taste. By Margaret Coble
inclinedto dismissNative
a LumbeeIndiansinger-songwriterwhoseCDAmerican
(it offered10 traditional
in a differentNativeAmerican
hera Grammy
"Stairwayto Heaven"made
herthefirst NativeAmerican
womanto landon Billboards
dancechart.Noneof which
youfor Mashonee's
in Love."Knowing
that she
icingonthe cake.(missmollyrecords.com)
* UrbanIndian[noun]:"Being
anUrbanIndianis to walkin
bothworldsbut not comproriise myculturalidentity I
cannotignorewhoI am and
whrre I camefrom.I am
proudthat I canmaintainmy
in today'sworld."
- Mashonee
to GayAgenda
Whether you're bitting a mainstream, gay or underground dance club, tunes from The Black Eyed Peas,
Lierle Boors or Woolfy are sure to be blasting from
the speakers, drawing you our onto the dance floor.
I aon't genera11y
expect very much
beyond a good beat from Obercommercialgroups like this, so I'm
actually pleasantlysurprised that I
enjoy this as much as I do.
By now,
rhe California supergroup's latest album is probably
ubiquitous on rhe radio and in clubs, led by rbe
infectiously blippy "Boom Boom Pow;' bur there's
still plenty more to discover on this fun 15-cut
disc. From clubby cuts like "Rock Thar Body;' with
its clever sample of Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock's "It
Takes Two" and French disco-house grooves, to the
Bow Wow Wow "I Want Candy" sample in "Electric
Ciry;' with its drum-and-bass feel, BEP is all over rbe
musical map on this one. And while several songs
offer disappointingly vapid lyrics about topics like
booty calls ("Ring-a-Ling"), the merits of fast-lane
life ("Party All the Time") and instant gratification
("Now Generation"), there are also feel-good reggaeringed anthems like "One Tribe" and inoffensive geedowns like "Rockin to rl1e Bear;' my personal fave. I
don't generally expect very much beyond a good bear
from iiber-commercial groups like this, so I'm actually
pleasantly surprised char I eajoy chis as much as I do.
Victoria Hesketh,
aka Lierle Boors, is one of the most buzzed-about
U.K. pop stars of the year, having first captured our
attention as a member of the Leeds-based indie
dance-punk outfit Dead Disco. Her new solo work is
more synthesizer-focused electro-pop, though often
referred to as futuristic disco, drawing comparisons
to Lady GaGa. This debut five-song EP offers a solid
intro to her slick remix-ready sound, which seems
like a no-brainer for dance clubs, gay and straight
alike. The glam-pop "New in Town" is the lead single
and video, while "Stuck on Repeat" gets my vote for
most memorable cur, with its Giorgio Moroder-
like beat and soaring melody. "Not Now"
is a U.S.-exclusive release, "Magical" is
a rare B-side previously only released
on a limited, seven-inch vinyl single in
che United Kingdom and the Freddie
Mercury cover "Love Kills" rounds it our.
Keep an ear out for her full-length debut,
Hands, coming soon. (littlebootsmusic.co.uk)
If YouKnow What'sGoodfor Ya!,Woolfy
You're likely co hear Simon
"Woolfy" James' grooves only if you're at a
seriously hip or eclectic club, but consider
yourselflucky if you do. If you haven't been
so lucky, you should check him our, because
his is a smart amalgam of styles and sounds
char resulcs in deep, body-moving bliss.
Bits of funk, pop, dirty disco, deep house,
rare groove and new wave all simmer
together co form a really danceableand listenable-mix.
The opening "The
Warehouse" secs a funky midcempo pace,
while "Oh Missy" gets down and dirty,
with its jangly guitars, disco-ish beat and
vocal hooks. "That Lady;' with its bassslaps, handclaps, cowbell and"She's Tasty"
vocal chants, are my personal picks.
La Roux
Thank che United Kingdom for chis year's
hottest electro-chick, the gender-bending,
Tilda Swinton-esque La Roux. Known to
her mum as Elly Jackson, chis 21-year-old is
armed with a fiery coif and a sizzling sound.
Club hoppers, get ready for some spin with
substance because La Roux's self-citied debut
will make you dance hard and cry harder.
Lily was struggling for ticket sales in the
U.K., so she asked us co open co help her sell
our. (Laughs] Kidding, Lily! The tour was
great. Luckily, the reactions were all good.
Lily has become a good friend and someone
I can turn co when I need a bit of advice.
Yoursingle"In for the Kill"hasreallyblown
up. Howare youtakingthis seemingly
I nearly shat myself when I heard the
midweek chart position. In some ways, this
It'sAll True!
Oneof thefreshest
in a classic
bad-girl thisdebutdisccallsto
style,despitetherather mindthevocalplayof
pinuppixon ErykahBadu,Jill Scott
The andevenBillieHoliday.
a lusty,sassydittythat andpositive,
showsoff Lenz'svocal to the pointof overkill,
chops,while"Zombie andseveralsongs
forYourLove"is a little ventureintodownright
moretongue-in-cheek, ethereal
withB-movieimagery. "MyGarden").
It-All"is a fave,and
there'sevena twangy amplebeatsandhooks
countryballad,"I Break to makesureyouwon't
forgetit anytimesoon.
a HeartEveryNight."
is far from overnight because me and Ben
(Langmaid, co-producer and co-writer] have
been working on this for over five years. Bue
in reality, yes, it has been a bit sudden. The
week before "In for the Kill" came out, we
would have been happy with one week at
No. 40. So for it co spend four weeks at
No. 2 and still be in the Top 20 chis week,
four months later, is surreal.
Someone heard me playing the guitar at a
New Year's Eve party five years ago and cold
me I should work with
their friend. That guy
was Ben. What an
introduction chat
turned our to be.
Pretty soon we were
hanging our and writing
together. Initially, the
songs were acousticbased, until one day I
had a eureka moment
listening co"New Life"
NervousbutExcited AmyBleu
album-100 percent whereinthemiddle
theirmostambitious. Hervoiceis mesmerizing,though,andher
Lyndell soundrecallsanother
andKatie soft-spoken
it togetherin a way
A shiningexample
theirmasteryof melody, Gable,"
andheartfor everyone,
by Depeche Mode. That's what I wanted
our music co sound like. Ben was thrilled
when I cold him the next day. The '80s were
his favorite era, coo.
Someof yoursongsareprettyemotional,
All of the songs [on the album] are about
one person, one relationship. I don't wane co
be any more specific because I want people
co read into the lyrics what they see fit, nor
have it ruined by me defining it for chem.
"Cover My Eyes" is the one song we haven't
played live, because I'm nor
sure I can sing it without
crying. I cried when we
recorded it for the first time
and I'm sure it will happen
again sometime.
to identify
I like the mystery of
androgyny. [Briana
November 2009
REVIEWSIn The Stacks
A memoir and 19 erotic shorts get us going. By Rachel Pepper
so exciting:'" Is it the grit, the summer heat, the
anonymous nature of some encounters or the stean1y
back rooms at sex clubs packed with scantily dad
women:' The stories, many by unknown or up-andMeanLittledeafQueer,TerryGalloway
(BeaconPress): coming authors, use all varieties of urban locales as
When Terry Galloway was 9 years old, she started a backdrop, including taxicabs, back alleys and bars,
losing her hearing. When she was finally diagnosed, with bartenders featured as a little more eager for a
the cause was found to be a toxic antibiotic that her workplace romp than most I've known.
mother took while she was pregnant. Unfortunately,
As with any collection, there are some pieces chat
LethalAffairs,KimBaldwin the deafness was irreversible, so Galloway learned to shine brighter than others-Charlotte
Dare's "The
andXeniaAlexiou cope. American Sign Language was not the normative Critic;' Lisabet Sarai's "Rush Hour" and Roxy Kacr's
(BoldStrokesBooks): path to expression then, so Galloway was encouraged "The City Pony" are admirable, and pieces by erotic
to read lips, endure rather primitive hearing aids writers Rachel Kramer Busse! and Crystal Barela
andmultiple and attend camps alongside children more severely help anchor the anthology.
However, as editor, King might have suggested
to make disabled than hersel£
alternatives to the over abundance of similarthisbooka grippingpageturner.Theeliteoperative che dramatic, Galloway faked her own drowning
sounding character names in this collection-Jackie
Dominohasbeenin training at camp and scored the covered Best Swimmer
and Jacquie, Bech and Ruch, Dani and Danielle. We
trophy while acknowledging to herself that she had meet too many characters described as having blue
a girl.Sheis theconsummate really won Best Actress. Not surprisingly, she went
eyes and only three of the stories include women of
Nothingin her
on to become a professional actor and started several color. One of these women is fetishized by a white
lifeis personal
Ward-her nexttarget. performing groups, including the infamous Austin, woman, which is particularly unappealing in a
Ward,whois a journalist,
has Texas-based Escher's Follies and the Actual Lives collection of stories promoted as "urban." That
stumbledontosomehighly writing and performance troupe, which specialized aside, Where the Girls Are is an enjoyable collection
in skits by actors with disabilities.
full of saucy sex scenes,perfect for city slickers
Mean Little deaf Queer is thoughtful
and country girls alike. (cleispress.com)
~ t.-r\'\\e
if Domino
doesn'teliminate about what "deaf" and "queer" mean
elsewill. Lethal
and the variations that exist within
~ 1',e~,...
chose identities. There are also sections
chat deal with Galloway's coming out
fastmovingstorythatneverlets and her various flings and relationships
up.A must-read,
eventhough before she finds the love of her life.
it hasbeenoutfor a while.
While much of the book is funny, it
theduo's never makes light of the magnitude of the
andequallygood, obstacles Galloway has overcome, and there
bookin theEliteOperatives
are some intense passages, such as when she
com) reveals that she was admitted into a psychiatric facility
[Kathilsserman] followinga breakdown.1he book follows a fairly standard memoir format, but includes extensive-and
seemingly unnecessary-bits
of family history and
an ouc-of-place, though loving, tribute to her father.
AU in all, however, Galloway's story will have wide
appeal, stirring hearts in both the hearing and deaf
communities. (beacon.org)
Terry Galloway's life story resonates with the sassy
humor of survival, and Where the Girls Are explores
the excitement of dyke sex in the city.
Wherethe GirlsAre,ed. D.L.King(CleisPress):In the
intro to this new collection, editor D.L. King asks,
"What is it about sex in the city chat makes it
I curve
Thea Hillman
Thea Hillman is an author, activist, new
mom and veteran of San Francisco's
spoken-word scene. Her Lamda Literary
Award-winning book, Intersex:For Lack of a
Better Word (manicdpress.com), documents
her own search for self in the beguiling
categories imposed on gender, sexuality and
identity in general.
Whois yourintended
My intended audience has changed over
time. I used to want to change or convert
people, so I was writing for people I didn't
know, or for some imaginary "mainstream:•
Now, I want co bolster and celebrate the
communities I'm part of, to help build a
larger, more complex queer voice and body
of work. There is still a bit of education
in my work, but it feels like it's educating
from within, rather than trying to explicate
something foreign to the reader.
Yourworkhasa particularly
youtalk abouttheflavorthat
to SanFrancisco
streetsor parksto yourwork?
These places represent how I made friends,
how I found lovers, how I navigated a queer
scene chat often felt simultaneously exhilarating and suffocating. Naming these places,
many of chem gone now, is also a kind of
graffiti, like scratching your name in cement,
saying, "I was here. We were here. This was
ours for a time:'
I guess I might describe or label chat particular time in queer urban mythology as
pose-leather, pre- or emerging trans presence,
possibly as the Sister Spit era. I'm not quite
sure what my place was, but if I had a role, it
was in helping shape the trans-intersex-genderqueer spoken-word scene by hosting performance and community-building events.
Twoof themainthemesin yourwritingare
an intersex
Great Forei n M steries
A DarkerDomain
Val McDermid
Thereis no greater
thanValMcDermid yougetthiswildlydark
(theScottishcreator andcleverrom-comthriller.Something's
ofTV'sWirein the
Bloodandthe Lindsay amissin Istanbul-a
killeris murdering
womenin increasingly
thriller,her 25th book, bizarreways.The
a glamorous
a nationalminer's
strike the catalyst
for woman,is a nightclub
bothsearingpolitical ownerwho balances
leg waxing,lipstick
feministmystery. andstilettoswith
(valmcdermid.com) pursuingthe killer.
I started writing about intersex and trans
issues as a way to learn about what was
happening in my life. I was learning about
intersex, and coming out as intersex, while
in a relationship with someone who was
coming to terms with his trans process. In
the beginning, I was petrified to gee things
wrong, to offend people, because there was
so much I didn't understand. Things like,
how was sex different than gender, how
was intersex different than transgender or
transsexual-and what was each of chose?
In general, I often expressed my confusion,
bringing people along with me in the process
of coming to understand these issues better.
I have come to frame chem within the
contexts of activism and self-realization.
Cremedela Queer
Politics,Sexand Dishis a slick indie
zineon contemporary
from over30 contributors.Urgingthe
communityto "create,communicate,
Philipshaveassembledan eyeopeningreprievefromthe mainstream
portrayalsof queerness.
Thefirst edition,released
last summerby SuspectThoughtsPress,celebrated
voiceslike fuzzy-leggedcabaretperformerMichaelV.
Smith,splashingthroughthe pagesin furs,fishnets
andtaffeta, and S. BearBergman,who describesthe
travailsof beinga female-bodied
lookingfor a goodqueerlaywith another"dude."
It's a greatreadandthe wickedlysubtleintertwining
forksonthecovermakeit a greatadditionto anycoffee
all areasbut one:the comparablysmallspacegiven
to female-identified
contributors.It's an old refrain,
but since/nvert(e)is out to shatterthe dominantrepresentationsof queerness,
we'll optimisticallycross
ourfingersfor morein No.2. (Intrue zinefashion,the
releasedatehasyet to be announced-for now,the
editorsmaintainits digitalsisterat inverteblog.com.)
in Italy.Thepeaceful
villageof Paradiso
bythemurder penchant
of anelderlyGerman dressing,
woman,a retired
Soon, indulges
a journeythroughthe
andillegal sexualunderground
in an
a scape- audacious
goatforthehigherups. markedwithriddles.
Gobehindthebook-Val McDermid
onA DarkerDomainandread
ourlesbiantakeonSomer'slatest,TheGigoloMurder,at curvemag.com
November 2009
REVIEWSSapphic Screen
and Steam
A heartwarming indie and the final L Word dramarama. By Candace Moore
In He'sJustNotThatIntoYou,
is a straight
at a gaymen'smagazine.
a brilliant,
beenoneof Hollywood's
of same-sex
marriagerights.SoI wanted
to supportherby buyingthe
a special
numberof reallytalented
the movieis
a meanderinglookat some
of the movie-mostof these
actorsgettoo littlescreentime,
andonlyoneof the menis
in thefilm it feels
likeshewastackedin for her
in this movie,
whichis basedona badly
sodreadfulthat if beinggay
reallywerea choice,this movie
wouldleadmeto wonderwhy
somewomenchoseto remain
We Still
• Drew!
For our recap
of Drew
These new DVD releases hear things up in complex,
melodramatic ways.
Steam(WoHe):Three women of different generations
gather to therapeutically swear it our at their local
spa in Kyle Schickner's new film. Together rhe
strangers process (often wordlessly) the complexity
of life's troubles and their own shifting romances.
Nineteen-year-old college newbie Elizabeth's (Kare
Siegel) narrative plays as a coming-of-age and comingour tale: She breaks away from rigid, conservative
parents and finds her first lesbian love and heartbreak. Ally Sheedy also excels in this indie, showing off
rhe same acting chops she wowed us with in High
Art. Her divorcee character, Laurie, goes ga-ga for
her son's charismatic football coach-who happens
to be 15 years her junior-bur
ulcimacely asserts her
independence from all the men in her life (sour and
sweet). Spike Lee vet Ruby Dee plays a pitch-perfect
Doris, a crotchety shur-in who's ceased raking comfort
in simple pleasures since her husband died. When a
dashing widower invites himself to dinner-and
dessert-Doris' courage and heart are rekindled, and
she manages to face down rhe specter of loss. This
drama's unassuming, conversational style extracts
its strengths-fine
them to warm and condense. (wolfevideo.com)
TheL Word,SeasonSix (Showtime/Paramount):
final helping of our yummy-yet-lovingly-ridiculed
lesbian soap is a send-up of itself. Nor surprising,
given char the Showrime serial got steadily more
reflexive with each turn, nearly co the point of selfimplosion. In fact, perhaps narrative destruction is
what rhe producers coyly and openly staged (much
like a Jenny's suicide attempt) in rhe last few episodes.
Season six relies on che genre expectations of the
whodunit, providing us a corpse of rhe character
fans most loved to hare and then proceeding to
paint every other character as a potential suspect.
Wantto win an L Word,SeasonSixDVD?Checkbacknextissueto findouthow.
Of course, the murder mystery trope
falls away-it is, after all, just a gimmick
used to memorialize the characters and
the show. The writers don't insult our
intelligence (much).
The last episode features fragments of an
interrogation of The L Word's "eight knit"
group (administered by Xena dykecon,
Lucy Lawless), during which Alice points
out that the nostalgic line of questioning
is absurd, asking outright, "What does chis
have to do with who killed Jenny?" Funny,
we were wondering che same thing!
The fi.nal season is full of fishtails and
distractions (most of che dance-off episode,
for instance, plays like unnecessary, arbitrary
fi.ller). Unlike an Agatha Christie mystery, The
L Word crashes to an end on an unresolved
note, allowing fans to solve the puzzle for
themselves. (sho.com/paramount.com) ■
Just Between Girlz·
on TheRealWorld:
hadno ideawhatan
wasthefirst to put
a young(andvery
in a simple,compassionatewaythat
Clintonlaudedat the
diedat 22,just a
with an outpouring
of grief.Thisbiopic
Zamora'slife and
his relationship
it leavesviewers
wantingto seeeven
moreof this young
I wishmyparents
Asa 15-year-old
pledgedto beabstinent
that hertownhassome
of the highestratesof
for real
to abortion.
for LGBTstudents
(whofightthe Lubbock
rightto forma gaystraightalliance),
endsup beingshunned
butoverthe three
yearsof filming, her
but neversmarmy.
CODE 1508
If you missedit on
A&E,you canstill
a workaholic
disdainfor her
pieceof the puzzle
gets laid out simply
but you don't know
howto assemble
them until Westdoes
hasa modest
reactionto thisFox
Youeitherloveit or
youhateit. I loveit,
its constant
send-upof political
its gay
featureendupat a lesbian
basedonthe awardsoclassic,it's hard
to findsomeone
Burtonwill befamiliar "FamilyGay"episode,
to Britmysterylovers Peterparticipates
somemedicalexperiasthe starof Silent
mentsto payoff his
youhaveto sift
throughherromantic gene,"whichleads
to a gayrelationship,
bonusesarescant,it's crazyex-gaycamp
worthit to seea strong, anda wifewhosupportshiscomingout.
in the sameepisode!
aboutanyol' man.
North America's Lesbian Chatline
Dollhouse continued from page 41
thought about, buc we're sort of holding back
a lictle bit on giving coo much information
about who everybody is. We haven't got chat
yec:•That doesn't sound like a no, does it?
The question remains: Which case member
is potentially che lucky lezzie? There's
certainly no shortage of tantalizing options,
ranging from che exotic stunner Sierra
(Dichen Lachman), to the busty girl next
door November (Miracle Laurie), or perhaps
Adelle Dewitt, the high-powered,
hardcharging queen bee of the Dollhouse, who is
played by tl1e British beauty Olivia Williams.
She, incidentally, is very much open to the
idea of exploring her queer side.
'Tm completely up for any drama they care
to throw my way.Ir would be fun if she swung
both ways. That would be very cool;' says
Williams. We couldn't agree more.
Bisexual or not, the character played by
WiUiams-whose credits include Rushmore
and The Sixth Sense-remains one of the
most nuanced and fascinating women
on primetime TV today. As head of the
Dollliouse, she flips rhe power structure on
its head and, in many ways, can be viewed
as rhe series' antagonise, an element of her
character char Williams revels in.
"Thar's the fun part to play, yes, but chat's
nor necessarily the best thing. I mean, there
is something sinister about what she does
and there's no doubt she meets people's anger
with a sort of infuriating calm smile, which
leaves the ocher person feeling powerless;•
Williams admits. "That's pare of the reason I
got the job. I just enjoy having the good lines,
the good purdowns:•
While some see the series, with its
physically adept female characters and a
woman filling the top spot, as feminise,
ochers remain skeptical about its depiction
of what they consider to be a sci-fi brothel
with questionable levels of consent.
"Yes, chat is a tricky one;• WiUiams agrees.
"le is one where it's as yet unresolved. You
know, better to aspire to be the madam than
the prostitute-very good businesswomen, I
understand. Bue it's morally very shaky and
the question in my head is to what degree
Adelle really believes the shtick, or whether
she's kidding herself for the purposes of
keeping her job:'
And as to the assertion chat the dolls are
basically just sex workers, Williams has an
alternative view. "This is about chis type of
technology and what it would be used for and
62 Icurve
what the consequences of chose uses are;• she
explains. "Teflon was created to send people
into space and now we use it for frying an
egg. You know, you just don't know where
your technology is going to end up. You don't
know the social implications of ir... .It is an
interesting observation on what society does
with technology and the implications of chat
for women. And, sadly, very often, technology
... ends up being something char oppresses
women, instead of freeing chem:·
le is in chis scenario tl1at Williams sees
Dewier less as a villain and more as a moral
gatekeeper. "Better the devil you know.
[Adelle) feels she can keep a moral handle on
it and she is aware of how profoundly corrupt
maybe the person who might rake over from
her would be:•
Whedon is also familiar with the criticism.
Dollhouse was originally conceived as a dark
fantasy, according to Whedon, who-despite
being a self-identified feminise-felt char, for
the series to effectively cell its story, personal
politics had to be checked at the door.
"When everything is political, you can't
have fantasy;• Whedon admits. "Politics don't
allow for the darker parts of our nature chat
want the things char are not OK, the fantasies
char we don't talk abour:•
And char was exactly what Dollhouse was
supposed to be, he says.
"le was supposed to be a sort of exploration of the darker part of our nature, but also
the part of our nature that we keep hidden,
chat we maybe don't need to. It's my belief
char our 'perversions -and I am using quote
marks-are the things that make us unique
and beautiful:'
Whedon says our true obsessions, "many
of which are rooted sexually,because they just
are and always will be-are the things chat
keep us from being robors:•
The Dollhouse creator had tl1e idea about
rhe search for identity, and sexuality, he said,
was something chat Dushku herself wanted
to explore on the show.
"And not just looking hoc in great ourfirs;•
he says, "but exploring the sexual parts of
human nature:•
There is absolutely a feminist element to
Dollhouse, the showrunner insists, "bur when
any feminise comes to me and says, 'Well,
Dollhouse fails as a feminist show because of
these following elements; my answer is 'Yep,
(feminism) is not its agenda:"
Also standing behind the series concept is
Dushku, who works double duty on the show
as both actor and producer, a capacity char,
according to Whedon, Dushku has excelled
in. He says that even when things were looking
rocky for Dollhouse, Dushku was consistently
a calming force on set.
"She's been the best person with the whole
staff, with everybody, about saying, 'We're
here, we're a ream, we're going to make chis
work. And if they don't like it, we'll be fine:
She's just been so helpful to me. I rend to be
the one (saying), 'We're all gonna die! Game
over, man!' I'm Bill Paxton in Aliens. That's
the kind of leader that I am. Anybody who
works with me will tell you that is painfully
true;•jokes Whedon.
While he may not claim to be a source of
reassurance on set, Dushku begs to differ.
"I always felt beautiful and confident and
strong in whatever skin I was in whenever I
worked with him;' Dushku says. Especially on
Dollhouse chis year, even in my most vulnerable and raw state, which can sometimes
be terrifying. Looking at Hollywood and
media in our culture, I feel so safe and I feel
so comforted char I know chat he loves all the
sides of me and all the different pares of me:•
The ultimate result of tl1e collaboration has
both Dushku and Whedon so optimistic and
enthusiastic about the future of the series chat
it's hard not to gee caught up in it.
"I chink people will be into ic;•says Dushku.
";\!ready there are some changes. We're now
shooting in HD, and even the whole look of
the show ... ic's darker in chat we're exploring
deeper chose things I was talking about: the
consciousness and these relevant things, and
the humanity, which can be dark and light.
