ToC Women We Love: Our trailblazing butch, Lea DeLaria (p10); Covet: Transform your outedoor space into a summer oasis (p12); My Project: Rachel Paulson has fingers in all the pies (p24); Interview: Evan Rachel Wood on victims of sexual assault (p36); Food Revolution: An out Texas chef's life-long love of food (p40); Cover: Why we miss Kate Moennig and want her back (p60)
See all items with this value
Date Issued
Summer 2018
Frances Stevens
extracted text
Summer2018 » volume28 number2
Publisher Silke Bader
Founding Publisher Frances Stevens
Editor-in-Chief Merryn Johns
Senior Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Contributing Editors Victoria A. Brownworth, Lyndsey D'Arcangelo,
Anita Dolce Vita, Janelle and Melany Joy Beck, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Editorial Assistant Liv Steigrad
Director of Operations Jeannie Sotheran
Proofreader Melanie Barker
National Sales Rivendell Media (908) 232-2021
Email todd@curvernagazine.com
Art Director Bruno Cesar Guimaraes
Cover Image of Katherine Moennig by Jill Greenberg Studio
Photo Credit: © Jill Greenberg 2005
Liv Steigrad
Melanie Barker, Arny Deneson, Anita Dolce Vita, Alex Eugene, Merryn Johns,
Sassafras Lowrey, Jennifer McDowell, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Grace Chu, Jill Greenberg, Sheryl Kay, Syd London, B. Proud,
Amanda Ramon, Rachael Zimmerman
Curve Magazine
PO Box 1099
Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
Phone (415) 871-0569
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Advertising Email todd@curvernagazine.com
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Volume 28 Issue 2 Curve (ISSN 1087-867X) is published 4 times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) by Avalon
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Women We Love: Our
trailblazing butch, Lea
How the out and proud performance
icon and Orange Is The New Black alum
helped put lesbians on the cultural map.
Covet: Transform your
outdoor space into a
summer oasis.
A range of elegant solar-powered outdoor lanterns will have you hanging out
for summer.
My Project: Rachel
Paulson has fingers in
all the pies.
Sure, she has a famous sister, but our
Miss Paulson has it going on with her
podcasts, web series, and more.
Cover: Why we miss
Kate Moennig and
want her back.
Food Revolution: An
out Texas chef's lifelong love of food.
The actor that launched lesbian lust as
Shane on The L Word sat down with us
for a cool few minutes and proved she's
still got The Shane Factor.
Interview: Evan Rachel
Wood on victims of
sexual assault.
Bria Downey is dazzling diners as the
new executive chef of the Fort Worth
restaurant, Clay Pigeon.
The bisexual actorvist calls out our culture for misunderstanding women who
have survived sexual abuse.
McDowell LivSteigrad
Olivia Travel
Women We Love
Alex is a fiercely feminist, queer, left-wing journalist and
Jennifer is an avid traveler and former Olivia staff mem-
multidisciplinary arty type with a Bachelors in Design
ber. During her tenure with Olivia she enjoyed over 80
and a Masters in Journalism. She is a broadcaster,
trips and visited more than 50 countries. Whether trav-
blogger, and the editor of Jeweller magazine, former ed-
eling as a guest, staff member or leader, Jennifer ap-
itor of City Hub, and has freelanced for a range of print
preciates the freedom and community that traveling
and online publications. Visit alexeugene.com
provides. This issue she explores Machu Picchu.
Liv is an assistant editor at Avalon Media, as well as
Rachael is a Colorado photographer who captures
a freelance writer, copywriter, editor, and creative. She
authentic and beautiful moments, whether in nature
applies her resources to traveling and seeking truth
or in people. In April 2016 she began the photo se-
through the creation of fiction. Her creativity is in-
ries Inside the Black Triangle highlighting diversity
formed by her engagement with the queer community
among lesbians, and she has since photographed 25
and explores variations on identity and sexuality.
women for the series. Visit rachaelzimmerman.com
ummer is synonymous with Pride, as destinations all
around the globe hold LGBTQcelebrations from June
through September in a time of sunshine, self-ex-
pression, and socializing. It's the season when we bask
in the feeling of coming into our own, together. This issue,
with rumors that beloved lesbian TV show The L Word will
Editorin Chief
Merryn Johns
be revived by Showtime, we caught up with Kate Moennig,
who played the iconic character of Shane. We also spoke
with liberal political commentator Sally Kohn about her
book The Opposite of Hate, which urges us to emphasize
what connects us rather than what divides us. And, as your
soundtrack for the pleasant weeks ahead, we recommend
putting the unstoppable out musician Hayley Kiyoko on
your playlist. We also put Montreal and Oakland on your
map, and we hope you'll feel inspired to join other women in
life-changing adventures with Olivia Travel.
Finally, I would like to send a sincere thank you to the
many readers who contacted us about Curve's relaunch.
We're as delighted as you are with the new direction!
Lea DeLaria dishes on her role as an LGBTQicon.
ByLiv Steigrad
franchised community. I was on the air for
I haven't had a show that wasn't sold out
fag, and queer 49 times, apparently. Which
since Orange hit the airwaves. I always sold
is awesome.
seven minutes and managed to say dyke,
really well before that, but Orange amplified
it. But I still do the same thing: in-your-face
dyke comedy and good music.
I don't think anybody expected me to be
THAT queer. People kept on putting me in
Hasmakingit asanactorbeenmore
you'rea lesbian?
that box where all I did was play PE teach-
Well yeah, I've been doing this for 30 years. I
was saved by a black man. George C. Wolfe,
had to deal with the double-edged sword of
the artistic director of Shakespeare in the
ers and police lieutenants and again my life
misogyny and homophobia, as well as inter-
Park, cast me in On The Town because he
nalized homophobia from my own people.
didn't care what I looked like. He cared what
I could do.
Andbutchdykesarea visible
Yes, and that's a double-edged sword too,
because femmes have that other thing they
have to deal with, where nobody knows
0/TNB has been great for queers and women.
they're a dyke unless they're draped with
The writers committed to creating real char-
a butch. I hope that we reach a point in the
acters. People are so unused to turning on
queer community where we just accept each
the TV and seeing themselves. The episode
other for who we are. I think that has some-
with the Big Boo backstory did for butches
thing to do with the alphabet soup-you
what Sophia's backstory did for trans peo-
know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender;
ple. It changed perceptions of what it is to be
by the time you say everything, the parade's
a butch dyke. When I got that script I called
over. Can we just keep it as "queer"? Because
up Lauren (Morelli), crying, and said, "It feels
queer encompasses everything, and those
like somebody's read my diary." Butch dykes
letters point out our differences.
have a shared experience that other lesbians
don't have, and every bit of it is in that script.
Well, they write parts for lesbians now, and
I get thousands of direct messages every
day, all from young girls. Everything from
"Thank you" to "I can't come out to my fam-
actually let lesbians play them. I make fun
ily." I find this a very serious responsibility,
of lesbian chic, but it's one of the reasons
to be able to help the next generation along.
I got on TV. I was on Arsenic Hall because
he was black and also part of this disen-
With so many vodka brands available, it's refreshing to be able to
"Great strides have been made in
choose one that benefits our com-
the arena of LGBT equality but we
munity. The premium, award-winning
are not done yet," says Equality Vod-
Equality Vodka donates a generous
ka founder Bert Gallagher Jr. He was
pour of gross sales from every bot-
inspired, along with business partner
tle-20 percent, in fact!-to LGBTnon-
Doug Jacobson, to help LGBT orga-
profits working hard for our equality.
nizations move the needle by giving
Organizations such as Lambda Legal,
them more resources and funds.
The Human Rights Campaign, The
Gay & Lesbian Fund, Garden State
Equality, The Center in Asbury Park,
label for you. Not only is the bottle elegant and makes a pleasing gift, but
name just a few-have benefited from
the drink itself, which is 80 proof, is
Equality Vodka donations.
deliciously smooth and was awarded
Southern California, New Jersey, New
the coveted gold medal at The San
Francisco World Spirits Competition.
York City, and Texas. Mention it to
your bartender, liquor store, or restau-
If you care about a good cocktail
and about social justice, this is the
Thrive Event, and Equality Texas-to
The brand is now available in
A new vodka serves up
the spirit of equality.
rant and encourage them to stock it.
Two leading Provence estates in
France have launched their delicious
Summer means sipping on
rose from Provence.
and Estate.
Ultimate Provence is a bold, mod-
products in the U.S.,offering rose true
ern property that seeks innovation,
to the French Mediterranean terroir.
whether in art or in wine. It offers
The region's perfect growing condi-
live concerts and movie screenings,
tions: sunny climate, fresh sea breez-
artists residencies, and a restaurant
es, soil that imparts minerality, and ar-
serving family-style dishes incorpo-
omatic vegetation such as rosemary
rating Provenc;alingredients. Ultimate
and lavender are all influences to be
Provence focuses on producing the
found in each of these estate's lus-
meticulously-crafted Urban Provence,
cious and fresh summer wines.
packaged in an elegant bottle. It's a
Chateau de Berne dates back to the
lovely rose perfect for any occasion.
12th century but is now a five-star Re-
The South of France is the home
lais & Chateaux property with a Miche-
of rose but this summer, Provence
lin-starred restaurant, a spa, cooking
comes to you, courtesy of these au-
school-and 330 acres of thriving vine-
thentic wine estates.
yards. The Chateau produces three delightful dry roses: Emotion, Inspiration,
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ianne Bagger grew up with
terone in her body. But in reality, after
"An XV woman is someone born with
golf; it was a family tradition.
surgery an XV woman can no longer
XV chromosomes, someone who was
Although children often lack
produce the hormone naturally.
born male but has fully transitioned.
the patience to learn the game, Bag-
Within two weeks, the Swedish golf-
I've had surgical, anatomical changes.
ger says she enjoyed it even as a child.
ing organization wrote back to say that
The impact is permanent and irrevers-
First in Denmark, then in Australia, "al-
a decision had been made: Bagger
ible. Transgender women can come off
most every weekend in summer was a
could join the tour. The event set her
hormone blockers at any time, and ev-
trip to the golf club. Our parents played,
international career in motion. In time,
erything is restored," she explains.
while us kids ran around and did what-
other organizations went on to amend
Bagger isn't concerned about clari-
ever we wanted. We had lessons, hit on
their policies, allowing her to partici-
fying this confused language just for
the range, and ate ice cream. It was a
pate, and she went on to play profes-
the sake of argument. It's because
fun experience," she remembers.
sionally in Australia and throughout
correcting the misunderstanding and
Later in life, when Bagger found her-
reaching a consensus will determine
Europe. The rest is history.
self at the top of the Australian amateur
golf rankings, it would have been perfectly logical for her to go on to the next
level and turn pro. That choice was
more complex for her than for most
people, however. Bagger stayed in the
amateur game as long as she did because she thought she could never go
who should and shouldn't participate
in professional sports.
"A transgender woman [who has not
had gender reassignment surgery] has
a male endocrine system capable of
producing testosterone. That means if
they were to come off hormone-blocking drugs, testosterone would start
firing back up again. Then, doping in
The reason: Bagger identifies as an
XV woman. Originally born male, she
transitioned to female, undergoing hormone therapy and surgery.
sports becomes the issue," Bagger explains.
Doping scandals have rocked sports
amount of media attention Bagger re-
around the world many times, and cur-
However, despite
"All the organizations had rules about
ceived during her 11-year career as a
rently drug testing is random. So-as
being born female. I thought, Let's see
professional golfer, misinformation is
Bagger rightly points out-how
if they'll consider changing them," she
still rife regarding transitioned women.
hormonal state of a transgender wom-
Bagger is quick to explain that the
an to be monitored? Bagger doesn't
Bagger started with a mini tour in
language used to discuss transitioned
Sweden. She contacted the organiz-
people is not specific enough. "It's very
is the
claim to have the answer yet.
"I think society has to allow sports to
ers and sent them information about
make mistakes. It's a work in progress.
studies she'd found, detailing research
gender and sex. We all use 'gender' be-
The best thing is that everyone contrib-
cause it's a nice, polite term and it's not
utes in a collaborative manner. Let's
the word 'sex,' " she says.
move toward a workable solution,"
about XV women.
The widespread-and
lief at the time (and even today) was
Bagger is often referred to as a trans-
that an XV woman might have an un-
gender woman-but
fair advantage because of the testes-
does not identify with this term.
she says.
stresses that she
ELLA Travel & ELLA Festival 2018 - 2019
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with likeminded, fun, friendly women for a
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An amazing trip to this wild and generous country,
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First LBT festival in a Latin American country!
I y 1)
For Ollie Henderson, defending
human rights and looking fabulous
are all in day's work.
hen Ollie Henderson answered the
started contacting Henderson, asking if they
phone for this interview, she had
could buy T-shirts to sell.
just arrived home from an asy-
Henderson now heads House of Riot,
lum seeker protest in Sydney, Australia. "All
which uses creative projects to empower
different religious groups were there. People
young people like herself who "have political
are fed up with the gov,ernment's immigration
feelings and political thoughts, but don't real-
policies," she says.
ly know what to do with them," she explains.
Campaigning for refugee rights-and many
other things-is
common for Henderson.The
"You might be angry about immigration policies, but not know who the immigration min-
fashion model who hails from rural Victo-
ister is. We find ways for people to express
ria became woddly at a tender age. She was
themselves politically."
scouted in a shopping mall while looking for
House of Riot is currently collaborating
a dress to wear to her school formal, Aus-
with Amnesty International, planning a se-
tralia's equivalent of a prom. At the age of 15
ries of parties for LGBTQyoung people.When
she moved to Milan, Italy, where she began an
Henderson came out to her family years ago,
international modeling career. But what she's
she had their full support, but she recognizes
best known for these days is founding the
not everyone is that lucky.
grassroots, not-for-profit
social enterprise,
A passionate activist for LGBTQrights, she
"I was living in New York at the time, and
yny as a positive trend in the fashion world
was feeling really embarrassed to be Austra-
but says the focus is too often on feminized
lian. Our treatment of refugees and asylum
men, instead of masculinized women. "It's
seekers was absolutely atrocious," she re-
a big gap that needs to be filled, and maybe
members. 'We were destroying the Great Bar-
lesbians will be the ones to lead the way."
House of Riot.
also champions feminism, and cites androg-
rier Reef through inaction on climate change.
There was also talk about university fee deregulation and cuts to [Australia's univ,ersalhealth
care system] Medicare. I felt like our country
was getting a bad reputation," she says.
The inspiration for "an extended art project"
came on a trip back to Melbourne for Fashion Week. Henderson hand-painted various
political messages on 100 white T-shirts,
which she gave out to uliterally anyone that
wanted one." They were then asked to wear
the T-shirts during Fashion Week. The idea
was to start conversations about things that
mattered-and it worked.
The project was far more successful than
she ever imagined. Publications all over the
world ran stories about the event Shops also
asa positive
women.Hit'sa biggapthat
At 34, I'm in the best relationship of
my life. I'm not sure how she puts up
with me, but somehow she does it with
such grace and selfless love. She impresses me daily. I think both things
help with my comedy, even just in experience. I pull from stuff, personally
or professionally, that either makes me
happy or irritates me. Then I make fun
of it or go on some rampage about it.
My girlfriend is hilarious, so sometimes
things she says spark whole segments
or stories.
Likeyou,shehasa flairforcomedy,
We were both born in Tampa, Florida.
We have different moms, so she was
raised mostly in New York City and I
was raised mostly in Florida. I think
she became exposed to performing
when she was young, and brought it
into my life when she would visit. We
used to do plays for my stuffed animals with my other sister. I think acting
was just always something she did, so
it was always something I did. I fell in
love with it pretty early, and then started to discover my own voice and path
in the industry. She's a force. I'm proud
to be mentioned in the same sentence
with her.
Listen to Gay Vs. Straight Bitches
on iTunes, new episodes every Monday.
WatchDrink Responsiblyon YouTube.
Follow Rachel on lnstagram
Ihe Side
Feminine style
with a twist of boy.
Photography:Alan Cresto
Styling: Richard Ives
nspired by her own celebrity style muses,
out lesbian designer Morgan Hoffman
Marlene Dietrich, of course, and Katha-
has created a collection of luxe garments
rine Hepburn, Diane Keaton, Edie Sedg-
that celebrate strength in femininity. We
wick-these are women who aren't bound
caught up with the busy New York style
by society's conventions. They are equally
maven as she launched her fall/winter col-
comfortable in a tailored suit and a full-out
evening gown. I also adore Cate Blanchett's
style and Tilda Swinton's individuality.
I identify as a lesbian woman who's at-
tracted to older feminine women who are
We have two lines for fall this season:
kind and calm, and bring balance to my
the GirlBoy New York Collection, which
life. I really am Therese in the film Caro/.
is designer ready-to-wear;
and GirlBoy
Weekend, which is Advanced Contem-
porary. The GirlBoy New York Collection
I've always been creative, love fashion,
is made of signature pieces with gor-
and knew I wanted to have my own brand.
geous structure, fit, and quality; they
I met the fashion artist Donald Robertson,
personify our design aesthetic of fem-
which gave me the idea for GirlBoy. That
ininity with a twist of boy, and include
evolved into women's empowerment and
many of our feminine power suits. Girl-
social media. Then I built my team and
Boy Weekend speaks to the effortless
began the creation of our fashion lines,
chic that Katharine Hepburn epitomized,
starting with our spring/summer line for
every day and into the weekend. These
2018 and now featuring our two lines for
are your go-to pieces, whether you're
fall/winter 2018.
heading out to the country or staying in
the city.
I've always been drawn to those iconic
films like Shanghai Express,where Marlene
These clothes are meant to become part
Dietrich effortlessly, fluidly mixes feminine
of your permanent collection because
and masculine. I want to create clothes
of how good you feel in them-not
that reflect that classic imagery, but in a
based on how you look. I think style can
modern and fresh way. What drives us at
raise women up; it can empower and
the label is to empower women to become
enchant. We hope women feel their best
their own muse-to ignore society's defi-
in these clothes.
nition of "pretty" and celebrate their own
unique beauty. Our team is virtually all
women, and our clothes are designed and
made here in New York City.
iNYCP.cide .2018
Hosted by
Madison Paige
June 24
4pm - 10pm
Music by
MaL'y Mac
Evan Rachel Wood has seized her
# MeToo moment, onscreen and off.
Beginning with Lifetime's Once and Again, in
interview she opens up about bisexual acceptance.
which she falls in love with her best friend, Mis-
Importantly, she revealed to Rolling Stone in 2016,
cha Barton, all the way through to The Wrestler, in
and again on her YouTube channel, that she was
which she plays the estranged lesbian daughter of
a victim of sexual assault. In February of this year,
Mickey Rourke, Evan Rachel Wood has never shied
Wood went to Washington, D.C., to testify before
away from playing queer characters. More recently,
the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Ter-
she appeared opposite Ellen Page in Into the Forest
rorism, Homeland Security and Investigations as
and in Allure she delivers a startling portrayal of a
a rape survivor in the hope of moving the needle
lesbian abuser. Wood's choice of roles is fearless,
on legislation around sexual assault, and making
as befits a child actor who grew up with Jodie Fos-
a significant difference in the conversation about
ter as a career influence. While 10 years ago Wood
the need to increase legal protections for survivors.
didn't publicly identify as bisexual, she's been more
When I caught up with Wood she was all fired up
forthcoming on social media; she briefly dated Kate
and ready to discuss the empowerment of women
Moennig after a visible Twitter flirtation, and in this
who have survived sexual abuse.
