ToC Women We Love: Blair Imani (p10); Trends: Think Pink (p16); Food Revolution: Kitchen Confidence (p18); Style Icon: Gabrielle Korn (p28): Cover Story: Desiree Akhavan (p60); Travel: Olivia Looks Ahead
See all items with this value
Date Issued
Winter 2018
Frances Stevens
extracted text
Winter 2018 » volume28 number4
Publisher Silke Bader
Founding Publisher Frances Stevens
Editor-in-Chief Merryn Johns
Senior Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Contributing Editors Victoria A. Brownworth, Lyndsey D'Arcangelo,
Janelle and Melany Joy Beck, Jennifer McDowell, Rachel Paulson, Dave Steinfeld
Editorial Assistant Liv Steigrad
Proofreader Melanie Barker
National Sales Rivendell Media (908) 232-2021
Email todd@curvemagazine.com
Art Director Bruno Cesar Guimaraes
Cover Image of Desiree Akhavan by
Richard Saker / Getty Images
Liv Steigrad
Melanie Barker, Victoria A. Brownworth, Amy Deneson, Anita Dolce Vita, Alex Eugene,
Sassafras Lowrey, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Grace Chu, Jill Greenberg, Sheryl Kay, Syd London, B. Proud,
Amanda Ramon, Rachael Zimmerman
Curve Magazine
PO Box 1099
Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
Phone (415) 871-0569
Subscription Inquiries subscriptions@curvemag.com
Advertising Email todd@curvemagazine.com
Editorial Email edit:or@curvemag.com
Letters to the Editor Email letters@curvemagazine.com
Volume 28 Issue 4 Curve (ISSN 1087-867X) is published 4 times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) by Avalon
Media, LLC, PO 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia. Subscription price: $35/year, $49 Canadian (U.S. funds
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4 timesa year
• Spring
Summer • Fall • Winter
Women We Love:
Blair lmani
She's an activist, educator, organizer,
creator, writer, and an outspoken queer.
Trends: Think Pink
And she's speaking back to the dominant
culture with protest and a powerful new
Our favorite additions to the Holiday
table this year include pink champagne
and pomegranates, and both will give
your festivities a rosy view!
Food Revolution:
Kitchen Confidence
Meet Muffie Fulton, the scientist and culinary expert who is sharing her technical knowledge of molecular cooking with
adventurous women.
Travel: Olivia
Looks Ahead
2019 and beyond features a choice of
Cover Story: Desiree
incredible itineraries in lesbian travel,
from cruises to adventures to resorts, all
around the world.
The bisexual Iranian -American filmmak-
Style Icon: Gabrielle
er is making the most relevant onscreen
stories for queer women, and no topic,
including her own sexuality, is off limits.
Did you know that a fashion-forward
lesbian is the editor-in-chief of NYLON
magazine? And she's turning the beauty
world upside-down!
Hardwick Victoria
A Brown
Julie is an Australian radio broadcaster, journalist, co-
Janelle has been writing for Curvefor over seven years,
median, political commentator and activist for wom-
alone and with her co-writer and wife Melany Joy Beck.
en's and gay rights. Known across Australia for her
When she's not bringing our readers the best and bright-
warmth, humor, intelligence and commitment to social
est LGBTQstars, she has worked on documentaryfllms
justice, she has spent 20 years with ABC Radio, ABC TV
including Nevada Film Festival Special Jury Prize win-
and Network 10, and is now a freelance journalist, facil-
ner BringIt 2 Peter,contributed harmonies to alt-country
itator, trainer and speaker, bringing people together, get-
band Delavan, and has been seen moonlighting as an
ting them communicating and helping them achieve
extra in the Showtime series Shameless.She is also ob-
positive outcomes. juliemccrossin.com
sessed with her chihuahua, Bella.
Christie is founder and curator of Inspiration Gather-
Victoria is a lifelong socialist, feminist and advocacy
ings. She is also an ordained minister with the Centers
journalist who has been nominated for the Pulitzer
for Spiritual Living, a performing artist and a writer who
Prize and won the Society of Professional Journal-
serves as executive coach and spiritual guide to lead-
ists Award, an NLGJA Award, and a Lambda Literary
ers from the non-profit and corporate sectors. Current-
Award. She's published two dozen books, including the
ly an American Leadership Forum Senior Fellow and
award-winning OrdinaryMayhem,ComingOut of Cancer
faculty member, she spent five years on the Women's
and From Where They Sit. In 2010 she founded Tiny
Leadership Board for at Harvard, and served as an
Satchel Press, which publishes books for kids of color
elected School Trustee. inspirationgatherings.org
and LGBTQkids. victoriabrownworth.com
his year has been a bit of a shocker as we try to come
to grips with the rollback of our hardwon human and
LGBT rights and withstand the tensions that contin-
ue to arise from gender and racial inequality. But historically,
in times of turmoil many people find comfort and validation
in art. Film-at least for me-has always been more than just
Editorin Chief
Merryn Johns
entertainment. It's a truly collaborative and intersectional art
form. It's a platform for individual expression and collective
catharsis and a mirror of the culture at large. Which is why
I'm such a huge fan of the bisexual Iranian-American writer-director-actor Desiree Akhavan. At just 34 years old she's
already written and directed the acclaimed films Appropriate
Behaviorand TheMiseducationof CameronPost, and her series The Bisexualis now available on Hulu. Read our Cover
Story to find out why she's one of the most relevant voices
in queer film today. Elsewhere in this issue I hope you savor
our inspiring and enticing menu of travel destinations, and
some bold new trends in food and drink to see you through
the Holidays. Stay warm, stay brave, and stay powerful!
Activist, educator, organizer, writer, outspoken queer. VictoriaA. Brownworth
She's beautiful, brilliant, and declarative about
and underwent a relentless backlash complete
who and what she is: 'Tm a black American Mus-
with violent threats. She came out as queer on
lim woman and a survivor of sexual assault, and I
national television. She's been arrested with Black
know Donald Trump's America doesn't value me or
Lives Matter activists protesting the killing of
my story'.' She will not be silenced: "Being quiet or
black Americans. "I realized immediately that I had
polite about our oppression won't make it go away'.'
done something fairly profound: be myself'
She's modeling personal power for other women
She organized a vigil for slain police officers in
who have been marginalized by misogynist, racist,
Baton Rouge, La.,just days after being arrested at
and homophobic, biphobic or transphobic norms:
a protest over the killing of Alton Sterling by police
"Nothing is bolder than celebrating who you are in
officers in that city. At that time, she told the lo-
a world that does not always accept you'.'
cal newspaper that for her there was no conflict
The list of her accomplishments is long, yet
between the two events because she abhors vio-
she's barely 25. lmani founded and is executive di-
lence. "Our community is in a seemingly perpetual
rector of Equality for HER,which she describes as
state of mourning. Waking up to the headlines of
"a nonprofit educational platform for women and
yet another shooting less than a week after my ar-
nonbinary people. Four years after its founding,
rest at a peaceful protest broke my heart;' lmani
Equality for HERjoined NBCUniversal'saward-win-
wrote on Facebook. 'The senseless violence must
ning accelerator program for organizations work-
cease, we must come together as a community
ing to rid the world of discrimination. lmani's
in purposeful and meaningful ways. The first step
exciting and groundbreaking new book, Modern
toward rebuilding our broken community is for us
HERstory:Storiesof Womenand NonbinaryPeople
to come together in mourning for all lives extin-
RewritingHistory,tells the stories of 70 contem-
guished by senseless and tragic acts of violence'.'
porary heroes who are changing the world, and is
When Trump attacked Muslims and refugees
part of her personal and professional mission to
during his first months in office, lmani called him
put an end to discrimination.
out for demonizing them, writing on Twitter, "Mus-
ModernHERstory,with its powerful biographies,
lims, refugees, and immigrants don't have to be
illustrations by Monique Le, and foreword by
'useful' to you or your economy for their humanity
Tegan and Sara, has exploded across the coun-
to be valued'.'
try during lmani's nationwide book tour. Some of
lmani has been succinct about Gen Z's inten-
those profiled in the book we know, like Oprah,
tion to vitiate the structural discrimination that
Ellen, and Rihanna; but others-especially
devalues those who constitute the global majority:
ists, doctors, scientists, writers, influencers-have
women and people of color. "We're multifaceted,
been overlooked until we meet them on the pages
we understand what intersectionality is, we value
of lmani's book.
diversity, and we're ready to bring forward a world
In this perilous time for women, people of color, LGBTQand other marginalized people, lmani's
that respects and values all of us ...One woman's
reality should not be used to erase another's'.'
voice rings clear and bold as she speaks truth to
power. She took on Tucker Carlson at Fox News
Meet clinical herbalist and queer woman Laura Ash, head
'witch' at The Scarlet Sage Herb Co., San Francisco.
Clinical herbalist, queer woman, mother of two, dancer, sto-
Scarlet Sage now offers spiritual cleansing, tarot reading,
ryteller, social entrepreneur and philanthropist, Laura Ash has
dream interpretation, intuitive guidance and sacred spa ser-
expanded The Scarlet Sage Herb Co., San Francisco's local
vices, Carsten energy alignment and chakra balancing, herb-
sanctuary for all things healing and witchy. Located on Va-
al medicine consultation, and more. She has also officially
lencia Street in the heart of the Mission District, Scarlet Sage
opened the Scarlet Sage School of Traditional Healing arts
is committed to empowering people through herbalist care.
with several certifications already available and several more
Scarlet Sage owner Laura Ash, who was a former em-
coming soon.
ployee of the two women who established Scarlet Sage, is
Shop the line of Scarlet Sage products, including powders,
transforming this 23-year-old 'Witchy Speakeasy' into an
serums and potions made from premium cruelty-free natural
even more diverse experience, offering transformative experi-
ingredients. We recommend the Blue Mountains activated
ences including traditional healing arts, divination intensives
aroma-a light mist fragrance that awakens the senses and
with renowned teachers, certifications in herbal medicine,
enlivens the spirit and contains such mystical ingredients as
aromatherapy, indigenous healing, private botanical inspired
Blue Chamomile and Lapis Lazuli gemstone essence. Scar-
events, and much more. Laura's dream was to expand the
let Sage products make perfect gifts for those you love and
historic space on Valencia into a complete wellness venue,
of course includes you.
and she has achieved her vision with the help of lndiegogo
crowdfunding and an almost all-female team.
withjusta spritz!
Daba fewdropsofthis
andrestorea youthful,
Publication Title: Curve
Publication No.: 0010-355
Filing Date: Dec 1, 2018
Issue Frequency: Quaterly
Dec I Mar/ Jul / Sep
Number of Issues Published Annually: 4
Annual Subscription Price: $35.00
Complete Mailing Address: PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
Contact Person: Silke Bader
IN A SENTENCE:A best selling iconic astrological datebook,
moon calendar and visionary collection of women's creative work.
Telephone: (415) 871-0569
year creating a space to explore and celebrate the diversity of
Publisher. Si Ike Bader PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
Editor. Merryn Johns PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
women on Earth and tune in with our natural cycles.
Owner(s): Avalon Media LLC PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW
1300, Australia
Silke Bader PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
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Our favorite additions to the Holiday table will give
your guests a rosy view of the festivities.
Serves: 41 Makes:
8 tacos I Prep Time: 1 5 minutes
In our Curvetest kitchen we discovered that POM Wonderful's 100% Pomegranate Juice and POM POMS Fresh
Arils help make entertaining both easy and impressive.
Play with the sweet, tart taste of the arils or the deep rich
flavor of the juice to create Holiday recipes worth serving, such as Curry Roasted Vegetables or Dark Chocolate Cookies. High in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants,
pomegranates add an exotic, luxurious touch to festive
fare. We tried them with tacos for something different!
cup POM Wonderful 100%
tablespoons fresh lime juice
Pomegranate Juice
tablespoons olive oil
cloves, garlic, pressed
jalapeno, minced, handful of
chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
lb skirt steak
corn tortillas
1. Mix POMWonderful 100% PomegranateJuice, lime
juice, olive oil, garlic, jalapef\o, cilantro and salt together in a gallon resealableplastic bag. Add the skirt
steak and marinate overnight.
2. Heat a grill or grill pan over high heat. Removesteak
from marinadeand grill for 3 to 4 minutes per side for
medium rare. Removemeat to a cutting board and let
rest for 10 minutes.
3. Heat tortillas. Thinly slice steak against the grain,
about 1/3 inch thick. Divideslices among the tortillas
and top with POMPOMSFreshArils and any additional toppings such as avocado, lime wedges, cilantro,
and Cotija cheese.
Keep the pink coming with a glass of Cuvee Rose! In
1968, Champagne Laurent-Perrier debuted Cuvee Rose,
a complex, single varietal, non-vintage
rose cham-
pagne that has become a classic and the standard for
brut pink champagnes. A world-renowned iconic label,
which paved the way for many imitations but after 50
years, Laurent-Perrier Cuvee Rose is here to stay and
remains our favorite, flexible enough to serve with anything-from
fruits, to cheeses and meats. Break out a
bottle for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve,
and toast to better times ahead.
uffie Fulton grew up in a food-centric Colorado
up a copy of Chef Ferran Adria's celebrated A Day at el Bu/Ii
family where trying out a new recipe or restaurant
about ten years ago. I was surprised by how much overlap
was a favorite past-time. After studying science
there was between what high-end chefs were doing and my
and embarking on a career in the biotech industry, Muffle
own scientific training. At the time, no one was teaching
pursued neuroscience, obtaining a Masters degree from
non-professionals the foundations of modernist cooking, so
Stanford. She went on to work for companies such as De-
I took it upon myself to learn these techniques. In 2015, I be-
loitte, 23andMe, and Genentech, where she took a role in
gan teaching classes in Los Altos, California to demonstrate
global supply and operations. Traveling for business afford-
to other cooks how to use modernist techniques like sous
ed Muffle the opportunity to try local cuisine. But it wasn't
vide, spherification, hydrocolloids, foams, smoking guns, and
until she discovered molecular cooking that the connection
fluid gels, to make food look and taste as good as possible.
between her two passions-food
and science-delivered
an epiphany.
We have all of the produce California has to offer, and the
I've always been a voracious cookbook reader and picked
climate is mild enough that we have it all year round. Most
farmers markets here are open every month of the year. The
Bay Area has always been known for innovation and creativi-
from beet juice, moldable chocolate mousse, and aerated
ty, and we have huge immigrant populations, especially from
smoked cream and cucumber sauce. My tours are for food
Asia and Latin America. All of those things together offer a
obsessives. We learn about culture and history through
tremendous variety, and people like to try new things here.
food. A typical day might start with a walk through a local
We have more 3 Michelin starred restaurants than New York
market. We will stop and try things along the way, working
City, and I think a lot of that is rooted in creativity. Of course
with a local guide to understand the products and how they
Michelin isn't the only measure we should pay attention to,
are made. In the afternoon we might take a cocktail class
and it has its significant limitations, but it's an indication of
using native ingredients, and then that evening we will go to
the quality and the importance of food here.
a world class restaurant where we see the local ingredients
used in creative and imaginative ways.
I'm a food wonk. I teach classes, have run a pop-up dinner
series, do private dinners, run food tours all over the world,
Through the first half of 2019, Bold Food will only be of-
write articles and have even done a few videos. The thread
fering private cooking workshops, private dinners and pri-
that runs through all of it is knowledge. I think about food,
vately organized tours as I will be spending the majority of
I read about food, I learn the science of food, and I always
my time working on a book. Anyone is welcome to request
want to know how and why things work. I can develop a
these, and I will fulfill as many requests as I can based on
recipe for truly savory ice cream based on my knowledge of
the time available. In 2018, we offered trips to Singapore,
the physics and chemistry of ice cream's components. I can
Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Peru, Barcelona, Mexico City and
taste olive oil and determine if it is extra virgin or not. I can
Austin, Texas. The workshops that we offer include many
talk to you about wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures and
modernist techniques like sous vide, hydrocolloids, gels,
why that matters in cooking, the difference in ingredients
foams, dehydration, chamber vacuum sealing, and even
used in northern Thailand and southern Thailand, and I can
explain to you how fish sauce is made and the different stages of fermentation it goes through to become itself. I love to
learn, and I love to share that knowledge with others.
I have very little formal training, but I have taken a lot of
in depth, weeklong type courses on specific subjects. I've
done the culinary bootcamp they used to have at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley. I've taken a weeklong artisan baking course at the San Francisco Baking
Institute. I've taken every class I can find on the science of
cooking. And one of the most important things I did when
learning modernist techniques is doing private workshops
with Alex Talbot of Ideas in Food. I learned that even if a
class is meant for professionals, if you pay your money and
show up in the proper attire, they don't kick you.
froma Bold
My classes and workshops are immersive. Classes are
typically four hours long, and we focus on learning techniques and the science behind the techniques. We will
make things like sous vide pork belly, beet noodles made
ry; n
It Up
A couple combines essential oils and
cocktails for a healthier happy hour.
hnstie ardWIC
eet Julez Weinberg and Meredith Kelly,
a lesbian power couple who have created prosperity and joy for thousands of
wellness advocates throughout the U.S. and overseas. This vibrant duo has built a soaring health
and wellness practice with d6TERRA Essential
Oils, including cocktails!
Essential oils contain the very essence-the
concentrated odor and flavor-of
the plants they
were extracted from. You've seen essential oils
used in candles and lotions, and even in the wellness potions available at your local health food
store, but you'll really be wowed by a cocktail that
provides the same immune-boosting properties!
In addition to the couple's combined four decades of experience in the wellness industry, Julez has recently published a book of her time-tested recipes, using a cadre of healthy elixirs. In The
EssentialMixologistshe shares 22 of her original,
delectable, essential-oil-infused recipes. One of
my favorites is The Rebel Purist-imagine
co tequila, cucumber, fresh lime, jalapeno, and
wild orange essential oil! The book dives into the
properties of essential oils, the use of other pure
ingredients, and the magic of crafting cocktailsor mocktails. These cocktails are just part of the
alchemy TheEssentialMixologist reveals.
"Essential oils reconnect us with nature ...we
get to help people remember their symbiotic relationship with the plant world;' says Julez.
"We get to empower people with safe, effective,
affordable ways to enhance and maintain their
health;' adds Meredith.
For Julez and Meredith, navigating the world of
inspiring teachers. You can also inquire about
how to work with them to build your own prosperous practice, enhancing your life and the lives
of others. At the very least, get yourself a few
essential oils and the EssentialMixologist recipe
book, then have your own healthy happy hour
with your friends.
natural remedies led them to discovering these
"superheroes:' As Julez informs me, "If you could
ask your great-great-grandmother about how to
use essential oils, chances are they were part of
her apothecary:' And Meredith says, "We do have
a health crisis in this world, and smell is one of
our most powerful senses. How wonderful that it
can also trigger our body's amazing self-healing
I was intrigued by the way d6TERRA sourced
its products. Through "co-impact sourcing;' the
company works to positively benefit farmers, harvesters, and distillers. This couple cares deeply
that the products they use are sourced in places
where they are native, and not mass produced or
treated using chemicals or genetic modification.
This commitment to purity helps explain why doTERRA essential oils are health enhancing. I use
lavender to sleep, ylang ylang for my heart, peppermint for headaches, frankincense on my skin,
oregano, basil, and dill to infuse sauces. I literally
have an alchemy chest full of these aromatics to
enhance my life.
Moving out of the medicine and kitchen cabi-
nets, you'll find these oils are also used for a proprietary technique called "Aromatouch:' Meredith
is a master trainer and will help anyone learn the
ounce cucumber juice
process, using eight oils to promote relaxation,
fresh squeezed lime
healing, and overall wellbeing. (This is a great gift
tbs maple syrup
for couples to give each other. My wife and I give
drop doTERRAspearmint
each other Aromatouch regularly!)
There is so much to know about essential oils,
Fill shaker with ice.
Layer ingredients in
shaker, stir well and
ounces bourbon
serve over crushed ice
in a brandy snifter or
glass of choice.
essential oil. Finish with fizzy water,
garnish with a sprig of mint
their properties, and their power to support your
health. Julez and Meredith are patient, wise, and
A mixologist couple in Inglewood, California are pioneering fermented cocktails.
anie a er
ow you can drink to your health with
are delicious, and come with the benefit of
MiddleBar cocktail products, a soon-
slightly lower alcohol content.
to-be iconic brand that will have you
To imbibe at the source, drop by their Ingle-
mixing farm-fresh cocktails in no time at all.
wood, California dinner parlor and brunche-
The brainchild of seasoned mixologists Corrie
rie on Market Street and pair your choice of
Scully and Renie Schoenkerman, it was their
cocktail with farm-to-table menu items and
award-winning Bloody Mary recipe, appropri-
musical entertainment. Sip on cocktail clas-
ately dubbed MiddleBar Mary, that clicked off
sics infused with a potpourri of herbs and bo-
their cocktail revolution.
tanicals. How about a Blackberry Basil Sun-
Next, the couple-who have been together
since 2007-introduced
rise incorporating berry and herb-fermented
an exclusive collec-
tequila? Or MiddleBar's Spiced Rum, which
tion of farm fresh mocktails, as well as a line
features fair trade coffee from Rwanda. Take
of cocktail accoutrements, which they apply
home a bottle of the famous MiddleBar Mary
to a menu of wildly unique concoctions that
for just $12, and don't forget to grab some La-
gniappe Beans or Bourbon Poached Cherries
for your home bar.
And if you're thinking all this food-and-liquor
fusion has a Southern vibe, you'd be right.
Scully brings her New Orleans background
and culinary expertise to the MiddleBar table,
while Schoenkerman is a scientist who brings
her profession as a therapist into MiddleBar's
overarching philosophy-meaningful
izing without getting wasted. Schoenkerman
says, ''There's strong data to support the valuable health benefits and increased wellbeing
of simply gathering with friends or loved ones
to share quality time, while enjoying earth's
abundant blessings. That's what MiddleBar is
all about:' In these troubled times, that's welcome news. Cheers!
~ oz Bourbon or Vodka
oz of MB Ginja Syrup
oz Seabold Ginger Beer Cordial
wheels of lime
Soda Water
Muddle Ginger Beer Cordial and lime in the
bottom of a heavy mixing cup. Add Ginja
Syrup, ice and booze. Shake well. Pour into
Collins glass and top with soda, garnish
with fresh lime.
eet Gabrielle Korn-the bright, blonde, fash-
ion-forward, proudly lesbian editor-in-chief
of NYLONmagazine.
Since joining the staff of this young women's fash-
something she's keen to share.
