
Description is exactly ToC Homophobia in Women’s Sports by Katie Brown (p4); Cover Story: Two Nice Girls (band) by Val Phoenix (p8); Victoria’s Secret Jock Itch by Kris Kovick (p11); Lesbian Firefighters by Devi Lynn Sanford & Nancy L. Warren (p16); Forbidden Art by Susan Darm (p22); Dyke Drama by Michelle Fisher (p12); News You Can Use: Recycling by Anne Keating (p14); Girls’ Guide to the Castro by Rachel Pepper (p20); Reviews by Mari Ohme & Lasandra Browne (p24); Poetry by Alyssa Diamond Wolf (p25); Cartoons by Kris Kovic (p25) and Joan Hilty (p28); Sports: Women’s Rugby Comes of Age by Barbara Wright (p26); Travel: Taking a Lesbian Look at Sweden by V. Fawn Lagnefors (p30). Front cover photo by Linda Sue Scott;Back cover photo by Lisa Fisher; Colorization by Nance Paternoster
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