I have a history of abuse, and I know a lot of
out for support-"Hey
man, I'm here and I get
it"- and that was invaluable to me and we sort of
stayed pen pals, and then she asked me to come
people do, and I feel there's a complicated version
and tell our story to Congress. It was involuntary
of it which recurs in relationships, and it's one that
for me. It was like, "I can't live my life like this any-
we don't often talk about. And I think gaslighting
more. I need to be free of this." This is obviously an
is just now starting to really come into high-pro-
issue for a lot of people, more than I even realized,
file public awareness because of the president. So
unfortunately. So when someone says, "Come and
suddenly people are beginning to know that word.
tell your story to Congress, this might save lives
They're looking it up and going, "That's what that
and actually change the world right now," what are
is? That's happened to me!" And we realize it's
you going to say? Now is the time that you have to
actually much more common than we think and
be the one to walk through the fear and do it, and
much more complicated. I think some people are
put yourself out there. And lucky me, it's what I do
still confused about how someone could stay with
for a living.
an abuser...and we need to have that conversation,
so that people stop attacking victims and start
asking the right questions: not "What's going on
with the victim-Why did she stay?"
haveurgedyouto nametheperpetratorof yourassaults,
I don't think that was the time to name anybody.
I'm not ready. And I think it would've taken away
from the real subject, and that's not what that's
Well, for that reason. There is a sense of re-
about. It was about the lasting effects and the
sponsibility, especially if you can relate to these
things that we don't talk about. We're going to fo-
characters. And because there were so many
cus on the victims right now, and their journey, and
things I could relate to, it was almost like, "Look,
their story, and that's what we need to talk about.
I'm the only one who can do this." And ifthis does
spark the conversation, [the filmmakers] are actually smart to have a victim or a bisexual playing
that role-or somebody who can give you an edu-
You're twice as likely to be abused again if
cated answer about this piece of art. I knew there
you've been abused previously. And that means
were things in this that I was going to understand,
not even physically, that means emotionally
things that are really hard to explain unless you've
as well. If you've ever been in a position where
been abused.
you've felt powerless, or like you didn't have a
voice, or you had to give up pieces of yourself to
in Washington
stay safe-that's
abuse. And that puts you in the
frame of mind to accept abuse. People who have
been abused are more prone to health problems
Amanda Nguyen [founder of the nonprofit Rise]
because your immune system is shot from cor-
reached out to me as a sexual assault survivor and
tisol and adrenaline, from always being in a fight
we started to talk about it, and she just reached
or flight response. It literally changes you on
a cellular level; you're wired to be constantly
as a metaphor-I
looking over your shoulder and waiting to be at-
I'm going solo, I feel my music is reflecting that
meant that literally. Now that
tacked. That's a real thing, and also the freeze
transcendence. I'm not afraid anymore, but I am
response-that's called tonic immobility, and it's
vulnerable and I am willing to share that, but in
something that happens in animals. If a woman
a way that is about the phoenix rising from the
says no 50 times and then freezes, or gives in
ashes, the butterfly breaking out of the chrysa-
because she feels she has nowhere to go, that's
lis. That's where I feel I am, musically. I've been
considered consent. So there are three trauma
singing for as long as I've been acting, and I feel
responses: flight, fight, or freeze. And if you're a
like I've found my sound and my vibe, and I'm
freezer you're not protected under the law. These
ready to see what I can do with that on my own.
are the kinds of things we need to talk about to
For me, it's the ultimate form of expression. I love
acting and I will always love it, but music for me
careeryouseemto havefound
ina waythattranscends
sounds, if I could.
is my real language. I would speak in just song or
I had a band, Rebel and a Basketcase, for
about a year, and I think it ran its course ....
as bisexual.
There's a lyric I wrote, "And I'm growing with
Well, we don't take them seriously, and they're
every kick in the chest," and I didn't mean that
shunned by heterosexuals and by the gay com-
munity, much more than I think they should be. I
did make a YouTube video explaining why I think
It's going to take representation, and people just
they're so misunderstood, because I think at least
need to listen, at this point, because it's not like
in the LGBT community some people come out
as bi first to ease into coming out as gay, and
because it's their experience they assume it's everyone's experience, and they assume that every
bisexual is just too afraid to come out, and it's like,
No, that was your experience and that's valid, but
it is also its own thing-it's
not half-gay or half-
straight It's its own sexuality and its own identity. And I feel like we are just starting to have the
conversation about what that really means. It's
different for everybody. For me it's not even just
about who I sleep with. It's a way of life and it's
how I identify my gender and how I carry myself
there's a lack of bisexuals. In fact I think there's a
lot more than we even realize. Believe me, there's
a lot more in Hollywood that aren't out. Can we all
just come out, because I think that everyone would
realize that every actor is bisexual-well, a large
percentage, more than people know! I understand
the argument of "Don't label yourself because that
puts you in a category and labels are bad." Well,
yes and no, because sometimes people need a
calling card, to hold up a signal so that people can
go, "Oh, that's what I am. I didn't have words for it
but you've given me the language so I can identi-
and how I feel on a given day. I feel like I'm a flu-
fy with something, and then I can go from there."
id person and I can't fit into one category. I think
That's why I chose to come out. So I can give
gray areas are uncomfortable for people. We want
someone a life preserver and be like, "Hey, it's this.
things to be compartmentalized as this or that.
You're OK."
A fresh American approach to classic fare from an out chef.
ria Downey is executive chef
at Fort Worth restaurant Clay
Pigeon and has been cooking
a chefand
whatdidittaketomakethata reality?
I always knew that I loved cooking,
speechless; their only choice to revert to "mmmmms," "ahhhhs," and
not being able to look up because
professionally since she was a teen.
using my hands, and preparing a meal
We caught up with the busy, out-and-
for others. The instant gratification
It took a couple of long, hard
proud foodie to find out what's hot in
was all I wanted: watching some-
years with my head down, a couple
the kitchen.
one take a bite and become instantly
of good burns, missing everyone's
they can't stop eating.
birthday party. I volunteered to work
seas at a JROTC camp. I was one
dividual. One of my favorite chefs al-
every holiday, weekend, night shift
of the student instructors and she
ways told me that I was a cook, and
and even overnight graveyard shifts. I
was a student. It was honestly one
that he would treat me like any oth-
want to be the best in everything that
of those love at first sight moments.
er cook and that I was not special.
I do. I want it more than anything else
After the camp, I asked her to be
What he meant was that in the mid-
in life. I have been through many ups
my girlfriend and we started dat-
dle of the rush, if I messed up, I was
and downs, and I've had good days in
ing long distance until I graduated
getting yelled at like every-one else
the kitchen and I've had bad days. I
high school and we both moved to
was and at the end of a shift I have
have taken every opportunity, good
Texas. We both have a great love of
to carry my mise to the walk in like
and bad, to navigate my career to
food. While living overseas we were
every other cook does. When I am in
becoming a better chef. My person-
able to try many types of cuisine at
my whites I am not Bria, I am Chef.
al mantra is "service before self." I
a young age. Some of my most vivid
learned the art of self-discipline from
food memories were from when we
my mother who was a buck sergeant
traveled around Europe one summer.
in Texas
in the USAF.
Kaytee is a huge inspiration to some
When I think about Texas and food
of my dishes. She is the driving force
a couple things come to mind: Beef...
in our relationship. She truly holds
Damn Good Beef, Smoke... Mesquite
me up and keeps me humble. She is
wood specifically, Texas Wild Flower
the hardest critic I face.
honey, Summer produce is my favor-
to foodandhow
a roadmapforyourlife?
I don't eat to live, I live to eat. There
is no skim milk or non-fat anything
ite: watermelon, peaches, corn.
I want to taste every calorie. Butter
isn't about making the next trend or
is in all my favorite foods, and then
I came out officially at 16. I wasn't
coming up with the new way to make
I realized maybe butter is my favor-
necessarily screaming it from the
the thing of the moment. It's about
ite food. Nothing is off-limits to me.
rooftops, but I wasn't hiding it either.
making true honest food. It's about
in my fridge. You only live once and
I feel that for me, personally, it
There are so many different types of
Being gay is a huge part of my life
making fresh food daily - preserving
foods, techniques, cuisines. As long
but it is not the only, or even the most
the art of a fresh baked biscuit, com-
as there is an experience to be had
interesting part. Luckily growing up I
mitting to feeding a starter every day,
or a lesson to be learned, I am more
always had my twin sister, Tia, by my
curing my own meats and cooking
than willing (and still am) to expand
side. She is also gay, and she works
over a live fire. At Clay Pigeon, we
my knowledge and palate.
front of house for me at Clay Pigeon.
serve good honest food. We butcher
She does a fantastic job creating
our meats in house, we make fresh
Howhas yourrelationship
with your
new and interesting cock-tails and
pasta, sourdough, our own burger
has really understood the direction I
buns, pickles, cured meats like our
Kaytee was the first person to tell
want to go and helps me achieve my
foie gras torchon or duck prosciutto,
and we make our own ice cream and
me that I should cook for a living. She
was the first one to plant that seed
I have always been an openly gay
and nurture my dreams to fruition in
person in all of my jobs I have had.
the culinary world. Kaytee and I met
It has never been a hindrance for me
when we were in high school over-
because I am such a hardworking in-
even have a modest garden in the
back for our herbs.
oz. Redfish Filet
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
pinch Salt
Sear fish on one side and finish in 500-degree oven for
about 4 minutes.
cup Israeli Couscous
Tbs. Shaved Red Cabbage
Brussels Sprouts, quartered
lb. Red Jalapef\os, roasted whole and microbrunoised
Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Shallot, shaved on mandolin
Garlic Cloves, microplaned
piece of Ginger, microplaned
tsp. Sesame Oil
cup Soy Sauce
cup Texas Honey
Rice Vinegar, to taste
tsp. Minced Shallot
tsp. Minced Garlic
oz. Red Jalapef\o Sauce
Roastjalapeiios over fire then place in a bowl coveredwith plastic wrap.
Let sit 15 minutes. Peelskins and cut out ribs and seeds,then dice.
In a small sauce pot, add olive oil and sweat shallots and garlic until
Cook couscous according to box instructions.
translucent. Add ginger and jalapeiios. Add sesame oil, soy sauce, hon-
Optional: After cooking, it can be deep fried to give it the
ey and rice vinegar.Cook for about 15 minutes on medium-low heat.
texture of fried rice.
In a saute pan, add olive oil, garlic and shallots and sweat
down. Then, add cabbage and shaved Brussels sprouts.
Once wilted, add couscous and red jalapeiio sauce and
toss. Thoroughly heat everything together, but be careful
not to overcook.
Honey Crisp Apple,
Roasted Sesame Seeds, Rice Wine Vinaigrette
Slice the apple and mix in a small bowl with sesame seeds
cup Rice Wine Vinegar
cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Tbs. Dijon Mustard
Tbs. Texas Honey
Salt to taste
Whisk all ingredients until emulsified.
and vinaigrette.
To plate the dish: Set the fish on a bed of couscous and garnish
with the apple salad.
he Bay Area is a beacon for
LGBTQ women and North-
ern California's queer epi-
center is arguably Oakland, voted
the 9th gayest city in America by
The Advocate. On my first visit to
Oakland I was charmed by its diversity-did you know that 125 languages are spoken in Oakland and the
LGBT community is visible all year
Meet Oakland, San Francisco's
hip and happening sister.
round, not just at Pride?
I was lucky to stay in the nautical-themed Waterfront Hotel in the
trendy yet historic district of Jack
London Square, named after the
19th century American writer and
adventurer. This modern hotel has
a pool, views of the Oakland Estuary,
natural sciences. With events, parties,
and is located right on the action for
workshops and exhibits that often
(rosenblumcellars.com). For brunch,
restaurants and weekend markets
incorporate the powerful influence of
lunch, or dinner created by other les-
(waterfronthoteloakland.com). Grab a
minority identities on the West Coast
bian chefs, of which Oakland boasts
coffee at the original Blue Bottle Cof-
and beyond, there's something for
more than a few, book a table at Jen
fee before heading out on your own
everyone here. Every Sunday and on
Biesty's Mediterranean fusion bistro,
adventure in any of Oakland's many
select Fridays through June and Sep-
unique neighborhoods. The Oakland
tember the museum holds LGBT His-
or savor some Cal-Indian-and-pizza
Visitor Center is also located right by
tory Tours and includes forerunners
at Preeti Mistry's Navi Kitchen (navi-
the hotel so drop in and gather ideas
to the present day LGBT community
and options for your local adventure.
as well as proponents of the Bay Area
And while Oakland is a West Coast
During your visit you may not have
movement. And of course, many art-
city, you don't have to drive every-
time to work out but it's well worth
ists and subjects featured in the per-
where. Within each specific neighbor-
manent collections identify as LGBT,
hood I mosly walked and then opened
too (museumca.org).
my ridesharing app to get from 'hood
stopping by the lesbian-owned Queer
Huerta, who was a personal trainer
But if you want to find today's
to 'hood. It's an easy and inexpensive
for 12 years, has about 230 clients,
lesbians, head to Port Bar (portba-
way to get around town without rent-
including trans and gender-noncon-
roakland.com) for an award-winning
ing a car, plus San Francisco is just a
forming folks who are focused on
cocktail mixed by Sabrina Haley (pro-
ferry or a BART ride away. Bike rental
attaining their personal best in a sup-
file on page 47). When I dropped by
is also an option, and you can even
portive and nonjudgmental space.
Port Bar last fall I was lucky enough
taste wine while you exercise with
East Bay Winery Bicycle Tours.
Huerta is a warm and friendly pres-
to meet some local lesbian entrepre-
ence with an innovative and intimate
neurs, including Jena Simon, the pro-
While you're gadding about town,
approach to fitness. I wish gyms
ducer of the inclusive monthly SPACE
be sure to support local lesbian retail
everywhere were more like hers, and
party for queer women, and DJ Deity,
and drop by Nenna Joiner's adult gal-
maybe I'd go more often!
who produces the BODY party, which,
lery store Feelmore (feelmore510), or
as its name suggests, welcomes
the lesbian-owned Laurel Bookstore
The creative vibe in the Bay Area is
palpable and Oakland is no exception.
queer women with all body types.
owned by Luan Stauss (laurelbook-
Spend some time at Oakland Museum
While chatting about the local scene
store.com)-depending on what type
of California not just for the contem-
we supped on delicious sandwich-
of stimulation you're looking for.
porary art, but for exhibits that help
es prepared by lesbian chef Char-
If you're lucky enough to visit Oak-
explain the history of this part of Cal-
leen Caabay (winner of last season's
land for Pride in September, which
ifornia, especially its roots in diverse
Chopped).Try her fare at her newish
is highly recommended, you'll be re-
communities and the ways in which
restaurant Craft & Spoon (craftand-
warded with one of the friendliest and
nature, industry, and culture dovetail
most diverse Pride parades I have
to form a unique aspect of life on the
Back at Jack London Square is one
ever seen, as well as a vibrant and fun
West Coast. Oakland Museum of Cal-
of Oakland Urban Wine Trail's gems,
(not to mention, kid-friendly) Pride
Festival (oaklandpride.org).
ifornia does not elevate art to the pur-
Rosenbaum Cellars, located right on
view of an elite few. This museum ex-
the waterfront with sunset views.
tends an invitation to all Californians,
This contemporary and friendly tast-
even kids, and showcases California's
ing room showcases local wines (try
rich history of artistic expression and
the blueberry bubbly!) paired with
A Northern California native who returned to Oakland
after spending a decade in New York City working at the
historic Stonewall Inn, and producing weekly queer parties and Pride events, catch Sabrina at Oakland's Port
Bar where she works as a mixologist, while cooking up
other local projects and collaborations.
In a beautiful Victorian in West Oak-
Oakland is amazing
in summer
land with my roommate and local queen,
with lots of outdoor queer day par-
Honey Daniels. We have a garden and a
ties. I'm excited for Soul Lovely, and
mini dachshund. One of my strongest
rotating queer and house events at
pulls back to Northern California was
Brix, Lost & Found, The New Parish,
the natural beauty of the Bay Area, and
and UpTown. I'm looking forward to
1.5 Stoli Peach
proximity to the ocean. My mother was
all the free music we get in parks and
residing alone in the mountains of San-
on the waterfront, farmers markets,
ta Cruz, so being closer to family was
drum circles, house DJs by the water,
another reason. I also missed the en-
local hikes, and queer pop-up events
ergy and lifestyle. People here ask what
for all.
.25 Fresh Lemon Juice
.25 Agave Syrup
5-8 Mint Leaves
progressive queer culture and diversity.
createda delicious,
award-winning 'political'
Howdidthat happen?
tail Classic for Northern California
over other parts of California due to its
.50 Bayou Spiced Rum
.50 Fresh Grapefruit Juice
your sign is before what company you
work for. I love that. I choose Oakland
I entered the Stoli Key West Cock-
4 Dashes of Peychaud's Bitters
In a cocktail shaker pint glass,
and came up with a Southern-in-
add mint, agave, lemon, swish
ing of many small neighborhoods and
spired cocktail for the Key West Fi-
around, top with ice. Add Peach
Stoli, grapefruit juice, strain and
Oakland is a beautiful city consist-
microclimates. Local politics are liberal
nals. "lmpeachmint"
due to its proximity to U.C. Berkeley and
not without a punch in the face. My
San Francisco. The long history of femi-
cocktail won against five other awe-
Float rum on top. Add dashes
nist and queer women in Oakland makes
some female mixologists, and then I
of bitters and watch it turn peach.
it progressive and always-evolving, with
went on to the Key West Finals to win
Garnish with a mint leaf.
an essential awareness of and dialogue
3rd place out of 19 cities across the
around race.
USA and Canada.
is delicious but
pour into a coup glass.
get to Montreal from New
Arcade Fire's Win Butler and Regine
York City takes only an hour
Chassagne. Happy Hour in the Village
photographer, Kelly Jacob, took time
and a half with Delta, but it
is always a good idea, so check out the
out of their busy schedule to tell me
feels like a world away-and I mean
cozy and charming Bar Renard, order
all about their passion for Montreal,
that in a good way. A North Ameri-
a jug of bourbon lemonade, and note
for the women's scene there, and for
can city with true Francophone flair,
the decor of the non-gender-specific
the importance of lesbian publishing.
combined with the fierce spirit of in-
bathrooms! Queer and feminist wom-
I truly admire these women for what
dependence and tolerance for which
en are behind many business endeav-
they are contributing to lesbian cul-
Canada is known, Montreal is both a
ors in this diverse city, and provide
ture. They not only produce LSTW,but
cutting-edge, contemporary metrop-
safe and enjoyable havens for you
film the excellent and acclaimed web
olis and a city steeped in 375 years of
to relax and unwind in. Drop in to the
series Feminin/Feminin, which you
history. But whether your taste leans
independent feminist bookstore and
should also check out.
toward the antique or the modern,
co-op L'Euguelionne, where you can
Montreal's rich and habitual festi-
Montreal is unabashedly gay and
take in a reading or just enjoy the cof-
val culture has its fair share of queer
boasts a Gay Village (Village Gai) that
fee and conversation. And for art and
events. Divers/Cite, an annual LGBTQ
even registers as a location on your
social causes with LGBTQ issues in
arts and music festival beginning in
wireless device. The Beaudry Metro
mind, visit the Never Apart gallery and
1993, now superseded by Montre-
station has the world's oldest rainbow
center, located in Mile-Ex. This large
al Pride (Fierte Montreal), helped to
symbol incorporated into its struc-
space, incorporating art galleries and
inextricably link Montreal's LGBTQ
ture: The front entrance has featured
music studios, often hosts events.
community with the advancement of
rainbow-colored pillars since 1999.