I noticed how she beautifully integrated color with
pattern, texture, and silhouette for every appearance
she made at New York Fashion Week this year,while
ion bible, she has transformed it from a monthly print
remaining the epitome of queer cool. "NYLONis de-
publication for millennials into a digital community for
fined by being hyper-relevant and super-cool and
online-savvy women of all ages-particularly the elu-
doing things that other people aren't doing yet-and
sive and aware Gen Zs.
to me that is what I aspire to be. NYLON'saesthetic
As the voice and vision of the NYLONbrand, Korn
brings unswerving confidence, and the expertise
is personal for me and that reflects how our readers
read it, too:'
that she honed as beauty editor of Refinery29. A
Korn is one of those rare creatures, an editor you
lesbian beauty editor? Isn't that a contradiction in
can trust; an editor who selects content because it
terms? Not at all. And in some ways, Kern's ability
is good-not because she's selling something. "Our
to inhabit that role with such ease and uncompro-
readers want to read about how they can buy sus-
mising commitment delineates exactly how publish-
tainable-while also looking cool. I think they come
ing has changed in the digital age, becoming more
to us for the balance in that. They want to trust us for
democratic as well as discerning for women of all
recommendations of products that will elevate them
attitudes and expressions.
but also make the world a better place:'
Gone are the days when a women's magazine coerced its readers into attitudes and aspirations that
When all the decisions were hers to make, one
of the first things she did was to assess NYLON's
serve advertisers and the dominant culture. Which
monthly themes and question their deliverables for
is not to say that Korn isn't under commercial pres-
the readership.
sure to make the new-look NYLONwork and become
"I don't ever want anyone to look at our fashion
sustainable in an era where images and information
content and think that it's not for them. If you don't
saturate us every second across multiple self-curated
like that fashion-sure. But if it doesn't speak to you
platforms. She admits to being the biggest champion
because you're plus-size, or you're minority, or you're
of the brand, but the way she shapes the content is
queer, then that to me is unacceptable. Our monthly
spectacularly and singularly down to her. And that's a
theme needs to speak to a broader topic that is prom-
good thing.
inent that month, one that people care about:'
Meeting Korn for lunch this summer I was pleased
And so she killed the Denim Issue (it was also one
to find this brilliant young woman at the height of her
of my pet peeves), finding it to be fairly "arbitrary" in
powers, perfectly integrating her instincts with the
an intersectional digital age. Korn made some other
desires of her readers. Is the word dead? Do we need
meaningful choices, such as replacing the February
magazines or editors anymore? Aren't we a dying
Issue, which was a spring fashion review, with Black
breed in an age of lnstafamers and Al?
"I think that people still really want experts, and
History Month. "It's so important to put black women
front and center,' she says.
that's what sets media creators apart from readers.
The old argument, which I've also heard in pub-
We are competing with our readers for engagement,
lishing until recently-that black women on the cover
but I think they trust the brand to bring something to
don't sell-is simply not true. Newsstand racism is
the table that users don't:' she tells me.
something that she, and I, are keen to dismantle. And
And to that extent, Kern's personal aesthetic-as
well as her consciousness as a femme lesbian-is
the opportunity to do so happened only fairly recently.
'To me it felt like when Tumblr and social justice
call-out culture, which was largely driven by black
her-she doesn't.) "I serve the masthead;' she says
women, became part of the mainstream conversa-
modestly. And that includes happily applying her
tion. It was a new-school vs. old-school shift and it's
gayness to content creation.
something that I took with me to NYLON.The major-
"I quickly realized how gay our readers are be-
ity of covers for this year, the first year I've been edi-
cause our top performing stories were things like
tor-in-chief, will be women of color, and that's never
lesbian celebrities, periods, witches, gay sex ...they
happened before in NYLON'shistory.
wanted that content, so we just started giving that
"Newsstand racism becomes this self-fulfilling
to them. That's how our audience grew. We have a
prophecy. If you don't put black women in your mag-
really solid Gen Z readership, and 51 percent of Gen
azine, they're not going to buy your magazine, be-
Zers identify as 'not straight';' she reveals.
cause they don't see themselves there. You have to
The June issue, which was previously the Music
take a risk and make a strong antiracist statement.
Issue, became, under Kern's stewardship, the Pride
Otherwise you're a part of the problem:'
Issue. "I put Hayley Kiyoko on the cover and it was
Similarly, lesbians who wanted to be a part of the
one of our most popular covers of all time. I just
fashion and beauty and publishing industries were
keep thinking about what my life was when I was
often laughed out of the room and excluded.
"To me, the word queer is a great umbrella term.
12. If I'd had her, everything would have been different for me:'
But it implies a degree of fluidity that I haven't ex-
If Kern's readers are on high alert for "racist, clas-
perienced;' says Korn, who maintains that the label
sist, privileged media;' she herself is vigilant about
"lesbian" has truth and value.
empowering women through the NYLONplatform.
But how does lesbian style mix with beauty edito-
''I'm very intentional about hiring all-female crews,
rial content? "At first it didn't;' she admits. While she
so the people creating the image, from the mood
was a beauty editor at Refinery29 she "did a lot of
board to completion, are all women. So we're creat-
fighting for my representation, but it ended up being
ing the images for ourselves. I make sure the subject
really great and one of the most validating things
of a piece is really comfortable with everything we're
I've ever done, because lesbians are so hungry for
delivering, so the model, the actors, the musicians,
representation in beauty and fashion and things
have to like the clothes; they see the photos as we
they really care about:'
take them; it's very much on their terms.
Changing things was as simple as acknowledging
"For example, the last cover was with Camila
that beauty is not about telling readers "what lipstick
Mendes and we put her in something where her nip-
to wear to meet a man:' She moved up from being
ples showed, and we had a real conversation with
digital director of NYLONto being its editor-in-chief
her,with her PR team, and with everyone on set, and
when the print incarnation was retired and the entire
she was very much like, 'I want to do this. I want to
magazine became digital. A move that's overdue, she
have a nipple moment. We will do something sexy
says-although she's keeping the format of monthly
as part of a statement about what sexiness is:'
themes and covers such as Camila Mendes.
So next time you visit NYLONonline, you can rest
If you'd one day like to walk in Kern's shoes and be
assured that a lesbian is at the helm. 'That's so im-
an editor-in-chief, she reveals that you'll need to be
portant to me, because I think people still don't know
able to balance creativity with organizational, peo-
that fashion is changing and there are actual people
ple, and social skills. It's a rare combination, I note,
working really, really hard to make those changes:'
with less ego than you'd think. (Just in case you
thought Korn must have a little Devil Wears Prada in
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Human Rights Campaign (HRC), "For LGBTQ survivors
of sexual assault, their identities-and
the discrimina-
tion they face surrounding those identities-often
them hesitant to seek help from police, hospitals, shelters, or rape crisis centers, the very resources that are
supposed to help them:'
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects
(NCAVP) surveyed victim advocates: 85 per cent reported having worked with an LGBTQsurvivor who was
denied services because of their sexual orientation or
gender identity. According to the HRC,"As a community,
LGBTQpeople face higher rates of poverty, stigma, and
marginalization, which put us at greater risk for sexual
assault. We also face higher rates of hate-motivated violence, which can often take the form of sexual assault:'
This is true for lesbians. The National Sexual Violence
Resource Center (NSVRC)states that one in five women
will be raped in her lifetime. Of rape and sexual assault
victims, 91 per cent are women.
The NSVRC states that 46.4 per cent of lesbiansnearly half-are victims of rape and sexual assault. In
the majority of rapes, the perpetrator is known to the victim. Nearly 10 per cent of all rapes and sexual assaults
was going to write this piece about lesbians and the
occur at work. Those are the reported incidents-the ac-
#Me Too movement in the dispassionate third-person
tual number is likely to be much higher, as the #Me Too
language I've employed as a reporter for the past
movement has made alarmingly clear. As an aggregate,
30 years. That approach didn't work. This is far too per-
working-class and working-poor women are the ones
sonal a story for me.
who are most likely to be sexually assaulted on the job.
I wrote through anger and through tears. I wrote
to break the silence: Sexual assault and rape are not
So many lesbian victims, so little discourse. Nearly
50 per cent translates into millions of lesbian victims.
crimes that happen only to heterosexual women. Les-
One such victim was Andrea Constand, a profession-
bians get sexually assaulted and raped by men more
al basketball player and administrator for the women's
often than anyone acknowledges. And when they are
basketball team at Temple University in Philadelphia.
assaulted, it is the lesbians who are most likely not to
Bill Cosby, who was on the board at Temple, was Con-
tell anyone, even law enforcement, and to suffer in iso-
stand's mentor and friend. Nevertheless, she was
lating and PTSD-inducing silence.
drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian at
Like other women, lesbians-butch,
femme, gender
his home in January 2004. Cosby's second trial ended
raped by friends,
in September. He was sentenced to three to 10 years
family, bosses, coworkers, students, strangers, mem-
in prison and mandatory counseling for life. The judge
bers of the clergy.
called Cosby, who has been accused of sexual assault
nonconforming, androgynous-get
Talking about sexual assault is the hardest coming
out that most lesbians will ever do. According to the
by nearly 70 women, including two supermodels, "a sexually violent predator:'
The vitriol and threats Constand received, before and
her repeatedly for months, telling reporters that he had
during the trial, were a reminder of why women don't
no idea why she was saying he sexually assaulted the
report. Cosby's defense maligned her, portraying Con-
young women comedians who were working for him.
stand as a gold digger and asserting that the assault
was actually consensual sex.
When the long-repeated rumors were revealed to be
true, in December 2017, CK finally admitted that he had
Constand's five-page impact statement is gut-wrench-
locked women comedians in rooms and forced them to
ing. She describes herself as a confident 30-year-old on
watch him masturbate. Notaro was vindicated, but nev-
the cusp of a new career. "Bill Cosby took my beautiful,
er received the apology she deserves. And in August, CK
healthy young spirit and crushed it. He robbed me of my
turned up unannounced at the Comedy Cellar, having
health and vitality, my open nature, and my trust in my-
decided he had spent enough time in the shadows, and
self and others;' she wrote.
is now performing again. As if none of it had happened.
What Constand describes is a common trajectory
After the truth about Louis CK was revealed, I waited
of emotions. The main difference between Constand's
for some prominent lesbian to come out through #Me-
case and that of other women is that her rapist went to
Too, to open the door for the rest of us.
trial and was convicted. That only happens in 4 percent
of reported cases.
I am a victim-survivor of sexual assault: once, when
I was a 17-year-old freshman in college and accepted
And then Hannah Gadsby turned comedy upside
down with her one-woman show, Nanette, which she
performed live in theaters, and which streamed on Netflix and went viral.
a ride home from two men; then again, a few years ago,
Gadsby broke all the rules of standup comedy and
when I was attacked outside my home by a serial rapist
opened that door just enough for some of us to squeak
who was assaulting women on his lunch hour.
through. She said it Lesbians get raped. She explained
I didn't report the first assault. I thought it was my
the shame lesbians feel when she told The Guardianin
fault because I had accepted a ride, and I didn't want my
a July 2018 interview, "A lot of people who have expe-
parents to find out.
rienced trauma at the hands of people they've trusted
The second assault nearly killed me. As a middle-aged
take responsibility, and that is what's toxic:'
journalist, I thought it was my duty as a feminist to re-
Shame is the most common emotion women feel af-
port it. The rape and my concomitant experience with
ter being sexually assaulted, and for lesbians that is true
detectives at the Special Victims Unit were so trauma-
twice over. Butch lesbians, who are invested in their own
tizing, I'm not sure how I got through it.
I don't know how many other lesbians are also survi-
strength, are shamed and humiliated; and femme lesbians are told they are not really lesbians, or that they are
vors. The FBI and the Department of Justice don't track
bisexual. As one rape survivor told me, "I didn't want to
sexual orientation in their stats on sexual assault, and
tell anyone and be told I was just covering for not really
even if they did, how many lesbians would come out in
being gaY:'
that context? The Centers for Disease Control has an
All lesbians are at risk from the pervasive belief that
intimate-partner violence study for LGBTQ people, but
all they need is a good screw by a man to make them re-
it does not address the issue of sexual assault in any
alize they are really heterosexual. The man interrupting
other context.
a lesbian sex scene-and being welcomed-is
Last year, I scoured the annals of the #MeToo
hashtag on Twitter when it blew up, looking for lesbian
a staple
of porn cinema. Lesbianism is seen as a prelude to their
"real" sexual orientation: heterosexuality.
voices. Standup comic Tig Notaro had bravely taken on
When I was a teenage lesbian sneaking into bars with
Louis CK in her show OneMississippi,but CK gaslighted
older butches, I saw what happened in police raids. It
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wasn't the femmes the police took to the back of the
They were stalked, kidnapped, attacked, correctively
was the butches, those strong women who
raped, and shot in the head, execution style. Olgin died
seemed to think they could live without men. That's who
at the scene. Chapa was found alive, but was in critical
the cops wanted to break, to show them who the "real"
condition from the gunshot wound, which had penetrat-
men were.
ed her brain. The attack left half her body paralyzed.
Corrective rape-the
belief that a woman can be
Four years later, on September 28, 2016, David Mal-
cured of her lesbianism by being raped by a man-has
colm Strickland, who was then 29, stood trial charged
been perpetrated against lesbians of all identities for
with capital murder and aggravated sexual assault. He
centuries, but it has become commonplace worldwide
was sentenced to life in prison.
as more and more lesbians are out and proud. Correc-
In 2011, Grace Brown started Project Unbreakable,in
tive rape is pandemic in South Africa, Jamaica, and In-
which women who have been sexually assaulted are
dia, where violent gang rapes or rapes with objects are
photographed holding placards with quotes from their
so extreme that women die.
attackers. Among her photos are lesbian victim-survi-
In 2008, the gang rape of Eudy Simelane in South Afri-
vors of corrective rape in the United States.
ca made international headlines because she was a na-
These include a young Muslim woman in hijab hold-
tional soccer star. One of the only out lesbian athletes in
ing a placard that reads, "Now you aren't a lesbian!' An-
soccer at the time, she was abducted, gang raped, tor-
other woman holds a sign that reads, "You can't expect
tured, and stabbed 25 times in the chest, legs, and face.
me to do nothing with your tits out like that:' Yet another
She was also been beaten with rocks. She was found
reads, "It is not going to hurt you if you just relax!'
face down in a small creek. Calls for her murder to be la-
What is the next step for #Me Too?
beled a hate crime because of her lesbian activism were
The appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court of Brett
widespread. Four men were charged in her murder, but
Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault by
only two were convicted.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, was a gut-punch to both the
Luleki Sizwe, a South African nonprofit organiza-
movement and to all women victim-survivors. But there
tion, estimates that at least 10 lesbians are raped each
is, as Tig Notaro and Hannah Gadsby and Andrea Con-
week in Cape Town alone. Another agency, The Triangle
stand and the nameless lesbians in Grace Brown's pho-
Project, reports that 86 percent of black lesbians fear
to project all attest, a tremendous need for lesbians to
being raped.
hear other lesbians speak out on sexual assault.
But the corrective rape of lesbians happens in America, Europe, and Russia as well.
In 2014, at an HRC dinner, then-Vice President Joe
And there is that number from the NSVRC-nearly half of all lesbians have been sexually assaulted.
Nearly half.
Biden said, "Corrective rape? What in God's name are we
Perhaps our New Year's resolution as a community
talking about? How can a country that speaks in those
should be to make space for lesbians in the #MeToo
terms be remotely considered to be a civil society?"
movement as well as to create spaces for lesbians to
How indeed.
come out as survivors, to relinquish the misplaced
On June 22, 2012, two young lesbians, Mary Kristene
shame and internalized homophobia.
Chapa, 18, and Mollie Olgin, 19, were on a date in Violet Andrews Park in Portland, Texas, a small suburb of
As Gadsby says in Nanette,'There is nothing stronger
than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself'
Corpus Christi. The couple had been seeing each other
In 2019, let us try to rebuild ourselves, first by acknowl-
for several months and were, by Chapa's account and
edging what has been done to us as lesbian victims of
Facebook posts from Olgin, deeply in love.
rape and then by celebrating the fact that we've survived.
Unwind in an island paradise.
Solo ta briya-the sun is shining-is an enviable expression
enjoyed by Arubans and visitors to this enchanted Caribbean
joy a massage on the beach, or just chill out by the H20asis
adults-only pool. (marriott.com)
island which lies outside of the hurricane belt and makes Aru-
After a day of travel I try to spend my first day on property,
ba the perfect choice for your winter escape. The sand is al-
unwinding and exploring the resort, and I usually opt to eat on
ways white, the ocean is always blue, and the palm trees sway
property. Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino has plenty
in the gentle trade winds. Even better, the locals are always
of options: Waves Beach Bar & Grill for casual dining, Ruth's
Chris Steak House, and La Vista for signature cocktails and
This arid island with its perfect weather always in the 80s
Italian-inspired plates. Grab a pick-me-up at Starbucks or Ge-
means that rain won't spoil your vacation. Along with South-
lato & Co, conveniently located in the lobby. But my favorite is
ern Caribbean beachside bliss you can also indulge in plenty
Atardi, which is right on the beach and allows you to kick off
of activities, excursions, and culinary experiences. The tour-
your shoes, wiggle your toes in the sand, watch a spectacular
ism folks weren't kidding when they gave Aruba the tagline
sunset, and tuck into fresh, signature seafood.
"one happy island:'
After dinner, if you're inclined, hit the 24-hour Stellaris Casino
A stay at Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino places
and see if your newfound happiness brings you luck. Healthy
you right on Palm Beach with all the amenities a property
activities are offered right on the property. Start your day with a
of this size affords. Guest rooms and suites were all recent-
session of standup paddle board yoga with the lovely instruc-
ly upgraded with deluxe four-star amenities and you'll enjoy
tors at Vela Aruba (velaaruba.com). Perfecting your asanas is
impressive ocean and resort views from your private balco-
easy in the tranquil waters of Palm Beach! Ever played beach
ny. Stroll the gardens, grab a cocktail in a private cabana, en-
tennis? It's fun and easy to learn. You can also take a beach-
front walking tour and learn about the history of the island,
or join a cooking class and experiment with local ingredients such as local fish and aloe. Make an appointment at
the Balinese-style Mandala Spa to really ease yourself into
Pridein Paradise
Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino welcomes LGBTQtravelers with a special Pride package! Four nights of accommodation
vacation mode.
But do explore this island. Take a snorkel cruise with
in a Deluxe Ocean View Room in Tradewinds, which includes perks
De Palm, the island's "activity gurus:• Onboard the Palm
such as complimentary food and beverages throughout the day,
Pleasure, a 70-foot-long catamaran, you'll be transported
private check-in, a welcome amenity, balcony dinner, cabana at the
to three snorkel stops while enjoying the open bar and
H2Oasis pool, sunset sail and complimentary Wi-Fi. Hurry! Valid
beautiful views. Beginners are in good hands as they dis-
until December 30, 2018 at rates from $622.39 per night.
cover the Antilla Shipwreck, Arashi Reef and Boca Catalina
The desert climate is perfect for growing aloe, the evergreen succulent that has magical healing properties. Make
sure you stop by the Aruba Aloe Factory for a tour or to
shop for high quality products made from this legendary
island skin remedy. Learn about the properties of this miraculous plant, which intertwines with the island's culture
and history, too. The lotions, gels, moisturizers and sun
care items make lovely and useful gifts. (arubaaloe.com)
Aruba is experiencing a culinary boom and the island
does not lack its fair share of destination dining. For a special night out head to The Restaurant at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf (tierradelsol.com). You're on top of the world in
this romantic and rarified club-like atmosphere where you
can dine alfresco on the terrace. Sample dishes such as
whole Caribbean red snapper, crispy deep fried with mixed
vegetables, wakame, and wasabi potato creme on the
side. The Restaurant at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf is one
of the island's finest establishments with lovely landscaping and spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea. This is the
place to celebrate discovering paradise.
Europe's best-kept secret is Lisbon.
Fly to Lisbon with TAP Air Portugal, an elegant airline offering excellent in-flight service. A Star Alliance member, TAP
is the launch carrier for Airbus' brand new A330-900neo, they
have a new fleet of 70+ aircraft, and have several new routes
from North America. TAP's Taste the Stars program showcases an astonishing seven Michelin-star winning Portuguese
chefs and their signature meals onboard,, which is fitting since
your visit to Portugal will be a culinary revelation. I was lucky to
sample the dishes created by chef Jose Avillez, who has eight
restaurants in Lisbon. More on that below. (flytap.com)
Settle in at the modern boutique hotel Pestana CR7, the
place to stay if you want to be walking distance from the delights of the city. This compact, design-centric hotel has everything you need, including two very cool lobby bars perfect for
aperitifs or meeting friends, and the delicious buffet breakfast
gets you started in the morning. The service is warm and friendly, and locals in general tend to be gracious and accommodating (pestanacr7.com). English is widely spoken in Lisbon so no
need to worry about your lack of Portuguese!
There is no better way to get your bearings and appreciate
the lovely layout of the city than by heading to Sky Bar at the
Tivoli Avenida Liberdade Hotel. It offers one of Lisbon's hottest
and hippest rooftop sunset bars, brilliantly mixing innovative
cocktails with panoramic city views. Chic decor, live music,
beautiful people-the perfect way to begin my whirlwind Lisbon
experience (tivolihotels.com). After drinks, head downstairs to
the lobby of the Tivoli, where you'll find Cervejaria Liberdade, a
chic spot serving the freshest seafood sourced from Portugal's
500 miles of coastline. I feasted on Algarve prawns and oysters
and gazed out at the hustle and bustle of Lisbon's premier thoroughfare, Avenida da Liberdade.
To really see the city and experience its charming winding
streets and historic areas, take a Tuk Tuk Tour. The vehicles are
small, many of them electric, and they provide an environmentally friendly way of seeing the sights, which include historic
quarters, street art and panormaic vistas. The Alfama District,
or Lisbon's Old Town, is worth getting lost in. The National Tile
Museum is a fascinating display of artistic ingenuity-located
in the Madre de Deus Convent, founded in 1509, the extensive
collection is a trip through almost 700 years of this beautiful
and uniquely Portuguese art form, a gift of the Muslim influ-
Uber) from the city, it's an easy way to take in the fresh ocean air
and gaze out to sea while sipping a glass or two of vinho verde,
Lunch at Time Out Market Lisboa is a way to experience
one of Lisbon's most popular destinations for authentic food
and drinks in a casual atmosphere. Here you can enjoy sam-
Portugal's famous "green" (young) wine.
And when you return from your seaside sojourn, head to one
of several dinner clubs featuring fado-the
soulful Portuguese
pling a huge assortment of typical Portuguese dishes, from
music that originated in the 1820s. This musical form features
large, prepared meals to small bites and sweets. Be sure to
a passionate female singer accompanied by a variety of instru-
pick up a few artisanal souvenirs to take home with you.
