
Description is exactly "For me, trans joy exists in many different forms. Feeling the presence of trans joy is sacred. I treasure each moment in a patriarchal society where systems of power actively discriminate against our very existence. I’m here, I exist, in all my trans, butch, dyke glory and I’m not going anywhere. Trans joy arrives in big and in small moments, in community, in poetry, in jeans, in tight white vests, in music, in nature and animals (neither seem to care that I’m trans). I battled with my transness like it was the enemy, a terrible secret and something I should be ashamed of. Like I had somehow failed myself and the people around me if I let it in and became it. I slowly opened my heart and learned that hatred is the enemy, infighting is, fear is, but not transness. When I let my transness in, I let love in, finally. "
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