The center is open on Saturdays from
rights and the progressive identity of
Boasting possibly the world's oldest
noon to 5 p.m., and admission is free.
the city itself.
gay fetish store (Chez Priape) and the
Montreal is a creative city with
world's oldest gay place of worship
(Saint-Pierre-Ap6tre, a 165-year-old
causes and projects that incorporate
Catholic church), the Gay Village cen-
art, visibility, and social justice. Lesbi-
ters on the pedestrian-friendly Rue
ans are an active and visible segment
Sainte-Catherine, which
of a diverse population, and I was de-
queer collectives
Florence Gagnon, and the magazine's
from May through December is a vi-
Iighted to discover LezSpreadthe Word
brant and thriving oasis of boutiques,
(LSTW), a website and high-quality
coffee shops, bars, and restaurants.
quarterly publication for lesbians and
If you're looking for somewhere
queer-identified women, publishing
fabulous to have lunch you'll be
intelligent and beautifully curated sto-
spoiled for choice, but we can rec-
ries in both French and English. LSTW
ommend O'Thym, a hip yet friend-
proudly and elegantly offers a journal
ly place serving contemporary and
of record for local heroines-queer
fresh Quebecois cuisine. Another
female Canadian achievers such as
trendy spot is Agrikol, a Haitian bar
music wunderkinds Tegan and Sara
and restaurant named after a French
and the DJ and model Eve Salvail.
Caribbean rum and co-founded by
The very hands-on president of LSTW,
If you're visiting Montreal for Pride
and wish to be close to the Parade,
stay at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, on Rene-Levesque Boulevard W., in the heart of the shopping and business district (fairmont.
an easy walk or bus ride to points
of interest, restaurants, and the Old
Town. The Queen Elizabeth is an
iconic 1960s hotel that has seen its
fair share of famous guests over the
years, including Yoko Ono and John
Lennon. Today, after a $140 million
renovation, it's
been transformed
into a contemporary lifestyle space,
with 500 lovely rooms and the stunning Fairmont Gold Lounge on the
21st floor. Breakfast is served there,
and wine, with complimentary appetizers, is available each day at 5 p.m.
Enjoy cocktail hour with views of the
city. It's like hanging out in a very chic
penthouse. The Queen Elizabeth is
perfectly positioned for viewing the
Parade from the third-floor outdoor
terrace overlooking Renee-Levesque
Boulevard. Or you can just go downstairs and onto the street and be part
of the action and possibly even catch
a glimpse of Canadian prime minister
Justin Trudeau, who marched in last
year's Parade and even met with the
local lesbian community.
When in town, it's wise to invest in
a transit fare card, which covers travel
by bus and the Metro, and in no time
at all you'll find your bearings and be
hopping from one Pride event to the
views as well as healthy exercise.
next, for very little cost. From the ho-
The Promenade Fleuve-Montagne
tel, it's really a straight shot on the
is a two-mile self-guided walk that
bus to the Gay Village, or to the Pare
takes visitors through some of the
des Faubourgs for the Pride festival,
more important local sites, starting
which will be held this year from Au-
at the Pointe-a-Calliere Museum of
gust 9th to the 19th. This is where
Archaeology in Old Montreal, through
many food, community, and informa-
downtown and up to the foot of
tion stalls can be found, as well as
Mount Royal (after which the city is
roving drag queens, T-dances, and a
named). The lovely Mount Royal Park
concert stage for entertainment and
was designed by Frederick Law Olm-
impressive local and international
sted, who also designed Central Park
guests. Last year's headliner was the
in New York City.
delightful Nelly Furtado.
Spectacular, sweeping views are to
While in town, indulge in a little
be had from the peak, and there you
sightseeing, too-especially if you've
can marvel at Montreal, a city that is
been loading up on hearty Quebecois
truly a beacon for diversity all year
dishes such as poutine. Montreal is a
round-but especially at Pride.
walkable city; take the river-to-mountain
hike and enjoy spectacular
n her much-hyped new book, The
woods. Kohn, then 27, looks athletic
Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to
and softly butch with her arm protec-
Repairing OurHumanity, Sally Kohn
tively around her blond partner. She
bravely opens with a personal story
writes, "Here we are as kids, some
about being hateful.
14 years ago. Happy Anniversary to
It's a brave story because every-
the greatest partner I could ever hope
one has tales of being bullied, but no
for, my heart and soul and compass
one ever confesses to being a bully.
and comfort, who always challenges
Kohn does.
me to be better and bandages me
It's just one incident, but it's quite
elaborate, and Kohn says it "haunts"
her. Of course Kohn was only 10, and
A lot of love there.
I interviewed Sally Kohn for Curve
to account for our actions starting in
about her book and what it was like
the school yard. Yet the adult Kohn
to delve into other people's hate. She
goes to great lengths to discover
writes about many different hateful
what became of her hapless victim
moments and movements, from the
This story is a pivot for everything
Mideast conflict, and the role of Palestinians and Jews in bridging the
Sally Kohn writes about in The Op-
hate chasm, to the Rwandan geno-
posite of Hate. It illumines the moral
construct within which we live our
home, my heart, my everything."
we'd all be in real trouble if we had
since they were children.
up when I'm not, my best friend, my
Kohn spoke about the genesis of
individual lives and as members of
the project-how
being the "lesbian
society: empathy.
weirdo" at Fox News, where she was
If we want to know what is truly
a commentator from 2010 through
the opposite of hate, it is not nec-
2013, challenged her to consider
essarily love, but it is most definitely
her own preconceived notions about
people predicated on their politics.
Kohn lives in Park Slope, Brook-
I asked her about the tale of the
lyn, with her wife, Sarah Hansen,
grade-school classmate and she
and their daughter, Willa. Kohn and
said simply, "You can't ask people
Hansen celebrated their 14th anni-
to see their hate and be self-critical
versary this April. She tweeted out
without first being critical of your-
a photo of the couple hiking in the
This is perhaps the most salient
and broke ground in her role at Fox
and their friends who voted Trump.
it is without
and also on CNN, where, although
Hopefully, I am offering people alter-
question the most difficult thing for
Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper
native viewpoints-ways
us all to apply to ourselves.
are out gay male anchors, the faces
or not engage."
thing Kohn says-and
Kohn says that
to engage
of lesbians are, well, scant. She has
these times, with Trump as president
been percolating on the whys of on-
and the country seeming to become
line behavior, as have others, and she
It's a statement that strengthens
more divided by the day, it's essential
is frank that she thinks people act out
and supports both the book's narra-
that we look at what drives us in our
online in ways they do not in real life.
tive and her own message to readers
As a lesbian with a large Twitter
and those who follow her on social
following, Kohn says she engag-
media and TV: Listen to what other
es with people online in an effort to
people have to say about how they
In many respects, Kahn's book be-
reach them and teach them. "One of
feel hated, as opposed to rehearsing
gins at Fox, where, she says, many of
the things I talk about in the book is
your own thoughts about why you
her preconceptions and stereotypes
the scholarship of why people act out
feel hated.
fell away. The prototype right-wing-
online," she explains. "It's harder to
ers were-surprise-not
do that face-to-face."
responses to other people.
A daunting task on our most generous of days-if we are honest.
a horde of
trolls and ogres.
Engaging people on Twitter is im-
She explains that as the "only" one
of her kind-that
portant to Kohn, even though people
Kohn emphasizes, "People want to
be seen and heard."
It turns the tables on how most of
us, particularly those of us in marginalized communities, view the whole
concept of hate.
lefty liberal lesbian
ask her how she can engage with
began to "see my own
"haters." She says that it is one of the
biases and how much I had stereo-
ways in which she tries daily to both
having conversations about inclu-
typed conservatives. I definitely as-
understand and defuse hate.
sion as it is to talk about anything
sumed conservatives, like the people
"I want to know why they hate me-
"Often people feel powerless in
is as important to be
else," Kohn asserts. She says of her
I'd been seeing on Fox before I start-
if they hate me," Kohn says, her voice
own experience at Fox News that she
ed working there, were hateful."
rising in intensity. "They think I'm
felt some of that inclusion just by be-
ing there, by having a voice.
She says she hated conservatives
why they are sending
for what she thought they were, not
me these messages. They don't see
for who they were. This is the tricky
themselves as the problem. And that
she says. "I had a real sense of power
part for most of us: when we look at
is really what I am writing about in
to be there, the liberal lefty lesbian,
Fox News, or Trump supporters, or
the book-none of us thinks we are
speaking to an audience that rarely
some of the folks who trolled Kohn
the problem. We always think it's the
if ever would hear a lesbian speak-
on Twitter, people she spoke with
other person."
ing directly to them." She adds that
about their own hate, we see people
Throughout her book tour, which
it was important for people to see her
who, especially for those of us in the
Kohn describes as the antithesis of
in her roles at Fox and CNN, and that
LGBTQ community, want us at best
the "uni-directional" book tour events
"we need more and more [LGBTQ]
silenced, at worst dead.
where authors talk about and read
people in those places, giving their
Kohn has a law degree as well as
from their work, she says, "A lot of the
a master's in public administration,
engagement I am getting is people
Kahn's book has not arrived with-
out controversy. Called into question
suggests that Kohn positioned her in
These exchanges have raised
has been Kohn's intersectionality
relation to Sow as the "good" black
questions about whether Kohn fact-
with regard to her book and how she
woman versus the "angry" black
checked other quotes in her book. As
accessed those she wrote about.
woman. Oluo's writing about the in-
a first-time author, Kohn says in her
Questions have arisen over some of
cident is also online.
own online statement that she was
the quotes from women of color in
The Opposite of Hate.
At the end of April, Kohn decided
to cancel her Los Angeles book party,
really naive about the process.
Inadvertently, this post-publica-
Aminatou Sow, popular co-host
which was scheduled to be hosted by
tion chapter has served as the very
of the podcast Ca// Your Girlfriend,
Katy Perry and Shonda Rhimes, due
sort of talking point Kohn has urged
co-founder of Tech Lady
people to address in her
Mafia, and one of the
book. How do we listen to
Forbes "30 Under 30" in
others? How do we view
2014, has received prom-
them from the vantage
ises from Kohn's publisher, Algonquin Books, that
~.--... ......................
mn.-~ ......... -. .............
point of our own position
of privilege, or lack thereof.
quotes Kohn has attributed
Kohn has a final mes-
to her will be removed from
sage, which she hopes will
both digital and subse-
impact the book's read-
quent print versions of the
ers most of all. "I hope
that they learn something
Sow wrote about her ex-
about their own hate. Part
perience with Kohn on her
of the solution of change,
Twitter feed and also held
of creating change, is that
a meeting with Algonquin
editors about the issue,
excerpts of which appear
thing Kohn has learned
from the wide range of
Sow states that Kohn
people she spoke with for
never consulted her, nor
The Opposite of Hate was
fact-checked the incendi-
that hate is not about ex-
ary quote that is attributed
to her. She claims that Kohn misrep-
tremes, even though that
to the controversy. In an email she
is how it is always framed-tiki torch
resented both their relationship and
says, "While I am disappointed that I
bearers versus peaceful protesters.
her words.
won't get to share this evening with
Kohn says we all have the capacity
Another well-known black writer
all of you, I will continue to advocate
for hate and hate is something each
and activist, ljeoma Oluo, the author
for the book's message of fostering
of us has the ability to end, if only we
of So You Want to Talk About Race,
community and building bridges in
face it head-on.
has stated that Kohn used her work
divisive times. I hope you will join me
in the book without permission. Oluo
on that journey."
hen Curve caught up with Hayley
tatious looks.
Kiyoko on tour for her debut al-
With its chorus "Girls like girls like boys do,
Denver had
nothing new," Kiyoko's song flips the trope of
just grabbed the record: Most bras thrown
a guy stealing another guy's girl with a girl
onto the stage at a Hayley Kiyoko concert.
stealing a guy's girl. The video has a sub-plot
bum, Expectations,
As another generation once threw panties
of fighting back against domestic violence,
onto the stage of lesbian crooner k.d. lang
but is in so many ways the lesbian music vid-
in the 1990s, the women who sell out every
eo every young lesbian was waiting for. No
one of Kiyoko's concerts-turning
wonder Kiyoko's fans call her "lesbian Jesus."
up in sig-
nature flannel shirts, draped in rainbow flags,
A lot was folded into that video when she
temporary tats of Kiyoko's signature #20GAY-
made it, Kiyoko told Curve. "I deliberately
TEEN on arms and faces-show their love by
chose to include 'Girls Like Girls' when I was
tossing their bras. It's hot, it's sweet and it's
writing for my This Side of Paradise EP be-
like the artist herself.
After years as a child actor doing commer-
cause it felt right. That song was just a piece
of my story and my truth as an artist. And then
cials, film roles and headlining girl band The
when my fans were even more supportive of
Stunners, Kiyoko first grabbed our hearts as
that song and its video, I knew that being
a solo artist in 2015 with her hit single "Girls
honest in my art was the only way to go. It's a
Like Girls." Now her hit single, "Curious," off
dream to be able to share my stories and have
the Expectations album is destined to be one
people relate to them."
of the songs of summer.
For those who couldn't get enough of Kiyo-
A dream for all the women tossing their
bras at her, as well.
ko once they discovered her, the artist's acting
With her compelling tunes and her fearless
career ran parallel to her singing career. Fans
persona, the immediacy of her Twitter feed
could follow her between concerts on the
and her willingness to pose in group shots
iconic lesbian TV drama, The Fosters, watch
with her fans, Kiyoko has easily risen to iconic
CS/: Cyber to catch her co-starring with Os-
status as a lesbian artist-even though many
car-winner Patricia Arquette and later on HBO
artists stay closeted. She says for her "it
with Issa Rae on Insecure.
wasn't necessarily a decision between being
And then there were the videos. Oh, the
out or not, and for a long time I didn't want to
videos. Kiyoko is a millennial Renaissance
be categorized as just a gay artist, but rather
woman. She turned 27 in April, but she's been
an artist-period."
producing and directing her own videos for
If you watch Kiyoko's videos back-to-
several years, beginning with breakout hit
"Girls Like Girls."
"Cliff's Edge," "Sleepover," "Feelings" and "Cu-
Like Girls," "Gravel to Tempo,"
Kiyoko's video has 90 million views on
rious,"-you see the trajectory of Kiyoko's de-
YouTube and depicts an edgy, deeply-felt ro-
termination to present lesbian relationships
mance between two young women. Beautiful-
as the everyday affairs they are for most of us.
ly shot with an amber tint, Kiyoko captures the
Kiyoko loves to flip narratives and "Curi-
budding femme-to-femme love affair perfect-
ous" begins with the singer as she's caressed
ly in a pastiche of scenes: one woman shyly
by several women. It's edgy, it's playful, it's
watches in the mirror as the other changes
impossible to resist. But why make her own
clothes; they sit on the bathroom floor shar-
videos in addition to her music when it's so
ing makeup and nail polish with fleeting, flir-
much work?
"Honestly, I began directing my videos out of
er video with two women, but she clapped back,
necessity," she told Curve. "I have a very spe-
saying that was never asked about men making
cific vision in my mind for these songs, starting
yet another love song featuring women.
with the color palettes and themes. And since I
When we asked what it's like being an out les-
couldn't afford to hire the directors I wanted, I
bian working in a mostly male, mostly straight
just took things into my own hands and haven't
industry and whether it's hard to convince the
money people to support her music, Kiyoko re-
looked back."
One of the most striking elements of Kiyoko's
veals, "I'm lucky to have a supportive, hardwork-
videos is the storytelling. She invites us in and
ing team around me that encourages my art in
unfolds her tales in a way that sears the imag-
every way. I signed to Atlantic because the ex-
es into the viewers' minds whenever they hear
ecutives understood my vision and continue to
her songs. That's intentional, of course. "I love
give me the resources to make the music I want
everything about telling stories ...writing songs,
to make."
directing videos and performing live are all different mediums that I love equally," she says.
When we tell her we can't stop singing "Curious," she laughs, "That's awesome, I'm glad you
like it!" And then she explains what she wanted
It's the kind of working environment many
artists envy. Kiyoko adds, "Plus it doesn't hurt
that the company is co-headed by a womanJulie Greenwald."
The pressure on Kiyoko to meet her fans' ex-
from the video. "I co-directed the 'Curious' video
pectations and to be an iconic figure of authen-
because I really wanted to capture my signature
ticity is something Kiyoko is keenly aware of. But
narrative style, plus have a really cool dance per-
she's undaunted. Knowing she's "lesbian Jesus"
formance aspect."
and that she's impacted people's lives dramat-
And the dancing in the video is, of course,
ically and that her fans love her deeply for the
fabulous, intercut with the song's chorus. It's a
model of an authentic life she's giving them is a
totally dance-worthy tune, but of course, it's a
lot of responsibility. But it's responsibility Kiyo-
story first. Kiyoko says, "The song plays with the
ko's willing to shoulder and one she embraces.
theme of having the laugh in a situation where
As much as her fans love her, she's sending love
someone is playing games-something
right back.
many people can understand. So it was import-
"Yeah, truthfully, I want to create art that in-
ant to show that in the story, but still have it aes-
spires people to find comfort with whatever
thetically beautiful and fun to watch."
they're going through in their own life journey.
Expectations is Kiyoko's biggest baby to date
and she wanted everything just right. The album
For them to feel included and validated."
Kiyoko says she's on tour throughout the
to be a poster in
summer promoting Expectations, but she teas-
the bedrooms of many a young lesbian, and
es that something else is already in the works.
wallpaper on the computer screens of others.
"I've definitely got more new content coming in
cover is so striking-destined
"It actually took four different photo shoots
to get that cover right!" reveals Kiyoko. "Re-
the near future."
As the interview ends, we ask her if she has a
leasing an album was a lifelong dream and I am
message for women struggling with coming out.
so proud of everything about Expectations. It's
"Be kind to yourself. Know that you are enough
amazing to see such a positive response, too."
and your feelings are valid."
Being a lesbian of color directing her own mu-
sic videos hasn't been easy. Kiyoko got pushback initially from people asking her why anoth-
ate Moennig was recently in
two, I can't even answer that ques-
Australia on a whirlwind DJ
tion, because I don't want to be pres-
tour, taking Melbourne, Syd-
ney, and Brisbane by storm. The hot-
Fair enough.
test alum from Showtime's landmark
Besides being a lesbian icon, Kate
lesbian series The L Word, and now a
is also an advocate, having produced
series regular on Ray Donovan, Kate
a documentary on gay homeless
was understandably jet-lagged when
youth some years back. How did that
I caught up with her in Melbourne.
come about?
Dressed casually in a white T-shirt
"A friend of mine is a filmmaker
and black pants, sporting a beanie
and suggested we do it for a platform
and glasses, she looked worlds away
that doesn't exist any longer, but the
from Shane but was still the epitome
platform was looking for content
of cool.
and I thought that would be a more
Kate's DJ tour was well timed, co-
informative project to do than some-
inciding with Australia's finally and
thing trivial like a quiz; [homeless-
joyously ushering in marriage equali-
ness among LGBTQ youth] was an
ty. What did she think about Australia
epidemic I wasn't fully aware of, so I
finally getting its act together regard-
started researching it."
ing LGBTQequality?
