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ToC Editor's Note (p4); Letters (p6); News Clips (p8); Music: Laura Love (p10); Books: Eleanor Roosevelt (p14), Women's Bestsellers of 1992 (p16); Travel: Berlin (p18); Art: Azar's Photography (p22); Poetry: Pears (p25); Lesbo File (p44); Dyke Drama (p48); Mail Order (p57); Resource Guide (p63); Classifieds (p63); Personals (p64); Features: Family Values - Six Year Old Brion Campos-Muñoz is adopted after a 3 year and 9 month struggle (p20); Cover Story: Safer Sex (p26); Hot Topics: Profiles of four provocative women and their views on safe sex - Jennifer Bryce, Edvidge Belmore, Sophia Lamar, and Trayce Klein-DeWinter (p30): Alison Bechdel: Creator of the 9-year-old strip Dykes to Watch out for talks about her childhood, her motivation and her work (p34); Soap Opera: Behind the scenes of a conservative soap opera which is virtually overrun with lesbians and gay men (p40); Music Watch: Hot Licks from Cool Chicks, Fresh Groups and New Albums, L7, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Dedre McCalla, Mecca Normal, There's A Dyke in the Pit, and Alix Dobkin (p50); The How-To's of Safer Sex (p54). Cover photo by Linda Sue Scott, custom color print by Deborah St. John, hair, make-up, and styling by Wendy York. Model Keora Hoxey.