We have more freedom this year:•
"In some ways, ic'sa whole new world. We're
moving faster. It's more visceral. The story's
more confident;' says Whedon. "We're srill
doing lots of different things"
These days Whedon and Dushku have
more "license to really play with the characters,
chat's our main agenda. It's twisting the knife in
our own group and making it hard on chem,
and at the same time we're going to be going
ourside the world of the Dollhouse a litcle bit
more and seeing the bigger picture:•
le looks to be a thought-provoking and
action-packedseason.With a bevyof fascinating,
complex women in leading roles, and an
extraordinary creator-who has the rare gift
of seeing women the way we do-working
behind the scenes, it's no wonder Dollhouse
already makes for some phenomenal and
mandatory gay-gal viewing. ■
Mary Beth Is Back continued fi-om page 49
You'vealso donefilm. Onethingthat's often
forgottenis that you were originallyDirty
Hey, it's not forgotten by motorcycle gangs.
(Laughs) No, the guys always bring up Dirty
Harry first because, you know, of the appeal
of Mr. Eastwood, and chat character chat he
played is lasting, too.
Doyoufeel likeyou'reequallyremembered
Depends on how old the person is. I go into
a place and people over 40 say Cagney &
Lacey and people under 40 say Judging Amy,
which is pretty satisfying. (Laughs)
OnJudgingAmyyougotto tacklesomesocial
issuesagain.Are socialissuesof particular
interestto you?
Of course. You know, anything you do affects
you unless you're unconscious when you're
doing it. Ir changed me in many ways, bur
so does just the face of getting older and
smarter. But, indeed, you just bring yourself
to the thing. I always cry to be careful, again,
if you're playing out what people do for a
living and getting a lot more money than
they do for pretending to do it, you best try
and do it validly. (Laughs)
Oneof thethingsyou'vedone,workingin front
of thecamerafor all theseyears,is thatyou've
Oh, I was hoping I aged disgracefully. Thar's
my goal. (Laughs] Well, I dye my hair when
it's necessary. I dyed my hair for che lase play
I did. It depends on the character you're
playing, but certainly I don't chink I'm a skillful enough actress to go into a situation at
63 years old and pretend I'm 23 years old or
33 years old. I mean, there's a licde bit of a
stretch either direction and if che part calls
for it, I would certainly cry to fulfill the part.
Bue the rest of che rime, I go around as me.
I thinka lotof womenlookupto that.
Well yeah, and (I'm] an Ease Coaster, too.
There are places where hair dye is more the
norm, for instance Los Angeles, California.
[Laughs] If you go into a drug store in
L.A., all the hair dye is blonde. If you go
into a drug store in New York, all the hair
dye is brunette. Ir's really true, coo. It's
funny. (Laughs]
Doeshavingbeenmarriedfor 24 yearsbefore
issueof same-sex
Ir gives me some kind of insight into the
institution of marriage. Yeah, you know,
what you're going to risk to gee married
is divorce. It's something to keep in mind.
(Laughs] The reason I'm not interested in
marrying again is because I'm not interested
in ever getting divorced again.
I lovethetitle of the newCagney& Lacey:The
Well, you know, we called it chat privately
while we were doing it. Sharon was very
invested in actually exploring che experience
of menopause in chat very first one. So we
called it "Menopause Years".... Menopause
was a word chat wasn't even said in our
society, like cancer was not said in society. It
was sort of a whisper, che big C. So, there is
something useful I chink in just saying scuff
out loud.
to theseries?
Well, they had more time to tell their stories
and we were all older and ... ac the beginning,
Mary Beth is retired and she gets suckered
back into ic... back to char work. She made
her 20. She was our. So, it's interesting.
What happens if you stop doing your job
and decide you need to do it againr
[And] they had Christine married. Oh
god, Sharon hated char. She thought it was
very limiting. That didn't lase for the entire
four movies. [Laughs)
Peopleask a lot about the significanceof
& Lacey.
One of che contributions we made was char
we hired a lot of women to direct and if
you'll look at our list of actors, especially our
guest stars, you'll see some pretty interesting
faces. We gave a lot of women, and minorities as well, a chance to grow and expand ...
and chat's a lasting contribution. ■
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November 2009
America'sNext Top Model
Does she have the right stuff or is she just a dyke in model's clothing? By Yana Tallon-Hicks
Trying to evoke the model walk I'd practiced
across the sales floor at my day job, I entered
a room full of model wannabes. Their stares
hie me like a brick wall, as each of chem
attempted Tyra's signature "fierce" look
through CoverGirl mascara. ''.Areyou here for
the casting?"the director barked, looking every
inch the person I'd imagined, with her steelframe glasses and a Starbucks latte clutched
in her fist. Her name was probably something
castrated, like Chris. I became wannabe No.
24. I sat down next to No. 23 to check out the
Now, I'm certainly a faux-hawked dyke,
bur I'm also a femme. In chis room, however, I could've come straight from a Leslie
Feinberg novel. Bouncy locks, curled eyelashes and acrylic nails were everywhere. I
searched for someone with shore hair. Nothing.
No. 23 opened a hoc-pink binder to reveal
six laminated pages of professional headshoes and "candids" featuring an overflowing
leopard-print bra. I cried to smooch our the
"headshoc" I'd printed straight off Facebook.
How did I gee myself into chis?
Like any good narcissist, I've always blamed
my nonexistent modeling career on my nonexistent height: 5'2".So the Craigslist header
"Perice models wanted!" naturally warranted
a click. Bue when the window opened to
reveal char America's Next Top Model was
casting girls 5'7" and under, I knew I'd hit the
jackpot. Shorties? Really? I know it's unlucky
Cycle 13, bur how desperate could they ber
More importantly, how could I apply?
Two pictures, a personal questionnaire and
a phone call expressing a love for "my look"
lacer, I received a VIP casting invite.
And here I was.
"Have you done chis beforet No. 23 asked
me. I laughed, "No:' Her scare was blank.
"Yeah, me neither:· Her foot jiggled nervously.
I ace a Tums. Why was I nervous21his was
No. 23's life. I was just in it for fun. I could
leave right now.
"OK!" Chris snapped. "You all need co
line up in numerical order and follow me!"
I ace another Tums. "Numerical! 1,2,3-is
64 / curve
it really char hard?!" Real-life me laughed at
chis woman. Reality TV me began to swear. I
fought an urge to hold No. 23's hand.
In the next room, Chris ordered us into
a semicircle facing the casting team, the
spotlights and a camera. Taped under its lens
was a picture of Tyra's eyes. In real life, chis
would've been hilarious. Instead, my stomach
•flipped. We stuck our numbers to our shirts
and waited under Tyra's stare for 45 minutes.
Nothing could've cur the tension in that
captors. No. 23. No. 24. 1he mic was handed
to me and I stepped forward, saving my
Sapphic declaration for last. No one batted a
perfect eyelash. No one cared.
Chris cued in her sensitive side for the
first round of curs. "Now ladies, just because
your number doesn't get called now doesn't
mean that you didn't make it onto the show.
These clips go to Tyra and she'll cell us if we
missed someone:' I found myself willing
No. 24 into Chris' mouth. Only five girls
room. Ac che half-hour mark, No. 25 quietly
scarred to cry. My heart thudded in my ears.
Shiny smiles were cracking left and right
when Chris finally commanded char at our
turn we were to seep coward che camera and
say three interesting things about ourselves.
I have chis in the bag, I thought. First of all,
I sell sex toys for a living, and second of all, I'm
a lesbian. Hello, racings! A microphone made
its way around the circle of girls producing
two go-go dancers, a sky diving instructor
and a legit princess. Whatever. I'm a dyke.
Princesses have nothing on me. If sleeping
with girls can get me anywhere, it's straight
to reality TV, right? No. 20 stepped up
and my palms began to sweat. Suddenly I
understood why everyday people cum into
the stereotypes char the camera wanes chem
to be. It's like chat psychological syndrome
where tl1e kidnapped scare caring for their
were called. Chris skipped the 20s altogether. No. 25 cried again.
The reality rejects and I headed to rhe
lobby to trade our scilectoes for sneakers.
Maybe I wasn't butch enough to create the
classic lesbians-can't-walk-in-heels drama.
Or maybe it seemed unlikely that I'd cry to
seduce my na'ive cascmaces in the limo. Or
maybe it really is possible chat being a lesbian
just isn't chat curring-edge anymore. After
MTF transgender Isis competed in Cycle
11, dykes became old news. And maybe chis
isn't such a bad thing. Nowadays, LGBTidencified people are nor only reality TV stars
bur are hosting shows on CNN and even
advising the president. I guess I'll just have to
wait until America's Next Top Lesbian Model
runs out of media attention and decides to go
shore. Until then, Tyra, I'm still waiting for
your call. ■
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Top Chef & Hell's Kitchen Lesbos
Cagney & Lacey Are Back
Publisher and Founder Frances Stevens
Editor in Chief Diane Anderson-Minshall
Managing Editors Katie Peoples, Kristin A. Smith
Associate Editor Rachel Beebe
Assistant Editor Rachel Shatto
Book Review Editor Rachel Pepper
Music Review Editor Margaret Coble
Contributing Editors Julia Bloch, Victoria A. Brownworth,
Gina Daggett, Sheryl Kay, Gretchen Lee, Stephanie Schroeder
Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Editorial Assistants Briana Hernandez, Shelby Martin, Ariel
Messman-Rucker, Frances Yee
Wedding Bliss
You never know when you might fi.ndyour Ms. Right. I searched the globe for
mine, only to fi.nd her in my own backyard. I also now believe the old saying,
"When you know, you know:' With my new wife Jen, I just knew. We have a
bunch of uncommon things in common ( neither of us can eat dairy, we both
love toasting marshmallows on a gas stove, we both cringe when we hear someone chewing ice). But more importantly, wherever she is feels like home to me.
And, as if it could possibly get any better, I'm now Mommy to two amazing
boys, 8-year-old Dash and 7-year-old Finn. Jen and I had already been dating
for a while when I met the children. I was nervous-after all, what kid wants
to share his mom's attention with someone else? But, when we all went bowling
at a local alley,it was love at fi.rstsight. By the end of the second game they were
sitting in my lap and I was re-eying their bowling shoes. Now they're the envy
of all the kids at school because they have not one, but two moms.
For our wedding, we decided to have a small, family celebration and later,
when it is legal for us to be married in California, we will invite our friends
and extended family for a big blowout. We held the intimate ceremony and
reception in our yard and two of my three sisters officiated. The second I saw
Jen walking down the aisle, I started to cry big, wet tears of joy-something
most of the guests never thought they'd see!
I hope you enjoy the photos from our wedding (see page 10). I'm a bit shy,
but the editorial team loved them so much, they insisted on sharing them with
all of you, my family of readers.
You know, with the passage of Proposition 8, many people asked us whether
we would still proceed with the ceremony. After all, they said, it wasn't legal.
But to us, it's what's in our hearts that matters, and now our passion to fi.ght
for marriage equality is stronger than ever.
So, if you haven't found Ms. Right yet, don't give up. She's out there waiting
for you. I still hear success stories all the time from women who met their
soulmate on curvepersonals.com. And, in this issue, we have a special section
dedicated to the best nightlife for lesbians across the country, which is really a
giant lesbian dating pool from New York to Hawaii. Who knows, you might
just fi.nd the girl of your dreams the next time you go out to boogie.
Senior Advertising Executive Diana L. Berry
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Cheryl Craig, Tony Donaldson, Sophia Hantzes, Gabriela Hashun,
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Katherine Streeter, Kina Williams, Misty Winter
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Eliza Dushku's Doi/house
How this underground hit became must-see 1V
for lesbians. By Rachel Shatto
Invisible Chains
When violence comes too close to home.
By Victoria A. Brownworth
The SapphicSpotlight
Hopped up on Sugar
They're hot, they're gay, they're on Brit 1V.
By Rachel Shatto
Cagney & Lacey Are Back
Sharon Gless and Tyne Daly hit the big and little
screens. Plus, filmmaker Wendy Jo Carlton talks
about working with Gless on Hannah Free.
By Jennifer Pare/lo and Diane Anderson-Minshall
Lesbians of Country Music
Forget Shania. There's a whole lotta love for these
queer cowgirls. By Stephanie Schroeder
The Top Chefs
11 HotLesbianClubs
The L.A. Playground
Boogie in Beantown
Michigan Womyn's Club
Hell's Kitchen winner Heather West and Top Chefs
Jamie Lauren. By Rachel Shatto and Kristin A. Smith
Former Midwest girl hosts one of L.A. 's hottest
lesbian parties and DJ Kim Anh mixes the beats.
By Laurie K. Schenden and Jamie Wetherbe
Boston club does nonprofit. By Danielle Riendeau
Metro Detroit parties. By Jennifer Corday
Portland's Scene
Stumptown drag king gets down. By Nina Lary
53 ~
New York's Troupe
The women who bring the Big Apple's ladies the
best club nights. By Danielle Sonnenberg.
Seattle Schwing
The Emerald City's Girl4GIRL. By Kristin A. Smith
Hawaii's Hot, Hot Scene
Hitting up Honolulu's girl clubs. By Gillian Kendall
Opening Pandora's Box
Florida's sexy dyke dance nights. By Edie Stull
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Departments NOVEMBER
Frankly Speaking
Dyke Drama
When owninga home meansgettingthe girl.
VictoriaA Brownworthremindsus of women
we shouldhonor this Dayof the Dead.
What a Lesbian Looks Like
Out in Front
A...i .. ; __
Lipstick & Dipstick: Are you a lesbian
or just a hot chick in uniform?
Health: Lyme diseaseamong women:
underdiagnosedand deadly.
Music: Black Eyed Peas bring the "Boom
Boom Pow" and Little Boots has a breakout solo. Plus, an interviewwith the U.K.'s
hottest new star, La Roux.
Books: A deaf, queer memoir and 19
hot, erotic shorts. Plus a Q&A with San
Francisco'slegendaryThea Hillman.
Film: Ally Sheedygets Steam-y with some
other sexy ladies,and DVDsyou'll love.
I Tried It
Celebrity Gossip
Move over Real Housewives, The L Word
goes reality, Beth Ditto gets the last (big)
laugh and Chaz Bono comes out.
We exploreJapan'squeer cinemaand
say goodbye to four powerfullesbians.
Plus,a FamilyGuy characteris outed, the
Kardashiangirls gay it up and GLAADgives
the nod and dis to major media players.
Party Girls: Kate Kendall,
Betty Sullivan, Elizabeth
Faulkner and Sabrina Riddle
(above) and Boston party
people (right)
~ And the Winner Is...
Congratulations to Emily Blair, winner of the curve Gets Around
contest. We asked readers to send in photos of curve from exotic
locales and this photo, taken on a kayak trip down the Colorado
River through Glen Canyon, Ariz., blew us away with its stunning rock
formations-and magazine glamour shot. Enjoy your prize pack, Emily!
Need More Nightlife?
We've got you covered from coast to coast-San Francisco to
Provincetown, Mass. We have the lowdown on some of the best
girls-only nights around.
~ More Lesbolicious TV
Tired of having nothing to watch? We've got all the must-see queer
1V you've been waiting for. From hospital dramas to gladiatorial gorefests, it's all here in our fall guide to lesbolicious shows to watch now.
Tapping the Feed
Mel Robertson's viral hit web series about a lesbian caught up in
drama and inrigue becomes a feature film-and we're lapping it up.
A Coal Miner's Daughter
Award-winning crime writer Val
McDermid shares some insight
into the inspiration behind her
latest novel, A Darker Domain.
Sexy Morena
Baccarin of V
s I curve
Lesbolicious TV: Me/rose
Place's Katie Cassidy
(top), Stargate Universe's
Ming Na (middle) and
Kirsten Vangsness from
Criminal Minds (right)
5 Ways to Quit Smoking How to Survive Dating & Breakups
"I am positive that the
insanity of continuing that
lie exacerbated my ill-
ness. But when I came
out, the monster died."
AnIndianLesbianin America
I have thoroughly enjoyed your recent issues
and the articles on India in particular (Vol.
19#7]. My girlfriend is originally from India
and we are planning a three-week trip this
December to see her family. Of course, her
parents don't know she is a lesbian, so I will
be 'Just a friend" who is coming along. Her
roots and Indian citizenship are very important to her, which is why it has been so great
to see articles about her native
country in our favorite magazine!
- SallyFrederic,Mississippi
I recently discovered the
Hook-Up Blog by Stephanie
Schroeder and became an
instant fan. What a terrific
blog. It's totally fun to read,
plus radically informative
and great writing.
- Mary Hether
- Kiki Nusbaumer,Chesterfield,Va.
This is for "The Closet Is Killing Me;• the
woman with Multiple Sclerosis who wrote
in to Lipstick & Dipstick [Vol. 19#5]. I am
certain chat the stress of living in
the closet for 15 years triggered
my MS. I am positive that the
insanity of continuing that lie
exacerbated my illness. But
when I came out, the monster
died. The stress chat fueled
the MS is gone. I have been
in remission now for nearly
What's your favorite
10 years. Don't wait another
part of Thanksgiving?
minute. Come our.
Gettingthe dayoff
work(IfonlyI could
spendit doingwhat
I wantto do)
oneof the onlytimes
we getto catchup)
to Christmas(or
I don'tcelebrate
All in a Lather
My girlfriend and I were
very excited about your
June issue, which featured
an article about Eden Riegel
[Vol. 19#5]. Tamara Braun
and Reigel have made us
proud with their off screen
activism,and we will continue
follow their careers,
despite the fact chat their
soap storyline on All My
Children left something to
be desired. On the ocher
hand, there is Guiding Light, which was
churning up a volcanic pairing between
Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia (Olivia
Spencer and Natalia Rivera, respectively).
So far the story is beautiful, sensitive,
thoughtful and realistic. My girlfriend and
I feel empowered by the story, and have
come to some profound conclusions regarding
the coming out process, the definition of
"normal" and the universality of love. This is
not your average soap opera fare.
lo a curvemag.com
- Cindy Stewart,Fullerton,
In "Top 51 Closeted TV
Lesbians" [Vol. 19#5] the
arrow for Ellenor Frutt
pointed at Chloe O'Brian
in error. The art director
for the Aubrey O'Day cover
shoot (Vol. 19#7] was
Sophy Holland. In "Dykes
in Thailand" [Vol. 19#7]
the photo captioned, "the
author poses on a stone wall"
is actually of Sara Sanchez,
not Amy McDonald.
From the Editor
Talk about transitions.
We're full of them here
at curve this month!
Our publisher got
married (check out the
pictures on page 10) in
a ceremony so private
even moi wasn't invited. I had my
hands full at the office, though.
Managing editor Katie Peoples
has, sadly, left the building. She's
joined the Peace Corps and is
en route to the Ukraine for two
years. Her replacement, Kristin
A. Smith, is a longtime curve
contributor and former editorial
assistant. And we've had two
promotions as well: Former web
editor Rachel Shatto is now
our assistant editor and the
woman who used to fill that role,
Rachel Beebe, has become our
associate editor. Before Katie
left, we managed to get the four
of them together for a goodbye
snapshot (don't even ask photo
editor Hayley McMillen how
hard it is to wrangle four chicks
during a long, hot
production week).
That's the old
and new team
(right, clockwise
from top left):
Shatto, Beebe,
Smith and
Here's hoping our busyness
and staff changes make for a·n
even more exciting read for you.
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Editor in Chief
November 2009
Custom designed
by llluminaria,the
the couple's photos
and favorite lyrics
Our usuallyunder-the-radar
founder joined the ranks of
Curvetteswho got married in
recent months. And after our
editors got hold of Gertrude
& Mabel Photography's
photos of the small, familyoriented ceremony, we
snuck a few of them in the
magazineto share with
our readers.Think of it as
a contributor's note gone
romantic. Very romantic.
Curve founder FrancesStevens
and Sweet co-founderJen Rainin
tie the knot in California
The guests participate
in the horah, a traditional
The couple shares
an intimate moment
during the ceremony,
which was officiated
by two of their sisters
Jen's sons Finn
and Dashiell play
after the ceremony
November 2009
I 11
"As a lace-chircysomeching Caucasian who has
lived the majority of my adulc life in Japan, I
sometimes feel like I don't belong co one particular
community at alt;' says contributing writer Kimberly
who writes about the 18th annual Tokyo
Internacional Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in
this issue (page 15). "I feel very graceful for the
chance to challenge categories and borders, as
well as the assumptions and stereotypes char tend to go along with
chem:' A free-spirited freelancer, Kimberly writes for the online blog
of the KyotoJournaland has also written about LGBT issues in Japan
for che website fridae.com. She was co-translator and co-editor of the
Japanese lesbian fiction anthology Sparkling Rain (New Victoria)
and serves as co-coordinator for the volunteer musical collective
Peace Noc War Japan.
subjects and capture chem faithfully. She plans co transition into being
a fullcime photographer, developing her business, expanding her
repertoire, following Annie Leibovitz around and traveling the world
as Lipstick and Dipstick's photographer. Noc a bad life!
"I seek co glorify diversity of expression
through my art, and co uniquely capture the
diversity in our lesbian community," says
contributing photographer, Cheryl Mazak.
She photographs as she lives: generously,
widely and passionately, and she says she
pays special attention co che inner beauty
and the essence of her subjects as much
as co any outward hotness. Mazak has photographed celebs from
Melissa Etheridge, k.d. lang, the Indigo Girls, Martina Navratilova,
Megan Cavanagh, Kare Clinton, Billie Jean King, Lily Tomlin co
the L Word ladies. Her work can also be found in the San Francisco
"I couldn't resist saying yes to Gina Daggett and Kathy Beige when
they asked me co photograph chem for a column they were developing Chronicle,among other publications, as well as on her own web
called Lipstick & Dipstick;' says contributing photographer Maggie venture, gogecyourgirlon.com. An independent artist of diverse
Parker(page 22). "Not only were they irresistible hotties, but the
talents, Mazak works in varied media in addition co photography,
idea of an advice column from che butch and femme points of view including graphic design for websites, mixed media art installations
sounded like a kick!" That was five years
and che promotion of lesbian entertainers.
ago, and since then Parker and the advice
duo have not only developed a great friendFor our Parry Road Trip section, which covers lesbian
ship, bur have had scads of fun photo shoots.
nighclife events across che United Scares, we drew on
Parker began shooting as a professional 11
talent from both the writer's desk and the club floor.
years ago in Portland, Ore., and specializes in
Contributing writer DanielleSonnenberg
gives us an
photographing two-legged and four-legged
insider look at che scene in New York City (page 34).
creatures. She also teaches mildly handiSonnenberg's company, Out, Loud, Proud Events,
capped high school students, which gives her
hoses everything from cultural co networking events for
insight into behavior and helps her read her
queer women in che New York area.
Page Turners Head to Head
We couldn't help but notice the similar covers of Maxine Paetro and James Patterson's novel Swimsuit and Diane
Anderson-Minshall's Punishment With Kisses. We're fond of the one by curve's own editor in chief but we'll let you
decide which thriller is right for you.
en routeto lesbiansexualawakening
whojust wantsto bagthis sicko
Darkbut hot,andalwaysqueer
Um,not consensual
Fansof SecretDiaryof a CallGirland
Loversof law & Order:Special
Multiplemurders,with rape,
"AfterI finishedit I felt like I got hit by a sexually
"Pattersonhassteppedthis oneup a notchor two...
charged,full of hiddenemotiontruck... Oneof my new 41'1NIAli;l4'Jl3't%♦ besides,what'swrongwith a little gratuitoussex
all time favoritebooks"
5 stars,No.66,626in all sales,No.51 in lesbian.
121 curve
2.5stars,No.341in all sales,No.40 in suspense.
Chaz transitions, Beth turns the tables and Showtime
green lights lesbian reality. By Jocelyn Voo
She'sthe Man
It's official: Cher's kid is now the man formerly known as Chastity Bono. This fall Chaz Bono
came out as cransgender and Radar Online reported that he had already begun the first step
coward gender reassignment surgery. Although Bono came out as a lesbian in 1995-afcer
tabloids outed him-he reportedly never actually considered himself to be a lesbian. Michele
Kort, the co-author of Bono's 2002 autobiography End of Innocence, says, "I don't know how
long she had felt chat way, but when we worked together she told me she did not chink of
herself as a lesbian:• Kort also cold Radar char she thought "the scariest part (for Bono] was
considering how to come out as a man co (his) mom:' However, the iconic Cher told People,
"Chaz is embarking on a difficult journey, buc one char I will support. I respect the courage
it cakes co go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny, and although I may not
understand, I will strive co be understanding .... The one thing that will never change is my
abiding love for my child."
For transgender folks-and the lesbians who love them-Bono's announcement was huge,
as he was the first major celeb co transition from female-co-male, doing so after a lifetime in
the limelight.
Love her, hate her, but you can't ignore her-Beth Ditto is a force to be reckoned with. The
frontwoman for the indie rock band Gossip has also become quite prominent in the fashion
world lately, what with her new plus-size line for Evans and her stint as the inaugural cover
girl for the British fashion mag Love. It seems like everyone is enamored with her.