Kate will be back in production
"It's wonderful. It's about time."
mode again with the highly antici-
If you're surprised about her side-
pated comeback of The L Word, and
line as a DJ, so was I.
"It's always been a hobby, so it's
she is happy to be reconnecting with
the cast, including her close friend
fun being able to work doing your
Leisha Hailey (Alice). While they were
hobby. I play back at home. I used
filming the original series, Kate and
to have a monthly party with some
Leisha were roommates, along with
friends but I have a hard time stay-
Mia Kirshner (Jenny), and they all
ing up late, so I can't keep it up on a
lived down the street from Jennifer
weekly basis," shesays.
Beals. "We're very excited; I'm more
Kate wasn't up for a political debate when I asked what she thought
than happy to work with them again,"
says Kate.
about Donald Trump. "I don't wanna
Since scripts have not yet been
make it all about him," she demurs.
written for the L Word reboot, Kate
So instead I ask, "If you were presi-
was unable to talk about future plo-
dent, what's the first thing you would
tlines, although lesbian conspiracy
theorists on the Internet are already
"Number one, I don't want to be
at it, claiming that Jenny, who was
president," she laughs, "and number
found face down in a swimming
pool, was not dead at all. To refresh
"Oh, it's about time. It's about time.
your memory, the final episode of the
I think it's only going to get stronger
show, which aired in 2009, featured
and it's not going to go away."
Lucy Lawless as a cop who investigates Jenny's death and ends up
interviewing the other girls, who are
believed to be suspects in her murder. How she will slip back into the
storyline remains a mystery, as Jen-
I agree with her, and suggest that
the Old Guard needs to ...
"They all need to go," Kate cuts in
Does she have any career aspirations for the future?
ny was apparently the most hated
"I don't have anything specific. I
character on the show (I liked her),
just hope I get to work on things that
and maybe the fans won't want her
my heart is involved in, that I can be
brought back at all.
excited to go to work every day and be
Since the original L Word wrapped
in 2009, Kate has been busy; in addition to playing Lena on Ray Donovan
proud of. That's really all I aspire to."
When we shake hands goodbye
Kate says, "It's nice to meet you."
for five years, she's done several fea-
We part. I go to collect my car, only
ture films: Everybody's Fine (2009),
I to go to the wrong parking lot. Un-
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011), Gone
derstandable-since it's not every day
(2012), and Lane (2017), a wonder-
you get to interview Kate Moennig.
ful coming-of-age movie set in the
1970s in which Kate plays the mother
of a teenage girl.
Now it's time to talk about dogs. I
promised my Chihuahua-cross, Rosie, that I would ask Kate about her
three-legged pooch Floyd.
"I've had Floyd for 14 years. He's
15, a cancer survivor, he's deaf, he
has epilepsy-but
he's perfect. I ad-
opted Floyd when he was just under
a year old. He's my favorite soul in the
"Dogs save us all," I say, in all sincerity.
"Don't they," Kate agrees.
I wondered what Kate thinks about
the historic #Me Too movement, which
is finally creating positive change for
women in the male-dominated world
of entertainment.
I get
How a character shaped a generation's sexual identity.
Liv Steigrad
Remember when there was no
unavailable cool lesbian. 'Being
that particular brand of soft-masc
such thing as Netflix? No easi-
with' her came with a sense of tri-
was at odds with how people really
ly accessible streaming service
umphing over that unavailability,
wanted to present. Being seen as
with an LGBTQsection to browse?
and a coolness-by-association.
queer was more than just being
Watching Showtime's The L Word,
In the time before smart phones
seen as queer. It dictated the pos-
specifically Kate Moennig's Shane,
became permanent attachments,
sibility of being understood by your
was like breaking out of my gay
before social media was so thor-
peers, and attaining romantic and
teenage isolation and feeling the
oughly ingrained in our lives, we
platonic intimacy.
sun for the first time. Now in my
had fewer role models to look up
mid-20s, as an active and loud
to. Shane embodied what was, at
A LesbianDichotomy
member of the queer community, I
the time, the epitome of desirable
Shane wasn't the first dyke on
wonder what Kate Moennig meant
(read: white and thin) androgyny.
television, but she was the first for
to other people. For answers, I
Shane was a widely consumed,
many, and the first to be present-
turned to friends and to social
and therefore easily recognizable
ed as so desirable. She gave peo-
media and found many amusing
blueprint for us. Whether we want-
ple the confidence to cut their hair
anecdotes and some recurring
ed her or wanted to be her, emulat-
short and walk fearlessly down the
ing her made us visible.
street in their favorite outfit. Most
of the characters in The L Word
The Complexityof DesiringShane
A GuideForSelf Expression
were easily categorized as either
Desire is no simple thing. For
A friend of mind regretfully in-
butch or femme. As a queer who
blossoming queer folk, it can be
formed me she had nothing pro-
hovers between femme and masc,
a particularly challenging realm
found to say about Shane except
I look forward to the deconstruc-
to navigate. When you're a young
that she, like most lesbians circa
tion of that dichotomous attitude.
queer, you're still trying to fig-
2005, got "The Shane" haircut. De-
I love Kate Moennig. I love what
ure out who you are and what
spite it "looking awful," the haircut
she did for my generation's sexu-
you want. From the homogenous
made her feel powerful and visi-
ality and identity. I also support the
ocean of heteronormative media
ble. The profundity of this simple
proliferation of the letters in our
emerged Shane, eliciting respons-
sentiment resonates deeply. The
collective acronym, and eagerly
es we didn't have the vocabulary
need for a visible demarcation of
anticipate the increased represen-
to describe. Was it her androgyny?
queerness is a manifestation of
tation of all sorts of combinations
Or was it her huge amount of so-
the universal human need to be-
of those identities in media-and,
cial capital? 'Being' her came with
long. To feel like there are others
hopefully, in the upcoming L Word
power, acceptance, desirability.
like you. It's understandable that
She was the embodiment of the
the Shane-aesthetic was so en-
thusiastically taken up, even when
romanticized, emotionally
A photographer captures the
diversity of our community.
Inside the Black Triangle was created
with the intention to share the struggles,
joy, heartbreak, confusion and diverse
experiences of queer women living in a
heteronormative world. Sharing stories
leads to relatability, compassion and
hopefully acceptance. Not only is empathy necessary outside the LGBTQ community, but now more than ever,equality
is needed within the community.
Personal observations led me to the
conclusion that queer women are mimicking the gender hierarchy. Butch and
androgynous women are thought to be
more prestigious, while feminine women
can be thought of as less than. Not only
do feminine women find themselves defending their sexuality to heterosexuals;
they are often forced to prove themselves to their own community.
After meeting with over 50 women, I
also noticed that the queer community
conforms to the race hierarchy. Oftentimes the community is segregated into
different races and nationalities. Acceptance and equality start from within. Inside the Black Triangle has grown into
a community in which women support
each other and find inspiration to live authentic lives.
"ft was more difficult when I was
not out. I have never struggled internally with my sexuality so to be 'not
out' earlier in my career was more
awkward than anything, it just didn't
feel natural. Weare still at a moment
in this fight for equality that needs
public voices and public figures,and
it feel it's more of an honor but also a
responsibilityto be vocalabout being
- Megan Rapinoe
"/ enteredActive Duty in 2012 and
realized it was not as different of a
workplaceas I had imagined. To this
day I have not faced any adversity
about my sexual orientation. Those
who have been in the service longer
always say 'it's a new Air Force' becauseof the changesthat havetaken
place,and I am proud to be in the progressiveside of this 'newAir Force'..."
'As a singer/songwriter, many of my
with women. Music is an outlet for me to
articulate and express feelings that make
me feel vulnerable-things I find hard to
put into words otherwise."
"I came out at 19. I was scared , eager and
ready to be a part of the world as a lesbian.However,this world didn't recognize me as one their
own. I am a Jewish, biracial femme lesbian...and
thereI stood,this brown babydykenot feelinglike
lwasapartofthegroup. Today,somethingshave
changedyet some remain the same. Theworld is
indeed more accepting,but femme invisibility is
still a part of my life."
"Authenticityis so hard to come by these days since everybodywants
to be, act, and look like everyoneelse. Sometimes,dependingon the
situations, I've held my silence and bit my tongue to save face, avoid
conflict or danger Fear can be a paralyzingand a daunting load to
carry around."
NYC P!.'idie 2018
tF• •Mobile··
June 23
5pm - Midnight
The DL
95 Delancey St
The shaman met us at our hotel in Cusco, after the other guests had gone to bed.
Julien was small, with the dark skin and
broad open face typical of the indigenous
Quechua people. He was dressed simply,
with a baggy wool sweater and a colorful alpaca hat, and he exuded a humble
calm. He smiled easily and often, revealing
a mouthful of teeth stained from years of
chewing coca leaf.
Jill Cruse and I were leading an Olivia
expedition of 20 women to Machu Picchu,
and Julien had been recommended as
someone who could help us connect with
the local traditional culture. Julien spoke
little English, so I translated, explaining
that we were a group of lesbian travelers,
and a few of us were hoping to see a traditional Inca ceremony. Our expedition was
traveling with professional tour guides and
had an itinerary full of cultural experiences,
but we also wanted to offer our guests access to the more sacred, spiritual side of
Machu Picchu. We had been informed by
multiple sources that traditional ceremonies were impossible. We were told, "You
just can't do that kind of thing anymore."
Julien listened calmly. He seemed at
ease with the idea of a bus load of lesbians,
and undaunted by the rules against outsiders at certain ceremonies. He smiled
a slow coca-leaf smile and told us, "If the
right people go there with the right energy,
anything is possible." He asked us to make
sure that we kept the group small and include only people who really wanted to be
there and who would hold the right intentions in their heart. We agreed and made
plans to meet him in a few days in Aguas
Calientes, at the foot of Machu Picchu.
ur adventure had started in
only are coca leaves legal in Peru,they
to visit some of the local ruins. Our first
Lima, Peru. This Olivia group
are part of the local heritage-a tradi-
stop was Sacsayhuaman, a citadel
consisted of women from the
tion going back thousands of years.
constructed of massive interlocking
U.S., Canada, Australia, and beyond,
The locals in Cusco will get a big ball
stones. Though no mortar was used,
so everyone arrived at different times.
of leaves going inside their cheek and
the stones were fit together so tightly
I bonded with some of the group at
suck on it for hours. For me and my Ol-
that you cannot slide a single piece of
the hotel bar that first evening over
ivia friends, all it took was a leaf or two.
paper between them, and the walls that
the local specialty, pisco sours. We
At first, the taste was quite bitter, but it
were not removed by the Spaniards
connected with the rest of the group
mellowed out quickly, and within a few
still stand, despite the ravages of time
at breakfast the next morning, just
minutes I found that my tongue was a
and the earthquakes that have dev-
before the short flight that took us up
little numb but my altitude symptoms
astated more modern buildings. Next,
into the Andes mountains.
had subsided.
we visited Qenko, one of the largest
We flew from Lima, the modern-day
After a brief rest at our hotel, which
holy places, or huacas, in the region.
capital of Peru, to Cusco, the ancient
featured a big container of coca tea in
Here the structures were built around
capital of the Inca Empire. In Cusco,
the lobby, everyone was ready to ex-
naturally occurring rock formations,
we found ourselves at an elevation of
plore. Cusco is considered to be the
including some natural underground
over 11,000 feet. Though I was in de-
longest continuously inhabited city in
spaces believed to be used for sacri-
cent shape and had been careful to eat
the Western hemisphere. The Killke
fices and mummification. Finally, we
lightly and drink lots of water, I admit
tribe lived there from 900 to 1200 AD,
visited Puka Pukara, translated from
that I felt a little light-headed when we
then the Incas arrived in the 13th cen-
the Quechuan as the "Red Fortress,"
landed. The local remedy for altitude
tury. Both cultures considered Cus-
with its view of the valley and lime-rich
sickness is coca leaves, so I bought a
co to be the center of the earth. The
rocks that seem to glow red at dusk.
little packet for a dollar from a woman
Spaniards arrived in the 16th century
That evening, I joined some of my
standing just outside the airport and I
and it is their colonial architecture that
new Olivia friends for dinner. We found
shared it with some of my new Olivia
now dominates the city. In fact, their
a charming little restaurant with a view
friends. It takes a ton of coca leaves
churches and monasteries were built
over the Plaza de Armas. Someone at
and a complex, noxious process to
directly over the remains of the great
our table was brave enough to order
produce the drug we know as cocaine,
Inca temples.
the local delicacy, roasted guinea pig.
so this wasn't about getting high. Not
Just outside the city, we were able
In the spirit of adventure I tasted the
teensiest morsel and washed it down
colonizers, who ravaged other sites
with another pisco sour.
across the continent. In the case of
The following day, we headed off to
Machu Picchu, the city had been va-
the main attraction of our trip-Machu
cated at the time of the conquest and
Picchu. There are no reliable roads, so
so was able to remain discreetly hid-
to get there you either hike for days on
den in the mountains. The rainforest
the Inca trail or you take the train. We
grew up again around the stone walls
opted not only for the train, but for the
and terraces, and it remained a secret
luxury Orient Express.The Hiram Bing-
for centuries to all but a few locals, until
ham train, named for the explorer who
a farmer led explorer Hiram Bingham
"discovered" Machu Picchu in 1911,
there in 1911.
reserved two cars just for us, and we
The site is believed to have been
were spoiled with a sumptuous brunch
used as a royal estate, with sections
served on white tablecloths and fine
designated for agriculture and for re-
china. I felt a brief twinge of guilt that
ligious use. Our guides led us through
we would arrive at the ancient city
the most important features, from the
so easily and comfortably instead of
sophisticated irrigation system to the
earning it with an endurance testing
earthquake-defying architectural feats.
trek, but as I sipped a mimosa from a
We visited the temples of the sun and
crystal glass and marveled at the stun-
the condor, the royal residences and
ning views flying past the window, that
the guardhouse. Our two groups linked
guilty feeling faded fast.
up fortuitously at the lntihuatana Stone,
Several hours later, we arrived in
a ritual stone believed to be an astro-
Aguas Calientes, the little town built
nomical clock whose name translates
up around a hot springs at the base
as "Hitching Post of the Sun." As we
of the sacred mountain. A bus met us
all placed our hands on the stone, we
at the train station, and we went up a
swore we could feel it vibrating.
winding road to the entrance of the
That night over dinner at our hotel in
ruins. We divided into groups, each
Aguas Calientes,Jill went over the next
with a local guide, and got an intro-
day's itinerary with us. She explained
duction to the legendary landmark that
that the official tour would return to
had inspired us all to make this South
the mountain after breakfast to explore
American journey.
Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca
more of the site. A few of us could opt
to go up early to attempt to sneak into
city that is awe-inspiring for its scale,
a local ceremony on the sacred site.
condition, and beautiful location. It is
We expected a handful of adventur-
unique in that it was spared the loot-
ous souls to volunteer and the major-
ing and destruction of the Spanish
ity to opt for extra sleep and recovery.
To our surprise, all 20 guests wanted
to go, even the ones with sore ankles
and knees.
The next morning, almost our entire group was waiting in the lobby at
sunrise. Our shaman, Julien, took in
the size of our group and his eyes widened for just a brief moment before he
settled back into his usual sleepy-eyed
grin. I asked him again if he thought we
would be able to pull this off. "Anything
is possible," he repeated, "if we have the
As Julien and his brother prepared for the
right people with the right energy."
ceremony, some of us took turns stepping
the mountain and over a terrace below. The
out onto a narrow rock ledge that jutted from
Our bus snaked its way up the moun-
ledge was big enough for one person at a
tain through the early morning mist. The
time and required some balance and faith.
park was just opening for the day, yet the
Those brave enough to step out onto it were
parking lot was buzzing with visitors eager
rewarded with a blast of clear mountain air
to explore the ruins. As we reached the en-
on their faces and a sense of floating above
trance, the early morning mist turned into a
the valley.
persistent rain. Some of the other visitors
When it was time, we gathered in a circle
started to turn back and head to the nearby
around Julien and his brother for the cer-
lodge, but Julien urged us to press on. After
emony. We started with the Pachamama
a short walk, he ushered us into a small one-
ritual, one of the most precious practices
room stone structure. It was of indigenous
within the Andean culture. This practice
style and material but had obviously been
of giving thanks to Mother Earth involves
restored, as it had a sturdy roof for us all
creating a special offering, or despacho,as
to shelter under. Once we were safe inside,
a payment to the earth. Julien had brought
Julien directed our attention to the single
food, colorful confetti, herbs, candy, and
large window looking out onto the moun-
wool. He explained each item and its signif-
tain peaks in the distance. He explained that
icance to us before carefully laying it on the
though these peaks were not as famous
corn husk that would serve as the base for
as Machu Picchu, they were just as sacred
our despacho.
and important to the indigenous people. As
Next, we each chose three perfect coca
the rain fell on the stone roof above us, the
leaves from the large pile he had brought for
clouds played peek-a-boo with the peaks,
us. Coca leaves are sacred to the Andeans,
revealing them one at a time in perfect syn-
and considered a symbol of community and
chrony with Julien's retelling of creation
respect. We were instructed on how to hold
myths and stories about the sacred moun-
the leaves to our hearts and mouths, imbu-
tain deities known as Apus. By the time we
ing them with our own personal blessings or
had been introduced to each of the mono-
petitions. Some of these were added to the
liths in the distance, the storm had blown
group despacho as a gift to the Pachama-
over and we emerged from our cozy shelter
ma; others were offered individually.
to find we were seemingly alone in the misty,
fog-covered ruins.
The final part of our ceremony was a spiritual cleansing and blessing from the Apus,
Julien had brought along his brother, and
or mountain spirits. One by one, we each
the two of them led us down a small hill and
stepped into the center of the circle to re-
around a rock outcropping. We emerged
ceive our blessing. Valerio stood a few feet
onto a lower terrace nestled into the hill-
away singing the sacred chants while Julien
side, out of sight of the main path and with a
came in close with his rattle, low words, and
clear view of the most sacred of the peaks,
tobacco smoke. Though we all came from
Wayna Picchu.
different backgrounds, religions, and beliefs,
everyone seemed to drop into a reverence for something greater than themselves.
I was the last to step into the circle, and
had gotten just about halfway through
my blessing when we started hearing
other voices. As Julien reached for his
tobacco pipe, a guard came into view on
the ledge above us. He yelled down at us
angrily, admonishing Julien to put out
the tobacco and stop immediately. "It is
prohibited," he said. Julien took one final
puff of the ceremonial pipe and blew it
around me to complete my cleansing.
We smiled at each other, grateful in the
recognition that we had been given just
exactly enough time to complete our
Pachamama ceremony and to receive
our many individual blessings from the
Apus. We had been told that it was impossible, and yet it happened naturally
and easily for us. By Julien's logic, our
entire group must have come with the
right energy and intention. That was
when I realized the greatest travel lesson of all. It is not about where you go
or how you get there-it's all about who
you travel with.