To sample the cutting edge of Lisbon's culinary scene, book
a table at Bairro do Avillez, just a 10-minute walk from the ho-
ments, singing the saudade:the love that remains after someone has left. You'll know that feeling in Lisbon. Even before you
leave you'll want to return.
tel Pestana CR7. Chef Jose Avillez has twice been awarded
Michelin stars, and his food offers a fresh take on Portuguese
classics. Start with the "exploding olives;' molecularly reinvented melt-in-the-mouth bursts of green olive reduction, and
indulge in many other dishes you won't find anyplace else.
While Lisbon celebrates seafood, steak is also a star, and
the best place for carnivores is RIB Beef & Wine at the historic
and cosmopolitan hotel Pestana Pousada de Lisboa. Incredible cuts of meat (the Tomahawk ribeye steak weighs in at
over two pounds!) as well as alternative dishes featuring fresh
produce such as the roasted mushrooms and romesco sauce,
with egg and truffle olive oil. (pousadas.pt)
Lisbon is a very LGBT-friendly city (the LGBT center is not
far from the Pestana CR7) and since I visited during the Eurovision Song Contest, the city was full of LGBT fans of this vibrant and diverse event. Lisbon's Eurovision Village attracted
flamboyant fans from all across the globe, and the contest itself, staged in spectacular grandeur at the massive Altice Arena, sent a message of diversity to the world. Openly LGBTQ
contestants included the first-ever out lesbian singer (Saara
Aalto, Finland) with her ballad, "Monsters;' and a song about
gay male love, 'Together" (Ryan O'Shaughnessy, Ireland).
This year's winner, Netta, from Israel, enchanted the massive
crowd with her catchy #MeToo-esque pop tune/performance
art piece, "ToY:'
But one of my most delightful discoveries was a day trip to
the charming and picturesque coastal city of Cascais, an easy
way to experience the Lisbon coastline if you're pressed for
time. Grab a light lunch at any of the beachfront restaurants
or beach clubs and wander the cobblestone streets of the Portuguese Riviera, once the favored summer escape of Lisbon's
glitterati and ruling class. Only a short drive (30 minutes in an
This gem of the Bay Area is worth a visit of its own.
Berkeley is nestled in a natural parenthesis, between
in Mediterranean cooking at some of New York's finest restau-
San Francisco Bay and the Berkeley hills. The entire city is
rants, as well as his training as a sommelier, puts destination
LGBT-friendly, so there is no designated "gay-borhood'.' If
dining right on your doorstep. The menu offers everything from
you're craving obviously queer culture, you might need to head
Middle Eastern to Italian cuisine, prepared with farm-fresh
south to Oakland. Indeed, the main LGBT bar in the Berkeley
California ingredients. It's a favorite pre-theater dining spot
vicinity is the White Horse Inn on the Oakland-Berkeley border,
with locals on their way to see a show at the Berkeley Rep. An-
which has been serving our community since 1933. Known
other dining option for lunch or pre-theater drinks and bites is
for launching the Free Speech Movement in the 1960s, and
Revival Bar+ Kitchen. It's a lovely spot created by chef/owner
before that a progressive movement that began in the early
Amy Murray right in the heart of the Downtown Arts District. I
20th century, nowadays Berkeley has its own DNA-and a
stopped by for a craft cocktail, a seasonal organic salad, and a
gentler pace and climate than San Francisco.
platter of West Coast oysters as well some people watching.
I stayed at the Hotel Shattuck Plaza, an upscale, modern-
There is plenty to see and do in Berkeley and it's a very walk-
ized, Mission-style building constructed in 1910. Located on
able city. Get your visit off to a hearty start with breakfast at
a bustling corner right in the middle of Downtown and within
La Note in Downtown Berkeley,just two blocks from the Hotel
easy walking distance of sights, shopping, dining, and cul-
Shattuck Plaza. Tuck into fresh pastries, authentic omelettes,
tural landmarks the Hotel Shattuck Plaza is also just a block
French toast with a chocolate-hazelnut spread, or the legend-
from a BART stop (the Bay Area Rapid Transit system can
ary lemon gingerbread pancakes with poached pears. La Note's
take you into San Francisco in 20 minutes.) This is a historic
dynamic owner, Dorothee Mitrani, is French and a graduate of
hotel with both a sense of Old World charm and a contempo-
UC Berkeley.A former architecture student, Mitrani designed La
rary flair (hotelshattuckplaza.com). The staff is friendly, and
Note to have a charming Provencal ambience.
there's a great bar off the lobby for meeting people or enjoying
And speaking of female architects, be sure to stop by the
a craft cocktail before heading out on the town. The hotel is
Berkeley City Club, dubbed Julia Morgan's "Little Castle;' which
eco- and pet-friendly as well.
she built in 1930 as the Berkeley Women's City Club. This land-
Zino, the onsite restaurant, offers pan-Mediterranean cui-
mark building was a hub of female athleticism, philanthropy,
sine from executive chef Brandon Hicks, whose background
accommodation, and events, and is one of 1O notable Morgan
structures in Berkeley. Morgan was America's first licensed
was on their plates. Berkeley Bowl and Monterey Market have
female architect, and the first truly notable architect from Cal-
every kind of organic and natural produce you could dream of.
ifornia. The UC Berkeley engineering graduate (she belonged
Whatever your food fetish, you'll find it in this neighborhood and
to the university's first sorority) went to Paris to study at the
it'll probably be among the best of its kind in the world.
Ecole des Beaux-Arts (she was the first woman to be accepted
On my way out of town, I saved the best for last and had
into the architecture pro-gram) and brought her expertise back
dinner at Donato & Co. in the charming and lively Elmwood Dis-
to the West Coast, going on to design over 700 buildings in
trict. Offering rustic Italian cuisine with a contemporary twist,
the first half of the 20th century, mostly in California, including
every dish made from the ground up, this spacious modern
homes, hospitals, and university buildings, schools for girls and
restaurant is not your average red sauce joint. The pasta is
YWCAs. Her grandest project was Hearst Castle, also known
handmade, the ingredients impeccably fresh, organic, and lo-
as San Simeon, built for the newspaper magnate William Ran-
cally sourced, and meat dishes are cooked over an open fire.
dolph Hearst. Not known to be either a feminist or a lesbian,
The food is swoon-worthy date-night fare and perfectly match-
she never married and was known for wearing plain tailored
es with the elegant wine list. Service and presentation are
suits with neckties.
flawless, and it's clear that chef Donato Scotti, who hails from
While you're on an architecture kick, be sure to stroll the
grounds of the UC Berkeley campus, with its impressive archi-
Bergamo, near Lake Como, has poured his heart and soul into
the establishment (donatoandco.com).
tecture, rolling lawns, creeks, and glades. To enjoy the natural
San Francisco ranks highly as a favorite LGBT travel desti-
beauty surrounding Berkeley, visit the UC Botanical Garden,
nation, with Oakland's reputation as a queer women's mecca
which is a unit of the university, and is open daily from 9am to
on the rise. But don't forget Berkeley. It has a charm all its own.
5pm. This beautiful living museum up in the hills above Berkeley contains the nation's largest collection of plant varietiesfrom magnolias to oaks-and is also the world's largest collection of native California flora. This beautiful oasis is perfect for
a long walk or a picnic, and functions as a living DNA bank for
thousands of rare and endangered plants.
For adventurers of the cultural kind, Berkeley has much to
offer. The Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive in Downtown Berkeley is a modernist arts hub showcasing everything from mural art to movies, with a fascinating schedule
of exhibitions and events (bampfa.org). To see what's being
made by artists and artisans in Berkeley today-and to shop
for a handcrafted souvenir-take the Berkeley Artisans Open
Studios self-guided tour. This precinct of over 30 studios has
been going strong for nearly 30 years, with vibrant ceramics,
jewelry, glassware, paintings, and photography on display and
for sale. If you can only manage part of the tour, make sure to
visit the Sawtooth Building, which is itself a historic landmark
and opens once a month to the public (berkeleyartisans.com).
Foodie culture is of major importance in Berkeley, and it's
always on show at Gourmet Ghetto, the city's foodie district.
This is where Peet's Coffee started, and where the famous Alice
Waters restaurant Chez Panisse started the culinary revolution
that caused Americans to care about the provenance of what
Puerto Vallarta is having a resurgence.
This jewel of Mexico's Pacific Coast was 'discovered' by
a different atmosphere at day versus night with shows on the
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who became residents
main pier, and often Danz6n music on Sunday. The Pride Pa-
while Burton was filming the classic 1960s movie The Night
rade takes place along the Malecon also, with folks decked out
of the Iguanawith Ava Gardner. Ever since, it has drawn adven-
in rainbow regalia and framed against the vibrant, guaranteed
turers and artistic types to its shores. Located on the Bay of
sunsets for which Puerto Vallarta is famous. All the shopping
Banderas-the second largest bay in the world-and
for souvenirs, and all the bars and restaurants with unbeatable
by the majestic Sierra Madre mountains, the city is charming,
happy hour specials can be found here too, as well as good
temperate (averaging 80 degrees year round), diverse, and is
people spotting.
a magnet for LGBTtourists as well as expats. You may notice
The Romantic Zone, also known as the 'gayborhood; is char-
how clean Puerto Vallarta is. It's an eco-friendly city with a visi-
acterized by cobblestone streets, bougainvillea that spills from
ble commitment to recycling from hotels and restaurants who
doorways and windows, traditional colorful architecture, many
also purify their water. There are numerous LGBTorganizations
cafes, arts and craft stores-and is where the LGBTcommunity
and groups located in town.
tends to socialize.
The urban center, which fans out from the lovely curve of
The Hotel Zone features many properties of varying budget
the bay, has distinct zones all in easy walking distance of each
and style, from luxury to chain to time shares and condos-and
other. Downtown, the area boasting the Malecon (boardwalk),
all the amenities and attractions you'd expect from such an
City Hall, the main square, and many galleries and restaurants
area. And don't forget the increasingly popular South Zone-it's
is where all the action and shopping are, and of course takes on
the place to explore the coastline on a day trip via boat. Here
are beautiful unspoiled beaches and coves-Vallarta has the
options: from street side casual to date-night-worthy. Dinner
highest number of certified Blue Flag beaches in Mexico. It's
at Medregal, located in the courtyard of the beautiful and ro-
also the home of the zoo and botanical gardens. This is where
mantic Vila Mercedes Hotel, serves innovative Jalisco fusion
nature thrives, and where you can enjoy an open-ocean en-
cuisine featuring the local flavors and produce of the Mexican
counter with dolphins, or turtle hatching in summer!
Pacific, all served poolside in an intimate atmosphere.
During my first trip to Puerto Vallarta, which happily coin-
Another boutique establishment that presents destination
cided with the week-long Pride festival, I stayed at the fabulous
dining is Garlands del Rio, a majestic and charming bed and
Costa Sur Resort & Spa, which enjoys a commanding location
breakfast built on the banks of the River Cuale. With 17 grand,
on the hill above town with uninterrupted views of the bay
old-style Vallarta rooms this is romantic, old world ambience
costasurpuertovallarta.com. Accommodation packages en-
that doesn't feel one bit touristy-because it's not. The uniquely
title you to all food menus and theme nights including break-
decorated architecture creates an ambience that feels a world
fast, lunch, dinner, snacks at Cascada Restaurant and Barefoot
away from the commercial hotel zone but it's right near the cen-
Terrace. With beautiful pools and a private beach, this very
ter of town.
LGBT-friendlyproperty is gay-owned and situated away from
But to really experience the flavor of Puerto Vallarta you
the bustle of the center of town yet a quick shuttle or five-min-
must take Vallarta Food Tours' Original Downtown Vallarta
ute taxi ride to all the action. It's perfect for a romantic getaway,
Tour. Start with the Taco Tour to understand the variety and
wedding or honeymoon. Costa Sur will happily host your lesbi-
long history of this traditional snack. Everything from veg-
an wedding! The rooms are large, private, and have balconies
etarian to seafood to goat-we ate it right on the street after
that overlook the sparkling sapphire ocean.
watching each taco made fresh before our eyes. This is a total
Puerto Vallarta is Mexico's second-most prominent foodie
destination (after Mexico City) and there are so many dining
immersion, three-hour walking tour of mouthwatering bitesfrom humble taco stands to family-owned restaurants and
chocolate shops. Great pride is taken in the creation of each
Feeling lazy? Craving some VIP status? There are also beach
fresh tortilla, aqua fresco, and traditional candy piece. Our fe-
clubs right in town. Mangos Beach Club, Mantamar Beach Club
male guide was a wealth of information and fabulous company
and Sapphire Ocean Club-they're all good. Try them! Soak up
the sunshine and sea air at these upmarket oases. Relax in a
To consolidate Puerto Vallarta's status as a culinary destina-
cabana, have a beachfront massage-some offer the first ten
tion there are many calendar dates, including Restaurant Week
minutes free! Order lunch and cocktails. Take a dip in the pool
in May and the International Gourmet Festival in November.
or into the ocean. This is a lovely way to relax before your Pride
There is also a recently-opened Food Park with outdoor gas-
party or recover from one.
tronomy where you can sample bites and sights at the same
Vallarta Pride is held in the last week of May. Thousands of
people including locals and their families celebrate this vibrant
The best way to work off all that food is with some outdoor
celebration of diversity. Many gay people live in Vallarta or visit
activity, and if you're a beachaholic like me, take advantage of
during this time to enjoy the parade, block party, concerts, fairs,
the many swimming options around you: El Holi (thus named
and drag derby. In 2018 the glamorous pop icon Lorena Her-
because it's right by the Holiday Inn); Los Muertos Beach-the
rera-Mexico's Madonna-performed
most popular beach, located near the Romantic Zone, a conve-
Grand Marshall of Vallarta Pride. We were delighted to see an
nient family-friendly option near lots of restaurants, cafes, bars,
active transgender presence at this year's Pride, and the offi-
in concert and was the
shops and boutiques, and the pier; Playas Gemelas, south of
cial women's party was hosted by Pink & Proud PVR (checkout
town, boasting two beautiful coves with clear blue water and
their Facebook page) at the El Sonador Bar-the perfect place
indigenous shade trees; Mismaloya, a fishing village south of
to mix, mingle and make new friends. An intimate Only Girls
Puerto Vallarta and thus named because it's where the Mis-
cocktail evening was held the following night at the small and
maloya River meets the ocean and the jungle comes right
chic Verona Bistro bar, a perfect opportunity for chill beats and
down to the water's edge.
soaking up Vallarta Vibes.
To get a sense of the immense and lovely coastline take a
day trip with Luxury Yacht and Snorkel Tour with Vallarta Ad-
ventures (vallarta-adventures.com). We cruised along the coast
on a luxury catamaran, passing the landmark arch-shaped rock
formations, Los Arcos. We marveled at the backdrop of the Sierra Madre mountains and lunch onboard (and the open bar
helped put us in relaxation mode). If weather permits you might
even go snorkeling in the protected Majahuitas Cove.
interior decorators
Lauren and
Wendy Nolan-Sellers have a busy, picture-perfect
life. Together they run Trust the Vision Decor,
a residential interior-design and home-staging company
serving clients in the Philadelphia metro area. And they've
also created the Aspiring Designers Academy, an online
community for new designers where they offer tips and
ideas on how to grow a successful business. But these
entrepreneurs and parents of two children have overcome
their fair share of obstacles to achieve the harmony they
now enjoy.
They met in 2007 through a mutual friend at the (now defunct) Sisters Nightclub in Philadelphia. "The chemistry was
pretty instant, and even though we each went off and hung
out with our respective groups we kept catching each other's eye;' says Lauren. ''The next day, I called my friend to get
the details on Wendy: Was she single? Did my friend think
she'd be into me, etc? My friend instantly started laughing
and said that she had just grabbed dinner with Wendy and
she couldn't stop talking about me!"
"When I saw Lauren, there was an instant spark that I
have never felt before, and I had to know more about her,'
says Wendy. "I went out to dinner with our mutual friend and
I think the whole dinner was me asking our friend questions
about Lauren!"
Two years later, they were honeymooning in Key West,
and were officially married in 2013, after marriage equality
passed. Having both a family and a business was a dream
they had never dared to dream, and yet they made it possible through each other.
"I grew up in a conservative Christian home, so in my
youth, my sexuality was about repression, not expression;'
says Lauren, who assumed that she'd never be able to have
a family with another woman. With Wendy, she knew it was
possible. "This secret dream that always seemed out of
reach sort of woke up inside me. When we floated the idea
of buying our first house, I instantly got hooked on HGTV
and immediately started planning. I think Wendy, recognizing my excitement, nurtured it and gave me free rein to do
whatever I wanted:'
"We'd talked about one day designing our first home.
When that opportunity came, I'd never seen Lauren so ex-
54 cu RVE
cited;' says Wendy. "It was like someone ignited a fire in her.
ing, 'Can we do this; to working with World Series winners
She would stay up till all hours, researching, planning DIV proj-
and media personalities, and being featured on television, in
ects-and she never got tired of going to shop, even if it was
newspapers and magazines. To pay it forward they started
just to browse:'
the Aspiring Designers Academy and now enjoy the suc-
With borrowed tools, the couple completely renovated their
cess of the designers they've mentored.
first house, from fireplace, to floorboards, to painting the patio.
Running a home, a family, and a business can be tricky,
"We felt that we were in over our heads, but we also believed
but focusing on their shared goals and their clearly defined
that we would figure it out. We had to, there was no choice;'
roles helps keep things steady. The magic ingredient-aside
says Lauren. They celebrated with a huge housewarming and
from love? Communication. "It works well, as long as we're
then focused on starting a family. "My eggs weren't gettin' any
clear about what we want and are committed to making that
younger,' laughs Lauren.
happen;' says Wendy.
"Being gay, and not having a very supportive family when I
Some of the biggest challenges in getting to where they
first came out, I didn't know what [having children] would look
are today? "Stepping into who I wanted to be;' says Lauren.
like;' says Wendy. "But I knew it was something that I always
'To live my truth as a decorator, as a black woman, as a mom,
wanted. After our first couple of dates, I knew Lauren was the
and as a member of the LGBTQ community. It was and is
one for me-she was the total package:'
about overcoming fear. fear of what others might think, fear
They each wanted to carry a child, but Lauren, being older,
of the unknown, fear of failure:' Lauren has learned not to
wanted to have one first. She put her dream of becoming a
take no for an answer. "Every no is one step closer to the
decorator on the back burner and embarked on fertility treat-
next yes;' she says.
ment. "I got pregnant and gave birth to our daughter, Kamryn,
And if you'd like to hear a client success story, here's a
in the spring of 2012, and by the end of that summer, after my
great one. "We got a call from World Series winner Gabe Ka-
maternity leave was over, there was a very clear fork in the
pler to decorate his new home;' says Lauren. "He was about
road. I could either go back to my current teaching position or
to become the general manager of the Philadelphia Phillies
I could throw caution to the winds and follow my heart:'
With no experience, no connections, and at that point no
formal training-just
and wanted to complete several spaces in his home before
departing for spring training. It was an opportunity too good
armed with "a crazy dream, a budding
to pass up. So we said yes. If our systems really worked,
business, a new baby, and lots of grit" -Lauren and Wendy
this would be the ultimate test. Getting six rooms done in
started their decorating business.
Lauren enrolled at the Interior Design Institute to get formal
training, and Wendy kept her job to keep them afloat, and applied her organizational skills to the fledgling business. Their
30 days, over the holiday season, with a baby coming, for a
world-class sports star?! Even now, I get stressed just thinking about it!"
And they did it. On time and on budget-in spite of child-
first few clients were family and friends, and they worked all
birth, the holiday season, and snow! 'To see Gabe's reaction
day, any day, at all hours, sometimes traveling long distances
was priceless;' says Lauren.
to reach clients. Then Wendy embarked on the bumpy road to
And what do they most admire in each other? "Loving Wendy is awesome, but being loved by her has been one of the
"Wendy's process was even more difficult than mine, and
greatest privileges of my life;' says Lauren. Wendy feels the
Kaleb, our son, didn't make his appearance until January of
same way. 'To watch Lauren love our children is one of the
2018, almost six years later,' says Lauren.
most rewarding experiences I have ever had. She is always
While trying for Kaleb, they kept working on the business,
there for them and is always ready to play and have fun with
building, making mistakes, learning from them, and making
them, whenever they ask. Her love for me is unconditional
progress. There were setbacks, such as when Lauren blew
and is always in abundance. I absolutely adore her and feel
out her knee and needed surgery (mid-project). Along the way,
so blessed, not only to call her my wife, but my best friend:'
however, they grew as a couple, as a family, and as business
owners. They went from sitting at the dining room table ask-
hen Amy Kuney, who now goes by Ames, was
4 years old, her parents put her in piano lessons, but because she grew up in a staunchly
religious family in the Bible Belt of Tulsa, Okla., all she had
on the playlist of her childhood was the music that was
acceptable to the church.
"I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music;' she says
from her current home in Los Angeles, Calif. "Whenever I
heard it, I was really drawn to it, it was candy. It sounded
like joy. I was used to listening to hymns and church music,
which was kind of heavY:'
By a lucky coincidence, though, Ames attended the
same homeschool group as the famous Tulsa export Hanson in the heyday of their hit single "MMMBop;' so pop music eventually became unavoidable.
"It was a big deal, because they were from Oklahoma.
We heard it everywhere. That is when I realized pop music
was what I gravitated toward. I would make music up on
my own. It just started happening organically that I would
write my own songs;' Ames says.
A slightly unexpected detour to Honduras got her out
of Oklahoma.
"In 1998, when I was 13, my dad was called to the mission field in Honduras. It was one year after Hurricane
Mitch, and we moved down there to help clean up. My
folks are actually still there. They built this whole community and school. My relationship with my parents has been
strained because of my lifestyle, but they are doing good
work;' she says.
After she decided to move back to the United States,
and won a scholarship to Biola University, a private Christian college in Southern California, Ames started trying to
find her own voice and her identity.
"I ended up doing a praise and worship major, which
was basically just being in a band and learning to be in
front of a crowd," she says, laughing. "Unfortunately, Biola
wasn't very LGBTQ friendly, and I dropped out because I
had enough songs at that point to start opening for other
people and touring as Amy Kuney:'
This was also after a confrontation with the school in
which she and her then-girlfriend were separated and interrogated and told their relationship could not go on. Looking back, she realized how unfairly they had been treated.