Bue one guy isn't-and vocally so. British GQ editor Alex Bilmes fired off a brief blog post
calling Ditto a "porker" and calling the fashionistas who love her "stupid:'
However, it turns out that the joke may be on him. In an
interview with Times Online, Ditto revealed the secret of her
photo shoot with Love. "[Love editor) Kacie Grand showed me
the pictures and said, 'Can you tell what we Photoshopped?' I
was, like, 'No; and she goes, 'We made you bigger!'" Ditto
said. Yes, you read chat right-Ditto, a real-life size
28, was digitally maximized. Oh, chose "stupid" fashionistas, indeed.
TheL WordGetsReal
For chose still lamenting the end of The L Word, our
dyke drama void is about to be filled-with another
Ilene Chaiken series. Variety is reporting that Showtime
has green lit The Real L Word: Los Angeles. Much in the
spirit of Bravo's highly successful franchise The Real
Housewives, The Real L Word will kick the scripts co the
curb and let the dyke drama unfurl. Speaking to Variety,
Chaiken says, "Even though we concluded our sixth
season of The L Word on Showcime chis past March,
I believe we are not nearly finished celling our L Word
stories:' If all goes as planned The Real L Word will be
debuting in 2010. Hey, maybe then we can finally find
out who killed Jenny Schecter. ■
Did this queer big
bottom fashionista
upset GQ?
, ars,
& more,
across the US, Cenada,
Eu"°-" & beyond.
Queer Cinema in Japan
Few things make it worth enduring che oppressive
summer heat in Tokyo. One chat makes the cue is
a series of unbeatable festivals, including che
always exciting Tokyo International Lesbian and
Gay Film Festival.
This year's event screened a total of 32 films, several
of which featured the ladies exclusively. While
previously a single-venue, one-weekend affair at
Spiral Hall in Tokyo's trendy Aoyama neighborhood, chis year's festival, with films from 13 countries,
grew to include an additional weekend at a large
commercial movie cheater in the Shit~uku District,
adjacent to the city's famed gayborhood, Ni-chome,
attracting hundreds of women, including Japan's first
out lesbian politician Ocsuji Kanako.
The documentary City of Borders, which portrays
Shushan, a gay bar in Jerusalem where Palestinian
and Israeli LGBT individuals come together to
create community against tremendous odds, played to
a packed house on the first weekend and was followed
by a Q&A session with the San Francisco Bay Areabased director Yun Suh.
"This audience was very muted. I worried chat
people were getting bored or disconnected from my
story," says Suh. "Bue [during the Q&A session) the
questions were very deep and philosophical, such as
che nature of tolerance and borders:•
Among che 18 programs, one stood out in particular: Fukujusou (Pheasant's Eyes)-a silent 1935
film that screened with live narration and musicwas an adaptation of a story about a schoolgirl
who falls in love with her brother's wife. Written
by Yoshiya Nobuko, who lived with her female
partner, che original story was included in the 1922
collection Hana Monogatari (Flower Fables). Several
of Nobuko's stories were scheduled to appear in
Sparkling Rain-a recently published anthology of
Japanese lesbian fiction in English translation-but
were yanked when Nobuko's niece refused to allow
her aunt's name to be associated with anything that
smacked of the L-word.
"Attitudes like chose show chat Japan still has a
long way co go in terms of becoming a society where
it is safe to come ouc;• says Naeko (who asked chat
her lase name not be used). The co-founder of a
lesbian rights organization Naeko has been active in
community organizing since the women's liberation
movement of the 1970s. "However, the face chat
chis film festival has been going strong for the past
18 years gives hope chat things in Japan are changing
for the better:•
Ai Haruta, a lesbian in her 30s, had a similarly
positive view of the festival. "Seeing LGBT films
from around the globe gives us a window into how
others live... which ultimately gives us hope of being
able to connect with people of all sorts of different
backgrounds:· [Kimberly
of Undeniable
November 2009
I 15
the rundown
has released their third Network
Index,racing quality, quantity and diversity ofLGBT representation
on television. HBO scored the highest,
with ABC leading broadcast networks and
NBC and CBS receiving"failing"grades.
In an interview with Afi:erElcon.com,CBS
president NinaTassler
was questioned about
her network's poor
racing and responded,"Ic
is a source of concern for
me personally and for the
network''. .. Everyone's
favorite cartoon baby,
Scewie from FamilyGuyis pare of our
family. Creator SethMacfarlane
baby Scewie in an interview with Playboy.
He even spills the beans on a scrapped
episode where Scewie would have come
out and faced harassment at school. ..
Pageand JacobBrock,two
srudents from YuleeHighSchool
, in Florida, teamed up with
the ACLU against their
school board for refusing co
allow their gay-straight alliance
co meet on campus. U.S.
District Judge HenryLee
Adamsruled chat the school must not
interfere with its ability co"advocate for tolerance, respect and equality of gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender people"... The
Internet filtering sofi:ware legally required
to be installed in Tennessee
was blocking LGBT advocacy sites but,
in response to pressure, Knox County
Schools Superintendent JimMcIntyre
confirmed chat the sofi:ware is no longer
blocking LGBT content ... Rockstar
drinkshas expanded their LG BT-friendly
corporate policy by donating $100,000
co several LGBT orgs, so next rime
you need a hyper-caffeinated drink you
can pick one chat keeps you awake and
supporcs your values ... A SaltLakeCity
prosecutor dropped charges against two
men, DerekJonesand MatthewAune,who
ran into trouble for kissing in the Main
Street Plaza. The seemingly public space
is owned by TheChurch
Saints.The couple was detained
by private security guards and lacer cited
by police. [Sassafras
Loss for the Lesbian Community
It wasa toughsummer,
a stroke.WhenDaviesandherhusband
in the'60s,he
wasgrantedfull custody
wasontrial.It waslikeanancientwitchcraft
trial."Daviesvowedto becomea lawyerto defendtherightsof
lesbianmothersandshewentonto foundCustody
56,diedaftera short
mostrecently,OneLastKiss,starringa sexylesbianprivate
bikecollidedwitha truck.Shewastheexecutive
founderof LoveMakesa Family,
in ananti-wargroup
in Portland,
for writingthenumber
of U.S.servicemembers
whodiedin Iraqin redpaintona military
of congenital
film LateBloomers,
fall in love.Dyerwas
alsoknownin herlocalfilmmakingcommunity
for herpotlatchesgatherings
of writers,actorsandfilmmakers
Saying goodbye (clockwise
from top): Mary Wilbon, Bonnie
to helpingdisadvantaged
Tinker, Gretchen Dyer and
work,Onein 3,is a playaboutabortion.
Rosalie Davies
The Gaydar
Here's a taste of lesbians in pop culture this month.
Who missed the mark and who was right on target?
PinkyLoveOurlave Dance
swingsto "I Kisseda Girl."
A Tasty
Ben& Jerry's
Hubbyto Hubby
Hubbyin support
of gaymarriage.
Toddlers& 11arasBansThongs
Because4-year-oldgirls find it hardto
"havea perfectbodyin a thong."Ew.
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The 72-Hour Bu
When three days can make or break your relationship. By Michele Fisher
My girlfriend hadn't called or texted me in
three days. She had never waited three whole
days before. She must have been more upset
than I had imagined.
I thought about calling her.
I didn't call, because I always call. Besides,
she said not to call her. Then again, she
always says not to call her and then gets mad
when I don't.
I figured it was one ofher"tests," like when
she said not to wait for her at her dentist
appointment last month. Holy crap, was
she ever mad about that one. Dentophobia?
I thought it was just a made-up name, like
putting an "o"on the end of words to pretend
you are speaking Spanish. "Perdono, I needo
helpo for my dentophobia-o:'
When she told me she had Detophobia, as
I dropped her off for her checkup, she wasn't
shaking or sweating or anything. I thought
she was saying char she didn't like going to
the dentist, and who does? When she didn't
call me on the first day after her checkup, I
just figured she was sore from che cleaning
and didn't feel like talking, but on the second
day, when I called her, it was obvious chat she
felt like talking-really loud. She told me I
was the most inconsiderate, inattentive girlfriend she had ever had, and she had been
with a lot of women so I knew I muse be
pretty bad.
My girl has a lot of phobias. On top of
doctors, dentists and opticians, she fears
public transportation. She doesn't own a
car, because it is a waste of Mocher Earth's
resources, but she doesn't mind riding in
mine. I cried to gee rid of it because frankly,
it's a pain and a waste to have a car in the city,
bur she said it was OK to keep the car if we
both used ir, instead of just me. She said it
was like one of chose car-sharing programs as
long as we used it for the good of humanity.
le sure came in handy when she volunteered
me co help her ex move into a new condo che
ocher day.
She said chat if she had known her ex
was going co make enough money co buy a
condo, she would never have left her for me.
I curve
She always says 'Just kidding" after she says
scuff like chat, but I gee che feeling she is dead
che condo and everything
else she says JUStkidding" about.
She cold me she was single when we met,
but whenever her ex is part of the conversation, che story is chat she left her lover
to be with me. I know for a face chat she was
single when I mer her because I answered
the online personal ad in which she listed
her status as "single:•She always waves her
arms like she is shooing a bee away when
I bring chis up to her. Her ex seems co buy
into this myth of being left for me as well.
Even as I was hauling her futon to her new
condo, che ex cold me chat if it weren't for
I've never equated home ownershipwith
true love but, apparently,that is because I
don't think enoughabout her feelings.
Reduce your
that stupid personal ad she would
Apparently, on our second dace
be driving "their" stuff over to
I mentioned wanting to settle
"cheir" new place in a rented
down. I meant emotionally,
truck. A simple "chank you"
but she thought seeding
for the ride would have been
down meant buying real
estate. I told her chat she
Some people have trouble
should buy a place if ic was
Do you want kids?
moving on with their lives.
important to her. She said
My last ex, Jillian, had the
chat if I really loved her, I
9% Aren'tsure
same problem. She was
would want to buy a place
13% Alreadyhavethem with her. I never really
constantly talking about her
previous relationships and
equated home owner25% Wantkids
what went wrong with each
ship with true love but,
53% Don'twant'em.
and every one of them. In
apparently, chat is because
her case, it wasn't too hard
I don't chink enough
...Of those:
to figure out; Jillian was
about her feelings. That
is what she said, anyway,
always sleeping with some7% Planto adopt
one else while she was in a
as I was letting her out
7% Wantonefor each in front of Home Depot
seatin the minivan
last Wednesday. She was
I once asked her why she
bothered to gee into those
picking out some house11 % Wantoneor two
plants for her ex's new
monogamous relationships
if all she was going to do was
28% Aregreataunties condo. I offered to look
with her, but she said she
cheat. She said she couldn't
wanted to be alone.
be intimate unless she was
to a curvemag.com
I pointed out chat there
in a monogamous relationwere probably a hundred
ship. Apparently,Jillian didn't
people in che store, but she said chat she
mean intimate with her partners. With
me, things ended differently. Jillian slept meant without me when she said "alone:• I
with one of her ex-girlfriends instead of a told her to call me when she wanted to be
stranger, so that made it different, she told picked up, but she said she already had a
me. Ir felt the same cruddy way to me, but ride. Her ex was going to pick her up with
she claimed it was a breakthrough for her. the plants and then drop her off at home
Jillian and the ex are still togetl1er, but chat later. She said I shouldn't call her but she
doesn't stop her from texting me every week would call me when she got home.
about "closure;' which seems to involve sex.
I finally drove by her place. No wonder
hadn't made it
Sex is all about openings for me, so I don't she hadn't called-she
bother to text her back.
home yet. Three days worth of mail and
Besides, I've had enough to deal with, takeout menus on her stoop told me all I
seeing how it's been three days since my girl needed to know.
has made contact with me.
I texted her just to make sure she hadn't
Ic wasn't like we had a big fight or anything; been kidnapped or murdered, even though
it was more of a tiff. She asked me when I knew I could never be chat lucky.
She cexced back chat I should have called
I was going to buy a place and I told her
chat I was probably going to be a renter for sooner and chat che new plants made their
life. Really, who wants to be tied down to a place really feel like a home.
I texced Jillian and asked her when she
house and all the problems associated with
home ownership? She said I was a big liar. wanted co gee together for some closure. ■
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Mozhan Marn as Soraya in
The Stoning of Soraya M.
Las Diasde los Muertos
Honor our dead with days of remembrance. By Victoria A. Brownworth
When I was a kid going to Catholic school,
three days in the autumn felt nearly as powerful to me as the three days in springGood Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter
Sunday-chat were the most important on
the Christian calendar.
The other three days-Halloween,
Saint's Day and All Souls' Day-are also
symbolic of death and resurrection. These
are the days when the dead are said to walk
the earth, sometimes seeking to reconnect
with loved ones, sometimes seeking revenge.
The Days of the Dead have become as
much a part of popular culture as they are
a part of the spiritual calendar. In America,
only Christmas, and possibly Thanksgiving,
are more universally celebrated than
Halloween. And throughout Central and
20 Icurve
South America, Spain and Africa, the Day
of the Dead is one of the biggest holidays of
the year.
I think the Days of the Dead are a time
when the dead come back and speak to us
in a metaphoric if not a literal sense. The
celebrations of these days are not just about
the dead we've known, but about the dead we
might have known, or wish we had known
or are merely memorializing because their
deaths were wrong or in vain.
In the 1970s, I had a lesbian radio program
called Amazon Country. On Halloween, I
would dedicate the show to the womenlesbians, intellectuals, herbalists, hereticswho had been murdered for being "witches"
during the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
I would read from various texts, play Kay
Gardner and Carla Bley,and memorialize all
the women who had been murdered merely
for being women. These women had been
forgotten but needed to be remembered"dis-covered" as Mary Daly would say.
Of course there are still countries where
women are killed for being witches, but
many more where they are killed just for
being female.
That was the case with Soraya M., an
Iranian woman who was stoned to death
in the 1990s. During the uprisings in Iran
after the elections there in June, I saw the,
film about her life and death, The Stoning oJI
To me, although I have written about and)
taught film for nearly 30 years, and workedj
on several films, The Stoningof SorayaM. was;
one of the most powerfully political films
ever brought to the screen. The Stoning of
Soraya M. was certainly the most important
film of 2009.
The film refocused my attention on the
status of women in a world where they can
be buried up to their chests in che earth and
stoned to death as people not only look on,
but participate.
Soraya M. was a real woman in Iran,
where women can be sentenced to stoning
a lesbo. While her girlfriend was in a choke
hold, McCullough stabbed Gunn through
che chest. She bled to death in the arms of
her best friend, Valencia, on her way to che
McCullough, 30, pleaded guilty co aggravated manslaughter, aggravated assault and
bias intimidation. He was sentenced co 20
years in prison instead of life. No one mentioned that he was twice Gunn's age when he
propositioned her for sex. Sex with a minor
Rememberingour dead meansrememberingour
place. Our deathsare often inextricablyconnected
to our livesas women and as lesbians.
for the crimes of being raped, engaging in
lesbian sex and being accused of adultery, as
she was.
Pegah Emambakhsh is not dead, bur she
could have been just another casualty of
Iran's death penalty for lesbians. In 2005,
she fled to the United Kingdom to escape
death by stoning after she and her partner
were discovered having a lesbian relationship. Emambakhsh's partner was arrested,
tortured and sentenced to death by stoning.
Emambakhsh applied for asylum four times
in the United Kingdom and was denied each
time. Finally, in February 2009, through the
help of international human rights groups,
she was granted asylum. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to escape.
Sakia Gunn, a young woman who was
out and proud as an "aggressive" (a queer
woman of color who dresses in male attire
bur doesn't identify as lesbian or FTM),
was murdered in May 2003, exactly two
weeks before her 16th birthday. Gunn
wasn't murdered in some theocratic nation
chat systematically oppresses its women. She
was murdered in Newark, N.J., after spending
the day in Greenwich Village. She was murdered for che crime of lesbianism. She was
murdered for being female, defying gender
norms and, essentially, for not letting a man
rape her or her friends.
While Gunn and her friends waited for
a bus, chey were approached by Richard
cCullough and his friend, who wanted
to have sex with the teens. Gunn rebuffed
im. They argued. He called her a dyke and
is statutory rape in New Jersey-so he always
intended co commit a crime against her. But
when she refused him, he murdered her.
McCullough was no career criminal, either,
just a guy who thought ic was perfectly
acceptable to kill a 15-year-old queer woman
who refused co have sex with him.
Remember Sakia Gunn. Remember her
and every ocher woman who refused che
sexual advances of a man who believed that
women never have the right co say no.
Remembering our dead means remembering our place. Our deaths are often
inextricably connected to our lives as
women and as lesbians. Soraya M. was
murdered by people she'd known all her
family, her neighbors. Sakia
Gunn was murdered by a passing strangera man in a car who thought, Why not? Pegah
Emambakhsh had to fight two countries for
her life-one wanted her dead, the other
didn't chink there was a compelling reason co
save her life.
All these women and girls are our dead.
On these Days of the Dead we must
remember them because men have tried to
obliterate all memory of their personhood,
their humanity, their femaleness. These
women are us, without the privilegeof survival.
They walk che earth on the Days of the Dead
and some seek vengeance and others seek
peace. In remembering them, in speaking their
names, we can avenge them and let them
rest. This year and every year hereafter, let us
all remember our dead. Let us remember the
price they paid for being female. ■
November 2009
ADVICELipstick & Dipstick
Am I a D ke or Just a Co
Dear Lipstickand Dipstick:How do I know
whetherornotI'ma lesbian?
I'ma copandoften
thinkwomenare hot.Theyhit on me at work,
too,andI'm a tomboyanddressin baggyguy's
clotheswhenI'm offduty.- OfficerVulva
Dipstick:Vulva, dear. Being a cop or a tomboy is no indication of lesbianism. Loving
women is. And I don't mean loving as in "I
love you, man!" I mean loving as in you can't
stop fantasizing about that hot motorcycle
cop throwing you on the back of her bike and
caking you for a fast and rough ride through
the dangerous pare of town. (Oh wait, chat's
my fantasy!)
Come over here, Officer, and I'll cell
you if you're a lezzie. I chink the face chat
you're even questioning chis is indicative of
stirrings within you? An
identity crisis of sorts? Boredom, perhaps?
Tell me this: What cums you on? Noc just
what you would cell the world (and maybe
even yourself), but behind closed doors. Is it
your female friends, who you want to spend
all your time with? Have you been with a
guy sexually? What did it do for you? Were
you scaring at the ceiling, wishing you could
reach your cell phone to text your girlfriend
back about lunch the next day? If chis sounds
familiar, you're probably a dyke. Gee a firm
grip on your billy club, Officer Vulva, because
lesbians chase women in uniform like the
paparazzi stalk Lindsay Lohan.
I havebeenina relationship
withmypartnerSallyfor 14 yearsnow
(we evenhada commitment
A few
in another
anda few yearspriorshe likedsomeone
as well.Shehas liedto me a few timesabout
whereshewas going(toldme shewas going
to herniece'sbaseballgameandwentto hang
out with oneof herstraightmalefriends,who
I don'tlike)andtoldoneof ourfriendsto not
tell mesomething
though).Whenwe argue,I havea bad habit
of bringingthesethingsup, but she doesn't
seewhy I shouldhaveanyreasonnotto trust
22 I curve
her.She promisesnothinglike this will ever
happenagain,but howdoesshe knowthat?
Not to mention,whenwe weregoingthrough
shepulledouta pieceof paperwithan
adthatshesaidshesetupa long
timeago(whenwe weren'tgettingalong).She
saysshenevercheckedit or gotbackon.I feel
likewe aregrowingapart,andthismayjustbe
becauseI do loveher,butI'm notsurehowto
let all myworriesgoandmoveon.Orif I should
cake her away chis weekend. Intimacy is the
glue chat holds couples together. Without it,
you'll continue falling apart.
Dipstick:Sex doesn't solve every problem,
Lipstick. Besides, I bet they have a great sex
life.Couples in chaos usually do. Intimacy may
be the glue, bur trust and communication are
the walls and roo£ In 14 years, you two have
built an unstable house. Ir's time to either
remodel or demolish. A good couples therapist
can help you figure out which.
The issue here is not Sally's crushes DearLipstickand Dipstick:My girlfriendand
or wandering eye, but her lying and the face I havebeenoff-and-on
for overa year.I'm still
chat you don't crust her. Writing a personal in college
ad? People in committed relationships don't shewasworking
write personal ads-even if they never place foundoutaboutourrelationship,
chem. What you have here is a lady-in-waiting, to leaveherjob.Sheagreedononeconditionas in she's waiting for something better to thattheyleavemealone.So,in thatrespect,
come along. What are you waiting for?
to her.We havehadourfair shareof1
I'll cell you, Dip. Like a glutton for eachother,but nothingwill everbe forgotten.)
punishment, she is waiting for her heart to get I'm her"forever
love"andshewantsto movein;
broken, it seems. Tell me, Itchy Pants, when andbeginhavingkids.(She's3 yearsolder.)q
was the last time you two lezzies had sex? I desiretoseeotherwomenandI don'treallywant:
bet it's been months, maybe years at chis point. to be in thisrelationship
My advice for you is to have sex tonight. And lastperson
intheworldI wouldwantto hurt.Whal!
then again tomorrow night. And then plan to doyouthinkI shoulddo?- IndebtedDyke
Lipstick:Proceed with caution, Indebted
Dyke, as babies are not something you can
divvy up, like the CDs, if you guys break
up-again. First things first: Try being "on"
for more than six months before you even
consider moving in together. Once you've hie
chat milestone, Livetogether for at least two
years. (Any period of"off" during chis time
kicks you back to the beginning.) After you've
been living under che same rainbow roof in
blissful lezziland for two years, then, and only
then, can you even discuss having a baby. Feel
free to do what you like with your own life,
but proceed with caution when throwing an
innocent child into the mix.
two kidswhoI thinkshelovesmorethanme.If
the kidsare here,sheis moreinclinedto come
over. Is this chick playingAdopt-a-Family?
Is shewith me for the simplefact that I have
kids?Shehassaid,"Thisis thetypeof relationshipI havealwayswanted,onewith children."
- In It for Meor My Babies?
Great idea! Move in and scare having
babies because you feel indebted to her. That's
che scare of a long and healthy relationship. In
case you can't detect it in my voice,chat'ssarcasm.
You would scare a family with a woman you
haven't even been with for a year because you
put her through hard times and don't want to
hurt her? Lipstick, will che martyrdom of our
community never end? Indebted Dyke, do
everyone a favor and go play the field. Then
you'll learn chat surviving heartbreak is just
part of what makes you a full-grown lesbian.
Seriously, I can't chink of a way you could
hurt her more chan co stay with her and deny
her the opportunity to meet her real "forever
Either way, she should at lease pay it
some attention. You haven't been together long
enough to know chis woman's true intentions.
Take it slow and enjoy it that she loves your
children. Whatever you do, don't move in
with her too quickly. As time goes by, you'll
know if she is che woman for you.
Are you kidding me? This girlis hoc for
you and loves your kids. My first instinct is co
say you've got it made, sister. Quit complaining.
Bue if your guc is celling you something is not
right, you need to listen to that.
The PremierDating Site for
the LesbianCommunity
She Dates,
She Fallsin Love...
We Make it Happen.
Is it her gut or insecurity?
Oh boy, chis is exciting (I'm laughing
like the Pillsbury Dough Boy being poked
in che stomach). We've never received a
question like chis before, and what a problem
to have! In It for Me, have you considered
chat her incense devotion to and interest in
your family is obvious not only because she's
been craving that in her life, but also because
she's trying to win you over? If you girls
Dear Lipstickand Dipstick:My girlfriendKris communicate so well, crack chis nut open
andI havebeentogetherfor aboutfivemonths. and see what's inside. ■
I haveknownher for about10 months.Sheis
amazingin the bedroom.
Wehavethe bestsex Want help with your problem?
life of all our friends,I'm sure,but it's been Write to tv@lipstickdipstick.com.
dwindlinglately.We communicate
very well And Tune into The Lipstick & Dipstick
andare happyin general.Theproblemis I have Show at curvemag.com/lipstickanddipstick
a contest
a picture
SheAv ~,l1V.~~~!reyou
ridethe linebetweenbutchand
femme,despitebeingfirm in theiridentities.
Herearea handfulof instances:
• Lovesa hotbubblebathaftera
• Favoritepairof boxersis pink
• Ownsa .38Special
• Canchangea tire
• Hasa toolsetandcordless
• Worea plaidtie on '80sDayin highschool
~~ • Likesto watchhockey,coldpilsnerin hand
• Criesat queerweddings
Time to find out who can stoke your timber and fan your flame. By Charlene Lichtenstein
Sex:Play the role of the queen bee this November and
see who you can acrracc to your hive. The grapevines
will be buzzing as you find your honey. Career:
You are
in top form in your career. Plan your next move carefully and strategically-then pounce! Toss out the old
regime and establish a matriarchy.
with her at every opportunity. Then you can do what
you wane when you want co, without feeling guilty.