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Summer2018 » volume28 number2
Publisher Silke Bader
Founding Publisher Frances Stevens
Editor-in-Chief Merryn Johns
Senior Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Contributing Editors Victoria A. Brownworth, Lyndsey D'Arcangelo,
Anita Dolce Vita, Janelle and Melany Joy Beck, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Editorial Assistant Liv Steigrad
Director of Operations Jeannie Sotheran
Proofreader Melanie Barker
National Sales Rivendell Media (908) 232-2021
Email todd@curvernagazine.com
Art Director Bruno Cesar Guimaraes
Cover Image of Katherine Moennig by Jill Greenberg Studio
Photo Credit: © Jill Greenberg 2005
Liv Steigrad
Melanie Barker, Arny Deneson, Anita Dolce Vita, Alex Eugene, Merryn Johns,
Sassafras Lowrey, Jennifer McDowell, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Grace Chu, Jill Greenberg, Sheryl Kay, Syd London, B. Proud,
Amanda Ramon, Rachael Zimmerman
Curve Magazine
PO Box 1099
Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
Phone (415) 871-0569
Subscription Inquiries (800) 705-0070 (toll-free in US only)
Advertising Email todd@curvernagazine.com
Editorial Email editor@curvernag.com
Letters to the Editor Email letters@curvernagazine.com
Volume 28 Issue 2 Curve (ISSN 1087-867X) is published 4 times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) by Avalon
Media, LLC, PO I 099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia. Subscription price: $35/year, $49 Canadian (U.S. funds
only) and $75 international (U.S. funds only). Returned checks will be assessed a $25 surcharge. Periodicals postage
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may not be reproduced in any manner, either whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher.
Publication of the name or photograph of any persons or organizations appearing, advertising or listing in Curve
may not be taken as an indication of the sexual orientation of that individual or group unless specifically stated.
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write to Curve, Avalon Media LLC., PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia, email jeannie@curvemag.com
Canadian Agreement Number: 40793029. Postmaster: Send address changes to jeannie@curvemag.com, Curve, PO
Box 17138, N. Hollywood, CA 91615-7138. Printed in the U.S.
Women We Love: Our
trailblazing butch, Lea
How the out and proud performance
icon and Orange Is The New Black alum
helped put lesbians on the cultural map.
Covet: Transform your
outdoor space into a
summer oasis.
A range of elegant solar-powered outdoor lanterns will have you hanging out
for summer.
My Project: Rachel
Paulson has fingers in
all the pies.
Sure, she has a famous sister, but our
Miss Paulson has it going on with her
podcasts, web series, and more.
Cover: Why we miss
Kate Moennig and
want her back.
Food Revolution: An
out Texas chef's lifelong love of food.
The actor that launched lesbian lust as
Shane on The L Word sat down with us
for a cool few minutes and proved she's
still got The Shane Factor.
Interview: Evan Rachel
Wood on victims of
sexual assault.
Bria Downey is dazzling diners as the
new executive chef of the Fort Worth
restaurant, Clay Pigeon.
The bisexual actorvist calls out our culture for misunderstanding women who
have survived sexual abuse.
McDowell LivSteigrad
Olivia Travel
Women We Love
Alex is a fiercely feminist, queer, left-wing journalist and
Jennifer is an avid traveler and former Olivia staff mem-
multidisciplinary arty type with a Bachelors in Design
ber. During her tenure with Olivia she enjoyed over 80
and a Masters in Journalism. She is a broadcaster,
trips and visited more than 50 countries. Whether trav-
blogger, and the editor of Jeweller magazine, former ed-
eling as a guest, staff member or leader, Jennifer ap-
itor of City Hub, and has freelanced for a range of print
preciates the freedom and community that traveling
and online publications. Visit alexeugene.com
provides. This issue she explores Machu Picchu.
Liv is an assistant editor at Avalon Media, as well as
Rachael is a Colorado photographer who captures
a freelance writer, copywriter, editor, and creative. She
authentic and beautiful moments, whether in nature
applies her resources to traveling and seeking truth
or in people. In April 2016 she began the photo se-
through the creation of fiction. Her creativity is in-
ries Inside the Black Triangle highlighting diversity
formed by her engagement with the queer community
among lesbians, and she has since photographed 25
and explores variations on identity and sexuality.
women for the series. Visit rachaelzimmerman.com
ummer is synonymous with Pride, as destinations all
around the globe hold LGBTQcelebrations from June
through September in a time of sunshine, self-ex-
pression, and socializing. It's the season when we bask
in the feeling of coming into our own, together. This issue,
with rumors that beloved lesbian TV show The L Word will
Editorin Chief
Merryn Johns
be revived by Showtime, we caught up with Kate Moennig,
who played the iconic character of Shane. We also spoke
with liberal political commentator Sally Kohn about her
book The Opposite of Hate, which urges us to emphasize
what connects us rather than what divides us. And, as your
soundtrack for the pleasant weeks ahead, we recommend
putting the unstoppable out musician Hayley Kiyoko on
your playlist. We also put Montreal and Oakland on your
map, and we hope you'll feel inspired to join other women in
life-changing adventures with Olivia Travel.
Finally, I would like to send a sincere thank you to the
many readers who contacted us about Curve's relaunch.
We're as delighted as you are with the new direction!
Lea DeLaria dishes on her role as an LGBTQicon.
ByLiv Steigrad
franchised community. I was on the air for
I haven't had a show that wasn't sold out
fag, and queer 49 times, apparently. Which
since Orange hit the airwaves. I always sold
is awesome.
seven minutes and managed to say dyke,
really well before that, but Orange amplified
it. But I still do the same thing: in-your-face
dyke comedy and good music.
I don't think anybody expected me to be
THAT queer. People kept on putting me in
Hasmakingit asanactorbeenmore
you'rea lesbian?
that box where all I did was play PE teach-
Well yeah, I've been doing this for 30 years. I
was saved by a black man. George C. Wolfe,
had to deal with the double-edged sword of
the artistic director of Shakespeare in the
ers and police lieutenants and again my life
misogyny and homophobia, as well as inter-
Park, cast me in On The Town because he
nalized homophobia from my own people.
didn't care what I looked like. He cared what
I could do.
Andbutchdykesarea visible
Yes, and that's a double-edged sword too,
because femmes have that other thing they
have to deal with, where nobody knows
0/TNB has been great for queers and women.
they're a dyke unless they're draped with
The writers committed to creating real char-
a butch. I hope that we reach a point in the
acters. People are so unused to turning on
queer community where we just accept each
the TV and seeing themselves. The episode
other for who we are. I think that has some-
with the Big Boo backstory did for butches
thing to do with the alphabet soup-you
what Sophia's backstory did for trans peo-
know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender;
ple. It changed perceptions of what it is to be
by the time you say everything, the parade's
a butch dyke. When I got that script I called
over. Can we just keep it as "queer"? Because
up Lauren (Morelli), crying, and said, "It feels
queer encompasses everything, and those
like somebody's read my diary." Butch dykes
letters point out our differences.
have a shared experience that other lesbians
don't have, and every bit of it is in that script.
Well, they write parts for lesbians now, and
I get thousands of direct messages every
day, all from young girls. Everything from
"Thank you" to "I can't come out to my fam-
actually let lesbians play them. I make fun
ily." I find this a very serious responsibility,
of lesbian chic, but it's one of the reasons
to be able to help the next generation along.
I got on TV. I was on Arsenic Hall because
he was black and also part of this disen-
With so many vodka brands available, it's refreshing to be able to
"Great strides have been made in
choose one that benefits our com-
the arena of LGBT equality but we
munity. The premium, award-winning
are not done yet," says Equality Vod-
Equality Vodka donates a generous
ka founder Bert Gallagher Jr. He was
pour of gross sales from every bot-
inspired, along with business partner
tle-20 percent, in fact!-to LGBTnon-
Doug Jacobson, to help LGBT orga-
profits working hard for our equality.
nizations move the needle by giving
Organizations such as Lambda Legal,
them more resources and funds.
The Human Rights Campaign, The
Gay & Lesbian Fund, Garden State
Equality, The Center in Asbury Park,
label for you. Not only is the bottle elegant and makes a pleasing gift, but
name just a few-have benefited from
the drink itself, which is 80 proof, is
Equality Vodka donations.
deliciously smooth and was awarded
Southern California, New Jersey, New
the coveted gold medal at The San
Francisco World Spirits Competition.
York City, and Texas. Mention it to
your bartender, liquor store, or restau-
If you care about a good cocktail
and about social justice, this is the
Thrive Event, and Equality Texas-to
The brand is now available in
A new vodka serves up
the spirit of equality.
rant and encourage them to stock it.
Two leading Provence estates in
France have launched their delicious
Summer means sipping on
rose from Provence.
and Estate.
Ultimate Provence is a bold, mod-
products in the U.S.,offering rose true
ern property that seeks innovation,
to the French Mediterranean terroir.
whether in art or in wine. It offers
The region's perfect growing condi-
live concerts and movie screenings,
tions: sunny climate, fresh sea breez-
artists residencies, and a restaurant
es, soil that imparts minerality, and ar-
serving family-style dishes incorpo-
omatic vegetation such as rosemary
rating Provenc;alingredients. Ultimate
and lavender are all influences to be
Provence focuses on producing the
found in each of these estate's lus-
meticulously-crafted Urban Provence,
cious and fresh summer wines.
packaged in an elegant bottle. It's a
Chateau de Berne dates back to the
lovely rose perfect for any occasion.
12th century but is now a five-star Re-
The South of France is the home
lais & Chateaux property with a Miche-
of rose but this summer, Provence
lin-starred restaurant, a spa, cooking
comes to you, courtesy of these au-
school-and 330 acres of thriving vine-
thentic wine estates.
yards. The Chateau produces three delightful dry roses: Emotion, Inspiration,
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ianne Bagger grew up with
terone in her body. But in reality, after
"An XV woman is someone born with
golf; it was a family tradition.
surgery an XV woman can no longer
XV chromosomes, someone who was
Although children often lack
produce the hormone naturally.
born male but has fully transitioned.
the patience to learn the game, Bag-
Within two weeks, the Swedish golf-
I've had surgical, anatomical changes.
ger says she enjoyed it even as a child.
ing organization wrote back to say that
The impact is permanent and irrevers-
First in Denmark, then in Australia, "al-
a decision had been made: Bagger
ible. Transgender women can come off
most every weekend in summer was a
could join the tour. The event set her
hormone blockers at any time, and ev-
trip to the golf club. Our parents played,
international career in motion. In time,
erything is restored," she explains.
while us kids ran around and did what-
other organizations went on to amend
Bagger isn't concerned about clari-
ever we wanted. We had lessons, hit on
their policies, allowing her to partici-
fying this confused language just for
the range, and ate ice cream. It was a
pate, and she went on to play profes-
the sake of argument. It's because
fun experience," she remembers.
sionally in Australia and throughout
correcting the misunderstanding and
Later in life, when Bagger found her-
reaching a consensus will determine
Europe. The rest is history.
self at the top of the Australian amateur
golf rankings, it would have been perfectly logical for her to go on to the next
level and turn pro. That choice was
more complex for her than for most
people, however. Bagger stayed in the
amateur game as long as she did because she thought she could never go
who should and shouldn't participate
in professional sports.
"A transgender woman [who has not
had gender reassignment surgery] has
a male endocrine system capable of
producing testosterone. That means if
they were to come off hormone-blocking drugs, testosterone would start
firing back up again. Then, doping in
The reason: Bagger identifies as an
XV woman. Originally born male, she
transitioned to female, undergoing hormone therapy and surgery.
sports becomes the issue," Bagger explains.
Doping scandals have rocked sports
amount of media attention Bagger re-
around the world many times, and cur-
However, despite
"All the organizations had rules about
ceived during her 11-year career as a
rently drug testing is random. So-as
being born female. I thought, Let's see
professional golfer, misinformation is
Bagger rightly points out-how
if they'll consider changing them," she
still rife regarding transitioned women.
hormonal state of a transgender wom-
Bagger is quick to explain that the
an to be monitored? Bagger doesn't
Bagger started with a mini tour in
language used to discuss transitioned
Sweden. She contacted the organiz-
people is not specific enough. "It's very
is the
claim to have the answer yet.
"I think society has to allow sports to
ers and sent them information about
make mistakes. It's a work in progress.
studies she'd found, detailing research
gender and sex. We all use 'gender' be-
The best thing is that everyone contrib-
cause it's a nice, polite term and it's not
utes in a collaborative manner. Let's
the word 'sex,' " she says.
move toward a workable solution,"
about XV women.
The widespread-and
lief at the time (and even today) was
Bagger is often referred to as a trans-
that an XV woman might have an un-
gender woman-but
fair advantage because of the testes-
does not identify with this term.
she says.
stresses that she
ELLA Travel & ELLA Festival 2018 - 2019
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For Ollie Henderson, defending
human rights and looking fabulous
are all in day's work.
hen Ollie Henderson answered the
started contacting Henderson, asking if they
phone for this interview, she had
could buy T-shirts to sell.
just arrived home from an asy-
Henderson now heads House of Riot,
lum seeker protest in Sydney, Australia. "All
which uses creative projects to empower
different religious groups were there. People
young people like herself who "have political
are fed up with the gov,ernment's immigration
feelings and political thoughts, but don't real-
policies," she says.
ly know what to do with them," she explains.
Campaigning for refugee rights-and many
other things-is
common for Henderson.The
"You might be angry about immigration policies, but not know who the immigration min-
fashion model who hails from rural Victo-
ister is. We find ways for people to express
ria became woddly at a tender age. She was
themselves politically."
scouted in a shopping mall while looking for
House of Riot is currently collaborating
a dress to wear to her school formal, Aus-
with Amnesty International, planning a se-
tralia's equivalent of a prom. At the age of 15
ries of parties for LGBTQyoung people.When
she moved to Milan, Italy, where she began an
Henderson came out to her family years ago,
international modeling career. But what she's
she had their full support, but she recognizes
best known for these days is founding the
not everyone is that lucky.
grassroots, not-for-profit
social enterprise,
A passionate activist for LGBTQrights, she
"I was living in New York at the time, and
yny as a positive trend in the fashion world
was feeling really embarrassed to be Austra-
but says the focus is too often on feminized
lian. Our treatment of refugees and asylum
men, instead of masculinized women. "It's
seekers was absolutely atrocious," she re-
a big gap that needs to be filled, and maybe
members. 'We were destroying the Great Bar-
lesbians will be the ones to lead the way."
House of Riot.
also champions feminism, and cites androg-
rier Reef through inaction on climate change.
There was also talk about university fee deregulation and cuts to [Australia's univ,ersalhealth
care system] Medicare. I felt like our country
was getting a bad reputation," she says.
The inspiration for "an extended art project"
came on a trip back to Melbourne for Fashion Week. Henderson hand-painted various
political messages on 100 white T-shirts,
which she gave out to uliterally anyone that
wanted one." They were then asked to wear
the T-shirts during Fashion Week. The idea
was to start conversations about things that
mattered-and it worked.
The project was far more successful than
she ever imagined. Publications all over the
world ran stories about the event Shops also
asa positive
women.Hit'sa biggapthat
At 34, I'm in the best relationship of
my life. I'm not sure how she puts up
with me, but somehow she does it with
such grace and selfless love. She impresses me daily. I think both things
help with my comedy, even just in experience. I pull from stuff, personally
or professionally, that either makes me
happy or irritates me. Then I make fun
of it or go on some rampage about it.
My girlfriend is hilarious, so sometimes
things she says spark whole segments
or stories.
Likeyou,shehasa flairforcomedy,
We were both born in Tampa, Florida.
We have different moms, so she was
raised mostly in New York City and I
was raised mostly in Florida. I think
she became exposed to performing
when she was young, and brought it
into my life when she would visit. We
used to do plays for my stuffed animals with my other sister. I think acting
was just always something she did, so
it was always something I did. I fell in
love with it pretty early, and then started to discover my own voice and path
in the industry. She's a force. I'm proud
to be mentioned in the same sentence
with her.
Listen to Gay Vs. Straight Bitches
on iTunes, new episodes every Monday.
WatchDrink Responsiblyon YouTube.
Follow Rachel on lnstagram
Ihe Side
Feminine style
with a twist of boy.
Photography:Alan Cresto
Styling: Richard Ives
nspired by her own celebrity style muses,
out lesbian designer Morgan Hoffman
Marlene Dietrich, of course, and Katha-
has created a collection of luxe garments
rine Hepburn, Diane Keaton, Edie Sedg-
that celebrate strength in femininity. We
wick-these are women who aren't bound
caught up with the busy New York style
by society's conventions. They are equally
maven as she launched her fall/winter col-
comfortable in a tailored suit and a full-out
evening gown. I also adore Cate Blanchett's
style and Tilda Swinton's individuality.
I identify as a lesbian woman who's at-
tracted to older feminine women who are
We have two lines for fall this season:
kind and calm, and bring balance to my
the GirlBoy New York Collection, which
life. I really am Therese in the film Caro/.
is designer ready-to-wear;
and GirlBoy
Weekend, which is Advanced Contem-
porary. The GirlBoy New York Collection
I've always been creative, love fashion,
is made of signature pieces with gor-
and knew I wanted to have my own brand.
geous structure, fit, and quality; they
I met the fashion artist Donald Robertson,
personify our design aesthetic of fem-
which gave me the idea for GirlBoy. That
ininity with a twist of boy, and include
evolved into women's empowerment and
many of our feminine power suits. Girl-
social media. Then I built my team and
Boy Weekend speaks to the effortless
began the creation of our fashion lines,
chic that Katharine Hepburn epitomized,
starting with our spring/summer line for
every day and into the weekend. These
2018 and now featuring our two lines for
are your go-to pieces, whether you're
fall/winter 2018.
heading out to the country or staying in
the city.
I've always been drawn to those iconic
films like Shanghai Express,where Marlene
These clothes are meant to become part
Dietrich effortlessly, fluidly mixes feminine
of your permanent collection because
and masculine. I want to create clothes
of how good you feel in them-not
that reflect that classic imagery, but in a
based on how you look. I think style can
modern and fresh way. What drives us at
raise women up; it can empower and
the label is to empower women to become
enchant. We hope women feel their best
their own muse-to ignore society's defi-
in these clothes.
nition of "pretty" and celebrate their own
unique beauty. Our team is virtually all
women, and our clothes are designed and
made here in New York City.
iNYCP.cide .2018
Hosted by
Madison Paige
June 24
4pm - 10pm
Music by
MaL'y Mac
Evan Rachel Wood has seized her
# MeToo moment, onscreen and off.
Beginning with Lifetime's Once and Again, in
interview she opens up about bisexual acceptance.
which she falls in love with her best friend, Mis-
Importantly, she revealed to Rolling Stone in 2016,
cha Barton, all the way through to The Wrestler, in
and again on her YouTube channel, that she was
which she plays the estranged lesbian daughter of
a victim of sexual assault. In February of this year,
Mickey Rourke, Evan Rachel Wood has never shied
Wood went to Washington, D.C., to testify before
away from playing queer characters. More recently,
the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Ter-
she appeared opposite Ellen Page in Into the Forest
rorism, Homeland Security and Investigations as
and in Allure she delivers a startling portrayal of a
a rape survivor in the hope of moving the needle
lesbian abuser. Wood's choice of roles is fearless,
on legislation around sexual assault, and making
as befits a child actor who grew up with Jodie Fos-
a significant difference in the conversation about
ter as a career influence. While 10 years ago Wood
the need to increase legal protections for survivors.
didn't publicly identify as bisexual, she's been more
When I caught up with Wood she was all fired up
forthcoming on social media; she briefly dated Kate
and ready to discuss the empowerment of women
Moennig after a visible Twitter flirtation, and in this
who have survived sexual abuse.