After finding a manager and taking her music on the road,
and her other upcoming music all the more poignant.
she ended up in a co-write with Michelle Branch in 2013. That
"It's been really hard, but I am finally being honest. I was
partnership opened up a lot of doors and proved to be a turn-
so afraid until recently of them finding out, or seeing things,
ing point in her career. She created a number of songs with
or reading lyrics that were about certain topics. Everything I
Branch, then started working with Branch's fiance, Patrick
have been writing about has been really therapeutic and an
Carney from The Black Keys.
outpouring of what is happening at the moment. The timing
"Whenever I was writing for myself at that time, I was really
of all of this could not be better or more painful;' she says.
precious with lyrics and would overthink everything. I was re-
When asked what advice she would give to young queer
ally vague because I wasn't out yet, and I put a lot of pressure
women coming from conservative or religious backgrounds,
on myself with each song. Writing for others felt so natural. I
she says, "My advice would be to take full advantage of
decided that for a while I wanted to be a vessel for other art-
this time right now. The climate is finding and encourag-
ists and be of service to them. I do have a very broad vocabu-
ing change. People are coming forward with their stories
lary of emotions, and so I have experienced most feelings at
and aren't apologizing for who they are anymore. It can be
some point;' she says.
terrifying, and you can feel like no one is there for you, but
Ames has written for and with some of the biggest names
it does get better. When I was 16 and I needed help, I called
in pop music. She co-penned the Kelly Clarkson hits "Slow
a help line in Oklahoma and they helped me so much. As
Dance" and "Move You;' among others, and has worked with
terrible as the current political climate is, the reaction to it is
such artists as Rita Ora and Tori Kelly.
going to be beautiful:'
That kind of success could have caused Kuney to hit cruise
As she tries to balance her career, her upcoming wed-
control and continue to write exclusively for others, but in her
ding, and her uncertain familial relationships, one thing is
pursuit of the perfect co-write she accidentally found herself.
for sure: Ames has found her voice and no one can sweep
"When I'm not writing for others, I write 'a pitch; which
means it's just me and a producer writing and we send songs
it away. "We need to tell our truth;' she says. "That's the
most important thing:'
to artists to see if anyone likes them. By accident a few songs
came out where people liked them but didn't know who would
cut them because they were so personal and specific to me
in my life;' she says.
"I didn't mean for that to happen. It was honest and raw
and a way I had never written for myself before. I think it took
an accident for that to happen:'
Having released "Hold On" from her upcoming self-titled EP,
which is due early in 2019, she looks forward to curating a
collection of songs that are true to her heart and her roots as
a singer-songwriter.
"Hold On" is a breezy first single from the new project. With
more than a hint of electro-pop, but with the coziness of a
warm day, "Hold On" boasts the lyrics "Every time that we
touch, I come undone" and other dreamy nods to finding love.
Kuney first came out to her parents when she was 16,
but at the time they swept it under the rug, thinking it was a
phase, or something she should struggle with privately. When
she announced that she was engaged to a woman, her parents were less than accepting of this news, making "Hold On"
esiree Akhavan was doing
hyphenate in the process of becoming,
press for her excellent 2014
in a moment in our culture where am-
debut feature film, Appropri-
ate Behavior,when she came smack-
bivalence can be costly, especially for
a woman.
bang up against the subject matter
In The Bisexual,expat New Yorker
for her next project, the Hulu series
Leila (Akhavan) runs a startup with her
The Bisexual. She was on the festival
older female lover,Sadie (BAFTA-nomi-
circuit and found herself being intro-
nated Maxine Peake), but Leila panics
duced at screenings or on panels as
when Sadie asks her to all in and get
"the bisexual!'
married. Leila takes a "break" from Sa-
"It was always The bisexual film-
die and rents a room from navel-gazing
maker Desiree Akhavan is going to be
novelist Gabe (Brian Gleeson), who
joining us today: Or, 'the bisexual Ira-
becomes a sounding board as Leila
nian-American; or 'the bisexual Lena
experiments with random guys, only
Dunham'-which is my favorite;' laughs
to realize that she deeply loves Sadie
Akhavan. "It didn't bother me that they
and might have made a mistake in ex-
were calling out my sexuality. If they'd
ploring the unexplored. TheBisexualun-
called me 'the gay filmmaker, I would've
apologetically opens a Pandora's box
been like, yeah, and been very proud.
of questions that are funny and painful
But instead, when I heard 'bisexual; it
to examine. What if the life you love
seemed like, 'the shower pee-er Desiree
isn't enough-and
Akhavan..: It felt really embarrassing
Is it OK to always be in process? Can
yet is too much?
and gauche and in bad taste. I remem-
you be two things at once? Does every
ber wondering, 'It's something that is
aspect of you have to be continually
factually true about me; why is it some-
explored? As with all of Akhavan's proj-
thing that is so humiliating and feels
ects, TheBisexualis about negotiating
like nails on a chalkboard?'"
the rules of engagement while becom-
Technically, truthfully, Akhavan is
ing whatever it is that you are. Akhavan
bisexual. Why did that introduction re-
shouldered a vast amount of work,
pulse her? "Because the only bisexuals
starring in and directing this six-part
I could think of were Tila Tequila and
dramedy, which she co-wrote with her
Anne Heche;' Akhavan told the audi-
writing and producing partner, Cecilia
ence (only partly tongue-in-cheek) at
NewFest, the New York premiere of her
What, if anything, did she learn about
hilarious, bittersweet series titled, fun-
bisexuality? "I think a lot of the stigma
nily enough, TheBisexual.In the series,
is self-imposed;' she says. But in the
which I highly recommend, Akhavan
vein of great auteurs (and comedians),
sets out to explore her own-and the
exploring her own insecurities makes
for fascinating and entertaining view-
women. By the end of it, she-and we-
ing. Considering her age-34-Akha-
have learned something about being
van has both achieved and learned a
more than one thing, about being a
lot. And her education, in some ways, is
that of our community, which includes
the amount of weight you put into the
a press tour. She decided to stay on.
epiphanies such as: It's OK to question
identity of being gay is very different
She slept on Cecilia Frugiuele's couch
labels; intersectionality is not just an
from someone who doesn't have to
while they finished writing TheMisedu-
idea but a way of life; accepting each
jump over that hurdle and live with that
cation of CameronPost,and during that
other's differences is our only hope. "I
shame;' says Akhavan of initially com-
time, Frugiuele's husband suggested
think we should celebrate our differ-
ing out as gay to her family.
that Akhavan pitch TheBisexualin En-
"After AppropriateBehaviorpremiered
gland. "So I pitched it to a handful of
and I did all the press that outed me as
places, and all of them said, 'Yes, let's
But always, no matter their sexuali-
bisexual, I pitched [The Bisexua~at all
make it:"
ty, it seems that women have to work
the places that would take a show with
Executive producer Naomi de Pear
twice as hard to be heard-even by
so much sexual content;' reveals Akha-
embraced Akhavan's vision; her grittier
each other. Akhavan made her debut
van. "I went to every single place, and
aesthetic, which favored using non-ac-
with the web series The Slope,which
all of them said, 'I'm so sorry, we have
tors, real people with real faces, scenes
she created with her then-girlfriend
a female-driven show already, come
shot guerilla-style in real locations, and
ences-gender, race, class. To ignore
them is absurd;' says Akhavan.
Ingrid Jungermann. This clever com-
back later: Or they said they had a gay
the commitment to representing as
edy, which began in 2010, was at the
show, or a queer show, and they didn't
many perspectives as possible-espe-
forefront of the LGBT web-series boom
want to cannibalize that business with
cially those that exposed the differenc-
and satirizes the limitations of lesbian
a show that's similar:'
es in generational, racial, and cultural
culture in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Rather than give up, even though
attitudes toward sexuality.
In 2015, you might have caught
friends and mentors urged her to move
"I think that in the UK the film in-
Akhavan in Girls as the character
on, Akhavan pressed on. "What I real-
dustry is much smaller and braver,
Chandra. Akhavan
ly like to do is to keep side-skirting the
and they're willing to put their money
working with Lena Dunham as "phe-
rules and find a way to do the work that
where their mouth is. In Europe,there's
nomenal" because of the controversial
I want to do;' she says. "For some rea-
far more excitement around stories of
writer-director's ability to balance cre-
son, I felt like I had to make [TheBisexu-
female sexuality than there is in the
ative control with a feminist and dem-
a~at that moment:'
States;' says Akhavan, who grew up
For lesbians whose eyes glaze over
in Rockland County, NY.,and survived
But it was AppropriateBehaviorthat
when they see the word "bisexual;'
the loneliest adolescence by watch-
revealed Akhavan's true comic voice
Akhavan is onto you. "When I pitched
ing copious amounts of American TV
and the key theme of ambivalence:
the idea to lesbian friends, a lot of peo-
and film. In a way, it's surprising that
ocratic ethos.
about her sexuality, about her identi-
ple said to me that the idea-a reverse
her voice is so experimental, since she
ty as a Persian-American, and about
coming out-was
grew up with an immigrant dad who
really offensive and
what is and isn't "appropriate:' In one
in bad taste and I should not make this.
loved watching Mr Bean. "I have a lot of
scene, Akhavan's character, Shirin,
And that got me really excited. I think
sympathy for immigrant parents who
struggles to come out to her success-
you should be risking everything, I think
just want the best for their children;'
ful, about-to-be-married brother, and he
you shouldn't be playing it sate:'
says Akhavan, who was a little nervous
dismisses her as a "sexually confused
In a series of events that could be
about inviting her parents to the New
narcissist:' In other words, a dreaded
taken right from an Akhavan script, she
York premiere of TheBisexual.But she
bisexual. "When you have to come
found herself going through a breakup,
tells me it went well, and they are, in
out to people who don't want to hear
losing her home in New York, and mov-
fact, proud of her.
it, your experience of being gay and
ing to London, where she had gone for
'The shows that do well are shows
~ .. forfemale-driven
1 ! contentthatis
j ; sexually
her more. "I don't know what the rules
incredibly important film, dealing with
says. "I think if I made any show that
are. I'm just making them up as I go.
conversion therapy and the impulse to
my dad loves, I'd be swimming in
The idea that you can't have women
discriminate that lurks in the heartland
dollar bills!' But she isn't, and that's
of color or queer people portrayed in
of American culture, and Akhavan put
just how it goes for a queer-bisexual,
this way or that way-I just don't listen
everything she knew about not fitting
American-Persian filmmaker. "I have
to that. I just look for ways to do the
in, about female sexuality, and about
yet to see a queer female story told by
things I want to do. I'm trying to show
truthfully portraying female desire and
a queer female filmmaker get as much
the world as I know it:'
sexuality into the project.
that my immigrant dad loves;' she
acclaim as films made by queer male
The world, and film culture, are
''I'd rather show you what it feels like
filmmakers;' she tells me. "Think of
catching up with Akhavan. "I think we
to be in that moment with those two
the success of BrokebackMountain. I
all have a bit of the male gaze in us;'
people, at that second, so that you
would just like to see the female equiv-
she says. "What I like is that with every
know what is the exchange that's hap-
alent of that:' she says.
year that passes I develop a muscle
pening;' she says. All sexual encoun-
that starts to see through that:'
ters, says Akhavan, "have some kind
Even a film like Carol, which we
of journey, from A to Z:' For this jour-
both love, she says, "is more about
Akhavan has said in previous inter-
the pressure of being a woman at that
views that her school life was miser-
ney,Akhavan put Moretz in the driver's
time-a mother, a wife-and having a
able, to the extent that she developed
seat. "I got out of her way. I realized
life you can't communicate external-
bulimia and still struggles with self-im-
she did not like any backseat driving,
ly. It wasn't about the sex;' she says.
age. She hates being photographed
she knew exactly what she was doing,
"I want to know why there isn't room
but she's in almost every scene of
she came in with an idea based on the
at the table for female-driven content
TheBisexual,which she says was "un-
script. I didn't even watch a rehears-
that is sexually explicit:'
pleasant:' But like most misfits who
al. I said to myself, 'I'll watch the first
take and if it sucks I'll go in and put
And that's where Akhavan comes
end up excelling, she has transformed
in, elbowing her way onto that table
her handicaps into superpowers. I ask
my hands in it; but I let myself give her
where Mr Bean and Woody Allen and
her what, as of today, her main super-
the opportunity to express herself, and
Louis CK sit, living proof that the en-
power might be.
when I did that it was fantastic!'
"I think I have a lot to say, and prob-
The safe, female-centric environ-
anything men produce is worthy of at-
ably the minute I didn't feel that, I
ment of CameronPost carried over into
tention. The lesson she has taken from
wouldn't be able to do this. I'm also an
The Bisexual,which employed a crew
them is the assumption that it is OK
observer. I think my superpower has al-
that was "majority female-exclusively
to be working this stuff out in public.
ways been about being invisible!'
women and almost exclusively gay,'
tertainment industry assumes that
"Filmmaking is my whole identity. It's
But the industry sees her. At just 34
says Akhavan. "It wasn't an agenda.
not just a job. You're just moving from
years old, Akhavan won the Grand Jury
It was specifically East London, it was
one goal to the next and you just try to
prize at Sundance for TheMiseducation
specifically a gay world!'
keep going;' she says.
of CameronPost. She did not appear
She-and I-are hoping for a season
She might not know where she
on-screen in that film but co-wrote and
two, and in the meantime, she has one
definitively fits in, but when it comes
directed it, gently guiding Chloe Grace
core objective for the show, and likely
to her art she isn't taking no for an
Moretz through the performance of
her future projects: "to help make peo-
answer. This winter marks her fourth
her career, in which we see an adoles-
ple feel less alone!'
year in London, and the distance from
cent girl's lesbian sexuality blossom
American culture has just empowered
and die right before our eyes. It's an
TheBisexualis nowon Hulu.com
It's the early 18th century and England is at war
with France. Crazed Queen Anne (Olivia Colman)
and her favorite adviser Lady Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz) are in command of the kingdom but
the palace is a madhouse with copious time set
aside for duck and lobster racing, bunny collecting, pigeon shooting, cake binging and other outrageous entertainments-even
throwing blood
oranges at naked men in periwigs!
All serious and key decisions are made by
Lady Sarah who-far from being feminine or subordinate-is
an iron fist in a velvet glove. Sarah
steers her mistress in all matters including military strategy ...until the arrival of distant cousin
Abigail Masham (Emma Stone) who has fallen on
hard times and begs to be taken in as a servant
to the queen. But Abigail has another agenda-to
worm her way into her Highness's favor and thus
become "the favorite:' Abigail starts as a scullery
maid but elevates her sights to the Queen's bedchamber after she discovers that Lady Sarah services the Queen not just in matters of state but
also in sex. Soon, the unscrupulous chambermaid
begins her own seductive strategy to become the
Queen's only meaningful companion.
The Favourite,directed by Yorgos Lanthimos,
with a screenplay by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, was inspired by actual historical events.
Queen Anne was the last and least celebrated
of the Stuart line of Britain's monarchy; she left
no heirs and her closest political adviser and rumored lover was her childhood best friend, Lady
Sarah, the Duchess of Marlborough. Screenwriter
Davis was fascinated by what was left out of the
history books and fleshes out the lesbian subtext
and court intrigue with delightful results.
"My focus was on the female triangle in Queen
Anne's bedchamber and this shift in Anne's affections from Sarah to Abigail;' notes Davis. To
portray this dynamic, Davis combed through volumes of letters between Sarah and Anne and Ab-
igail. "I wanted the audience to discover a period in 18th cen-
Rachel Weisz is sexy and powerful as Sarah, and Emma
tury English history where women held power and influenced
Stone is suitably conniving as Abigail. Olivia Colman (The
events on the British political and European stage:'
Crown)is exceptional as Anne. What a trio. "I don't think Anne
Grotesque, gout-ridden, and yet globally powerful, the ec-
realizes that Sarah is the true love in her life when she has her
centric Queen Anne comes close to screwing up her king-
head turned by Abigail;' Colman says. "She and Sarah have
dom through her childish evasions of responsibility, irrational
known each other since they were little girls and they've al-
outbursts, and a rogue's gallery of advisors nastily plotting
ways protected each other. But with Abigail, Anne is just so
intrigue as Sarah and Abigail duke it out for their Queen's
thrilled that someone is so attentive towards her. She just
affections. It's a love triangle of female power-players rarely
thinks, 'Oh, this beautiful young creature is looking at me' and
seen onscreen. When do we ever see English royalty through
she's completely struck by that. But the tragic part is that the
a lesbian lens? TheFavouriteis one of my favorite films of the
Queen thinks it's all for real ... and it's not:'
year; it's darkly comic, opulent, and a harrowing reminder that
Weisz relished playing another wonderful lesbian role
female relationships, historically, have their fare share of dra-
after Disobedience.'The Queen needs Sarah and Sarah, I
ma, especially when power is involved-let that be a warning
think, loves to be needed by the Queen;' says Weisz. "Neither
to our newest wave of feminist players! And yet love between
politics, nor battle tactics nor running the country is Anne's
women emerges as a serious theme. Even as the plot teeters
strong suit, but that's all very appealing to Sarah;' she says.
on the brink of tragedy the film passes the Bechdel Test with
"Yet, they are also childhood best friends who make love to
flying colors.
one another. To me, their relationship gets into all kinds of
themes of sexual politics, power games, power struggles,
emotional needs, emotional dependence, dominance and
subjugation, as well as pain, protectiveness and healing:'
Weisz hung out with Stone and Colman for three weeks
before shooting to develop rapport and trust so that they
"were ready for whatever might happen;' says Stone. The
Oscar-winner tapped into her character's growing attraction
to the Queen. She "is permanently heartbroken and she's so
physically debilitated that it breaks your heart-and I do think
it breaks Abigail's heart a bit;' says Stone.
Director Yorgos Lanthimos delivers an unhinged costume
drama that makes DangerousLiaisons look tame and heteronormative by comparison. Production design by Fiona
Crombie creates an incredible atmosphere of excess, and the
costumes by three-time Oscar winner Sandy Powell (Caro~
are superb. Highly recommended.
The Favouriteopensin cinemason November23.
On August 29, 2018 the exhibition "Brave, Beautiful Outlaws,, opened in the
SoHo neighbourhood of New York at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and
Lesbian Art. Most of the photographs had never been exhibited publically
before-a selection of photos from the personal SO-yeararchive of
Donna Gottschalk. The New York Times recently headlined her as "the most
famous lesbian photographer you've never heard of-until now:'
Words:JulieMccrossin Images:DonnaGottschalk
"talented and sensitive story tell-
er." The images show the radical
orah Bright, has chosen
lesbian communities
of the peri-
to focus on the early years of
od with a remarkable intimacy.
They give the viewer a sense of
work: the late '60s
and '70s when the photographer
peeking through a window or over
moved repeatedly, as a young
a fence into a private world. It is a
woman, between her hometown
world where women are develop-
of New York, and San Francisco.
ing a new way of living a free, un-
Bright describes Gottschalk as a
apologetic lesbian life. They are
throwing off the shame of past
New York. The woman is holding
eras. You can see it in their faces
a handwritten sign on a piece of
and eye contact as they look di-
cardboard. It reads: "I am your
rectly into the lens of the camera
worst fear. I am your best fanta-
with affection and confidence.
sy." The woman has her head tilt-
Gottschalk didn't see herself as
ed back. She is not smiling. She
a documentary photographer or a
looks defiant. It could easily be
as photo journalist
interpreted as a political
at the time-
or even in the decades afterwards
But it is also an image of a friend,
when she kept taking pictures.
taken for personal reasons.
She was simply documenting her
Of course, this is the era when
own life and the experiences of
the slogan, "the personal is polit-
her friends. In the exhibition, we
ical" was first articulated. To the
see a powerful image of a woman
taken in 1970 at the Christopher
young women, it offers a fasci-
Street Gay Liberation Parade in
nating historical insight into the
viewer, especially
birth of radical lesbianism. How-
grown older herself, she has de-
ever, to the photographer herself,
cided to share these intimate, do-
it is more about sharing a person-
mestic portraits with the broader
al record of her life and the life of
rainbow community.
her friends, many of whom have
Personally, I am thrilled and
died. As Gottschalk told The New
deeply moved by this decision
York Times, 'These photos are the
because one of the images in the
only memorial some of these peo-
ple will ever have."
cant role in my own early lesbian
Over the years, only a small
played a very signifi-
life. The photo is titled "Sleepers,
Limerick, PA 1970." It shows two
tos have been published in the
gay and lesbian press. She has
gether in a simple wooden bed
been "fiercely protective" of the
beside an open window. They are
images and didn't want to "sub-
so close together
ject them to scrutiny, judgement
look quite closely to see whether
and abuse." However, as she has
there are one or two women in the
you have to
bed. Above the bed, to the left,
is a partly-obscured sign on the
a peaceful couple in a snug bed
was a beacon of hope. I could see
wall that reads "Lesbians Unite".
another way to live. It was a way I
yearned to live. A life without the
Again, you have to peer at the image to see what is says.
In the very early 1970s this
photograph was made into a silk-
for recogni-
tion, acceptance and equality.
screened poster with an overall,
poster of the Sleepers. It is under my house in a professional
frame with a glass front. I had it
restored and glued to a cardboard
backing so it would last a lifetime.
Of course, I live the "Sleepers" life
was taken, I was in senior high
school. I had known I had lesbi-
now, in a safe, quiet, loving home
with my wife, Melissa. Our adult
children attended our wedding
In 1970, when this
an feelings since I was 13 and I
had never heard anyone say anything positive about homosexuality. It had all been sin, mental
illness and criminality. I don't remember exactly when I first saw
Curated by Deborah Bright
This exhibition features the work of
Donna Gottschalk, a photographer
Gottschalk came out as a lesbian
"Sleepers." I am pretty sure it was
soon after I started at the University of Sydney in 1972 and found
and creating an image that was
my first Gay Liberation meeting
on campus.
ing for me when I really needed
I was thrown out of home at
18 when I told my parents I was
to "see" who I was and the life I
shared houses around the inner
city. On every wall of every bedroom, I put up the fading yellow
Lesbian Art, New York City
the "Brave, Beautiful Outlaws" exhibition of these photos is now on
I thank, from the bottom of my
means, I lived in a large number of
lie-Lohman Museum of Gay and
active in the early period of radical lesbian organizing in New York
and California during the 1970s.
heart, Donna Gottschalk for documenting her radical lesbian life
in love with another girl. Like so
many other students with limited
Until March 17, 2019 at The Les-
in New York in 2014, only a few
neighborhoods away from where
poster of the
the screen-printed
I still have my faded, tattered
yellow colour wash. In an era of
bold, assertive slogans and images, this poster was notable for its
gentleness and intimacy.
The Photographs of Donna
could live.
I believe lesbian photographers
and visual artists are as important today as they were in the '60s
and '70s - for young people and
members of religious families and
communities who
poster of the Sleepers. In the wild
melee of the birth of women's
still condemn homosexuality.
liberation, gay activism and the
early days of Sydney's Gay and
happy life is possible.
Lesbian Mardi Gras, that image of
Seeing is believing. A free and
right at the formation of the radical
lesbians and Furies collectives on
the East Coast, where she met lesbian artists JEB (Joan E. Biren), Flavia
Rando, and others, and later moved
to California to join lesbian-separatist communities. In both locations,
Gottschalk photographed herself,
friends, lovers, and activists in radical lesbian communities. Gottschalk
also documented the life of her sibling, formerly a gay man named Alfie
who transitioned to become a woman named Myla.