Bowling, anyone? Career:Work follows you home.
Will you spend your weekends coiling or find ways of
shifring your load onto someone else?
Sex:Will you find love at work? Turn up the heat by
hanging around the water cooler co see who scops by
Sex:Any premonition you have about a particular lady for a sip. Career:Your gifr of gab cakes you far. The
will probably come true. Think only good thoughts secret is to plan your journey so you don't gee lose in a
this November, unless you are a bad, bad girl. Career: wretchedly boring place-like the wrongjob.
Try co spend a substantial amount of time away from
the office. You are too feisty for the power elite. Plan Cancer(June22-July23)
your coup from a faraway beach.
Sex:Turn up your charm and put your flirtatiousness
on display. You will gee more than window-shoppers
chis November. Career:
Make your mark at work. You
Sex:One particular gal pal catches your eye and the seem co know just what co say and do co make the big
passionate sparks fly.Will you endanger a long friendship bucks. It's time co ride 'em, buckaroo!
just for a quickie? Lee's hope so. Career:Noc only do
Thisgirlfriendsmokesand, you delve into your platonic relationships for love, you Leo(July24-Aug.23)
believeme,wherethereis also manage to find a lovergrrl or two on the job. Life
Sex:Partners are there for you. Be sure to spoil her
smoke,there'sa ragingfire.
is becoming far coo interesting.
with breakfast in bed occasionally.What are you doing
the innate
with that butter? Career:
Who made you a member of
watersignabilityfor deep,
fight the
emotionandtakesit onegiant Sex:They love you at work. Well, someone in particular accolades? Just lie back and enjoy being fed the peeled
stepfurtherthanhersister does. See if she needs an able-bodied assistant to grapes. Exercise your raw power-for now.
watersigns,CancerandPisces. help her, ahem, file. Career:Business partnerships
Onceis neverenough
forthese get a boost of energy and ideas. Reach across the aisle Virgo(Aug.24-Sept.23)
and and see who can pull you up the corporate ladder.
Sex:You acrract the ladies just by talking. Sprinkle
sheis oneofthefewwomen
your words with sugar and see who flies by.Of course,
whocanbringoutthebestin Pisces(Feb.20-March20)
sometimes you like the strong, silent type, but save
anyoneduringlovemaking. Sex:She is mysterious, exotic and long-distance. Find that for December. Career:
Your intuition appears co be
Wantto feellikea woman any excuse to dose the gap this November. Career:
on target at work. Instead of taking action, sit and wait
andsoaringto the
Work is busy but you manage co find creative ways co until things evolve.You can divide and conquer later.
lighten your load. Calling in sick is one way, but not For now, amass.
the best long-term strategy.
Sex:Money and your innate generosity will spread
Sex:Lambda Rams have their pick of lovergrrls this your love like oil chis November. See if you can make
November. Will you indulge your gluttonous appetite, her slippery when wee.Career:
Friends continue co give
or will you be more discerning? Better feast while you you a helping hand in any difficult career maneuver.
can. Career:You are enjoying your job for a change. Eventually,it will be tit for cat. Are you ready? ■
Work may begin to feel like play, but don't party at
your desk if the boss is in-only if she's out.
AstrologerCharleneLichtensteinis the authorof
Sex:Relationships get lovey-dovey.Share your affection
24 / curve
Herscopes: A Guide coAstrology for Lesbians.
Curiouswhatthefuture holdsfor Sparky?Check
out Petscopes
and moreat thestarryeye.com. -
Why Your Gyno Needs
to Know You're Gay
Just One Bite
exactlymotivatewomento scheduleregular
tripsto theirgynecologist.
And,as if the poking
to awkwardin a matter
of seconds.
youuse contraceptives?
haveyouhad?Andthenthere'sthe question
yourdoctorshouldbeasking:Whatis your
wouldneedto know
in termsof counseling
andthe necessity
for papsmears,"saysDr.Kate
in Portola
Forexample,a lesbianwho
is a non-smoker
' ""
hadsexwith a mancouldstart
havinga papsmeareverythree
yearsonceshehashada normalone,whereas
a non-smoking
in a monogamous
Andit's notjust aboutpapsmears.Knowing
will helpyourdoctor
carefor everything
to treatingyeast
andsupportsystemcan be critical when
discussingtreatmentfor life-threatening
diseaseslikecancer.Comingoutto yourgynecologistis essential
to properlycaringfor your
body,butit canbetoughif you'reunsurewhat
yourdoctor'sthoughtsareon homosexuality.
"Doctorshaveto havea welcoming
for lesbians,likehavinga signup in theirlobby
" says0'Hanlan.
Formsthat includea boxfor civilunions,
or evenjust a significant
otherwouldalsogoa longwayin creatinga
spacefor lesbians,
Inthe meantime,
the GayandLesbian
keepsa list of doctorswho
makingit easyto finda doctor
whois rightfor you(glma.org).
maybefinding a doctoryou'recomfortable
beinghonestwith will makethosecold
stirrupsand scratchygownsa bit more
Isabel*used coloveto watch the deer outside her
home in Marin County, a Northern California
community known for its beautiful views and
unspoiled open spaces. Then the 37-yearold began co experience a myriad of strange
symptoms, including hives, joint pain and
gastrointestinal distress.
"You really feel like your body is slowly
breaking down and you don't know why;'
she says. It was almost three years before she
was correctly diagnosed with Lyme disease,
a tick-borne bacteria that is most common
on the Ease Coast, but has been reported in
nearly all 50 states.
"Doctors were very dismissive and ic was
frustrating. Eventually, I didn't wane to go to
che doctors because nobody believed me:'
Isabel's experience is not unusual. It is
estimated chat thousands of people are living
with undiagnosed Lyme, a condition that,
if left untreated, can cause paralysis, brain
damage, arthritis and even death.
Many women who are eventually diagnosed
with Lyme are first cold chey have multiple
sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or
lupus, or are cold co see a psychiatrist. Lyme
is often more difficult to diagnose and treat
in women due to the dampening effect our
monthly cycles can have on the immune
system. The symptoms may be chalked up
Potentially fatal, Lyme disease is underdiagnosed in women.
to our so-called monthly female problems.
Additionally, che standard treatment, highdose antibiotics, may cause harm to our
sexual and reproductive health.
The documentary Under Our Skin: An
InfectiousNew Film About Microbes,Money,
and Medicine,which premiered at last year's
Tribeca Film Festival, does a powerful job of
illuminating and putting a human face on
chis disease. Desperate patients-including
a formerly athletic woman who can no longer stand up and a woman who is terrified
she might spread the disease to her unborn
child-and their physicians struggle not only
against the disease, but against an insurance
industry that is hell-bent on telling them
nothing is wrong.
While she is not featured in the film, Isabel
recognizes herself in Under Our Skin and has
used it to educate her family members.
"After watching it, they finally believed
that I wasn't making this all up;' she says.
Though feeling better than she has in
years, Isabel still rakes nine pills a day to
combat her chronic Lyme and has spent
$14,000 this year alone co cover uninsured
medical costs. Her advice to anyone who
suspects they might have Lyme is to see a
specialist. "You are your own best advocate;'
she says. [Heather
of Lyme
of patientsreportedillnessonsetin July.Fewerthan8 percentreported
to TheJournalof the
for theyears2003-2005.
Homosand HarvardGirls
These women offer an education in compassion, justice and community. By Sheryl Kay
Wherethe HeartIs
She has fought for the rights of sexual abuse
survivors and chose with HIV, she's helped co
found several LGBT community centers and
she's a founding member of the Lesbian Fund
of Greater Milwaukee.
Today. FaiDeMarkcontinues her community
work as the director of shelter services at
the Cathedral Center, a shelter for homeless
women and families. The center strives co
rehouse people as quickly as possible, educating
women on money management, life
skills and healch issues.
Having seen the LGBT movement grow from its infancy,
DeMark says, "We've definitely,
definitely made progress. There was
a time when people couldn't say the
L-word and now there is a [TV)
series about lesbians-of course it's
not very realistic, but it still brings
it co people's attention."
As lesbians age, DeMark advises
practicing preventive health care,
finding a crusted physician, creating a
living will and consulting a financial
adviser. She also says it's a good
time to give back co the community
through volunteering and becoming
active in policies.
"I chink it's important co be an
activist and co always be working for
the betterment of our community," she says.
"You can't just hope someone else does the
work. We can't sic in our houses and say we
want the marriage amendment. If you are
happy in your little world, there is another
sister or brother who is struggling. You have
co ace, because nothing happens by being
Advocatefor the GreaterGood
Ironically, it was PaulaEttelbrick's
midwescern, Catholic, Republican upbringing
in the 1960s and '70s that ulcimacely spurred
her Lifelongdevotion co social justice.
"The lessons I was caught all my life, at
home and in my Catholic school, were that it
is our obligation to contribute co the greater
good, co see and help chose less fortunate
than ourselves;' she recalls.
Eccelbrick channeled chose lessons into
a stellar law career, advocating on behalf of
the gay communiry. serving as a legal director
at Lambda Legal, a policy director at the
National Center for Lesbian Rights and
executive director for the Internacional Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
Today, Eccelbrick is also a lecturer at Barnard
College and an adjunct professor of law at
New York University Law School.
"I mostly love law and litigation because it
allows us to cell our story wicl1in the framework of our most important settings
and institutions-workplaces,
our families,
sd1ools, the streets;' she says. "When we use
chose stories to draw attention to violence in
schools, or discrimination at work, we help
reshape cl1oseinscicucions,not just for ourselves
or our client but for all who enter chem:'
Over the years, Eccelbrick says she's seen
the community go from being the hidden, the
invisible, the criminals, the tawdry and the
psyd1opachs to being me folks next door.
"Truly phenomenal," she says of the
progress. "We are, and forever will be, an
acknowledged segment of this society. That
will never, ever change. And it gives us the
platform to continue the process of challenging
the injustices many of us still face. You see, if
your existence is denied, you have no platform
co change your condition:·
A Lessonin Community
She'll jokingly tell you she's not at some
Fortune 500 company because she failed
Intro to Economics, but the plain
truth is, Harvard graduate Nathalie
Galindohas chosen a career path
in nonprofit work because she
lives for community and she is
dedicated co transformation.
"I just love finding things in society chat haven't been dealc with
before and working co improve
them;' says Galindo, 24, now an
admissions officer at Harvard, and
a volunteer coordinator at Queer
Women of Color and Friends
in Boston, where
volunteers work co facilitate community
people of all ages, ethnicities,
gender presentations, sexual orientations
and socioeconomic
Calling herself'queer" feels right,
Galindo says, because she lives her life outside
the strict heterosexual dynamic, not only in
terms of sex or physical accraccion but also in
terms of expression.
"I believe in a spectrum of sexualitymuch broader than what the lesbian, bi or
straight labels define;' she says.
Ulcimacely,her goal is co create mentoring
programs within QWOC+, reaching out co
college-age youth of color co build a network
of ambassadors.
"By doing mis, we nae only include mem
in conversations involving the wider Boston
community, buc we also hope to empower
cl1em within their own communities during
and after college;•she says. ■
a break
ShannonClimbing the steps to the rooftop of her building, where an
Kturns amazing view exposes record company logos and corporate
Thursdaysbuildings jut phallic-like across the Los Angeles Basin,
intoladies' Shannon Kampa launches into an unsolicited explanation of
nightinWest how she rescued a little cairn terrier from a yearlong sentence
Hollywood.in a pet store cage.
ByLaurieK. Somehow, the story is apropos for the woman who has
Schendenrescued lesbians from abandonment in West Hollywood,
offering them a safe haven known as Platinum.
Not only is this former Midwesterner and Bible college
grad filled with compassion for night owls in need, the girl
also knows how to throw a parry.
Kampa's all-girl Platinum Thursday night is a place to see
and be seen. After more than three years at the East/West
Lounge, it's a chic, sultry scene chat is ideal for both networking and necking, depending on your objectives.
Kampa, or Shannon K, as she's known on the club circuit,
is a tall, blue-eyed babe who's a prototype of the women you
might expect to find at a WeHo lesbian dub. The surprising part
is how warm and approachable she is. Credit her Minnesota
roots, strong family values and religious upbringing. Love
thy neighbor is a virtue we believe this event producer takes
to heart.
'Tm very genuine in my approach, and genuine and sincere
in what I do;' says Kampa. "For me, it's not about the event.
It's about the people:'
Kampa, who once endured a Focus on the Family ex-gay
workshop for her family's sake (she didn't change; now they
"love me, regardless"),the hardest pare about her evolution from
military brat to corporate consultant to event producer
was overcoming the mispercepcion that a club promoter
is always a player and a partyer, "of which I'm neither;' she
"I love a good party, but I love cooking a nice meal and
settling in for the night:'
Dating, for an event master, especially one with Shannon
K's attributes, would appear to be as simple as choosing your
sugar rush from a well-stocked shelf.
"Dating is very difficult;' Kampa confesses, "because the
idea would be to be with someone who doesn't go out very
often, someone you can support and trust. In all reality, the
girls see me getting numbers, hugging all these women ... but
I'm a Scorpio, so I'm extremely loyal:'
Bue the nightlife is currently Kampa's domain, so when
she's not hosting her own soirees through Shannon K
Productions, she's checking out ocher clubs, events and functions to keep her gatherings fresh.
28 I curve
She recently started Thirsty Tuesdays at Boulevard Lounge
in WeHo, which ran throughout the summer and will
continue, if things go well.
"It's small, it's intimate, we have drink specials;• says
Kampa. "Even with the economy, the girls can come out and
have a great night:'
While Platinum and her other events have given girls a
place to play, Shannon K has always had a loftier goal: networking. Producing meaningful feature films was part of her
plan from the start, and she hoped to create a space where
successful women could come to network; Paris Hilton and
Sharon Stone have both been to Platinum.
Kampa plans to be working on her own films soon. "I will
be working on my first major project, a Christmas feature
film... coming out in 2010;' she says.
Kampa's knack for networking is no accident. She has
a degree in organizational psychology with a business
minor, and works as an image consultant and in business
development. She spent two years building her personal
network through community involvement and face-to-face
contacts. She stays connected through email, Facebook and
Myspace, she says.
But Kampa doesn't hoard the connections for herself. Even
the VIP areas at her club nights are accessible to everyone.
'The ocher purpose of what I do is to help bnild the success or
the dreams of other entities of women's companies;' Kampa
explains."Like She Wired.com, or Cherry Bomb. I don't charge
them. TI1e win-win is that their win is obvious, and my win
is I get to help chem while my name is being promoted ...
chat's the way that promotion, especially amongst lesbians,
should be:•
Kampa tells a fish story that I swallow willingly because it
feels true. It's about how crab fishermen sort their catch into
separate tanks, male and female.
"The females, they don't have to put a lid on it, but on the
males they do, because the males cry to help each other our;'
Kampa explains. Hosting her parties is a way of building
ladders for ocher women in che tank.
"I stand here looking at these big, corporate America
buildings and Hollywood film companies," she says, gazing
from her rooftop. "le certainly wasn't built overnight, but it
was certainly built by a network.
"I have three mentors: my mom; my West Coast dad,
who's my ex's dad; and another woman, who works very high
at Warner Bros. I'm very blessed to have that. So when young
kids come my way for help ... it's so fun to be able to pass them
on to somebody wh'o can:• ■
at curvemag.co
Trap Los Angeles is home to a series of rotating women's nights for
offersan a variety of castes-from martini-sipping power lesbians co
alternativebarely legal barhoppers. 1l1e kitschy-cool (and apcly nan1ed)
scenefor Booby Trap offers a more artistic cakeon L.A:s lesbian nighclife.
Hollywood'sRegulars line up on Wednesday nights at Temporary Spaces, a
hip,lesbian slighclysleazy dub so hip mac no sign is required. They're mere
partygoers.for cwo reasons: stylish women and alternative music.
ByJamie Booby Trap hoses and resident DJs, Kim Anh and Anon,
Wetherbe created cl1e club almost cwo years ago and since men it's
become a hotspot for queer up-and-comers and celebs alike,
so don't be surprised if you bump into someone like actressmodel Jenny Shimizu (Make Me a Supermodel).
"We just thought, 'Where would we wane to go? What kind
of club would we want to be ar?' And we just went from mere;•
says Anh. "Booby Trap is a rebel response to pop culture
nightlife in Los Angeles. Ir's about pushing independent arc
and it's a place for women to meet and share ideas-it's a
meeting of che minds:•
Dubbed an overnight success,
Booby Trap scares me evenings out
wim a dive bar atmosphere and
by midnight morphs into a raging
dance club wim DJs spinning a mix
of indie, disco, electro, post-punk
and house. Deeply rooted in independent music, Booby Trap hosts
a series of rotating guest artists and
DJs, like Ch romeo, Hercules & Love
Affair, LCD Soundsysrem, TV on
me Radio, Ladyhawke and SoKo.
30 I curve
"We work very hard to keep things fresh, bringing guesr
DJs from around me world, some well-known and some who
are up-and-coming;• says Anh. "We have a rule: We don't play
Top 40 music:•
Anh and Anon also pass along meir favorite runes co
patrons for free. "We have CD release parties where we give
our all me newest stuff were crazy abour;· says Anh. And if
you miss che parry, you can download music for free on meir
web site, clubboobyrrap.com.
The crowd, typically about 200 strong, moscly consists of
twenrysomeming creative-types. "Women working in indus•
tries like film,music and television;•says Anh."We have a lircle
bit of a younger crowd connected to fashion and musicwomen who are seeking someming new and someming edgy.
Wim a name like Booby Trap, females are me focus, says
Anh. "There are some boys who come, but it's very geared
coward women, and we make it clear we want to keep ic char
way;•she adds.
The name is also abour
simply having a good rime
"Ir was meant to be funn)
and silly;• explains Anh. ")
mean, mere are some womel
who are ass women and chef!
are some women who art
booby women, so I guess l'rt
a booby woman;• she laugh
"We really don't cake ou
selves too seriously:•
Scill,promoting a club rak
serious work. "L.A. is a huge city and it's very competitive;•says
Anh. "We are constantly brainstorming and trying hard co keep
everyone surprised, entertained and, most of all, inspired:'
First-time club promoters Anh and Anon quickly learned
chat the best way co publicize Booby Trap was co go viral.
"We had friends hie the streets when we first opened the club,
but people weren't as open co being approached or picking up
information," says Anh.
They used sites like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter co
spread the word. "Ninety percent of our ability co reach
women is based on these social networking sites;• says Anh.
"They've been a really powerful tool for us:•
Booby Trap celebrated its first New York launch chis
August and plans co have a monthly residency there. Anh
hopes co cake the club international-still,
Anh and Anon
don't chink of themselves as club promoters.
"We just love it so much, and we do our best co bring
new and interesting things," says Anh. "For us, it's really
rewarding. We do it for us, and we do it for che girls who
ISA Qcbcl
A MccTlflG
come. Even if we played for che same 25 women every
week, they'd have a place co go for their passions and
exploring good music:• ■
Kristen Porter, the founder of Boston's Dyke Night
Productions, isn't your average party promoter. Soft spoken,
thoughtful and precise, she's a philanthropist first and foremost, albeit one who knows exactly how co keep Boston's
dub-going lesbians very happy.
"I started Dyke Night as a social entrepreneur;' says
Porter, "co cry co raise money for local causes. Ir's sore of
grown out of chac:•Grown it has. The organization has risen
from humble grassroots beginnings to the biggest nightlife
enterprise for queer women in the city, with half a dozen
club nights per month and a cavalcade of special events for
holidays and Pride.
"A group of us chat were in my living room, we were all
volunteer street-outreach workers, and we were crying to
figure out a way co raise some money co buy our outreach
supplies;• Porter says, recalling the event's genesis 11 years
ago. "The idea was, Why not have a party, gee a DJ and see if
people would provide a donation at che door? That's what we
did. le was basically free, but we had a bucket and we asked
people to throw in $2 if they could:'
Nowadays, Porter's events are regularly home to sellout
crowds, with long lines of women looking to dance the night
away. The donation bucket is gone, and most parcygoers don't
know that their cash is going to a better cause than Porter's
personal beer fund. The formula may be a rarity but ic works,
and Dyke Night Productions is able to officially sponsor and
fund a number of queer organizations around che city.
Ir's been a long haul, given Porter's single-handed leadership and dedication co two careers, bur she's found a way to
make it work. "I chink you really have co adapt to the mindset
chat everything is fluid in chis business. Places open and close
all the rime, management changes or the community wants
something different:'
As challenging as the job is, Porter is quick co maintain
chat "giving money away" is her favorite pare, further proving
chat she's not your average nighclife promoter. "I feel a great
deal of responsibility chat we should take care of each other;'
she says. 'Tm going to keep doing everything I can to keep
raising as much as I can, because it's a no-brainer chat
everyone who benefits from being a part of the LGBT
community should be contributing to whatever extent chey
can. Ir's essential to our survival." ■
bringsit to
By Danielle
November 2009
Marguerite"I have always felr chat we have a wonderful and attractive
Tschirhartco'.mmunityhere in Michigan;' says party promoter Marguerite
gives Tschirhart. "Someone just needed to put on events to make
Midwesterndie girls want to come our:•
girlsa place Tschirhart started producing parties in 2005 and founded
to lettheir her company, WhereTheGirlsR, lacer that year. Initially,
hairdown. Tschirhart would email friends on a weekly basis with news
ByJennifer on where to go and what to do.
Corday "Some of my friends nicknamed me Julie the Cruise Director;'
she laughs. "My friends forwarded the emails to their friends,
and it grew rapidly from there. Women I didn't know would
email to ask co be put on my lisc:•Now, she produces several
parties a year throughout the state of Michigan and has plans
to team up with ocher promoters in nearby Chicago.
When Tschirhart starred our, the few gay clubs in town
were in dicey areas. "People were shot in the parking lots, cars
stolen-and my cousin was almost kidnapped our of one
parking lot. I felt that as gay women, we shouldn't have to risk
our lives to socialize;' she says.
Inspired by the success of women's events like Dinah
Shore, Aqua Girl and GirlFesr, Tschirhart starred throwing
parties in Royal Oak ( the locals call ic the Greenwich Village
of Michigan), Ferndale, Birmingham, Ann Arbor and Pontiac.
Most of her events feature live music, primarily from local
lesbian musicians. "We have a great music scene in Metro
Detroit, and I'm continually amazed with the many talented
artists here:'
Tschirhart says she loves the mix of women in Michigan
and is frustrated when the media portrays Midwestern
women as lumberjack dykes. "Often, people stereotype
Michigan girls to be girls in flannel shirrs and army boots,
bur we have a cross-section, just like anywhere else-we
have women from Egypt, India, Russia, the Middle East and
everywhere. I think it's just beautiful, che diversity. There are
so many good-looking women!"
Besides being surrounded by horties, Tschirhart says
one of the most rewarding pares of her job as a promoter
is giving back to the community and helping those in need.
"Thar is what I love about doing events-helping people:•
She puts on a yearly Super Bowl party to raise money for
the Royal Oak Animal Shelter. "Jr's one of the only no-kill
shelters in the area. They lose their funding and are relying
totally on donations:• She has worked with
local LGBT nonprofits like the Triangle
Foundation and hosted the women's afterparty for the yearly LGBT film festival.
She worked with the local chapter of the
Human Rights Campaign to put on an L
Word premiere parry and recencly helped
start a local women's networking group.
The economic downturn in the United
States has been especially hard on
Michigan, the heart of che American automotive industry. "In this economy, we need
char more chan ever;' she says."ln Michigan,
almost one our of every fivepeople is unemployed, so it's been really challenging to put
on quality events for our community when
so many women stay home and have house
parries to save money:'
In between parties, Tschirhart works as
an attorney, and this summer she launched
WhereTheGirlsR.com, a website she hopes
will help lesbiansfind the hippest happenings
across the nation. "The site is very easy to
use and navigate. I wane ro link up with
ocher lesbian websites co promote each
other's sites;• she says. ■
frown on me for claiming che cicle'lesbian' while occasionally
sporting a packy:'
Marshall started doing drag in San Francisco and performed
with The ShugaGlida Blues Revue at the 2006 Fresh Meat
Festival. Now she performs with one of Porcland's newest drag
troupes, the River City Riders. "When I came to Porcland I
was embraced by che most amazing community of homos
Left to right: Kelly
Murrin (Ramington
Handcock Steele},
Amy Holsher
(Levi Camino) and
Kaki Marshall (Mr.
with a few
tubesof lube.