I have a history of abuse, and I know a lot of
out for support-"Hey
man, I'm here and I get
it"- and that was invaluable to me and we sort of
stayed pen pals, and then she asked me to come
people do, and I feel there's a complicated version
and tell our story to Congress. It was involuntary
of it which recurs in relationships, and it's one that
for me. It was like, "I can't live my life like this any-
we don't often talk about. And I think gaslighting
more. I need to be free of this." This is obviously an
is just now starting to really come into high-pro-
issue for a lot of people, more than I even realized,
file public awareness because of the president. So
unfortunately. So when someone says, "Come and
suddenly people are beginning to know that word.
tell your story to Congress, this might save lives
They're looking it up and going, "That's what that
and actually change the world right now," what are
is? That's happened to me!" And we realize it's
you going to say? Now is the time that you have to
actually much more common than we think and
be the one to walk through the fear and do it, and
much more complicated. I think some people are
put yourself out there. And lucky me, it's what I do
still confused about how someone could stay with
for a living.
an abuser...and we need to have that conversation,
so that people stop attacking victims and start
asking the right questions: not "What's going on
with the victim-Why did she stay?"
haveurgedyouto nametheperpetratorof yourassaults,
I don't think that was the time to name anybody.
I'm not ready. And I think it would've taken away
from the real subject, and that's not what that's
Well, for that reason. There is a sense of re-
about. It was about the lasting effects and the
sponsibility, especially if you can relate to these
things that we don't talk about. We're going to fo-
characters. And because there were so many
cus on the victims right now, and their journey, and
things I could relate to, it was almost like, "Look,
their story, and that's what we need to talk about.
I'm the only one who can do this." And ifthis does
spark the conversation, [the filmmakers] are actually smart to have a victim or a bisexual playing
that role-or somebody who can give you an edu-
You're twice as likely to be abused again if
cated answer about this piece of art. I knew there
you've been abused previously. And that means
were things in this that I was going to understand,
not even physically, that means emotionally
things that are really hard to explain unless you've
as well. If you've ever been in a position where
been abused.
you've felt powerless, or like you didn't have a
voice, or you had to give up pieces of yourself to
in Washington
stay safe-that's
abuse. And that puts you in the
frame of mind to accept abuse. People who have
been abused are more prone to health problems
Amanda Nguyen [founder of the nonprofit Rise]
because your immune system is shot from cor-
reached out to me as a sexual assault survivor and
tisol and adrenaline, from always being in a fight
we started to talk about it, and she just reached
or flight response. It literally changes you on
a cellular level; you're wired to be constantly
as a metaphor-I
looking over your shoulder and waiting to be at-
I'm going solo, I feel my music is reflecting that
meant that literally. Now that
tacked. That's a real thing, and also the freeze
transcendence. I'm not afraid anymore, but I am
response-that's called tonic immobility, and it's
vulnerable and I am willing to share that, but in
something that happens in animals. If a woman
a way that is about the phoenix rising from the
says no 50 times and then freezes, or gives in
ashes, the butterfly breaking out of the chrysa-
because she feels she has nowhere to go, that's
lis. That's where I feel I am, musically. I've been
considered consent. So there are three trauma
singing for as long as I've been acting, and I feel
responses: flight, fight, or freeze. And if you're a
like I've found my sound and my vibe, and I'm
freezer you're not protected under the law. These
ready to see what I can do with that on my own.
are the kinds of things we need to talk about to
For me, it's the ultimate form of expression. I love
acting and I will always love it, but music for me
careeryouseemto havefound
ina waythattranscends
sounds, if I could.
is my real language. I would speak in just song or
I had a band, Rebel and a Basketcase, for
about a year, and I think it ran its course ....
as bisexual.
There's a lyric I wrote, "And I'm growing with
Well, we don't take them seriously, and they're
every kick in the chest," and I didn't mean that
shunned by heterosexuals and by the gay com-
munity, much more than I think they should be. I
did make a YouTube video explaining why I think
It's going to take representation, and people just
they're so misunderstood, because I think at least
need to listen, at this point, because it's not like
in the LGBT community some people come out
as bi first to ease into coming out as gay, and
because it's their experience they assume it's everyone's experience, and they assume that every
bisexual is just too afraid to come out, and it's like,
No, that was your experience and that's valid, but
it is also its own thing-it's
not half-gay or half-
straight It's its own sexuality and its own identity. And I feel like we are just starting to have the
conversation about what that really means. It's
different for everybody. For me it's not even just
about who I sleep with. It's a way of life and it's
how I identify my gender and how I carry myself
there's a lack of bisexuals. In fact I think there's a
lot more than we even realize. Believe me, there's
a lot more in Hollywood that aren't out. Can we all
just come out, because I think that everyone would
realize that every actor is bisexual-well, a large
percentage, more than people know! I understand
the argument of "Don't label yourself because that
puts you in a category and labels are bad." Well,
yes and no, because sometimes people need a
calling card, to hold up a signal so that people can
go, "Oh, that's what I am. I didn't have words for it
but you've given me the language so I can identi-
and how I feel on a given day. I feel like I'm a flu-
fy with something, and then I can go from there."
id person and I can't fit into one category. I think
That's why I chose to come out. So I can give
gray areas are uncomfortable for people. We want
someone a life preserver and be like, "Hey, it's this.
things to be compartmentalized as this or that.
You're OK."
A fresh American approach to classic fare from an out chef.
ria Downey is executive chef
at Fort Worth restaurant Clay
Pigeon and has been cooking
a chefand
whatdidittaketomakethata reality?
I always knew that I loved cooking,
speechless; their only choice to revert to "mmmmms," "ahhhhs," and
not being able to look up because
professionally since she was a teen.
using my hands, and preparing a meal
We caught up with the busy, out-and-
for others. The instant gratification
It took a couple of long, hard
proud foodie to find out what's hot in
was all I wanted: watching some-
years with my head down, a couple
the kitchen.
one take a bite and become instantly
of good burns, missing everyone's
they can't stop eating.
birthday party. I volunteered to work
seas at a JROTC camp. I was one
dividual. One of my favorite chefs al-
every holiday, weekend, night shift
of the student instructors and she
ways told me that I was a cook, and
and even overnight graveyard shifts. I
was a student. It was honestly one
that he would treat me like any oth-
want to be the best in everything that
of those love at first sight moments.
er cook and that I was not special.
I do. I want it more than anything else
After the camp, I asked her to be
What he meant was that in the mid-
in life. I have been through many ups
my girlfriend and we started dat-
dle of the rush, if I messed up, I was
and downs, and I've had good days in
ing long distance until I graduated
getting yelled at like every-one else
the kitchen and I've had bad days. I
high school and we both moved to
was and at the end of a shift I have
have taken every opportunity, good
Texas. We both have a great love of
to carry my mise to the walk in like
and bad, to navigate my career to
food. While living overseas we were
every other cook does. When I am in
becoming a better chef. My person-
able to try many types of cuisine at
my whites I am not Bria, I am Chef.
al mantra is "service before self." I
a young age. Some of my most vivid
learned the art of self-discipline from
food memories were from when we
my mother who was a buck sergeant
traveled around Europe one summer.
in Texas
in the USAF.
Kaytee is a huge inspiration to some
When I think about Texas and food
of my dishes. She is the driving force
a couple things come to mind: Beef...
in our relationship. She truly holds
Damn Good Beef, Smoke... Mesquite
me up and keeps me humble. She is
wood specifically, Texas Wild Flower
the hardest critic I face.
honey, Summer produce is my favor-
to foodandhow
a roadmapforyourlife?
I don't eat to live, I live to eat. There
is no skim milk or non-fat anything
ite: watermelon, peaches, corn.
I want to taste every calorie. Butter
isn't about making the next trend or
is in all my favorite foods, and then
I came out officially at 16. I wasn't
coming up with the new way to make
I realized maybe butter is my favor-
necessarily screaming it from the
the thing of the moment. It's about
ite food. Nothing is off-limits to me.
rooftops, but I wasn't hiding it either.
making true honest food. It's about
in my fridge. You only live once and
I feel that for me, personally, it
There are so many different types of
Being gay is a huge part of my life
making fresh food daily - preserving
foods, techniques, cuisines. As long
but it is not the only, or even the most
the art of a fresh baked biscuit, com-
as there is an experience to be had
interesting part. Luckily growing up I
mitting to feeding a starter every day,
or a lesson to be learned, I am more
always had my twin sister, Tia, by my
curing my own meats and cooking
than willing (and still am) to expand
side. She is also gay, and she works
over a live fire. At Clay Pigeon, we
my knowledge and palate.
front of house for me at Clay Pigeon.
serve good honest food. We butcher
She does a fantastic job creating
our meats in house, we make fresh
Howhas yourrelationship
with your
new and interesting cock-tails and
pasta, sourdough, our own burger
has really understood the direction I
buns, pickles, cured meats like our
Kaytee was the first person to tell
want to go and helps me achieve my
foie gras torchon or duck prosciutto,
and we make our own ice cream and
me that I should cook for a living. She
was the first one to plant that seed
I have always been an openly gay
and nurture my dreams to fruition in
person in all of my jobs I have had.
the culinary world. Kaytee and I met
It has never been a hindrance for me
when we were in high school over-
because I am such a hardworking in-
even have a modest garden in the
back for our herbs.
oz. Redfish Filet
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
pinch Salt
Sear fish on one side and finish in 500-degree oven for
about 4 minutes.
cup Israeli Couscous
Tbs. Shaved Red Cabbage
Brussels Sprouts, quartered
lb. Red Jalapef\os, roasted whole and microbrunoised
Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Shallot, shaved on mandolin
Garlic Cloves, microplaned
piece of Ginger, microplaned
tsp. Sesame Oil
cup Soy Sauce
cup Texas Honey
Rice Vinegar, to taste
tsp. Minced Shallot
tsp. Minced Garlic
oz. Red Jalapef\o Sauce
Roastjalapeiios over fire then place in a bowl coveredwith plastic wrap.
Let sit 15 minutes. Peelskins and cut out ribs and seeds,then dice.
In a small sauce pot, add olive oil and sweat shallots and garlic until
Cook couscous according to box instructions.
translucent. Add ginger and jalapeiios. Add sesame oil, soy sauce, hon-
Optional: After cooking, it can be deep fried to give it the
ey and rice vinegar.Cook for about 15 minutes on medium-low heat.
texture of fried rice.
In a saute pan, add olive oil, garlic and shallots and sweat
down. Then, add cabbage and shaved Brussels sprouts.
Once wilted, add couscous and red jalapeiio sauce and
toss. Thoroughly heat everything together, but be careful
not to overcook.
Honey Crisp Apple,
Roasted Sesame Seeds, Rice Wine Vinaigrette
Slice the apple and mix in a small bowl with sesame seeds
cup Rice Wine Vinegar
cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Tbs. Dijon Mustard
Tbs. Texas Honey
Salt to taste
Whisk all ingredients until emulsified.
and vinaigrette.
To plate the dish: Set the fish on a bed of couscous and garnish
with the apple salad.
he Bay Area is a beacon for
LGBTQ women and North-
ern California's queer epi-
center is arguably Oakland, voted
the 9th gayest city in America by
The Advocate. On my first visit to
Oakland I was charmed by its diversity-did you know that 125 languages are spoken in Oakland and the
LGBT community is visible all year
Meet Oakland, San Francisco's
hip and happening sister.
round, not just at Pride?
I was lucky to stay in the nautical-themed Waterfront Hotel in the
trendy yet historic district of Jack
London Square, named after the
19th century American writer and
adventurer. This modern hotel has
a pool, views of the Oakland Estuary,
natural sciences. With events, parties,
and is located right on the action for
workshops and exhibits that often
(rosenblumcellars.com). For brunch,
restaurants and weekend markets
incorporate the powerful influence of
lunch, or dinner created by other les-
(waterfronthoteloakland.com). Grab a
minority identities on the West Coast
bian chefs, of which Oakland boasts
coffee at the original Blue Bottle Cof-
and beyond, there's something for
more than a few, book a table at Jen
fee before heading out on your own
everyone here. Every Sunday and on
Biesty's Mediterranean fusion bistro,
adventure in any of Oakland's many
select Fridays through June and Sep-
unique neighborhoods. The Oakland
tember the museum holds LGBT His-
or savor some Cal-Indian-and-pizza
Visitor Center is also located right by
tory Tours and includes forerunners
at Preeti Mistry's Navi Kitchen (navi-
the hotel so drop in and gather ideas
to the present day LGBT community
and options for your local adventure.
as well as proponents of the Bay Area
And while Oakland is a West Coast
During your visit you may not have
movement. And of course, many art-
city, you don't have to drive every-
time to work out but it's well worth
ists and subjects featured in the per-
where. Within each specific neighbor-
manent collections identify as LGBT,
hood I mosly walked and then opened
too (museumca.org).
my ridesharing app to get from 'hood
stopping by the lesbian-owned Queer
Huerta, who was a personal trainer
But if you want to find today's
to 'hood. It's an easy and inexpensive
for 12 years, has about 230 clients,
lesbians, head to Port Bar (portba-
way to get around town without rent-
including trans and gender-noncon-
roakland.com) for an award-winning
ing a car, plus San Francisco is just a
forming folks who are focused on
cocktail mixed by Sabrina Haley (pro-
ferry or a BART ride away. Bike rental
attaining their personal best in a sup-
file on page 47). When I dropped by
is also an option, and you can even
portive and nonjudgmental space.
Port Bar last fall I was lucky enough
taste wine while you exercise with
East Bay Winery Bicycle Tours.
Huerta is a warm and friendly pres-
to meet some local lesbian entrepre-
ence with an innovative and intimate
neurs, including Jena Simon, the pro-
While you're gadding about town,
approach to fitness. I wish gyms
ducer of the inclusive monthly SPACE
be sure to support local lesbian retail
everywhere were more like hers, and
party for queer women, and DJ Deity,
and drop by Nenna Joiner's adult gal-
maybe I'd go more often!
who produces the BODY party, which,
lery store Feelmore (feelmore510), or
as its name suggests, welcomes
the lesbian-owned Laurel Bookstore
The creative vibe in the Bay Area is
palpable and Oakland is no exception.
queer women with all body types.
owned by Luan Stauss (laurelbook-
Spend some time at Oakland Museum
While chatting about the local scene
store.com)-depending on what type
of California not just for the contem-
we supped on delicious sandwich-
of stimulation you're looking for.
porary art, but for exhibits that help
es prepared by lesbian chef Char-
If you're lucky enough to visit Oak-
explain the history of this part of Cal-
leen Caabay (winner of last season's
land for Pride in September, which
ifornia, especially its roots in diverse
Chopped).Try her fare at her newish
is highly recommended, you'll be re-
communities and the ways in which
restaurant Craft & Spoon (craftand-
warded with one of the friendliest and
nature, industry, and culture dovetail
most diverse Pride parades I have
to form a unique aspect of life on the
Back at Jack London Square is one
ever seen, as well as a vibrant and fun
West Coast. Oakland Museum of Cal-
of Oakland Urban Wine Trail's gems,
(not to mention, kid-friendly) Pride
Festival (oaklandpride.org).
ifornia does not elevate art to the pur-
Rosenbaum Cellars, located right on
view of an elite few. This museum ex-
the waterfront with sunset views.
tends an invitation to all Californians,
This contemporary and friendly tast-
even kids, and showcases California's
ing room showcases local wines (try
rich history of artistic expression and
the blueberry bubbly!) paired with
A Northern California native who returned to Oakland
after spending a decade in New York City working at the
historic Stonewall Inn, and producing weekly queer parties and Pride events, catch Sabrina at Oakland's Port
Bar where she works as a mixologist, while cooking up
other local projects and collaborations.
In a beautiful Victorian in West Oak-
Oakland is amazing
in summer
land with my roommate and local queen,
with lots of outdoor queer day par-
Honey Daniels. We have a garden and a
ties. I'm excited for Soul Lovely, and
mini dachshund. One of my strongest
rotating queer and house events at
pulls back to Northern California was
Brix, Lost & Found, The New Parish,
the natural beauty of the Bay Area, and
and UpTown. I'm looking forward to
1.5 Stoli Peach
proximity to the ocean. My mother was
all the free music we get in parks and
residing alone in the mountains of San-
on the waterfront, farmers markets,
ta Cruz, so being closer to family was
drum circles, house DJs by the water,
another reason. I also missed the en-
local hikes, and queer pop-up events
ergy and lifestyle. People here ask what
for all.
.25 Fresh Lemon Juice
.25 Agave Syrup
5-8 Mint Leaves
progressive queer culture and diversity.
createda delicious,
award-winning 'political'
Howdidthat happen?
tail Classic for Northern California
over other parts of California due to its
.50 Bayou Spiced Rum
.50 Fresh Grapefruit Juice
your sign is before what company you
work for. I love that. I choose Oakland
I entered the Stoli Key West Cock-
4 Dashes of Peychaud's Bitters
In a cocktail shaker pint glass,
and came up with a Southern-in-
add mint, agave, lemon, swish
ing of many small neighborhoods and
spired cocktail for the Key West Fi-
around, top with ice. Add Peach
Stoli, grapefruit juice, strain and
Oakland is a beautiful city consist-
microclimates. Local politics are liberal
nals. "lmpeachmint"
due to its proximity to U.C. Berkeley and
not without a punch in the face. My
San Francisco. The long history of femi-
cocktail won against five other awe-
Float rum on top. Add dashes
nist and queer women in Oakland makes
some female mixologists, and then I
of bitters and watch it turn peach.
it progressive and always-evolving, with
went on to the Key West Finals to win
Garnish with a mint leaf.
an essential awareness of and dialogue
3rd place out of 19 cities across the
around race.
USA and Canada.
is delicious but
pour into a coup glass.
get to Montreal from New
Arcade Fire's Win Butler and Regine
York City takes only an hour
Chassagne. Happy Hour in the Village
photographer, Kelly Jacob, took time
and a half with Delta, but it
is always a good idea, so check out the
out of their busy schedule to tell me
feels like a world away-and I mean
cozy and charming Bar Renard, order
all about their passion for Montreal,
that in a good way. A North Ameri-
a jug of bourbon lemonade, and note
for the women's scene there, and for
can city with true Francophone flair,
the decor of the non-gender-specific
the importance of lesbian publishing.
combined with the fierce spirit of in-
bathrooms! Queer and feminist wom-
I truly admire these women for what
dependence and tolerance for which
en are behind many business endeav-
they are contributing to lesbian cul-
Canada is known, Montreal is both a
ors in this diverse city, and provide
ture. They not only produce LSTW,but
cutting-edge, contemporary metrop-
safe and enjoyable havens for you
film the excellent and acclaimed web
olis and a city steeped in 375 years of
to relax and unwind in. Drop in to the
series Feminin/Feminin, which you
history. But whether your taste leans
independent feminist bookstore and
should also check out.
toward the antique or the modern,
co-op L'Euguelionne, where you can
Montreal's rich and habitual festi-
Montreal is unabashedly gay and
take in a reading or just enjoy the cof-
val culture has its fair share of queer
boasts a Gay Village (Village Gai) that
fee and conversation. And for art and
events. Divers/Cite, an annual LGBTQ
even registers as a location on your
social causes with LGBTQ issues in
arts and music festival beginning in
wireless device. The Beaudry Metro
mind, visit the Never Apart gallery and
1993, now superseded by Montre-
station has the world's oldest rainbow
center, located in Mile-Ex. This large
al Pride (Fierte Montreal), helped to
symbol incorporated into its struc-
space, incorporating art galleries and
inextricably link Montreal's LGBTQ
ture: The front entrance has featured
music studios, often hosts events.
community with the advancement of
rainbow-colored pillars since 1999.