It's been a wonderful year for Olivia,
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Winter 2018 » volume28 number4
Publisher Silke Bader
Founding Publisher Frances Stevens
Editor-in-Chief Merryn Johns
Senior Copy Editor Katherine Wright
Contributing Editors Victoria A. Brownworth, Lyndsey D'Arcangelo,
Janelle and Melany Joy Beck, Jennifer McDowell, Rachel Paulson, Dave Steinfeld
Editorial Assistant Liv Steigrad
Proofreader Melanie Barker
National Sales Rivendell Media (908) 232-2021
Email todd@curvemagazine.com
Art Director Bruno Cesar Guimaraes
Cover Image of Desiree Akhavan by
Richard Saker / Getty Images
Liv Steigrad
Melanie Barker, Victoria A. Brownworth, Amy Deneson, Anita Dolce Vita, Alex Eugene,
Sassafras Lowrey, Dave Steinfeld, Lisa Tedesco
Grace Chu, Jill Greenberg, Sheryl Kay, Syd London, B. Proud,
Amanda Ramon, Rachael Zimmerman
Curve Magazine
PO Box 1099
Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
Phone (415) 871-0569
Subscription Inquiries subscriptions@curvemag.com
Advertising Email todd@curvemagazine.com
Editorial Email edit:or@curvemag.com
Letters to the Editor Email letters@curvemagazine.com
Volume 28 Issue 4 Curve (ISSN 1087-867X) is published 4 times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) by Avalon
Media, LLC, PO 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia. Subscription price: $35/year, $49 Canadian (U.S. funds
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may not be reproduced in any manner, either whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. Publication of the name or photograph of any persons or organizations appearing, advertising or listing in Curve may
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4 timesa year
• Spring
Summer • Fall • Winter
Women We Love:
Blair lmani
She's an activist, educator, organizer,
creator, writer, and an outspoken queer.
Trends: Think Pink
And she's speaking back to the dominant
culture with protest and a powerful new
Our favorite additions to the Holiday
table this year include pink champagne
and pomegranates, and both will give
your festivities a rosy view!
Food Revolution:
Kitchen Confidence
Meet Muffie Fulton, the scientist and culinary expert who is sharing her technical knowledge of molecular cooking with
adventurous women.
Travel: Olivia
Looks Ahead
2019 and beyond features a choice of
Cover Story: Desiree
incredible itineraries in lesbian travel,
from cruises to adventures to resorts, all
around the world.
The bisexual Iranian -American filmmak-
Style Icon: Gabrielle
er is making the most relevant onscreen
stories for queer women, and no topic,
including her own sexuality, is off limits.
Did you know that a fashion-forward
lesbian is the editor-in-chief of NYLON
magazine? And she's turning the beauty
world upside-down!
Hardwick Victoria
A Brown
Julie is an Australian radio broadcaster, journalist, co-
Janelle has been writing for Curvefor over seven years,
median, political commentator and activist for wom-
alone and with her co-writer and wife Melany Joy Beck.
en's and gay rights. Known across Australia for her
When she's not bringing our readers the best and bright-
warmth, humor, intelligence and commitment to social
est LGBTQstars, she has worked on documentaryfllms
justice, she has spent 20 years with ABC Radio, ABC TV
including Nevada Film Festival Special Jury Prize win-
and Network 10, and is now a freelance journalist, facil-
ner BringIt 2 Peter,contributed harmonies to alt-country
itator, trainer and speaker, bringing people together, get-
band Delavan, and has been seen moonlighting as an
ting them communicating and helping them achieve
extra in the Showtime series Shameless.She is also ob-
positive outcomes. juliemccrossin.com
sessed with her chihuahua, Bella.
Christie is founder and curator of Inspiration Gather-
Victoria is a lifelong socialist, feminist and advocacy
ings. She is also an ordained minister with the Centers
journalist who has been nominated for the Pulitzer
for Spiritual Living, a performing artist and a writer who
Prize and won the Society of Professional Journal-
serves as executive coach and spiritual guide to lead-
ists Award, an NLGJA Award, and a Lambda Literary
ers from the non-profit and corporate sectors. Current-
Award. She's published two dozen books, including the
ly an American Leadership Forum Senior Fellow and
award-winning OrdinaryMayhem,ComingOut of Cancer
faculty member, she spent five years on the Women's
and From Where They Sit. In 2010 she founded Tiny
Leadership Board for at Harvard, and served as an
Satchel Press, which publishes books for kids of color
elected School Trustee. inspirationgatherings.org
and LGBTQkids. victoriabrownworth.com
his year has been a bit of a shocker as we try to come
to grips with the rollback of our hardwon human and
LGBT rights and withstand the tensions that contin-
ue to arise from gender and racial inequality. But historically,
in times of turmoil many people find comfort and validation
in art. Film-at least for me-has always been more than just
Editorin Chief
Merryn Johns
entertainment. It's a truly collaborative and intersectional art
form. It's a platform for individual expression and collective
catharsis and a mirror of the culture at large. Which is why
I'm such a huge fan of the bisexual Iranian-American writer-director-actor Desiree Akhavan. At just 34 years old she's
already written and directed the acclaimed films Appropriate
Behaviorand TheMiseducationof CameronPost, and her series The Bisexualis now available on Hulu. Read our Cover
Story to find out why she's one of the most relevant voices
in queer film today. Elsewhere in this issue I hope you savor
our inspiring and enticing menu of travel destinations, and
some bold new trends in food and drink to see you through
the Holidays. Stay warm, stay brave, and stay powerful!
Activist, educator, organizer, writer, outspoken queer. VictoriaA. Brownworth
She's beautiful, brilliant, and declarative about
and underwent a relentless backlash complete
who and what she is: 'Tm a black American Mus-
with violent threats. She came out as queer on
lim woman and a survivor of sexual assault, and I
national television. She's been arrested with Black
know Donald Trump's America doesn't value me or
Lives Matter activists protesting the killing of
my story'.' She will not be silenced: "Being quiet or
black Americans. "I realized immediately that I had
polite about our oppression won't make it go away'.'
done something fairly profound: be myself'
She's modeling personal power for other women
She organized a vigil for slain police officers in
who have been marginalized by misogynist, racist,
Baton Rouge, La.,just days after being arrested at
and homophobic, biphobic or transphobic norms:
a protest over the killing of Alton Sterling by police
"Nothing is bolder than celebrating who you are in
officers in that city. At that time, she told the lo-
a world that does not always accept you'.'
cal newspaper that for her there was no conflict
The list of her accomplishments is long, yet
between the two events because she abhors vio-
she's barely 25. lmani founded and is executive di-
lence. "Our community is in a seemingly perpetual
rector of Equality for HER,which she describes as
state of mourning. Waking up to the headlines of
"a nonprofit educational platform for women and
yet another shooting less than a week after my ar-
nonbinary people. Four years after its founding,
rest at a peaceful protest broke my heart;' lmani
Equality for HERjoined NBCUniversal'saward-win-
wrote on Facebook. 'The senseless violence must
ning accelerator program for organizations work-
cease, we must come together as a community
ing to rid the world of discrimination. lmani's
in purposeful and meaningful ways. The first step
exciting and groundbreaking new book, Modern
toward rebuilding our broken community is for us
HERstory:Storiesof Womenand NonbinaryPeople
to come together in mourning for all lives extin-
RewritingHistory,tells the stories of 70 contem-
guished by senseless and tragic acts of violence'.'
porary heroes who are changing the world, and is
When Trump attacked Muslims and refugees
part of her personal and professional mission to
during his first months in office, lmani called him
put an end to discrimination.
out for demonizing them, writing on Twitter, "Mus-
ModernHERstory,with its powerful biographies,
lims, refugees, and immigrants don't have to be
illustrations by Monique Le, and foreword by
'useful' to you or your economy for their humanity
Tegan and Sara, has exploded across the coun-
to be valued'.'
try during lmani's nationwide book tour. Some of
lmani has been succinct about Gen Z's inten-
those profiled in the book we know, like Oprah,
tion to vitiate the structural discrimination that
Ellen, and Rihanna; but others-especially
devalues those who constitute the global majority:
ists, doctors, scientists, writers, influencers-have
women and people of color. "We're multifaceted,
been overlooked until we meet them on the pages
we understand what intersectionality is, we value
of lmani's book.
diversity, and we're ready to bring forward a world
In this perilous time for women, people of color, LGBTQand other marginalized people, lmani's
that respects and values all of us ...One woman's
reality should not be used to erase another's'.'
voice rings clear and bold as she speaks truth to
power. She took on Tucker Carlson at Fox News
Meet clinical herbalist and queer woman Laura Ash, head
'witch' at The Scarlet Sage Herb Co., San Francisco.
Clinical herbalist, queer woman, mother of two, dancer, sto-
Scarlet Sage now offers spiritual cleansing, tarot reading,
ryteller, social entrepreneur and philanthropist, Laura Ash has
dream interpretation, intuitive guidance and sacred spa ser-
expanded The Scarlet Sage Herb Co., San Francisco's local
vices, Carsten energy alignment and chakra balancing, herb-
sanctuary for all things healing and witchy. Located on Va-
al medicine consultation, and more. She has also officially
lencia Street in the heart of the Mission District, Scarlet Sage
opened the Scarlet Sage School of Traditional Healing arts
is committed to empowering people through herbalist care.
with several certifications already available and several more
Scarlet Sage owner Laura Ash, who was a former em-
coming soon.
ployee of the two women who established Scarlet Sage, is
Shop the line of Scarlet Sage products, including powders,
transforming this 23-year-old 'Witchy Speakeasy' into an
serums and potions made from premium cruelty-free natural
even more diverse experience, offering transformative experi-
ingredients. We recommend the Blue Mountains activated
ences including traditional healing arts, divination intensives
aroma-a light mist fragrance that awakens the senses and
with renowned teachers, certifications in herbal medicine,
enlivens the spirit and contains such mystical ingredients as
aromatherapy, indigenous healing, private botanical inspired
Blue Chamomile and Lapis Lazuli gemstone essence. Scar-
events, and much more. Laura's dream was to expand the
let Sage products make perfect gifts for those you love and
historic space on Valencia into a complete wellness venue,
of course includes you.
and she has achieved her vision with the help of lndiegogo
crowdfunding and an almost all-female team.
withjusta spritz!
Daba fewdropsofthis
andrestorea youthful,
Publication Title: Curve
Publication No.: 0010-355
Filing Date: Dec 1, 2018
Issue Frequency: Quaterly
Dec I Mar/ Jul / Sep
Number of Issues Published Annually: 4
Annual Subscription Price: $35.00
Complete Mailing Address: PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
Contact Person: Silke Bader
IN A SENTENCE:A best selling iconic astrological datebook,
moon calendar and visionary collection of women's creative work.
Telephone: (415) 871-0569
year creating a space to explore and celebrate the diversity of
Publisher. Si Ike Bader PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
Editor. Merryn Johns PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300,
women on Earth and tune in with our natural cycles.
Owner(s): Avalon Media LLC PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW
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Silke Bader PO Box 1099 Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
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Our favorite additions to the Holiday table will give
your guests a rosy view of the festivities.
Serves: 41 Makes:
8 tacos I Prep Time: 1 5 minutes
In our Curvetest kitchen we discovered that POM Wonderful's 100% Pomegranate Juice and POM POMS Fresh
Arils help make entertaining both easy and impressive.
Play with the sweet, tart taste of the arils or the deep rich
flavor of the juice to create Holiday recipes worth serving, such as Curry Roasted Vegetables or Dark Chocolate Cookies. High in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants,
pomegranates add an exotic, luxurious touch to festive
fare. We tried them with tacos for something different!
cup POM Wonderful 100%
tablespoons fresh lime juice
Pomegranate Juice
tablespoons olive oil
cloves, garlic, pressed
jalapeno, minced, handful of
chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
lb skirt steak
corn tortillas
1. Mix POMWonderful 100% PomegranateJuice, lime
juice, olive oil, garlic, jalapef\o, cilantro and salt together in a gallon resealableplastic bag. Add the skirt
steak and marinate overnight.
2. Heat a grill or grill pan over high heat. Removesteak
from marinadeand grill for 3 to 4 minutes per side for
medium rare. Removemeat to a cutting board and let
rest for 10 minutes.
3. Heat tortillas. Thinly slice steak against the grain,
about 1/3 inch thick. Divideslices among the tortillas
and top with POMPOMSFreshArils and any additional toppings such as avocado, lime wedges, cilantro,
and Cotija cheese.
Keep the pink coming with a glass of Cuvee Rose! In
1968, Champagne Laurent-Perrier debuted Cuvee Rose,
a complex, single varietal, non-vintage
rose cham-
pagne that has become a classic and the standard for
brut pink champagnes. A world-renowned iconic label,
which paved the way for many imitations but after 50
years, Laurent-Perrier Cuvee Rose is here to stay and
remains our favorite, flexible enough to serve with anything-from
fruits, to cheeses and meats. Break out a
bottle for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve,
and toast to better times ahead.
uffie Fulton grew up in a food-centric Colorado
up a copy of Chef Ferran Adria's celebrated A Day at el Bu/Ii
family where trying out a new recipe or restaurant
about ten years ago. I was surprised by how much overlap
was a favorite past-time. After studying science
there was between what high-end chefs were doing and my
and embarking on a career in the biotech industry, Muffle
own scientific training. At the time, no one was teaching
pursued neuroscience, obtaining a Masters degree from
non-professionals the foundations of modernist cooking, so
Stanford. She went on to work for companies such as De-
I took it upon myself to learn these techniques. In 2015, I be-
loitte, 23andMe, and Genentech, where she took a role in
gan teaching classes in Los Altos, California to demonstrate
global supply and operations. Traveling for business afford-
to other cooks how to use modernist techniques like sous
ed Muffle the opportunity to try local cuisine. But it wasn't
vide, spherification, hydrocolloids, foams, smoking guns, and
until she discovered molecular cooking that the connection
fluid gels, to make food look and taste as good as possible.
between her two passions-food
and science-delivered
an epiphany.
We have all of the produce California has to offer, and the
I've always been a voracious cookbook reader and picked
climate is mild enough that we have it all year round. Most
farmers markets here are open every month of the year. The
Bay Area has always been known for innovation and creativi-
from beet juice, moldable chocolate mousse, and aerated
ty, and we have huge immigrant populations, especially from
smoked cream and cucumber sauce. My tours are for food
Asia and Latin America. All of those things together offer a
obsessives. We learn about culture and history through
tremendous variety, and people like to try new things here.
food. A typical day might start with a walk through a local
We have more 3 Michelin starred restaurants than New York
market. We will stop and try things along the way, working
City, and I think a lot of that is rooted in creativity. Of course
with a local guide to understand the products and how they
Michelin isn't the only measure we should pay attention to,
are made. In the afternoon we might take a cocktail class
and it has its significant limitations, but it's an indication of
using native ingredients, and then that evening we will go to
the quality and the importance of food here.
a world class restaurant where we see the local ingredients
used in creative and imaginative ways.
I'm a food wonk. I teach classes, have run a pop-up dinner
series, do private dinners, run food tours all over the world,
Through the first half of 2019, Bold Food will only be of-
write articles and have even done a few videos. The thread
fering private cooking workshops, private dinners and pri-
that runs through all of it is knowledge. I think about food,
vately organized tours as I will be spending the majority of
I read about food, I learn the science of food, and I always
my time working on a book. Anyone is welcome to request
want to know how and why things work. I can develop a
these, and I will fulfill as many requests as I can based on
recipe for truly savory ice cream based on my knowledge of
the time available. In 2018, we offered trips to Singapore,
the physics and chemistry of ice cream's components. I can
Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Peru, Barcelona, Mexico City and
taste olive oil and determine if it is extra virgin or not. I can
Austin, Texas. The workshops that we offer include many
talk to you about wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures and
modernist techniques like sous vide, hydrocolloids, gels,
why that matters in cooking, the difference in ingredients
foams, dehydration, chamber vacuum sealing, and even
used in northern Thailand and southern Thailand, and I can
explain to you how fish sauce is made and the different stages of fermentation it goes through to become itself. I love to
learn, and I love to share that knowledge with others.
I have very little formal training, but I have taken a lot of
in depth, weeklong type courses on specific subjects. I've
done the culinary bootcamp they used to have at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley. I've taken a weeklong artisan baking course at the San Francisco Baking
Institute. I've taken every class I can find on the science of
cooking. And one of the most important things I did when
learning modernist techniques is doing private workshops
with Alex Talbot of Ideas in Food. I learned that even if a
class is meant for professionals, if you pay your money and
show up in the proper attire, they don't kick you.
froma Bold
My classes and workshops are immersive. Classes are
typically four hours long, and we focus on learning techniques and the science behind the techniques. We will
make things like sous vide pork belly, beet noodles made
ry; n
It Up
A couple combines essential oils and
cocktails for a healthier happy hour.
hnstie ardWIC
eet Julez Weinberg and Meredith Kelly,
a lesbian power couple who have created prosperity and joy for thousands of
wellness advocates throughout the U.S. and overseas. This vibrant duo has built a soaring health
and wellness practice with d6TERRA Essential
Oils, including cocktails!
Essential oils contain the very essence-the
concentrated odor and flavor-of
the plants they
were extracted from. You've seen essential oils
used in candles and lotions, and even in the wellness potions available at your local health food
store, but you'll really be wowed by a cocktail that
provides the same immune-boosting properties!
In addition to the couple's combined four decades of experience in the wellness industry, Julez has recently published a book of her time-tested recipes, using a cadre of healthy elixirs. In The
EssentialMixologistshe shares 22 of her original,
delectable, essential-oil-infused recipes. One of
my favorites is The Rebel Purist-imagine
co tequila, cucumber, fresh lime, jalapeno, and
wild orange essential oil! The book dives into the
properties of essential oils, the use of other pure
ingredients, and the magic of crafting cocktailsor mocktails. These cocktails are just part of the
alchemy TheEssentialMixologist reveals.
"Essential oils reconnect us with nature ...we
get to help people remember their symbiotic relationship with the plant world;' says Julez.
"We get to empower people with safe, effective,
affordable ways to enhance and maintain their
health;' adds Meredith.
For Julez and Meredith, navigating the world of
inspiring teachers. You can also inquire about
how to work with them to build your own prosperous practice, enhancing your life and the lives
of others. At the very least, get yourself a few
essential oils and the EssentialMixologist recipe
book, then have your own healthy happy hour
with your friends.
natural remedies led them to discovering these
"superheroes:' As Julez informs me, "If you could
ask your great-great-grandmother about how to
use essential oils, chances are they were part of
her apothecary:' And Meredith says, "We do have
a health crisis in this world, and smell is one of
our most powerful senses. How wonderful that it
can also trigger our body's amazing self-healing
I was intrigued by the way d6TERRA sourced
its products. Through "co-impact sourcing;' the
company works to positively benefit farmers, harvesters, and distillers. This couple cares deeply
that the products they use are sourced in places
where they are native, and not mass produced or
treated using chemicals or genetic modification.
This commitment to purity helps explain why doTERRA essential oils are health enhancing. I use
lavender to sleep, ylang ylang for my heart, peppermint for headaches, frankincense on my skin,
oregano, basil, and dill to infuse sauces. I literally
have an alchemy chest full of these aromatics to
enhance my life.
Moving out of the medicine and kitchen cabi-
nets, you'll find these oils are also used for a proprietary technique called "Aromatouch:' Meredith
is a master trainer and will help anyone learn the
ounce cucumber juice
process, using eight oils to promote relaxation,
fresh squeezed lime
healing, and overall wellbeing. (This is a great gift
tbs maple syrup
for couples to give each other. My wife and I give
drop doTERRAspearmint
each other Aromatouch regularly!)
There is so much to know about essential oils,
Fill shaker with ice.
Layer ingredients in
shaker, stir well and
ounces bourbon
serve over crushed ice
in a brandy snifter or
glass of choice.
essential oil. Finish with fizzy water,
garnish with a sprig of mint
their properties, and their power to support your
health. Julez and Meredith are patient, wise, and
A mixologist couple in Inglewood, California are pioneering fermented cocktails.
anie a er
ow you can drink to your health with
are delicious, and come with the benefit of
MiddleBar cocktail products, a soon-
slightly lower alcohol content.
to-be iconic brand that will have you
To imbibe at the source, drop by their Ingle-
mixing farm-fresh cocktails in no time at all.
wood, California dinner parlor and brunche-
The brainchild of seasoned mixologists Corrie
rie on Market Street and pair your choice of
Scully and Renie Schoenkerman, it was their
cocktail with farm-to-table menu items and
award-winning Bloody Mary recipe, appropri-
musical entertainment. Sip on cocktail clas-
ately dubbed MiddleBar Mary, that clicked off
sics infused with a potpourri of herbs and bo-
their cocktail revolution.
tanicals. How about a Blackberry Basil Sun-
Next, the couple-who have been together
since 2007-introduced
rise incorporating berry and herb-fermented
an exclusive collec-
tequila? Or MiddleBar's Spiced Rum, which
tion of farm fresh mocktails, as well as a line
features fair trade coffee from Rwanda. Take
of cocktail accoutrements, which they apply
home a bottle of the famous MiddleBar Mary
to a menu of wildly unique concoctions that
for just $12, and don't forget to grab some La-
gniappe Beans or Bourbon Poached Cherries
for your home bar.
And if you're thinking all this food-and-liquor
fusion has a Southern vibe, you'd be right.
Scully brings her New Orleans background
and culinary expertise to the MiddleBar table,
while Schoenkerman is a scientist who brings
her profession as a therapist into MiddleBar's
overarching philosophy-meaningful
izing without getting wasted. Schoenkerman
says, ''There's strong data to support the valuable health benefits and increased wellbeing
of simply gathering with friends or loved ones
to share quality time, while enjoying earth's
abundant blessings. That's what MiddleBar is
all about:' In these troubled times, that's welcome news. Cheers!
~ oz Bourbon or Vodka
oz of MB Ginja Syrup
oz Seabold Ginger Beer Cordial
wheels of lime
Soda Water
Muddle Ginger Beer Cordial and lime in the
bottom of a heavy mixing cup. Add Ginja
Syrup, ice and booze. Shake well. Pour into
Collins glass and top with soda, garnish
with fresh lime.
eet Gabrielle Korn-the bright, blonde, fash-
ion-forward, proudly lesbian editor-in-chief
of NYLONmagazine.
Since joining the staff of this young women's fash-
something she's keen to share.