By NinaLary
When asked what her week looks like, Kaki Marshall replies
without a hint of irony: "Mondays and Thursdays I have
drag king practice with the River Cicy Riders, and Tuesdays
and Wednesdays I work in a government mech lab. No, seriously:' That leaves her Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays to plan
Porcland, Ore:s most kick-ass lesbian dance parries.
Marshall worked in music promorion for 20 years before
she moved co Porcland in 2006. When she arrived, Pop Tare,
a deep-grooves girl party at Holocene in Southeast Porcland,
was a sexier alternative to the city's only lesbian bar, dubbed
the E-Room. With the encouragement of longtime friend
and Pop Tart founder Shoshanna Oppenheim, Marshall
took che party from a Sunday afternoon romp to an edgy
all-nighc ladyfesc.
Marshall's reputation drew in DJ superpowers and helped
launch her next and most popular party, Double Down. "We
employ resident DJs from across che LGBTQ spectrum, and
chat is the crowd we are catering co;•she says.
"I am a 37-year-old lesbian;' says Marshall. "Bue it has
felc important to me in the recent past co identify as queer. I
found myself feeling alienated by some of the older lesbians
in my life a few years back. A few select groups tended to
I have ever seen and I have come to realize chat 'lesbian' is
mine to reclaim."
Marshall wanes to unite her fellow queer folk through
causes. Her newest venture, Lube Job, pies well-known members of che community against each ocher in a 10-fooc-long
pool of lube co raise money for their favorite local nonprofit.
"The feeling of putting on a huge fest for throngs of
beautiful homos chat raised thousands for people who make
incredible dilferences in all our lives;' she says, "chat seriously
does ic for me!"
"I feel chat the community is stronger and healthier when
we all play cogecher;•says Marshall. "Parries are fun. Bue lee's
dosomething with all chat posirive energy:• ■
of the monthat
of the monthat
of the monthat
November 2009
I 33
NYClesbiansNew York lesbians are no longer waiting for the kind of
knowhow parties they wane to go to-they're creating their own. One
to doit of these nightlife entrepreneurs, Maggie Collier, created her
themselves.club night, Eden, a little over two years ago. Named Best
ByDanielle Dyke Night by New York magazine, the weekly Wednesday
Sonnenbergnight party grew out of a need Collier recognized.
"My friends and I were frustrated at the limited options.
I wanted to bring chem a little more class and style;' says
Collier of her inspiration.
Collier, a former singer, scarred her first ladies' night without any previous experience throwing parties. For about six
months, she hosted a party at Level V, che downstairs bar
of Vento Trattoria, a restaurant in New York's fashionable
Meatpacking District. Collier was enjoying hersel£ so even
though turnout was low, she didn't gee discouraged.
"I had nothing to lose. I wasn't losing any money. I was
having a blast. I thought, If chis can keep building, then
everyone can enjoy it;' says Collier.
And her patience paid off. When Collier changed che location to the Union Square Lounge, 500 women showed up on
opening night. After a year at that location, it was rime for
another change. Collier moved the parry to Country Club,
back in the Meatpacking District.
These days, her weekly parry is filled with special events,
including a burlesque night, live music and launch parties
for companies like OURscene TV, a gay Internet network.
And Collier has no plans to move again anytime soon.
I curve
"The women love the space. I intend to be there for a long
rime;' she says.
Women looking for some socializing on Sunday afternoons can check our another of Collier's parties, Stiletto,
held at the Maritime, a hotel in Chelsea. She says she
created the parry to emulate the scene at the Abbey, the
trendy Los Angeles hotspot. "I wanted a daytime, outdoor
event ... where women could have a blast and gee to work
on time the next day;' says Collier, who lived in Los Angeles
before coming co New York City.
Like Collier, che now-legendary parry promoter Wanda
Acosta says she started parries because she didn't see herself
represented at the bars she would frequent. "I just felt like I
didn't fit in," says Acosta, who is originally from Brooklyn.
She started her first party in 1994, a Sunday night bash at
Casa La Femme in che West Village. Why throw a party
on a Sunday night? "They offered us their slowest nights,
Sunday or Monday. I opted for Sunday;' recalls Acosta,
who is now familiar to New York lesbians because of her
renowned Sunday night parry, Scarlecte at Angels & Kings
in Alphabet City.
The Sunday night timeslot ended up being a fortunate
accident, according to Acosta-because of The L Word.
"Women would watch The L Word at home at 9 p.m., and
then at 10 p.m., they would come, sexed-out and horny from
whatever sex scene they saw. They would come into the bar
to meet women:'
The bar ended up being featured on the show's first season,
and cast members including Leisha Hailey and Kate Moennig
also frequented Starlene. "Women would see a celebrity
sitting there. It definitely helps business;' says Acosta.
Bridget Hauserman is another party promoter with a DIY
approach. After coming co New York City from Toronto and
realizing that che city didn't have the scene she was looking
for, this lawyer got together with two friends, Kristy Crowley,
a personal trainer, and Lynn Dukette, also a lawyer, co create
Proposition, a Friday night party at Kion Lounge, a restaurant and bar in the Ease Village.
"We wanted co gear a parry coward women who were
interested in fashion and music;' says Hauserman, who calls
Promotion her second job. She, Crowley and Dukette cook
only a month co plan the first party, and Hauserman remembers being surprised by how many women she didn't know
at their first event. "I chought, Who are all these women? Ic's
surprising how quickly word travels:•
Today, the three women share the casks of promoting,
contacting clubs and DJs, and negotiating deals. Hauserman,
who is very organized, makes sure co call regular meetings.
"Communication is key when you have three people. You
want co reduce inefficiencies:•
This year, che team also planned a huge Pride party with
live entertainment at Fae Baby, a multilevel club in che East
Village. And they now have a monthly Thursday night party
called Gold Star at che same venue.
"This is the year of che lesbian party. A lot of young people
are starting new parties;' says Sabrina Haley, the special
events manager of Snapshot, a genderqueer party now in its
fifth year at The Delancey on the Lower East Side.
"(Snapshot) was started to filla void in che gay community
and co provide a space that could be mixed, not just the
femme party, or the black or latina party, but a party where
queers could go;• says Haley. Snapshot also showcases arc
exhibits, fashion shows, movie premieres, singers and dancers,
and in September they put on a country fair, complete with
facepaincing, a kissing booth, a pie-eating contest and goldfish for prizes.
"We like to keep things creative and show people adventure,
not just a DJ and bar all the time;' says Haley. ■
at Country
at KionLounge,
at Maritime
& Kings,
at FatBaby,
empire.By KristinA. Smith
Chris Chappan began her relationship with Seattle's
Girl4GIRL as a go-go dancer. Today, as the owner of
one of the Emerald City's longest-running lesbian dance
parties, she is the go to girl.
More than a decade old, Girl4GIRL has established itself
as a staple of the Northwest's dyke scene. What started as
a monthly Seattle party has now become a regional series,
with parties scattered throughout Washington. And it
shows no signs of slowing down.
"The secret co our longevity is our dedicated regulars;'
says Chappan. "We always find new venues, new cities
and invest in new ideas that keep Girl4GIRL fresh. And
it doesn't hurt chat lesbians celebrate their 21st birthday at
Girl4GIRL either. We welcome the revolving door:'
Bue the door doesn't rotate so easily for men, or those
who identify as men. Girl4GIRL prides itself on its
gender exclusivity, living up to its motto as the club "where
the girls are:• No more than 10 men are allowed in per
night, and each of chem muse be accompanied by a woman
and shell out a $20 entry fee, compared co the ladies' $5 to
$15 dollars.
Chappan says Girl4GIRL "isn't about recreating a
typical bar scene. Ir's about a fun, unique, inviting and
stimulating all-women's evenc:•■
November 2009
Hitthe Let's say your Hight gets into Oahu at 11 p.m. After staring
dancefloorat thousands of miles of black ocean from the window of
in Hawaii. the plane, you'll glimpse the moving white lines of waves
ByGillian breaking oJf Waikiki. You'll pass over downtown Honolulu,
Kendall a black-and-silver expanse where-at least at char rime of
night-the downe girls are.
10 o'clock, we could see a few people parking their cars, and
A formerly run-down part of town, Old Chinatown is we're saying, 'Nor too bad: By 11, there was a licrle linehome to art galleries, cafes and clubs that now attract both Everybody was coming in; there was a crowd:'
gay and straight crowds. The gayest event found there is a
Over 200 people showed up char first night and they
once-a-month parry called Downetowne (a "downe" girl is a continue to return to che club. Attendance has risen to as
dyke). Held on the first Saturday of each month at Bar 35, high as 600, including gay men, straight couples, single
Downetowne is the work of three lesbians: Kayko Tamaki, straight women and even bachelorecre parties. Regulars
not only come from Oahu bur also Ry in from surrounding
Eunice Parks and Ruby Hong.
In 2007, Hong was doing Sunday nights at a club called islands, making it one of the hottest club nights in Hawaii.
Bliss. It went so well, according to Hong, char "che managers
Ocher nightspots lesbians in che know frequent include
said, 'We're going give you a Saturday as well. Try it our. Indigo Restaurant and Smith's Union bar (an old-rime
See how you like ic: The Saturday offer was four days joint turned karaoke hotspot).
away. I was like, 'Grear!' and then, 'Oh, my God.' I knew I
After a long groovy night, parry girls will need some
couldn't do it alone. I wanted really good friends.''
resuscitation and relaxation, not to mention sustenance.
After enlisting Tamaki and Parks, Hong Hashed on the Meet up with an instructor from Chocolate Pineapple
theme, "black-our" parry, and the three started work. Parks Sports Yoga studio at the Waikiki Trade Center for
remembers the preparations well: "We literally cur up Hyers some morning yoga on che beach, or stop by spa Pure or
with our own hands:'
Waikiki Plantation Spa for a treatment from sisterly, cerThe three partners just hoped someone would show up. tified hands. Then take a stroll to great, cheap vegetarian
"We were holding onto each ocher, saying, 'Aw, it's gonna be meals at Ruffage Natural Foods. By then, it'll be rime to
OK;" Hong recalls. 't\c 9 o'clock, nobody was there. Around
gee ready co go back our on the town. ■
Findouthowto cutloosefora causein Florida.
By EdieStull
In 1998, Miami lesbians had few entertainment options, bur Amy Alonso and Yesi Leon,
the creators of the biggest lesbian parties on the East Coast, decided to change that.
"There was really nothing around;' Leon says."It starred our as a hobby .... We said, 'Why
don't we throw a women's parry and see how we dor'" The event attracted some 400 women
and Pandora Events was born.
About the same time, Alison Burgos began a women's week to raise money to benefit
women's causes, calling it Sweet Charity (it's now known as Aqua Girl), and both Leon and
Burgos were involved in the Miami Women's White Party, an annual AIDS charity event
now in its 25th year.
"After the first year, we felt that the crowds were a little bit split;' Leon says. They
decided to join forces, make one big weekend and continue to work together on ocher
events, eventually merging Burgos' events under the Pandora name.
Today, Pandora blends weekly parties with several big events each year. "Besides doing
our mega-dance parties and weekends, like Girls in Wonderland [in Orlando, Fla.] and
the Women's White Party, we have monthly Larin women's parties. Two weeks out of the
month there is something special going on, and every week we do our event at Halo Lounge.
We try to give a little bit of something to everybody ... things for young women and
for older women:'
Pandora's large events are among the 10 most popular lesbian events in the country,
according to Leon. "I wouldn't say we're No. 1, but we're up there:•
Leon believes chat Pandora's charity work helps set it apart. "A lot of our big events have a
charity attached to chem, which is different chan most big promoters:• A portion of the proceeds from Girls in Wonderland goes to the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR),
and Pandora helps local nonprofits wich their events. "Whatever we can do to better our
community;' she adds.
Alonso and Leon are also working to expand beyond South Florida. "We do Atlanta
Pride. We deli.nicelywant to expand chat. We're moving over to New York [to] do an event
there:• The duo would also like to expand Girls in Wonderland. "This year, considering the
economy... we had a great event ... and we could still give money to NCLR:' ■
A Shopaholic's
The holidays are just
around the corner and
there's never been a better
time to take a break in
Vegas. Great shopping
the perfect excuse.
Opening in December,
Crystals at CityCenter
feature an unparalleled
of luxury retailers
and restaurants.
Don't miss The Forum Shops
at Caesars Palace with more
than 160 boutiques
stores, plus 13 restaurants
and specialty food shops.
The Esplanade at Encore
consists of 11 boutiques
including an array of clothing,
shoe, jewelry, home decor
and accessory
1 50 designer and name brand
stores with savings of up to
65 percent at the Las Vegas
Premium Outlets.
If you aren't watching now, you should be. While there are plenty of reasons why
Dollhousebelongs on your must-see list, the top spot belongs co Eliza Dushku,
who plays the central character, Echo.
Dushku (who played Faith on Buffy the VampireSlayer)"tripped and fell"
into the entertainment business at age 9 and made a name for herself playing
characters who were strong and independent-and, of course, smokin' hot-a
combination that quickly made her a lesbian fave. She drew her inspiration for
chose early characters from her upbringing. Her feminise mother had a cighc-knic
group of female fuends, some of whom were lesbians.
"I remember, growing up, there were never negative stigmas or stereotypes around gay and lesbian people;• says
Dushku. "My mother's best friend and her wife were Aunt
and Aunt So-and-So. le was never a negative thing in my
head. So I think even as I got into my adolescent years and I
started sore of coming into my sexuality.[I] was always sort
of comfortable with lesbian women:•
Thanks to her family's progressive attitudes and their
diverse group of fuends, Dushku became a vocal advocate
for LGBT rights. "Looking at the state of our country and
the debate about gay marriage, I believe the debate-that
people are who they are and that they're being judged by
whatever theology or government-is just frightening. I'm
a big advocate and supporter of gay and lesbian rights and
equality, as I am with any human being:• Sounds like her
mama raised her right.
Having three older brothers, Dushku also developed
a sense of fearlessness."I think I had my motto: 'Go Big or Go Home; when I
was, like, 8. I alwaysjump at an adventure. I alwaysjump at a challenge. I always
jump into something that the circle of guys are doing and want to do it, and do
it better:•
TI1is attitude serves her well in her current role as Echo, a dollsomeone who's had her identity wiped and can be imprinted with
different identities and specialized skills, such as safecracking and
martial arcs, ac che request of Dollhouseclients. Bue, despite having
her memory controlled by a lot of fancy technology, Echo is slowly
and secretly becoming self-aware. As you can imagine from TV
history the nefarious Dollhouse itself is a highly illegal and deeply
covert operation.
TI1e role of Echo requires Dushku to become a new character every
week, and play everything from hostage negotiator co dominatrix. It's
a dream gig for someone like Dushku, who craves variety.
"I've always been sort of a chameleon," says Dushku."(I've] traveled
all over tl1e world and mer people and heard people's stories. Thar's
sore of like my addiction ... hearing people's stories and then sore of a
chameleon, recreating them:•
It's no accident that she landed tl1e role of the mercurial Echo.
Dushku and Whedon-who
has known tl1e actor since she was
17-met for a working lunch co discuss the actor's career path and
found themselves effortlesslyconceiving this new d1aracter and cuscomdesign ing tl1e series for her strengths.
"Eliza's been in my life for a while and is somebody that I've always
been kind of dazzled by and e1tjoyed enormously as a person;' says
Whedon. "Our relationship has been very specifically about her
career. We've had sit-downs just co talk abouc where it is going. I've
watched her sort of grow up (as] chis very formed person, trying to
take control of her career and her life and her identity in a world
where everybody wanes to cell her who co be. TI1at conversation is
what led co tl1is show:•
"He didn't know it was going co be a lunch chat was going co be
creating a show for me. I didn't either;• Dushku admits. "Maybe deep
I curve
down and subconsciously I was there with an agenda ... .I'm proud and
flattered char I could be his muse, in terms of penning char character
and the [DollhouseJworld:'
However, it was not the first time the two had collaborated. Long
before Dushku cook on the role of the doll with a serious lack of selfawareness, she had already placed herself firmly in the center of che
lesbian radar screen with her turn on Bulfy the VampireSlayer,another
Whedon production, as Faitl1,the deeply troubled wild-child van1pire
slayer who breezes into Sunnydale, much to Buffy's dismay. This noholds-barred, leather-wearing whirlwind of ass kicking and lesbian
overtones entl1ralled the dykes in tl1e audience, and it wasn't coo long
until tl1e lesbian subtext was emerging hoc and heavy between the two
rival slayers.
"I chink some of it is just that there was so much physical contacc;•
explains Dushku. 'J\ll [of a] sudden there were, like, five-page fight
scenes where it was two women on top of each other, straddling eadi
other, choking each ocher and also sore of obsessed with each ocher in
some twisted, competitive and maybe loving way:'
While the audience was quick co note how che ladies were heating
up tl1e screen, Whedon was apparently the last co know. "le had co be
explained co me by fans that I was writing lesbian subtext;' he laughs.
He was surprised when, rime and time again, his audience was
recognizing what they believed co be intentional subtext in che series.
"I was, like, every rime I show cwo women in che same room,
you say, 'lesbian subtext'! [Buffy's mother] Joyce's friend comes over
with empanadas-you say, 'lesbian subcexc; "jokes Whedon. "Can't
two women talk?" They said, 'Please go co our website and read our
I did, and they were totally right. Everything
char Faith had done in terms of Buffy could be seen as romantic, in a
certain way, and chat's when I realized che thing chat made the show
great, which I then christened and have ever since kno n as the BYO offends me so much [is], Lee's spend four episodes advertising a kiss
subtext, which is: If you see it there, then it's there for you."
d1acthey can do so they can remember they're straight, which was sort
It could be argued chat subtext is a Whedon specialty,and his lesbian of the thing we were trying co avoid:'
cred speaks for itself From his screenplay for Alien Resurrection where
Whedon knew pretty quickly d1ac he had created an iconic lesbian
Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver spend rwo hours constantly
couple and char for fans Willow's sexuality was no longer up for
on the verge of some hoc-android-on-half-alien girlie action; co his
debate. "The gay community pretty much said 'You better not rake
inclusion of two bisexual women in Firefly; a lesbian character in his back: [And] after I decided co kill the character of Tara-my most
comic Runaways; and the introduction of another new lesbian character, popular decision ever"-Whedon says sarcastically of the move char
Sacsu, in the Buffy comic (who, incidentally, beds the titular slayer); put him on lesbo hare lists for months, "we were, like, one thing's for
Whedon rime and rime again shows his affinity for queer women.
sure: Now you really, you absolutely, can't cake it back. You can't even
Whedon is so in tune with lesbians d1ar one wonders i£ in fact, pretend it's a spectrum:'
he was a dyke in a former life, or if he just surrounds himself with a
Ir was also a story line chat Whedon fought for when he faced
horde of Sapphically inclined pals. "I don't know ifI have the requisite
resistance from the nerwork."When they realized what I was doingnumber of lesbian friends, but I've always had gay people in my life;' which was a few episodes in-they said, 'Does she have co be gay?"'
says Whedon. "Thar's another thing I owe co my parents ... a lot of their
Whedon put his foot down. Then there was the question of that
friends were New Yorkers working off-Broadway,and, not surprisingly, famous kiss. "That was very civilized. [The network] called and said,
a lot of their best friends were gay.My godfather was [gay]-[he] was 'Do they have to kiss?' And I said'Yes: And they said'We are worried
about advertisers and we would ask you not to have char'.... I was like,
just, like, my idol. So it's alwaysjust been part of the mix of people and
'It's chis simple. I will pack up my office right now: And [they] said,
something char just feels like part of any normal extended family:'
He's a proud friend of the gay community, casting openly gay 'OK, it's in:"
Needless to say, when rumors started popping up chat Whedon
Neil Patrick Harris in the ride role of Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog,
be introducing some queer elements in season rwo of Dollhouse,
a Shakespeare-esque tragedy with a diabolically catchy soundtrack.
expectations were running high. "That is something char I
Whedon even officiated at the wedding of rwo of his gay friends,
have been chinking about chat is not some"Who are, in face, grandfathered in because
thing we have pursued yet. Right now,
of the licde grandfather clause chat was
"All of a sudden there
we're concentrating on the whac-do-youin Prop. 8 ... I'd like co say on behalf of my
were. like, ~ve-page ~ght
mean-we're-not-cancelled phase. There was
friends: In your face [Prop. 8) ! We totally got
a licde indication of an engagement chat
in! Woohoo!"
scenes where it was two
has a-is there a better word than 'Sapphic;
Whedon was proud co discover readers
women on top of each
what a great word-element co it. Bue chat's
voted him curve's No. 1 Lesbro.
something chat's just a pop. Just a little
"Dude, d1ac's awesome! First of all, I gee
other. straddling each
co hear the term 'lesbro' for the first time.
other. choking each other
If Whedon had his way, there would have
Second of all, I totally beat out chose ocher
been queer content from the start. "Last
and also sort of obsessed
guys. Take chat, Alan Moore. It's lovely. It
season, [we had] an entire episode about
makes me feel very cool-and a licde bit
with each other in some
Echo playing a character, being imprinted as
exploited;' laughs Whedon.
twisted, competitive. and
a character, who goes through the process of
Whedon also offered an additional (and
realizing char she's gay. This episode caused
delightfully geeky) explanation for his
maybe loving way."X
the nerwork to shut us down. Now, I do not
uncanny affinity for queer women. "I have
believe it was because of the homosexuality.
always identified with women. Most of... the
'little fictional avatars in my brain' have been female... I have a very I believe it's because of the face chat it was basically a [romantic
comedy] with a shootout. [The network said], 'It's episode three and
hard time believing chat a woman could love a man because I am
one, and I find chem co be rather wanting. And there is an element at you promised us Alias. You're a liar, man. We're shutting you down
with all our mighc: Which is too bad because it was pretty damn
which lesbian romance appeals co me because I actually believe ic:•
Bue nowhere can his understanding of!esbians be clearer than in his funny. And writing che scene where Echo actually realizes what
happened, and chat she didn't just have an embarrassing one-night
creation of the Buffy characters Willow and Tara, arguably the most
beloved and sincerely crafted lesbian couple on network television, stand-chat she's actually in love with chis girl-was a delight. Selfdiscovery is exciting:'
like, ever. "1he relationship started on a very metaphorical level-the
While the episode was ulcimacely shelved, traces survived in the
sex scenes were spells, and all chat scuff. And what I found hilarious
chat eventually aired. "We've said very clearly [char) almost half
was, when we actually decided co come out and say,'Yes,they're lovers;
are either closeted or experimenting. That line we managed
everyone was so shocked. I was just like, what show have you been
but the whole plot [of the original episode) fell by the
watching? See chat sweaty spellr That was porn, people-work with
took the entire show with ic:•
me here;•jokes Whedon. "We always try to make it real and textured
will ever see a doll who in becoming selfand romantic and human:'
Whedon says,"Ir's something char I've
Whedon went out of his way co steer clear of the typical trappings
of sensationalized lesbian scorylines on TV "You know the thing chat
Dollhouse continued on page 62
November 2009 \ 41
HENIGHTWASBEAUTIFUL-starlitand sulrq, as only a summer
night in the country can be. My lover and I were sitting by rhe
lake. Ir was picture-postcard romanti •.
Until , c heard the screams.
We ran toward the sound and found a woman crying, her
face bloody. We were at a lesbian retreat with no men on the
premises. Who could have done chis to herr
The woman cold us her girlfriend had hie her repeatedly
because another woman had been flirting with her.
That incident happened years ago, yet the derails are still
fresh in my mind-the screams, rhe blood, even how the
lesbians in charge of the retreat acted as if the victim had
brought the beating on herself, insisting co onlookers that it
was nothing co be concerned about. Thar night, the abuser
was allowed co stay at the camp because the whole thing was
deemed, as it so often is, a she said/she said situation.
The safety of our women-only space was violated-not by
a man, bur by another woman.
Relationship violence is nothing new, nor is its appearance
in the entertainment headlines (Tina Turner, Nicole Brown
Simpson, er al.), bur the issue led rhe news again earlier this
year when pop scars Rihanna and her longtime boyfriend,
Chris Brown, had a fight that resulted in serious injuries co
Rihanna and Brown's arrest.
I curve
Brown was charged with felony assault. Court documents
alleged-and photos that were bandied about the tabloids
and the blogosphere seemed co support the claim-that
Brown had beaten, punched, bitten and scratched Rihanna
while also threatening co kill her.
The incident led (ever so briefly) co a national discussion
about relationship violence, bur what chat discourse really
revealed was even more unsettling.
In 2009, we presume a post-feminist consciousness that
has ceased co blame women for the violence against them.
And yet, the Rihanna-Brown incident revealed that many
women and girls think the Grammy-winner deserved what
she got.