The center is open on Saturdays from
rights and the progressive identity of
Boasting possibly the world's oldest
noon to 5 p.m., and admission is free.
the city itself.
gay fetish store (Chez Priape) and the
Montreal is a creative city with
world's oldest gay place of worship
(Saint-Pierre-Ap6tre, a 165-year-old
causes and projects that incorporate
Catholic church), the Gay Village cen-
art, visibility, and social justice. Lesbi-
ters on the pedestrian-friendly Rue
ans are an active and visible segment
Sainte-Catherine, which
of a diverse population, and I was de-
queer collectives
Florence Gagnon, and the magazine's
from May through December is a vi-
Iighted to discover LezSpreadthe Word
brant and thriving oasis of boutiques,
(LSTW), a website and high-quality
coffee shops, bars, and restaurants.
quarterly publication for lesbians and
If you're looking for somewhere
queer-identified women, publishing
fabulous to have lunch you'll be
intelligent and beautifully curated sto-
spoiled for choice, but we can rec-
ries in both French and English. LSTW
ommend O'Thym, a hip yet friend-
proudly and elegantly offers a journal
ly place serving contemporary and
of record for local heroines-queer
fresh Quebecois cuisine. Another
female Canadian achievers such as
trendy spot is Agrikol, a Haitian bar
music wunderkinds Tegan and Sara
and restaurant named after a French
and the DJ and model Eve Salvail.
Caribbean rum and co-founded by
The very hands-on president of LSTW,
If you're visiting Montreal for Pride
and wish to be close to the Parade,
stay at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, on Rene-Levesque Boulevard W., in the heart of the shopping and business district (fairmont.
an easy walk or bus ride to points
of interest, restaurants, and the Old
Town. The Queen Elizabeth is an
iconic 1960s hotel that has seen its
fair share of famous guests over the
years, including Yoko Ono and John
Lennon. Today, after a $140 million
renovation, it's
been transformed
into a contemporary lifestyle space,
with 500 lovely rooms and the stunning Fairmont Gold Lounge on the
21st floor. Breakfast is served there,
and wine, with complimentary appetizers, is available each day at 5 p.m.
Enjoy cocktail hour with views of the
city. It's like hanging out in a very chic
penthouse. The Queen Elizabeth is
perfectly positioned for viewing the
Parade from the third-floor outdoor
terrace overlooking Renee-Levesque
Boulevard. Or you can just go downstairs and onto the street and be part
of the action and possibly even catch
a glimpse of Canadian prime minister
Justin Trudeau, who marched in last
year's Parade and even met with the
local lesbian community.
When in town, it's wise to invest in
a transit fare card, which covers travel
by bus and the Metro, and in no time
at all you'll find your bearings and be
hopping from one Pride event to the
views as well as healthy exercise.
next, for very little cost. From the ho-
The Promenade Fleuve-Montagne
tel, it's really a straight shot on the
is a two-mile self-guided walk that
bus to the Gay Village, or to the Pare
takes visitors through some of the
des Faubourgs for the Pride festival,
more important local sites, starting
which will be held this year from Au-
at the Pointe-a-Calliere Museum of
gust 9th to the 19th. This is where
Archaeology in Old Montreal, through
many food, community, and informa-
downtown and up to the foot of
tion stalls can be found, as well as
Mount Royal (after which the city is
roving drag queens, T-dances, and a
named). The lovely Mount Royal Park
concert stage for entertainment and
was designed by Frederick Law Olm-
impressive local and international
sted, who also designed Central Park
guests. Last year's headliner was the
in New York City.
delightful Nelly Furtado.
Spectacular, sweeping views are to
While in town, indulge in a little
be had from the peak, and there you
sightseeing, too-especially if you've
can marvel at Montreal, a city that is
been loading up on hearty Quebecois
truly a beacon for diversity all year
dishes such as poutine. Montreal is a
round-but especially at Pride.
walkable city; take the river-to-mountain
hike and enjoy spectacular
n her much-hyped new book, The
woods. Kohn, then 27, looks athletic
Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to
and softly butch with her arm protec-
Repairing OurHumanity, Sally Kohn
tively around her blond partner. She
bravely opens with a personal story
writes, "Here we are as kids, some
about being hateful.
14 years ago. Happy Anniversary to
It's a brave story because every-
the greatest partner I could ever hope
one has tales of being bullied, but no
for, my heart and soul and compass
one ever confesses to being a bully.
and comfort, who always challenges
Kohn does.
me to be better and bandages me
It's just one incident, but it's quite
elaborate, and Kohn says it "haunts"
her. Of course Kohn was only 10, and
A lot of love there.
I interviewed Sally Kohn for Curve
to account for our actions starting in
about her book and what it was like
the school yard. Yet the adult Kohn
to delve into other people's hate. She
goes to great lengths to discover
writes about many different hateful
what became of her hapless victim
moments and movements, from the
This story is a pivot for everything
Mideast conflict, and the role of Palestinians and Jews in bridging the
Sally Kohn writes about in The Op-
hate chasm, to the Rwandan geno-
posite of Hate. It illumines the moral
construct within which we live our
home, my heart, my everything."
we'd all be in real trouble if we had
since they were children.
up when I'm not, my best friend, my
Kohn spoke about the genesis of
individual lives and as members of
the project-how
being the "lesbian
society: empathy.
weirdo" at Fox News, where she was
If we want to know what is truly
a commentator from 2010 through
the opposite of hate, it is not nec-
2013, challenged her to consider
essarily love, but it is most definitely
her own preconceived notions about
people predicated on their politics.
Kohn lives in Park Slope, Brook-
I asked her about the tale of the
lyn, with her wife, Sarah Hansen,
grade-school classmate and she
and their daughter, Willa. Kohn and
said simply, "You can't ask people
Hansen celebrated their 14th anni-
to see their hate and be self-critical
versary this April. She tweeted out
without first being critical of your-
a photo of the couple hiking in the
This is perhaps the most salient
and broke ground in her role at Fox
and their friends who voted Trump.
it is without
and also on CNN, where, although
Hopefully, I am offering people alter-
question the most difficult thing for
Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper
native viewpoints-ways
us all to apply to ourselves.
are out gay male anchors, the faces
or not engage."
thing Kohn says-and
Kohn says that
to engage
of lesbians are, well, scant. She has
these times, with Trump as president
been percolating on the whys of on-
and the country seeming to become
line behavior, as have others, and she
It's a statement that strengthens
more divided by the day, it's essential
is frank that she thinks people act out
and supports both the book's narra-
that we look at what drives us in our
online in ways they do not in real life.
tive and her own message to readers
As a lesbian with a large Twitter
and those who follow her on social
following, Kohn says she engag-
media and TV: Listen to what other
es with people online in an effort to
people have to say about how they
In many respects, Kahn's book be-
reach them and teach them. "One of
feel hated, as opposed to rehearsing
gins at Fox, where, she says, many of
the things I talk about in the book is
your own thoughts about why you
her preconceptions and stereotypes
the scholarship of why people act out
feel hated.
fell away. The prototype right-wing-
online," she explains. "It's harder to
ers were-surprise-not
do that face-to-face."
responses to other people.
A daunting task on our most generous of days-if we are honest.
a horde of
trolls and ogres.
Engaging people on Twitter is im-
She explains that as the "only" one
of her kind-that
portant to Kohn, even though people
Kohn emphasizes, "People want to
be seen and heard."
It turns the tables on how most of
us, particularly those of us in marginalized communities, view the whole
concept of hate.
lefty liberal lesbian
ask her how she can engage with
began to "see my own
"haters." She says that it is one of the
biases and how much I had stereo-
ways in which she tries daily to both
having conversations about inclu-
typed conservatives. I definitely as-
understand and defuse hate.
sion as it is to talk about anything
sumed conservatives, like the people
"I want to know why they hate me-
"Often people feel powerless in
is as important to be
else," Kohn asserts. She says of her
I'd been seeing on Fox before I start-
if they hate me," Kohn says, her voice
own experience at Fox News that she
ed working there, were hateful."
rising in intensity. "They think I'm
felt some of that inclusion just by be-
ing there, by having a voice.
She says she hated conservatives
why they are sending
for what she thought they were, not
me these messages. They don't see
for who they were. This is the tricky
themselves as the problem. And that
she says. "I had a real sense of power
part for most of us: when we look at
is really what I am writing about in
to be there, the liberal lefty lesbian,
Fox News, or Trump supporters, or
the book-none of us thinks we are
speaking to an audience that rarely
some of the folks who trolled Kohn
the problem. We always think it's the
if ever would hear a lesbian speak-
on Twitter, people she spoke with
other person."
ing directly to them." She adds that
about their own hate, we see people
Throughout her book tour, which
it was important for people to see her
who, especially for those of us in the
Kohn describes as the antithesis of
in her roles at Fox and CNN, and that
LGBTQ community, want us at best
the "uni-directional" book tour events
"we need more and more [LGBTQ]
silenced, at worst dead.
where authors talk about and read
people in those places, giving their
Kohn has a law degree as well as
from their work, she says, "A lot of the
a master's in public administration,
engagement I am getting is people
Kahn's book has not arrived with-
out controversy. Called into question
suggests that Kohn positioned her in
These exchanges have raised
has been Kohn's intersectionality
relation to Sow as the "good" black
questions about whether Kohn fact-
with regard to her book and how she
woman versus the "angry" black
checked other quotes in her book. As
accessed those she wrote about.
woman. Oluo's writing about the in-
a first-time author, Kohn says in her
Questions have arisen over some of
cident is also online.
own online statement that she was
the quotes from women of color in
The Opposite of Hate.
At the end of April, Kohn decided
to cancel her Los Angeles book party,
really naive about the process.
Inadvertently, this post-publica-
Aminatou Sow, popular co-host
which was scheduled to be hosted by
tion chapter has served as the very
of the podcast Ca// Your Girlfriend,
Katy Perry and Shonda Rhimes, due
sort of talking point Kohn has urged
co-founder of Tech Lady
people to address in her
Mafia, and one of the
book. How do we listen to
Forbes "30 Under 30" in
others? How do we view
2014, has received prom-
them from the vantage
ises from Kohn's publisher, Algonquin Books, that
~.--... ......................
mn.-~ ......... -. .............
point of our own position
of privilege, or lack thereof.
quotes Kohn has attributed
Kohn has a final mes-
to her will be removed from
sage, which she hopes will
both digital and subse-
impact the book's read-
quent print versions of the
ers most of all. "I hope
that they learn something
Sow wrote about her ex-
about their own hate. Part
perience with Kohn on her
of the solution of change,
Twitter feed and also held
of creating change, is that
a meeting with Algonquin
editors about the issue,
excerpts of which appear
thing Kohn has learned
from the wide range of
Sow states that Kohn
people she spoke with for
never consulted her, nor
The Opposite of Hate was
fact-checked the incendi-
that hate is not about ex-
ary quote that is attributed
to her. She claims that Kohn misrep-
tremes, even though that
to the controversy. In an email she
is how it is always framed-tiki torch
resented both their relationship and
says, "While I am disappointed that I
bearers versus peaceful protesters.
her words.
won't get to share this evening with
Kohn says we all have the capacity
Another well-known black writer
all of you, I will continue to advocate
for hate and hate is something each
and activist, ljeoma Oluo, the author
for the book's message of fostering
of us has the ability to end, if only we
of So You Want to Talk About Race,
community and building bridges in
face it head-on.
has stated that Kohn used her work
divisive times. I hope you will join me
in the book without permission. Oluo
on that journey."
hen Curve caught up with Hayley
tatious looks.
Kiyoko on tour for her debut al-
With its chorus "Girls like girls like boys do,
Denver had
nothing new," Kiyoko's song flips the trope of
just grabbed the record: Most bras thrown
a guy stealing another guy's girl with a girl
onto the stage at a Hayley Kiyoko concert.
stealing a guy's girl. The video has a sub-plot
bum, Expectations,
As another generation once threw panties
of fighting back against domestic violence,
onto the stage of lesbian crooner k.d. lang
but is in so many ways the lesbian music vid-
in the 1990s, the women who sell out every
eo every young lesbian was waiting for. No
one of Kiyoko's concerts-turning
wonder Kiyoko's fans call her "lesbian Jesus."
up in sig-
nature flannel shirts, draped in rainbow flags,
A lot was folded into that video when she
temporary tats of Kiyoko's signature #20GAY-
made it, Kiyoko told Curve. "I deliberately
TEEN on arms and faces-show their love by
chose to include 'Girls Like Girls' when I was
tossing their bras. It's hot, it's sweet and it's
writing for my This Side of Paradise EP be-
like the artist herself.
After years as a child actor doing commer-
cause it felt right. That song was just a piece
of my story and my truth as an artist. And then
cials, film roles and headlining girl band The
when my fans were even more supportive of
Stunners, Kiyoko first grabbed our hearts as
that song and its video, I knew that being
a solo artist in 2015 with her hit single "Girls
honest in my art was the only way to go. It's a
Like Girls." Now her hit single, "Curious," off
dream to be able to share my stories and have
the Expectations album is destined to be one
people relate to them."
of the songs of summer.
For those who couldn't get enough of Kiyo-
A dream for all the women tossing their
bras at her, as well.
ko once they discovered her, the artist's acting
With her compelling tunes and her fearless
career ran parallel to her singing career. Fans
persona, the immediacy of her Twitter feed
could follow her between concerts on the
and her willingness to pose in group shots
iconic lesbian TV drama, The Fosters, watch
with her fans, Kiyoko has easily risen to iconic
CS/: Cyber to catch her co-starring with Os-
status as a lesbian artist-even though many
car-winner Patricia Arquette and later on HBO
artists stay closeted. She says for her "it
with Issa Rae on Insecure.
wasn't necessarily a decision between being
And then there were the videos. Oh, the
out or not, and for a long time I didn't want to
videos. Kiyoko is a millennial Renaissance
be categorized as just a gay artist, but rather
woman. She turned 27 in April, but she's been
an artist-period."
producing and directing her own videos for
If you watch Kiyoko's videos back-to-
several years, beginning with breakout hit
"Girls Like Girls."
"Cliff's Edge," "Sleepover," "Feelings" and "Cu-
Like Girls," "Gravel to Tempo,"
Kiyoko's video has 90 million views on
rious,"-you see the trajectory of Kiyoko's de-
YouTube and depicts an edgy, deeply-felt ro-
termination to present lesbian relationships
mance between two young women. Beautiful-
as the everyday affairs they are for most of us.
ly shot with an amber tint, Kiyoko captures the
Kiyoko loves to flip narratives and "Curi-
budding femme-to-femme love affair perfect-
ous" begins with the singer as she's caressed
ly in a pastiche of scenes: one woman shyly
by several women. It's edgy, it's playful, it's
watches in the mirror as the other changes
impossible to resist. But why make her own
clothes; they sit on the bathroom floor shar-
videos in addition to her music when it's so
ing makeup and nail polish with fleeting, flir-
much work?
"Honestly, I began directing my videos out of
er video with two women, but she clapped back,
necessity," she told Curve. "I have a very spe-
saying that was never asked about men making
cific vision in my mind for these songs, starting
yet another love song featuring women.
with the color palettes and themes. And since I
When we asked what it's like being an out les-
couldn't afford to hire the directors I wanted, I
bian working in a mostly male, mostly straight
just took things into my own hands and haven't
industry and whether it's hard to convince the
money people to support her music, Kiyoko re-
looked back."
One of the most striking elements of Kiyoko's
veals, "I'm lucky to have a supportive, hardwork-
videos is the storytelling. She invites us in and
ing team around me that encourages my art in
unfolds her tales in a way that sears the imag-
every way. I signed to Atlantic because the ex-
es into the viewers' minds whenever they hear
ecutives understood my vision and continue to
her songs. That's intentional, of course. "I love
give me the resources to make the music I want
everything about telling stories ...writing songs,
to make."
directing videos and performing live are all different mediums that I love equally," she says.
When we tell her we can't stop singing "Curious," she laughs, "That's awesome, I'm glad you
like it!" And then she explains what she wanted
It's the kind of working environment many
artists envy. Kiyoko adds, "Plus it doesn't hurt
that the company is co-headed by a womanJulie Greenwald."
The pressure on Kiyoko to meet her fans' ex-
from the video. "I co-directed the 'Curious' video
pectations and to be an iconic figure of authen-
because I really wanted to capture my signature
ticity is something Kiyoko is keenly aware of. But
narrative style, plus have a really cool dance per-
she's undaunted. Knowing she's "lesbian Jesus"
formance aspect."
and that she's impacted people's lives dramat-
And the dancing in the video is, of course,
ically and that her fans love her deeply for the
fabulous, intercut with the song's chorus. It's a
model of an authentic life she's giving them is a
totally dance-worthy tune, but of course, it's a
lot of responsibility. But it's responsibility Kiyo-
story first. Kiyoko says, "The song plays with the
ko's willing to shoulder and one she embraces.
theme of having the laugh in a situation where
As much as her fans love her, she's sending love
someone is playing games-something
right back.
many people can understand. So it was import-
"Yeah, truthfully, I want to create art that in-
ant to show that in the story, but still have it aes-
spires people to find comfort with whatever
thetically beautiful and fun to watch."
they're going through in their own life journey.
Expectations is Kiyoko's biggest baby to date
and she wanted everything just right. The album
For them to feel included and validated."
Kiyoko says she's on tour throughout the
to be a poster in
summer promoting Expectations, but she teas-
the bedrooms of many a young lesbian, and
es that something else is already in the works.
wallpaper on the computer screens of others.
"I've definitely got more new content coming in
cover is so striking-destined
"It actually took four different photo shoots
to get that cover right!" reveals Kiyoko. "Re-
the near future."
As the interview ends, we ask her if she has a
leasing an album was a lifelong dream and I am
message for women struggling with coming out.
so proud of everything about Expectations. It's
"Be kind to yourself. Know that you are enough
amazing to see such a positive response, too."
and your feelings are valid."
Being a lesbian of color directing her own mu-
sic videos hasn't been easy. Kiyoko got pushback initially from people asking her why anoth-
ate Moennig was recently in
two, I can't even answer that ques-
Australia on a whirlwind DJ
tion, because I don't want to be pres-
tour, taking Melbourne, Syd-
ney, and Brisbane by storm. The hot-
Fair enough.
test alum from Showtime's landmark
Besides being a lesbian icon, Kate
lesbian series The L Word, and now a
is also an advocate, having produced
series regular on Ray Donovan, Kate
a documentary on gay homeless
was understandably jet-lagged when
youth some years back. How did that
I caught up with her in Melbourne.
come about?