I noticed how she beautifully integrated color with
pattern, texture, and silhouette for every appearance
she made at New York Fashion Week this year,while
ion bible, she has transformed it from a monthly print
remaining the epitome of queer cool. "NYLONis de-
publication for millennials into a digital community for
fined by being hyper-relevant and super-cool and
online-savvy women of all ages-particularly the elu-
doing things that other people aren't doing yet-and
sive and aware Gen Zs.
to me that is what I aspire to be. NYLON'saesthetic
As the voice and vision of the NYLONbrand, Korn
brings unswerving confidence, and the expertise
is personal for me and that reflects how our readers
read it, too:'
that she honed as beauty editor of Refinery29. A
Korn is one of those rare creatures, an editor you
lesbian beauty editor? Isn't that a contradiction in
can trust; an editor who selects content because it
terms? Not at all. And in some ways, Kern's ability
is good-not because she's selling something. "Our
to inhabit that role with such ease and uncompro-
readers want to read about how they can buy sus-
mising commitment delineates exactly how publish-
tainable-while also looking cool. I think they come
ing has changed in the digital age, becoming more
to us for the balance in that. They want to trust us for
democratic as well as discerning for women of all
recommendations of products that will elevate them
attitudes and expressions.
but also make the world a better place:'
Gone are the days when a women's magazine coerced its readers into attitudes and aspirations that
When all the decisions were hers to make, one
of the first things she did was to assess NYLON's
serve advertisers and the dominant culture. Which
monthly themes and question their deliverables for
is not to say that Korn isn't under commercial pres-
the readership.
sure to make the new-look NYLONwork and become
"I don't ever want anyone to look at our fashion
sustainable in an era where images and information
content and think that it's not for them. If you don't
saturate us every second across multiple self-curated
like that fashion-sure. But if it doesn't speak to you
platforms. She admits to being the biggest champion
because you're plus-size, or you're minority, or you're
of the brand, but the way she shapes the content is
queer, then that to me is unacceptable. Our monthly
spectacularly and singularly down to her. And that's a
theme needs to speak to a broader topic that is prom-
good thing.
inent that month, one that people care about:'
Meeting Korn for lunch this summer I was pleased
And so she killed the Denim Issue (it was also one
to find this brilliant young woman at the height of her
of my pet peeves), finding it to be fairly "arbitrary" in
powers, perfectly integrating her instincts with the
an intersectional digital age. Korn made some other
desires of her readers. Is the word dead? Do we need
meaningful choices, such as replacing the February
magazines or editors anymore? Aren't we a dying
Issue, which was a spring fashion review, with Black
breed in an age of lnstafamers and Al?
"I think that people still really want experts, and
History Month. "It's so important to put black women
front and center,' she says.
that's what sets media creators apart from readers.
The old argument, which I've also heard in pub-
We are competing with our readers for engagement,
lishing until recently-that black women on the cover
but I think they trust the brand to bring something to
don't sell-is simply not true. Newsstand racism is
the table that users don't:' she tells me.
something that she, and I, are keen to dismantle. And
And to that extent, Kern's personal aesthetic-as
well as her consciousness as a femme lesbian-is
the opportunity to do so happened only fairly recently.
'To me it felt like when Tumblr and social justice
call-out culture, which was largely driven by black
her-she doesn't.) "I serve the masthead;' she says
women, became part of the mainstream conversa-
modestly. And that includes happily applying her
tion. It was a new-school vs. old-school shift and it's
gayness to content creation.
something that I took with me to NYLON.The major-
"I quickly realized how gay our readers are be-
ity of covers for this year, the first year I've been edi-
cause our top performing stories were things like
tor-in-chief, will be women of color, and that's never
lesbian celebrities, periods, witches, gay sex ...they
happened before in NYLON'shistory.
wanted that content, so we just started giving that
"Newsstand racism becomes this self-fulfilling
to them. That's how our audience grew. We have a
prophecy. If you don't put black women in your mag-
really solid Gen Z readership, and 51 percent of Gen
azine, they're not going to buy your magazine, be-
Zers identify as 'not straight';' she reveals.
cause they don't see themselves there. You have to
The June issue, which was previously the Music
take a risk and make a strong antiracist statement.
Issue, became, under Kern's stewardship, the Pride
Otherwise you're a part of the problem:'
Issue. "I put Hayley Kiyoko on the cover and it was
Similarly, lesbians who wanted to be a part of the
one of our most popular covers of all time. I just
fashion and beauty and publishing industries were
keep thinking about what my life was when I was
often laughed out of the room and excluded.
"To me, the word queer is a great umbrella term.
12. If I'd had her, everything would have been different for me:'
But it implies a degree of fluidity that I haven't ex-
If Kern's readers are on high alert for "racist, clas-
perienced;' says Korn, who maintains that the label
sist, privileged media;' she herself is vigilant about
"lesbian" has truth and value.
empowering women through the NYLONplatform.
But how does lesbian style mix with beauty edito-
''I'm very intentional about hiring all-female crews,
rial content? "At first it didn't;' she admits. While she
so the people creating the image, from the mood
was a beauty editor at Refinery29 she "did a lot of
board to completion, are all women. So we're creat-
fighting for my representation, but it ended up being
ing the images for ourselves. I make sure the subject
really great and one of the most validating things
of a piece is really comfortable with everything we're
I've ever done, because lesbians are so hungry for
delivering, so the model, the actors, the musicians,
representation in beauty and fashion and things
have to like the clothes; they see the photos as we
they really care about:'
take them; it's very much on their terms.
Changing things was as simple as acknowledging
"For example, the last cover was with Camila
that beauty is not about telling readers "what lipstick
Mendes and we put her in something where her nip-
to wear to meet a man:' She moved up from being
ples showed, and we had a real conversation with
digital director of NYLONto being its editor-in-chief
her,with her PR team, and with everyone on set, and
when the print incarnation was retired and the entire
she was very much like, 'I want to do this. I want to
magazine became digital. A move that's overdue, she
have a nipple moment. We will do something sexy
says-although she's keeping the format of monthly
as part of a statement about what sexiness is:'
themes and covers such as Camila Mendes.
So next time you visit NYLONonline, you can rest
If you'd one day like to walk in Kern's shoes and be
assured that a lesbian is at the helm. 'That's so im-
an editor-in-chief, she reveals that you'll need to be
portant to me, because I think people still don't know
able to balance creativity with organizational, peo-
that fashion is changing and there are actual people
ple, and social skills. It's a rare combination, I note,
working really, really hard to make those changes:'
with less ego than you'd think. (Just in case you
thought Korn must have a little Devil Wears Prada in
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Human Rights Campaign (HRC), "For LGBTQ survivors
of sexual assault, their identities-and
the discrimina-
tion they face surrounding those identities-often
them hesitant to seek help from police, hospitals, shelters, or rape crisis centers, the very resources that are
supposed to help them:'
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects
(NCAVP) surveyed victim advocates: 85 per cent reported having worked with an LGBTQsurvivor who was
denied services because of their sexual orientation or
gender identity. According to the HRC,"As a community,
LGBTQpeople face higher rates of poverty, stigma, and
marginalization, which put us at greater risk for sexual
assault. We also face higher rates of hate-motivated violence, which can often take the form of sexual assault:'
This is true for lesbians. The National Sexual Violence
Resource Center (NSVRC)states that one in five women
will be raped in her lifetime. Of rape and sexual assault
victims, 91 per cent are women.
The NSVRC states that 46.4 per cent of lesbiansnearly half-are victims of rape and sexual assault. In
the majority of rapes, the perpetrator is known to the victim. Nearly 10 per cent of all rapes and sexual assaults
was going to write this piece about lesbians and the
occur at work. Those are the reported incidents-the ac-
#Me Too movement in the dispassionate third-person
tual number is likely to be much higher, as the #Me Too
language I've employed as a reporter for the past
movement has made alarmingly clear. As an aggregate,
30 years. That approach didn't work. This is far too per-
working-class and working-poor women are the ones
sonal a story for me.
who are most likely to be sexually assaulted on the job.
I wrote through anger and through tears. I wrote
to break the silence: Sexual assault and rape are not
So many lesbian victims, so little discourse. Nearly
50 per cent translates into millions of lesbian victims.
crimes that happen only to heterosexual women. Les-
One such victim was Andrea Constand, a profession-
bians get sexually assaulted and raped by men more
al basketball player and administrator for the women's
often than anyone acknowledges. And when they are
basketball team at Temple University in Philadelphia.
assaulted, it is the lesbians who are most likely not to
Bill Cosby, who was on the board at Temple, was Con-
tell anyone, even law enforcement, and to suffer in iso-
stand's mentor and friend. Nevertheless, she was
lating and PTSD-inducing silence.
drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian at
Like other women, lesbians-butch,
femme, gender
his home in January 2004. Cosby's second trial ended
raped by friends,
in September. He was sentenced to three to 10 years
family, bosses, coworkers, students, strangers, mem-
in prison and mandatory counseling for life. The judge
bers of the clergy.
called Cosby, who has been accused of sexual assault
nonconforming, androgynous-get
Talking about sexual assault is the hardest coming
out that most lesbians will ever do. According to the
by nearly 70 women, including two supermodels, "a sexually violent predator:'
The vitriol and threats Constand received, before and
her repeatedly for months, telling reporters that he had
during the trial, were a reminder of why women don't
no idea why she was saying he sexually assaulted the
report. Cosby's defense maligned her, portraying Con-
young women comedians who were working for him.
stand as a gold digger and asserting that the assault
was actually consensual sex.
When the long-repeated rumors were revealed to be
true, in December 2017, CK finally admitted that he had
Constand's five-page impact statement is gut-wrench-
locked women comedians in rooms and forced them to
ing. She describes herself as a confident 30-year-old on
watch him masturbate. Notaro was vindicated, but nev-
the cusp of a new career. "Bill Cosby took my beautiful,
er received the apology she deserves. And in August, CK
healthy young spirit and crushed it. He robbed me of my
turned up unannounced at the Comedy Cellar, having
health and vitality, my open nature, and my trust in my-
decided he had spent enough time in the shadows, and
self and others;' she wrote.
is now performing again. As if none of it had happened.
What Constand describes is a common trajectory
After the truth about Louis CK was revealed, I waited
of emotions. The main difference between Constand's
for some prominent lesbian to come out through #Me-
case and that of other women is that her rapist went to
Too, to open the door for the rest of us.
trial and was convicted. That only happens in 4 percent
of reported cases.
I am a victim-survivor of sexual assault: once, when
I was a 17-year-old freshman in college and accepted
And then Hannah Gadsby turned comedy upside
down with her one-woman show, Nanette, which she
performed live in theaters, and which streamed on Netflix and went viral.
a ride home from two men; then again, a few years ago,
Gadsby broke all the rules of standup comedy and
when I was attacked outside my home by a serial rapist
opened that door just enough for some of us to squeak
who was assaulting women on his lunch hour.
through. She said it Lesbians get raped. She explained
I didn't report the first assault. I thought it was my
the shame lesbians feel when she told The Guardianin
fault because I had accepted a ride, and I didn't want my
a July 2018 interview, "A lot of people who have expe-
parents to find out.
rienced trauma at the hands of people they've trusted
The second assault nearly killed me. As a middle-aged
take responsibility, and that is what's toxic:'
journalist, I thought it was my duty as a feminist to re-
Shame is the most common emotion women feel af-
port it. The rape and my concomitant experience with
ter being sexually assaulted, and for lesbians that is true
detectives at the Special Victims Unit were so trauma-
twice over. Butch lesbians, who are invested in their own
tizing, I'm not sure how I got through it.
I don't know how many other lesbians are also survi-
strength, are shamed and humiliated; and femme lesbians are told they are not really lesbians, or that they are
vors. The FBI and the Department of Justice don't track
bisexual. As one rape survivor told me, "I didn't want to
sexual orientation in their stats on sexual assault, and
tell anyone and be told I was just covering for not really
even if they did, how many lesbians would come out in
being gaY:'
that context? The Centers for Disease Control has an
All lesbians are at risk from the pervasive belief that
intimate-partner violence study for LGBTQ people, but
all they need is a good screw by a man to make them re-
it does not address the issue of sexual assault in any
alize they are really heterosexual. The man interrupting
other context.
a lesbian sex scene-and being welcomed-is
Last year, I scoured the annals of the #MeToo
hashtag on Twitter when it blew up, looking for lesbian
a staple
of porn cinema. Lesbianism is seen as a prelude to their
"real" sexual orientation: heterosexuality.
voices. Standup comic Tig Notaro had bravely taken on
When I was a teenage lesbian sneaking into bars with
Louis CK in her show OneMississippi,but CK gaslighted
older butches, I saw what happened in police raids. It
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wasn't the femmes the police took to the back of the
They were stalked, kidnapped, attacked, correctively
was the butches, those strong women who
raped, and shot in the head, execution style. Olgin died
seemed to think they could live without men. That's who
at the scene. Chapa was found alive, but was in critical
the cops wanted to break, to show them who the "real"
condition from the gunshot wound, which had penetrat-
men were.
ed her brain. The attack left half her body paralyzed.
Corrective rape-the
belief that a woman can be
Four years later, on September 28, 2016, David Mal-
cured of her lesbianism by being raped by a man-has
colm Strickland, who was then 29, stood trial charged
been perpetrated against lesbians of all identities for
with capital murder and aggravated sexual assault. He
centuries, but it has become commonplace worldwide
was sentenced to life in prison.
as more and more lesbians are out and proud. Correc-
In 2011, Grace Brown started Project Unbreakable,in
tive rape is pandemic in South Africa, Jamaica, and In-
which women who have been sexually assaulted are
dia, where violent gang rapes or rapes with objects are
photographed holding placards with quotes from their
so extreme that women die.
attackers. Among her photos are lesbian victim-survi-
In 2008, the gang rape of Eudy Simelane in South Afri-
vors of corrective rape in the United States.
ca made international headlines because she was a na-
These include a young Muslim woman in hijab hold-
tional soccer star. One of the only out lesbian athletes in
ing a placard that reads, "Now you aren't a lesbian!' An-
soccer at the time, she was abducted, gang raped, tor-
other woman holds a sign that reads, "You can't expect
tured, and stabbed 25 times in the chest, legs, and face.
me to do nothing with your tits out like that:' Yet another
She was also been beaten with rocks. She was found
reads, "It is not going to hurt you if you just relax!'
face down in a small creek. Calls for her murder to be la-
What is the next step for #Me Too?
beled a hate crime because of her lesbian activism were
The appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court of Brett
widespread. Four men were charged in her murder, but
Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault by
only two were convicted.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, was a gut-punch to both the
Luleki Sizwe, a South African nonprofit organiza-
movement and to all women victim-survivors. But there
tion, estimates that at least 10 lesbians are raped each
is, as Tig Notaro and Hannah Gadsby and Andrea Con-
week in Cape Town alone. Another agency, The Triangle
stand and the nameless lesbians in Grace Brown's pho-
Project, reports that 86 percent of black lesbians fear
to project all attest, a tremendous need for lesbians to
being raped.
hear other lesbians speak out on sexual assault.
But the corrective rape of lesbians happens in America, Europe, and Russia as well.
In 2014, at an HRC dinner, then-Vice President Joe
And there is that number from the NSVRC-nearly half of all lesbians have been sexually assaulted.
Nearly half.
Biden said, "Corrective rape? What in God's name are we
Perhaps our New Year's resolution as a community
talking about? How can a country that speaks in those
should be to make space for lesbians in the #MeToo
terms be remotely considered to be a civil society?"
movement as well as to create spaces for lesbians to
How indeed.
come out as survivors, to relinquish the misplaced
On June 22, 2012, two young lesbians, Mary Kristene
shame and internalized homophobia.
Chapa, 18, and Mollie Olgin, 19, were on a date in Violet Andrews Park in Portland, Texas, a small suburb of
As Gadsby says in Nanette,'There is nothing stronger
than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself'
Corpus Christi. The couple had been seeing each other
In 2019, let us try to rebuild ourselves, first by acknowl-
for several months and were, by Chapa's account and
edging what has been done to us as lesbian victims of
Facebook posts from Olgin, deeply in love.
rape and then by celebrating the fact that we've survived.
Unwind in an island paradise.
Solo ta briya-the sun is shining-is an enviable expression
enjoyed by Arubans and visitors to this enchanted Caribbean
joy a massage on the beach, or just chill out by the H20asis
adults-only pool. (marriott.com)
island which lies outside of the hurricane belt and makes Aru-
After a day of travel I try to spend my first day on property,
ba the perfect choice for your winter escape. The sand is al-
unwinding and exploring the resort, and I usually opt to eat on
ways white, the ocean is always blue, and the palm trees sway
property. Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino has plenty
in the gentle trade winds. Even better, the locals are always
of options: Waves Beach Bar & Grill for casual dining, Ruth's
Chris Steak House, and La Vista for signature cocktails and
This arid island with its perfect weather always in the 80s
Italian-inspired plates. Grab a pick-me-up at Starbucks or Ge-
means that rain won't spoil your vacation. Along with South-
lato & Co, conveniently located in the lobby. But my favorite is
ern Caribbean beachside bliss you can also indulge in plenty
Atardi, which is right on the beach and allows you to kick off
of activities, excursions, and culinary experiences. The tour-
your shoes, wiggle your toes in the sand, watch a spectacular
ism folks weren't kidding when they gave Aruba the tagline
sunset, and tuck into fresh, signature seafood.
"one happy island:'
After dinner, if you're inclined, hit the 24-hour Stellaris Casino
A stay at Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino places
and see if your newfound happiness brings you luck. Healthy
you right on Palm Beach with all the amenities a property
activities are offered right on the property. Start your day with a
of this size affords. Guest rooms and suites were all recent-
session of standup paddle board yoga with the lovely instruc-
ly upgraded with deluxe four-star amenities and you'll enjoy
tors at Vela Aruba (velaaruba.com). Perfecting your asanas is
impressive ocean and resort views from your private balco-
easy in the tranquil waters of Palm Beach! Ever played beach
ny. Stroll the gardens, grab a cocktail in a private cabana, en-
tennis? It's fun and easy to learn. You can also take a beach-
front walking tour and learn about the history of the island,
or join a cooking class and experiment with local ingredients such as local fish and aloe. Make an appointment at
the Balinese-style Mandala Spa to really ease yourself into
Pridein Paradise
Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino welcomes LGBTQtravelers with a special Pride package! Four nights of accommodation
vacation mode.
But do explore this island. Take a snorkel cruise with
in a Deluxe Ocean View Room in Tradewinds, which includes perks
De Palm, the island's "activity gurus:• Onboard the Palm
such as complimentary food and beverages throughout the day,
Pleasure, a 70-foot-long catamaran, you'll be transported
private check-in, a welcome amenity, balcony dinner, cabana at the
to three snorkel stops while enjoying the open bar and
H2Oasis pool, sunset sail and complimentary Wi-Fi. Hurry! Valid
beautiful views. Beginners are in good hands as they dis-
until December 30, 2018 at rates from $622.39 per night.
cover the Antilla Shipwreck, Arashi Reef and Boca Catalina
The desert climate is perfect for growing aloe, the evergreen succulent that has magical healing properties. Make
sure you stop by the Aruba Aloe Factory for a tour or to
shop for high quality products made from this legendary
island skin remedy. Learn about the properties of this miraculous plant, which intertwines with the island's culture
and history, too. The lotions, gels, moisturizers and sun
care items make lovely and useful gifts. (arubaaloe.com)
Aruba is experiencing a culinary boom and the island
does not lack its fair share of destination dining. For a special night out head to The Restaurant at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf (tierradelsol.com). You're on top of the world in
this romantic and rarified club-like atmosphere where you
can dine alfresco on the terrace. Sample dishes such as
whole Caribbean red snapper, crispy deep fried with mixed
vegetables, wakame, and wasabi potato creme on the
side. The Restaurant at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf is one
of the island's finest establishments with lovely landscaping and spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea. This is the
place to celebrate discovering paradise.
Europe's best-kept secret is Lisbon.
Fly to Lisbon with TAP Air Portugal, an elegant airline offering excellent in-flight service. A Star Alliance member, TAP
is the launch carrier for Airbus' brand new A330-900neo, they
have a new fleet of 70+ aircraft, and have several new routes
from North America. TAP's Taste the Stars program showcases an astonishing seven Michelin-star winning Portuguese
chefs and their signature meals onboard,, which is fitting since
your visit to Portugal will be a culinary revelation. I was lucky to
sample the dishes created by chef Jose Avillez, who has eight
restaurants in Lisbon. More on that below. (flytap.com)
Settle in at the modern boutique hotel Pestana CR7, the
place to stay if you want to be walking distance from the delights of the city. This compact, design-centric hotel has everything you need, including two very cool lobby bars perfect for
aperitifs or meeting friends, and the delicious buffet breakfast
gets you started in the morning. The service is warm and friendly, and locals in general tend to be gracious and accommodating (pestanacr7.com). English is widely spoken in Lisbon so no
need to worry about your lack of Portuguese!
There is no better way to get your bearings and appreciate
the lovely layout of the city than by heading to Sky Bar at the
Tivoli Avenida Liberdade Hotel. It offers one of Lisbon's hottest
and hippest rooftop sunset bars, brilliantly mixing innovative
cocktails with panoramic city views. Chic decor, live music,
beautiful people-the perfect way to begin my whirlwind Lisbon
experience (tivolihotels.com). After drinks, head downstairs to
the lobby of the Tivoli, where you'll find Cervejaria Liberdade, a
chic spot serving the freshest seafood sourced from Portugal's
500 miles of coastline. I feasted on Algarve prawns and oysters
and gazed out at the hustle and bustle of Lisbon's premier thoroughfare, Avenida da Liberdade.
To really see the city and experience its charming winding
streets and historic areas, take a Tuk Tuk Tour. The vehicles are
small, many of them electric, and they provide an environmentally friendly way of seeing the sights, which include historic
quarters, street art and panormaic vistas. The Alfama District,
or Lisbon's Old Town, is worth getting lost in. The National Tile
Museum is a fascinating display of artistic ingenuity-located
in the Madre de Deus Convent, founded in 1509, the extensive
collection is a trip through almost 700 years of this beautiful
and uniquely Portuguese art form, a gift of the Muslim influ-
Uber) from the city, it's an easy way to take in the fresh ocean air
and gaze out to sea while sipping a glass or two of vinho verde,
Lunch at Time Out Market Lisboa is a way to experience
one of Lisbon's most popular destinations for authentic food
and drinks in a casual atmosphere. Here you can enjoy sam-
Portugal's famous "green" (young) wine.
And when you return from your seaside sojourn, head to one
of several dinner clubs featuring fado-the
soulful Portuguese
pling a huge assortment of typical Portuguese dishes, from
music that originated in the 1820s. This musical form features
large, prepared meals to small bites and sweets. Be sure to
a passionate female singer accompanied by a variety of instru-
pick up a few artisanal souvenirs to take home with you.