On an episode of Oprahdevoted co the issue, several girls
reiterated this position-it was Rihanna's fault, because she
allegedly started the argument char led co her bearing.
If blaming women for being beaten seems retrogressive,
chat's because it is. And yet, rhe prevailing perceptionamong women as well as men, according to many who work
in the domestic violence field-is char young women are
both more likely to be victims of relationship violence and
also more likely to excuse their perpetrator regardless of his,
or her,gender.
Roberta L. Hacker, executive director of Philadelphia's
Women in Transition-one
of che oldest
women's service agencies for abused women
and the first in the nation co offer a program
for battered lesbians-admits chat women
are in abusive relationships at younger ages,
and that young lesbians and bisexual women
are facing nearly as much violence as their
straight counterparts.
"We have been doing all these programs
with younger women;' she explains, "and it's
just shocking how many teens and women
in their 20s are dealing with abuse. For
some, it's all they have ever known in a
relationship. More stunning still is char it's
not just male-female violence. We're seeing
more and more abusive relationships among
lesbians and bisexual women. It's a very sad
Lesbian-lesbian violence is no more
anomalous than male-female violenceit just takes different forms, explains Lee
Carpenter, the former legal director at
Equality Advocates Pennsylvania and an
assistant professor at Temple University.
Carpenter handles domestic violence
cases and protection-from-abuse orders for
LGBT clients. She also gives workshops on
domestic violence, in which she discusses
how co combat the most common forms
of lesbian domestic violence: harassment,
outing and stalking.
A factor unique to LGBT domestic violence victims,
according to Carpenter, is a fear that revealing the abusive
nature of the relationship to the broader culture will confirm already existing stereotypes of queer relationships as
inherently pathological.
"We like co protect our own from outsiders;' asserts
Carpenter. "We don't want our dirty laundry aired in the
straight arena. We don't want to give them reasons co point
fingers at us. So we pretend it's all right, even when it isn'c:·
Carpenter emphasizes chat the perception char women
don't hurt one another, or that battering is solely a heterosexual
crime, adds dramatically co the isolation of lesbians who are
in violent relationships. This in turn makes it even harder
for chem co escape. Many lesbians already feel isolated from
their families or friends because their lesbianism is either a
secret or a source of contention, Carpenter asserts. Seeking
help is all the more difficult under chose circumstances.
Jessica Barnes was one of chose women. She did not feel
she could ask for help when her girlfriend, Sammy, started to
become abusive. (Names have been changed.)
"We met right after I started college;' Barnes explained. "I
just fell for her immediately. I was so in love. I thought her
jealousy was flattering-at li.rsc:'
Sammy was 20; Barnes, 18 years old.
"The first time she smacked me, I was really surprised,"
Barnes acknowledged. "She shoved me, then she smacked
me. Then she said she was sorry, put her arms around me and
kissed me. She didn't really hurt me, so I just let it go:•
One of the reasons Barnes said she "let it go" was because
she was the butch in the relationship and Sammy was the
"I thought it was kind of like with guys hitting girlsif the girl hits back it sort of doesn't count;' she explained.
"Except I never hie her or shoved her or anything:'
The abuse soon became habitual, according co Barnes.
"We would go out and she would accuse me of flirting with
ocher women when I wasn't. And then she would shove me
or hie me, or both. Ir became a really regular thing:'
Barnes said chat the two were living in a small college town
in New England, and char made it more difficulc for her co
imagine celling anyone about the abuse.
"I felt really alone. And I wondered if this was just the
way it was. I'd never been in a long-term relationship before.
So I thought, maybe this is what happens when lesbians are
One night, Sammy shoved Barnes so hard that she fell
over a chair and broke her wrist. She was in a cast for eight
"Suddenly I realized chat I really was in an abusive
relationship and I needed to get out," Barnes said. "I cold
her it was over. I changed the locks on my door. I changed my
cell number. I changed my email address. She wouldn't leave
me alone. I was scared for a long time. She sliced up the tires
on my bike. She put cat shit in my mailbox. She cold people
weird stuff about me that wasn't true. It was so painful. I still
loved her, but I was coo scared of her co be with her:•
Barnes' experience is far from singular. "There is acculturation about what domestic violence is supposed co look
like;• Carpenter explains. "It provides an easy our for the batterer: Tm not a man. You weren't abused: It's emotionally
crippling for the person being battered. It invalidates the
reality of her trauma."
"Lesbians in abusive relationships have a hard time reaching out, no matter their age, race or class scams;· Hacker adds.
"There are stresses on lesbian relationships that just are not
present in heterosexual relationships. Homophobia, isolation,
self-loathing, the feeling that you only have each other against
the outside world-all of these things can play a role in an
abusive relationship between two women. They also make it
chat much harder for women co seek help, or find ic:'
Despite the increasing awareness of relationship violence,
young women continute to fall prey to it. Abusive relationships among teens and young adulcs has skyrocketed by 40
percent in the past decade. While there are no clear statistics
on how many teens are in abusive relationships, the estimate
from public health officials is 10 percent. A 2007 Centers
for Disease Control survey of 15,000 teens confirmed char
10 percent had experienced physical violence at the hands
of a partner.
November 2009
I curve
In January, che New York Times detailed a series of
initiatives in high schools around the country co help alert
students and their parents co the warning signs of"dangerous daring behavior" and what actions are not acceptable
or healthy. Some schools are being mandated to teach about
abusive dating relationships in grades seven through 12, but
they only focus on male-female relationships.
In New York, teens in abusive relationships can file for
protection-from-abuse orders just like adults, bur through
family court rather than criminal court, in an expansion of
che domestic violence laws in the state. But new provisions
only apply in male-female relationships. A lesbian teen in
an abusive relationship with another teen would have no
women internalize homophobia to such a degree chat they
are literally trying to beat the queer out of their own partner.
Society is certainly to blame for homophobia, but we have to
hold batterers accountable:'
Carpenter adds chat for lesbians who split up after an
abusive relationship, lines are often drawn-literally-in
che community. "There are certain spaces chat lesbians may
have to eventually give to a partner, like community spaces,
because the community is so small:'
The advice for lesbians of any age who are being abused
is the same, say the experts and survivors alike: Seek help. Ir
is never OK for someone to shove, slap or hie you. It's never
OK for chem to isolate you from your friends or force you to
recourse for protection-even
if she had the courage to seek
it. Other states are considering adopting similar provisions,
but, once again, they are likely to neglect the inclusion of a
clause for LGBT teens.
Isolation is a primary issue for queers in abusive relationships-many are isolated already, simply because they are
queer. "I just didn't know where to curn;' Barnes explains.
"There were all these LGBT services on campus, but none
of them were for abuse:• Barnes said she finally confided in
a friend who told her chat she couldn't possibly be the one
who was abused because "I was the top. That just made it all
the harder:•
Dr. Jennifer Goldenberg is a clinical social worker who
specializes in trauma and has written on the subject. She said
that battered women are often convinced chat they deserve
the abuse chat they're getting.
"(The victim] comes co believe that she is the cause of the
abuse, chat if she just got the dinner on the cable faster, if che
house wasn't a mess, if whatever, if she had jumped when her
partner said Jump' she would have not gotten che abuse. So
she becomes convinced over time char it's her behavior that's
causing the abuse. Thar's not every abuse victim, bur it is a
pattern that we see in domestic violence situations:•
Hacker agrees: "There are so many things a barterer will
do to the person he or she is battering. The biggest problem
for lesbians being battered is acknowledging what's happening.
It's not in your head; it's not any different than if it [were] a
man doing chis co you, and you do need co leave chis abusive
person and gee help:'
Another factor, says Hacker, is even more sinister: "Many
have sex. Ir's never OK for chem to say abusive things co you
or threaten you with outing.
Hacker adds, "If there is one thing I have said repeatedly
to abused women over the years, it's to remember chat you
are valuable.Abusers cry co cake your identity, and for lesbians
who have struggled harder than most women to find their
own identity, chis is especially hard:'
Today, Barnes is in a new relationship. Bue she hasn't
forgotten what happened between her and Sammy.
"It really warped my view of lesbian relationships;' she
says."I was really afraid che first time I had an argument with
my new girlfriend, so I cold her about what happened with
Sammy. She cold me she would never hie me, no matter how
angry she was. Now I just have to learn to believe ic:•■
In many large cities, including San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, there are resources for
LGBT people who are being battered. And
national hotlines service rural, suburban and
metro areas. Both (800) 656-HOPE and (800)
799-SAFE are national abuse hotlines that
can either help immediately or direct you to
services in your area.
Three years ago I was-Anglophile that I am-combing through
British DVDs searching for my next favorite Brit-com, when I stumbled across SugarRush. I hadn't read Julie Burchill's young adult novel
on which the show is based but I did know it had lesbian characters, so
I was game. When the DVD finally arrived two weeks lacer,I popped
it in and in 30 seconds flat, was beyond hooked. Told through the
eyes of Kim, a closeted baby dyke in love with Sugar, her straight best
friend, SugarRush is a painfully hilarious trip back to those awkward
queer-teen years. It's a mix of the adolescent angst in My So-CalledLife
and the young queer love and family strife in SouthofNowhere-minus
any saccharine. Now, at long last, the series has finally managed to
jump the pond, airing on the premium queer channel here! TV. We
caught up with Olivia Hallinan (who plays Kim Daniels) and Lenora
Crichlow (Maria "Sugar" Sweet), to chat about what it means to be
part of the show, their amazing chemistry and why they are eager to
meet their all-new Yankee lesbian fan club.
Nowthat SugarRushis finallyairinghere,howare you
feelingaboutan American
gettingto seeit?
To be honest, ic still really hasn't sunk in.
Because it did really well (in Britain), we won an
Internacional Emmy, everyone said, "Ir's great, it's
great!" bur it'll never come over. So for this to have come
up is ... a real surprise and an absolute joy.
There is no show on American television
quire like it.
Whatinitiallyattractedyouto yourroles?
What really appealed to me was che sensitive way in which (Kim's) sexuality was dealt
with. She is coming co terms with the fact char
she might be gay and her lust for Sugar gradually
turns into something far stronger.
The delicious ladies of Sugar
Rush dish about the show's
U.S. debut. By Rachel SrA.t J
If I'm brutally honest, it was che face char it was called Sugar
Rush and the character I was going for was called Sugar. (Laughs)
To Kim, Sugar is the epitome of cool, and she opens (Kim's)
eyes to a world of rebellion while she is crying co escape from the dysfunction at home. The lust (Kim) has for her grows as their friendship
develops. I think Sugar accepts Kim for who she is, and vice versa.
For Sugar, she doesn't know what it is co have a friend like
Kim, who just loves her, regardless. You know, it makes perfect sense
to her that Kim fancies her, because everyone in her life seems to have
a use for her, or expects something from her.
(Lenora)was ajoy to work with. Ir was so important that we got on
and luckilywe did from day one!
I can't imagine Kim and Sugar not being friends off-set.
Howdidyourfamilyandyourfriendsreactto the more
Before the show a.ired, I was
a bit worried. People put the words
"schoolgirl" and "lesbian" together
and, inevitably, controversy arose.
Once the show ca.me out, that
completely died down. The
audience saw Kim for
who she was, and
realized, hopefully,
that homosexuality does not
need to be
seen as such
a hoc-button issue.
Crichlow:I suppose the premise of a young girl and her coming to
terms with her sexuality and all of chat, the lesbian thing, it does kind
of spark controversy and kind of prick [up] people's ears, I guess. And,
I think, in anticipation, there was a lot of hype on how raunchy and
risque it was going to be.
It was the realism that really struck a chord with people, both
in terms of teenage lifeand of Kim coming to terms with her sexuality.
Nod1ing was sensationalized, and everything happened for a reason.
My friends and family were really supportive, though it was not something I sat down and watched with my parents!
area prettyloyalfanbase.Howintenseis yourfanclub?
I still find it strange when people refer to me as a gay icon,
but it is so rewarding to know that my character helped people come
to terms with their sexuality, and that lesbians could watch something
that they could identify with so strongly.
Crichlow:Weve had huge support from the lesbian and gay community back home, which has been just fantasy-it's overwhelming,
really. Sugar Rush won a Stonewall Award in London, and Stonewall
is a political parry that campaigns for equal rights and has laws
changed ... on behalf of the gay community .... When we attended
that awards ceremony, it really kind of hit home on what Sugar Rush
meant to lots oflesbians. I think if it hadn't gone well and hadn't been
well-received by the lesbian community, we would've felt really bad.
They're a great family.
It's not stereotypical and it's not oversexualized and sexy. It
was just a story wid1 heart. It was just a young, fun, colorful rollercoaster ride of a show for anyone-anyone who's ever fancied a best
friend, same-sex or not, anyone who's ever had parents who are absolutely off-the-wall.
I get a huge amount ofletters from young teenagers-gay and
straight-saying the show helped d1em, and how much they could
relate to the characters. A lot of people mention my on-screen family. I
think people found it refreshing to see a bit of dysfunction within the
family dynamic. No family is perfect.
Kimis a lesbianandSugaris a bit of a Sapphic
Is thereanyone
youtwowouldtakethelesbianleapforin reallife?
Right now, my head is so much in the work mode I don't even
have any guys I would take the heterosexual leap for. (Laughs] For me,
women are just beautiful. I have so many strong women in my life, and
I kind of see strong women as very attractive.
gotto wearsomeprettyfiercegear.Didyouhaveany
didgetto keepanyof it?
Hallinan: By season two, Kim is a lot more confident and out and
proud, which shows in her wardrobe. And, yes, I kept quite a few
things-perk of the job. That didn't appeal to Lenora so much, as she
wouldn't be seen dead in some of the outfits Sugar turns up in.
1l1e second (season] I have this one coat, it's like this burntred fake-furry-oh, it's just gross. I wanted to burn it in a ritual on
behalf of fashion .... Apart from that coat-that one, hideous, hideous
coat-the rest of it was actually quite fun.
Willwe seea reunion?
Crichlow:I would love to work with all of them again.
Hallinan:It was a shame we didn't do a third season. That didn't go
down too well with the fans of the show, and petitions have been
written to get one made. A movie? Now that's a great idea! ■
The Cagney & Lacey icon on her first lesbian role, encountering Helen
Mirren and that ugly wig she wore on QueerAs Folk. By Jennifer Parello
Sharon Gless, who played Christine Cagney on the groundbreaking
TV series Cagney & Lacey,has finally taken her first starring role as
a lesbian. In the smash festival hit Hannah Free,a film about a lifelong
love affair between two women, Gless plays Hannah, an adventurous, unapologetic lesbian who has never stopped longing for her first
love, Rachel. The film, based on a play by award-winning playwright
Claudia Allen, reveals how the women maintained their love through
decades of infidelity, family strife and long-distance yearning.
AreyouandTyneDaly,yourco-starin Cagney
& Lacey,stillfriends?
Yes, we're great friends. Sweat makes great cement. And we sweated
together for six years and just bonded.
Cagney& Laceyreunionshows?
Leslie Moonves [the president of CBS) killed chat franchise. He hated
Cagney& Lacey. He said, "Cagney& Lacey is just a fluke."He buried
our show. He was the new president of CBS and he got to kill whatever he wanted.
Evenafterthe hugesuccess
ofthe reunion
The first [reunion show) was the highest-rated show of the year of
all four networks. Barney (Rosenzweig, the executive producer of
Cagney& Lacey and Gless' husband) suggested to Leslie chat we do
two reunion shows a year for fiveyears. Watch chem age,just like cops
do ... until done day one of chem doesn't show up. And I said, "I have
the ending for chat. Cagney eats her own gun. Because she couldn't
grow. They weren't respecting her:' Bue Leslie wasn't interested.
Areyoua fan of PrimeSuspecf!
You know, Lynda La Plante wrote chat. She did it as an homage to
Cagney& Lacey.She cold me chat.
In the final episodeof PrimeSuspect,HelenMirren'scharacter,
andretiresfromthe policeforce.Did
They stole Cagney in chat one. And Helen Mirren was furious. Furious
chat they did chat. All of a sudden making her an alcoholic. It was
bullshit. She said, "I become an alcoholic overnight?"
We're not social friends, but we've met. When she won her first Emmy
(for Prime Suspect]in America, the very first person in her acceptance
speech was, "Thank you Cagney& Lacey."And then, I was at a cheater
in New York and someone cold me chat Helen Mirren was there. So
I waited ... for her in the lobby and I said,"Helen, I'm Sharon Gless:'
Helen Mirren got down on her knees ... and did (a worshipping gesture). I said, "Jesus, get up. I've got a great idea. We'll do an extradition
thing. (Cagney and Lacey] will come from New York to work with
Scotland Yard co bring someone back (co the States). And she said,
"No, no, no. I will come to New York:' We both wanted a trip to the
other country. We never did it.
of England,
of Stephen
King'sMiseryin London's
Ir was afrer the movie (version came
out). Kathy Bates brilliantly-and I
repeat, brilliantly-created the character [in the movie).
Howdo youtake a characterthat is so
largein the culturalconsciousness
makeit yourown?
The play was exactly like the book. The
movie was soft. (They) took our a lot
of rough stuff chat was in the book. For example, the famous hobbling
scene, where she breaks the writer's ankles. In rhe book, Stephen King
wrote that she amputates [the writer's foot], and we amputated on
stage and used a blowtorch to cauterize it, so it wouldn't get infected.
The play was very,very sick.... It was very fun co do.
to TVandfilmacting?
I prefer film, because chat's how I scarred out. I started in television. I
was a secretary (before] I became an actress.
Wereyoua sexysecretary
in reallife?
I don't chink I ever was sexy.Sexy is in the eye of the beholder-in the
groin of the beholder. (Laughs)
In hisnewautobiography,
Piecesof MyHeart,hespeaksveryhighlyofyou.
I love him. Oh, I adore him. He taught me so much. He was the most
seIBessactor I ever worked with. I was young and I was about to be
fired from Universal ... and I auditioned for his series and I got the part.
The producer didn't want me, but he did. (Robert] said, "You know,
now you have a series of your own, stop doing guest spots. Stop doing
ocher people's shows:•I did what he cold me, and I went on co do my
own series. And this is what a good friend he was co me. I did a series
called The Trials of RosieO'Neill.Ir was our second year and we were
in trouble. We needed ... co boost our numbers. Barney invited Robert
Wagner [to do a guest spot]. I said, "He's nor going to do it. Ic's not his
own show:· Bur he came and did it for me.
Youdon'thavechildren.Butyou'vetakenon a roles-in Queeras Folk
I never wanted to play mothers. I decided early on I didn't want co
play"mocher of the cripple:•In TV movies it's always the long-suffering
mother. I did chat once. I was Helen Hunt's mother. And it was just
boring. Bur then I was offered Debbie Novotny (on Queer As Folk].
And I loved Debbie Novotny and I went afrer it. I called Showtime
and I said, "I want that one:•
Evenaftertheytoldyouyou'dhaveto wearthecrazywig?
It was my idea! They wanted me to keep my own sun-streaked hair. I
said, "I look like Chris Cagney gone bad. It's not my finest hour physically,and let me just reinvent mysel£' And they did. I wanted co change
the wig everyday.Pink. Green. Purple. She was outrageous ... so she'd love
all the rainbow colors. But they had made me pick one, so I picked red.
Thatwasyourfirstroleona gayTVshow.Butbeforethat,Christine
becamea lesbianicon.I guessjustbecause
youwerethestrongNovember 2009
I was the strong, single one. She was a complicated character. I say this
humbly, because I didn't write it, but I firmly believe that Christine
Cagney was the finest female character written for television. Totally
fucked up. A hero with feet of clay. She was always drinking. [In season five, Barney] had a meeting with the writers and discussed the
whole year's arc. He said, "I only have one note. The last line of the
last episode of this year has to be: 'My name is Christine and I'm an
alcoholic: You guys get there however you want to get there:•
wasa lesbianiconandDebbiea beloved
HannahFreeis yourfirstroleas a lesbian.
Yes. Well, two days before I came here, Ed Harris made a movie. It
was just two days' work. I played a wheelchair-bound aging lesbian in
a trailer park-is chat weird?
So,you'reofficiallyin yourlesbianyears.We'vebeenwaiting.
I'm in my lesbian years! Thank you.
Let'stalk aboutHannahFree.It's writtenby lesbianplaywrightClaudia
Allen.Youappearedin oneof herplaysat Chicago"s
I did, in Deed of Trust. Tyne and I did it for the radio. Claudia, in 2000,
wrote a script called Cahoots.And she cold me she wrote it for me. So
I came and did it.
Now,in HannahFree,whichis basedonClaudia'splay,youare Hannah,
a free-spirited
to playa real lesbian.I
knowyou'vebeendyingall theseyearsto playa lesbian.
Yes, I have! I've always wanted to play a lesbian. I used to suggest it to
network heads. I just always thought it was a role I should play.
Howdidyouprepareto playa lesbian.Methodacting?Didyougooutand
findsomegirlsto kiss?
Everyone thinks I'm a lesbian anyway, so I just showed up. [Laughs]
ona shoestringbudget.Whatwas it likeworkingona smallindependent
What I was so impressed with was
that no one was here to get rich. It
was all done for love. Thirty percent
of this crew was here volunteering.
And I love the character of Hannah.
I've never, ever played a role like chis.
I've never played this age. They aged me a little. My husband said,
"Why do they have to age you? You arean old woman:'
I've played some wonderful characters, but I've never played a
woman, who ... [yes]she's in love with and longing for another woman,
but it's really about heart.
hasbeenin lovewithanother
womanall herlife.
Exacdy. And she's dying. She hasn't seen her in seven, eight months.
They won't let her in the room. I think it's very timely with Proposition
8-Hannah has no rights. Rachel's daughter [played by Taylor Miller,
All My Children'sNina Cortlandt] won't let Hannah say goodbye. It's
all done in flashbacks, which is really neat. It's not just the two of
us in a nursing home. You get to see us grow. Rachel has done the
conventional thing. She marries. She has children. But she has always
longed for Hannah. Hannah doesn't give a shit. She travels extensively
and sleeps with other women. [But] no matter where in the world she
travels she keeps being pulled back to Rachel. It's a wonderful story. I
start crying just talking about it. But it's very funny, too.
Well,SharonGless,we'rehappythatyou'refinallya lesbian.
Me too. [Laughs] Me too. ■
coupleat the centerof a featurefilm.
theyoungerversionsof themdoingthat."
Freetoucheson issueslike gay
interestto mewhenI wroteshortstoriesor
the rightswe haveoverourspouse's
screenplays,"Carltonsays."Andfor women
andlesbians,we don'tseeolderwomenbe
tookgreatcarenotto overpoliticize
it manages
to showthe humansideof these
withoutstandingona soapbox.
"I thinklessis morein termsof probably
for BestFeatureat Philadelphia's
of agerangeor
a boldstepbyallowingaudiences
to seethe
Carltonsays."I still wanted,overall,the
startof the couple'sloveaffair,whentheywere film to beseenuniversally,
bya lot of people,
notjust queerpeople-straightpeople,tooadultyearsandintooldage.Thewomen'slives andnotgotoofar withsexualscenes,sothat
togetherareshownmainlythroughflashbacks peoplewhoarehomophobic,
or afraidof it, or
Thefilm HannahFree,directedbyWendyJo
whilebothwomenarein the samenursing
aren'tgoingto wincetoo much."
home,butarebeingkeptapartby Rachel's
in itsdepiction
thestoryof a lifelongloveaffairbetweenHannah disapproving
ofa classical
a fiercelyindependent
"I felt I reallyneededto taketheopportunity dykeandhermorefemmepartner.
It is bothmoving
an introverted
to havea couplesceneswherein flashback
andfunny,thanksin largepartto Gless,
andwill be
Allen,whowrotethe they'rekissing,in flashbackshe'sfondling
originalplaythefilm wasadaptedfrom,have
brokennewgroundby puttingan aginglesbian explains."[But]It isn'tjust thethirtysomethings, [ArielMessman-Rucker]
We head to Nashville in search of lesbians in the country music scene. By Stephanie Schroeder
Dreams of country music stardom have more than a handful of
lesbians chasing audiences, playing gigs in every nook and cranny of
the country and world, holding down day jobs or living an itinerant life
and generally doing whatever it cakes to achieve a modicum of success
in and out of Nashville-only these gals are doing it lesbo style.
While some say chat k.d. lang is responsible for the growing number
of lesbian country music fans, London-based writer and artist Rosa
Ainley, who, along with coauthor Sarah Cooper, wrote the 1994 essay
"She Thinks I Still Care: Lesbians and Country Music;' posits the idea
chat lesbians have always listened to country-even iflang did help to
spark the community's collective interest in the genre.