Dressed casually in a white T-shirt
"A friend of mine is a filmmaker
and black pants, sporting a beanie
and suggested we do it for a platform
and glasses, she looked worlds away
that doesn't exist any longer, but the
from Shane but was still the epitome
platform was looking for content
of cool.
and I thought that would be a more
Kate's DJ tour was well timed, co-
informative project to do than some-
inciding with Australia's finally and
thing trivial like a quiz; [homeless-
joyously ushering in marriage equali-
ness among LGBTQ youth] was an
ty. What did she think about Australia
epidemic I wasn't fully aware of, so I
finally getting its act together regard-
started researching it."
ing LGBTQequality?
Kate will be back in production
"It's wonderful. It's about time."
mode again with the highly antici-
If you're surprised about her side-
pated comeback of The L Word, and
line as a DJ, so was I.
"It's always been a hobby, so it's
she is happy to be reconnecting with
the cast, including her close friend
fun being able to work doing your
Leisha Hailey (Alice). While they were
hobby. I play back at home. I used
filming the original series, Kate and
to have a monthly party with some
Leisha were roommates, along with
friends but I have a hard time stay-
Mia Kirshner (Jenny), and they all
ing up late, so I can't keep it up on a
lived down the street from Jennifer
weekly basis," shesays.
Beals. "We're very excited; I'm more
Kate wasn't up for a political debate when I asked what she thought
than happy to work with them again,"
says Kate.
about Donald Trump. "I don't wanna
Since scripts have not yet been
make it all about him," she demurs.
written for the L Word reboot, Kate
So instead I ask, "If you were presi-
was unable to talk about future plo-
dent, what's the first thing you would
tlines, although lesbian conspiracy
theorists on the Internet are already
"Number one, I don't want to be
at it, claiming that Jenny, who was
president," she laughs, "and number
found face down in a swimming
pool, was not dead at all. To refresh
"Oh, it's about time. It's about time.
your memory, the final episode of the
I think it's only going to get stronger
show, which aired in 2009, featured
and it's not going to go away."
Lucy Lawless as a cop who investigates Jenny's death and ends up
interviewing the other girls, who are
believed to be suspects in her murder. How she will slip back into the
storyline remains a mystery, as Jen-
I agree with her, and suggest that
the Old Guard needs to ...
"They all need to go," Kate cuts in
Does she have any career aspirations for the future?
ny was apparently the most hated
"I don't have anything specific. I
character on the show (I liked her),
just hope I get to work on things that
and maybe the fans won't want her
my heart is involved in, that I can be
brought back at all.
excited to go to work every day and be
Since the original L Word wrapped
in 2009, Kate has been busy; in addition to playing Lena on Ray Donovan
proud of. That's really all I aspire to."
When we shake hands goodbye
Kate says, "It's nice to meet you."
for five years, she's done several fea-
We part. I go to collect my car, only
ture films: Everybody's Fine (2009),
I to go to the wrong parking lot. Un-
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011), Gone
derstandable-since it's not every day
(2012), and Lane (2017), a wonder-
you get to interview Kate Moennig.
ful coming-of-age movie set in the
1970s in which Kate plays the mother
of a teenage girl.
Now it's time to talk about dogs. I
promised my Chihuahua-cross, Rosie, that I would ask Kate about her
three-legged pooch Floyd.
"I've had Floyd for 14 years. He's
15, a cancer survivor, he's deaf, he
has epilepsy-but
he's perfect. I ad-
opted Floyd when he was just under
a year old. He's my favorite soul in the
"Dogs save us all," I say, in all sincerity.
"Don't they," Kate agrees.
I wondered what Kate thinks about
the historic #Me Too movement, which
is finally creating positive change for
women in the male-dominated world
of entertainment.
I get
How a character shaped a generation's sexual identity.
Liv Steigrad
Remember when there was no
unavailable cool lesbian. 'Being
that particular brand of soft-masc
such thing as Netflix? No easi-
with' her came with a sense of tri-
was at odds with how people really
ly accessible streaming service
umphing over that unavailability,
wanted to present. Being seen as
with an LGBTQsection to browse?
and a coolness-by-association.
queer was more than just being
Watching Showtime's The L Word,
In the time before smart phones
seen as queer. It dictated the pos-
specifically Kate Moennig's Shane,
became permanent attachments,
sibility of being understood by your
was like breaking out of my gay
before social media was so thor-
peers, and attaining romantic and
teenage isolation and feeling the
oughly ingrained in our lives, we
platonic intimacy.
sun for the first time. Now in my
had fewer role models to look up
mid-20s, as an active and loud
to. Shane embodied what was, at
A LesbianDichotomy
member of the queer community, I
the time, the epitome of desirable
Shane wasn't the first dyke on
wonder what Kate Moennig meant
(read: white and thin) androgyny.
television, but she was the first for
to other people. For answers, I
Shane was a widely consumed,
many, and the first to be present-
turned to friends and to social
and therefore easily recognizable
ed as so desirable. She gave peo-
media and found many amusing
blueprint for us. Whether we want-
ple the confidence to cut their hair
anecdotes and some recurring
ed her or wanted to be her, emulat-
short and walk fearlessly down the
ing her made us visible.
street in their favorite outfit. Most
of the characters in The L Word
The Complexityof DesiringShane
A GuideForSelf Expression
were easily categorized as either
Desire is no simple thing. For
A friend of mind regretfully in-
butch or femme. As a queer who
blossoming queer folk, it can be
formed me she had nothing pro-
hovers between femme and masc,
a particularly challenging realm
found to say about Shane except
I look forward to the deconstruc-
to navigate. When you're a young
that she, like most lesbians circa
tion of that dichotomous attitude.
queer, you're still trying to fig-
2005, got "The Shane" haircut. De-
I love Kate Moennig. I love what
ure out who you are and what
spite it "looking awful," the haircut
she did for my generation's sexu-
you want. From the homogenous
made her feel powerful and visi-
ality and identity. I also support the
ocean of heteronormative media
ble. The profundity of this simple
proliferation of the letters in our
emerged Shane, eliciting respons-
sentiment resonates deeply. The
collective acronym, and eagerly
es we didn't have the vocabulary
need for a visible demarcation of
anticipate the increased represen-
to describe. Was it her androgyny?
queerness is a manifestation of
tation of all sorts of combinations
Or was it her huge amount of so-
the universal human need to be-
of those identities in media-and,
cial capital? 'Being' her came with
long. To feel like there are others
hopefully, in the upcoming L Word
power, acceptance, desirability.
like you. It's understandable that
She was the embodiment of the
the Shane-aesthetic was so en-
thusiastically taken up, even when
romanticized, emotionally
A photographer captures the
diversity of our community.
Inside the Black Triangle was created
with the intention to share the struggles,
joy, heartbreak, confusion and diverse
experiences of queer women living in a
heteronormative world. Sharing stories
leads to relatability, compassion and
hopefully acceptance. Not only is empathy necessary outside the LGBTQ community, but now more than ever,equality
is needed within the community.
Personal observations led me to the
conclusion that queer women are mimicking the gender hierarchy. Butch and
androgynous women are thought to be
more prestigious, while feminine women
can be thought of as less than. Not only
do feminine women find themselves defending their sexuality to heterosexuals;
they are often forced to prove themselves to their own community.
After meeting with over 50 women, I
also noticed that the queer community
conforms to the race hierarchy. Oftentimes the community is segregated into
different races and nationalities. Acceptance and equality start from within. Inside the Black Triangle has grown into
a community in which women support
each other and find inspiration to live authentic lives.
"ft was more difficult when I was
not out. I have never struggled internally with my sexuality so to be 'not
out' earlier in my career was more
awkward than anything, it just didn't
feel natural. Weare still at a moment
in this fight for equality that needs
public voices and public figures,and
it feel it's more of an honor but also a
responsibilityto be vocalabout being
- Megan Rapinoe
"/ enteredActive Duty in 2012 and
realized it was not as different of a
workplaceas I had imagined. To this
day I have not faced any adversity
about my sexual orientation. Those
who have been in the service longer
always say 'it's a new Air Force' becauseof the changesthat havetaken
place,and I am proud to be in the progressiveside of this 'newAir Force'..."
'As a singer/songwriter, many of my
with women. Music is an outlet for me to
articulate and express feelings that make
me feel vulnerable-things I find hard to
put into words otherwise."
"I came out at 19. I was scared , eager and
ready to be a part of the world as a lesbian.However,this world didn't recognize me as one their
own. I am a Jewish, biracial femme lesbian...and
thereI stood,this brown babydykenot feelinglike
lwasapartofthegroup. Today,somethingshave
changedyet some remain the same. Theworld is
indeed more accepting,but femme invisibility is
still a part of my life."
"Authenticityis so hard to come by these days since everybodywants
to be, act, and look like everyoneelse. Sometimes,dependingon the
situations, I've held my silence and bit my tongue to save face, avoid
conflict or danger Fear can be a paralyzingand a daunting load to
carry around."
NYC P!.'idie 2018
tF• •Mobile··
June 23
5pm - Midnight
The DL
95 Delancey St
The shaman met us at our hotel in Cusco, after the other guests had gone to bed.
Julien was small, with the dark skin and
broad open face typical of the indigenous
Quechua people. He was dressed simply,
with a baggy wool sweater and a colorful alpaca hat, and he exuded a humble
calm. He smiled easily and often, revealing
a mouthful of teeth stained from years of
chewing coca leaf.
Jill Cruse and I were leading an Olivia
expedition of 20 women to Machu Picchu,
and Julien had been recommended as
someone who could help us connect with
the local traditional culture. Julien spoke
little English, so I translated, explaining
that we were a group of lesbian travelers,
and a few of us were hoping to see a traditional Inca ceremony. Our expedition was
traveling with professional tour guides and
had an itinerary full of cultural experiences,
but we also wanted to offer our guests access to the more sacred, spiritual side of
Machu Picchu. We had been informed by
multiple sources that traditional ceremonies were impossible. We were told, "You
just can't do that kind of thing anymore."
Julien listened calmly. He seemed at
ease with the idea of a bus load of lesbians,
and undaunted by the rules against outsiders at certain ceremonies. He smiled
a slow coca-leaf smile and told us, "If the
right people go there with the right energy,
anything is possible." He asked us to make
sure that we kept the group small and include only people who really wanted to be
there and who would hold the right intentions in their heart. We agreed and made
plans to meet him in a few days in Aguas
Calientes, at the foot of Machu Picchu.
ur adventure had started in
only are coca leaves legal in Peru,they
to visit some of the local ruins. Our first
Lima, Peru. This Olivia group
are part of the local heritage-a tradi-
stop was Sacsayhuaman, a citadel
consisted of women from the
tion going back thousands of years.
constructed of massive interlocking
U.S., Canada, Australia, and beyond,
The locals in Cusco will get a big ball
stones. Though no mortar was used,
so everyone arrived at different times.
of leaves going inside their cheek and
the stones were fit together so tightly
I bonded with some of the group at
suck on it for hours. For me and my Ol-
that you cannot slide a single piece of
the hotel bar that first evening over
ivia friends, all it took was a leaf or two.
paper between them, and the walls that
the local specialty, pisco sours. We
At first, the taste was quite bitter, but it
were not removed by the Spaniards
connected with the rest of the group
mellowed out quickly, and within a few
still stand, despite the ravages of time
at breakfast the next morning, just
minutes I found that my tongue was a
and the earthquakes that have dev-
before the short flight that took us up
little numb but my altitude symptoms
astated more modern buildings. Next,
into the Andes mountains.
had subsided.
we visited Qenko, one of the largest
We flew from Lima, the modern-day
After a brief rest at our hotel, which
holy places, or huacas, in the region.
capital of Peru, to Cusco, the ancient
featured a big container of coca tea in
Here the structures were built around
capital of the Inca Empire. In Cusco,
the lobby, everyone was ready to ex-
naturally occurring rock formations,
we found ourselves at an elevation of
plore. Cusco is considered to be the
including some natural underground
over 11,000 feet. Though I was in de-
longest continuously inhabited city in
spaces believed to be used for sacri-
cent shape and had been careful to eat
the Western hemisphere. The Killke
fices and mummification. Finally, we
lightly and drink lots of water, I admit
tribe lived there from 900 to 1200 AD,
visited Puka Pukara, translated from
that I felt a little light-headed when we
then the Incas arrived in the 13th cen-
the Quechuan as the "Red Fortress,"
landed. The local remedy for altitude
tury. Both cultures considered Cus-
with its view of the valley and lime-rich
sickness is coca leaves, so I bought a
co to be the center of the earth. The
rocks that seem to glow red at dusk.
little packet for a dollar from a woman
Spaniards arrived in the 16th century
That evening, I joined some of my
standing just outside the airport and I
and it is their colonial architecture that
new Olivia friends for dinner. We found
shared it with some of my new Olivia
now dominates the city. In fact, their
a charming little restaurant with a view
friends. It takes a ton of coca leaves
churches and monasteries were built
over the Plaza de Armas. Someone at
and a complex, noxious process to
directly over the remains of the great
our table was brave enough to order
produce the drug we know as cocaine,
Inca temples.
the local delicacy, roasted guinea pig.
so this wasn't about getting high. Not
Just outside the city, we were able
In the spirit of adventure I tasted the
teensiest morsel and washed it down
colonizers, who ravaged other sites
with another pisco sour.
across the continent. In the case of
The following day, we headed off to
Machu Picchu, the city had been va-
the main attraction of our trip-Machu
cated at the time of the conquest and
Picchu. There are no reliable roads, so
so was able to remain discreetly hid-
to get there you either hike for days on
den in the mountains. The rainforest
the Inca trail or you take the train. We
grew up again around the stone walls
opted not only for the train, but for the
and terraces, and it remained a secret
luxury Orient Express.The Hiram Bing-
for centuries to all but a few locals, until
ham train, named for the explorer who
a farmer led explorer Hiram Bingham
"discovered" Machu Picchu in 1911,
there in 1911.
reserved two cars just for us, and we
The site is believed to have been
were spoiled with a sumptuous brunch
used as a royal estate, with sections
served on white tablecloths and fine
designated for agriculture and for re-
china. I felt a brief twinge of guilt that
ligious use. Our guides led us through
we would arrive at the ancient city
the most important features, from the
so easily and comfortably instead of
sophisticated irrigation system to the
earning it with an endurance testing
earthquake-defying architectural feats.
trek, but as I sipped a mimosa from a
We visited the temples of the sun and
crystal glass and marveled at the stun-
the condor, the royal residences and
ning views flying past the window, that
the guardhouse. Our two groups linked
guilty feeling faded fast.
up fortuitously at the lntihuatana Stone,
Several hours later, we arrived in
a ritual stone believed to be an astro-
Aguas Calientes, the little town built
nomical clock whose name translates
up around a hot springs at the base
as "Hitching Post of the Sun." As we
of the sacred mountain. A bus met us
all placed our hands on the stone, we
at the train station, and we went up a
swore we could feel it vibrating.
winding road to the entrance of the
That night over dinner at our hotel in
ruins. We divided into groups, each
Aguas Calientes,Jill went over the next
with a local guide, and got an intro-
day's itinerary with us. She explained
duction to the legendary landmark that
that the official tour would return to
had inspired us all to make this South
the mountain after breakfast to explore
American journey.
Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca
more of the site. A few of us could opt
to go up early to attempt to sneak into
city that is awe-inspiring for its scale,
a local ceremony on the sacred site.
condition, and beautiful location. It is
We expected a handful of adventur-
unique in that it was spared the loot-
ous souls to volunteer and the major-
ing and destruction of the Spanish
ity to opt for extra sleep and recovery.
To our surprise, all 20 guests wanted
to go, even the ones with sore ankles
and knees.
The next morning, almost our entire group was waiting in the lobby at
sunrise. Our shaman, Julien, took in
the size of our group and his eyes widened for just a brief moment before he
settled back into his usual sleepy-eyed
grin. I asked him again if he thought we
would be able to pull this off. "Anything
is possible," he repeated, "if we have the
As Julien and his brother prepared for the
right people with the right energy."
ceremony, some of us took turns stepping
the mountain and over a terrace below. The
out onto a narrow rock ledge that jutted from
Our bus snaked its way up the moun-
ledge was big enough for one person at a
tain through the early morning mist. The
time and required some balance and faith.
park was just opening for the day, yet the
Those brave enough to step out onto it were
parking lot was buzzing with visitors eager
rewarded with a blast of clear mountain air
to explore the ruins. As we reached the en-
on their faces and a sense of floating above
trance, the early morning mist turned into a
the valley.
persistent rain. Some of the other visitors
When it was time, we gathered in a circle
started to turn back and head to the nearby
around Julien and his brother for the cer-
lodge, but Julien urged us to press on. After
emony. We started with the Pachamama
a short walk, he ushered us into a small one-
ritual, one of the most precious practices
room stone structure. It was of indigenous
within the Andean culture. This practice
style and material but had obviously been
of giving thanks to Mother Earth involves
restored, as it had a sturdy roof for us all
creating a special offering, or despacho,as
to shelter under. Once we were safe inside,
a payment to the earth. Julien had brought
Julien directed our attention to the single
food, colorful confetti, herbs, candy, and
large window looking out onto the moun-
wool. He explained each item and its signif-
tain peaks in the distance. He explained that
icance to us before carefully laying it on the
though these peaks were not as famous
corn husk that would serve as the base for
as Machu Picchu, they were just as sacred
our despacho.
and important to the indigenous people. As
Next, we each chose three perfect coca
the rain fell on the stone roof above us, the
leaves from the large pile he had brought for
clouds played peek-a-boo with the peaks,
us. Coca leaves are sacred to the Andeans,
revealing them one at a time in perfect syn-
and considered a symbol of community and
chrony with Julien's retelling of creation
respect. We were instructed on how to hold
myths and stories about the sacred moun-
the leaves to our hearts and mouths, imbu-
tain deities known as Apus. By the time we
ing them with our own personal blessings or
had been introduced to each of the mono-
petitions. Some of these were added to the
liths in the distance, the storm had blown
group despacho as a gift to the Pachama-
over and we emerged from our cozy shelter
ma; others were offered individually.
to find we were seemingly alone in the misty,
fog-covered ruins.
The final part of our ceremony was a spiritual cleansing and blessing from the Apus,
Julien had brought along his brother, and
or mountain spirits. One by one, we each
the two of them led us down a small hill and
stepped into the center of the circle to re-
around a rock outcropping. We emerged
ceive our blessing. Valerio stood a few feet
onto a lower terrace nestled into the hill-
away singing the sacred chants while Julien
side, out of sight of the main path and with a
came in close with his rattle, low words, and
clear view of the most sacred of the peaks,
tobacco smoke. Though we all came from
Wayna Picchu.
different backgrounds, religions, and beliefs,
everyone seemed to drop into a reverence for something greater than themselves.
I was the last to step into the circle, and
had gotten just about halfway through
my blessing when we started hearing
other voices. As Julien reached for his
tobacco pipe, a guard came into view on
the ledge above us. He yelled down at us
angrily, admonishing Julien to put out
the tobacco and stop immediately. "It is
prohibited," he said. Julien took one final
puff of the ceremonial pipe and blew it
around me to complete my cleansing.
We smiled at each other, grateful in the
recognition that we had been given just
exactly enough time to complete our
Pachamama ceremony and to receive
our many individual blessings from the
Apus. We had been told that it was impossible, and yet it happened naturally
and easily for us. By Julien's logic, our
entire group must have come with the
right energy and intention. That was
when I realized the greatest travel lesson of all. It is not about where you go
or how you get there-it's all about who
you travel with.
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