To sample the cutting edge of Lisbon's culinary scene, book
a table at Bairro do Avillez, just a 10-minute walk from the ho-
ments, singing the saudade:the love that remains after someone has left. You'll know that feeling in Lisbon. Even before you
leave you'll want to return.
tel Pestana CR7. Chef Jose Avillez has twice been awarded
Michelin stars, and his food offers a fresh take on Portuguese
classics. Start with the "exploding olives;' molecularly reinvented melt-in-the-mouth bursts of green olive reduction, and
indulge in many other dishes you won't find anyplace else.
While Lisbon celebrates seafood, steak is also a star, and
the best place for carnivores is RIB Beef & Wine at the historic
and cosmopolitan hotel Pestana Pousada de Lisboa. Incredible cuts of meat (the Tomahawk ribeye steak weighs in at
over two pounds!) as well as alternative dishes featuring fresh
produce such as the roasted mushrooms and romesco sauce,
with egg and truffle olive oil. (pousadas.pt)
Lisbon is a very LGBT-friendly city (the LGBT center is not
far from the Pestana CR7) and since I visited during the Eurovision Song Contest, the city was full of LGBT fans of this vibrant and diverse event. Lisbon's Eurovision Village attracted
flamboyant fans from all across the globe, and the contest itself, staged in spectacular grandeur at the massive Altice Arena, sent a message of diversity to the world. Openly LGBTQ
contestants included the first-ever out lesbian singer (Saara
Aalto, Finland) with her ballad, "Monsters;' and a song about
gay male love, 'Together" (Ryan O'Shaughnessy, Ireland).
This year's winner, Netta, from Israel, enchanted the massive
crowd with her catchy #MeToo-esque pop tune/performance
art piece, "ToY:'
But one of my most delightful discoveries was a day trip to
the charming and picturesque coastal city of Cascais, an easy
way to experience the Lisbon coastline if you're pressed for
time. Grab a light lunch at any of the beachfront restaurants
or beach clubs and wander the cobblestone streets of the Portuguese Riviera, once the favored summer escape of Lisbon's
glitterati and ruling class. Only a short drive (30 minutes in an
This gem of the Bay Area is worth a visit of its own.
Berkeley is nestled in a natural parenthesis, between
in Mediterranean cooking at some of New York's finest restau-
San Francisco Bay and the Berkeley hills. The entire city is
rants, as well as his training as a sommelier, puts destination
LGBT-friendly, so there is no designated "gay-borhood'.' If
dining right on your doorstep. The menu offers everything from
you're craving obviously queer culture, you might need to head
Middle Eastern to Italian cuisine, prepared with farm-fresh
south to Oakland. Indeed, the main LGBT bar in the Berkeley
California ingredients. It's a favorite pre-theater dining spot
vicinity is the White Horse Inn on the Oakland-Berkeley border,
with locals on their way to see a show at the Berkeley Rep. An-
which has been serving our community since 1933. Known
other dining option for lunch or pre-theater drinks and bites is
for launching the Free Speech Movement in the 1960s, and
Revival Bar+ Kitchen. It's a lovely spot created by chef/owner
before that a progressive movement that began in the early
Amy Murray right in the heart of the Downtown Arts District. I
20th century, nowadays Berkeley has its own DNA-and a
stopped by for a craft cocktail, a seasonal organic salad, and a
gentler pace and climate than San Francisco.
platter of West Coast oysters as well some people watching.
I stayed at the Hotel Shattuck Plaza, an upscale, modern-
There is plenty to see and do in Berkeley and it's a very walk-
ized, Mission-style building constructed in 1910. Located on
able city. Get your visit off to a hearty start with breakfast at
a bustling corner right in the middle of Downtown and within
La Note in Downtown Berkeley,just two blocks from the Hotel
easy walking distance of sights, shopping, dining, and cul-
Shattuck Plaza. Tuck into fresh pastries, authentic omelettes,
tural landmarks the Hotel Shattuck Plaza is also just a block
French toast with a chocolate-hazelnut spread, or the legend-
from a BART stop (the Bay Area Rapid Transit system can
ary lemon gingerbread pancakes with poached pears. La Note's
take you into San Francisco in 20 minutes.) This is a historic
dynamic owner, Dorothee Mitrani, is French and a graduate of
hotel with both a sense of Old World charm and a contempo-
UC Berkeley.A former architecture student, Mitrani designed La
rary flair (hotelshattuckplaza.com). The staff is friendly, and
Note to have a charming Provencal ambience.
there's a great bar off the lobby for meeting people or enjoying
And speaking of female architects, be sure to stop by the
a craft cocktail before heading out on the town. The hotel is
Berkeley City Club, dubbed Julia Morgan's "Little Castle;' which
eco- and pet-friendly as well.
she built in 1930 as the Berkeley Women's City Club. This land-
Zino, the onsite restaurant, offers pan-Mediterranean cui-
mark building was a hub of female athleticism, philanthropy,
sine from executive chef Brandon Hicks, whose background
accommodation, and events, and is one of 1O notable Morgan
structures in Berkeley. Morgan was America's first licensed
was on their plates. Berkeley Bowl and Monterey Market have
female architect, and the first truly notable architect from Cal-
every kind of organic and natural produce you could dream of.
ifornia. The UC Berkeley engineering graduate (she belonged
Whatever your food fetish, you'll find it in this neighborhood and
to the university's first sorority) went to Paris to study at the
it'll probably be among the best of its kind in the world.
Ecole des Beaux-Arts (she was the first woman to be accepted
On my way out of town, I saved the best for last and had
into the architecture pro-gram) and brought her expertise back
dinner at Donato & Co. in the charming and lively Elmwood Dis-
to the West Coast, going on to design over 700 buildings in
trict. Offering rustic Italian cuisine with a contemporary twist,
the first half of the 20th century, mostly in California, including
every dish made from the ground up, this spacious modern
homes, hospitals, and university buildings, schools for girls and
restaurant is not your average red sauce joint. The pasta is
YWCAs. Her grandest project was Hearst Castle, also known
handmade, the ingredients impeccably fresh, organic, and lo-
as San Simeon, built for the newspaper magnate William Ran-
cally sourced, and meat dishes are cooked over an open fire.
dolph Hearst. Not known to be either a feminist or a lesbian,
The food is swoon-worthy date-night fare and perfectly match-
she never married and was known for wearing plain tailored
es with the elegant wine list. Service and presentation are
suits with neckties.
flawless, and it's clear that chef Donato Scotti, who hails from
While you're on an architecture kick, be sure to stroll the
grounds of the UC Berkeley campus, with its impressive archi-
Bergamo, near Lake Como, has poured his heart and soul into
the establishment (donatoandco.com).
tecture, rolling lawns, creeks, and glades. To enjoy the natural
San Francisco ranks highly as a favorite LGBT travel desti-
beauty surrounding Berkeley, visit the UC Botanical Garden,
nation, with Oakland's reputation as a queer women's mecca
which is a unit of the university, and is open daily from 9am to
on the rise. But don't forget Berkeley. It has a charm all its own.
5pm. This beautiful living museum up in the hills above Berkeley contains the nation's largest collection of plant varietiesfrom magnolias to oaks-and is also the world's largest collection of native California flora. This beautiful oasis is perfect for
a long walk or a picnic, and functions as a living DNA bank for
thousands of rare and endangered plants.
For adventurers of the cultural kind, Berkeley has much to
offer. The Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive in Downtown Berkeley is a modernist arts hub showcasing everything from mural art to movies, with a fascinating schedule
of exhibitions and events (bampfa.org). To see what's being
made by artists and artisans in Berkeley today-and to shop
for a handcrafted souvenir-take the Berkeley Artisans Open
Studios self-guided tour. This precinct of over 30 studios has
been going strong for nearly 30 years, with vibrant ceramics,
jewelry, glassware, paintings, and photography on display and
for sale. If you can only manage part of the tour, make sure to
visit the Sawtooth Building, which is itself a historic landmark
and opens once a month to the public (berkeleyartisans.com).
Foodie culture is of major importance in Berkeley, and it's
always on show at Gourmet Ghetto, the city's foodie district.
This is where Peet's Coffee started, and where the famous Alice
Waters restaurant Chez Panisse started the culinary revolution
that caused Americans to care about the provenance of what
Puerto Vallarta is having a resurgence.
This jewel of Mexico's Pacific Coast was 'discovered' by
a different atmosphere at day versus night with shows on the
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who became residents
main pier, and often Danz6n music on Sunday. The Pride Pa-
while Burton was filming the classic 1960s movie The Night
rade takes place along the Malecon also, with folks decked out
of the Iguanawith Ava Gardner. Ever since, it has drawn adven-
in rainbow regalia and framed against the vibrant, guaranteed
turers and artistic types to its shores. Located on the Bay of
sunsets for which Puerto Vallarta is famous. All the shopping
Banderas-the second largest bay in the world-and
for souvenirs, and all the bars and restaurants with unbeatable
by the majestic Sierra Madre mountains, the city is charming,
happy hour specials can be found here too, as well as good
temperate (averaging 80 degrees year round), diverse, and is
people spotting.
a magnet for LGBTtourists as well as expats. You may notice
The Romantic Zone, also known as the 'gayborhood; is char-
how clean Puerto Vallarta is. It's an eco-friendly city with a visi-
acterized by cobblestone streets, bougainvillea that spills from
ble commitment to recycling from hotels and restaurants who
doorways and windows, traditional colorful architecture, many
also purify their water. There are numerous LGBTorganizations
cafes, arts and craft stores-and is where the LGBTcommunity
and groups located in town.
tends to socialize.
The urban center, which fans out from the lovely curve of
The Hotel Zone features many properties of varying budget
the bay, has distinct zones all in easy walking distance of each
and style, from luxury to chain to time shares and condos-and
other. Downtown, the area boasting the Malecon (boardwalk),
all the amenities and attractions you'd expect from such an
City Hall, the main square, and many galleries and restaurants
area. And don't forget the increasingly popular South Zone-it's
is where all the action and shopping are, and of course takes on
the place to explore the coastline on a day trip via boat. Here
are beautiful unspoiled beaches and coves-Vallarta has the
options: from street side casual to date-night-worthy. Dinner
highest number of certified Blue Flag beaches in Mexico. It's
at Medregal, located in the courtyard of the beautiful and ro-
also the home of the zoo and botanical gardens. This is where
mantic Vila Mercedes Hotel, serves innovative Jalisco fusion
nature thrives, and where you can enjoy an open-ocean en-
cuisine featuring the local flavors and produce of the Mexican
counter with dolphins, or turtle hatching in summer!
Pacific, all served poolside in an intimate atmosphere.
During my first trip to Puerto Vallarta, which happily coin-
Another boutique establishment that presents destination
cided with the week-long Pride festival, I stayed at the fabulous
dining is Garlands del Rio, a majestic and charming bed and
Costa Sur Resort & Spa, which enjoys a commanding location
breakfast built on the banks of the River Cuale. With 17 grand,
on the hill above town with uninterrupted views of the bay
old-style Vallarta rooms this is romantic, old world ambience
costasurpuertovallarta.com. Accommodation packages en-
that doesn't feel one bit touristy-because it's not. The uniquely
title you to all food menus and theme nights including break-
decorated architecture creates an ambience that feels a world
fast, lunch, dinner, snacks at Cascada Restaurant and Barefoot
away from the commercial hotel zone but it's right near the cen-
Terrace. With beautiful pools and a private beach, this very
ter of town.
LGBT-friendlyproperty is gay-owned and situated away from
But to really experience the flavor of Puerto Vallarta you
the bustle of the center of town yet a quick shuttle or five-min-
must take Vallarta Food Tours' Original Downtown Vallarta
ute taxi ride to all the action. It's perfect for a romantic getaway,
Tour. Start with the Taco Tour to understand the variety and
wedding or honeymoon. Costa Sur will happily host your lesbi-
long history of this traditional snack. Everything from veg-
an wedding! The rooms are large, private, and have balconies
etarian to seafood to goat-we ate it right on the street after
that overlook the sparkling sapphire ocean.
watching each taco made fresh before our eyes. This is a total
Puerto Vallarta is Mexico's second-most prominent foodie
destination (after Mexico City) and there are so many dining
immersion, three-hour walking tour of mouthwatering bitesfrom humble taco stands to family-owned restaurants and
chocolate shops. Great pride is taken in the creation of each
Feeling lazy? Craving some VIP status? There are also beach
fresh tortilla, aqua fresco, and traditional candy piece. Our fe-
clubs right in town. Mangos Beach Club, Mantamar Beach Club
male guide was a wealth of information and fabulous company
and Sapphire Ocean Club-they're all good. Try them! Soak up
the sunshine and sea air at these upmarket oases. Relax in a
To consolidate Puerto Vallarta's status as a culinary destina-
cabana, have a beachfront massage-some offer the first ten
tion there are many calendar dates, including Restaurant Week
minutes free! Order lunch and cocktails. Take a dip in the pool
in May and the International Gourmet Festival in November.
or into the ocean. This is a lovely way to relax before your Pride
There is also a recently-opened Food Park with outdoor gas-
party or recover from one.
tronomy where you can sample bites and sights at the same
Vallarta Pride is held in the last week of May. Thousands of
people including locals and their families celebrate this vibrant
The best way to work off all that food is with some outdoor
celebration of diversity. Many gay people live in Vallarta or visit
activity, and if you're a beachaholic like me, take advantage of
during this time to enjoy the parade, block party, concerts, fairs,
the many swimming options around you: El Holi (thus named
and drag derby. In 2018 the glamorous pop icon Lorena Her-
because it's right by the Holiday Inn); Los Muertos Beach-the
rera-Mexico's Madonna-performed
most popular beach, located near the Romantic Zone, a conve-
Grand Marshall of Vallarta Pride. We were delighted to see an
nient family-friendly option near lots of restaurants, cafes, bars,
active transgender presence at this year's Pride, and the offi-
in concert and was the
shops and boutiques, and the pier; Playas Gemelas, south of
cial women's party was hosted by Pink & Proud PVR (checkout
town, boasting two beautiful coves with clear blue water and
their Facebook page) at the El Sonador Bar-the perfect place
indigenous shade trees; Mismaloya, a fishing village south of
to mix, mingle and make new friends. An intimate Only Girls
Puerto Vallarta and thus named because it's where the Mis-
cocktail evening was held the following night at the small and
maloya River meets the ocean and the jungle comes right
chic Verona Bistro bar, a perfect opportunity for chill beats and
down to the water's edge.
soaking up Vallarta Vibes.
To get a sense of the immense and lovely coastline take a
day trip with Luxury Yacht and Snorkel Tour with Vallarta Ad-
ventures (vallarta-adventures.com). We cruised along the coast
on a luxury catamaran, passing the landmark arch-shaped rock
formations, Los Arcos. We marveled at the backdrop of the Sierra Madre mountains and lunch onboard (and the open bar
helped put us in relaxation mode). If weather permits you might
even go snorkeling in the protected Majahuitas Cove.
interior decorators
Lauren and
Wendy Nolan-Sellers have a busy, picture-perfect
life. Together they run Trust the Vision Decor,
a residential interior-design and home-staging company
serving clients in the Philadelphia metro area. And they've
also created the Aspiring Designers Academy, an online
community for new designers where they offer tips and
ideas on how to grow a successful business. But these
entrepreneurs and parents of two children have overcome
their fair share of obstacles to achieve the harmony they
now enjoy.
They met in 2007 through a mutual friend at the (now defunct) Sisters Nightclub in Philadelphia. "The chemistry was
pretty instant, and even though we each went off and hung
out with our respective groups we kept catching each other's eye;' says Lauren. ''The next day, I called my friend to get
the details on Wendy: Was she single? Did my friend think
she'd be into me, etc? My friend instantly started laughing
and said that she had just grabbed dinner with Wendy and
she couldn't stop talking about me!"
"When I saw Lauren, there was an instant spark that I
have never felt before, and I had to know more about her,'
says Wendy. "I went out to dinner with our mutual friend and
I think the whole dinner was me asking our friend questions
about Lauren!"
Two years later, they were honeymooning in Key West,
and were officially married in 2013, after marriage equality
passed. Having both a family and a business was a dream
they had never dared to dream, and yet they made it possible through each other.
"I grew up in a conservative Christian home, so in my
youth, my sexuality was about repression, not expression;'
says Lauren, who assumed that she'd never be able to have
a family with another woman. With Wendy, she knew it was
possible. "This secret dream that always seemed out of
reach sort of woke up inside me. When we floated the idea
of buying our first house, I instantly got hooked on HGTV
and immediately started planning. I think Wendy, recognizing my excitement, nurtured it and gave me free rein to do
whatever I wanted:'
"We'd talked about one day designing our first home.
When that opportunity came, I'd never seen Lauren so ex-
54 cu RVE
cited;' says Wendy. "It was like someone ignited a fire in her.
ing, 'Can we do this; to working with World Series winners
She would stay up till all hours, researching, planning DIV proj-
and media personalities, and being featured on television, in
ects-and she never got tired of going to shop, even if it was
newspapers and magazines. To pay it forward they started
just to browse:'
the Aspiring Designers Academy and now enjoy the suc-
With borrowed tools, the couple completely renovated their
cess of the designers they've mentored.
first house, from fireplace, to floorboards, to painting the patio.
Running a home, a family, and a business can be tricky,
"We felt that we were in over our heads, but we also believed
but focusing on their shared goals and their clearly defined
that we would figure it out. We had to, there was no choice;'
roles helps keep things steady. The magic ingredient-aside
says Lauren. They celebrated with a huge housewarming and
from love? Communication. "It works well, as long as we're
then focused on starting a family. "My eggs weren't gettin' any
clear about what we want and are committed to making that
younger,' laughs Lauren.
happen;' says Wendy.
"Being gay, and not having a very supportive family when I
Some of the biggest challenges in getting to where they
first came out, I didn't know what [having children] would look
are today? "Stepping into who I wanted to be;' says Lauren.
like;' says Wendy. "But I knew it was something that I always
'To live my truth as a decorator, as a black woman, as a mom,
wanted. After our first couple of dates, I knew Lauren was the
and as a member of the LGBTQ community. It was and is
one for me-she was the total package:'
about overcoming fear. fear of what others might think, fear
They each wanted to carry a child, but Lauren, being older,
of the unknown, fear of failure:' Lauren has learned not to
wanted to have one first. She put her dream of becoming a
take no for an answer. "Every no is one step closer to the
decorator on the back burner and embarked on fertility treat-
next yes;' she says.
ment. "I got pregnant and gave birth to our daughter, Kamryn,
And if you'd like to hear a client success story, here's a
in the spring of 2012, and by the end of that summer, after my
great one. "We got a call from World Series winner Gabe Ka-
maternity leave was over, there was a very clear fork in the
pler to decorate his new home;' says Lauren. "He was about
road. I could either go back to my current teaching position or
to become the general manager of the Philadelphia Phillies
I could throw caution to the winds and follow my heart:'
With no experience, no connections, and at that point no
formal training-just
and wanted to complete several spaces in his home before
departing for spring training. It was an opportunity too good
armed with "a crazy dream, a budding
to pass up. So we said yes. If our systems really worked,
business, a new baby, and lots of grit" -Lauren and Wendy
this would be the ultimate test. Getting six rooms done in
started their decorating business.
Lauren enrolled at the Interior Design Institute to get formal
training, and Wendy kept her job to keep them afloat, and applied her organizational skills to the fledgling business. Their
30 days, over the holiday season, with a baby coming, for a
world-class sports star?! Even now, I get stressed just thinking about it!"
And they did it. On time and on budget-in spite of child-
first few clients were family and friends, and they worked all
birth, the holiday season, and snow! 'To see Gabe's reaction
day, any day, at all hours, sometimes traveling long distances
was priceless;' says Lauren.
to reach clients. Then Wendy embarked on the bumpy road to
And what do they most admire in each other? "Loving Wendy is awesome, but being loved by her has been one of the
"Wendy's process was even more difficult than mine, and
greatest privileges of my life;' says Lauren. Wendy feels the
Kaleb, our son, didn't make his appearance until January of
same way. 'To watch Lauren love our children is one of the
2018, almost six years later,' says Lauren.
most rewarding experiences I have ever had. She is always
While trying for Kaleb, they kept working on the business,
there for them and is always ready to play and have fun with
building, making mistakes, learning from them, and making
them, whenever they ask. Her love for me is unconditional
progress. There were setbacks, such as when Lauren blew
and is always in abundance. I absolutely adore her and feel
out her knee and needed surgery (mid-project). Along the way,
so blessed, not only to call her my wife, but my best friend:'
however, they grew as a couple, as a family, and as business
owners. They went from sitting at the dining room table ask-
hen Amy Kuney, who now goes by Ames, was
4 years old, her parents put her in piano lessons, but because she grew up in a staunchly
religious family in the Bible Belt of Tulsa, Okla., all she had
on the playlist of her childhood was the music that was
acceptable to the church.
"I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music;' she says
from her current home in Los Angeles, Calif. "Whenever I
heard it, I was really drawn to it, it was candy. It sounded
like joy. I was used to listening to hymns and church music,
which was kind of heavY:'
By a lucky coincidence, though, Ames attended the
same homeschool group as the famous Tulsa export Hanson in the heyday of their hit single "MMMBop;' so pop music eventually became unavoidable.
"It was a big deal, because they were from Oklahoma.
We heard it everywhere. That is when I realized pop music
was what I gravitated toward. I would make music up on
my own. It just started happening organically that I would
write my own songs;' Ames says.
A slightly unexpected detour to Honduras got her out
of Oklahoma.
"In 1998, when I was 13, my dad was called to the mission field in Honduras. It was one year after Hurricane
Mitch, and we moved down there to help clean up. My
folks are actually still there. They built this whole community and school. My relationship with my parents has been
strained because of my lifestyle, but they are doing good
work;' she says.
After she decided to move back to the United States,
and won a scholarship to Biola University, a private Christian college in Southern California, Ames started trying to
find her own voice and her identity.
"I ended up doing a praise and worship major, which
was basically just being in a band and learning to be in
front of a crowd," she says, laughing. "Unfortunately, Biola
wasn't very LGBTQ friendly, and I dropped out because I
had enough songs at that point to start opening for other
people and touring as Amy Kuney:'
This was also after a confrontation with the school in
which she and her then-girlfriend were separated and interrogated and told their relationship could not go on. Looking back, she realized how unfairly they had been treated.
