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ToC Here's 20 Powerful Academics by Rachel Pepper (p31); Isn't She Love-ly? By Julia Bloch (p36); Tackling Teen Issues by Lyndsey D'Arcangelo (p38);A National Interest by Catherine Plato (p40); Cover: k.d. lang Gets Happy by Stephanie Schroeder (p44); Is Batwoman Gay? by Alice Clarke (p64); Runaway Romance by Alice Clarke (p66); A Different Kind of Family Vacation by Teresa Coates (p48); Ditch It All by Barbara Maxfield (p50); Tea Party, Darling? by Carole Terwilliger Meyers (p51); Golf Around the Globe by Karen Loftus (p52); Swimming with Fishes by Mary McGrath (p56); Peter Rabbit's Home by Carole Terwilliger Meyers (p58); Sea of Love by Marie "Riese' Lyn Bernard (p 60); Winter Wonderland by Amelia Pyxus (p62); Travel Issue; Cover Photo by Jeri Heiden.