"Counrcy-westernmusic outsold allocher forms of music in the Western
world during the 1990s;•saysAinley."1l1atsays something about the broad
audience for the genre'.'Ainley declares chat k.d. lang's foray into cow1rcy
was more about theatrics than a desire for country music stardom.
And lang doesn't disagree-completely. "Certainly for me it was
about the theatrics, the performance, bur I also approached it with an
emotional integrity chat doesn't exist in ocher types of music;• says lang.
"Country music to me is more guttural, or blue collar, in appearance and
emotion, and chat pleased me as a singer:• Lang says char country is
one of her favorite musical genres and that fans can definitely expect
another country album from her.
Though lang may have influenced some crossover fans, few, if any,
queer women who are on the country scene today are as popular as
lesbian icons Shelby Lynne and Terri Clark. Who knows if either is
queer, bur both certainly have a large lesbian following. Lynne's Just a
Little Lovin' tour, a tribute to Dusty Springfield, has only fueled interest
in her and speculation about her sexuality among queer women.
Making it in Nashville is no easy cask for anyone, and it's been even
harder for the few lesbian artists who've eked out a place for themselves
on the country scene. One of tl1eseis singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier,
who has been working in Nashville since 2001 and has toured with Willie
Nelson, John Prine, Cowboy Jw1kies and Nanci Griffith, among otl1ers,
and was one of the first our lesbians to play tl1e Grand Ole Opry. But
Gauthier insists char for her, it's more about the music than her sexuality.
I'm working on being the greatest artist I can be. As a songwriter
and storyteller I play to a primarily heterosexual audience ... but I don't
care because I enjoy the opportunity. My songs are about the human
condition, not the gay human condition;• says Gauthier.
Jen Foster is an out singer-songwriter who rakes a different tack.
Her first album, The Underdogs,
came out in 2006 and, she says, uses
the everpresent heartbreak and rejection of the country genre to rap
into an expression of the turmoil of coming out in the '80s. Foster,
who performed at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival chis year,
has garnered a faithful lesbian fanbase, partly due to rhe viral
spread of her song "I Didn't Just Kiss Her," which was a send-up
of Kacy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl." Her newest album, Thiry-Nine,
was released chis year.
Still, other our artists have moved away from the country scene in order
to find their niche. Kristen Hall, of Sugarland fame, says char she moved ro
Nashville to write country songs, bur instead has found that she feels more
comfortable in the indie-folk scene.
"When I moved to Nashville, I rook my personal freedom for granted,
being our as a lesbian in Atlanta for 24 years and working for Amy and
Emily (Ray and Saliers, respectively-the Indigo Girls]. Bur here in
Nashville I am very shaken and saddened by how many musicians are in
the closet and how many are floundering;' says Hall.
And there are other lesbian musicians, like Texas Hall-of-Farner
Gretchen Phillips, whose output crosses genres: The lines blur between
country, alt country, Americana, and folk; between bluegrass, rockabilly
and country kitsch.
Moanin' Michelle Malone, another example of a successful genrecrosser, has been touring for over a decade and logs about 200 days a year
on the road. Her newest album, Debris,is a mix of belt-it-our blues,jazzy
rock anthems and rockabilly-alt country train and pain songs. 'Tm a rock
chick with an edge;' says the Atlanta-born-and-bred songstress. "Debrishas
a little bit of everything-instead of a story, there are a lot of little stories
that fit together and give a glimpse into a day in the life:'
Thrown into chis mix are Kentucky-born, indie-Americana singer
Ashleigh Flynn, a self-described late bloomer with four CDs under
her belt. "I have a song called 'Chokecherry' inspired by Belovedby Toni
Morrison. Since I'm from in and around Kentucky, the stories of the South
inform my songwriting as does the impact of racism;' says Flynn.
And no discussion of queer country music would be complete without
a mention of Woody Simmons, a fixture in the bluegrass-rockabilly scene
since the mid 1970s. and Emmylou Harris, whose album Red Dirt Girl
was truly LG BT-inspired. Harris has been quoted as saying,"What really
rook it over the edge for me was on a night off in New Orleans we went to
see Boys Don't Cry. It unnerved me, not only because of the violence and
homophobia, bur also because of the underlying theme of how trapped
those young people were. We all come into this world with so much potential and so many dreams:• Current Nashville-area singers Amelia White and
Ann McCue, who toured and have an album with multiple Grammy Awardwinner and country cult favorite Lucinda Williams, deserve credit as well.
For a different rake on country, J. Byrd and the Tater Trio are a
contemporary group playing classic country fronted by Jeanette "J. Byrd"
Hosch, a hefry butch with short gray hair and a delicate voice that makes
Dolly Parton's u!trafeminine drawl sound like a jackhammer.
Then there are the outrageous Mighty Slim Pick.ins,whose eclectic"wharthe-fuckabilly" sound confounds fans and transgresses all musical genres and
gender stereotypes. Fronted by Dinette "Nettie" Hammar and Leigh Crowe,
the Mighty Slim Pick.ins'act is an homage to classic country duos such as
Dolly Parron and Porter Wagoner, Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash, and
George Jones and Tammy Wynerte: men with big voices and women with
bigger hair.
"Serious classiccountry music fans are often in the LGBT community, but
seen as the larch-key kids of the community;' says 2005 Outmusic Awardwinner Kitty Rose. As an artist putting our music in the tradition of classic
country acts like Loretta Lynn, Rose works small-town country fairs as well as
g_ large concert venues, and even Olivia cruises.This varietygivesher insight into
ffi how vastly different crowds can connect to country."I work county fairs where
~ the crowd would be offended by all char;'she says."Bur I also play San Francisco
~ and L.A., and I can throw out all the innuendo I want, and they get it:' ■
breakingintothe male-dominated
fieldof musicproduction.
with whatyouhaveto workwith.Listento all differentgenresof music."
It alsohelpsthat the LosAngeles-based
musicianis an incredibly
Beforetouringthe worldwith several
the SoandSo's,in herhomestateof Massachusetts,
successas a soloperformer.
Tooheyis currentlygainingattentionasthe guitaristfor the band
but it is herproduction
workfor artistssuchas Rachael
CantuandVivekShrayathat makesher standout from the singersongwritercrowd.
WithToohey'ssuccesson bothsidesof the glassin the recording
studio,it wassurprisingto discoverthat hereducationat the Berklee
Collegeof Musicfocusedon songwritingandvoice,ratherthanguitar
Tooheywasoftenaskedto playfor recordingsessionsin the Music
therewereso manyvirtuosicguitaristshoningtheirchops
there,I wouldtendto putdowna few simpleparts,"sheexplains.It
wasduringthosesessionsthat shelearnedaboutgear,the recording
processandthe importance
of "lessis more"arrangements.
Butherlessis moreexperience
"I've been
messingaroundwith a four-trackrecordersinceI wasa kid,so I
of howto workwith EQs,levelsandeffects
earlyon,"shesays.Armedwith herrecorderanda cheapmicrophone,
Tooheywouldlayerherselfplayingan out-of-tunepianoanddrumming
on potsandpansto createmixtapesfor friends.It's nosurprisethat
shecitesthe Beatlesas an influence,marvellingat theirabilityto create
suchamazingsoundswith so few tracks.
Shemayhavean affinityfor old-schoolsimplicity,but it is modern
that hasadvanced
Toohey'scareeras a recordproducer.
Aftereasilyrecordingandemailingall herguitarpartsfor theWeepies'
albumsfrom home,TooheyrealizedshecouldproduceCanadian
LosAngelesto Toronto.
"Anartistusuallybringsmea songandI try outdifferentarrangements
wegetit right,"sheexplains
"I either
try andenhance
or I createa soundforthem
Inadditionto producing,
sheis alsoscoringmusic
for film andTV,andis workingon anotherreleaseof
herownmusic."I'm also
to starta band
BoyShortsthat onlyplays
coversandwill dominatethe
B. Ruby Rich on queer cinema today. By John Esther
L Word, television cook over the role of mainstreaming LGBT culture and issues, or at least its "entertainment" version ... to the masses.
Technology, meanwhile, broadened the scope of LGBT representations in all the right ways, making access available to huge populations
not previously represented. And the legal fights, from the military
to the chapel, have of course appeared, too-though never with the
centrality they occupy in the political arena. Finally, leverage. When
Brokeback Mountain and Milk can make it to the Oscars, times truly
have changed and the rules of the game have switched up.
Withthe increase
in imagesof the LGBT WillProp.8 figureintonear-future
whatare It's likely, but as other states move ahead-Iowa, Vermont-the
foibles of California may not remain of central interest ... except for
Today, we are in a very different moment from the past. It is not a time those of us who live here. But I'm not sure how filmic it is. [But] if
of scarcity,when there were no LGBT images around. Nor is it a time of someone would like to make a documentary on the dueling camcoherent mobilization, as in the first rush to civil rights documentaries paigns ... that will be instructive on how to win the next war of
or film festival establishment. Nor is it a time of explosive discovery, as advertising, I'm there.
in the New Queer Cinema of the '90s. We have shifted into a time when Whatdo youtellyoungwomenwhovocally
the subject matter is negotiable or bankable, marketable or nor.
Well, I'm more concerned with patriarchal cinema supporting young
If filmfestivals,
at leastthebiggeronesin thebiggercities,includeLGBT women. I find it's best not to worry coo much about that, nor to overfilm,whatpointis thereto Outfestor otherLGBTfilmfestivals?
emphasize it. I'm about to travel up to Willamette University to show
TI1e LGBT festivals are the only ones that need to justify themselves and discuss Jamie Babbie'sItty Bitty Titty Committee, which I'd recomevery year, in addition to putting on their events. Frankly, it's unfair. mended to the professor there. She jumped at the chance, saying that
TI1ere have been several issues of the academic journal GLQ focused the film will totally resonate for her students.
on what the LGBT film festivals actually represent. They are not, Whileit goeswidelyunnoticed,
AraratandWherethe TruthLies.
frankly, about bringing films or videos to market. They are indeed in suchfilmsas Exotica,
about shaping community, providing an immediate feedback loop on I love Acorn's films. He has always complicated sexuality and desire,
important issues and, of course, dating opportunities.
and I hope he keeps on doing it. He is just an inventive and totally 15
unafraid heterosexual. More people should see his films. Don't forget ~
TI1ere are four things: television, technology, legality and leverage. The Adjuster, either, or The Sweet Hereafter.
Television took up much of the work performed by earlier LGBT
Whatdoyouthinkof thefilmsof JenniOlson?
film- and video-makers. From the coming-out season on Ellen to the Her turn to filmmaking is... great, full of meaning and aesthetic ~
daring of Queer as Folk, from the breakthrough acceptance of Queer pleasure. And she's been smart enough to collaborate with Sophie wa:
Eye for the Straight Guy and Will & Grace co the long run of The
Constantinou, a great cinematographer, to achieve that look. ■
Few current thinkers have addressed
issues around the representation of
lesbians for as long, or as hard, as B.
Ruby Rich. She's a pioneer in feminist,
gender and LGBT studies, a tenured
professor at UC Santa Cruz, and her
efforts to name the unnameable have
entered the canon of cinema studies.
TVLand'shit realityseriesShe'sGot
for modelsover
35, introduced
the worldto funky,
leadsingerof WhoButShe.
domestic violencesurvivor.
Youwerein an abusivemarriage
for 10 years,howdidthat affect
I gotthe strengthto walk awaybe52 / curve
causethe verbalabusewasturning
intophysicalabuse.Anyonethat has
to makea changein their life that's
so drastic,theyreallyhaveto do it
ontheirown.Andthat's exactly
whatI did.
Youcameoutof that andoutof
the closetall at once.
Yeah.I'm muchhappier.Going
throughall of that,it reallymademe
a strongerperson,andin futurerelationships
I knowmorewhatI want.
I won'tfall intothe samesituation
againwith a woman,because
samethingcanhappenwith another
You'veseenuglinessin yourlife,
butwhat'sthe mostbeautiful
Seeingmyselfin mychildren.That's
completelyon a differentlevel
yourselfin themis, like,the greatest
thingon earth.[DianeAndersonMinshall)
Chef Heather West heats up Hell's Kitchen. By Kristin A Smith
her Make-A-Wish desire."! said, J\re you sure
you don't want to meet Justin Timberlake?
I'd want co meet Justin Timberlake: " But
for many girls and women, West's success is
inspiring. "When people would ask for my
autograph, I'd think, Tm just a tool. I'm not a
Bearle;" she says.
Parr of her fame stems from being the first
openly lesbian winner of a reality TV show.
West didn't make her sexuality a key part of
the show, bur she was our co fellow contestants
and staff. "When they asked if I was a lesbian,
I said yes, but being a lesbian is only about 10
percent of who I am. This is a cooking show,
not a dating show:•
Bur West's sexuality did impact the showat least her own experience of it. While filming,
she says she "fell madly in love with a girl on
the show. Head over heels:•
The girl was fellow contestant Rachel
Brown, who was eliminated midway through
season two. West brought her back to work
on her kitchen staff for the final contest, and
In many ways, Heather West has been
the final episode is filled with a lot of hugging
training to win Hell's Kitchen her whole life.
between the two. "She kissed me at the season
At 4, she learned to bake. Ac 13, she worked
finale, bur I found our later that she had
a in restaurant. And at 19, when her mother
someone:• That didn't diminish their bond.
was diagnosed with cancer, West used cookShe says they had talked about spending their
ing as a way to help her family cope.
lives together.
'Td play MacGyver in the kitchen. I'd have
Tragically, West's connection with Brown
eight things of ketchup and a pickle and I'd
was severed when Brown committed suicide
figure our a meal for my mom. I just wanted
in 2007. "I still don't know why she killed
her to be happy:• Making people happy with
herself;' says West. "She didn't even make it a
her culinary gift is West's favorite way of
year after the show ended. Ir's been very hard.
interacting with the world-she's in
I have a lot of regrets about it. I
charge and loving it.
didn't fight for her the way that I
BEYOUROWNCHEF waitingfor youbeforemovingon. should. We had an intense conShe admits chat sometimes she
It evenincludesa shopping
can be a licrle too in charge, falling
nection and I miss her every day:'
Inspiredby Hell'sKitchenandTop to helpgetyourpantrystocked.
into the classic role of the screaming
For West, the last two years have
gottheanswer. Don'thavea DS?Nintendo
Trainer: bundledthisgameintoa sweet
che£ bur rhar's just part of cooking
been starkly juxtaposed between
packagewitha GreenDSLite
in the five-star world. "I think I'm
enjoying her successful career and
a snazzycarryingcase,so
actually really quire nice;• says West.
coping with her personal loss. But
A coworker gives her a sideways
in the same way char, as a teenfromcategories
thingwithyouto thegrocery
glare. "What? I am. I'm just feisty:'
andnumberof store.($140for thebundlepack, ager, she made her mother happy
Perhaps her feisty nature is part
through cooking, West is continuthrougheachstepof the245of the reason the Hell's Kitchen staff
ing to cook through this phase ii:
plusrecipes,givingyoua helping
chose West over the other young,
of her life. 'Tm good at making
up-and-coming chefs jockeying for
things taste good;' she says."That's ~"'
a position on the show. Or perhaps
what I do:' ■
it was because, at age 25, West was already
an executive sous chef at an elite Hamptons
restaurant. Add to it that she is a woman in a
male-dominated industry, and a fierce lesbian,
and it's no wonder West was chosen.
In fact, Gordon Ramsay, the host of the
show, chose her twice-once as a contestant
on season two and more recenrly as a staff
member for season six. "Gordon always says
char I'm just like him;• says West.
Ramsay is known for his predictably
unpredictable behavior, often screaming and
occasionally walking off the show in disgust.
"I think [we're similar) because I'm a hard
worker. I hope it's because of the hard working and not the screaming;' she jokes.
Her hard work on Hell's Kitchen paid off.
"When I opened the door and saw char I had
won, I couldn't breathe. I fell down the stairs.
My father was crying -hysterically. Everyone
was crying. Ir was definitely a moment:'
Thar moment changed West's life. As her
prize, she was given a one-year contract as
senior chef of Terra Rossa at the Red Rock
Casino in Las Vegas. West says the experience was both exciting and surreal. "They just
dropped me in Vegas and gave me a lot of
money. What did they think I'd do with it? I
love blinking lights;• she says, laughing.
West was thrown into the limelight in a
way she had never experienced before. "People
would come from all over co get my autograph
and I'd wonder why they were here:•
One young girl even chose meeting West as
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REVIEWSMusic Watch
Groovethe Ni ht Awa
Danceable tunes to suit every taste. By Margaret Coble
inclinedto dismissNative
a LumbeeIndiansinger-songwriterwhoseCDAmerican
(it offered10 traditional
in a differentNativeAmerican
hera Grammy
"Stairwayto Heaven"made
herthefirst NativeAmerican
womanto landon Billboards
dancechart.Noneof which
youfor Mashonee's
in Love."Knowing
that she
icingonthe cake.(missmollyrecords.com)
* UrbanIndian[noun]:"Being
anUrbanIndianis to walkin
bothworldsbut not comproriise myculturalidentity I
cannotignorewhoI am and
whrre I camefrom.I am
proudthat I canmaintainmy
in today'sworld."
- Mashonee
to GayAgenda
Whether you're bitting a mainstream, gay or underground dance club, tunes from The Black Eyed Peas,
Lierle Boors or Woolfy are sure to be blasting from
the speakers, drawing you our onto the dance floor.
I aon't genera11y
expect very much
beyond a good beat from Obercommercialgroups like this, so I'm
actually pleasantlysurprised that I
enjoy this as much as I do.
By now,
rhe California supergroup's latest album is probably
ubiquitous on rhe radio and in clubs, led by rbe
infectiously blippy "Boom Boom Pow;' bur there's
still plenty more to discover on this fun 15-cut
disc. From clubby cuts like "Rock Thar Body;' with
its clever sample of Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock's "It
Takes Two" and French disco-house grooves, to the
Bow Wow Wow "I Want Candy" sample in "Electric
Ciry;' with its drum-and-bass feel, BEP is all over rbe
musical map on this one. And while several songs
offer disappointingly vapid lyrics about topics like
booty calls ("Ring-a-Ling"), the merits of fast-lane
life ("Party All the Time") and instant gratification
("Now Generation"), there are also feel-good reggaeringed anthems like "One Tribe" and inoffensive geedowns like "Rockin to rl1e Bear;' my personal fave. I
don't generally expect very much beyond a good bear
from iiber-commercial groups like this, so I'm actually
pleasantly surprised char I eajoy chis as much as I do.
Victoria Hesketh,
aka Lierle Boors, is one of the most buzzed-about
U.K. pop stars of the year, having first captured our
attention as a member of the Leeds-based indie
dance-punk outfit Dead Disco. Her new solo work is
more synthesizer-focused electro-pop, though often
referred to as futuristic disco, drawing comparisons
to Lady GaGa. This debut five-song EP offers a solid
intro to her slick remix-ready sound, which seems
like a no-brainer for dance clubs, gay and straight
alike. The glam-pop "New in Town" is the lead single
and video, while "Stuck on Repeat" gets my vote for
most memorable cur, with its Giorgio Moroder-
like beat and soaring melody. "Not Now"
is a U.S.-exclusive release, "Magical" is
a rare B-side previously only released
on a limited, seven-inch vinyl single in
che United Kingdom and the Freddie
Mercury cover "Love Kills" rounds it our.
Keep an ear out for her full-length debut,
Hands, coming soon. (littlebootsmusic.co.uk)
If YouKnow What'sGoodfor Ya!,Woolfy
You're likely co hear Simon
"Woolfy" James' grooves only if you're at a
seriously hip or eclectic club, but consider
yourselflucky if you do. If you haven't been
so lucky, you should check him our, because
his is a smart amalgam of styles and sounds
char resulcs in deep, body-moving bliss.
Bits of funk, pop, dirty disco, deep house,
rare groove and new wave all simmer
together co form a really danceableand listenable-mix.
The opening "The
Warehouse" secs a funky midcempo pace,
while "Oh Missy" gets down and dirty,
with its jangly guitars, disco-ish beat and
vocal hooks. "That Lady;' with its bassslaps, handclaps, cowbell and"She's Tasty"
vocal chants, are my personal picks.
La Roux
Thank che United Kingdom for chis year's
hottest electro-chick, the gender-bending,
Tilda Swinton-esque La Roux. Known to
her mum as Elly Jackson, chis 21-year-old is
armed with a fiery coif and a sizzling sound.
Club hoppers, get ready for some spin with
substance because La Roux's self-citied debut
will make you dance hard and cry harder.
Lily was struggling for ticket sales in the
U.K., so she asked us co open co help her sell
our. (Laughs] Kidding, Lily! The tour was
great. Luckily, the reactions were all good.
Lily has become a good friend and someone
I can turn co when I need a bit of advice.
Yoursingle"In for the Kill"hasreallyblown
up. Howare youtakingthis seemingly
I nearly shat myself when I heard the
midweek chart position. In some ways, this
It'sAll True!
Oneof thefreshest
in a classic
bad-girl thisdebutdisccallsto
style,despitetherather mindthevocalplayof
pinuppixon ErykahBadu,Jill Scott
The andevenBillieHoliday.
a lusty,sassydittythat andpositive,
showsoff Lenz'svocal to the pointof overkill,
chops,while"Zombie andseveralsongs
forYourLove"is a little ventureintodownright
moretongue-in-cheek, ethereal
withB-movieimagery. "MyGarden").
It-All"is a fave,and
there'sevena twangy amplebeatsandhooks
countryballad,"I Break to makesureyouwon't
forgetit anytimesoon.
a HeartEveryNight."
is far from overnight because me and Ben
(Langmaid, co-producer and co-writer] have
been working on this for over five years. Bue
in reality, yes, it has been a bit sudden. The
week before "In for the Kill" came out, we
would have been happy with one week at
No. 40. So for it co spend four weeks at
No. 2 and still be in the Top 20 chis week,
four months later, is surreal.
Someone heard me playing the guitar at a
New Year's Eve party five years ago and cold
me I should work with
their friend. That guy
was Ben. What an
introduction chat
turned our to be.
Pretty soon we were
hanging our and writing
together. Initially, the
songs were acousticbased, until one day I
had a eureka moment
listening co"New Life"
NervousbutExcited AmyBleu
album-100 percent whereinthemiddle
theirmostambitious. Hervoiceis mesmerizing,though,andher
Lyndell soundrecallsanother
andKatie soft-spoken
it togetherin a way
A shiningexample
theirmasteryof melody, Gable,"
andheartfor everyone,
by Depeche Mode. That's what I wanted
our music co sound like. Ben was thrilled
when I cold him the next day. The '80s were
his favorite era, coo.
Someof yoursongsareprettyemotional,
All of the songs [on the album] are about
one person, one relationship. I don't wane co
be any more specific because I want people
co read into the lyrics what they see fit, nor
have it ruined by me defining it for chem.
"Cover My Eyes" is the one song we haven't
played live, because I'm nor
sure I can sing it without
crying. I cried when we
recorded it for the first time
and I'm sure it will happen
again sometime.
to identify
I like the mystery of
androgyny. [Briana
November 2009
REVIEWSIn The Stacks
A memoir and 19 erotic shorts get us going. By Rachel Pepper
so exciting:'" Is it the grit, the summer heat, the
anonymous nature of some encounters or the stean1y
back rooms at sex clubs packed with scantily dad
women:' The stories, many by unknown or up-andMeanLittledeafQueer,TerryGalloway
(BeaconPress): coming authors, use all varieties of urban locales as
When Terry Galloway was 9 years old, she started a backdrop, including taxicabs, back alleys and bars,
losing her hearing. When she was finally diagnosed, with bartenders featured as a little more eager for a
the cause was found to be a toxic antibiotic that her workplace romp than most I've known.
mother took while she was pregnant. Unfortunately,
As with any collection, there are some pieces chat
LethalAffairs,KimBaldwin the deafness was irreversible, so Galloway learned to shine brighter than others-Charlotte
Dare's "The
andXeniaAlexiou cope. American Sign Language was not the normative Critic;' Lisabet Sarai's "Rush Hour" and Roxy Kacr's
(BoldStrokesBooks): path to expression then, so Galloway was encouraged "The City Pony" are admirable, and pieces by erotic
to read lips, endure rather primitive hearing aids writers Rachel Kramer Busse! and Crystal Barela
andmultiple and attend camps alongside children more severely help anchor the anthology.