After finding a manager and taking her music on the road,
and her other upcoming music all the more poignant.
she ended up in a co-write with Michelle Branch in 2013. That
"It's been really hard, but I am finally being honest. I was
partnership opened up a lot of doors and proved to be a turn-
so afraid until recently of them finding out, or seeing things,
ing point in her career. She created a number of songs with
or reading lyrics that were about certain topics. Everything I
Branch, then started working with Branch's fiance, Patrick
have been writing about has been really therapeutic and an
Carney from The Black Keys.
outpouring of what is happening at the moment. The timing
"Whenever I was writing for myself at that time, I was really
of all of this could not be better or more painful;' she says.
precious with lyrics and would overthink everything. I was re-
When asked what advice she would give to young queer
ally vague because I wasn't out yet, and I put a lot of pressure
women coming from conservative or religious backgrounds,
on myself with each song. Writing for others felt so natural. I
she says, "My advice would be to take full advantage of
decided that for a while I wanted to be a vessel for other art-
this time right now. The climate is finding and encourag-
ists and be of service to them. I do have a very broad vocabu-
ing change. People are coming forward with their stories
lary of emotions, and so I have experienced most feelings at
and aren't apologizing for who they are anymore. It can be
some point;' she says.
terrifying, and you can feel like no one is there for you, but
Ames has written for and with some of the biggest names
it does get better. When I was 16 and I needed help, I called
in pop music. She co-penned the Kelly Clarkson hits "Slow
a help line in Oklahoma and they helped me so much. As
Dance" and "Move You;' among others, and has worked with
terrible as the current political climate is, the reaction to it is
such artists as Rita Ora and Tori Kelly.
going to be beautiful:'
That kind of success could have caused Kuney to hit cruise
As she tries to balance her career, her upcoming wed-
control and continue to write exclusively for others, but in her
ding, and her uncertain familial relationships, one thing is
pursuit of the perfect co-write she accidentally found herself.
for sure: Ames has found her voice and no one can sweep
"When I'm not writing for others, I write 'a pitch; which
means it's just me and a producer writing and we send songs
it away. "We need to tell our truth;' she says. "That's the
most important thing:'
to artists to see if anyone likes them. By accident a few songs
came out where people liked them but didn't know who would
cut them because they were so personal and specific to me
in my life;' she says.
"I didn't mean for that to happen. It was honest and raw
and a way I had never written for myself before. I think it took
an accident for that to happen:'
Having released "Hold On" from her upcoming self-titled EP,
which is due early in 2019, she looks forward to curating a
collection of songs that are true to her heart and her roots as
a singer-songwriter.
"Hold On" is a breezy first single from the new project. With
more than a hint of electro-pop, but with the coziness of a
warm day, "Hold On" boasts the lyrics "Every time that we
touch, I come undone" and other dreamy nods to finding love.
Kuney first came out to her parents when she was 16,
but at the time they swept it under the rug, thinking it was a
phase, or something she should struggle with privately. When
she announced that she was engaged to a woman, her parents were less than accepting of this news, making "Hold On"
esiree Akhavan was doing
hyphenate in the process of becoming,
press for her excellent 2014
in a moment in our culture where am-
debut feature film, Appropri-
ate Behavior,when she came smack-
bivalence can be costly, especially for
a woman.
bang up against the subject matter
In The Bisexual,expat New Yorker
for her next project, the Hulu series
Leila (Akhavan) runs a startup with her
The Bisexual. She was on the festival
older female lover,Sadie (BAFTA-nomi-
circuit and found herself being intro-
nated Maxine Peake), but Leila panics
duced at screenings or on panels as
when Sadie asks her to all in and get
"the bisexual!'
married. Leila takes a "break" from Sa-
"It was always The bisexual film-
die and rents a room from navel-gazing
maker Desiree Akhavan is going to be
novelist Gabe (Brian Gleeson), who
joining us today: Or, 'the bisexual Ira-
becomes a sounding board as Leila
nian-American; or 'the bisexual Lena
experiments with random guys, only
Dunham'-which is my favorite;' laughs
to realize that she deeply loves Sadie
Akhavan. "It didn't bother me that they
and might have made a mistake in ex-
were calling out my sexuality. If they'd
ploring the unexplored. TheBisexualun-
called me 'the gay filmmaker, I would've
apologetically opens a Pandora's box
been like, yeah, and been very proud.
of questions that are funny and painful
But instead, when I heard 'bisexual; it
to examine. What if the life you love
seemed like, 'the shower pee-er Desiree
isn't enough-and
Akhavan..: It felt really embarrassing
Is it OK to always be in process? Can
yet is too much?
and gauche and in bad taste. I remem-
you be two things at once? Does every
ber wondering, 'It's something that is
aspect of you have to be continually
factually true about me; why is it some-
explored? As with all of Akhavan's proj-
thing that is so humiliating and feels
ects, TheBisexualis about negotiating
like nails on a chalkboard?'"
the rules of engagement while becom-
Technically, truthfully, Akhavan is
ing whatever it is that you are. Akhavan
bisexual. Why did that introduction re-
shouldered a vast amount of work,
pulse her? "Because the only bisexuals
starring in and directing this six-part
I could think of were Tila Tequila and
dramedy, which she co-wrote with her
Anne Heche;' Akhavan told the audi-
writing and producing partner, Cecilia
ence (only partly tongue-in-cheek) at
NewFest, the New York premiere of her
What, if anything, did she learn about
hilarious, bittersweet series titled, fun-
bisexuality? "I think a lot of the stigma
nily enough, TheBisexual.In the series,
is self-imposed;' she says. But in the
which I highly recommend, Akhavan
vein of great auteurs (and comedians),
sets out to explore her own-and the
exploring her own insecurities makes
for fascinating and entertaining view-
women. By the end of it, she-and we-
ing. Considering her age-34-Akha-
have learned something about being
van has both achieved and learned a
more than one thing, about being a
lot. And her education, in some ways, is
that of our community, which includes
the amount of weight you put into the
a press tour. She decided to stay on.
epiphanies such as: It's OK to question
identity of being gay is very different
She slept on Cecilia Frugiuele's couch
labels; intersectionality is not just an
from someone who doesn't have to
while they finished writing TheMisedu-
idea but a way of life; accepting each
jump over that hurdle and live with that
cation of CameronPost,and during that
other's differences is our only hope. "I
shame;' says Akhavan of initially com-
time, Frugiuele's husband suggested
think we should celebrate our differ-
ing out as gay to her family.
that Akhavan pitch TheBisexualin En-
"After AppropriateBehaviorpremiered
gland. "So I pitched it to a handful of
and I did all the press that outed me as
places, and all of them said, 'Yes, let's
But always, no matter their sexuali-
bisexual, I pitched [The Bisexua~at all
make it:"
ty, it seems that women have to work
the places that would take a show with
Executive producer Naomi de Pear
twice as hard to be heard-even by
so much sexual content;' reveals Akha-
embraced Akhavan's vision; her grittier
each other. Akhavan made her debut
van. "I went to every single place, and
aesthetic, which favored using non-ac-
with the web series The Slope,which
all of them said, 'I'm so sorry, we have
tors, real people with real faces, scenes
she created with her then-girlfriend
a female-driven show already, come
shot guerilla-style in real locations, and
ences-gender, race, class. To ignore
them is absurd;' says Akhavan.
Ingrid Jungermann. This clever com-
back later: Or they said they had a gay
the commitment to representing as
edy, which began in 2010, was at the
show, or a queer show, and they didn't
many perspectives as possible-espe-
forefront of the LGBT web-series boom
want to cannibalize that business with
cially those that exposed the differenc-
and satirizes the limitations of lesbian
a show that's similar:'
es in generational, racial, and cultural
culture in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Rather than give up, even though
attitudes toward sexuality.
In 2015, you might have caught
friends and mentors urged her to move
"I think that in the UK the film in-
Akhavan in Girls as the character
on, Akhavan pressed on. "What I real-
dustry is much smaller and braver,
Chandra. Akhavan
ly like to do is to keep side-skirting the
and they're willing to put their money
working with Lena Dunham as "phe-
rules and find a way to do the work that
where their mouth is. In Europe,there's
nomenal" because of the controversial
I want to do;' she says. "For some rea-
far more excitement around stories of
writer-director's ability to balance cre-
son, I felt like I had to make [TheBisexu-
female sexuality than there is in the
ative control with a feminist and dem-
a~at that moment:'
States;' says Akhavan, who grew up
For lesbians whose eyes glaze over
in Rockland County, NY.,and survived
But it was AppropriateBehaviorthat
when they see the word "bisexual;'
the loneliest adolescence by watch-
revealed Akhavan's true comic voice
Akhavan is onto you. "When I pitched
ing copious amounts of American TV
and the key theme of ambivalence:
the idea to lesbian friends, a lot of peo-
and film. In a way, it's surprising that
ocratic ethos.
about her sexuality, about her identi-
ple said to me that the idea-a reverse
her voice is so experimental, since she
ty as a Persian-American, and about
coming out-was
grew up with an immigrant dad who
really offensive and
what is and isn't "appropriate:' In one
in bad taste and I should not make this.
loved watching Mr Bean. "I have a lot of
scene, Akhavan's character, Shirin,
And that got me really excited. I think
sympathy for immigrant parents who
struggles to come out to her success-
you should be risking everything, I think
just want the best for their children;'
ful, about-to-be-married brother, and he
you shouldn't be playing it sate:'
says Akhavan, who was a little nervous
dismisses her as a "sexually confused
In a series of events that could be
about inviting her parents to the New
narcissist:' In other words, a dreaded
taken right from an Akhavan script, she
York premiere of TheBisexual.But she
bisexual. "When you have to come
found herself going through a breakup,
tells me it went well, and they are, in
out to people who don't want to hear
losing her home in New York, and mov-
fact, proud of her.
it, your experience of being gay and
ing to London, where she had gone for
'The shows that do well are shows
~ .. forfemale-driven
1 ! contentthatis
j ; sexually
her more. "I don't know what the rules
incredibly important film, dealing with
says. "I think if I made any show that
are. I'm just making them up as I go.
conversion therapy and the impulse to
my dad loves, I'd be swimming in
The idea that you can't have women
discriminate that lurks in the heartland
dollar bills!' But she isn't, and that's
of color or queer people portrayed in
of American culture, and Akhavan put
just how it goes for a queer-bisexual,
this way or that way-I just don't listen
everything she knew about not fitting
American-Persian filmmaker. "I have
to that. I just look for ways to do the
in, about female sexuality, and about
yet to see a queer female story told by
things I want to do. I'm trying to show
truthfully portraying female desire and
a queer female filmmaker get as much
the world as I know it:'
sexuality into the project.
that my immigrant dad loves;' she
acclaim as films made by queer male
The world, and film culture, are
''I'd rather show you what it feels like
filmmakers;' she tells me. "Think of
catching up with Akhavan. "I think we
to be in that moment with those two
the success of BrokebackMountain. I
all have a bit of the male gaze in us;'
people, at that second, so that you
would just like to see the female equiv-
she says. "What I like is that with every
know what is the exchange that's hap-
alent of that:' she says.
year that passes I develop a muscle
pening;' she says. All sexual encoun-
that starts to see through that:'
ters, says Akhavan, "have some kind
Even a film like Carol, which we
of journey, from A to Z:' For this jour-
both love, she says, "is more about
Akhavan has said in previous inter-
the pressure of being a woman at that
views that her school life was miser-
ney,Akhavan put Moretz in the driver's
time-a mother, a wife-and having a
able, to the extent that she developed
seat. "I got out of her way. I realized
life you can't communicate external-
bulimia and still struggles with self-im-
she did not like any backseat driving,
ly. It wasn't about the sex;' she says.
age. She hates being photographed
she knew exactly what she was doing,
"I want to know why there isn't room
but she's in almost every scene of
she came in with an idea based on the
at the table for female-driven content
TheBisexual,which she says was "un-
script. I didn't even watch a rehears-
that is sexually explicit:'
pleasant:' But like most misfits who
al. I said to myself, 'I'll watch the first
take and if it sucks I'll go in and put
And that's where Akhavan comes
end up excelling, she has transformed
in, elbowing her way onto that table
her handicaps into superpowers. I ask
my hands in it; but I let myself give her
where Mr Bean and Woody Allen and
her what, as of today, her main super-
the opportunity to express herself, and
Louis CK sit, living proof that the en-
power might be.
when I did that it was fantastic!'
"I think I have a lot to say, and prob-
The safe, female-centric environ-
anything men produce is worthy of at-
ably the minute I didn't feel that, I
ment of CameronPost carried over into
tention. The lesson she has taken from
wouldn't be able to do this. I'm also an
The Bisexual,which employed a crew
them is the assumption that it is OK
observer. I think my superpower has al-
that was "majority female-exclusively
to be working this stuff out in public.
ways been about being invisible!'
women and almost exclusively gay,'
tertainment industry assumes that
"Filmmaking is my whole identity. It's
But the industry sees her. At just 34
says Akhavan. "It wasn't an agenda.
not just a job. You're just moving from
years old, Akhavan won the Grand Jury
It was specifically East London, it was
one goal to the next and you just try to
prize at Sundance for TheMiseducation
specifically a gay world!'
keep going;' she says.
of CameronPost. She did not appear
She-and I-are hoping for a season
She might not know where she
on-screen in that film but co-wrote and
two, and in the meantime, she has one
definitively fits in, but when it comes
directed it, gently guiding Chloe Grace
core objective for the show, and likely
to her art she isn't taking no for an
Moretz through the performance of
her future projects: "to help make peo-
answer. This winter marks her fourth
her career, in which we see an adoles-
ple feel less alone!'
year in London, and the distance from
cent girl's lesbian sexuality blossom
American culture has just empowered
and die right before our eyes. It's an
TheBisexualis nowon Hulu.com
It's the early 18th century and England is at war
with France. Crazed Queen Anne (Olivia Colman)
and her favorite adviser Lady Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz) are in command of the kingdom but
the palace is a madhouse with copious time set
aside for duck and lobster racing, bunny collecting, pigeon shooting, cake binging and other outrageous entertainments-even
throwing blood
oranges at naked men in periwigs!
All serious and key decisions are made by
Lady Sarah who-far from being feminine or subordinate-is
an iron fist in a velvet glove. Sarah
steers her mistress in all matters including military strategy ...until the arrival of distant cousin
Abigail Masham (Emma Stone) who has fallen on
hard times and begs to be taken in as a servant
to the queen. But Abigail has another agenda-to
worm her way into her Highness's favor and thus
become "the favorite:' Abigail starts as a scullery
maid but elevates her sights to the Queen's bedchamber after she discovers that Lady Sarah services the Queen not just in matters of state but
also in sex. Soon, the unscrupulous chambermaid
begins her own seductive strategy to become the
Queen's only meaningful companion.
The Favourite,directed by Yorgos Lanthimos,
with a screenplay by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, was inspired by actual historical events.
Queen Anne was the last and least celebrated
of the Stuart line of Britain's monarchy; she left
no heirs and her closest political adviser and rumored lover was her childhood best friend, Lady
Sarah, the Duchess of Marlborough. Screenwriter
Davis was fascinated by what was left out of the
history books and fleshes out the lesbian subtext
and court intrigue with delightful results.
"My focus was on the female triangle in Queen
Anne's bedchamber and this shift in Anne's affections from Sarah to Abigail;' notes Davis. To
portray this dynamic, Davis combed through volumes of letters between Sarah and Anne and Ab-
igail. "I wanted the audience to discover a period in 18th cen-
Rachel Weisz is sexy and powerful as Sarah, and Emma
tury English history where women held power and influenced
Stone is suitably conniving as Abigail. Olivia Colman (The
events on the British political and European stage:'
Crown)is exceptional as Anne. What a trio. "I don't think Anne
Grotesque, gout-ridden, and yet globally powerful, the ec-
realizes that Sarah is the true love in her life when she has her
centric Queen Anne comes close to screwing up her king-
head turned by Abigail;' Colman says. "She and Sarah have
dom through her childish evasions of responsibility, irrational
known each other since they were little girls and they've al-
outbursts, and a rogue's gallery of advisors nastily plotting
ways protected each other. But with Abigail, Anne is just so
intrigue as Sarah and Abigail duke it out for their Queen's
thrilled that someone is so attentive towards her. She just
affections. It's a love triangle of female power-players rarely
thinks, 'Oh, this beautiful young creature is looking at me' and
seen onscreen. When do we ever see English royalty through
she's completely struck by that. But the tragic part is that the
a lesbian lens? TheFavouriteis one of my favorite films of the
Queen thinks it's all for real ... and it's not:'
year; it's darkly comic, opulent, and a harrowing reminder that
Weisz relished playing another wonderful lesbian role
female relationships, historically, have their fare share of dra-
after Disobedience.'The Queen needs Sarah and Sarah, I
ma, especially when power is involved-let that be a warning
think, loves to be needed by the Queen;' says Weisz. "Neither
to our newest wave of feminist players! And yet love between
politics, nor battle tactics nor running the country is Anne's
women emerges as a serious theme. Even as the plot teeters
strong suit, but that's all very appealing to Sarah;' she says.
on the brink of tragedy the film passes the Bechdel Test with
"Yet, they are also childhood best friends who make love to
flying colors.
one another. To me, their relationship gets into all kinds of
themes of sexual politics, power games, power struggles,
emotional needs, emotional dependence, dominance and
subjugation, as well as pain, protectiveness and healing:'
Weisz hung out with Stone and Colman for three weeks
before shooting to develop rapport and trust so that they
"were ready for whatever might happen;' says Stone. The
Oscar-winner tapped into her character's growing attraction
to the Queen. She "is permanently heartbroken and she's so
physically debilitated that it breaks your heart-and I do think
it breaks Abigail's heart a bit;' says Stone.
Director Yorgos Lanthimos delivers an unhinged costume
drama that makes DangerousLiaisons look tame and heteronormative by comparison. Production design by Fiona
Crombie creates an incredible atmosphere of excess, and the
costumes by three-time Oscar winner Sandy Powell (Caro~
are superb. Highly recommended.
The Favouriteopensin cinemason November23.
On August 29, 2018 the exhibition "Brave, Beautiful Outlaws,, opened in the
SoHo neighbourhood of New York at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and
Lesbian Art. Most of the photographs had never been exhibited publically
before-a selection of photos from the personal SO-yeararchive of
Donna Gottschalk. The New York Times recently headlined her as "the most
famous lesbian photographer you've never heard of-until now:'
Words:JulieMccrossin Images:DonnaGottschalk
"talented and sensitive story tell-
er." The images show the radical
orah Bright, has chosen
lesbian communities
of the peri-
to focus on the early years of
od with a remarkable intimacy.
They give the viewer a sense of
work: the late '60s
and '70s when the photographer
peeking through a window or over
moved repeatedly, as a young
a fence into a private world. It is a
woman, between her hometown
world where women are develop-
of New York, and San Francisco.
ing a new way of living a free, un-
Bright describes Gottschalk as a
apologetic lesbian life. They are
throwing off the shame of past
New York. The woman is holding
eras. You can see it in their faces
a handwritten sign on a piece of
and eye contact as they look di-
cardboard. It reads: "I am your
rectly into the lens of the camera
worst fear. I am your best fanta-
with affection and confidence.
sy." The woman has her head tilt-
Gottschalk didn't see herself as
ed back. She is not smiling. She
a documentary photographer or a
looks defiant. It could easily be
as photo journalist
interpreted as a political
at the time-
or even in the decades afterwards
But it is also an image of a friend,
when she kept taking pictures.
taken for personal reasons.
She was simply documenting her
Of course, this is the era when
own life and the experiences of
the slogan, "the personal is polit-
her friends. In the exhibition, we
ical" was first articulated. To the
see a powerful image of a woman
taken in 1970 at the Christopher
young women, it offers a fasci-
Street Gay Liberation Parade in
nating historical insight into the
viewer, especially
birth of radical lesbianism. How-
grown older herself, she has de-
ever, to the photographer herself,
cided to share these intimate, do-
it is more about sharing a person-
mestic portraits with the broader
al record of her life and the life of
rainbow community.
her friends, many of whom have
Personally, I am thrilled and
died. As Gottschalk told The New
deeply moved by this decision
York Times, 'These photos are the
because one of the images in the
only memorial some of these peo-
ple will ever have."
cant role in my own early lesbian
Over the years, only a small
played a very signifi-
life. The photo is titled "Sleepers,
Limerick, PA 1970." It shows two
tos have been published in the
gay and lesbian press. She has
gether in a simple wooden bed
been "fiercely protective" of the
beside an open window. They are
images and didn't want to "sub-
so close together
ject them to scrutiny, judgement
look quite closely to see whether
and abuse." However, as she has
there are one or two women in the
you have to
bed. Above the bed, to the left,
is a partly-obscured sign on the
a peaceful couple in a snug bed
was a beacon of hope. I could see
wall that reads "Lesbians Unite".
another way to live. It was a way I
yearned to live. A life without the
Again, you have to peer at the image to see what is says.
In the very early 1970s this
photograph was made into a silk-
for recogni-
tion, acceptance and equality.
screened poster with an overall,
poster of the Sleepers. It is under my house in a professional
frame with a glass front. I had it
restored and glued to a cardboard
backing so it would last a lifetime.
Of course, I live the "Sleepers" life
was taken, I was in senior high
school. I had known I had lesbi-
now, in a safe, quiet, loving home
with my wife, Melissa. Our adult
children attended our wedding
In 1970, when this
an feelings since I was 13 and I
had never heard anyone say anything positive about homosexuality. It had all been sin, mental
illness and criminality. I don't remember exactly when I first saw
Curated by Deborah Bright
This exhibition features the work of
Donna Gottschalk, a photographer
Gottschalk came out as a lesbian
"Sleepers." I am pretty sure it was
soon after I started at the University of Sydney in 1972 and found
and creating an image that was
my first Gay Liberation meeting
on campus.
ing for me when I really needed
I was thrown out of home at
18 when I told my parents I was
to "see" who I was and the life I
shared houses around the inner
city. On every wall of every bedroom, I put up the fading yellow
Lesbian Art, New York City
the "Brave, Beautiful Outlaws" exhibition of these photos is now on
I thank, from the bottom of my
means, I lived in a large number of
lie-Lohman Museum of Gay and
active in the early period of radical lesbian organizing in New York
and California during the 1970s.
heart, Donna Gottschalk for documenting her radical lesbian life
in love with another girl. Like so
many other students with limited
Until March 17, 2019 at The Les-
in New York in 2014, only a few
neighborhoods away from where
poster of the
the screen-printed
I still have my faded, tattered
yellow colour wash. In an era of
bold, assertive slogans and images, this poster was notable for its
gentleness and intimacy.
The Photographs of Donna
could live.
I believe lesbian photographers
and visual artists are as important today as they were in the '60s
and '70s - for young people and
members of religious families and
communities who
poster of the Sleepers. In the wild
melee of the birth of women's
still condemn homosexuality.
liberation, gay activism and the
early days of Sydney's Gay and
happy life is possible.
Lesbian Mardi Gras, that image of
Seeing is believing. A free and
right at the formation of the radical
lesbians and Furies collectives on
the East Coast, where she met lesbian artists JEB (Joan E. Biren), Flavia
Rando, and others, and later moved
to California to join lesbian-separatist communities. In both locations,
Gottschalk photographed herself,
friends, lovers, and activists in radical lesbian communities. Gottschalk
also documented the life of her sibling, formerly a gay man named Alfie
who transitioned to become a woman named Myla.
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