
Description is exactly ToC On the Cover: Claire Chafee Gay Games IV: Carolina Commitment by Nancy Boutilier (p12); Spicy Salsa by Tatiana de la Tierra (p14); Can Women’s Bookstores Survive? By Katie Brown (p18); Down-Under Duo by Laura L. Post (p24); June Jordan: Naming Her Destiny by Zelie Pollon (p26); Why We Have Claire Chafee by Katie Brown (p32); Fashion Fantasy becomes style Lust at the Langtry (p36); From Women to Grrrls by Val C. Phoenix (p40); The Crown Jewelle [Jewelle Gomez] by Victoria A. Brownworth (p44); Seattle Dykes by Wendy Jill York (p56). Cover Photo by Linda Sue Scott, Styling by Wendy Jill York.
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