However, as editor, King might have suggested
to make disabled than hersel£
alternatives to the over abundance of similarthisbooka grippingpageturner.Theeliteoperative che dramatic, Galloway faked her own drowning
sounding character names in this collection-Jackie
Dominohasbeenin training at camp and scored the covered Best Swimmer
and Jacquie, Bech and Ruch, Dani and Danielle. We
trophy while acknowledging to herself that she had meet too many characters described as having blue
a girl.Sheis theconsummate really won Best Actress. Not surprisingly, she went
eyes and only three of the stories include women of
Nothingin her
on to become a professional actor and started several color. One of these women is fetishized by a white
lifeis personal
Ward-her nexttarget. performing groups, including the infamous Austin, woman, which is particularly unappealing in a
Ward,whois a journalist,
has Texas-based Escher's Follies and the Actual Lives collection of stories promoted as "urban." That
stumbledontosomehighly writing and performance troupe, which specialized aside, Where the Girls Are is an enjoyable collection
in skits by actors with disabilities.
full of saucy sex scenes,perfect for city slickers
Mean Little deaf Queer is thoughtful
and country girls alike. (cleispress.com)
~ t.-r\'\\e
if Domino
doesn'teliminate about what "deaf" and "queer" mean
elsewill. Lethal
and the variations that exist within
~ 1',e~,...
chose identities. There are also sections
chat deal with Galloway's coming out
fastmovingstorythatneverlets and her various flings and relationships
up.A must-read,
eventhough before she finds the love of her life.
it hasbeenoutfor a while.
While much of the book is funny, it
theduo's never makes light of the magnitude of the
andequallygood, obstacles Galloway has overcome, and there
bookin theEliteOperatives
are some intense passages, such as when she
com) reveals that she was admitted into a psychiatric facility
[Kathilsserman] followinga breakdown.1he book follows a fairly standard memoir format, but includes extensive-and
seemingly unnecessary-bits
of family history and
an ouc-of-place, though loving, tribute to her father.
AU in all, however, Galloway's story will have wide
appeal, stirring hearts in both the hearing and deaf
communities. (beacon.org)
Terry Galloway's life story resonates with the sassy
humor of survival, and Where the Girls Are explores
the excitement of dyke sex in the city.
Wherethe GirlsAre,ed. D.L.King(CleisPress):In the
intro to this new collection, editor D.L. King asks,
"What is it about sex in the city chat makes it
I curve
Thea Hillman
Thea Hillman is an author, activist, new
mom and veteran of San Francisco's
spoken-word scene. Her Lamda Literary
Award-winning book, Intersex:For Lack of a
Better Word (manicdpress.com), documents
her own search for self in the beguiling
categories imposed on gender, sexuality and
identity in general.
Whois yourintended
My intended audience has changed over
time. I used to want to change or convert
people, so I was writing for people I didn't
know, or for some imaginary "mainstream:•
Now, I want co bolster and celebrate the
communities I'm part of, to help build a
larger, more complex queer voice and body
of work. There is still a bit of education
in my work, but it feels like it's educating
from within, rather than trying to explicate
something foreign to the reader.
Yourworkhasa particularly
youtalk abouttheflavorthat
to SanFrancisco
streetsor parksto yourwork?
These places represent how I made friends,
how I found lovers, how I navigated a queer
scene chat often felt simultaneously exhilarating and suffocating. Naming these places,
many of chem gone now, is also a kind of
graffiti, like scratching your name in cement,
saying, "I was here. We were here. This was
ours for a time:'
I guess I might describe or label chat particular time in queer urban mythology as
pose-leather, pre- or emerging trans presence,
possibly as the Sister Spit era. I'm not quite
sure what my place was, but if I had a role, it
was in helping shape the trans-intersex-genderqueer spoken-word scene by hosting performance and community-building events.
Twoof themainthemesin yourwritingare
an intersex
Great Forei n M steries
A DarkerDomain
Val McDermid
Thereis no greater
thanValMcDermid yougetthiswildlydark
(theScottishcreator andcleverrom-comthriller.Something's
ofTV'sWirein the
Bloodandthe Lindsay amissin Istanbul-a
killeris murdering
womenin increasingly
thriller,her 25th book, bizarreways.The
a glamorous
a nationalminer's
strike the catalyst
for woman,is a nightclub
bothsearingpolitical ownerwho balances
leg waxing,lipstick
feministmystery. andstilettoswith
(valmcdermid.com) pursuingthe killer.
I started writing about intersex and trans
issues as a way to learn about what was
happening in my life. I was learning about
intersex, and coming out as intersex, while
in a relationship with someone who was
coming to terms with his trans process. In
the beginning, I was petrified to gee things
wrong, to offend people, because there was
so much I didn't understand. Things like,
how was sex different than gender, how
was intersex different than transgender or
transsexual-and what was each of chose?
In general, I often expressed my confusion,
bringing people along with me in the process
of coming to understand these issues better.
I have come to frame chem within the
contexts of activism and self-realization.
Cremedela Queer
Politics,Sexand Dishis a slick indie
zineon contemporary
from over30 contributors.Urgingthe
communityto "create,communicate,
Philipshaveassembledan eyeopeningreprievefromthe mainstream
portrayalsof queerness.
Thefirst edition,released
last summerby SuspectThoughtsPress,celebrated
voiceslike fuzzy-leggedcabaretperformerMichaelV.
Smith,splashingthroughthe pagesin furs,fishnets
andtaffeta, and S. BearBergman,who describesthe
travailsof beinga female-bodied
lookingfor a goodqueerlaywith another"dude."
It's a greatreadandthe wickedlysubtleintertwining
forksonthecovermakeit a greatadditionto anycoffee
all areasbut one:the comparablysmallspacegiven
to female-identified
contributors.It's an old refrain,
but since/nvert(e)is out to shatterthe dominantrepresentationsof queerness,
we'll optimisticallycross
ourfingersfor morein No.2. (Intrue zinefashion,the
releasedatehasyet to be announced-for now,the
editorsmaintainits digitalsisterat inverteblog.com.)
in Italy.Thepeaceful
villageof Paradiso
bythemurder penchant
of anelderlyGerman dressing,
woman,a retired
Soon, indulges
a journeythroughthe
andillegal sexualunderground
in an
a scape- audacious
goatforthehigherups. markedwithriddles.
Gobehindthebook-Val McDermid
onA DarkerDomainandread
ourlesbiantakeonSomer'slatest,TheGigoloMurder,at curvemag.com
November 2009
REVIEWSSapphic Screen
and Steam
A heartwarming indie and the final L Word dramarama. By Candace Moore
In He'sJustNotThatIntoYou,
is a straight
at a gaymen'smagazine.
a brilliant,
beenoneof Hollywood's
of same-sex
marriagerights.SoI wanted
to supportherby buyingthe
a special
numberof reallytalented
the movieis
a meanderinglookat some
of the movie-mostof these
actorsgettoo littlescreentime,
andonlyoneof the menis
in thefilm it feels
likeshewastackedin for her
in this movie,
whichis basedona badly
sodreadfulthat if beinggay
reallywerea choice,this movie
wouldleadmeto wonderwhy
somewomenchoseto remain
We Still
• Drew!
For our recap
of Drew
These new DVD releases hear things up in complex,
melodramatic ways.
Steam(WoHe):Three women of different generations
gather to therapeutically swear it our at their local
spa in Kyle Schickner's new film. Together rhe
strangers process (often wordlessly) the complexity
of life's troubles and their own shifting romances.
Nineteen-year-old college newbie Elizabeth's (Kare
Siegel) narrative plays as a coming-of-age and comingour tale: She breaks away from rigid, conservative
parents and finds her first lesbian love and heartbreak. Ally Sheedy also excels in this indie, showing off
rhe same acting chops she wowed us with in High
Art. Her divorcee character, Laurie, goes ga-ga for
her son's charismatic football coach-who happens
to be 15 years her junior-bur
ulcimacely asserts her
independence from all the men in her life (sour and
sweet). Spike Lee vet Ruby Dee plays a pitch-perfect
Doris, a crotchety shur-in who's ceased raking comfort
in simple pleasures since her husband died. When a
dashing widower invites himself to dinner-and
dessert-Doris' courage and heart are rekindled, and
she manages to face down rhe specter of loss. This
drama's unassuming, conversational style extracts
its strengths-fine
them to warm and condense. (wolfevideo.com)
TheL Word,SeasonSix (Showtime/Paramount):
final helping of our yummy-yet-lovingly-ridiculed
lesbian soap is a send-up of itself. Nor surprising,
given char the Showrime serial got steadily more
reflexive with each turn, nearly co the point of selfimplosion. In fact, perhaps narrative destruction is
what rhe producers coyly and openly staged (much
like a Jenny's suicide attempt) in rhe last few episodes.
Season six relies on che genre expectations of the
whodunit, providing us a corpse of rhe character
fans most loved to hare and then proceeding to
paint every other character as a potential suspect.
Wantto win an L Word,SeasonSixDVD?Checkbacknextissueto findouthow.
Of course, the murder mystery trope
falls away-it is, after all, just a gimmick
used to memorialize the characters and
the show. The writers don't insult our
intelligence (much).
The last episode features fragments of an
interrogation of The L Word's "eight knit"
group (administered by Xena dykecon,
Lucy Lawless), during which Alice points
out that the nostalgic line of questioning
is absurd, asking outright, "What does chis
have to do with who killed Jenny?" Funny,
we were wondering che same thing!
The fi.nal season is full of fishtails and
distractions (most of che dance-off episode,
for instance, plays like unnecessary, arbitrary
fi.ller). Unlike an Agatha Christie mystery, The
L Word crashes to an end on an unresolved
note, allowing fans to solve the puzzle for
themselves. (sho.com/paramount.com) ■
Just Between Girlz·
on TheRealWorld:
hadno ideawhatan
wasthefirst to put
a young(andvery
in a simple,compassionatewaythat
Clintonlaudedat the
diedat 22,just a
with an outpouring
of grief.Thisbiopic
Zamora'slife and
his relationship
it leavesviewers
wantingto seeeven
moreof this young
I wishmyparents
Asa 15-year-old
pledgedto beabstinent
that hertownhassome
of the highestratesof
for real
to abortion.
for LGBTstudents
(whofightthe Lubbock
rightto forma gaystraightalliance),
endsup beingshunned
butoverthe three
yearsof filming, her
but neversmarmy.
CODE 1508
If you missedit on
A&E,you canstill
a workaholic
disdainfor her
pieceof the puzzle
gets laid out simply
but you don't know
howto assemble
them until Westdoes
hasa modest
reactionto thisFox
Youeitherloveit or
youhateit. I loveit,
its constant
send-upof political
its gay
featureendupat a lesbian
basedonthe awardsoclassic,it's hard
to findsomeone
Burtonwill befamiliar "FamilyGay"episode,
to Britmysterylovers Peterparticipates
somemedicalexperiasthe starof Silent
mentsto payoff his
youhaveto sift
throughherromantic gene,"whichleads
to a gayrelationship,
bonusesarescant,it's crazyex-gaycamp
worthit to seea strong, anda wifewhosupportshiscomingout.
in the sameepisode!
aboutanyol' man.
North America's Lesbian Chatline
Dollhouse continued from page 41
thought about, buc we're sort of holding back
a lictle bit on giving coo much information
about who everybody is. We haven't got chat
yec:•That doesn't sound like a no, does it?
The question remains: Which case member
is potentially che lucky lezzie? There's
certainly no shortage of tantalizing options,
ranging from che exotic stunner Sierra
(Dichen Lachman), to the busty girl next
door November (Miracle Laurie), or perhaps
Adelle Dewitt, the high-powered,
hardcharging queen bee of the Dollhouse, who is
played by tl1e British beauty Olivia Williams.
She, incidentally, is very much open to the
idea of exploring her queer side.
'Tm completely up for any drama they care
to throw my way.Ir would be fun if she swung
both ways. That would be very cool;' says
Williams. We couldn't agree more.
Bisexual or not, the character played by
WiUiams-whose credits include Rushmore
and The Sixth Sense-remains one of the
most nuanced and fascinating women
on primetime TV today. As head of the
Dollliouse, she flips rhe power structure on
its head and, in many ways, can be viewed
as rhe series' antagonise, an element of her
character char Williams revels in.
"Thar's the fun part to play, yes, but chat's
nor necessarily the best thing. I mean, there
is something sinister about what she does
and there's no doubt she meets people's anger
with a sort of infuriating calm smile, which
leaves the ocher person feeling powerless;•
Williams admits. "That's pare of the reason I
got the job. I just enjoy having the good lines,
the good purdowns:•
While some see the series, with its
physically adept female characters and a
woman filling the top spot, as feminise,
ochers remain skeptical about its depiction
of what they consider to be a sci-fi brothel
with questionable levels of consent.
"Yes, chat is a tricky one;• WiUiams agrees.
"le is one where it's as yet unresolved. You
know, better to aspire to be the madam than
the prostitute-very good businesswomen, I
understand. Bue it's morally very shaky and
the question in my head is to what degree
Adelle really believes the shtick, or whether
she's kidding herself for the purposes of
keeping her job:'
And as to the assertion chat the dolls are
basically just sex workers, Williams has an
alternative view. "This is about chis type of
technology and what it would be used for and
62 Icurve
what the consequences of chose uses are;• she
explains. "Teflon was created to send people
into space and now we use it for frying an
egg. You know, you just don't know where
your technology is going to end up. You don't
know the social implications of ir... .It is an
interesting observation on what society does
with technology and the implications of chat
for women. And, sadly, very often, technology
... ends up being something char oppresses
women, instead of freeing chem:·
le is in chis scenario tl1at Williams sees
Dewier less as a villain and more as a moral
gatekeeper. "Better the devil you know.
[Adelle) feels she can keep a moral handle on
it and she is aware of how profoundly corrupt
maybe the person who might rake over from
her would be:•
Whedon is also familiar with the criticism.
Dollhouse was originally conceived as a dark
fantasy, according to Whedon, who-despite
being a self-identified feminise-felt char, for
the series to effectively cell its story, personal
politics had to be checked at the door.
"When everything is political, you can't
have fantasy;• Whedon admits. "Politics don't
allow for the darker parts of our nature chat
want the things char are not OK, the fantasies
char we don't talk abour:•
And char was exactly what Dollhouse was
supposed to be, he says.
"le was supposed to be a sort of exploration of the darker part of our nature, but also
the part of our nature that we keep hidden,
chat we maybe don't need to. It's my belief
char our 'perversions -and I am using quote
marks-are the things that make us unique
and beautiful:'
Whedon says our true obsessions, "many
of which are rooted sexually,because they just
are and always will be-are the things chat
keep us from being robors:•
The Dollhouse creator had tl1e idea about
rhe search for identity, and sexuality, he said,
was something chat Dushku herself wanted
to explore on the show.
"And not just looking hoc in great ourfirs;•
he says, "but exploring the sexual parts of
human nature:•
There is absolutely a feminist element to
Dollhouse, the showrunner insists, "bur when
any feminise comes to me and says, 'Well,
Dollhouse fails as a feminist show because of
these following elements; my answer is 'Yep,
(feminism) is not its agenda:"
Also standing behind the series concept is
Dushku, who works double duty on the show
as both actor and producer, a capacity char,
according to Whedon, Dushku has excelled
in. He says that even when things were looking
rocky for Dollhouse, Dushku was consistently
a calming force on set.
"She's been the best person with the whole
staff, with everybody, about saying, 'We're
here, we're a ream, we're going to make chis
work. And if they don't like it, we'll be fine:
She's just been so helpful to me. I rend to be
the one (saying), 'We're all gonna die! Game
over, man!' I'm Bill Paxton in Aliens. That's
the kind of leader that I am. Anybody who
works with me will tell you that is painfully
true;•jokes Whedon.
While he may not claim to be a source of
reassurance on set, Dushku begs to differ.
"I always felt beautiful and confident and
strong in whatever skin I was in whenever I
worked with him;' Dushku says. Especially on
Dollhouse chis year, even in my most vulnerable and raw state, which can sometimes
be terrifying. Looking at Hollywood and
media in our culture, I feel so safe and I feel
so comforted char I know chat he loves all the
sides of me and all the different pares of me:•
The ultimate result of tl1e collaboration has
both Dushku and Whedon so optimistic and
enthusiastic about the future of the series chat
it's hard not to gee caught up in it.
"I chink people will be into ic;•says Dushku.
";\!ready there are some changes. We're now
shooting in HD, and even the whole look of
the show ... ic's darker in chat we're exploring
deeper chose things I was talking about: the
consciousness and these relevant things, and
the humanity, which can be dark and light.
We have more freedom this year:•
"In some ways, ic'sa whole new world. We're
moving faster. It's more visceral. The story's
more confident;' says Whedon. "We're srill
doing lots of different things"
These days Whedon and Dushku have
more "license to really play with the characters,
chat's our main agenda. It's twisting the knife in
our own group and making it hard on chem,
and at the same time we're going to be going
ourside the world of the Dollhouse a litcle bit
more and seeing the bigger picture:•
le looks to be a thought-provoking and
action-packedseason.With a bevyof fascinating,
complex women in leading roles, and an
extraordinary creator-who has the rare gift
of seeing women the way we do-working
behind the scenes, it's no wonder Dollhouse
already makes for some phenomenal and
mandatory gay-gal viewing. ■
Mary Beth Is Back continued fi-om page 49
You'vealso donefilm. Onethingthat's often
forgottenis that you were originallyDirty
Hey, it's not forgotten by motorcycle gangs.
(Laughs) No, the guys always bring up Dirty
Harry first because, you know, of the appeal
of Mr. Eastwood, and chat character chat he
played is lasting, too.
Doyoufeel likeyou'reequallyremembered
Depends on how old the person is. I go into
a place and people over 40 say Cagney &
Lacey and people under 40 say Judging Amy,
which is pretty satisfying. (Laughs)
OnJudgingAmyyougotto tacklesomesocial
issuesagain.Are socialissuesof particular
interestto you?
Of course. You know, anything you do affects
you unless you're unconscious when you're
doing it. Ir changed me in many ways, bur
so does just the face of getting older and
smarter. But, indeed, you just bring yourself
to the thing. I always cry to be careful, again,
if you're playing out what people do for a
living and getting a lot more money than
they do for pretending to do it, you best try
and do it validly. (Laughs)
Oneof thethingsyou'vedone,workingin front
of thecamerafor all theseyears,is thatyou've
Oh, I was hoping I aged disgracefully. Thar's
my goal. (Laughs] Well, I dye my hair when
it's necessary. I dyed my hair for che lase play
I did. It depends on the character you're
playing, but certainly I don't chink I'm a skillful enough actress to go into a situation at
63 years old and pretend I'm 23 years old or
33 years old. I mean, there's a licde bit of a
stretch either direction and if che part calls
for it, I would certainly cry to fulfill the part.
Bue the rest of che rime, I go around as me.
I thinka lotof womenlookupto that.
Well yeah, and (I'm] an Ease Coaster, too.
There are places where hair dye is more the
norm, for instance Los Angeles, California.
[Laughs] If you go into a drug store in
L.A., all the hair dye is blonde. If you go
into a drug store in New York, all the hair
dye is brunette. Ir's really true, coo. It's
funny. (Laughs]
Doeshavingbeenmarriedfor 24 yearsbefore
issueof same-sex
Ir gives me some kind of insight into the
institution of marriage. Yeah, you know,
what you're going to risk to gee married
is divorce. It's something to keep in mind.
(Laughs] The reason I'm not interested in
marrying again is because I'm not interested
in ever getting divorced again.
I lovethetitle of the newCagney& Lacey:The
Well, you know, we called it chat privately
while we were doing it. Sharon was very
invested in actually exploring che experience
of menopause in chat very first one. So we
called it "Menopause Years".... Menopause
was a word chat wasn't even said in our
society, like cancer was not said in society. It
was sort of a whisper, che big C. So, there is
something useful I chink in just saying scuff
out loud.
to theseries?
Well, they had more time to tell their stories
and we were all older and ... ac the beginning,
Mary Beth is retired and she gets suckered
back into ic... back to char work. She made
her 20. She was our. So, it's interesting.
What happens if you stop doing your job
and decide you need to do it againr
[And] they had Christine married. Oh
god, Sharon hated char. She thought it was
very limiting. That didn't lase for the entire
four movies. [Laughs)
Peopleask a lot about the significanceof
& Lacey.
One of che contributions we made was char
we hired a lot of women to direct and if
you'll look at our list of actors, especially our
guest stars, you'll see some pretty interesting
faces. We gave a lot of women, and minorities as well, a chance to grow and expand ...
and chat's a lasting contribution. ■
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November 2009
America'sNext Top Model
Does she have the right stuff or is she just a dyke in model's clothing? By Yana Tallon-Hicks
Trying to evoke the model walk I'd practiced
across the sales floor at my day job, I entered
a room full of model wannabes. Their stares
hie me like a brick wall, as each of chem
attempted Tyra's signature "fierce" look
through CoverGirl mascara. ''.Areyou here for
the casting?"the director barked, looking every
inch the person I'd imagined, with her steelframe glasses and a Starbucks latte clutched
in her fist. Her name was probably something
castrated, like Chris. I became wannabe No.
24. I sat down next to No. 23 to check out the
Now, I'm certainly a faux-hawked dyke,
bur I'm also a femme. In chis room, however, I could've come straight from a Leslie
Feinberg novel. Bouncy locks, curled eyelashes and acrylic nails were everywhere. I
searched for someone with shore hair. Nothing.
No. 23 opened a hoc-pink binder to reveal
six laminated pages of professional headshoes and "candids" featuring an overflowing
leopard-print bra. I cried to smooch our the
"headshoc" I'd printed straight off Facebook.
How did I gee myself into chis?
Like any good narcissist, I've always blamed
my nonexistent modeling career on my nonexistent height: 5'2".So the Craigslist header
"Perice models wanted!" naturally warranted
a click. Bue when the window opened to
reveal char America's Next Top Model was
casting girls 5'7" and under, I knew I'd hit the
jackpot. Shorties? Really? I know it's unlucky
Cycle 13, bur how desperate could they ber
More importantly, how could I apply?
Two pictures, a personal questionnaire and
a phone call expressing a love for "my look"
lacer, I received a VIP casting invite.
And here I was.
"Have you done chis beforet No. 23 asked
me. I laughed, "No:' Her scare was blank.
"Yeah, me neither:· Her foot jiggled nervously.
I ace a Tums. Why was I nervous21his was
No. 23's life. I was just in it for fun. I could
leave right now.
"OK!" Chris snapped. "You all need co
line up in numerical order and follow me!"
I ace another Tums. "Numerical! 1,2,3-is
64 / curve
it really char hard?!" Real-life me laughed at
chis woman. Reality TV me began to swear. I
fought an urge to hold No. 23's hand.
In the next room, Chris ordered us into
a semicircle facing the casting team, the
spotlights and a camera. Taped under its lens
was a picture of Tyra's eyes. In real life, chis
would've been hilarious. Instead, my stomach
•flipped. We stuck our numbers to our shirts
and waited under Tyra's stare for 45 minutes.
Nothing could've cur the tension in that
captors. No. 23. No. 24. 1he mic was handed
to me and I stepped forward, saving my
Sapphic declaration for last. No one batted a
perfect eyelash. No one cared.
Chris cued in her sensitive side for the
first round of curs. "Now ladies, just because
your number doesn't get called now doesn't
mean that you didn't make it onto the show.
These clips go to Tyra and she'll cell us if we
missed someone:' I found myself willing
No. 24 into Chris' mouth. Only five girls
room. Ac che half-hour mark, No. 25 quietly
scarred to cry. My heart thudded in my ears.
Shiny smiles were cracking left and right
when Chris finally commanded char at our
turn we were to seep coward che camera and
say three interesting things about ourselves.
I have chis in the bag, I thought. First of all,
I sell sex toys for a living, and second of all, I'm
a lesbian. Hello, racings! A microphone made
its way around the circle of girls producing
two go-go dancers, a sky diving instructor
and a legit princess. Whatever. I'm a dyke.
Princesses have nothing on me. If sleeping
with girls can get me anywhere, it's straight
to reality TV, right? No. 20 stepped up
and my palms began to sweat. Suddenly I
understood why everyday people cum into
the stereotypes char the camera wanes chem
to be. It's like chat psychological syndrome
where tl1e kidnapped scare caring for their
were called. Chris skipped the 20s altogether. No. 25 cried again.
The reality rejects and I headed to rhe
lobby to trade our scilectoes for sneakers.
Maybe I wasn't butch enough to create the
classic lesbians-can't-walk-in-heels drama.
Or maybe it seemed unlikely that I'd cry to
seduce my na'ive cascmaces in the limo. Or
maybe it really is possible chat being a lesbian
just isn't chat curring-edge anymore. After
MTF transgender Isis competed in Cycle
11, dykes became old news. And maybe chis
isn't such a bad thing. Nowadays, LGBTidencified people are nor only reality TV stars
bur are hosting shows on CNN and even
advising the president. I guess I'll just have to
wait until America's Next Top Lesbian Model
runs out of media attention and decides to go
shore. Until then, Tyra, I'm still waiting for
your call. ■
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